Đồng nghĩa của strained

Alternative for strained

Đồng nghĩa: agonistic, constrained, forced, labored, laboured,

strains, strained, straining

Đồng nghĩa: descent, extend, hurt, injure, pull, quality, race, sprain, streak, stretch, tow, trace, tug, wrench,

Trái nghĩa: relax,

Tính từ

Produced by deliberate effort rather than spontaneously
forced artificial unnatural false affected constrained laboured put-on self-conscious stiff assumed bogus contrived factitious fake feigned hollow mechanical mock phoney phony plastic pretended pseudo sham simulated spurious wooden insincere choked farfetched labored put put on taut tight unglued uptight wired wreck hard put nervous wreck strung out in a state at end of rope pretend stilted counterfeit mannered overdone faked studied imitation awkward ersatz fraudulent fictitious make-believe cod manufactured heavy forged unconvincing rigid ponderous laborious faux clumsy fakey overworked overwrought dummy elaborate deceptive substitute exaggerated difficult synthetic pseud tense meretricious quasi- stretched fabricated unauthentic inauthentic snide not genuine over-elaborate overripe convoluted superficial hard ornate intricate prolix unspontaneous actorly uneasy inelegant ham hammy so-called specious professed hokey ostensible misleading theatrical imitated man-made imitative inflexible mimic firm tensed improvised queer avowed imaginary unrelaxed close pirate quasi snug tightened stressed unreal tightly drawn rehearsed planned overblown campy not fluent tortuous arduous leaden tortured apparent seeming surface manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche voulu staged posed manmade derivative facsimile reproduction replica stagy chemical cast pretentious model toy posey imagined grudging bound binding conscripted slave begrudging stringent coercive forcible counterfeited conceited playacting melodramatic affectated fraud mealymouthed apish invented concocted overly planned trumped-up pseudonymous adopted inept reserved weighty inhibited operose effortful uphill strenuous guarded toilsome maladroit fallacious invalid adulterine untrue virtual wannabe wrong would-be self-styled over-embellished long-winded purported framed apocryphal deceitful bum ungenuine bent phoney-baloney made-up phony-baloney reticent complex turgid ungraceful restrained tongue-tied distant embarrassed repressed not real not legit not kosher alleged uncomfortable gauche graceless as it were to all intents and purposes hypocritical contracted not loose drawn tightly stretched not slack controlled cold cool subdued stand-offish aloof mincing rustic rustical not spontaneous flexed bluffing shammed falsified supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous rough-hewn solid unyielding extended worried nervous anxious edgy dud hoax formal trick on edge stretched tight not what it is cracked up to be austere punctilious prim correct proper ceremonious decorous stuffy priggish starchy icy frigid nice stiff-necked delusory delusive copied deceiving unfounded fishy incorrect erroneous inaccurate unsound mistaken inexact dishonest faulty untruthful supposititious illogical misguided unoriginal illusory off chimerical worthless flawed baseless beguiling deluding imprecise suppositious sophistical pirated without foundation made up plagiaristic derived pinchbeck two-faced mimicked plagiarized Hollywood plant brummagem crock off beam unsubstantiated distorted groundless fictional full of holes fanciful aped nonnatural notional won't fly soft shell ideal fantastic visionary sophistic illegal cooked-up dicey iffy dodgy trumped up off target way out wide of the mark pseudo- mythical plagiarised illusionary crooked unproven fancied knock-off copycat copy casuistic hallucinatory non-existent dissembling truthless counterfactual falsie fictive duplicate fantasied chimeric phantom fantastical fabulous mythic phantasmal imaginal phantasmic bad plausible ill-founded hyped up double-dealing out foundationless unsupported nonvalid in error not accurate not exact askew cooked up devised nugatory ungrounded off base mad reasonless unreasoned representative way off way off beam not working practice trial bootlegged repro unqualified non-natural mimetic miniature echoic glib low-grade low-quality poor-quality shoddy inferior made makeshift constructed machine-made delusional unsatisfactory substandard adulterated duplicated reproduced parodied parroted burlesqued caricatured mocked gingerbread experimental human-made misinformed prepared ostensive semi- nominal illusive near reported engineered Barmecidal whimsical semblant Barmecide knock off lookalike uncorroborated weak economical with the truth mock-up fantasy without basis unwarranted inadequate untenable irrational erratic blue sky pipe dream fantasized dreamed-up dream erring unjustified unreasonable unscientific empty ostentatious likely captious colorable vain presumable credible probable sophisticated flattering presumptive idle null fluffed illegitimate unreasoning absurd inconsistent inconsequent inconsequential nonrational preposterous off-target misfigured astray wide goofed misconstrued mishandled miscalculated seemingly correct wrongly inferred null and void void nonbinding inoperative not precise out of commission out of line on the wrong track at fault play-play improper unsustainable plausible but wrong apparently right misrepresentative colored not binding fantasised amiss uncollectible coloured underhand awry defective abroad treacherous duplicitous crafty disingenuous guileful wrong number all wet all off sly sneaky cunning untrustworthy scheming perfidious shady sharp Machiavellian subtle slippery foxy mendacious unprincipled unscrupulous tricky fast slim underhanded shifty hollow-hearted rogue double-faced Punic false-hearted insidious rascal roguish designing serpentine oblique slick devious catchy astucious indirect unreliable wily

Tính từ

Showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness
careworn drawn exhausted pinched tired worn drained fatigued haggard hollow-cheeked weary sapped wearied spent gaunt whacked hollow-eyed knackered shattered bushed stressed pooped dog-tired done in tired out tense washed out dead beat all in played out fagged out fraught worn out tuckered out worn to a frazzle fit to drop worn-out wan pale peaky ashen blanched pasty-faced beat depleted wiped out done effete dead washed-out used up rundown raddled fagged far-gone unwell withered uptight ready to drop on last leg on one's last legs done up adrenalized jaded beaten limp aweary bleary taut logy loggy kaput prostrate gone consumed shot burned-out burnt-out tapped out had it knocked out played-out burned out jiggered fordone done for enervated debilitated weak wasted dead tired run-down weakened prostrated frazzled bone-weary zonked out on one's feet sleepy outta gas clapped out languid enfeebled jet-lagged worn-down bone-tired drowsy wabbit fried crippled shagged out bushwhacked whipped low stonkered disabled toilworn rooted zonked out weariful asleep on one's feet out of gas infirm run down faint puffing puffed panting breathless gasping overtired puffed out out of breath puffing and blowing gasping for breath whacked out running on empty droopy flat on your last legs feeble asthenic listless unhealthy finished down-and-out flagging burnt out drooping tuckered dead on one's feet below par creamcrackered frail delicate slight wimpish wimpy soft unsubstantial tender sluggish used softened without energy asleep collapsing languorous broken-down overworked under the weather ill lethargic sick decrepit sickly incapacitated torpid undermined unnerved dog-weary vitiated low-energy devitalized groggy dead-tired dead-beat out of sorts out on your feet dragging out of condition bleary-eyed hacked wiped-out in poor health extremely tired etiolated sleep deprived old bored like death warmed up run ragged done with dog tired very tired dead on your feet wiped stressed out all-in sallow lackadaisical languishing diminished somnolent worn down taxed rendered feeble lacklustre lackluster over-tired tired-out exasperated wrinkled grim fretted bedraggled dropping lassitudinous blasé wrecked heavy-lidded slumberous dozy half-awake expended empty deteriorated paralyzed gone to seed rusty out of shape on the ropes paralysed narcoleptic overtaxed overused indisposed apathetic ailing poorly petered out lacking in energy crook peaked off lumbering heavy ropy bad rotten lousy crummy seedy dilapidated the worse for wear disheveled dishevelled tattered coarsened with sunken cheeks unkempt debauched worse for wear under par indolent inactive wooden inert down anemic shaky bedridden in bad shape not up to snuff not oneself not feeling up to snuff queer off colour peakish weak-kneed spineless off-color sick as a dog unsteady laid low laid-up a wreck out of commission out-of-action anaemic powerless declining done-in blown

Tính từ

Causing or characterized by anxiety and nervousness
anxious nervous nervy overwrought stressed worried edgy tense apprehensive restless uneasy uptight on edge jittery fidgety jumpy twitchy agitated troubled antsy ill at ease insecure on tenterhooks wired keyed up perturbed worked up strung out het up toey upset on pins and needles overstrung strung up unquiet wrought up squirrelly spooky windy in a state of agitation in a state of nerves dithery queazy in a state queasy shaky in a tizzy stressy fretful hung up disturbed awkward embarrassed hinky goosey atwitter aflutter in a stew fearful unrelaxed uncomfortable in a tizz in a sweat self-conscious panicky all of a dither scared frightened all of a lather discomfited all of a doodah disquieted like a cat on a hot tin roof in a flap having kittens in a twitter hesitant bricking oneself shy in a twit worried sick bashful trembling febrile in a dither shaking retiring highly strung timorous adrenalized bothered unsettled unsure uncertain excited out of place concerned hyper spooked timid in suspense stressed out in a cold sweat discomposed distressed waiting with bated breath like a cat on hot bricks like a fish out of water unnatural restive inhibited gauche excitable blushing shrinking quaking fevered white-knuckled annoyed fazed discombobulated sensitive quivering suspicious doubtful weak afraid neurotic a bundle of nerves waiting for the axe to fall high-strung stiff vexed ruffled hysterical irritable flustered frisky creepy unrestful taut fussy faltering reserved introverted disorientated withdrawn rattled fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting anxiously waiting nervously awaiting unconfident discomforted diffident disoriented bewildered tormented angry galled chafed distrustful alarmed frazzled shaken perplexed strange lost in turmoil lacking social skills tongue-tied trepidatious foreboding terrified mistrustful sheepish modest shamefaced frozen mannered artificial stilted ill-at-ease affected aw-shucks lily-livered having cold feet having a funny feeling running scared having stage fright biting nails having butterflies angst-ridden out of countenance unsure of yourself under pressure under a strain pressured wreck moving moved fluttery shot overanxious unnerved wound up choked clutched beside oneself nervous wreck white knuckled under stress shot to pieces up the wall bundle of nerves distraught skittish impatient disconcerted flurried frantic touchy unglued distracted unstable irascible dismayed harassed irked brittle shook up angsty peevish fractious bugged hot and bothered anguished wriggly squirmy hectic tetchy frenzied oversensitive irresolute afflicted overactive heated testy irrational wrought-up unhappy querulous snappy wiggly crotchety saddened unsteady captious bad-tempered ill-tempered discountenanced quick-tempered prickly fidgeting irritated hot under the collar short-tempered hot-tempered tortured riled plagued put out bummed out cut up all torn up flighty desperate overexcited skittery careful spasmodic shocked in a panic emotional grumpy fretting peeved fraught crabbed petulant surly critical shivery stirred worked-up inflamed hurt aroused mousy wretched miffed itchy unruly fitful grouchy temperamental sad turbulent feverish hyperactive provoked cantankerous unpeaceful disconsolate wrecked chippy fixated phobic grieved inconsolable shook confused watchful waspish splenetic cross angstful solicitous paranoid ratty hassled displeased inconvenienced gutted overwhelmed basket case pettish beset active sleepless perverse moody tooshie in a spin a wreck choleric crusty obsessed all of a flutter muddled ornery pained harrowed cranky steamed up beside yourself in a lather in a flat spin wounded worried stiff with one's stomach in knots tossing and turning with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth twittering mentally unsettled indecisive tentative dithering wavering vacillating jerky mouselike swithering caught up graceless animated curt roused easily frightened easily agitated exasperated confined having cabin fever restlessly moving agog eagerly prim palpitant wrung nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious stirred up flapping strict conventional cautious have cold feet dragged ripped exercised all agog avid open-mouthed all nerves on the qui vive flushed startled intense hurried transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving nomadic bustling recalcitrant nerves on edge stir-crazy shaking in one's shoes aquiver daunted refractory unconsolable distrait shot down with bated breath asea obstinate stubborn unyielding at fever pitch unreluctant jiggly aghast dreading compulsive manic obsessive self-doubting unassertive self-effacing exacerbated puzzled chagrined aggravated mortified pestered harried old-fashioned hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited on the defensive meek lacking confidence unforthcoming a basket case sweating bullets offended angered disappointed fretted not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive champing at the bit wakeful thrown low swivel-eyed unhealthy abnormal all wound up having butterflies in the stomach insomniac zipped up hot juiced up verklempt blue unzipped freaked-out wound-up crazy high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised miserable maladjusted thin-skinned come apart psyched out broken up at sixes and sevens in disorder amazed throwing a wobbly awake unsleeping erratic aberrant deviant disordered hysteric flipped out out of your mind touch and go up in the air insomnolent hanging by thread on thin ice hot under collar all shook up alert at the end of your tether hypersensitive dejected despondent depressed vigilant devastated traumatized morose heavyhearted broken melancholy sorrowful doleful bitter heartbroken dolorous desolate cheerless without sleep wide awake wide-awake attentive curmudgeonly grieving despairing weeping down bereaved mournful heartsick rueful hurting ticklish quarrelsome huffy easily offended mourning haunted woeful crushed agonized dolesome churlish disagreeable dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable wired up volatile sulky perturbable mean sorrowing woebegone in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering broken-hearted suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain traumatised grief-stricken brokenhearted snappish irate piqued resentful dyspeptic crabby livid apoplectic mad sullen narky sore ireful stroppy steamed shirty wild fiery snippy snarky snippety liverish crook soreheaded short raspy waxy vex ropeable stuffy hoha wroth snaky in a paddy mardy out of humour out of sorts up in arms out of humor on the warpath foaming at the mouth hacked off eggy as cross as two sticks not best pleased caviling in a bate ticked off ill-humoured hopping mad faultfinding bent out of shape teed off fit to be tied ill-humored cavilling aerated in a bad mood

Tính từ

Showy in speech and given to using flowery or elaborate terms
flowery high-flown ornate florid rhetorical fancy grandiloquent baroque high-sounding magniloquent overwrought purple aureate bombastic elaborate euphuistic flamboyant highfalutin labored laboured oratorical orotund overblown over-elaborate convoluted embellished figurative hifalutin inflated magnific overdone overripe pleonastic rhetoric tumid turgid fustian hyperventilated Ossianic declamatory diffuse euphemistic extravagant ornamental ornamented prolix redundant rococo sonorous swollen verbose windy wordy pretentious pompous grandiose affected stilted fulsome ostentatious busy sesquipedalian overdecorated arty-farty fussy overelaborate over-embellished over-ornate overworked bedizened gingerbreaded gingerbready gingerbread overembellished over-the-top decorative luscious garnished rich ponderous puffed stodgy cluttered self-important stuffy Miltonian flatulent periphrastic gassy epic gaseous Homeric tall-talking lofty big-talking euphistic haughty windbag histrionic frilly chintzy precious contrived exaggerated excessively ornate overornate eloquent articulate hyperbolic silver-tongued complicated big mouthy effusive formal pedantic showy long-winded erudite scholarly theatrical la-di-da bombast Ciceronian rotund epideictic imposing Demosthenic Demosthenean exalted fluent heroic grand boastful snobbish braggart bragging long Falstaffian ranting dramatic excessive portentous grand-sounding stagy blathering voluble persuasive tedious elocutionary tumescent overwritten glib discursive involved puffed-up majestic impressive vast monumental mannered actorly elevated curlicued bold lexiphanic oratorial blustering high-falutin boasting wedding-cake high tiresome high-minded solemn overinflated very elaborate elegant rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash pontifical verbal linguistic overheated flashy egotistic booming melodramatic arresting stylistic splendid yellow brilliant golden tall stuffed shirt prim arty high-wrought learned shallow superficial breezy effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly over the top fervid impassioned gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian vocal full of hot air highly decorated serious arrogant grave complex detailed decorated flattering rhapsodical overestimated well-spoken smooth-talking circumlocutory garrulous circuitous prattling expansive prating jabbering babbling lengthy gushing protracted tautological rambling indirect digressive wandering meandering talkative yakking multiloquent big-mouthed repetitious loquacious gabby tortuous multiloquous gobby logorrheic wittering talky palaverous tautologous repeating ambagious logorrhoeic yacking repetitive full of air with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone

Tính từ

Not likely to happen, be done, or be true
unlikely improbable incredible remote implausible questionable unbelievable unconvincing unimaginable absurd far-fetched inconceivable labored laboured unrealistic doubtful fabulous fanciful fantastic preposterous ridiculous tall cock-and-bull faint slight contrary incongruous rare strange suspect unheard-of untoward not likely cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take less likely outside chance out of the ordinary dubious fishy forced unthinkable fantastical incredulous weak unconceivable uncompelling beyond belief scarcely credible hard to believe inauthentic contrived illogical suspicious bizarre incoherent inconsequential impossible unbelieveable recondite eccentric queer unnatural farfetched outlandish astonishing astounding extraordinary staggering breathtaking unimagined phenomenal untenable insupposable not in the least likely out of the question uncredible not able to hold water rings phony unsubstantial highly unlikely incogitable unsound unpersuasive specious flimsy trifling thin feeble lame unsatisfactory inadequate pathetic ponderous transparent ineffectual shallow poor unimpressive difficult to believe half-baked full of it not convincing debatable amazing ludicrous dubitable problematic doubtable extravagant singular odd outrageous disputable mind-boggling uncertain nonsensical exceptional unusual unreasonable peculiar shaky iffy equivocal spectacular unique incomprehensible funny unheard of won't wash uncommon problematical irrational mind-blowing shady beyond the bounds of possibility puzzling arguable obscure curious weird untrustworthy dodgy reachy crazy unapt wacky remarkable prodigious whimsical stupendous surprising comical shonky unreal stunning miraculous foolish off the wall won't hold water full of holes wondrous cockamamie portentous overwhelming too much striking unordinary eye-popping false undreamed of misleading not kosher dishonest laughable sensational unreliable farcical wild undependable hollow faulty far out insane unacceptable unprecedented mad ineffable grandiose unspeakable oddball untold unutterable extreme unsettled unknowable zany uncanny unfamiliar undecided tremendous awful awesome wonderful eye-opening sublime open unaccustomed unthought of moot conspicuous hare-brained unsure off-the-wall make-believe for the birds undreamed-of amazeballs phony unexpected unwonted phoney marvellous marvelous confounding beyond the realm of reason up in the air not quite right open to doubt under suspicion tenuous exaggerated vague flawed unplausible contradictory nebulous unsubstantiated inconclusive not on insupportable overblown likely puny unsustainable unsupportable invalid sketchy irreconcilable senseless indefensible spurious groundless beyond possibility embellished fabricated untruthful untrue unconfirmed speculative outstanding bewildering supernatural impressive awe-inspiring imcomprehensible insufficient hyperbolic extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful legendary immense mootable airy illegitimate unreasoning nutty vain inconsequent nonrational fatuous fallacious unfounded unreasoned underhand shifty mysterious not to be thought of beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe long shot fat chance distorted embroidered histrionic pseudo potentially dangerous thick potentially false suspected unclear open to suspicion rad inefficient flabby faltering unpleasing unsuitable ineffective murky crooked bent dark disreputable self-contradictory on thin ice touch-and-go top drawer beyond one's wildest dreams out-of-this-world blown up harebrained reaching infeasible off flakey kooky scatterbrained flaky cockeyed lamebrained screwy indescribable novel new unknown complicated past belief jaw-dropping inapprehensible ambiguous irregular devious excessive eerie quaint notable momentous slim impracticable hundred-to-one unforgettable eye-catching arresting shocking fresh offensive undiscovered original special uncustomary noteworthy overdramatic high-flown elaborate overdone sensationalized controversial unresolved disconcerting freaky mystifying spooky freakish baffling befuddling not understandable exceeding extraordinaire serious especial unco atypical preternatural offbeat abnormal aberrated aberrant freak anomalous out-of-the-way contestable controvertible unsung unremarked disgraceful ground-breaking unregarded unexampled risible not expected beyond wildest dreams beyond your wildest dreams heavy flash gnarly forby inflated overstated unforeseen flustering dumfounding confusing ironic vexed disputed issuable contentious negotiable at issue slim and none little-known little known unrenowned nameless never before encountered off beaten path never to be forgotten out of this world undetermined unconcluded uncivilised inordinate unconscionable sensationalised extortionate barbarous uncivilized amusing humorous hilarious muddling unannounced unanticipated discomfiting jarring nonplussing jolting shattering nonplusing dismaying upsetting open to question yet to be decided open to debate open to discussion irritating highly coloured rich annoying entertaining priceless droll diverting last straw a laugh a joke a bit much OTT side-splitting a bit thick over the top out of bounds imaginary illusory erratic romantic capricious ambitious visionary artificial illusive barmy suppositious different potty daft hallucinatory outré out of sight cock-eyed

Tính từ

(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied calculated deliberate measured careful conscious considered intentional knowing purposeful thoughtful mannered volitional advised affected artificial contrived designed feigned forced guarded labored laboured planned premeditated reasoned studious thought-out weighed well-considered wilful aforethought examined investigated overdone overworked plotted prepared prepense reviewed self-conscious thought-about thought-through voluntary willful willing gone into intended purposive preconceived done on purpose pre-planned willed witting prearranged set thought out in advance purposed strategic contemplated judicious determined well-thought-out well thought out unforced predetermined wanton designful prudent thought out deliberately planned rational on purpose aimed meant computed cold-blooded meditated reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted informed laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up proposed cogent lucid methodical circumspect sensible justified intelligent commonsense predestined framed up stacked deck contracted anticipated scrupulous planned out learned thought through well advised well-founded well chosen tactical sober pondered provident politic well thought-out organized organised diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected carefully chosen cunning well-planned outlined prospective estimated selected with care rehearsed optional discretionary open schemed predesigned predeterminate express elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory permissive uncompelled spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted with forethought with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice destined programmed meditative expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan contemplative cognizant mindful wary aware planful cut-and-dried cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing deliberative directed steered marked free unprompted volunteered unsolicited settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated

Tính từ

Requiring or showing effort
effortful hard difficult arduous tough demanding exacting laborious strenuous challenging gruelling formidable grueling heavy testing toilsome rigorous uphill backbreaking rough severe taxing herculean stiff murderous moiling onerous hellacious tall rugged trying killer sweaty Augean laboured labored oppressive pick-and-shovel punishing exhausting burdensome tiring back-breaking fatiguing harsh Herculean wearying killing knackering wearisome operose brutal stressful exigent excruciating grinding fierce hellish torturous wearing troublesome crushing ponderous tortuous tiresome draining toilful painful sapping tedious energy-consuming daunting weighty bruising grievous debilitating no picnic ambitious stringent agonizing vigorous harrowing hairy bothersome unremitting unsparing unbearable agonising tough going painstaking persnickety relentless grim colossal forbidding thorny extreme shattering depleting unforgiving mighty intense mean galling unpleasant irksome intolerable wicked cumbersome staggering upstream intimidating unyielding gargantuan uncomfortable serious titanic slavish difficile really hard very hard tricky immoderate steep murder impossible hefty boring enervating crippling merciless imperious distressing jarring solemn distressful worksome backbreaker prohibitive immense gigantic cruel physical unreasonable prodigious searching exorbitant excessive stretching Sisyphean overwhelming unfair monumental unrelaxing mammoth unrelenting withering austere dour no piece of cake thoroughgoing dogged hectic busy hypercritical thorough precise critical careful nit-picking spartan despotic domineering protracted lengthy hardworking slow major knotty contrived awkward artificial leaden tortured clumsy very difficult wretched exerting bad bitter hardhanded inhuman searing by the book large order heavy sledding unjust drastic dicey awful hazardous easier said than done nerve-racking high-impact torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy vicious marathon troubling unnerving high-pressure problem ominous insufferable sticky tormenting not easy like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty savage scabrous problematic uphill battle discomforting forced affected overdone studied racking chastening inept unnatural overwrought maladroit pressing time-consuming disturbing disagreeable worrying upsetting vexing hostile worrisome nasty disquieting traumatic dire inconvenient vexatious fraught bleak agitating annoying terrible depressing unsettling unfavourable foreboding sinister threatening grave unfavorable aggravating irritating disconcerting discouraging adverse gloomy frightening hurtful enervative nagging dark strict unfortunate perturbing dismaying dreadful troublous dangerous disruptive dismal provoking harassing alarming miserable discomposing frustrating pressured disadvantageous consequential tense exasperating violent frightful discommoding embarrassing startling harmful perplexing woeful intrusive impeding injurious aggressive sad damaging calamitous disastrous turbulent regrettable horrible anxious tragic horrendous wild impressive unlucky heartbreaking inhospitable unfriendly stark rotten ghastly weary comfortless intractable foul vile creepy energetic hopeless rowdy heartrending desolate detrimental inauspicious black unwelcome pessimistic ruinous prophetic uncertain unpropitious destructive ugly inimical menacing bold chaotic afflictive inopportune poor stormy grandiose daring horrid straitened heart-rending industrious fractious unkind unruly extravagant lamentable lofty appalling tumultuous undisciplined disorderly atrocious abominable riotous intemperate inclement unpromising unmanageable restless superincumbent untoward horrifying afflicting displeasing intensive cheerless pestilent drudging distasteful unpalatable importunate lousy uneasy confronting cataclysmic flustering sombre large-scale deleterious disheartening catastrophic pernicious noxious bumpy joyless objectionable negative ruthless tragical chilling a stinker of a doleful nocuous somber troubled baneful unhealthy unwholesome anxiety-ridden deadly morose glum gray grey nightmarish morbid perilous messy prejudicial malefic malignant ill-fated undesirable mournful precarious huge massive rumbustious prostrating powerful responsible punitive inexorable heart-pumping forceful heroic courageous Spartan bare-bones barren overburdening a nuisance uncharitable an imposition nail-biting nervous nerve-wracking embittering overtaxing overpowering plodding headache shocking disappointing carking horrific tight tempestuous revolting loathsome diligent niggling maddening infuriating execrable gruesome complex complicated profound confused concentrated abstruse te recondite fearsome plaguy pestiferous concerning pestilential grisly macabre terrifying unwelcoming pesky unsettled monstrous grotty charged pitiless oppressed impoverished poverty-stricken infestive ungovernable repressive sobering big considerable peracute significant life-threatening acute audacious beastly tickly discomfiting heightened frantic untimely hair-raising dreary grand elaborate intrepid prickly dolorous from hell poignant active eventful frenzied frenetic lively undermining unsafe insidious lethal incendiary imperilling toxic subversive malicious imperiling unrealistic pretentious visionary itchy incommodious distressed scratchy unadvantageous deplorable causing discomfort ill-fitting yukky unhappy sour yucky uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory magnificent cursed jinxed improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible icky sore remorseless mortifying great cataclysmal fatal fanciful unreal full of problems beset by problems unsavoury offensive boisterous troublemaking hard-pressed lurid shadowy discommodious full of hardship doubtful ill-omened treacherous direful ill-boding parlous jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad animated madhouse tireless full furious bustling a bummer of a unlikely devastating damning uninviting gut-wrenching full on spirited action-packed raucous belligerent contumacious lawbreaking thuggish pugnacious unrestrained ill-timed infelicitous catastrophal far-fetched chill dreich murky sunless forlorn disconsolate drab darkening plutonian portentous lugubrious sullen tenebrous godforsaken saturnine drear lonesome depressive Cimmerian tenebrific elegiac cold sepulchral funereal lonely elegiacal cloudy evil two-fisted anarchic lawless fateful hard-hearted difficult to achieve melancholy radge too bad cancerous malign maleficent poisonous mischievous baleful iniquitous cantankerous reprobate nocent ill uncompromising perfectionist clamorous judgmental obstinate disapproving fussy dictatorial overbearing inflexible overexacting unamenable unaccommodating querulous insistent cavilling unbending hardheaded quibbling disparaging obdurate needy possessive hairsplitting caviling firm sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous censuring cavillous stubborn unflinching demeaning cynical tyrannical carping censorious high-maintenance over-rigorous hard-line over-strict hard to please over-exacting fault-finding hard to satisfy over-censorious over-particular

Tính từ

(of a person) Wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
miserable sad depressed down dejected dismal forlorn despondent downcast melancholy sorrowful glum heartbroken mournful unhappy crestfallen disconsolate doleful downhearted low woebegone blue despairing melancholic woeful afflicted distressed inconsolable depressive hurt tormented anguished bad brokenhearted cheerless dolorous droopy gloomy hangdog heartsick heartsore heavyhearted joyless luckless saddened solemn somber sombre sorry suffering sullen tortured troubled discontented dull hurting wounded agonised agonized ailing destroyed pained racked ruthful broken-hearted fed up in pain low-spirited down in the mouth on a downer cast down grief-stricken bowed down down in the dumps out of sorts wretched dispirited desolate discouraged morose disheartened heavy-hearted upset lugubrious tearful disappointed grieving moody pessimistic weeping rueful in low spirits devastated demoralized cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off demoralised regretful teary lamentable wailing in the dumps aching weepy hopeless bummed out oppressed crushed dragged lachrymose chapfallen grim choked in the doldrums long-faced plaintive distressing funereal grieved defeatist depressing sorrowing distraught mirthless tragic bitter down and out pitiful painful in the pits sick as a parrot piteous dreary spiritless abject emotional cut up dolesome wistful bewailing bemoaning plangent in tears morbid dismayed weighed down bleak down-hearted shot down funeral bereaved grumpy deploring bleeding gutted grievous saturnine sulky heart-rending pitiable desperate tristful crying in despair harrowing sobbing cast-down displeased all torn up dour disgruntled mourning perturbed as sick as a parrot weary sniveling black lamenting dolent heartrending broken crummy snivelling blubbering listless aggrieved comfortless sick at heart singing the blues in a blue funk surly pensive subdued taken down howling bothered anxious annoyed heavy suicidal disillusioned traumatized deplorable mopey daunted dispiriting dissatisfied calamitous irked low in spirits angst-ridden ripped elegiac sunk in gloom dysphoric disturbed heartbreaking traumatised ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering heavy with grief in grief in doldrums traumatic upsetting troubling dark torn up lonely pathetic sorry for yourself let down humourless distressful bawling larmoyant sour agonizing close to tears on the verge of tears concerned shaken harrowed shamefaced agonising vexed overwhelmed saddening enervated humorless discombobulated uptight churlish sepulchral flat tear-jerking bugged shook regrettable disconcerted shattered disquieted crabbed downbeat sapped antsy defeated mopish broody bereft disenchanted adust down-in-the-mouth peeved piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated shook up cynical with a long face unconsolable resigned sheepish overcome with sorrow bummed-out frustrated sunk chagrined in sorrow in mourning damp unsatisfied racked with suffering racked with pain overcome full of sorrow negative hacked off low-down in the toilet down in dumps crabby sick and tired greeting maudlin triste lacklustre dim deep languorous drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring gray colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre grey languid lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting worried unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick sore burned contused undermined without energy mortified remorseful depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging dire dolorific afflictive in distress afflicting torn-up angry cross pining lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly in anguish taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten guilty cowed frantic fraught affected down in mouth hapless affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive discomfited tragical unlucky unfortunate elegiacal uneasy miffed no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief in a state ashamed intimidated embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk aghast beaten ill-humoured huffy helpless lost worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked catastrophic cruel unpleasant disastrous feeble disappointing paltry mean can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned languished not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless destitute uncared-for in a bad way looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sensitive teary-eyed mawkish with tears in one's eyes blubbery moist watery wet put out jaded narked wearied dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone at end of one's rope at the end of your tether unnerved agitated discomposed ruffled nostalgic surfeited sated satiated blasé harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued haunted spooked not best pleased jumpy persecuted unglued in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes strung out up to here self-pitying in a stew in a tizzy complaining disaffected fretful malcontent envious impatient querulous restless resentful malcontented picky griping kvetching grumbling ungratified out of joint sick to death fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Tính từ

Characterized by extreme force, degree, or strength
intense fierce acute extreme great severe deep profound harsh powerful concentrated exquisite intensive serious enormous exceptional extraordinary strong supreme almighty blistering consuming drastic dreadful excessive excruciating explosive fearful fearsome ferocious forceful frightful furious ghastly hard heavy heavy-duty hellacious high keen major potent terrible vehement vicious vigorous violent agonising agonizing close full heightened intensified marked protracted tough unqualified all-consuming biting bitter cutting diligent exaggerated forcible penetrating piercing undue pungent sharp shrill stinging vivid mother of all passionate overwhelming strenuous searing unbearable ardent tremendous burning harrowing grievous torturous resolute painful energetic insufferable determined overpowering racking zealous rigorous aggressive earnest incredible fiery fervent impassioned awful unendurable dramatic brutal distressing shooting raging stabbing thorough compelling mighty tormenting immoderate grave wholehearted persistent relentless heartfelt remarkable indescribable eager prodigious fanatical all-out fervid intolerable oppressive deep-seated assertive unrelenting unutterable flaming enthusiastic active dire committed wild emotional concerted very great dedicated inordinate total crushing spirited impossible tenacious dynamic titanic assiduous gut-wrenching dogged fast painstaking weighty punishing gutsy telling heated steadfast impressive complete thoroughgoing punchy demanding unwavering unrestrained intemperate pounding perfervid intent hellish excellent resounding emphatic muscular uncontrolled puissant wrenching stirring powerhouse cruel bold onerous poignant difficult brisk radical deep-rooted rough marvelous marvellous ambitious grim bad turbulent savage out-and-out detailed staunch torrid uncontrollable heartrending conscientious hefty hard-hitting hot irresistible vital disturbing robust steady maximum insistent thumping utmost critical smarting big driving minute sincere scrupulous urgent true avid ruthless absorbing formidable sore arduous laborious compulsive devastating devout massive torturing grueling splitting inflamed passional affecting red-hot uncompromising superb unbridled constant gruelling driven full-blooded desperate very bad upsetting firm exhausting loyal faithful taxing consummate inclement cut-throat exacting persuasive rousing galling deeply felt exciting enterprising focused heartbreaking arresting unsparing comprehensive obstinate heart-rending trying stiff exhaustive thrilling careful in-your-face afflicting worrying burdensome tortuous single-minded frenzied gripping meticulous persevering tearing militant purposeful rugged influential unbending uttermost extensive searching unfaltering pronounced focussed stubborn methodical incommunicable abject mean phenomenal pulling no punches stormy in-depth besetting complex enthralling tempestuous tireless significant feverish fixed engrossing all-embracing sweeping sedulous top stupendous abstruse awesome warm devouring immense herculean all-absorbing fascinating mettlesome durable considerable sound complicated dangerous colossal gigantic amazing stark dominating obsessive knifelike high-pressure irrepressible stifling pervasive indefatigable uncommunicable raw riveting intriguing engaging moving touching brilliant outstanding ultimate suffocating towering blunt gargantuan devoted sad warm-blooded tedious unpleasant attentive involving mortal right proper overriding tender fabulous settled strict peracute plucky cloying effective killing high-powered distinct hearty unswerving super troublesome lusty deadly good consequential unforgiving knockout unflagging dependable Herculean merciless sentimental heady unremitting inspiring untiring all out reliable insane cool resolved pushy very strong toilsome wonderful wretched miserable pitiless unyielding distressful thunderous smart hardhanded coercive hardy hurtful tragic daring stressful rotten strong-willed unmerciful hot-blooded pious murderous decisive self-assertive momentous remorseless grinding sure absolute afflictive true-blue down-the-line stalwart stanch calamitous out of this world inhuman offensive struggling unalloyed unadulterated suffering deliberate bound really hard inexorable very hard hard-hearted enduring abiding immovable allegiant first-rate certain unquestioning rigid first-class never-failing industrial-strength real diabolical tumultuous competitive unstoppable frantic dog-eat-dog heavyweight long-lasting indefensible inexcusable reprehensible inexpressible unforgivable scorching boiling baking transcending blustery gusty high-energy shrewd cordial genuine entrenched disgraceful shameful parlous boisterous squally roasting sizzling hard-core unfeigned honest rooted intrenched repressive rampant undescribable amorous contentious blazing sweltering caustic throbbing inveterate bona fide paralyzing paralysing drilling alert tropical parching withering annihilatory gluttonous corrosive voracious insatiable edacious far-reaching deepest stout supportive sudden prickly twingeing tingling scalding wearisome industrious finely tuned pertinacious all-inclusive all-encompassing pressing ablaze tormentous anguishing confirmed bred-in-the-bone valid cogent challenging daunting wearying baking hot blazing hot blistery broiling charged clamorous stringent virile unmixed crucial enthused melodramatic red-blooded achy gnawing hurting recondite solemn labored confused te knotty testing ponderous convincing pleading life-threatening disastrous restless disagreeable very hot boiling hot overemotional emotive destructive crying telescoped crash out and out elaborate widespread preoccupying backbreaking tiring punitive crippling austere nasty beseeching entreating begging obscure mightful like a furnace exigent desolating damaging annihilating magnificent back-breaking fatiguing bruising toilful accelerated speeded-up exorbitant unconscionable swingeing overweening steep draconian strengthy strengthful immersing interesting maximal plausible armed bleak efficient efficacious hazardous threatening ugly captivating vexatious disquieting bludgeoning unwelcome unhappy distasteful yucky chilling unlovely unpleasing yukky traumatic sour wicked unpalatable displeasing uncongenial unsavory very grave climacteric torrential spectacular egregious downright tiresome forbidding thorny operose uphill bothersome staggering upstream wearing intimidating cumbersome draining debilitating hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue devilish importunate whole icky mortifying true blue sobering menacing precarious perilous hypnotic mesmeric spellbinding nauseating extremely painful eloquent conclusive credible unanswerable compulsory entire unsavoury provoking annoying clamant self-asserting pushing pressurizing go-getting crazy fantastic unbelievable unreal utter round-the-clock total-immersion laboured paramount highest greatest hairy energy-consuming sapping killer effortful overbearing shattering sickly astringent acrid sickening nauseous all-powerful copious enchanting entrancing transfixing mesmerizing rich spicy hopped up gung ho rending cringe-making infuriating embarrassing stultifying chastening torturesome toe-curling irritating pushful pressured thrusting incomprehensible enigmatic esoteric abstract thundering outrageous gross uber sheer preposterous arrant rank flagrant veritable pure ridiculous terrific far out dominant commanding sublime superlative breathtaking fetid aromatic unmistakable invincible mephitic hard-working pressurising loud horrendous horrific horrible nagging exclusive addictive lustful teeming bucketing pouring drenching rounded fattening fatty buttery succulent oily creamy sensational splendid not taking no for an answer overshadowing foetid pathetic sovereign fleet whirlwind swift nippy snappy lightning fleet-footed quick speedy breathless rapid-fire galloping zippy rapid flying dizzy breakneck rattling hasty unbroken undistracted collective elemental involved unfathomable arcane trusty mesmerising woeful overmastering appalling irrefutable abominable unmitigated unshared consistent engrossed unreserved swell imposing awe-inspiring groovy dandy delicious lavish glorious primo grand divine striking like wow majestic hunky-dory monumental stately luxurious decided surpassing resilient greatest possible vibrant calorific united absorbed piteous pitiful sonorous resonant set do-or-die positive motivated out unputdownable unanimous continued shocking godawful lousy vile atrocious beastly unshakeable pitiable saddening sorrowful humungous humongous monstrous giant circumspect all vigilant lock stock and barrel dense undivided iron-willed feisty plush obdurate stable liege immobile adamant tried-and-true trustworthy unmovable changeless established telelogical hell-bent on bent on bent upon playing hard ball dead set on undeviating mean business bent calculated be out for blood hell-bent upon nose to the grindstone accomplished impactful mournful tearful hammering lashing hard-nosed unflinching hot and heavy skilled skillful skilful admirable masterly astronomic rare leviathan max vast mountainous ginormous astronomical tear-jerking plaintive sheeting down sagacious self-confident audible clear clarion ace stellar crack world-class expert fine full-bodied agitating nostalgic perturbing expressive strong-minded brave gritty courageous gee-whizz important cracking crash-hot nifty independent perceptive heroic indomitable unhesitating take charge wizard callous stern cold firm in spirit keen as mustard animated confident two-fisted stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful ringing as clear as a bell bell-like amazeballs crackerjack well-done authoritarian unfeeling unkind implacable hostile cold-blooded affectless desensitised heavy-handed heartless no-nonsense tyrannical stoney browbeating gruff unsympathetic bullying stony-hearted compassionless desensitized hardhearted ironfisted ironhearted uncharitable cold-hearted insensitive stonyhearted take-no-prisoners more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear

Động từ

Past tense for to make an unusually great effort
strove strived striven struggled labored laboured endeavored endeavoured slogged sweated sweat ground grinded toiled worked wrought exerted hammered moiled slaved travailed hustled tolled drudged humped grubbed plodded ploughed plowed plugged tugged tried hard made a great effort broke your back broken your back busted a gut did your damnedest done your damnedest exerted yourself went for broke gone for broke made an all-out effort banged away beavered away dug away drove oneself to the limit driven oneself to the limit gave it your all given it your all gave it your best shot given it your best shot went all out gone all out killed oneself knocked yourself out leaned over backwards leant over backwards made a supreme effort pegged away pulled out all the stops tried very hard bore down borne down bent over backwards went for it gone for it made every effort pushed oneself to the limit ruptured yourself spared no effort strained every nerve went for the doctor gone for the doctor exerted oneself plugged away put oneself out worked hard made an effort applied oneself slogged away knocked oneself out worked like a Trojan grafted pushed worked like a dog sweated blood kept at it tried fought slaved away pushed oneself put one's back into something aimed bullocked battled did all one can done all one can drave driven druv drove knuckled down ground away worked day and night plodded away moved heaven and earth trudged sought aspired attempted put one's back into it ventured grubbed away worked your fingers to the bone poured it on kept your head down kept your nose to the grindstone grappled essayed persevered scrambled fallen over backwards fell over backwards foughten hammered away buckled down worked oneself to the bone worked one's fingers to the bone assayed contended applied lumbered staggered overworked overwrought undertaken undertook skivvied pushed yourself left no stone unturned mucked soldiered on had a crack at tried one's hardest done one's utmost done one's best did one's utmost did one's best carried on put up a fight against worked one's socks off pegged along burned the candle at both ends worked like a slave plugged along dragged yourself ploughed through done your best did your best busted one's chops burnt the candle at both ends sweated away kept one's nose to the grindstone gave it one's best shot given it one's best shot suffered broke your neck broken your neck did your utmost banged on done your utmost gave one's all given one's all scuffled tussled taken pains took pains combatted combated taxed oppressed overtaxed punished overexerted flogged endured rassled vied jostled wrangled brawled competed purposed campaigned withstood pegged cultivated tended jockeyed persisted clashed scrapped grunted tangled made a run at had a shot at had a swing at kept one's head down had one's nose to grindstone pounded performed dug offered tackled stood up to schlepped puttered groveled grovelled grafted away hiked dragged wrestled trailed trampled drug tried as hard as one can broken one's neck taken on took on broke one's neck had a go at tried for jumped through hoops went hard ground out gave it one's all given it one's all worked fingers to bone broke sweat broken sweat done all you can plodded along worked very hard applied yourself to driven oneself emptied the tank gone hard worked your guts out dug in headed-down did all you can made effort come to grips went ham kept nose to grindstone shot for kept going gone hammer and tongs worked one's guts out overworked oneself pressed on gone ham drove oneself pitched in pegged away at went hammer and tongs worked one's butt off had a stab at had a crack worked hard to taken care took care taken great pains took great pains broke one's back broken one's back gone to war went to war acquited yourself gave all one's got given all one's got given best shot gave best shot gotten to grips got to grips came to grips went for the jugular gave it a whirl given it a whirl went the limit gone the limit gone for the jugular gone all-out for went all-out for went all-out given your all gave your all went the whole nine yards gone the whole nine yards gone all-out set out put yourself out strived at had a go had a shot had a bash had a stab set one's sights made a stab at pursued entreated made an attempt had a whack taken it on oneself took it on oneself vied for lifted a finger made a bid made a pass at fronted up chipped away at given it a burl gave it a fly given it a fly gave it a burl moved mountains had designs had in view strove at striven at aspired to gone for went for drove for driven for went after gone after took a crack at taken a crack at

Động từ

Past tense for to pass (something) through a sieve or filter
filtered sieved sifted riddled screened filtrated percolated separated griddled leached purified refined distilled winnowed bolted clarified cleared processed extracted parted cleaned panned cleansed treated decontaminated fined garbled made pure rectified passed through a filter put through a sieve extraught separated out sorted rarefied disinfected permeated osmosed penetrated metastasized fumigated sanitized deodorized sterilized freshened culled eliminated concentrated pasteurized liquated boiled autoclaved soaked through detoxified depolluted weeded out picked out sublimated sterilised depurated oxygenated pasteurised expiated remitted exculpated deterged rarified aerified elutriated deodorised washed absolved sanitised aerated atoned edulcorated chastened exonerated gotten rid of impurities got rid of impurities antisepticized condensed made sterile reduced boiled down desexualized ventilated changed incapacitated vaporized refreshed vaporised fanned bathed sweetened neutered castrated fixed emasculated gelded gelt thickened altered compressed unsexed purged evaporated aired cleaned out spayed rendered cut cleaned thoroughly made clear cleaned up made clean made sanitary cooled reclaimed desalted heated aired out melted down cut down let breathe cut to the bone operated on detoxicated perfumed sanitated desalinated disinfested cauterized fractionated sublimed circulated smoked deloused neutralized neutralised bleached melted cauterised spade made safe solidified precipitated pressed expressed cooked trimmed infused volatilized steamed rinsed scrubbed laundered smoked out scoured become clear made germ-free lustrated expurgated strengthened evaporated and condense vaporized and condense pressed out squeezed out GIed restored obtained exposed removed impurities from air-conditioned rinsed out turned out opened freshened up got rid of impurities from molten became clear gotten to the meat got to the meat given air to gave air to taken out took out drew out drawn out

Động từ

Past tense for to ooze, or pass slowly through pores or other small openings
oozed exuded seeped bled sweated sweat transuded wept weeped percolated leaked leached filtered dripped trickled discharged drained dribbled filtrated escaped issued welled flowed permeated spurted excreted extravasated emptied shed dropped emitted perspired secreted released overflowed exudated lixiviated extracted separated gushed soaked osmosed run suppurated festered penetrated leeched hemorrhaged haemorrhaged pervaded transpired emanated bubbled impregnated charged infected transfused saturated washed away ejected spouted emerged given out gave out seeped into got into passed through exuded pus gave off given off poured forth overflowed with emitted liquid sent forth expelled evacuated conveyed projected passed sent out come out of filtered through welled forth flowed out extraught ran gotten into came out of threw off thrown off poured spread streamed spilt spilled distilled flooded cascaded poured out squirted drizzled spewed rolled jetted surged trilled splashed glided glid spread through infiltrated suffused imbued welled up entered infused diffused oozed out seeped out gushed out drained away rippled swelled seeped through deluged gurgled spewn teemed sputtered sluiced brimmed swept slid inundated regurgitated sprung disembogued burst rushed filled tumbled coursed outflowed discharged pus plopped spread throughout steeped lost informed drenched diffused through gone went spread out seeped away flowed away flowed rapidly percolated through swollen fallen in drops fell in drops purled moved babbled abounded sprinkled pullulated sprang maturated gathered effused crawled creeped