Đồng nghĩa của planned

Alternative for planned

plans, planned, planning

Đồng nghĩa: aim, arrange, design, devise, intend, maneuver, mean, plot, project, propose, scheme, think,

Tính từ

(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied deliberate calculated considered knowing intentional conscious premeditated purposeful measured reasoned advised wilful aforethought designed thoughtful prepense willful voluntary volitional weighed careful contrived prepared willing examined investigated studious mannered affected artificial feigned forced guarded labored laboured strained overdone overworked plotted reviewed thought-out self-conscious well-considered thought-about thought-through gone into intended purposive done on purpose pre-planned willed preconceived witting thought out in advance prearranged set purposed strategic aimed wanton predetermined designful meant unforced deliberately planned fixed cold-blooded reasoning reflective contemplated determined express schemed well thought out meditative on purpose thought out anticipated with forethought meditated rational responsible preconcerted laid-out rigged sewn-up set-up proposed targeted framed up stacked deck predestined cognizant mindful wary contracted cut-and-dried aware judicious sober well-thought-out carefully chosen selected with care contemplative thought through organized organised steered marked directed well-planned tactical scheduled estimated optional discretionary cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing open predesigned unnatural predeterminate elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory elaborate put-on false pretended permissive uncompelled deliberative spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted spurious factitious mechanical pseudo simulated plastic assumed bogus manufactured sham fake mock phoney phony with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice hokey manipulated recherche far-fetched unspontaneous voulu staged overly planned

Tính từ

Likely to happen at a future date
prospective expected coming probable imminent approaching future impending anticipated likely forthcoming possible upcoming potential destined presumptive awaited eventual considered intended aspiring designate latent intending promised proposed to come to be -to-be soon-to-be on the cards would-be hoped-for looked-for in the making about to be later following ensuing succeeding subsequent projected inevitable down the line down the pike down the road yet to come scheduled coming up downstream latter contemplated displayed outlined estimated wished-for envisioned fated next predestined foreordained predetermined ultimate preordained up and coming designed doomed just around the corner in the course of time in the cards in the offing unfolding nearing proximate pending oncoming near promising in the wind foreseeable close looming budding immediate on the way developing close at hand at hand about to happen embryonic conceivable advancing assumed hypothetical supposed gathering odds-on predictable presumable threatening presumed incipient verisimilar assumptive ostensible in the air onrushing short-term arriving emergent growing burgeoning suppositive fast-approaching nascent hopeful happening soon on tap on hand chosen taken for granted wannabe to-be appointed plausible elected implicit imaginable credible could-be dormant inherent believable elect unrealized believed understood reasonable creditable undeveloped inferred fetal convincing apparent presumptuous circumstantial in utero foetal unborn liable predicted sure disposed resulting inescapable supplied predisposed inclined inferable natural prone seeming supposable on the horizon in the pipeline true a pound to a penny distinctly possible ten to one in the habit of within the bounds of possibility having a tendency to on the verge of given to on to be expected in store in preparation on us in prospect

Tính từ

Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure
controlled coordinated delimited measured meticulous ordered orderly organised organized regulated structured supervised well-ordered exact governed precise skilful skillful systematized methodical systematic systematised efficient methodic regular methodized businesslike well ordered neat arranged careful logical standardized disciplined well organized well thought out fixed standardised coherent tidy formal routine practical directed managed scrupulous deliberate systematical well planned well-regulated painstaking well regulated consistent standard thoroughgoing fastidious analytical complete out-and-out by the numbers joined-up by the book together monitored superintended settled adapted set adjusted piloted administered guided tight designed streamlined ruled well-thought-out nonrandom negotiated contrived enforced smooth-running punctilious classified correlated cataloged tabulated professional grouped catalogued formed prearranged prepared in order formulated correct workaday matter-of-fact thorough competent slick practised pragmatic sedulous diligent direct industrious expeditious earnest practiced accomplished concentrated well-organized serious purposeful effective intent hardworking enterprising trim well-kept well-oiled integrated shipshape restrained self-controlled framed uniform spick-and-span rangé scientific set-up clean alike conventional cohesive all together in shape in apple-pie order to rights neat as button neat as pin in good shape consolidated collective unified sorted out no-nonsense in sync harmonious cooperative assimilated combined united organic sensible reasonable well thought-out straightened out well run

Tính từ

Formulation and organization of ideas preparatory to writing

Tính từ

Fixed or arranged in advance
set established decided agreed arranged specified predetermined appointed determined prescribed scheduled settled prearranged regular usual customary standard defined assigned habitual predictable recommended routine stable normal stipulated confirmed preset fixed programmed inflexible definite allotted unwavering abiding pre-planned preplanned pre-established firm unalterable certain determinate arranged in advance sure enduring stated decided beforehand in the bag uncompromising stubborn changeless ironclad controlled selected given chosen intended automated automatic pre-agreed arranged beforehand advance pre-decided inevitable encoded inexorable premeditated calculated foredestined proposed precogitated forethought destined bound doomed deliberate established in advance set up involuntary cut and dried unchangeable precise decreed frozen explicit exact incommutable flat inexpugnable inalterable express invariable immutable final hard steady unblinking rigid resolved irreversible unbending undeviating still unmovable unqualified unmodifiable definitive inveterate cast-iron hard-and-fast never-failing hard and fast writ in stone not subject to change conventional common traditional ordinary accepted accustomed stock familiar typical general wonted expected popular prevailing orthodox everyday recognized time-honoured recognised prevalent average current commonplace ritual universal natural acknowledged run-of-the-mill ritualistic long-established time-honored classic regulation classical going cut-and-dried widespread official chronic mainstream designated methodical characteristic systematic frequent unremarkable daily unexceptional prescriptive garden-variety approved standard-issue fashionable ubiquitous quotidian proven workaday household sanctioned representative orderly acceptable plain mechanical day-to-day lasting cut-and-dry formal ordained proper bog-standard historic tried and true tried and tested authorized stereotyped ceremonial prosaic old constant vanilla staple consistent authorised rooted organized in vogue existing widely used garden variety common or garden matter-of-course entrenched identified well worn present named specific ready rampant dyed-in-the-wool seasoned fated folk organised rife ancestral commissioned long-lived age-old old-world long-standing old-time ceremonious systematized ingrained received ruling nominated true repeated periodical periodic regulated favourite favorite traditionary valid influential predominant staid archetypal in style deep-rooted basic permanent in fashion understood archetypical simple systematised public cyclic standardized immemorial ceremonialistic undistinguished typic reliable formalistic doctrinal standardised by the numbers formulaic old hat required comfortable obvious particular contemporary latest extant modern respected pervasive appropriate correct obligatory mandatory compulsory fitting stereotypical gut default majority overall ancient venerable immortal ageless delineated boilerplate canonical uneventful humdrum bureaucratic procedural endorsed admitted timeless decorous punctilious reigning sop wont mimetic establishment one-size-fits-all touted unadventurous conformist mimic indicated declared unopposed passed legit okayed preferred assumed known memorable unforgettable undying deathless imitative standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut same old in the groove according to Hoyle businesslike quantified listed in force prepared concluded apish well-known strict perennial taken for granted unoriginal coherent structured societal agreed upon plotted written finished trite clinched hardened arrived at slavish regimented legal documented authoritative noted worked out concrete epigonic epigonous institutional detailed inherent symptomatic certified lawful well-established anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic canned repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated long-term ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory nailed distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing proverbial emulative legitimate proved true to form in keeping to be expected only to be expected individualistic native in character par for the course on the cards clichéd cliched … all over true to type preordained delegated elected installed commonest methodic overused wrapped up sewn up ineradicable spelled out qualified laid down postulated predominating bona fide even laid out inured habituated traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style sound officially recognized operative dominant main preponderating principal set in stone secure unshakable vested hard-shell irradicable val sorted out in the cards done and dusted preponderant comprehensive catholic all-embracing in circulation regnant sweeping fundamental worldwide ecumenical uniform rhythmic deep-seated symmetrical unchanging unvarying recurring firmly established patterned measured dependable balanced congruous harmonious consonant successive accordant alternating punctual serial in order plastic grind so-so white-bread most common most usual most frequent

Tính từ


Tính từ

In the process of being planned or developed

Động từ

To have furnished with, or caused to be present
provided furnished prepared equipped implemented made available accommodated arranged for procured readied added advanced allocated allotted anted up assigned brought forth came up with distributed donated extended fit fitted fitted out forked out issued laid out lay out lent lined parted with ponied up put forward put up spared turned out accoutred afforded apportioned armed arrayed attired ceded dealt out deeded doled out fixed up gave granted handed kitted out made over meted out offered organised outfitted parceled out parcelled out plied with portioned presented prorated provisioned purveyed ran rendered rigged rigged out staked stocked supplied transferred yielded came with catered to gave out handed out lined up made up raised rigged up rustled up set up stocked up stumped up installed managed organized set aside left reserved earmarked designated devoted deducted remitted allowed bestowed delivered conferred endowed handed over given imparted contributed accorded dispensed gifted equipt awarded proffered come up with invested fulfilled bequeathed dished out shelled out fitted up turned over appointed girt girded geared filled served endued accoutered feed fed blessed blest coughed up favored kicked in kitted up tendered favoured produced indued beared disbursed chipped in yolden yold relinquished entrusted passed committed pledged volunteered pitched in graced given out administered shared provided for put at someone's disposal laid on given away gave away let someone have provided with met surrendered catered satisfied lodged paid loaded bore borne vouchsafed submitted refitted catered for passed out paid out presented with conferred on supported restored sustained refilled restocked answered renewed covered transmitted subscribed lavished packed stored consigned trusted discharged bequested showered decked replenished prepped registered suited kitted sacrificed subsidized brought put forth injected plied sent passed round entered sated made a donation of divvied arranged lay on let oneself in for passed on put in the hands of put out shared out sent in set forth furnished with lotted come across with put in subsidised let come through handed in gifted with sweetened the pot put forked over dowered put oneself down for fitted the bill for partitioned filled up decked out cleared availed freed loaned refurbished replaced spent financed maintained reconditioned credited expended intrusted placed confided commended delegated reposed recommended enabled disseminated circulated regaled achieved stockpiled groomed tabled brightened proposed ventured sold empowered turned in laid down handled suggested laid sponsored funded dealt reloaded heaped refreshed gave up given up introduced improved mooted fixed deployed dispatched appareled apparelled willed equaled equalled manned matched toted inflicted harnessed blent blended referred followed observed propositioned aired ministered assembled given a donation of gave a donation of slipped served the purpose supplied on credit pertained came through freed up come across gave to sufficed for relegated carried out held out to bestowed on paid up catered in surfeited passed around accommodated someone with rehabilitated endowed with subbed paid in advance divvied up got up dealt in divided packed a rod made provision rationed given to upcycled granted to made a contribution of supplied with laid at one's feet dropped brought forward traded in sharked stashed fed the kitty kept supplying furbished heeled up placed at disposal made good on measured up to spruced up sweetened the kitty appropriated came across with delivered the goods passed the hat carried through laid on one lived up to processed loan sharked smartened up got it up released settled tricked up lavished on dispersed found permitted satisficed clad showed slapped together qualified for had divided out satiated invested in enhanced adorned complied with vested matched up to forked up kept up with measured come up to diffused gussied up begifted piled made a gift of rodded up measured out geared up obliged loaded up entrusted to trapped out clothed bestowed to belonged tricked out handed round conveyed held out devolved topped topped up made a pitch lent-lease lugged iron lay down putten gotten up came across begave begiven given over gave over shown given with gave with given in gave in gave an opportunity given an opportunity adapted to adhered to came up to adjusted to given of gave of gotten in the act did your part got in the act done your part gotten it up

Động từ

To have designed with a new shape or form
created designed fashioned crafted devised invented shaped developed set up authored composed conceived fabricated formed rendered arranged assembled compounded comprised constructed contrived cooked up diagramed diagrammed drafted draughted dreamt up drew up engineered framed laid out lay out made up modeled modelled molded moulded originated outlined produced put together advanced began came up with executed setted carved out cast choreographed conjured up drummed up hammered out machinated pieced put up ran up started up threw together threw up brewed brought brought on worked wrought decided determined plotted rigged manufactured built erected architected established made raised reconstructed made a drawing of made a representation of made a map of built up brought about drawn up a layout of drawn up a plan of drew up a plan of drew up a layout of brainstormed thought up formulated concocted tailored imagined got strategized ground out envisaged ruminated churned out thrashed out visualized turned out sparked speculated cobbled together obtained pondered sparked off hatched worked on carried out pioneered coined projected pictured envisioned cranked out trumped up innovated visualised forged come up with excogitated prepared improvised confected vamped up whipped up schemed worked out hit on evolved fit vamped organized thought of fit together thrown together reared ad-libbed organised pieced together masterminded drawn up shope knocked together conceived of compiled winged it rustled up played it by ear got ready faked fitted fixed joined dreamt dreamed laid readied extemporized set discovered faked it set down knocked up run up extemporised mapped out doped out knocked off feigned conceptualized constituted conceited prepped cogitated ideated united spitballed fudged together prefabricated ad libbed conceptualised made ready falsified anthologized collected lied thrown up prevaricated marshalled gathered marshaled spun contemplated accumulated amassed connected systematized systemized collated fibbed equipped misrepresented fantasized busked perceived fancied imaged pretended depicted counterfeited edited list orchestrated visioned blueprinted improvisated charted sorted out combined mixed effected groomed derived generated fantasied fudged worked up brought together built castles in air formed a mental picture of dreamed about got up fitted out cobbled up knocked out scared up mapped put in order formed a picture of systematised made do structured fantasized about codified busked it clapped together or up prefabbed becast fantasised mixed up thought on one's feet cast about hit upon spoke off the cuff done offhand spoken off the cuff did offhand considered studied told recounted narrated deliberated weighed equivocated related span perpended seen saw equipt garnered unfolded culled ordered mounted wangled viewed primed poised intrigued linked simulated minded jury-rigged adapted trained braced supplied calculated adjusted misstated recorded collocated mustered concentrated congregated hoarded registered grouped consolidated abridged recapitulated gleaned colligated instituted listed hallucinated evoked sketched wrote sewed written elevated procured stumbled upon mooted uncovered brought forth gotten furnished outfitted qualified accoutred perfected fortified budgeted seasoned fabulized featured educed drew together joined up dreamt of come upon translated into synthesized warmed up edified relied on your wits made it up as one goes along did off the top of your head caused to happen done something off the cuff carpentered moved did something off the cuff told untruth jerry-built dashed off bred parented armed oneself created out of thin air made provision comped flown by the seat of one's pants blended together realized drawn together heaped up made up on the spot detected engendered sired fixt in position brought to mind created in your mind procreated anticipated fictionalised sketched out realised rigged up spawned emerged seen in your mind's eye fixed together thought out batched lumped together filled in blocked out consisted of jammed punted schemed out improvised speech flew by the seat of one's pants saw in one's mind laid eggs told a white lie mixed together smoothed the way done off the top of your head storified occasioned patched up fabled conjured up a mental picture of mass-produced tossed off pulled together called to mind found dashed out fixed up made like stirred up handled synthesised slapped together settled on daydreamed seen in one's mind made up off the top of one's head slapdashed forearmed made plans for piled up paved the way strategized about whomped up welded jacked up gotten up provoked conjured up an image of elaborated divined fictionalized caused matured minted superstructed hashed out sculptured daydreamt merged in configured got off purposed beared weaved appointed saw in your mind's eye mulled over come out made it up as you go along induced banged out endowed entered in conjured up a picture of jived stage-managed phonied begun gotten off sewed up sewn up got set gotten set came upon gotten together got together given structure to gave structure to woven wove gone into went into belonged to came out broke open broken open given forth gave birth given birth bore gave forth borne did something on the spur of the moment did on the fly done on the fly took it as it comes taken it as it comes done something on the spur of the moment spoken extemporaneously spoke extemporaneously spoke impromptu done cold did cold spoken impromptu

Động từ

(rare) To have had in mind as a purpose
thought intended aimed designed meaned meant had in mind resolved set up proposed contemplated scheduled aspired looked purported wished envisaged desired envisioned expected wanted minded purposed strived prearranged counted on made plans had every intention reckoned on went gone striven strove foreseen foresaw bargained for meditated calculated allowed set out insinuated intimated had in view implied destined suggested ordained determined fated had the intention thought of marked out predestined preordained predetermined indicated earmarked foreordained doomed considered hinted at decreed connoted had plans plotted hinted decided foredoomed devoted reserved appointed imputed inferred signified signalled signaled got at alluded to schemed hoped set your sights on designated dedicated said indirectly conveyed the impression set apart pointed to pointed toward set aside referred driven at drove at committed assigned referred to allotted consecrated imagined had a mind pondered pursued gotten at prescribed preformed visualized visualised alluded ascribed implicated made up one's mind thought to made up your mind had a mind to worked towards bid for committed oneself consigned broached denoted betokened imported said in passing planned on tried added up anticipated made led up to had set out angled coveted assumed alluded to the fact essayed relied on aimed at had resolved started out looked forward trusted premeditated thought about doomed to banked on endeavored meant to figured on presupposed made out suited expected to hoped to endeavoured attempted thought likely undertaken undertook willed bade for given thought to gave thought to aspired to gave someone to understand given someone to believe given a clue given an inkling gave someone to believe gave a clue gave an inkling given someone to understand gave a hint given a hint

Trái nghĩa của planned

planned Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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