Đồng nghĩa của affected

Alternative for affected

Trái nghĩa: unaffected,

affects, affected, affecting

Đồng nghĩa: influence, move, persuade, sway,

Tính từ

Unnatural, artificial or fake in nature
artificial assumed forced pretended strained unnatural contrived overblown overdone simulated stiff fake feigned hollow insincere labored laboured mock overripe overworked pseudo counterfeit faked mannered phoney unconvincing exaggerated imitation phony pretend superficial bogus mechanical plastic posed pseud stilted factitious false posey sham spurious affectated awkward conceited counterfeited fakey fraud ham hammy imitated melodramatic playacting studied put on put-on ersatz fictitious fraudulent forged cod make-believe dummy deceptive manufactured not genuine synthetic substitute misleading faux snide elaborate pretentious fabricated man-made queer pirate unauthentic actorly inauthentic theatrical imitative mimic so-called ponderous self-conscious delusory delusive wrong framed bent overwrought heavy not kosher wooden improvised over-elaborate reproduction copied stagy quasi- untrue meretricious Hollywood plant brummagem fishy crock made-up unreal clumsy suppositious won't fly soft shell professed ostensible campy convoluted avowed imaginary two-faced laborious ornate intricate prolix invented concocted unspontaneous trick adopted supposititious facsimile replica specious pseudonymous model toy constrained camp apish trumped-up hokey apocryphal quasi rehearsed apparent seeming surface planned manmade derivative imagined purported not fluent chemical cast manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche voulu staged knock-off pirated tortuous arduous leaden tortured difficult rigid inflexible grudging bound binding conscripted slave begrudging stringent coercive forcible mealymouthed alleged fallacious invalid virtual wannabe would-be self-styled phoney-baloney phony-baloney hypocritical adulterine arty-farty precious overly planned deceitful bum ungenuine over-embellished long-winded simpering genteel highfaluting chichi airish conscious artsy not real not legit bluffing shammed falsified supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous complex turgid inelegant inept weighty hard operose effortful uphill strenuous toilsome maladroit as it were wreck wired put unglued uptight tight choked taut farfetched stuck up gone Hollywood to all intents and purposes dishonest hard put nervous wreck strung out not spontaneous non-existent dud hoax in a state at end of rope made up cooked-up not what it is cracked up to be excessive undue inordinate disproportionate immoderate fulsome overstated too much inflated extravagant over-enthusiastic over-effusive needless unfair effusive unreasonable overemphasized unnecessary gushing sensationalistic hyped preposterous OTT O.T.T. overelaborate beyond the pale overemphasised highly coloured hyped up a bit much over the top beyond all bounds laid on with a trowel deceiving unfounded incorrect erroneous inaccurate unsound mistaken inexact faulty untruthful illogical misguided unoriginal illusory off chimerical worthless flawed baseless beguiling deluding imprecise sophistical without foundation plagiaristic derived pinchbeck mimicked plagiarized off beam unsubstantiated distorted groundless fictional full of holes fanciful aped nonnatural notional ideal fantastic visionary sophistic illegal dicey iffy dodgy trumped up off target way out wide of the mark pseudo- mythical plagiarised illusionary crooked unproven fancied copycat copy casuistic hallucinatory dissembling truthless counterfactual falsie fictive duplicate fantasied chimeric phantom fantastical fabulous mythic phantasmal imaginal phantasmic bad plausible ill-founded double-dealing out foundationless unsupported nonvalid in error not accurate not exact askew cooked up devised nugatory ungrounded off base mad reasonless unreasoned representative way off way off beam not working practice trial bootlegged repro unqualified non-natural mimetic miniature echoic glib low-grade low-quality poor-quality shoddy inferior made makeshift constructed machine-made unsatisfactory substandard adulterated delusional duplicated reproduced parodied parroted burlesqued caricatured mocked gingerbread experimental human-made misinformed prepared ostensive semi- nominal illusive near reported engineered knock off lookalike uncorroborated Barmecidal whimsical semblant Barmecide float weak economical with the truth mock-up fantasy without basis unwarranted inadequate untenable irrational erratic fantasized dreamed-up dream erring blue sky pipe dream unjustified unscientific empty ostentatious likely captious colorable vain presumable credible probable sophisticated flattering presumptive idle null fluffed illegitimate unreasoning absurd inconsistent inconsequent inconsequential nonrational off-target misfigured astray wide goofed misconstrued mishandled miscalculated seemingly correct wrongly inferred null and void void nonbinding inoperative not precise out of commission out of line on the wrong track at fault play-play improper unsustainable plausible but wrong apparently right misrepresentative colored not binding fantasised amiss uncollectible coloured underhand awry defective abroad treacherous duplicitous crafty disingenuous guileful wrong number all wet all off sly sneaky cunning untrustworthy scheming perfidious shady sharp Machiavellian subtle slippery foxy mendacious unprincipled unscrupulous tricky fast slim underhanded shifty hollow-hearted rogue double-faced Punic false-hearted insidious rascal roguish designing serpentine oblique slick devious catchy astucious indirect unreliable wily

Tính từ

Pretentious and designed to impress
pretentious pompous ostentatious grandiose highfalutin stagy posh theatrical hifalutin schmaltzy campy chichi pedantic poncey la-de-da fancy-pants high-minded hoity-toity la-di-da over-elaborate high falutin' high-flown toffee-nosed gone Hollywood conceited haughty snobbish egotistic proud superior arrogant uppity self-important stuck-up vain supercilious snippy vainglorious showy imperious overbearing overweening puffed up snooty presumptuous boastful patronizing condescending uppish brash high-hat toplofty important high and mighty lofty high-and-mighty bumptious cocky patronising self-assertive cavalier opinionated egotistical prideful sniffy smug lordly swanky inflated self-centred disdainful flamboyant self-opinionated narcissistic self-centered snotty chesty huffish toploftical huffy high-handed assumptive stiff-necked self-asserting splashy snobby egoistic egoistical ritzy loud flashy artificial pontifical gaudy extravagant aloof conspicuous elitist swaggering peremptory swank egocentric presuming masterful selfish flaunting mannered biggity bigheaded swollen-headed vulgar swellheaded biggety kitsch self-conceited domineering bragging precious self-satisfied garish flash bloated tinselly fancy bold persnickety ornate obtrusive glitzy overconfident insolent full of oneself overdone brazen dicty tinsel highfaluting tasteless over-refined flowery tony OTT twee magisterial bling-bling forward sententious autocratic stiff boasting contrived hubristic self-admiring immodest scornful blustering contemptuous tawdry self-serving specious portentous mocking impudent flatulent meretricious scoffing sneering puffy brassy superfly bossy assured complacent audacious consequential cheeky self-absorbed studied big-headed jumped up alembicated over the top pseud individualistic swollen putting on airs too big for your boots inner-directed effete pushy exclusive exaggerated grand arty assuming trashy potty aristocratic self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-righteous self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying cocksure refined orgulous self-obsessed self-regarding fussy spectacular classy dashing cheap noisy smarty cold-shoulder know-it-all glittery remote egomaniacal bling self-loving stuck up peacocky gimcrack wise guy introverted chi-chi arty-farty full of yourself wrapped up in oneself pleased with yourself razzle-dazzle personal grandiloquent subjective obsessive on an ego trip intimate intrinsic isolated stuck on oneself ineffectual pontificating vaunting strutting puffed windy nervy cliquish obnoxious plastic superficial sham puffed-up offensively self-assertive pinchbeck brummagem genteel frilly swollen with pride inborn ingrained inherent idiosyncratic lah-di-dah on a high horse peacockish egomaniac self-interested bougie cutesy bourgie snot-nosed full of airs and graces upper-class in love with oneself too much over-the-top think too highly of oneself think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas pleased with oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself think a lot of oneself self-oriented self-involved inward-looking solipsistic self-preoccupied self-infatuated inconsiderate self-concerned kenspeckle bodacious noticeable brilliant striking grabby commanding prominent eye-catching pronounced remarkable dramatic catchy marked arresting emphatic uncaring unthinking thoughtless self-seeking looking after number one bullish resplendent sensational opulent snazzy overwrought sumptuous splendiferous glaring jazzy screaming histrionic luxurious fastidious dictatorial officious smart overnice overrefined saucy flip wise contumelious impertinent rude pushful unabashed sassy boldfaced fresh barefaced procacious unblushing pert cool malapert artful choosy particular finicky fragile actorly flaring crass flaunted smart-alecky exhibitionistic sporty uptown splurgy gay jaunty throwing one's weight about self-conscious Daliesque crummy corny clinquant tacky cheesy camp common mod posturing gimmicky magnificent splendid overstated overambitious kitschy posey flaunty elaborate heroic pseudo sophomoric poseur hollow feigned hyperventilated put-on stilted too-too fake self-confident confident authoritarian self-assured tyrannical dogmatic despotic bombastic dismissive inflexible self-aggrandizing braggart holier-than-thou blusterous oppressive doctrinaire dogmatical rigid wilful heavy-handed dominating above oneself big self-applauding sure braggy adamant prejudiced biased uncompromising opinionative opinioned bigoted assertive high brassbound arch highhanded obdurate familiar obstinate reserved standoffish overfamiliar arbitrary pigheaded indifferent ambitious self-opinioned loudmouth disrespectful unyielding stuffy gracious brazen-faced improper inappropriate uncivil iron-handed stubborn bold-faced impolite free repressive crowing tyrannous autocratical authoritative tyrannic willful shameless single-minded bull-headed of fixed views self-respecting imperative full of hot air on your high horse too big for one's breeches too big for one's britches too big for one's boots self-complacent self-flattering extraverted self-pleased unreserved self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted uninhibited elitist ranting airy stooping offhand undemocratic fustian wiseguy indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed anti-democratic throwing one's weight around honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty la-dee-da complaisant blowhard high-sounding epic majestic regal imposing august judicial stately dignified casual curt high falutin denigrating belittling swanking big-mouthed partisan distant detached ironhanded dominant unconcerned insouciant uninterested nose in the air tolerant free-and-easy on one's high horse windbag exultant too big for your britches overbold unceremonious discourteous of preconceived ideas draconian sure of yourself rash on high horse highfalutin' abrupt brusque glib terse cursory off perfunctory ungracious self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop iron-fisted impetuous overhasty precipitate previous premature hasty foolhardy coercive bullying strict severe harsh presumptive take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish on ego trip hot stuff Neronian overproud orotund turgid tumid declamatory careless clamorous crack-the-whip stern firm throwing weight around dictative lording it preponderant imperial demanding regnant ascendant prevalent positive hotshot certain smart aleck smart guy smarty pants large intolerant apostolic headstrong unfriendly uptight cold constrained pig-headed chilly ungainly stand-offish

Tính từ

Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant overdone declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complex complicated decorated detailed involved hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da overblown high-sounding tumid windy stilted Ossianic rhetoric fulsome arty-farty strained laboured convoluted hifalutin magnific labored theatrical exaggerated sesquipedalian over-elaborate flamboyant grand-sounding pleonastic flatulent gassy hyperventilated gaseous sonorous long-winded ponderous stodgy high-falutin bold dramatic self-important stuffy snobbish high-minded overinflated discursive egotistic oratorial stagy pedantic prim periphrastic blathering blustering fluent eloquent melodramatic arresting formal booming elocutionary mannered histrionic rhapsodic big-talking windbag loudmouthed balderdash swollen actorly rotund stuffed shirt full of hot air big mouthy effusive loquacious voluble diffuse articulate garrulous tedious tautological boastful rambling silver-tongued redundant palaverous circumlocutory circuitous erudite scholarly repetitious lengthy gabby grand baroque logorrheic imposing talkative tortuous bombast bragging chatty epic protracted heroic Ciceronian epideictic long Homeric talky haughty Demosthenic Demosthenean ambagious flashy boasting vaunting long-drawn-out meandering expansive Miltonian braggart Falstaffian monumental high majestic impressive loud tiresome portentous elevated vast tumescent embellished prolonged overlong figurative noble babbling prating gushing puffed-up prattling rococo indirect large wandering jabbering ornamental digressive glib big-mouthed wittering multiloquent multiloquous gobby logorrhoeic yacking with the gift of the gab self-righteous curlicued lexiphanic learned over-the-top superfluous roundabout wedding-cake busy gingerbread tall swaggering solemn very elaborate elegant shallow superficial breezy iterative fine pontifical sententious euphistic tall-talking overwritten ambitious boring wearisome maundering arty overelaborate high-wrought decorative garnished rich luscious contrived vocal euphemistic sublime interminable circumlocutionary waffly effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly verbal linguistic overambitious full of verbiage stylistic highly decorated serious arrogant grave OTT fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial noisy expressive intoning important stentorian reiterating padded over the top empty yakking crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen garish gossiping chattering tautologous repeating repetitive gossipy conversational chattery full of air having kissed the Blarney stone communicative forthcoming motormouthed blabby magnificent tonguey able to talk the hind legs off a donkey flap jaw loose-tongued blabbermouth having kissed the Blarney Stone loose-lipped motormouth yakkity running on at the mouth prosy wind-bag yakky splendid stately glorious resplendent awe-inspiring superb lavish striking palatial august opulent plush imperial heroical classy massive royal gallant proud baronial regal luxurious flash swanky unfathomable cosmic impenetrable splashy overwhelming high-falutin' high-flying lordly

Tính từ

Tending to ask questions or to investigate, typically for information or knowledge
curious inquisitive probing questioning quizzical enquiring inquiring interrogative investigative querying scrutinising scrutinizing enthusiastic examining inspecting fascinated interested intrigued keen agog eager excited moved attentive captivated gripped riveted absorbed engrossed intent enticed focussed focused stimulated enthused entranced hooked inspired ambitious desirous inspirited roused ardent avid impressed inquisitorial beady-eyed into touched rapt taken attracted drawn mesmerized caught predisposed spellbound overwhelmed obsessed sold lured besotted enamoured enamored smitten mesmerised struck enthralled by devoted to besotted with infatuated with struck on mad about love-struck by enamored of bewitched by twitterpated by obsessed with gone on crazy about enchanted by charmed by captivated by enamoured of beguiled by in love with sweet on wild about earnest snoopy nosy responsive awakened fired all ears gone occupied sympathetic open burning with curiosity influenced on the case eat sleep and breathe enthralled afflicted beset plagued dazzled snowed awestruck stunned awestricken very keen on head over heels in love with lovesick ensorcelled by potty about laid low hopelessly in love with bowled over by stricken in love very attracted to head over heels in love infatuated very taken with aroused infected bewitched fond crazed mad keen on passionate about fixated by addicted to hooked on riveted by interested in attached to enthusiastic about mesmerized by attracted to nuts about turned on hungry for fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for hung up fond of taken with partial to gripped by intrigued by devoted passionate fanatical preoccupied crazy fixated single-minded monomaniacal hypnotized wild wrapped up in intense preoccupied with single-minded about hell-bent preoccupied by obsessive about possessed by hung up on busy hypnotised engrossed in caught up in dedicated to immersed in wild on stuck on dotty about zealous nuts immersed consumed really into potty engaged lost distracted buried involved concerned deep queer addicted caught up sunk in taken over wrapped up absorbed in up to here heavily into up to here in taken up head over heels focused on locked in tied up involved in dialed in up to your ears wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind attached taken up with prepossessed happy impassioned wackadoodle wackadoo fanatical about paranoid neurotic charmed entertained dotty fervid fervent overwrought dizzy in the grip of daft nutso hysterical hot for beside oneself very enthusiastic mad on using prying intrusive snooping wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit peering spying over-curious eavesdropping over-interested meddling meddlesome nosy-parkering nosey busybody interfering nosy-parker big-eyed personal speculative challenging analytical searching nebby impertinent forward presumptuous poking officious prurient sifting

Tính từ

Characterized by a lack of sincerity
Pecksniffian insincere hypocritical phoney fake artificial pretended feigned phony backhanded unctuous mealy counterfeit mealymouthed double jive lip false duplicitous deceptive dissembling lying faithless fraudulent hollow canting specious spurious snide feigning glib jivey oily unnatural unreliable deluding pharisaic smooth pietistic sanctimonious pharisaical assuming bland captious cavilling caviling fishy moralistic pious two-faced double-dealing double-faced phoney-baloney phony-baloney Janus-faced left-handed self-righteous smooth-spoken smooth-tongued formal goody-goody holier-than-thou deceitful dishonest untruthful pretend untrustworthy hypocritic Tartuffian Pharisaic Pharisaical treacherous perfidious untrue disingenuous mendacious shifty pretentious disloyal knavish devious dissimulating cynical underhand deceiving assumed inauthentic sham sly tricky underhanded guileful crafty back-stabbing evasive double-crossing unfaithful exaggerated overdone cunning artful beguiling backstabbing sneaky misleading foxy not candid lacking sincerity put-on not frank double dealing slick pseud ambidextrous slippery unsound flimsy dual with tongue in cheek unconvincing invalid insignificant weak hollow-hearted devoid of validity ambiguous uncertain ironic equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic dubious indirect double-meaning double-edged crooked swindling criminal sharp cheating illegal shady corrupt illicit bent dishonourable unscrupulous unlawful dirty defrauding fast unprincipled unethical rogue unfair unjust shonky dodgy pseudo bamboozling forged dishonorable against the law falsified mock imitation

Tính từ

Seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant feeling

Tính từ

Overwhelmed with emotion
overcome overwhelmed emotional speechless dumbfounded flabbergasted gobsmacked moved struck choky disturbed incredulous overawed stunned taken amazed astounded blown-away bowled-over buried dazed defeated overthrown swamped verklempt bowled over run-over at a loss for words knocked for six unable to continue swept off one's feet confounded stupefied staggered dismayed surprised bewildered confused nonplussed flummoxed shocked bemused upset addled startled stumped astonished shell-shocked taken aback befuddled befogged bedeviled bushed addlepated unhappy disappointed breathless aghast bedevilled dumbstruck perplexed thunderstruck awestruck awestricken awed disconcerted openmouthed floored dopey pixillated pixilated fogged spacy spacey zonked muddleheaded punch-drunk raddled spaced-out dizzy silly slaphappy mixed-up spaced muzzy punchy dopy blown away lost for words marveling wondering marvelling agape dumfounded baffled shaken unnerved open-mouthed wide-eyed discomposed knocked sideways goggle-eyed fuddled puzzled choked up abashed rendered speechless struck dumb shattered distressed numbed choked benumbed wonderstruck alarmed frightened jolted crushed filled with astonishment at a loss filled with amazement filled with wonder unable to believe your eyes shaken up caught on the hop filled with awe caught on the wrong foot in amazement taken by surprise unable to believe one's ears gutted distraught addle zonked-out distracted devastated frozen mystified numb muddled intoxicated thrown dumb at sea stuck knocked out licked knocked bamboozled beat buffaloed nonplused fazed discombobulated clueless horrified at sixes and sevens lost beaten disoriented agog mazed thrown off balance dazzled tongue-tied uncertain wildered woozy uncomprehending terrified troubled afraid groggy fearful flustered appalled all at sea disorientated mixed up blank discomfited mute inarticulate silent petrified mum foxed wordless rattled voiceless fuzzy uncommunicative giddy unsteady staggering reeling in shock mom gaga hazy spellbound impressed off balance hard-pressed cowed awe-stricken intimidated staring daunted paralyzed paralysed embarrassed foggy wonder-struck wonder-stricken reverential light-headed hard put vexed vague muted faint vertiginous taciturn shaky wobbly obmutescent mumchance dumbstricken reserved terror-stricken in a dither swimming tight-lipped close-mouthed spooked terror-struck lightheaded weak-kneed slap-happy blind tipsy blinded light scared terrorized bereft of speech horror-struck horror-stricken panicky anxious terrorised scared witless off-balance scared to death frightened to death not with it out of control in awe unable to get a word out weak in the knees thunder-struck scared stiff without ideas worried stupid big-mouthed electrified eager expectant woolly-minded discountenanced preoccupied enthralled frustrated engrossed fascinated admiring absent-minded completely surprised unbelieving disbelieving mortified staring in amazement left speechless owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed tottering weak stymied awe-struck teetering disorganized slack-jawed with rubbery legs with legs like jelly weak at the knees rooted to the spot knocked for a loop woolly awe-inspired disorganised wooly unable to believe one's eyes bashful stammering awkward shy timid garbled closemouthed had their heads messed with besotted adhered woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going quiet untalkative reticent laconic at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill mousy soundless confusticated got caused to be at a stand gravelled graveled thrown off at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer at a complete loss unable to speak in disbelief made to scratch their head saying nothing whirling swimmy aswoon addlebrained doubtful transfixed immobilised immobilized out of it pushing the panic button in a panic have cold feet in a cold sweat aphonic cool unflappable hit for six buttoned up clammed up cool as cucumber not saying boo

Tính từ

Characterized, or marked, by much busy (or stressful) activity
wild overcome frantic frenzied overwhelmed delirious incredulous mad overawed struck stunned distraught frenetic furious hysterical maniacal manic nuts rabid uncontrolled violent berserk crazed crazy deranged feverish overpowered devastated beside oneself destroyed in a frenzy not knowing what to do with oneself excited agitated overwrought hectic fierce ferocious raving swivel-eyed insane corybantic fraught panic-stricken hyper fevered hyperactive worked up wigged out confused distracted unscrewed energetic keyed up wired demented desperate turbulent flipped out unhinged restless distrait hysteric in a tizzy out of control raging weirded out unglued unzipped unrestrained shook up tumultuous freaked out chaotic beside yourself intense exciting nervous fast and furious overexcited high angry weird zonkers spazzed out at wits' end in a stew hot and bothered hot under the collar carried away in a state heated boisterous fanatical confusing panic-struck panicky riotous unbalanced obsessive overactive distressed thrilled elated animated lunatic ecstatic neurotic busy high-strung convulsive demonic overjoyed euphoric anxious rapturous transported disordered unsettled worried jubilant exultant berko flipped delighted intoxicated maniac emotional uncontrollable in a lather disturbed aroused spasmodic impassioned like one possessed enthused in raptures in a panic very upset blissed out over the moon at the end of your tether on a high madding phrenetic furibund abandoned lost it exhilarated ebullient full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited demoniacal gay happy gleeful joyous fired up enraptured sectionable inspired stoked psychotic nutty up freaky incoherent flushed irrational babbling unrestrainable turned out hopped up irrepressible fiery impetuous maddened vehement driven to distraction rampant blazing tempestuous incensed fuming seething unnerved possessed passionate lightheaded hot hallucinating aberrant deviant light-headed rambling bewildered wandering hallucinatory unreasonable disarranged deviate upset worked-up shattered flurrying rattled wrought-up verklempt nonplussed perturbed bothered addled harassed pained flustered tormented concerned thrown muddled discomposed troubled flustering rumbustious buzzing lively brisk bustling in a fit out of one's wits vibrant fervid wooly rip-roaring nutsy zoolike jungle hassle madhouse crowded burning out of your mind woolly very busy very active off one's head out of one's mind out of one's head out of one's skull enthusiastic like a chicken with its head cut off excitable like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose jumpy jittery hyperexcitable skittery fiddle-footed fluttery skittish spooky hyperkinetic flighty zealous uptight impatient in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine last-minute het up wound up in a flap having kittens in a tizz drunk on cloud seven walking on air jumping for joy in a cold sweat overzealous excessively active in transports of delight wild with excitement in a flat spin at your wits' end in a frenzy of delight tense antsy uneasy nervy dismayed apprehensive disconcerted fidgety saddened twitchy hung up edgy disquieted frightened aflutter shaken alarmed ruffled ill at ease stressed shocked unhappy sad hurt grieved annoyed unquiet gutted fearful dithery vexed irked stressy cut up atwitter adrenalized on edge strung out disappointed scared traumatized discountenanced discombobulated hassled traumatised irritated choked bummed out insecure inconvenienced queasy queazy worried sick goosey hinky flurried afflicted spooked angsty bugged terrified miffed crushed all torn up angered bundle of nerves basket case provoked blue overstrung highly strung strung up afraid heartbroken in a twitter broken up on tenterhooks anguished beset riled tortured plagued clutched put out worried stiff in pieces panicked undone mentally unsettled overemotional histrionic shaky dispirited miserable emotive peeved dragged wretched wrecked ripped exercised shook consumed strung-up hag-ridden falling apart confined having cabin fever unconsolable up the wall disconsolate inconsolable shot down emotionally charged horrified startled aquiver daunted unreluctant at one's wits' end out of one's wit hyped-up febrile afire atingle hyperexcited stir-crazy asea in a bad way offended fretted exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered perplexed harried harrowed tearing one's hair out broken-hearted dazed confounded low wounded zipped up juiced up shell-shocked emotionally defeated in disorder amazed come apart psyched out compulsive fretting fretful at sixes and sevens knocked for six knocked sideways overanxious trembling quaking under stress fixated unstable oversensitive phobic toey unhealthy abnormal paranoid angstful uncomfortable squirrelly solicitous windy maladjusted in a sweat a wreck a bundle of nerves in a twit in a dither inhibited erratic nervous wreck disoriented obsessed all of a dither in a state of agitation bricking oneself on pins and needles all of a lather with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof shaking in one's shoes with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth tooshie freaked-out wound-up under a strain touchy keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered stirred weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent throwing a wobbly steamed up hot under collar all shook up

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(of a quality or result) Achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort
studied calculated deliberate measured careful conscious considered intentional knowing purposeful thoughtful mannered volitional advised artificial contrived designed feigned forced guarded labored laboured planned premeditated reasoned strained studious thought-out weighed well-considered wilful aforethought examined investigated overdone overworked plotted prepared prepense reviewed self-conscious thought-about thought-through voluntary willful willing gone into intended purposive preconceived done on purpose pre-planned willed witting prearranged set thought out in advance purposed strategic contemplated judicious determined well-thought-out well thought out unforced predetermined wanton designful prudent thought out deliberately planned rational on purpose aimed meant computed cold-blooded meditated reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted informed laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up proposed cogent lucid methodical circumspect sensible justified intelligent commonsense predestined framed up stacked deck contracted anticipated scrupulous planned out learned thought through well advised well-founded well chosen tactical sober pondered provident politic well thought-out organized organised diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected carefully chosen cunning well-planned outlined prospective estimated selected with care rehearsed optional discretionary open schemed predesigned predeterminate express elective discretional unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory permissive uncompelled spontaneous independent unprescribed free-willed controlled freely gratuitous wished autonomous unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted with forethought with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice destined programmed meditative expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan contemplative cognizant mindful wary aware planful cut-and-dried cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing deliberative directed steered marked free unprompted volunteered unsolicited settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated

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Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability
genteel polite refined respectable cultured courteous cultivated decorous elegant mannerly polished proper correct seemly civil courtly gentlemanly sophisticated civilised civilized gracious ladylike stylish urbane well-bred accomplished befitting couth decent dignified formal nice distingué posh punctilious well bred well mannered well-mannered artificial chivalrous condescending confined de rigueur discreet fashionable graceful hollow intolerant la-di-da ostentatious patronising patronizing pompous precious pretentious priggish prim prissy prudish snobbish snooty straitlaced stuffy well-behaved beautiful tasteful artistic fine discerning handsome luxurious sumptuous opulent exquisite classic modish delicate smart distinguished aesthetic classy charming majestic plush lovely dashing grand select chic suave stately noble choice fancy rare ornate comely ornamented swanky dainty debonair aristocratic august esthetic overdone stylized schmick recherche superior high-class well-designed a la mode well-dressed gallant attractive gentle pretty smooth restrained airy subtle affable trim becoming pleasing sensitive thin ethereal tactful harmonious light discriminating gossamer obliging snazzy spiffy advanced svelte educated sharp diaphanous cool cute fragile diplomatic enlightened respectful lavish developed experienced well-made pleasant simple flowing ceremonious understated pure poised in good taste decorative flattering neat self-possessed fastidious ornamental precise gorgeous elaborate modest cosmopolitan worldly moving expressive ritzy nuanced worldly-wise balanced flashy creative highbred sheer chaste sublime intricate soft well-born lofty imaginative high fit fitting classical bonny fair fetching recherché gossamery insubstantial gauzy snappy enhancing aesthetically pleasing royal conventional frail lacy media-savvy transparent impeccable ceremonial knowledgeable filmy erudite good-looking on fleek with good taste good tolerant intelligent well behaved comfortable appealing haughty uncluttered handy clever ingenious streamlined well-off proud divine striking womanly privileged aloof honourable honorable aerodynamic quality flash expensive adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing preux studied finished perfected deluxe zooty exotic presentable politic cavalier showy lush sleek symmetrical agreeable humane good mannered arcane far-fetched esoteric luxuriant extravagant balletic lithe high fashion austere plain confident self-assured appropriate suitable glib slick emotional sedate dapper spruce genial cordial kind well-proportioned Augustan first-class stylistic stunning knockout taking goodly likely bonnie drop-dead lovesome beauteous ravishing sightly filigree considerate deferential thoughtful fly swish staid demure flowy evolved close progressive improved forward rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical complaisant well-chosen trig well groomed well dressed musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque reserved beautifying metropolitan bland frilly open tenuous casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly slight petite well spoken soft-spoken well brought up well-spoken elevated figurative symbolic flowery comme il faut right meet conforming moral seasonable au fait done high-brow high-minded sartorial slim scholarly intellectual jet-set citified blasé meshy fairy fluffy aerial rarefied highbrow dinky mondaine knowing mature intangible impalpable shadowy world-weary well-favored quiet rich unobtrusive splendiferous uptown swank unaffected gratifying subdued well-informed worldly wise been around perceptive profound deep poetic insightful lacelike net lace-like patterned netlike net-like otherworldly ghostly waiflike vaporous wraithlike eerie unworldly vapory gaseous elite upper-class sweet darling deft tender delightful feeble well-read artistically aware learned understanding liberal up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue well-educated traveled appreciative arty well informed well read versed well educated literary informed literate well born highborn upmarket upper-crust titled high-born wellborn travelled full of feeling detailed au courant wispy upper crust Brahmin ennobled blue-blooded aristocratical top-drawer great flimsy papery chiffony floaty silky feathery gentlemanlike blue silk-stocking queenly regal lordly exalted silver-spoon princely patrician knightly kingly translucent gauzelike threadlike shimmering born with a silver spoon in one's mouth fine-grained fine-spun wafer-thin see-through

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Marked by or showing careful attention to set forms and etiquette
ceremonious formal dignified solemn stately civil courtly courteous deferential imperial imposing precise exact punctilious regal ritual correct decorous deliberate measured nice proper rigid starchy stilted majestic scrupulous stiff grandiose imperious pompous seemly just so slow-moving stiff-necked conventional prim staid unbending stuffy unsympathetic aloof inflexible reserved remote unfriendly starched haughty detached unapproachable withdrawn official austere reticent serious unsocial taciturn forbidding undemonstrative uncommunicative unforthcoming antisocial unresponsive restrained polite straight arrow stand-offish strait-laced keeping people at arm's length by the numbers ceremonial august traditional strict genteel distinguished ritualistic grand noble magnificent mannered impressive priggish kingly particular respectable orthodox straight portly lofty splendid prudish exalted sedate glorious monumental careful portentous fussy fastidious couth refined conservative meticulous proud heroic great resplendent lordly magisterial upright stodgy massive puritanical epic square magnific baronial heroical palatial Homeric queenly old-fashioned fuddy-duddy awe-inspiring conforming comme il faut stick-in-the-mud of the old school ornate elaborate bureaucratic prescribed stuffed-shirt liturgical celebratory sacramental sober fogeyish procedural elevated awesome royal sublime bourgeois superb conformist traditionalist uptight narrow-minded suburban parochial sumptuous princely striking maestoso Pooterish button-down doctrinal Biedermeier straight-laced dogmatic small-town bien pensant resounding sonorous statuesque marvellous Olympian eloquent towering sovereign high-flown gallant splendiferous stunning mind-blowing marvelous smashing fab cool out of this world forced prissy demure Victorian decent unnatural laboured reverential opulent luxurious strained artificial elegant old-maidish mimsy schoolmarmish niminy-piminy momentous important right standard suitable befitting fitting large icy frigid unrelaxed old-maid po-faced governessy nice-nelly schoolmistressy straitlaced straightlaced bluenosed fit approved moral mannerly civilized accepted well-mannered venerable labored Grundyish square-toed apt appropriate usual customary conscientious honourable eminent highbrow composed gracious honorable diplomatic kosher OK diligent thorough painstaking blue-nose prim and proper moralistic cleanly good dapper stickling choosy overmodest spic-and-span goody-goody snobbish spruce wooden nit-picking sombre respected highfalutin' superior aristocratic somber distingué grave nifty acceptable becoming de rigueur civilised okay done accurate attentive ultra-careful studious religious persnickety detailed mathematical perfectionist rigorous finicky methodical self-respecting right stuff pedantic hair-splitting exacting finical pernickety nitpicking demanding laborious overnice overconscientious heedful overscrupulous assiduous conscionable observant punctual formalistic right on good eye

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Easily offended or shocked, especially by sexual matters
prudish prim puritanical Victorian formal niminy-piminy old-maidish priggish prissy schoolmarmish starchy strait-laced stuffy moralistic puritan bluenosed demure goody-goody governessy mimsy narrow-minded nice-nelly old-maid overmodest overnice proper schoolmistressy squeamish straightlaced straitlaced artificial austere bigoted conventional fastidious finicky genteel Grundyish illiberal mincing narrow offish overexact precise pretentious rigid rigorous scrupulous severe simpering square stern stiff stilted uptight prim and proper coy coquettish kittenish flirtatious modest bashful retiring shy diffident unassuming reserved reticent meek decorous mild timid quiet shrinking staid timorous sober respectable decent ladylike sedate seemly innocent virginal virtuous pure chaste maidenly unpretentious withdrawn sheepish backward down-to-earth humble self-effacing lowly introverted straight recessive retired serious skittish unassertive solemn unassured close blushing silent nice earnest fuddy-duddy stick-in-the-mud fussy shockable old-fashioned Pecksniffian conservative strict po-faced of the old school square-toed smug overscrupulous niggly pernickety precious epicene overparticular overcautious self-righteous pious sanctimonious tight-laced particular namby-pamby old-womanish goody-two-shoes blue-nose spic-and-span polite snobbish spruce meticulous wooden correct cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling ceremonial nit-picking ceremonious choosy holier-than-thou pi moral straight-laced self-satisfied god-fearing unctuous PC pompous politically correct goody two-shoes impersonal fogeyish deadly musty conformist humourless fusty old-fogeyish smoky foetid supercilious self-important hot bloated humorless as dry as dust smelly magisterial important warm fetid arrogant puffy

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Insecure with oneself
self-conscious awkward bashful diffident embarrassed nervous uncomfortable edgy tense unnatural blushing gauche inhibited insecure modest shamefaced sheepish shy strained timorous uneasy anxious artificial aw-shucks discomfited ill at ease ill-at-ease mannered retiring shrinking stiff stilted timid uncertain unsure out of countenance unsure of yourself like a fish out of water apprehensive reserved introverted withdrawn coy hesitant troubled reticent constrained unassertive uptight unconfident meek fearful worried restless jittery nervy perturbed unrelaxed antsy doubtful disquieted abashed quiet unassured unsettled ashamed disturbed jumpy upset on edge unquiet self-effacing demure hung up discomposed recessive repressed reluctant out of place fidgety backward wary tongue-tied hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter self-doubting wooden humble suspicious mousy bothered het up twitchy guarded vexed subdued restrained forced unassuming on tenterhooks restive distrustful cold laboured blushful unpresuming contrived agitated keyed up unpoised fazed discombobulated fraught unobtrusive afraid silent fretful tormented chary mim lacking confidence distressed shaken perplexed lacking self-confidence not self-assured passive labored in turmoil stressy introvert withdrawing socially lacking rough-hewn blundering graceless geeky inelegant nerdy socially awkward socially anxious nice socially incompetent maladroit socially inept difficult frustrated discomforted flushed reddening humiliated flushing undemonstrative unforthcoming distant passionless unresponsive attention-seeking validation-seeking permission-seeking disorientated lacking social skills turning red red-faced controlled cool stand-offish aloof vague Delphic questioning touchy choked rattled bottled up wired disoriented bewildered overmodest doubting faint-hearted verecund recoiling easily embarrassed overwrought impatient alarmed mild media-shy docile apologetic angry annoyed galled chafed strange high-strung lost unrestful touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice submissive lacking assurance not confident weak lacking in confidence wimpy irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky up in the air unpretentious all nerves on the qui vive rabbity dubious blenching flinching unboastful discreet temperate approval-seeking proper seemly ungraceful mincing rustic rustical laborious clumsy raw unrefined unpolished uneducated indelicate callow unsophisticated lacking in social grace unworldly ill-mannered lacking in social graces oafish ill-bred chaste lowly moderate unpretending resigned prudent simple faltering on pins and needles dorky soft-spoken cautious reclusive standoffish concerned toey frightened overstrung stressed flustered scared highly strung in a tizzy worked up strung out ruffled spooked sensitive excitable in a state unstable strung up disconcerted neurotic unnerved hyper hysterical skittish spooky squirrelly windy in a state of agitation flurried all of a dither like a cat on a hot tin roof excited in a state of nerves in a stew in a flap angsty in a tizz brittle all of a lather shook up like a cat on hot bricks panicky trembling adrenalized confused unglued shaking wrought up taut in a sweat in a twitter a bundle of nerves having kittens in a twit febrile fluttery quaking distraught thrown irked wound up beside oneself bundle of nerves under stress in a cold sweat bricking oneself stressed out all of a doodah nerve-racking nail-biting irresolute spasmodic skittery creepy careful wavering fretting discountenanced overanxious shivery in suspense fevered turbulent nervous wreck hassled inconvenienced irritated worried sick quivering unsteady white-knuckled unpeaceful beset riled muddled tortured plagued angstful solicitous bugged clutched a wreck hot and bothered worried stiff put out with one's stomach in knots shot to pieces with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth twittering stuttering stammering stumbling indecisive tentative dithering vacillating precarious swithering trepidatious flighty caught up under pressure curt under a strain disorderly frisky unbalanced prim pressured frazzled all of a flutter wreck moving moved shot watchful fussy easily frightened easily agitated aghast dreading having butterflies in the stomach in a spin a basket case in a flat spin sweating bullets up the wall white knuckled afflicted asea tetchy unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting distressful agitating distressing nerve-wracking irrational exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed provoked terrified strict conventional testy crotchety prickly hurt short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered ill-tempered grieved oversensitive moody critical active hurried transient unruly wandering intermittent changeable fidgeting itchy inconstant borderline footloose roving sleepless fitful nomadic bustling gutted sad unhappy saddened old-fashioned on the defensive distracted frantic offended angered disappointed fretted shocked low worrisome verklempt blue unzipped wounded cut up in disorder amazed tossing and turning come apart psyched out bummed out broken up at sixes and sevens all torn up in a dither stressful feeling anxious shaking in one's shoes nerves on edge

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Being easily influenced (especially of young people)
impressionable suggestible susceptible vulnerable gullible ingenuous receptive open responsive sensitive exploitable malleable mouldable persuadable pliable pliant affectable credulous easily influenced easily led feeling impressible influenceable naive perceptive plastic sensible sensile sentient susceptive trusting wax-like yielding amenable tractable compliant manageable biddable docile manipulable accommodating adaptable governable obedient complaisant cooperative acquiescent submissive controllable persuasible moldable flexible ductile suasible soft accessible meek supple transformable go-with-the-flow bendy easily swayed sympathetic formative approachable agreeable acceptive sharp tender alert open-minded easy well disposed willing open to suggestions like putty in one's hands pushover swayable ready rolls with punches putty in hands like putty in your hands easily persuaded unformed bendable inexperienced submitting convincible obliging pervious giving bending spongy putty lithy encourageable developmental developing tame growing interested friendly welcoming favourable foundational seminal creative immature unassertive humble conformable obsequious dutiful passive workable deferential attuned servile sycophantic broad-minded acceptant awake alive reactive forthcoming aware subdued game bright hospitable favorable well-disposed quick open to new ideas recipient observant law-abiding ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas quick on the uptake unsuspecting unwary respondent active compassionate quick to react acknowledging conscious answering warmhearted warm softhearted passionate kindhearted replying gullable prone inclined given defenceless innocent predisposed nonresistant emotional disposed movable defenseless adjustable dewy-eyed wide-eyed wide open fall for over-trusting thin-skinned easily deceived easily moved sitting duck highly strung over-trustful easily taken in at risk out on a limb easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of quick to respond

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Piously self-assured and smugly moralistic
self-righteous complacent goody-goody holier-than-thou hypocritical pietistic pious sanctimonious self-satisfied smug superior priggish mealy-mouthed moralising moralizing pharisaic pi unctuous canting egotistical haughty hoity-toity noble Pharisaic Pharisaical pompous preachy pretentious supercilious Tartuffian too good to be true moralistic Pecksniffian insincere artificial two-faced false pharisaical religiose sententious phony double deceptive duplicitous hollow dissembling specious fraudulent lying spurious faithless jivey captious unnatural double-dealing smooth-spoken deluding smooth-tongued glib caviling unreliable feigning oily bland smooth snide left-handed fishy assuming prudish phoney prim puritanical starchy unco guid strait-laced cavilling stuffy Victorian prissy old-maidish schoolmistressy schoolmarmish censorious Grundyish churchy judgmental didactic homiletical sermonic homiletic pontifical Janus-faced to keep up appearances narrow-minded stiff tight-laced narrow pedantic vain dishonest squeaky-clean deceiving bigoted preachifying ponderous judgemental simon-pure snobbish high-hat pietistical self-important fake pretended feigned for form's sake backhanded mealy pointed counterfeit mealymouthed jive lip double-faced phoney-baloney phony-baloney dogmatic sermonizing formal sermonising proper mimsy niminy-piminy governessy shockable stick-in-the-mud fuddy-duddy square moral virtuous prim and proper straight-laced nice god-fearing PC puritan politically correct goody two-shoes rigid severe genteel conventional straitlaced straightlaced bluenosed nice-nelly overnice strict austere uptight demure old-maid stern precise fastidious overmodest po-faced square-toed precious goody-two-shoes overscrupulous conservative old-fashioned staid ascetic of the old school forbidding disapproving fanatical spartan hair-shirt epicene namby-pamby abstemious conforming abstinent fussy particular squeamish stilted overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish rigorous finicky illiberal blue-nose spic-and-span polite spruce meticulous straight wooden correct cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling decorous ceremonial nit-picking ceremonious choosy

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Deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing
arch mischievous roguish puckish devilish impish knowing playful sly wicked saucy artful cheeky cunning elfin elvish flippant frolicsome knavish leprechaunish naughty pixie pixieish pixy prankish rascally scampish teasing tongue-in-cheek tricksy waggish coy pert wily sportive ludic elfish whimsical jesting jokey jocular humorous joking facetious espiègle jocose light-hearted in fun in jest raffish rakish witty amusing funny pixilated implike droll comical merry lying fraudulent crooked deceptive comic tricky fiendish chucklesome frivolous bantering lighthearted high-spirited gay jaunty unserious tongue in cheek elven elflike pawky pixie-like foxy pixyish misbehaving mysterious disobedient coquettish fun troublemaking mischief-making flirtatious giddy casual devil-may-care offhand fresh dishonourable underhanded untruthful shifty slick deceiving crafty beguiling underhand sneaky jovial unregenerate scoundrelly reprobate untrustworthy ignoble joshing laughable silly sprightly pleasant wisecracking capering satirical wry free and easy full of mischief for a laugh as a joke good-natured to tease bad depraved immoral dishonest putting one on pulling one's leg not serious shabby deceitful unprincipled unscrupulous shady discreditable despicable contemptible corrupt villainous base scurvy dastardly arrant meaningful suggestive entertaining telling significant dishonorable risible flip glib jolly expressive clowning snappy lively jocund kittenish bubbly gamesome mirthful cheerful joyous spirited blithe enigmatic hip speaking eloquent wise consequential weighty diverting hilarious ridiculous ludicrous farcical wacky absurd rib-tickling sidesplitting zany side-splitting antic campy uproarious hysterical camp riotous sparkling clever killing priceless comedic humoristic hysteric screaming rollicking smart slapstick gleeful daft crazy preposterous scintillating sunny good-humored good-humoured festive frisky quick-witted gelastic blithesome laughing a scream boffo happy inane for grins senseless fatuous eccentric clownish odd nutty bright quirky cheery coltish rich engaging oddball dippy off the wall screwy exuberant cheering sharp-witted daffy perky hysterically funny loony jerky fool goofy light smart-alecky fun-loving keen flakey flaky sharp quick killingly funny smart-aleck zippy peppy wild a laugh a hoot frolic ironic gagged up racy too funny for words full of beans shallow superficial thoughtless ill-considered non-serious nonserious screamingly funny ribald joculous interesting delightful enjoyable quaint off-the-wall a barrel of laughs original novel charming gratifying pleasurable gladdening pleasing ingenious quizzical laffer crack-up riot agreeable gut-busting enchanting piquant epigrammatic cocky sassy inappropriate brilliant wanton skittish highbrowed fanciful snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful nimble-witted cutting quick on the uptake impertinent sarcastic sardonic cut up larky fay sportful frolicky impudent dismissive smarty-pants rude irreverent disrespectful precious cutesy batty goofus fool-headed gump dizzy sportsmanlike gentlemanly fair penetrating piercing intelligent a card a caution breezy mincingly clever lippy cute fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse animated glad buoyant vivacious good considerate sportsmanly decent generous game joyful kooky mad insane madcap upbeat bouncy carefree honest honourable evenhanded just honorable larkish reasonable square weird peculiar unconventional bizarre effervescent chirpy debonair strange avant-garde outlandish