Từ đồng nghĩa của prattling

Alternative for prattling

prattles, prattled, prattling

Từ đồng nghĩa: babble, blab, chatter, jabber,

Danh từ

Prolonged, and typically meaningless, chatter or gossip
yackety-yak chatter prattle babble blather jabber talk blether twaddle yabbering gossip babbling waffle jabbering chat gab yak tattle natter twattle chuntering patter gas gibbering chitchat confab confabulation gabfest conversation waffling blathering blethering discourse jawing yammering yapping yattering chinwagging gabber colloquy chin-wag chit-chat tittle-tattle chitter-chatter rabbiting on small talk nattering chatting wittering claver rambling yakking chattering gabbling gossiping prating talking palaver rap jaw schmooze jangle cackle backchat causerie dialogue clack dialog table talk chin music drivel gibberish tête-à-tête yatter blah-blah blab flannel blah chinwag loquacity tongue-wagging rabbit chewing the fat chewing the rag speaking rabbiting gabbing verbalization utterance rattling on vocalization vocalisation gabble nonsense discussion blabber conference idle talk burble heart-to-heart convo claptrap mumbo jumbo balderdash slobber gibber powwow abracadabra jabberwocky word double-talk crack craic buzz prate rubbish hot air double Dutch hearsay scuttlebutt exchange adda rumor rumour jargon hogwash poppycock bull session bunk pap tete-a-tete bunkum converse ranting gobbledegook report twitter murmur bilge dish guff bull rot malarkey garbage tripe piffle tosh bosh baloney cobblers eyewash hooey blither codswallop moonshine balls tommyrot flapdoodle blatherskite hokum phooey dribble applesauce blarney boloney wack cack blathers havers bushwa muttering idle chat blubbering tattling horsefeathers crapola cod gammon toffee grapevine goss bizzo cry yarn bulldust consultation deliberation scandal stuff and nonsense bull's wool parley speech noise korero informal talk yammer trash verbiage account talkfest trumpery mag clishmaclaver muck silliness hoodoo fiddle-faddle folly foolishness fiddlesticks fudge taradiddle buncombe fiddle hokeypokey stupidity humbug tarradiddle senselessness slush jazz drool nuts punk malarky folderol beans nerts falderal crock news inanity casual conversation dirt meddling back-fence talk dirty laundry earful communication interchange argument debate clamour clamor interlocution ventilation counsel argumentation banter trivial talk gassing give-and-take back-and-forth consult council argy-bargy jive repartee rap session scat raving negotiation parlance remarks flap comment double talk channel of communication exchange of ideas information flow informal conversation chatfest catch up hubbub twittering jibber-jabber foretalk rumors pleasantry pleasantries cackling witter cajolery flummery wheedle flatter pants gen chin prose rapid talk unintelligible talk codology rigmarole newsmongering fireside chat rumours trivial conversation beauty-parlor chitchat light talk polite remark idle chatter bombast ramblings monologue monolog stultiloquence BS foolish talk tea-table talk glib talk incoherent talk all Greek ravings meeting footle baragouin nonsense talk hocus-pocus wild talk one-to-one visit badinage raillery persiflage frothy talk tale defamation dirty linen wire gossipry chronicle dirty wash injury whispering campaign story malicious talk telling tales slander calumny rumormongering clothesline yap communion expression hearing interview altercation intercourse dissertation arbitration questioning mediation remark effusion exchange of views head-to-head conciliation quarrel skull session straight talk pillow talk question and answer session disputation summit canvass discussions review wheeling and dealing verbal exchange observation wrangling encounter information tidings rumourmongering talebearing intelligence whisper duologue intimation advices exuberance announcement whispering hash on dit the latest blow by blow piece of hearsay canard piece of gossip bruit rumble advice gobbledygook sides gushing gush

Động từ

Present participle for talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way
babbling chattering jabbering gabbling pattering twittering prating blathering blethering driveling drivelling cackling gabbing gassing jawing nattering rambling running on waffling blithering gossiping gossipping maundering tittle-tattling blabbering chatting chit-chatting clacking slabbering tattling wittering yapping blabbing bumbling chaffering chinning chuntering conversing drooling gibbering going on kibbitzing kibitzing palavering rabbitting rabbiting rapping rattling rattling away rattling on schmoozing shmoozing sputtering talking visiting yabbering yackety-yakking yakking yattering earbashing rabbiting on twaddling twattling wittering on burbling running off at the mouth yammering shooting the breeze chinwagging chewing the fat chitchatting confabulating communicating clavering shooting the bull speaking having a conversation mumbling powwowing talking nineteen to the dozen muttering engaging in conversation chewing the rag having a chinwag ranting spouting having a confab going on and on gushing talking incoherently murmuring talking at length having a chat talking idly spluttering shooting one's mouth off talking the hind legs off a donkey raving footling dialoging talking incessantly talking a lot slabbering on talking nonsense dishing mouthing rumouring rumoring talking a blue streak flannelling bleating flanneling orating blubbering spieling talking rapidly discoursing talking unintelligibly buzzing clattering babbling on uttering talking rubbish wandering discussing talking foolishly holding forth wagging snitching blowing smoke blathering on spreading rumours circulating rumours spreading gossip spreading stories noising yacking spilling the beans telling tales telling on talking aimlessly rambling on having a talk talking through one's hat drifting socializing socialising bantering twiddling blahing gaggling meandering stumbling verbalizing barking spitting yakety-yakking straying listing paltering swapping gossip boiling confusing piffling verbalising hesitating stuttering bloviating informing talking the hind leg off a donkey tonguing talking nonsensically carrying on talking blurting talking a mile a minute conferring talking trivially running off at mouth going on about talking ten to the dozen boasting bragging humming and hawing reeling off running through talking on and on parleying digressing making small talk talking gibberish talking wildly squealing peaching expatiating amplifying chatting idly speaking to each other discussing things conversating communing having a tete-a-tete talking someone's ear off spreading rumors using exchanging having a discussion articulating droning on harping on talking randomly ranting and raving batting the breeze BSing exchanging views consulting with each other talking out of turn whispering rhapsodizing breaking chanting notifying divulging broaching droning describing soliloquizing intoning rhapsodising drawling expressing oneself giving voice ventriloquizing spreading implying repeating schmoosing suggesting bad-mouthing intimating reporting hinting insinuating wiggle-waggling turning over commenting on giving voice to flapping one's tongue talking one's leg off cutting to pieces telling tales out of school bending one's ear bruiting about telling secrets cutting up spilling grassing leaking sneaking telling tale ratting on giving away spreading rumor blowing the whistle dishing the dirt giving the show away having a big mouth consulting debating interacting networking interfacing touching base deliberating liaising confabbing connecting reaching out negotiating arguing meeting having negotiations contacting keeping in touch counseling counselling linking reasoning intercommunicating having a word holding discussion thrashing out making contact having dealings discussing matters getting in contact establishing contact dealing engaging brainstorming renewing communication having a friendly chat talking tete-a-tete making conversation geting in touch engaging in communication advising treating putting heads together sharing ideas racking brains collaborating cooperating discussing terms making a deal interconnecting corresponding treating with someone trying to reach a compromise holding talks making terms consulting together hammering out a deal discussing a settlement working out a deal confiding colloguing canvassing huddling interviewing relating venting meeting up consulting each other comparing notes replying acquainting joining in conversation carrying on conversation having a meet bickering telephoning phoning e-mailing texting writing mooting going into a huddle ringing up communing with kicking around having at it talking over batting around talking game locking horns hashing over tossing around wrangling over kicking about bandying words batting about having discussions crossing swords bumping heads hashing out dropping a line dropping a note giving a ring getting on the horn associating with giving a call hearing from

Tính từ

Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
garrulous talkative chatty loquacious babbling chattering gossiping gabby gushing long-winded mouthy prating voluble effusive verbose conversational gossipy blathering chattery talky communicative expansive forthcoming gassy jabbering windy big-mouthed blabby motormouthed wittering yacking gobby multiloquent multiloquous blabbermouth bombastic gaseous glib loose-lipped loose-tongued motormouth prosy tonguey wind-bag yakkity yakky flap jaw having kissed the Blarney Stone with the gift of the gab running on at the mouth able to talk the hind legs off a donkey wordy prolix rambling yakking repeating talebearing taletelling gibbering dishing tattling profuse fluent articulate having kissed the blarney stone eloquent open silver-tongued unreserved slick bigmouthed vociferous verbal smooth running on full of hot air blessed with the gift of the gab orotund pleonastic circumlocutory diffuse circuitous lengthy periphrastic protracted tautological indirect blithering driveling gabbling blabbering chitchatting discursive wandering convoluted digressive meandering repetitious logorrheic tortuous redundant magniloquent fustian palaverous flowery grandiloquent rhetorical tautologous pompous tedious involved pretentious repetitive ambagious logorrhoeic full of air drivelling having kissed the Blarney stone colloquial dishy newsy spilling whispering blabbing spilling the beans giving away overlong long-drawn-out prolonged long roundabout maundering interminable vocal turgid boring wearisome drawn-out circumlocutionary expressive inflated extended outgoing dragging dragged out flatulent informative spun out tiresome diffusive marathon lingering sustained time-consuming slow superfluous loose iterative alliterative oblique reiterating uninhibited conversable ponderous sesquipedalian padded lengthened waffly demonstrative desultory loudmouthed full of verbiage elongate elongated spun-out endless leaping digressionary digressional rattling unending copious outspoken enduring devious roaming roving longish excursive free dragged-out lasting informal great seemingly endless delayed intimate running empty oratorical circumlocuitous circumlocutional circumlocutious boastful laborious over-talkative disquisitional vague waffling errant frank very long noisy drivellous plainspoken king-size oversized king-sized episodic communicable enlightening unrestrained uncalled-for reiterative inelegant unneeded unnecessary excessively communicative cooperative helpful obliging candid king size free-spoken random lavish exuberant dull spontaneous personal multieloquent relaxed rhapsodic lyrical familiar everyday ordinary spoken windbag long-lived far long-lasting long-term perissological overextended tardy late boundless dilatory limitless spreading musing erratic broad deviating never-ending for ages forever and a day without end big mouthed all jaw drawn out stretched out remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high far-reaching cogent complicated spread out coherent effortless persuasive illuminating vivid well-versed natural well-spoken facile smooth-spoken complex mellifluous cursive prompt confident mellifluent smooth-tongued quick disputatious self-assured declamatory assured ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy cunning byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult difficult to follow

Từ trái nghĩa của prattling

prattling Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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