Đồng nghĩa của involved

Alternative for involved

Đồng nghĩa: Byzantine, convoluted, knotty, mired, tangled, tortuous,

involves, involved, involving

Đồng nghĩa: absorb, affect, complicate, concern, confound, confuse, encompass, engross, entail, envelop, implicate, include, occupy, tangle,

Tính từ

Complex or complicated in nature
complex complicated elaborate intricate confusing tangled confused convoluted knotty labyrinthine sophisticated bewildering difficult tortuous entangled hard jumbled Byzantine unfathomable baroque byzantine detailed fancy impenetrable involute labyrinthian complicate daedal Gordian high-tech mazy mixed up muddled ramified winding tricky perplexing thorny baffling problematical problematic involuted serpentine puzzling delicate tough awkward ticklish Daedalian troublesome sticky sensitive hairy spiny prickly devious fiddly catchy tricksy touchy obscure dodgy circuitous nasty taxing abstruse interlaced multifaceted enigmatic undecipherable sinuous inextricable trying ambiguous advanced mystifying indirect roundabout controversial recondite cryptic inscrutable crooked vexed uncertain curving twisting gnarly subtle full of twists and turns refined challenging irksome worrying mixed bothersome vexatious multifarious ravelled concerning dicey raveled nuanced precarious meandering critical zigzag nettlesome flexuous anfractuous snaky compound twisted spiraling gyrating wriggly messy difficult to understand mixed-up extensive meticulous thorough maze-like risky drawn-out precise variegated heterogeneous long-drawn-out upsetting insoluble exact bending cumbersome ornate meandrous unanswerable impossible spiralling formidable dense knotted windy nice embarrassing unstable deep curled curvy curved curling crazy incomprehensible confounding rocky paradoxical Daedalean hi-tech volatile mind-bending plotty long-winded scrambled chaotic layered perplexed mazelike inordinate intertwined interwoven labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthal labyrinthiform labyrinthic unpleasant reticular effortful uphill terrible harassing state-of-the-art loaded pluridimensional frustrating bemusing arduous composite compounded miscellaneous multiplex mosaic mingled multiple manifold multiform conglomerate motley insolvable indivisible inseparable meandry severe clever gimmicky new contentious radical problem fiendish touch-and-go like herding cats provocative rococo kittle heated elite demanding emotive divisive scandalous devilish multidimensional unsteady unpredictable uncomfortable inconstant capricious fickle temperamental mercurial chancy dangerous variable changeable wry contorted drastic irreducible hair-trigger can of worms quirky undependable twisty misleading unstraightforward indissoluble impossible to separate very devil of a devil of a particularized painstaking sweeping extreme revolutionary complete lopsided turning looping spiral snaking zigzagging hairsplitting fine fastidious methodical high-level higher-level overlong verbose deceptive lengthy full particular studied laboured perfected careful minute major exquisite top-level cunning perverse serpentiform wrenched twined unintelligible abstract unclear skillful prodigious labored circumstantial skilful imposing gingerbread twisting and turning mind-boggling inexplicable profound well-crafted overworked particularised many-faceted overdone above one's head hard to solve vexing beyond comprehension rambling beyond one's grasp esoteric enigmatical unsolvable hard to explain mysterious hazy mystical thought-provoking opaque over one's head fathomless knurly gnarled coiled braided tortile awry bent wound well-executed well-made difficult to follow blow-by-blow highly wrought high tech pointed echinated briery annoying stimulating iffy distressing disturbing hazardous perilous worrisome questionable uneasy rough dubious grievous disagreeable humiliating dark compromising incommodious unsafe disconcerting cringeworthy discomfiting cringey painful parlous flustering suspect cringe-making high-risk bitter unsettled inconvenient troubled fraught with danger tight dire bleak onerous forbidding grim unchancy treacherous awful punishing shameful tense debatable demeaning degrading barro unsound unfriendly spartan hostile discomposing discountenancing agitating unnerving equivocal shaky moot scratchy operose strenuous toe-curling excruciating exasperating serious fraught open to doubt full of problems beset by problems finicky tender intractable vulnerable discomforting searching penetrating shaming mortifying scary unhealthy wicked jeopardous erratic fluctuant stressful heavy laborious rugged threatening grave eventful incalculable insecure daunting kid-glove ignominious lively disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making disputed unpropitious discommodious distracting discommoding dishonoring inopportune troubling rattling unseemly charged bristly barbed debated contested tickly galling torturous briary thistly brambly irritating dolorous bumpy afflicted doubtful embarrassed undecided undetermined unresolved unconcluded itchy confronting distressed afflictive wearisome untimely sharp spiculate pronged bristled spiniferous spicular spiky aculeate spinous spiked trouble in contention ongoing at issue in dispute causing discomfort ill-fitting dubitable disputable nervous anxious setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose open to question open to debate hot-button suspicious shady fishy queer doubtable nerve-racking restless unsettling creepy disquieting nail-biting distressful nerve-wracking up in the air yet to be decided much debated fractious indecisive open arguable uptight apprehensive emotionally charged up for grabs unhandy unwieldy clunky cumbrous cranky impractical clumsy bunglesome ungainly ponderous unmanageable burdensome lumbersome a devil hard to use

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(in a crime, process, etc) Associated with others, be a participant or make someone be a participant
participant active engaged operating operative running working affiliated with associated with concerned with connected with participating in taking part in operational functional functioning live serviceable opened effective effectual moving alive living going acting potent on efficacious non-passive in force in operation in process rolling in business in play stirring in action up and running exertive non-inert travelling astir traveling flowing pushing movable powerful turning at work progressive simmering in effect in use current in working order usable at play efficient valid useful workable binding present viable around dynamic actual influential practical existing in order existent in service productive extant persisting ongoing contemporary remaining continuing applicable surviving abiding successful strong practicable capable valuable helpful standing beneficial indicative competent adequate legitimate lawful official legal real prepared ready fruitful constructive worthwhile open licit advantageous in existence of assistance of help of use in gear in execution in commission signed and sealed legally binding rushing producing prevalent handy occupational utile available purposeful fit high-functioning well-functioning on-going hot on the statute book on line going on on track good on the map on the agenda trading in full swing on the job on fire ready for action able to function forceful decisive conclusive telling determinative sound forcible virtual requisite enough suitable near imminent looming essential impending in the market accessible employable open for business open to the public about implicit formal ticking awake developing subsisting vigorous alert on the move in motion in working condition virtuous energetic puissant

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To be heavily engrossed or immersed in a given task
engrossed absorbed immersed consumed interested preoccupied rapt busy with caught up engaged riveted by focused on gripped by intent on up to one's ears in occupied enthralled captivated intent gripped riveted deep fascinated wrapped up mesmerized focused mesmerised intrigued attentive focussed lost entranced spellbound held observant beguiled enchanted submerged hypnotized abstracted hypnotised hung up head over heels gone charmed hooked bewitched busy enraptured all ears enamored taken up up to your ears really into enamoured up to here fixed concentrating into infatuated transfixed transported enrapt bound-up preoccupied by captivated by enticed turned on tied up all wound up delighted thrilled sent intoxicated locked in dialed in absent-minded caught up in hooked on eat sleep and breathe in a brown study up to your eyes up to your elbows entangled sunk fixated buried connected bound up deep in thought ignorant distracted knee-deep rapturous ecstatic absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady smitten tickled laughing smiling pleased entertained blissful ravished earnest steady concentrated absent joyful inattentive carried away taken dreaming overwhelmed content happy blissed out daydreaming employed wrapped unconscious oblivious watchful diverted dazzled excited overpowered very interested aroused tantalized attracted seduced titillated intense steadfast studious tantalised settled enthusiastic alert pleasantly occupied fond of in love with extremely curious sold on under a spell very inquisitive stuck on highly interested extremely interested very curious amused set on deep in pleasurably entertained sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized industrious bugged engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in hypnotized by fixated by heavily into fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by taken up with up to here in set steeped centered centred enfolded committed obsessive determined bent resolute resolved fanatical obsessed firm eager inflexible insistent impatient pensive heedless unaware faraway brooding single-minded hell-bent worried thoughtful wrapped-up mooning woolgathering anxious asleep distant far away airheaded removed forgetful in a world of your own moony elsewhere immersed in thought inconscient lost in thought bemused

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Unintelligible or hard to understand
incomprehensible unintelligible impenetrable unfathomable inexplicable inscrutable esoteric obscure opaque unclear complex confusing cryptic enigmatic abstruse arcane complicated puzzling baffling perplexing inconceivable intricate mystifying recondite unaccountable wildering bewildering incognizable mysterious unknowable fathomless unimaginable sibylline ungraspable Delphic Greek beyond comprehension beyond one beyond one's grasp clear as mud impossible to understand over one's head above your head all Greek to someone beats me beyond your grasp double Dutch too difficult to understand too hard to understand all Greek to you difficult hard deep abstract ambiguous labyrinthine profound occult difficult to understand convoluted surprising secret paradoxical hermetic hermetical mystic knotty oracular mystical heavy Byzantine little known hard to understand hidden rarefied cabbalistic bamboozling dark vague subtle disconcerting strange oblique involuted acroamatic orphic cabalistic disorienting secretive Greek to me befuddling confounding clear as dishwater private inner inaccessible challenging tough intense hypermetric beyond you magical hard to follow full of surprises amazing dense involute hazy inconsistent contradictory stunning astonishing staggering eye-popping recherché misleading muddling Daedalian Gordian stupefying astounding blurring unsettling elliptical above one's head muddlesome mistakable enigmatical uninterpretable riddling murky elliptic nebulous unexplained coded fuliginous insoluble illegible technical incredible indecisive illogical far-out double-edged as clear as mud not easily understood weird thorny taxing odd funny peculiar concealed worrying mind-bending ticklish scholarly little-known pedantic academic out-of-the-way Alexandrian spiny

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(rare) Passionate and intensely comfortable
happy passionate absorbed obsessed engaged engrossed fixated ardent crazy fervent fervid feverish hung up knee-deep occupied preoccupied concerned distracted fanatical full hooked impassioned nuts prepossessed dotty consumed immersed captivated infatuated really into riveted lost keen focused focussed gripped besotted enthralled buried fascinated smitten spellbound intrigued intent devoted deep rapt busy mesmerized interested engrossed in taken up preoccupied with head over heels caught up dialed in wrapped up sunk in hypnotized nuts about preoccupied by absorbed in intense focused on up to your ears hypnotised intent on single-minded locked in caught up in stuck on up to here eat sleep and breathe wild on wound up hooked on mesmerised dedicated to wrapped up in monomaniacal enthusiastic about queer single-minded about interested in turned on gone on into dotty about deep in thought heavily into hung up on taken over tied up involved in devoted to hell-bent immersed in potty about obsessive about possessed by crazy about up to here in passionate about having a one-track mind bewitched enamored enamoured taken mad possessed enthusiastic charmed lovesick beguiled head over heels in love enchanted attracted enraptured entranced frenzied keen on mad about crazed wild eager violent frenetic raving seduced intoxicated fond zealous obsessed with infatuated with in love love-struck taken with twitterpated by bewitched by smitten with enchanted by charmed by beguiled by wild about captivated by wackadoodle wackadoo extreme berserk curious gripped by inflamed over-enthusiastic moved dedicated besotted with potty attentive bigoted drawn agog gung-ho excited enticed inquisitive silly caught predisposed affected insane perfervid biased stimulated rabid sold impressed roused gaga enamored of inspired touched addicted lured inspirited gone enthralled by struck on addicted to nutty fascinated by sweet on love-struck by in love with carrying a torch for consumed with desire for swept off your feet bowled over by very attracted to hypnotized by enamoured of head over heels in love with greatly enamoured of amorous sold on mad on loving attached taken up with fanatical about paranoid neurotic giddy in the grip of very keen very enthusiastic maddened demented earnest enquiring snoopy beady-eyed nosy responsive carried away open awakened struck fired sympathetic all ears on the case inquiring burning with curiosity hopelessly in love swept off one's feet by under a spell turned on by far gone on under the spell of enraptured by out of one's mind fixated by riveted by attached to mesmerized by attracted to using hungry for obsessive eager for partial to fond of intrigued by wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit immoderate extremist frantic intolerant uncompromising maniacal furious compulsive burning overzealous diehard visionary prejudiced raging fierce one-sided irrational unreasonable partisan ferocious illiberal delirious passional overenthusiastic infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded intemperate berko fiery incorrigible credulous impulsive willful erratic opinionated unruly partial stubborn fanatic obstinate bugged headstrong contumacious domineering mad-dog ultraist diseased deranged freaked out corybantic sizzling bitten overboard sick unwell militant virulent infected flipped naked ill poisoned smoking nuts for high on doting lovestruck bowled over doting on under someone's spell very keen on ensorcelled by hopelessly in love with very taken with

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Involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
inflated grandiloquent bombastic rhetorical flowery magniloquent pompous pretentious florid oratorical ornate orotund fustian verbose highfalutin turgid grandiose overripe euphuistic purple affected overwrought elaborate aureate wordy extravagant overdone declamatory lofty prolix ostentatious fancy showy fussy ranting ornamented puffed complex complicated decorated detailed hyperbolic excessive exalted overestimated rhapsodical high-flown la-di-da overblown high-sounding windy tumid pleonastic rhetoric flatulent Ossianic sonorous convoluted long-winded flamboyant strained laboured hifalutin magnific hyperventilated labored periphrastic stilted arty-farty gassy gaseous over-elaborate diffuse tedious swollen fulsome baroque rambling voluble redundant circumlocutory circuitous theatrical discursive garrulous tautological histrionic loquacious lengthy palaverous exaggerated sesquipedalian haughty repetitious logorrheic eloquent tortuous gabby chatty boastful ponderous pedantic self-important portentous dramatic grand-sounding figurative stagy tumescent protracted long-drawn-out fluent elocutionary big-talking windbag rococo Ciceronian embellished ornamental epideictic talkative talky ambagious Demosthenic Demosthenean silver-tongued imposing big mannered actorly curlicued roundabout high over-the-top egotistic rotund wedding-cake busy gingerbread meandering braggart Falstaffian boasting bragging bold prim high-falutin solemn Miltonian epic Homeric very elaborate elegant tiresome high-minded snobbish pontifical wandering indirect empty overlong prolonged oratorial overinflated tall decorative garnished rich luscious euphemistic euphistic tall-talking blathering blustering circumlocutionary arty overelaborate high-wrought stodgy booming melodramatic arresting formal flashy rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash shallow superficial breezy stuffy verbal linguistic digressive maundering serious arrogant grave stylistic waffly highly decorated stuffed shirt contrived glib mouthy vocal grand effusive articulate logorrhoeic full of hot air superfluous fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian full of verbiage iterative erudite scholarly bombast heroic long overwritten puffed-up majestic impressive vast monumental elevated lexiphanic overheated splendid yellow brilliant golden learned effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly over the top over-embellished over-ornate overworked gingerbreaded bedizened overdecorated gingerbready overornate excessively ornate overembellished flattering well-spoken smooth-talking prattling expansive prating jabbering babbling gushing yakking multiloquent big-mouthed multiloquous gobby wittering tautologous repeating yacking repetitive full of air with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone

Tính từ

Connected with something or another person
joined bound fixed together hinged linked married merged tied twinned united yoked accompanying affiliated affixed allied amalgamated associated attached banded blended bracketed cemented combined confederated conjoined conjugated connected coupled entwined federated fused hitched interlaced intermixed intertwined mingled mixed paired related touching unified wedded welded akin cognate inseparable interallied interclasped interdependent interfused put together stuck together syndicated integrated leagued interconnected incorporated correlated in alliance in league in partnership consolidated cohesive banded together undivided confederate pooled kindred one federal cooperative collective assimilated included joined up organized homogeneous concatenated homogenized wed hardwired cooperating homogenised partnered organised composite compound together tied in concurrent interrelated attendant concomitant fixed belonging concerted in communication in correspondence in association in proximity in liaison aggregate affiliate a unit solid unitary coadunate acquainted partner associate corporate unionised unionized assembled spliced undividable indissoluble jointed fellow twin joined together hooked up sister coherent meshed interspersed joined in marriage in contact united in wedlock mutually dependent unsplittable impenetrable permanent unbreakable interlocked segmented flexible articulate bending modular articulated indivisible similar joint that bends equivalent comparable like parallel corresponding homologous analogous aligned connate friendly agnate incident in cahoots hand in glove

Tính từ

Busy or occupied with business or activities

Tính từ

Hard-working, determined and diligent
industrious diligent conscientious tireless assiduous hardworking indefatigable sedulous determined persevering zealous driven persistent pertinacious unflagging untiring eager steady studious intent operose purposeful hard-working ball of fire with one's nose to the grindstone with one's shoulder to the wheel laborious painstaking attentive careful meticulous thorough punctilious rigorous particular scrupulous busy active bustling searching fussy close minute exacting strict religious accurate heedful engaged employed working ultra-careful elaborate dedicated correct tied-up hopping occupied constant exact earnest plugging pedantic loving faithful eager beaver demanding swotty committed dogged tenacious steadfast unrelenting persisting punctual regardful thoroughgoing fastidious nice strenuous finicky methodical picky persnickety by the numbers by the book unremitting keen watchful concentrating listening circumstantial unwearied conscionable fussbudget stickler grinding whiz arduous hard reliable tough complete dependable upright precise playing safe hanging in hanging tough deliberate orderly provident exhaustive judicious walking on eggs thoughtful circumspect intensive full cautious solid concerned prim observant minding p's and q's heart and soul into selfdisciplined chary discreet pernickety perfectionist in-depth going to great lengths slogging plodding detailed alert focused deep nitpicking focussed absorbed engrossed concentrated fixed preoccupied enrapt mathematical intense finical immersed proper overnice rapt hair-splitting wrapped up delicate fine pinpoint microscopic hairline refined right stickling duteous spot-on white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's nit-picky comprehensive authoritative firm exclusive single-minded whole entire undivided all well researched scholarly fixated resolved inflexible stiff stiff-necked ceremonious stilted formal decorous starchy obsessive fanatical obsessed enthralled fascinated overconscientious overscrupulous polite civil seemly formalistic courteous conventional strong-minded motivated resolute gone transfixed lost riveted gripped consumed intrigued captivated mesmerized well informed well argued well reasoned entranced enraptured held hypnotized enchanted enamored infatuated bewitched right on good eye settled enthusiastic spellbound enticed enamoured mesmerised hypnotised set on deep in really into head over heels caught up locked in hooked on dialed in mindful vigilant aware percipient perceptive heeding acute noticing interested awake tentie tenty reckful on the ball on the job on one's toes open-eyed beady-eyed wide awake on the qui vive on your toes on guard paying attention wide-awake listening carefully Argus-eyed on the lookout not missing a trick

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Slow or complicated and therefore inefficient
cumbersome inefficient complex complicated unwieldy wasteful slow slow-moving badly organized elaborate convoluted tangled labyrinthine knotty intricate difficult sophisticated detailed perplexing fancy involute puzzling thorny baroque abstruse impenetrable tortuous confused daedal tricky bewildering labyrinthian confusing baffling byzantine obscure serpentine hard fiddly cryptic entangled involuted unfathomable undecipherable inscrutable enigmatic recondite dense jumbled knotted mixed interlaced Byzantine Daedalian Gordian hi-tech difficult to understand Daedalean full of twists and turns ravelled circuitous winding sinuous twisted ornate complicate heterogeneous nuanced muddled multifarious rococo multifaceted variegated raveled long-drawn-out high-tech mixed up can of worms maze-like drawn-out unproductive awkward weak uneconomical purposeless unsystematic profligate deficient badly arranged time-wasting tough problematical problematic troublesome arduous delicate incomprehensible ticklish mysterious mystifying sticky sensitive deep spiny prickly hairy profound touchy esoteric catchy tricksy inexplicable dodgy taxing confounding arcane opaque unaccountable controversial nasty unclear beyond one ambiguous wildering hidden abstract worrying heavy challenging occult paradoxical subtle advanced mazy inextricable trying dark chaotic formidable dicey hard to understand uncertain precarious vexed mystic mind-bending befuddling mystical Delphic gnarly devious disconcerting cabalistic messy secret serious concealed risky irksome demanding bothersome cabbalistic vexatious meticulous hermetic hermetical surprising concerning fathomless critical painstaking emotive extensive nettlesome volatile over one's head little known beyond comprehension enigmatical thorough manifold mixed-up compound ramified particular misleading labored refined insoluble unintelligible intense strenuous unanswerable rarefied minute many-faceted embarrassing dainty nice laboured disorienting exact upsetting uncanny acroamatic orphic impossible dangerous unstable unpredictable uncomfortable insolvable careful precise rocky pedantic sibylline secretive hazy bamboozling oracular recherché unsolvable fine clear as mud above one's head out of one's depth long-winded plotty layered scrambled inordinate weird strange unintuitive private state-of-the-art perplexed amazing mazelike searching penetrating radical peculiar odd funny intertwined interwoven loaded vague stunning astonishing eye-popping staggering inner uphill terrible reticular effortful weighty murky unpleasant labyrinthial labyrinthical labyrinthiform labyrinthic labyrinthal bemusing frustrating new clever gimmicky hypermetric pluridimensional contradictory inconsistent daunting harassing ungraspable stupefying astounding magical miscellaneous multiplex mosaic multiple multiform conglomerate motley composite compounded mingled indivisible inseparable tender contentious severe drastic disarranged disorganized muddling impossible to understand indiscernible fiendish roundabout indirect like herding cats provocative untold operose problem heated complete sweeping extreme revolutionary incognizable indecipherable sphinxlike unknowable oblique kid-glove Greek to me varied disordered full of surprises beyond you blurring unsettling echinated briery annoying stimulating pointed elite divisive scandalous veiled kittle inaccessible as clear as mud unsteady clear as dishwater multidimensional muddlesome mistakable major clandestine unstraightforward hard to follow shadowy devilish disorganised capricious temperamental mercurial chancy changeable kaleidoscopic inconstant fickle variable covert shrouded verbose lengthy overlong deceptive irreducible hair-trigger high-level higher-level particularized perverse cunning indissoluble impossible to separate devil of a very devil of a clouded cloaked full studied finical fussbudgety choosy finicking choosey picky old-maidish exacting pernickety fussy fastidious finicky perfected unrevealed top-level mind-boggling onerous fierce concentrated intensive grievous stormy te intolerable rough oppressive laborious harsh solemn grave nebulous anagogic cloak-and-dagger black circumstantial skilful imposing skillful prodigious gingerbread vexing rambling thought-provoking difficult to follow hard to solve hard to explain beyond one's grasp overdone overworked particularised touch-and-go little-known Alexandrian scholarly academic out-of-the-way blow-by-blow high tech highly wrought heightened undependable quirky nitpicking persnickety punctilious

Tính từ

Abounding in words, containing more words than necessary
verbose circuitous circumlocutory diffuse garrulous long-winded orotund pleonastic prolix voluble windy wordy babbling blathering expansive gushing jabbering lengthy prating prattling indirect periphrastic protracted rambling tautological convoluted digressive discursive meandering mouthy wandering big-mouthed effusive gabby gassy gobby logorrheic loquacious multiloquent multiloquous redundant repetitious talkative talky tortuous wittering yakking ambagious bombastic flowery fustian grandiloquent logorrhoeic magniloquent palaverous pompous pretentious repeating repetitive rhetorical tautologous tedious yacking full of air having kissed the Blarney stone with the gift of the gab chatty gossipy conversational overlong communicative long-drawn-out prolonged chattering long roundabout maundering forthcoming glib motormouthed interminable blabby vocal turgid loose-lipped boring wearisome drawn-out gossiping chattery circumlocutionary fluent expressive inflated extended articulate open outgoing eloquent profuse verbal able to talk the hind legs off a donkey dragging dragged out flatulent informative spun out tiresome unreserved diffusive marathon slick smooth lingering sustained time-consuming gibbering slow superfluous full of hot air loose iterative alliterative oblique reiterating uninhibited having kissed the blarney stone conversable ponderous sesquipedalian padded lengthened waffly demonstrative prosy gaseous desultory loudmouthed full of verbiage elongate elongated silver-tongued spun-out endless leaping digressionary digressional rattling unending copious outspoken enduring devious roaming roving longish excursive free motormouth dragged-out lasting informal great seemingly endless delayed having kissed the Blarney Stone intimate running empty oratorical circumlocuitous circumlocutional circumlocutious boastful laborious over-talkative disquisitional vague waffling errant frank very long noisy drivellous plainspoken king-size oversized king-sized episodic communicable enlightening unrestrained uncalled-for reiterative inelegant unneeded unnecessary excessively communicative cooperative helpful obliging candid bigmouthed vociferous newsy tonguey loose-tongued blabbermouth yakkity wind-bag yakky king size free-spoken random lavish exuberant dull spontaneous personal multieloquent relaxed running on flap jaw rhapsodic lyrical familiar everyday ordinary spoken windbag running on at the mouth blessed with the gift of the gab long-lived far long-lasting long-term perissological overextended tardy late boundless dilatory limitless spreading musing erratic broad deviating never-ending for ages forever and a day without end big mouthed all jaw drawn out stretched out remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high far-reaching cogent complicated spread out coherent effortless persuasive illuminating vivid well-versed natural well-spoken facile smooth-spoken complex mellifluous cursive prompt confident mellifluent smooth-tongued quick disputatious self-assured declamatory assured ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy cunning byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult difficult to follow

Tính từ

Suggested without being stated directly
implied implicit tacit unspoken suggested unexpressed indirect insinuated undeclared deducible hinted inherent unstated inferred oblique silent unacknowledged understood unsaid unvoiced wordless adumbrated allusive assumed connoted constructive figured foreshadowed hidden indicated indicative inferential intended latent lurking meant occult parallel perceptible potential significative signified symbolised symbolized unuttered veiled hinted at alluded to not spelt out tacitly assumed taken as read taken for granted inarticulate complete total wholehearted firm steadfast full fixed unreserved contained entire constant unqualified unshakable unhesitating accurate unquestioned inevitable implicative certain definite virtual practical unmentioned mute unpronounced voiceless unavowed unarticulated intimated unfaltering unquestioning unconditional absolute undoubting left to the imagination suppressed unrevealed inexpressible nameless indescribable aphonic not said not put into words secret untold untalked-of unwavering unknown confident forthright rapid swift prompt silenced resolute unswerving repressed concealed obedient unthinking automatic agreed presumed accepted unwritten undisclosed undivulged invoiced appreciated known pat shrouded referential masked underlying on to axiomatic roger wise to down pat suggestive under wraps impressionistic connotative remindful evocative dumb speechless unspecified soundless unvocalized unsounded unpublished unrelated unrecounted unverbalized private unreported unnarrated

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Existing but not yet developed or manifest
latent dormant concealed hidden invisible lurking inherent quiescent undeveloped unseen veiled immanent secret undiscovered unexpressed unrealized unrevealed untapped imperceptible inactive indiscernible inert inoperative unapparent masked unfulfilled unused covert idle inchoate innermost repressed sleeping subconscious suppressed unacknowledged underlying abeyant buried contained dead embryonic fallow immature implied inferential inferred intrinsic passive potential smouldering smoldering suspended tacit torpid unconscious underdeveloped unexposed unripe vestigial free likely off possible rudimentary vacant at rest in abeyance not activated on the shelf out of commission implicit undeclared unreserved unspoken understood unsaid constructive unuttered taken for granted complete total wholehearted firm steadfast full fixed entire constant unqualified unshakable unhesitating accurate inevitable implicative inarticulate definite virtual practical unquestioned certain quiet covered camouflaged still screened unfaltering unquestioning disguised unconditional absolute shrouded wordless unemployed undoubting undisclosed bottled up under wraps deep prepatent subliminal motionless undetectable silent suggested resting indirect immobile deducible unmoving hinted unoccupied imperceivable cloaked mothballed surreptitious stationary clouded undercover eclipsed undetected not in use out of use hinted at not visible out of sight in the dark out of view unwavering unidentified unbeknown unknown forthright rapid swift prompt confident lost covered up unbeknownst unrecognized resolute relapsing retreating lowering receding regressive ebbing declining falling unrecognised unswerving inbuilt obedient unthinking automatic larvate cryptic incognito cabalistic ingrained fundamental incorporated disused prospective inner future not operating ticking over undivulged probable budding inmost gathering dust unutilized no longer in use fallen into disuse mental recessive unexploited conceivable developing imaginable not made use of untried obscured inconspicuous going begging not in service unspoilt non-functioning in the making unseeable unnoticeable sluggish unnoticed indistinguishable unobserved disengaged restrained unobtrusive discreet indistinct lethargic serene peaceful smooth nonexistent obscure unperceivable shadowy inappreciable stopped static stifled intangible unobservable ghostly insensible perdu impalpable ethereal vaporous imaginary not in view not in sight unviewable imponderable gaseous impossible to detect deactivated slumbering undisturbed stagnant calm sleepy asleep placid tranquil dull turned off on hold low-key in holding pattern insinuated smothered muffled unstated gentle unruffled unagitated lifeless inhibited oblique unvoiced not obvious withheld sheltered pent up bottled-up blocked held back curbed held in allusive adumbrated occult indicative signified figured symbolized foreshadowed significative assumed indicated perceptible meant connoted parallel intended snug tect underground symbolised kept in check not spelt out alluded to taken as read tacitly assumed not on view

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(of a place or atmosphere) Full of life, spirit, energy, or movement
lively busy bustling buzzing vibrant animated astir boisterous hectic stirring active alive festive happening hopping humming abuzz crowded energetic flourishing rousing swarming teeming thriving thronging aboil abubble brisk buzzy eventful jolly kinetic entertaining heaving jumping moving like Piccadilly Circus full of life full of commotion full of go spirited bubbly exciting chaotic vivacious frantic frenzied full frenetic wild furious effervescent pulsating dynamic vibrating zestful bouncy peppy turbulent restless zoolike flustering riotous tumultuous madhouse throbbing energized thronged rushing droning whining whirring purring energised pizazzy pizzazzy well-trodden hustling hurried afoot go-go electrifying merry zesty full of activity live congested on the go on the move up and about in motion well-trafficked heated feverish vital alert vigorous excited sprightly eager spry perky chirpy flurrying fevered strenuous ebullient awake enthusiastic buoyant exuberant quick cheerful chipper sparkling sparky peart rumbustious overactive hyperactive overwrought agitated manic jungle fervid hassle confused wooly unsettled rip-roaring disordered burning nutsy woolly very active keyed up very busy bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bright and breezy exacting tiring fast and furious in a lather tough challenging hard demanding arduous full of beans hell broke loose full of vim and vigour laborious exhausting unsparing testing trying harsh severe taxing going strong still going strong burdensome tireless imperious onerous action-packed rowdy full on bumpy raucous unruly wearing

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Over-concerned with procedure at the expense of efficiency or common sense

Động từ

To have involved or engaged in deeply
lost immersed engaged absorbed absorpt engrossed consumed enmeshed obsessed occupied threw affected assimilated connected enraptured enthralled hooked mired preoccupied interested fascinated busied gripped caught up intrigued enwrapped bemused implicated embroiled captivated held beguiled rivetted riveted distracted entangled mesmerized arrested diverted ensnared mesmerised enchanted charmed attracted amused entertained spellbound bewitched employed grabbed hypnotized holden embrangled snared pleased caught bogged down concerned mixed up hypnotised lured bedazzled incriminated broiled entranced entrapped engulfed monopolized monopolised pulled captured trapped piqued drew transfixed tangled buried kept busy held the attention of tied up tempted drawn titillated excited tantalized netted moved tantalised held one's attention delighted committed entoiled meshed thrown enticed immeshed fixed fixt fixated allured filled ensnarled inspired enamored wrapped wrapt soaked attended bound set back made party to dragged into knocked dead boxed in appealed to touched aroused perked up mattered to turned on sat up aroused one's curiosity taken up engaged one's attention lit someone's fire tickled someone's fancy whetted one's appetite drawn in caught one's eye drew in took up floated someone's boat captured one's imagination won devoted cheered impressed bothered deceived seduced tricked regaled plunged snarled gained seized dazzled enveloped bagged transported raptured disported solaced influenced associated enamoured magnetized troubled landed inveigled recreated overwhelmed intertwined wowed got lost in hung up gratified drowned led on made merry held your attention become lost sucked in clung participated grabbed the attention of linked setted a trap for kept amused tickled clinged detained held in awe inspirited sticked wrapped up engrossed oneself tickled one's fancy bounden roped in invited enlisted tickled pink gladdened hogged applied cracked up enlivened entailed comforted used up humoured slayed tickled your fancy ecstasized laid for magnetised stuck cornered satisfied knocked out won over elated indulged reeled in lost oneself in betrapped swamped imputed stimulated floundered held spellbound upped on concentrated tangled up caught hold of humored muddled relaxed inculpated benetted held attention aroused the curiosity of aroused curiosity given pleasure to slain gave pleasure to slew became lost sewed up sewn up thrown yourself into threw yourself into absorbed yourself in threw oneself into thrown oneself into sunken sank sunk

Động từ

(led to) To have culminated or resulted in a particular event or consequence
led caused brought on brought about gave rise to produced effected created engendered generated triggered promoted advanced precipitated prompted contributed to furthered hastened accelerated initiated provoked quickened occasioned pushed forward expedited sped up speeded up induced stirred up sparked off stimulated helped set off added to called forth spurred instigated begat begot set in motion put in motion touched off triggered off drove contributed fomented made happen risked aroused elicited brought to pass catalyzed entailed had a hand in necessitated effectuated ended in had a part in invited roused conduced to cultivated excited fostered incited catalysed conduced enkindled culminated in evoked finished in terminated in redounded to cost given rise to led to begotten implanted planted lodged druv drave driven meaned meant made to happen spelled affected brought resulted brought out made possible added up to costed leaded holpen holp amounted to sown sowed drew out drawn out inspired encouraged moved whipped up stirred goaded motivated urged kindled impelled sparked inflamed activated animated pushed prodded influenced fired up galvanized egged on made persuaded worked up galvanised actuated agitated pressed put up to inspirited prest abetted compelled propelled spurred on raised awakened piqued started fermented set on fired coerced impassioned inclined swayed whetted bred energized brewed rallied enticed pricked nudged set instilled got wakened energised enlivened convinced forced picked invigorated revved up electrified pressured impressed exhorted envigorated prevailed on invoked tempted fueled fuelled set going hounded coaxed dragooned revived inveigled vivified wrought worked pressurized incentivized exhilarated fanned disposed pepped up keyed up fired the imagination of talked into pressurised lit a fire under enthused emboldened cajoled ignited vitalized increased procured spawned predisposed yielded touched converted bestirred challenged whipped kick-started hatched obliged translated into set afoot set up won over prevailed upon brought around sicced fanned the flames of gotten gat made for mobilized mobilised badgered drummed up conditioned developt developed riled forwarded heartened began begun thrilled steeled harassed filliped wheedled bullied intensified waked determined titillated needled turned on sounded brought forth fired the enthusiasm of introduced improved stoked up drew strengthened brought round gotten going got going nurtured disturbed nursed refreshed played a part in awaked braced spiked yolden yold advised primed livened up asked achieved originated played a role in hassled charged wound up pumped up jump-started realized realised solicited drawn revivified struck gingered up cheered up set on foot twisted someone's arm zipped up leaned on talked someone into psyched caused to happen worked into lather put a bomb under rowelled agitated for made waves fed the fire crazed summoned up brought off geed up jazzed up actualized amped up put pressure on sold one on commoved put someone up to something exalted put the heat on waked up put the screws on brought into being juiced up contrived put into action brought back innervated caused to occur innerved roweled sweet-talked set astir fired with enthusiasm started off put in place set in beared sent bucked up livened stung biased biassed sowed the seeds of woke woken directed gave impressed on made willing paid off drew forth oriented drawn forth honed refined prevailed corrupted imposed on assisted aided boosted bribed had roiled nourished revitalized begged gladdened bolstered enjoined pleaded pled whomped up reinforced besought implored admonished adjured entreated beseeched reawakened startled exacerbated angered launched fortified resuscitated incensed irked served gained satisfied warmed wooed succoured awoken awoke lured sold constrained requested appealed insisted reanimated chivvied reactivated infused commenced imbued intrigued conceived accomplished teased established pleased enriched vexed reasoned counseled vext grilled counselled nagged manoeuvred jumpstarted sanctioned maneuvered summoned educed steered approved reinvigorated sown the seeds of empowered impacted uplifted organised tickled attained engineered opened the door for tantalized organized endowed lit up enlisted propagandized proselytized proposed exercised given propagated stricken reignited rekindled mustered charged up gained confidence of acted upon countenanced started up magnified reassured were responsible for pushed for brought to life psyched up maddened mounted heightened boosted up juiced exerted influence on deepened called on got to had as a consequence cajoled into predetermined worked over added fuel to the flames got up steamed up was responsible for wheedled into turned on to breathed new life into expanded prodded someone into drawn on brainwashed recalled called down proved to taunted spooked cheered on called stirred embers jogged memory coaxed into beghasted steamrolled twisted one's arm railroaded into dispatched wheedled someone into prodded into bulldozed into revitalised resurrected propagandised tantalised infected woken up redoubled lashed reminded switched on pulled off shook up sprung bugged proselytised built up brought to senses rooted on suggested to worked on woke up carried through converted to commended mustered up jolted rationalized drew on got someone going rousted made alive fanned the fire proselyted led to do paved the way for insisted on been responsible for sucked in oiled the wheels of made wild extended called to mind vivificated shaken up carried off suborned buoyed up cranked up run soft-soaped conjured cheered pressurized someone into caused to appear hinted to enhanced called into being pleaded with incentified breathed life into succored reasoned someone into buoyed caused to believe won argument had the effect of rationalised used pressure on tried to persuade agitated against spirited up elated heated up caused to be suscitated pressured someone into informed fanned the flames got round bore het up conjured up caused to become endued led to believe chirked up borne squeezed intensated pressed someone into alerted smooth-talked argued into bulldozed carried crowded called up asked for it had as a result did done was a factor in been a factor in were a factor in drove on driven on appealed to gave life to given life to added fuel drew in drawn in gotten up sprang grew grown ran added fuel to fire worn down wore down gave a leg up given a leg up sown the seeds sowed the seeds shaken shook ridden herd on rode herd on gotten to given one an idea gave one an idea borne up given impetus bore up gave impetus gave incentive to given incentive to given incentive gave incentive been partly responsible for was partly responsible for were partly responsible for gave new life to gave a buzz given a buzz given new life to gave birth to given birth to

Động từ

Past tense for to be relevant or important to
concerned affected implicated occasioned touched covered encompassed entailed impacted included referenced embroiled enmeshed entangled appertained to applied to born on bore upon born upon borne upon concerned itself with dealt with went into gone into went over gone over had a bearing on impacted on looked into pertained to referred to related to touched on delved into had relevance for had to do with pointed to had something to do with regarded had relevance to applied had reference to appertained related pertained referred connected with addrest addressed interested belonged to treated beared had an impact on fit canvased contended with connected discussed examined scrutinized told of reviewed analysed reported on analyzed studied explored documented detailed talked about bore borne tackled belonged deliberated on investigated provided details of probed recounted expounded on alluded fitted suited touched upon sifted through inquired about scrutinised embodied talked through debated conferred on described informed of comprised of dug into commented on explained depicted brought up joined befitted associated combined vested corresponded with pointed at corresponded to inhered with had a relation to had a reference to connected to centered upon had a connection to had an effect on given details of gave details of gave a rundown of gave details on gave the facts on given a rundown of looked at given details on gave an account of given the facts on given an account of took on taken on spoke about spoken about took in taken in accounted for attended to enquired into

Động từ

Past tense for to cover or wrap around tightly or closely
enveloped enclosed encompassed enshrouded shrouded wrapped wrapt embraced enfolded enwrapped veiled circumfused cocooned enswathed inclosed invested swathed bosomed bowered embosomed embowered lapped mantled muffled covered surrounded cloaked swaddled encased folded sheathed draped wrapped up masked winded wound encircled overspread bundled up hid concealed overlayed overlaid infolded clad clothed protected blanketed entwined screened engulfed bound obscured bandaged cradled immersed obnubilated girdled covered up rolled hidden rolled up shut in overlay clasped clutched clouded disguised padded curtained squeezed captivated consumed gathered bounden bedecked hugged cuddled furled circled shielded twisted turned palled paved shingled imbricated trussed cosseted wrapped around grabbed prest pressed camouflaged twined clinched absorbed absorpt sheltered cinched fenced hemmed girt guarded cooped contained girded superimposed packaged bundled inwrapped packed muffled up locked gift-wrapped taken took locken coated carpeted blotted out topped sheeted crowned capped suppressed overcast spread occulted belied blocked out papered over eclipsed buried secreted overlain extended over kept out of sight surfaced laminated veneered glazed smeared shadowed inlaid varnished plastered plated faced washed bedaubed daubed submerged dimmed shaded befogged encrusted hazed fogged beclouded darkened overclouded bedimmed adumbrated dislimned misted blurred overshadowed ensconced bleared blackened cached obfuscated kept hidden spread over put over cast a shadow over put out of sight put in a hole layered painted obstructed blocked caked canopied filmed adorned ornamented overlapped besmeared suffused crested overtopped obliterated dipped brushed enamelled stained applied foiled smothered crusted enameled incrusted pettifogged hindered stowed planted blinded murked benighted stashed bemisted stonewalled fronted bearded fuzzed up stopped surmounted extinguished tucked away plugged tipped dressed up finished blanked out

Động từ

Past tense for to accuse or bring criminal charges against
incriminated accused blamed implicated indicted inculpated charged criminated defamed denounced entrapped framed impeached alleged arraigned attacked attributed branded cited convicted fingered named pointed the finger at prosecuted stigmatised stigmatized grassed on informed against set up blackened the name of brought charges fitted up gave away given away held accountable pinned on ratted on served summons pinned the blame on pointed the finger sticked the blame on dropped somebody in it laid the blame on put on trial for faulted recriminated imputed pegged sued implicated in imputed blame to impeached for prosecuted for held answerable for recriminated for attributed liability to tried for laid the blame on someone for brought to trial for dragged into court stuck on taxed with lodged complaint laid charges against incriminated for indicted for arraigned for hung something on assigned guilt to filed charges against laid blame on made accusations about accused of held accountable for pointed finger at condemned for held responsible for preferred charges against blamed for whistle-blew blew the whistle on took to court for whistle-blown taken to court for attributed to blown the whistle on summonsed summoned censured taxed charged with betrayed served with a summons let have it called subpoenaed exposed faced with charges denunciated slurred apprehended libeled slandered arrested complained reproached libelled reported censured with laid at door ordered dobbed in served with a writ commanded pointed a finger at filed claim informed on blown the whistle blew the whistle did done