Đồng nghĩa của prompt

Alternative for prompt

prompts, prompted, prompting, prompter, promptest

Đồng nghĩa: coach, hint, immediate, instant, punctual, quick, ready, remind, suggest,

Trái nghĩa: slow,

Tính từ

Done without delay, or with speed
quick expeditious immediate speedy rapid timely instant swift accelerated brisk fast direct expeditive express instantaneous snappy alacritous blistering breakneck fleet hasty lightning nimble responsive spirited unhesitating zippy active harefooted hurried meteoric rathe whirlwind fast-tracked high-speed rapid-fire without delay fast-moving short-lived double time fleet-footed PDQ sudden ready abrupt nippy precipitate flying on-the-spot headlong rushed split-second overnight dizzy rattling breathless splitting hot galloping cursory whistle-stop punctual summary fast-track straightaway willing quickie agile lively alert volant sharp mercurial precipitous short uninterrupted non-stop on the double supersonic tantivy early winged perfunctory peremptory cracking brief fleeting on the spot transitory momentary quick-fire pronto rash urgent fleet of foot double-quick quickened in nothing flat turbo efficient diligent sporty souped-up prevenient anticipatory sprightly effectual effective crash forthwith dynamic animated energetic spry vivacious arbitrary going nifty priority passing spanking unswerving undeviating nonstop impatient promptly given rush screaming unexpected barrelling speedball fiery velocious hurrying hurry-up the double very fast like crazy like mad light-footed slambang eager thoughtless slapdash quick as a wink without notice without formality without hesitation now or never not to be delayed spontaneous spur-of-the-moment impetuous snap shaking a leg overhasty chop-chop gadarene ultrasonic lissome speeding without warning without discussion hair-trigger drive-by pell-mell helter-skelter in a flash temporary short-term little impermanent desultory superficial casual transient ephemeral sketchy evanescent fugacious offhand unanticipated unforeseen unthinking rushing impulsive flash flitting at speed smart vigorous careless token slight inattentive incidental fugitive flat-out unceremonious deciduous limited hypersonic uninterested surprising up-tempo mechanical shallow glancing pacey uncritical depthless dismissive rude half-hearted slipshod light half-baked fading startling haphazard awful curtailed violent unlooked-for surface-level temporal shifting spasmodic precipitant short and sweet volatile vanishing flashing wee gone in flash ultrarapid ultrafast in wink of an eye unpremeditated jerky determined no-nonsense resolute touch-and-go excessive reckless dangerous dashing succinct infinitesimal bustling severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible intense piercing frightful supple nimble-footed acrobatic deft lissom limber lithe with good acceleration hurricane cyclonic tumultuous tornado zooming streaming irresponsible quick-moving adroit furious unenduring interim dreamlike extremely fast dangerously fast fast-paced unfussy purposeless swift-footed unconsidered impromptu acute perishable inadequate nodding trite twinkle-toed lightsome like lightning explosive unusual speeded hit-or-miss at full tilt trifling uncivil undignified impolite discourteous barreling light of foot imperfect flimsy partial insincere inconsequential feigning paltry flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow fly-by-night nasty hastening indifferent routine automatic unpleasant not bargained for out of the blue like greased lightning random sloppy off unmannerly unconcerned harsh disagreeable lackadaisical losing no time crude disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent brutal hit or miss incurious slovenly wooden heedless brusque shocking unpredicted unforgiving cool phoning it in walking through it laid-back going through the motions

Tính từ

Existing or happening right now
present existent immediate current existing extant instant ongoing breathing commenced living started ad hoc already coeval topical at this moment even now for the time being going on in duration in process under consideration up-to-date contemporary modern newfangled recent new latest mod latter-day latter new-fashioned present-time twenty-first-century state-of-the-art ultramodern newest trendsetting space-age fashionable hot up-to-the-minute now voguish modernistic red-hot designer modish trendy cool begun nowadays new age being contemporaneous today present-day up to date up to the minute just now alive remaining around in existence live actual surviving prevailing abiding active happening continuing prevalent reigning incumbent operative operating enduring functioning undestroyed persisting running working developing subsisting going operational functional in power in office in operation in use in progress in motion taking place pressing standing lasting in the news first next cutting-edge leading-edge burning on the map in force on the agenda on-going on happening now occurring now still existing real de nos jours about in circulation to the fore ruling regnant on front burner in the mainstream at present time on hand nowaday common knowledge not lost in current use available stirring astir about in effect on the move ticking awake strong dynamic vigorous alert proceeding growing progressing outstanding evolving advancing pending unfolding unfinished occurring regular continued continual underway systematic afoot progressive moving rolling incomplete marching fresh under way up and running to be done on the go being done open-ended in full swing being worked on well under way well-advanced being performed not-yet finalized

Tính từ

Quick to learn
apt gifted quick bright clever sharp smart talented intelligent skilled able adept astute capable expert accomplished competent ingenious proficient tasty adroit genius skilful teachable whip-smart quick to learn savvy skillful nobody's fool no dummy not born yesterday quick on the trigger quick on the uptake masterly deft practised dexterous practiced virtuoso dextrous experienced handy ace crack masterful good efficient master crackerjack consummate qualified versed polished brilliant trained mean wizard great professional artful veteran nifty wicked effective slick educated compleat workmanlike well versed bravura delicate professed complete seasoned habile neat top-notch nimble fine excellent agile exceptional impressive knowledgeable whiz elite nimble-fingered first-rate facile pro schooled stellar practical on the ball a dab hand at outstanding magnificent specialist marvellous fit first-class learned class nippy brainy marvelous cool hot effectual amenable eager docile smooth ready au fait big league out of this world extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified well-versed up to speed with it wised up a hand at formidable suitable suited adequate versant superb phenomenal effortless extraordinary remarkable hotshot fitted endowed topflight cunning demon old there vet dynamite canny finely judged up to it having know-how up to snuff top-drawer class act tuned in shining at splendid active certified leading fluent supreme shrewd simple conversant resourceful sly deadly artistic drilled phenom perceptive supremely skilled dominant hep hip precocious forward mature cute fleet precise having good hands having the know-how powerful dynamic ultraefficient cut out for having a knack for equal on the beam A1 sure-handed taught first class well-rounded tutored all-round refined all-around best multiskilled multitalented feasible trainable easy alert knowing keen equipped strong worthy responsible prepared out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years have the goods got it top-hole advanced for one's age ahead of one's peers realizable killer useable realisable serviceable hyperefficient usable practicable working appropriate inventive highly endowed know the ropes know backwards and forwards know one's onions reliable elegant wonderful superlative dazzling useful proper adapted leet old hand having the goods knowing the ropes knowing the score green thumb old-timer has what it takes like a one-man band having the right stuff able to perform like a pistol equal to the task up there peerless hot tamale exquisite superior finished world-class perfect exceptionally good accurate satisfactory very well methodic methodical systematic balanced flawless impeccable streamlined faultless preeminent transcendent right on errorless dead-on spot-on thorough sure-fire well sporting exact on-target trustworthy stringent smooth-running employable long-term crafty hardy well-organized well organized adept physically familiar acquainted conscious well run clever with one's hands good with one's hands magic well executed sufficient crisp know one's stuff no slouch know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around well versed well informed au courant admirable noteworthy fabulous sublime terrific glorious super fantastic heavenly awesome smashing clued up genned up cracking mega tip-top fab mighty banging crucial brill divine bosting of the first water supercalifragilisticexpialidocious pretty top-shelf

Tính từ

Having or showing a reasonable or high level of intellect
nimble alert quick quick-witted bright sharp ready smart alive brainy brilliant clever intelligent keen lively nimble-witted quick-thinking sharp-witted astute discerning observant penetrating perceptive perspicacious shrewd able active exceptional fast gifted hyperintelligent supersmart ultrasmart wide awake brisk genius PDQ swift whip-smart on the ball quick off the mark quick on the uptake acute ingenious canny wise knowing savvy erudite rational agile profound piercing incisive knowledgeable intellectual rapier-like witty apt scholarly cerebral adept sapient percipient fine discriminating insightful intuitive argute subtle sagacious critical sage whiz talented highbrow sharp as a tack skilful skillful creative inventive precocious judicious all there prudent enlightened sensitive penetrative sharpened finely honed pawky accomplished razor-sharp heads-up adroit cute long-headed resourceful expert crack learned elite masterly excellent virtuoso educated capable quick on the trigger superior quick on the draw Einstein whiz kid first-rate eggheaded first-class choice whip very intelligent superintelligent gnostic exquisite good einstein sophisticated razor-like razor sharp spirited mentally keen sprightly cultured studious bookish academic bluestocking keen-witted receptive with it searching probing swotty hardheaded clear-sighted clear-eyed acuminous heady bright-eyed and bushy-tailed delicate deft hard-boiled accurate exact foxy competent dexterous effectual slick effective sharp-sighted well read not missing a trick thinking curt dextrous vigorous wired mercurial having smarts nobody's fool logical well-informed not born yesterday smart as a whip smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five book smart understanding know how many beans make five instructed imaginative having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on deep responsible calculating very smart sensible together comprehending original with all one's wits about one streetwise suss pointed flippant cheeky facetious mischievous sarcastic sassy smooth insolent saucy highbrowed flip humorous smart-aleck bold tongue-in-cheek fresh smart-alecky whimsical droll brazen cool jocular jesting bantering smarty-pants nifty thoughtful skilled experienced cultivated aware cunning well-read lettered informed proficient well informed well educated literary crafty philosophical artful polished analytical widely read versed qualified cagey civilized awake refined literate wily well-educated responsive civilised donnish careful open-eyed consummate attentive reflective recondite clear watchful schooled serious conscious sentient trenchant masterful tasty practised scholastic far-sighted practiced vigilant eager master ace trained politic tasteful acquainted intellective handy pedantic clerkly urbane esoteric sly great conversant extraordinary amenable docile egghead tentie tenty razor-edged knife-like with great knowledge cognizant stellar worldly-wise crackerjack artistic well versed hot wide-awake scientific au courant elegant au fait Argus-eyed hotshot far-seeing in the know contemplative on guard top-notch downy on the lookout on one's toes philosophic pithy astucious weighty earnest intellectualistic intellectualist intriguing familiar ratiocinative self-aware insighted innovative solemn grave studied geeky teachable powerful nerdish blue nerdy circumspect apperceptive animate sophic sussed questioning media-savvy abstruse veteran worldly efficient fastidious heedful hip discreet wary illuminated well-grounded mindful up-to-date showing great knowledge fitted tutored phenomenal genial endowed stylish finished well-bred well-versed clued-up apprehensive mature prepared remarkable full of insight wizard intellectually aware clued up well-taught professional good hands on your toes all ears on the job class act heads up on the qui vive top-drawer shining at farsighted foresighted meaty selective trainable concise cluey precise simple enquiring inquiring crisp succinct punchy obscure cagy beady hawklike neat cogitative introspective musing deliberate considered museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive quick to learn switched-on star longhair complex analytic exacting detailed impractical pedagogical ivory-towerish into distinguished cautious up abreast fly minute no dummy inspired enterprising to the point labored formal wise up sensatory discriminative sublime unprovincial seasoned tuned in wise to superlative superb supreme innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory fertile originative Promethean with your wits about you on top of on the stick clued-in vital long-haired knows what's what laboured world-class complete workmanlike bravura compleat professed appropriate pioneering specialist sensorial sensory taught coached provocative gripping stimulating thought-provoking deep-thinking class at home ear to the ground particular arcane deviceful nurtured outstanding slippery frugal hep absorbed engrossed fit facile magnificent formed developed corrected initiated shaped enriched hermetic hermetical sensuous having been around with-it tuned-in wicked sharp-eyed in the loop acroamatic occult orphic secret highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified out of this world cut out for having a knack for extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained big league street-smart street smart genteel impressive dynamic ultraefficient cosmopolitan as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork advanced thinking outside the box dynamite eagle-eyed sensile suitable solid posted polymath professorial grounded well-rounded omniscient sound pansophic feasible keen-eyed suave well versed hawk-eyed concentrating forward debonair riveting heavy captivating interesting heavyweight absorbing classical fascinating suited equal adequate killer useable serviceable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable regardful focused beady-eyed svelte easy effortless equipped couth artistically aware genned up chic jet-set classy citified blasé strong worthy liberal tolerant high-class savant blue-stocking distingue traveled appreciative polite chivalrous arty mannerly gallant esthetic courteous practical reliable mondaine surveying deducing correct considering intentive interested advertent discovering detecting contemplating focussed observative with eyes like a hawk top-shelf have the goods top-hole ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age aesthetic travelled worldly wise been around world-weary highly endowed with good taste wakeful live living feeling up to it up to snuff know the ropes up to speed know one's onions know backwards and forwards psychologic reactive witting ware jazzed sentimental emotional perceiving breathing sensate flesh-and-blood observing seeing recognizing noticing psyched up on tiptoe on the alert switched on fast on the draw recognising able to recognize in the right mind capable of feeling sensitive to in on

Tính từ

(of an action) Performed well and with precision
clean precise adept deft dextrous dexterous facile smooth agile crisp decisive efficient exact expert masterly neat nimble quick sharp skilful skillful slick straight able accurate adroit artful nifty proficient proper canny categorical crack effortless express handy skilled strict inch-perfect practised nimble-fingered masterful clever delicate accomplished capable polished experienced professional impressive bravura workmanlike wicked nippy virtuoso mean practiced ace wizard habile apt ingenious finely judged talented active versed tasty resourceful sly crackerjack having the know-how shrewd astute cunning genius fleet having good hands having know-how cute ready competent gifted good brilliant master consummate great fine veteran smart excellent educated trained compleat complete stellar first-rate savvy professed intelligent outstanding superb effective exceptional first-class qualified seasoned well versed magnificent top-notch superlative marvellous effectual marvelous brainy keen splendid elite bright schooled hot whiz on the ball supreme superior knowledgeable dazzling out of this world a dab hand at perceptive cool pro practical big league formidable exquisite peerless fit topflight learned deadly au fait fitted class remarkable hotshot with it finished up to speed multitalented multiskilled refined wonderful acute extraordinary specialist sure-handed taught tutored well-rounded all-round all-around old serviceable quick-witted sharp-witted demon fab discerning precocious tip-top strong wise perspicacious exceptionally good there well-versed knowing highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained fluent A1 wised up a hand at top-drawer satisfactory balanced painstaking world-class inventive businesslike capital choice suitable terrific thorough crafty dynamite leading reliable fantastic fabulous intuitive awesome heavenly sagacious cracking divine versant insightful perfect super phenomenal incisive best razor-sharp sapient up to it up to snuff alert suited judicious sensitive glorious vet smashing powerful endowed brill whip-smart quick off the mark sharp as a tack top-hole on the beam class act tuned in shining at quick on the uptake graceful streamlined smooth-running creative innovative methodic methodical systematic careful flawless impeccable useful very well well-organized well organized faultless simple voluble productive preeminent transcendent decent well run notable handpicked deluxe organized specialized certified first class conversant hep hip star drilled phenom kosher specialised dominant artistic employable long-term adept physically rangé hot tamale right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on sure-fire stringent organised clever with one's hands good with one's hands supremely skilled pitch-perfect happy forward mature hardy admirable noteworthy well executed appropriate sublime cut out for having a knack for equal adequate mega mighty banging crucial dynamic ultraefficient receptive bosting easy worthy responsible know backwards and forwards highly endowed equipped know the ropes prepared know one's onions pretty quick-thinking of the first water supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feasible have the goods ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age elegant magic fast observant supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent percipient nimble-witted killer useable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable vigorous mercurial curt wired penetrating aware very able no slouch know stuff very good no dummy discriminating thoughtful cerebral all there smart as a whip wide awake quick on the draw quick on the trigger analytical intellectual piercing cagy politic cagey complex rapier-like subtle fly analytic intriguing deep razor-like exacting ratiocinative detailed vigilant leet suss calculating streetwise wily argute heads-up long-headed peachy swell groovy dandy sensational phat prime out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag topping bully down prizewinning gone blue-chip primo grand high-class brave bonnie top famous fantabulous bang-up noble bumper boffo radical beautiful top-shelf quality frontline prize righteous classic sterling first-string immense four-star bonny lovely A-OK corking hype blue-ribbon boss five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster gilt-edged banner dope supernal chic well-designed schmick natty convenient attractive stylish enjoyable spruce pleasing peachy keen par excellence number one numero uno

Tính từ

Able to express oneself easily and articulately
fluent articulate eloquent silver-tongued cogent glib voluble coherent communicative effortless expressive illuminating natural persuasive vivid well-spoken well-versed facile smooth-spoken assured chatty confident copious cursive declamatory disputatious effusive garrulous loquacious mellifluent mellifluous quick running self-assured smooth-tongued talkative verbose vocal wordy smooth-talking grandiloquent lucid clear well-expressed effective convincing intelligible slick plausible easy fast-talking ready oratorical urbane insincere moving flip understandable suave slippery comprehensible magniloquent artful forceful vocative hot-air meaningful smooth operator impassioned facund nicely spoken hard to resist speechmaking debating flattering refined striking noticeable polite posh-sounding fathomable apprehensible thought through comprehendible speaking smooth powerful pat graceful pregnant revealing significant neat silky potent suggestive disingenuous meaning pointed telling strong stirring graphic revelatory flippant simplistic superficial oversimplified shallow sweet-talking indicative rhetorical ardent fervid sententious fervent touching well spoken outspoken passionate well expressed affecting impressive poignant having kissed the Blarney Stone with the gift of the gab telltale emotional deep evocative inspiring allusive mournful heartfelt profound sincere sad doleful feeling uplifting soulful symbolic redolent animated evocatory intriguing mobile impactful warming gladdening cheerful cheering witty well-crafted encouraging sensitive inspiriting heartening instigative elevating inspirative enriching improving inspirational heart-warming fiery stirred tender deeply felt well-turned knowing denoting symptomatic allegorical emblematic demonstrative token compelling representational figurative insightful representative symbolical calculating hinting indicatory significatory connoting characteristic valid insinuating giveaway reflective evidential oracular denotative informative relevant exhibitive pithy solemn purposeful signifying

Động từ

To cause someone to take a course of action
cause move induce stimulate urge compel encourage impel inspire motivate prod provoke spur coax coerce dispose incite influence persuade push trigger cajole convince drive elicit goad impassion impress incline lead make nudge occasion press pressure propel rally rouse stir sway activate actuate bring energise energize evoke exhort force incentivise incentivize inspirit instigate envigorate invigorate spark steel advise animate arouse convert embolden empower excite exhilarate galvanise galvanize get hearten impact inveigle tempt uplift vitalize help incentify necessitate pressurise pressurize prick refresh strike prevail on egg on pump up stir up suggest to fire up hint to spur on whip up boost up pep up cheer on win over talk into pique put up to goose turn on sting predispose prevail upon fire set off bring around draw bias badger inflame affect dragoon entice initiate entreat promote quicken sic hound implore work up harass beseech admonish foment kindle bully enjoin start adjure charge direct counsel kick-start key up get going argue into determine beg oblige nag awaken whip touch off hassle solicit bid spark off sell favour favor countenance advocate challenge titillate mobilize whet control rev up mobilise twist someone's arm try to persuade condition remind light a fire under appeal to jog set going run trigger off work constrain precipitate prejudice pester ask enthuse procure plead touch satisfy buoy insist electrify recommend sound sanction agitate coax into make willing guide root on suggest further hook lean on set on turn put the heat on bring about bring round put the screws on operate suck in put across brainwash use pressure on put pressure on insist on push for produce chivvy initialize set in motion put in motion sell one on twist one's arm enable enkindle drive on gain prevail appeal request warn call on propose back initialise thrill needle advance support wheedle expedite abet prime commend rowel forward fuel boost reason caution endorse call indoctrinate trip crack govern get around wake act upon foster steamroll originate champion bend jumpstart impact on generate put a bomb under act as a stimulus to prescribe railroad into switch on command fire with enthusiasm bulldoze into give rise to talk someone into wake up start off fire the imagination of make of a mind to tout exert influence on talk round bring on crank up nag into have shake catapult adapt beget preach instil crowd grab roust lash egg waken elate predetermine instill jog memory spirit up increase create pick brew raise ferment work into lather put into action shock jolt startle give hustle call upon impress on bother begin enhance fan set afoot give incentive to give incentive set astir impose on orient set breed craze taunt juice psych effectuate ride herd on dig browbeat act as an incentive to prepare inspan agitate for lead to spirit someone up buoy up strengthen intensify scheme plot insinuate hint plan rabble-rouse intimidate gee up obligate harry railroad get to keep at dictate warm intoxicate dynamize augment flip throw release pull fan the fire tend add fuel steam up make waves tease please speed up get something going cultivate teach effect push around strong-arm put the screws to discharge engage tickle enliven tantalize decide renew cue commove stun astonish innervate zap frighten give the incentive to press-gang overcome act as a incentive to revivify summon up alert tantalise send pour it on dragoon into squeeze bulldoze get someone going manipulate colour reach harp on go on at ride harp on at scold lure steamroller into verge look fire the enthusiasm of call forth make wild argue bring round to the idea of bring home to bring to reason gain one's confidence make a believer make expectant jaundice mould slant heat up revamp sell on prove propagandize enlist proselytize browbeat into bear down on go to town on use strong-arm tactics on give someone a kick carry conduct mold color nobble give a shot in the arm proselyte propagandise proselytise help out brush up wheedle into draw in cajole into lead by the nose tell on soften up work on turn one's head prod into sweet-talk put someone up to something soft-soap regulate be willing gravitate toward be partial lean to be predisposed not mind be disposed make you of a mind to hit the ground running aid keep on at wheedle someone into show a preference for lobby clamour demand campaign form channel blaze a trail assist plead with turn on to get round work over press someone into pressurize someone into convert to cause to believe reason someone into pressure someone into lead to do train get at be recognized have a part in pull strings have an effect on bring to bear rule carry weight seduce bay petition importune order pursue clamor sue requisition exact espouse bring to senses prod someone into lead to believe wear down get on your side win argument gain confidence of prove to extol instruct give someone a cue supplicate quest stipulate apply plug nominate tip give advice give one's suggestions to tip off give one's opinion to give direction to give two cents wise one up give guidance to give pointer steer enquire inquire bug drum second indorse opine maneuver manoeuvre succour vouch for be in favor of speak in favor of go on record for lobby for speak for root for call for be all for stump for subscribe to offer recommendation press for put forward argue for speak favorably of campaign for beat the drum for head condone backstop sustain uphold ask authoritatively make a claim ask brusquely ask forcefully rationalize rationalise conjure actify cooperate with collaborate with work with lend a hand collude with connive with side with crank succor prop up connive go along with start up be in collusion with participate in connive at front give a push to back up be hand in glove with pioneer launch boss captain psych up make active take out of mothballs call up be in the van quarterback be in the vanguard of lead the way in trail-blaze spearhead be in the forefront of lay the first stone go out in front be in the front line of blaze the trail lead the way organise introduce helm run things be in the van of be the driving force behind get the jump on shepherd lead the way for organize

Động từ

(of an event or fact) To cause or bring about (an action or feeling)
cause foster occasion advance effect effectuate engender enkindle induce inspire introduce launch produce spur start affect beget bring compel create cultivate drive elicit establish evoke generate incite initiate instigate institute kickoff precipitate render spawn stimulate trigger yield begin catalyse catalyze enact hatch inaugurate invoke kindle open promote provoke breed develop draw make muster originate do motivate work bring about bring on lead to result in spark off stir up translate into bring up call forth give rise to set in motion set off start off work up bring to pass draw on fire up make happen put in motion trigger off cook up whip up be at the bottom of be the cause of get things rolling start the ball rolling arouse excite bring forth foment activate touch off contribute to rouse bear encourage achieve end in bring out accomplish make for raise realize actuate awaken stir realise spark draw forth culminate in quicken sow the seeds of brew entail abet bring into being ferment fire waken inflame whet invite contribute be conducive to finish in perform pick further bring off involve necessitate pique educe animate give call into being agitate spell secure amount to be instrumental in terminate in make possible carry out move attain draw out fulfil carry through influence mean conduce instill add up to instil set going conduce to contrive pull off fulfill actualize cause to occur cause to happen set up give birth to wake perpetrate push forward execute add to help complete impel risk rally galvanize have a hand in carry off engineer fetch propagate redound to organize urge manage deliver have a part in bestir progenerate play a part in lead galvanise start up procure summon multiply put in place discharge expedite play a role in wreak run found force organise drum up turn on set on turn out fan the flames of innovate ignite brainstorm conduct implement enforce accelerate plant implant lodge whip something up issue think up come out with dream up administer result set in conceive inflict form equal imply fix sway consummate be a factor in dispose conjure sow extort administrate finalize compass mobilise mobilize impassion exercise open the door for goad succeed extract prime suscitate succeed in be responsible for have the effect of forward be partly responsible for oil the wheels of exact arrange for have as a result have as a consequence set fan nurse nurture increase finish evince be the inspiration for derive obtain cost conclude resurrect get up fan the flames crank up build up rev up set on foot set afoot cause to appear summon up call up conjure up sow the seeds finalise turn the trick put across return provide earn supply afford net pay undertake commence accrue tackle furnish tender bestow proffer thrill sharpen offer admit beam blossom attract bring in kick-start kick off seek tear into gather in haul in pull in rake in give off pay out sell for start on start to embark on take up jump into launch into proceed with egg on key up make a start on get smoking burn up court get to get on with get going with get down to get going on enter into get stuck into be likely to cause bring on oneself be likely to lead to go ahead with set upon negotiate follow through with prosecute put through apply bring to fruition commit clinch put into action observe reach put into effect score put into practice arrange perfect gain meet acquire land work out act out win impose deliver on go through with make good on transact sew up follow through on put into operation live up to follow make real frame capture act upon exert wangle get done swing bag satisfy deal with take care of manoeuvre maneuver make it get there plan settle chalk up engage in arrive at bring to bear be true to keep devise materialize get act on honor obey scheme concoct operate dispatch hit employ practice practise have determine materialise take strike construct fill formulate honour reap seize authorise garner sort out leave authorize handle take care of business find carry snag pull something off comply with put in force abide by adhere to conform to turn clock up notch up project bring into play polish off bring to completion wrap up do justice to be faithful to act in accordance with reify incarnate pursue resolve broker decree plot actionize thrash out draft direct engage follow up on present ply manipulate mastermind stage make concrete design orchestrate work on pass action heed concert use finagle pull confirm stage-manage conquer carry to completion finesse machinate decide on annex make up grasp serve nail serve out deal out act reach an agreement inherit deliver the goods annexe refine acquit oneself of put on tap invent draught come through survive be guilty of keep to process rig come by crown put over jockey angle make good do the trick put to work put to use be to blame for gather finish off be true be faithful rack up nail it top off round off fashion come up with pick up play games keep faith with knock down put forth see through make it through cop come into possession of scrape together make short work of pull down bring home the bacon put the final touches to get through capitalize on make the grade play on make use of wrangle be as good as make the most of stand by stick to put the finishing touches to lay out hit upon put into force be a source of undergo bring something on acquit break in break the ice constitute deposit pose put something into effect put into place transgress wax objectify exhibit mediate press start in on take action on make work be the origin of get something done dawn spring break appear arise grow into push through go through source regulate enable fulfill your potential bear out gain fulfillment do proud put screws to legislate declare run into be behind redound tick symbolize represent portray assume manufacture fabricate put finishing touch on idealise bring to perfection idealize reach the summit of unleash up and do polish dispose of magic engineer a way shift work it elaborate cogitate swing it find a way follow out follow up follow through provide the means for symbolise blueprint vent cap wind up be engaged in reorganize reorganise corporealize bring into effect have an effect on go that route merit deserve justify wrest ratify sanction warrant do to a turn run with the ball indulge visit express bring to life give life make something appear produce as if by magic be done with cut wield improvise excogitate draw up wage approve proclaim lay down gratify make a reality hack get out of the way take over chart get someplace latch onto utilise exploit harness utilize respect uphold wreck mete out fulfill one's potential make hay accommodate play out becast vamp up trump up vamp forge put it over put the tin lid on do a bang-up job do one proud agree on dictate sketch out set out strategize lay sketch lay plans diagram describe block out cast dope out delineate trace accede to be elevated to come into come to have clean up be in line for pay one's dues be entitled to be gainfully employed make it big profit sock bring home scare up make fast buck bring home the groceries be deserving of hustle be worthy of have a right to eke out redeem answer acknowledge adopt order cast about throw together lay on sanctify deploy do the job sail through agree give vent to force upon grab purchase earn wings ordain intend coincide with pay regard to fall in with cohere with measure up to tally with pass muster agree to assent to yield to cope with square with be good enough submit to be guided by be bound by be heedful of go along with fit the bill respond to cooperate with act according to check with fill the bill goose-step to harmonize with accommodate to cut the mustard match up to perform according to cater to be in accordance with be loyal to chord with glean access buy do to a T close seal command hammer something out pocket nab collect receive retrieve be given give free rein to get at save occupy beg borrow or steal gobble up get one's hands on blag recover hoard schlenter get your hands on scrape up salvage get hold of lay up lay hold of corral bid bargain call upon prepare transform treat wish want come to terms about form a resolution about choose rule figure call into play avail yourself of avail oneself of control convert insist demand request enjoin will approach set about devote oneself to go about occupy oneself with get busy with attempt work at be employed name decide opt come to a satisfactory conclusion on come to a decision on make ready see to alter settle upon settle on choreograph mount superintend choose to do optimise optimize adapt act with attend to recondition redress transition adjust change vary metamorphose repair perform on encompass coordinate hammer out reach terms on come to terms on tie up put together button up set the seal on shake hands on con doctor supervise scam cook upstage fix up pull strings pull wires put one on put one over

Động từ

To give new life, energy or strength to someone or something
reinvigorate revitalise revitalize restore revive renew rejuvenate resuscitate revivify stimulate reanimate enliven recreate freshen brace renovate repair inspirit exhilarate vivify cheer quicken modernise modernize update replenish regain prod cool jog breathe new life into bring around brush up refresh regenerate recharge rekindle invigorate rewake rewaken resurrect recondition energize refreshen reawaken enkindle reactivate animate strengthen rally arouse awaken rouse recover envigorate encourage energise brighten relieve kick-start give a boost to wake up touch up bounce back make whole give new life to uplift fortify bolster help re-energize buck up pep up build up give new strength to bring back to life put new life into give a new lease on life put some spark into get going again give a shot in the arm to prop up re-establish activate restart reinforce bring back liven up reproduce reconstruct galvanize vitalize boost reestablish relaunch reinstitute hearten stir galvanise bring to give a new lease of life to excite save inspire reintroduce redevelop change improve perk up rescue reorganize overhaul motivate reorganise stir up blow away the cobwebs spruce up give the kiss of life to reinstall top up cool down amend cure heal produce change radically comfort come to life give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation perform CPR recall trigger titivate sustain give a shot in the arm raise from the dead overcome solace please rediscover gladden bring round recuperate console reassure embolden make healthy dust neaten sweeten clean tidy dynamize freshen up spring up confirm clean up air out breathe life into stiffen pick up fire up snap out of it buoy up make confident pour it on give courage to punch up redo revamp do retread restitute rehab spruce refurbish reclaim remake reinvent repeat put new heart into make younger make young again add some zest to make someone feel young again restore vitality to give face lift to do up redesign rebuild copy redevise refit incite kindle reopen restate resume reaffirm re-create instigate whet waken fire spike fan fillip re-form titillate tempt go over urge grow promote pique dispatch impel spring vivificate liven innervate goad actuate spur precipitate zip up move innerve increase juice up jump-start shake up ginger up jazz up amp up

Động từ

To attract (someone) to come to a place or an event
draw attract entice allure lure capture grip interest win engage fascinate hold invite absorb bewitch captivate catch engross hypnotise hypnotize mesmerise mesmerize occupy rivet spellbind enrapture enthrall enthral entrance induce magnetise magnetize appeal charm elicit enchant influence persuade take wile bring in pull in bring around catch hold of argue into call forth win over bring forth catch the eye of beguile grab tempt pull please delight arrest intrigue tantalize hook tantalise witch seduce arouse enamor wow kill involve enamour ravish titillate transfix dazzle excite rapture appeal to turn on immerse woo busy bemuse divert transport enwrap catch up tickle pink knock dead seize gain sweep off one's feet attach preoccupy court bedazzle ensnare entertain pique be of interest to rope in knock out coax provoke beckon thrill move command gratify amuse infatuate inveigle enslave overwhelm overpower slay carry away tickle vamp sweep off feet hold spellbound make a hit with be attractive to float someone's boat tickle someone's fancy suck in call snare rouse compel concern affect perk up distract be interesting to touch fix make an impression on hold on to turn one on sweep off your feet turn one's head inspire matter to animate fire intoxicate interest greatly kindle gladden subdue stir stimulate monopolize monopolise bait summon demand indicate ask bid sign rap catch one's eye overjoy overcome entrap whet someone's appetite take someone's fancy arouse the curiosity of tickle your fancy engage someone's attention arouse curiosity arouse someone's curiosity be a source of fascination to tickle one's fancy put under a spell forspeak put under magic spell put horns on cast a spell on tickle to death voodoo put the whammy on bedevil send trick control trance arouse one's curiosity light someone's fire sit up engage one's attention whet one's appetite hold one's attention capture one's imagination stun decoy blow away send into raptures tie up mousetrap honey fill with delight bind lead on secure get obtain incline encourage pick up generate be a hit with draw one's attention whet the appetite of foster cause endear prize treasure cherish value delectate incite engender create solicit own bowl over make happy get under someone's skin urge entreat countenance issue bring on ask for attract attention lead to beg for call for make happen leave the door open to bring on oneself flirt with cheer satisfy regale content pleasure give pleasure to elate solace rejoice humour humor indulge hold in awe give a buzz hold the attention of give someone a kick exhilarate enliven electrify disport impress suit warm recreate glad cheer up make smile crack up agree with hit the spot go over big hex make laugh curse inflame fulfil groove arride elevate subjugate fulfill engulf fixate turn someone on fill panic relax hoodoo please greatly comfort condemn make someone feel good be the ticket make roll in the aisles give the evil eye break one up sweep sombeody off his/her feet take somebody or something by storm oblige fracture score glory exult jubilate obsess ensorcell root to the spot spark tickle the fancy of ecstasize inspirit subject quicken be unable to take one's eyes off give someone a charge stoke tease whet waken put away send into transports take someone's breath away agitate be agreeable to make merry give great pleasure to give joy to grab the attention of enthuse make somebody's day make someone content make someone glad make someone pleased convulse stir up do one's heart good freak out fracture one knock 'em dead put 'em away get one's jollies placate mollify appease soothe get going get someone going give someone a thrill do it for someone crack someone up envelop crease someone up pacify hog apply corner consume assimilate soak silence quieten still mozz accurse suffice feast gas reconcile become lost sew up up on be hung take up put the mozz on point the bone at put the evil eye on jinx hold your attention hearten uplift brighten up buoy up bring joy to buck up make content give a lift give someone pleasure get one's kicks do someone's heart good make a hit with someone warm the cockles of the heart

Động từ

To inform someone in advance of a possible danger or problem
warn notify alert apprise inform tell forewarn remind instruct tip acquaint clue direct hint signal wake give notice let know put wise tip off clue in fill in give a warning to give fair warning to give warning make aware put someone on notice raise the alarm sound the alarm wise up put on guard put on the alert give the high sign lay it out give fair warning advise caution enlighten brief flag familiarize verse update clear wave a red flag put in the picture about keep posted familiarise tip the wink put one wise wake one up to put you on your guard wise one up level with make known to report to clue in on declare to educate clue up about enlighten as to gen up on announce to make known acquaint with give the low-down leak to keep up to date with make familiar with give information about bring up-to-date send word keep someone posted put wise about post point out keep up to speed with give the gen update about give intelligence give the rundown put on the line fill in on give the word let in on offer information alarm prime prepare prewarn put a bug in one's ear premonish caution about portend put wise to dissuade give advance warning pull one's coat admonish clue in about forbode put on the qui vive alert about telegraph tip off about warn in advance put on one's guard about tip someone the wink about intimate communicate hip keep abreast make aware of keep up to date put in the picture let know one catch up make cognizant send word to keep posted one keep up to speed appraise

Danh từ

Anything that serves to remind
cue hint reminder jolt prod signal spur stimulus goad intimation jog nod notice nudge pointer prompting sign suggestion tip clue help inference inkling lead gesture indication mnemonic warning word admonition advice feed notion recommendation twit heads-up tip-off piece of advice word of advice moire aide-mé alert memory aid idea push incitement notification incentive alarm forewarning message caution high sign forecast red flag wake-up call word to the wise note recap aide-memoire boost zeitgeber stick poker motivation innuendo key telltale catchword gentle reminder hot lead aide-mémoire information dope counsel maxim guideline guidance steer news whisper buzz encouragement tocsin nap inside information wrinkle how-to piece of information impetus handwriting on the wall red light information received inside wire secret information occasion instigation incitation mark indicator announcement persuasion prodding omen proclamation alarum impulse notifying tidings evidence manifestation advance warning urging beseeching coaxing goading inducement alarm bells heads up word of warning prior warning token proof symptom go-ahead green light demonstration beacon egging on expression attestation testimony wink Mayday SOS okay blinker bleep smoke signal signal fire warning sign guide trace index marker portent symbol augury implication premonition significant indicia flash presage wind bell siren display measure gauge distress signal prognostic signpost signification gage prediction foreboding threat admonishment foretoken foreshadowing telltale sign flag barometer vestige writing on the wall warning signal benchmark model track standard yardstick revelation witness whiff basis suspicion touchstone criterion badge bellwether rule prophecy harbinger adumbration light auspice herald promise litmus test divination dead giveaway feeling presentiment point of reference sniff impression danger signal handwriting on wall tip off stamp call to arms flare call for help cry for help signature giveaway sigil trademark hallmark ratio indicant formula landmark testament epiphany syndrome prescience prognostication mention gleam validation insinuation allusion foreknowledge precursor info danger sign ill omen lodestar oracle vision apocalypse inspiration substantiation verification trail smoking gun smattering iota observation reference testimonial tribute declaration signifier show disclosure exhibition confidential information guiding light look out word to wise flea in ear a word to the wise reflection record register communication hunch the wink the nod grounds support conception sense preamble explanation prefiguration prolegomenon direction goods knowledge faintest backing for grounds for reinforcement for support for specification requirement whistle horn faintest notion foggiest foggiest notion foggiest idea faintest idea sneaking suspicion precept proposal principle prescription instruction parameter regulation hooter meter scream alarm bell warning device shout blast call gong squeal trumpet warning sound buzzer flap drum scramble alarm signal clock yell cry policy procedure constraint protocol limit directions code test guiding principle metre guide to ground rule standard procedure rule of thumb

Danh từ

Something that arouses activity or energy in someone or something
stimulus spur impetus incentive motivation encouragement incitement stimulant boost impulse provocation goad instigation inducement stimulation inspiration fillip motive catalyst incitation momentum yeast push influence cause urging prod kick propellant invitation charge flash piquing sting bang fireworks precipitant shot in the arm turn-on eye-opener geeing-up clarion call kick up the backside urge drive titillation piquancy tittivation invigoration refreshment trigger actuation pressure prick activation excitant needle compulsion impulsion jog driving force tonic drug cocaine speed amphetamine psychostimulant spice uplift reviver lift envigoration kick in the pants aid pick-me-up help zest spark plug stimulating substance reason excitement persuasion purpose determinant lure carrot goading prompting rationale consideration end motivating force agitation bait arousal mainspring enticement aim stirring up grounds stimulator egging on awakening animation source attraction come-on muse causation intention stirring design prodding object temptation desire sweetener rousing douceur goal basis kindling fuelling intent exhortation fomentation ground thinking hope root spring fueling whipping up reason why horniness rousedness ammunition fodder coaxing movement response motivator food intellectual nourishment pushing pressurization reward carrot and stick initiation bidding afflatus reaction inflammation arousing behest inception devising fuel occasion enkindling spurring on pull pressurisation needling beseeching origin example model abetment stoking up enlivenment exhilaration wherefore authority subject why account persuading conversion convincing draw bribe inducing suasion arm-twisting fount beginning fountain generator antecedent passion whys and wherefores emotion feeling perk leader hook con brainwash twist challenge dare taunt revelation baiting the why and wherefore chief reason chief motive impelling cause prime mover motive force inspo matter red rag casus belli creativeness eureka hard sell sweet talk snow job soft soap insistence excuse allurement premium guiding light creative influence objective ambition interest concern focus determination resolve wish aspiration preoccupation target pretension ideal dream resolution mission vision care plan agenda end game hidden motive hidden agenda vested interest score to settle Holy Grail object of desire special interest holy grail cheering uplifting rallying emboldening invigorating heartening enlivening confidence fortification cheer spurring praise inspiriting envigorating faith morale-boosting buoying up pepping up morale boosting spiriting up bucking up a shot in the arm

Danh từ


Danh từ

A command, signal or authorization to do something
word command instruction bidding directive will charge commandment decree dictate mandate cue direction edict order signal behest imperative authorisation authorization injunction okay ukase say-so go-ahead green light thumbs up tip-off high sign demand ruling rule precept do fiat rescript ordinance regulation canon diktat requirement dictum law statute pronouncement pronunciamento writ exhortation request stipulation prescription summons warrant ultimatum promulgation act proclamation call enjoinment bull hest irade firman decretal prescript briefing desire enactment wish manifesto sanction bill subpoena decretum announcement judgement declaration judgment recommendation obligation notice insistence invitation memo memorandum instrument statement prompting solicitation advice commission mitzvah beck communication message admonition guideline guidance beck and call expressed desire suggestion information covenant authority ordainment accreditation licence license empowerment delegation rap charging say requisition ban bar monition restriction prohibition enjoinder embargo resolution imposition the word the riot act carte blanche blank check consent support permission interdiction ordering exaction dictation notification devoir adjuration tenet standard constitution code measure by-law appeal principle entreaty plea bylaw reg urging motion petition criterion guide supplication imploration invocation assize court order want assertion importunity choice decision doctrine decalogue process instructions legislation convention penalty maxim ratification boycott claim formula axiom drive bid directions fundamental proposal suit sentence precedent action coercive measure punitive measure recall affirmation contract assignment ipse dixit calling bell cry saying agreement approval endorsement working principle motto byword dogma preception teaching procedure official sanction tattoo propriety decorum brocard etiquette broadcast publication formal order intercession no-no pressing amendment Act of Parliament clause verdict commitment obsecration beseeching ground rule Bible numbers book no-nos parameter pressure written order insistency importuning arm-twisting piece of legislation legislative document public statement clamour need condition provision chapter and verse standing order intention determination perseverance persistence resolve doggedness firmness deterrent punishment enquiry prayer counterclaim arrogation pursuit question must-have impetration entreatment application clamor dun bestowal device heritage dispensation inheritance estate legacy petitioning interdict discipline retribution penalization exclusion correction beseech pleading interest interrogation inquiry credo belief creed ethic institute practice foundation postulate cause document arraignment indictment tariff barrier reason equity divestiture garnishment generalization generalisation principium truth caveat base exigency ground proposition big ask guidelines remit coercive measures punitive action due process citation TRO paper replevin kaupapa orders directives subpoena ad testificandum temporary restraining order claim form habeas corpus gen rundown brief ground rules low-down

Phó từ

(British) Exactly (with reference to a specified time)
exactly promptly punctually sharp dead precisely dead on bang on on the nail spot on on the button on the knocker on the nose on the dot on time squarely right square bang just smack-dab due plumb accurately to the minute directly absolutely correctly full strictly smack literally slap even expressly specifically slap bang smack dab on the money for sure the ticket to the letter no mistake for a fact on the stroke of … straight on the dot of … spang at the right time to the second dead on time spot on time at the proper time bang on time completely entirely quite totally truly definitely entire scrupulously fully faithfully explicitly perfectly out flat thoroughly altogether fast truthfully wholly rigorously utterly all soundly unequivocally heartily wide enough clean well faultlessly methodically unerringly veraciously positively severely all of carefully in every respect all over every inch indeed through and through in every way to the hilt to a T for certain one hundred per cent sure word for word square on smack on slap on as well sure thing the very thing to a tee neither more nor less no ifs ands or buts categorically in all respects downright comprehensively unconditionally clearly outright unmitigatedly surely conclusively unquestionably all the way undoubtedly undisputedly unreservedly roundly closely really certainly particularly exhaustively flat-out consummately in toto all in all inside out without a doubt plainly especially to the maximum extent wholeheartedly systematically unqualifiedly minutely plump totes sweepingly unambiguously without reservation lock, stock and barrel decidedly manifestly decisively extremely immediately unrestrictedly down to the ground purely detailedly genuinely obviously without exception in detail to the core undeniably from A to Z indubitably unmistakably emphatically distinctly without question assuredly extensively so flush stark exclusively meticulously solely a hundred per cent only direct to the max specially very heart and soul to the nth degree rightly finally firmly rigidly point-blank uniquely indisputably incontestably incontrovertibly authentically inarguably at length doubtless unarguably to the fullest extent easily alright radically forsooth ultimately patently beyond doubt beyond question solidly all right hands down unswervingly in full without omission on all counts to the limit come hell or high water en masse to the end reliably painstakingly punctiliously fair flatly exceedingly without error real immensely without deviation straightforwardly mighty actually beyond any doubt slam bang jolly seriously infallibly deadly finely uncommonly terribly smack bang way majorly properly veritably pointedly irrefutably effectively notably undividedly palpably without doubt in fact doubtlessly evidently plain hook, line and sinker there are no two ways about it top to bottom without fail in all as sure as eggs is eggs all out in entirety beyond the shadow of a doubt in specie of course diametrically in depth authoritatively validly truely slap-bang critically resolutely adamantly plum spot-on unhesitatingly no doubt widely deeply flawlessly aright unconstrainedly largely certifiably transparently full blast headlong at all round admittedly fairly objectively justly considerately without qualification reservedly clear markedly concretely mathematically identically full on cert posolutely simply yes right on abundantly up and down root and branch hook line and sinker close in truth in reality all told amply in no uncertain terms one-hundred percent indicatively evenly without flaws plentifully intimately stringently factually implicitly royally merely exactingly at close quarters impeccably out-and-out from first to last out and out from soup to nuts unco extraordinarily very much most limitlessly infinitely unlimitedly from top to bottom from beginning to end no strings attached straight out for fair to bits in whole to pieces errorlessly goodly downrightly with a fine-tooth comb down the line but alone sharply exceeding lekker powerful devilish conscientiously from the ground up from stem to stern to a nicety at first hand