Từ đồng nghĩa của flash

Alternative for flash

flashes, flashed, flashing

Từ đồng nghĩa: blaze, cable, flame, flare, radio, telegraph, wire,

Danh từ

A sudden and brief burst of bright light
flare blaze flicker beam glare sparkle gleam ray spark streak pulse shaft shimmer twinkle dazzle glimmer glint glitter glow blast illumination incandescence lustre luster phosphorescence scintillation stream bar coruscation eruption explosion glisten shine bedazzlement finger flame radiation reflection light radiance brightness sheen brilliance effulgence blink luminescence lambency luminosity fulguration glister refulgence fluorescence resplendence wink torch flashlight lamp flutter burst glance luminousness lightness twinkling nictation nictitation splendor beacon pencil bat squint lantern splendour gloss intensity penlight candor brilliancy luminance lustrousness candour bolt glistening glittering blinking winking flashing sunbeam shining irradiation vividness lucency irradiance glitz gilt trace burnish beams rays dancing flickering spot spit glaze illuminant suggestion scintilla glim patch emanation moonbeam wave resplendency pinprick display unsteady flame lighting iridescence glimmering spangle emission gleaming unsteady light blinding light dazzling light strong light column illumining lights glowing shoot chink laser dartle diffused light brightening shaft of light dancing of light ray of light lumination stream of light nictitate squinch nictate lighting up rocket fire thunderbolt levin fulmination thunderstroke discharge conflagration inferno firestorm Very light wildfire polish patina moonlight glossiness shininess finish smoothness moonshine silkiness varnish burning starlight sleekness slickness veneer afterglow glassiness moon ray wax warmth richness heat twink blossom opalescence candescence lance light ray beam of light firelight lamplight fulgor electric light sunlight flash of light gaslight appearance

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A sudden or brief manifestation or occurrence of something
burst outburst rush surge blaze eruption explosion fit gush outbreak splash touch wave ebullition flare gust spasm spurt stab storm flicker flurry flush flutter gale paroxysm show flare-up sudden display sudden exhibition sudden show brief display brief exhibition agony attack access flood boutade spate upsurge bout torrent outpouring blast effusion blowup blow-up fury frenzy rash spell seizure epidemic detonation welling up throe splurt flow breakout roar convulsion outflow bursting hurricane sally outflowing passion blow stream dart crash crack howl peal deluge hoot shriek turn recrudescence stroke spot volley break thunder state siege sudden appearance huff discharge case scene rise overflow vibration scream shout quiver start manifestation inflammation outcry avalanche paddy vomiting twinge ripple bomb upheaval rapture expulsion blowout dose term run bang fireworks twitch conniption patch cycle stint round swell tingle throes period interval course stretch rumbling report inrush billow draught heave sweep fuming violence furor rage hysterics anger frothing excitement agitation furore upwelling draft efflux current spill flux uprush fulmination commotion rending plague breaking brawl irruption occurrence effervescence disorder sundering disruption tumult sortie gushing blowing up cascade jet tide inundation spout issue welling wind shower puff series emanation barrage fountain outrush drainage drift squall drain breeze string outflux succession movement roll leakage influx exodus effluence outpour scud escape swirl trickle motion sequence charge waft hail squirt upswing bombardment spree emission salvo escalation williwaw windblast battery spritz ooze river dash seepage effluent debouchment breath expression updraft incursion trend groundswell spray cannonade chain spring uprising onrush direction streak fusillade blitz whiff invasion tendency onslaught blitzkrieg passage effluvium leaning train circulation tideway bubble ebb trail undulation tempest oozing hemorrhage haemorrhage drumfire broadside rain exudation drumbeat eddy progression surging progress ebb and flow zoom onset pour transfer downpour voidance shedding whirl tail fluidity zephyr increase time exudate diffusion pouring overflowing whoosh arrival convergence air windstorm profusion overrunning monsoon inflow whirlwind thunderstorm shiver frisson thrill ejection draw cloud flatus trouble percolation building up build-up emergence drip continuation continuity leak continuance intrusion ingress lapping tenor swing outfall exuding excretion well up secretion disgorgement venting undertow dribble growth undercurrent race drag alluvion bath shaft cataclysm gust of wind effluxion loss streaming depletion introduction penetration wash swishing murmur rise and fall cataract boost cluster welter encounter waterfall flooding coming in relapse billowing surf rolling breaker flood tide suffering airstream tremor jump intensification leap battle Niagara bulge bulging slipstream thermal backdraught backdraft steady flow updraught mount climb crescendo roller ailment strong breeze sudden increase

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A report or announcement (of news)
report bulletin account announcement article brief feature scoop cable commentary communication communique communiqué narrative piece record story update wire broadcast item rundown news flash newscast statement news message release notice news broadcast news update newsbreak news bulletin column info intelligence word gen tidings headline paragraph uncos information blurb write-up notification dispatch ad newsflash headlines advertisement news report advert posting press release program publication list handout skinny programme calendar break news summary news item hot wire official statement the dope what's happening what's going down review essay exposition advices editorial paper dope low-down latest note detail theme composition treatise inside story discourse writing thesis dissertation study analysis critique treatment chronicle advice tale piece of writing revelation testimony criticism dirt lowdown heads up spread history exposé post contribution section opinion exclusive recital comment description narration facts version chronology commentaries reports knowledge relation talk beat data opus disquisition uncovering discussion instruction picture gossip rumour think piece memoir details document score documentation particulars dossier findings press report news story documents materials briefing leak reportage chatter editorial column file rumor mention vignette leader crit buzz dish the latest transcript journal letter register log correspondence testimonial tattle papers promulgation literature documentary drum line tidbit titbit annal diary moblog proceeding sitrep vlog transaction blog archive weblog minute missive epistle memorandum chapter text memo intimation scandal tittle-tattle reading matter greetings a few paragraphs a few words yarn anecdote outline summary romance fiction declaration résumé précis legend novel novelette novella spiel proclamation address digest pronouncement apologue biography tragedy fantasy book conte myth potboiler sequel epic nonfiction allegory cliffhanger saga comedy short story adventure autobiography parable drama serial telegram urban legend fictional account urban myth folk tale old saw long and short of it blow by blow insight figures feedback counsel specifics statistics notes numbers results records wisdom material conclusions consultation advisement instructions observation clues erudition directions background files essentials input caution tip learning illumination guidance recommendation enlightenment suggestion direction evidence ammo disclosure chapter and verse brass tacks deets what's what clue inside dope bottom line tip-off hot tip inside information whole story word to the wise like it is module segment illustration number work tract exposure perspective splash viewpoint script publicity story

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Display intended to excite admiration or applause
flashiness pretentiousness showiness flamboyance garishness gaudiness ostentation ostentatiousness swank glitz razzle-dazzle loudness brashness tastelessness show vulgarity glitziness pretension extravagance tawdriness glamour splendour glamor splendor theatricality exhibitionism flashness pizzazz luridness pzazz obtrusiveness conspicuousness display sparkle glitter ornateness kitschness flaunting affectation magnificence showing off self-advertisement pomp style ritziness tinsel swagger appeal swankiness splashiness stylishness brassiness tackiness jazziness bad taste colorfulness dazzle pizazz meretriciousness cheapness vividness naffness poor taste brilliance flair chic verve dash brightness panache brio bravura glory flamboyancy floridity grandiosity fascination razzmatazz lure captivation draw allure attraction pull éclat speciousness drawing power flourish vaunting boasting parade window-dressing pageantry parading spectacle braggadocio demonstration bravado vainglory swaggering brag fuss showoff brazenness bragging boast pompousness put-on pomposity pretending array vaunt splurge exhibition pageant shine grandstand play false front fanfare lavishness resplendence splendidness grandeur panoply ceremony showboat frippery vanity majesty ceremoniousness drama ceremonial vigor vigour stateliness sumptuousness confidence state opulence gloriousness ritual richness grandness radiance commotion grossness formality kitsch to-do splash lack of refinement nastiness crudity crudeness grandezza excess crassness energy punch spirit solemnity coarseness harshness boastfulness boldness virtuosity animation hullabaloo ballyhoo stir success effect sentimentality brouhaha hype hubbub publicity sensationalism production performance refinement lustre élan bother ado prancing strut roll nobility hoo-ha showmanship alarum cheering salute elaboration gorgeousness imposingness luster trappings splendiferousness luxury self-assurance arrogance trumpet blast regalia impressiveness augustness sublimeness beauty superbness transcendency greatness transcendence stupendousness sublimity resplendency nobleness elegance distinction luxuriousness elevation grace loftiness poshness pulchritude post importance exaltedness marvelousness spectacularity pomp and circumstance attire apparatus dress turnout get-up raiment insignia garb exhibit exposure scheme example sample arrayal revelation presentation act manifestation unfolding layout frame-up pedantry blaze exposition arrangement panorama expo spread for show front

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A colored patch of cloth on a uniform used as the distinguishing emblem of a regiment, formation, or country

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A wonderful or astonishing person or thing
portent marvel miracle phenomenon prodigy sensation wonder caution splendour splendor stunner genius spectacle wizard whizz virtuoso wunderkind whizz-kid curiosity something else whiz rarity whiz kid something to shout about one for the books something to write home about nonpareil paragon standout legend ninja wonderful thing eye-opener amazing thing phenom ace miracle worker trend oner enfant terrible bright star rara avis black swan unusualness revelation surprise wonderful vision dream thaumaturgy amazing achievement astonishing feat supernatural occurrence mastermind talent freak monster Einstein grotesque brainbox monstrosity mutation abnormality up-and-comer intellect natural child genius boy-genius whizz kid enormity girl-genius wonder child star brain one in a million boy wonder rare bird child prodigy girl wonder expert maven scholar master maestro geek hotshot wiz adept crackerjack artist boffin authority thinker brainiac guru polymath pro dab hand cognoscente connoisseur crackajack meister shark proficient bright spark fiend dab egghead wonk buff past master professional intellectual highbrow mavin hand pundit fundi rocket scientist old hand sharp sage academic clever clogs doyen champion grandmaster walking encyclopedia intellectualist bookworm master hand gifted child nerd longhair specialist alpha geek bookish person demon double-dome artiste brains bluestocking doctor know-it-all doyenne veteran savant oddity superstar winner sight hit wonderment triumph smash talented child wow knockout academician doubledome grind swot intelligent person statto trainspotter anorak old pro skilled person master-hand aficionado director conductor comer quiz kid fanatic addict sycophant perfectionist mind oracle scientist powerhouse magician celebrity champ dillettante performer spod gifted person Poindexter beauty real pro clever person propeller head prima donna whiz-bang fortune gifted student high-achieving student no slouch hot stuff bravura player godsend act of God brilliant person overachiever pandit mental giant bookman blockbuster doozy astonishment lulu Brahmin braintruster intelligentsia philosopher idiot savant avant-garde learned person show-stopper success mystery pointy-head man of letters woman of letters thrill biggie eureka moment the eighth wonder of the world epiphany sign star attraction box-office hit great success runaway success sell-out crowd puller smash hit crowd-puller supernatural phenomenon curio novelty peculiarity oddball maverick character eccentric oddment misfit objet quirk exotic exception conversation piece aberration exoticism anomaly peculiar object singular object strange thing object of virtu bygone nonesuch objet d'art unusual object hot shot

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A short-lived glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air and thought to consist of ionized gas associated with thunderstorms

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Something that arouses activity or energy in someone or something
stimulus spur impetus incentive motivation encouragement incitement stimulant boost impulse provocation goad instigation inducement stimulation inspiration fillip motive catalyst incitation momentum yeast push prompt influence cause urging prod kick propellant invitation charge piquing sting bang fireworks precipitant shot in the arm turn-on eye-opener geeing-up clarion call kick up the backside excitement trigger drive urge reason pressure persuasion pick-me-up tonic goading impulsion lift driving force carrot prompting lure thrust help rationale bait aid prodding purpose consideration uplift reviver instigator motivating force egging on abetment desire compulsion force invigoration attraction movement challenge spark grounds stirring stimulator support come-on taunt ground straw that stirs the drink motivator enticement rousing muse propulsion actuation temptation sweetener assistance douceur agitation kindling fuelling envigoration hand exhortation fomentation spark plug a shot in the arm jump-start speed determinant dare backing motion spring assist stirring up fueling whipping up kick-start leg up helping hand start mover and shaker ammunition pleasure promoter persuader fodder piquancy tittivation titillation refreshment inclination instinct wish yen whim goal prick food intellectual nourishment excitant activation needle jog shove coaxing bolster initiation bidding example model pushing pressurization reward spice behest inception devising pressing spurring amphetamine psychostimulant drug cocaine energy strength power motive power fuel zest kick in the pants will carrot and stick afflatus revelation arousing stimulating substance forward motion boost to the spirits inspo pull pressurisation needling beseeching enkindling spurring on creativeness awakening arousal eureka go-forward welly steam velocity persuading conversion convincing draw bribe inducing suasion stoking up baiting facilitator arm-twisting perk leader hook con brainwash twist guiding light red rag agitator object design casus belli driving power adjuvant incendiary intention kickoff reactivation ultimatum occasion thinking basis reassurance radical stimulus hard sell sweet talk snow job soft soap wave maker wherefore authority subject why account mainspring succor gauntlet summons antecedent passion whys and wherefores root end aim emotion feeling intent creative influence insistence excuse allurement premium secours comfort relief the why and wherefore buzz succour defiance defy cartel reason why gee-up

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A fuss, uproar or commotion
hoo-hah hullaballoo hubbub row scene flap fuss sensation stir to-do agitation bomb bombshell brouhaha commotion disturbance excitement furore furor hoo-ha scandal wow uproar turmoil rumpus hullabaloo tumult kerfuffle pandemonium ruckus ruction bother ado ballyhoo hoopla bluster bustle clatter hurly-burly storm stew blather whirl moil welter shindy bobbery foofaraw pother williwaw hurly clutter splore corroboree squall coil do hurry-scurry helter-skelter hubble-bubble hurry hurricane zoo hurry-skurry fun alarums and excursions racket confusion disorder carry-on hassle clamour riot clamor fracas hue and cry din flurry upheaval trouble noise bedlam chaos ferment song and dance mayhem melee quarrel unrest turbulence stink free-for-all disruption activity palaver hustle and bustle big scene havoc babel frenzy bangarang brawl outcry affray pantomime bobsy-die jangle broil splash big stink fuss and feathers altercation strife folderol violence outburst shindig performance upset donnybrook maelstrom distraction rampage action controversy dither lather whirlwind hustle restlessness tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup hell broke loose much ado about nothing babble production clangour yelling shouting stramash bagarre fisticuffs uprising explosion rumble fuss and bother hype craze mania discord clangor hysteria melodrama tizzy tizz rage tempest disquiet fever tempest in a teacup tamasha mountain out of a molehill backwash annoyance federal case convulsion tempest in a tea-kettle rigmarole fireworks aggro excitation argy-bargy big deal draft draught anarchy madness an outcry rowdydow shemozzle business outbreak animation busyness movement enthusiasm lunacy fad protest madhouse hell to pay devil to pay loud noise liveliness life haste craziness hurrah wingding kick-up unsettlement wildness seething upturn fight struggle scuffle fighting spot of bother hurly burly worry flutter to do roughhouse shivaree bickering upheavals disarray perturbation all hell breaking loose panic spin hectic activity fluster rush fury whirlpool all hell broken loose elation passion buzz emotion thrill feeling heat drama delirium shock fray tremor disarrangement spasm quake street fight insurrection eruption hindrance uncertainty convulsions breach of the peace discomposure ructions fermentation combustion toing and froing scrap stooshie dust-up frolic dance tizz-woz snafu feverishness party carousal bash revel fancy merrymaking spree deliriousness tohubohu comings and goings hubba-hubba rhubarb ailment anxiousness mix-up topsy-turviness anxiety instability hectic distress disquietude Sturm und Drang rough house interruption vociferation disorganization roar shambles disorganisation jumble disorderliness lawlessness carrying-on howl mess nuisance muddle chatter cacophony cataclysm goings-on sweat disorderedness events earthquake hell bouleversement incidents hijinks happenings unruliness disorderly conduct public nuisance proceedings occurrences mare's nest screaming conflict blare fret bowwow histrionics shout revolution adventure anarchism uneasiness alarm katzenjammer stimulation public disturbance complaint incitement dishevelment misrule paroxysm tension misorder messiness muss tumble huff imbroglio dislocation a madhouse snake pit outrage a three-ring circus activeness nonsense ululation caterwauling dynamism concern hysterics destruction rebellion objection boisterousness swirl unease babbling wilding mutiny fear protestation apprehension hazard peril trepidation monkey business nervousness danger dissent entropy discordance rattle decibels bruit provocation stirring spectacle apprehensiveness chance-medley heck cry confrontation care surprise procedure twitter concernment indignation contretemps charivari grief nervosity opposition solicitude biffo harassment agita rout three-ring circus incident state seething mass anger theatrics dramatics twit derangement disaster theatre nervous state rocking exclamation theater rat's nest holy mess utter confusion exaggeration state of agitation state of anxiety jiggery-pokery big fuss scrum circus wrangle squabble roaring baying blaring rampancy skirmish work moving thrills wild disarray clash vandalism glow enterprise mêlée swivet swelter incitation farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness energy bugle call chaotic situation unquietness restiveness rioting calamity flare-up motion scuffling arousal talk afters mishap encounter scramble fussing discontent scrimmage omnishambles disconcertment boiling troubles street fighting snarl distemper burst insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt dissatisfaction criticism kicks spirit eventualities high jinks episodes mixing roughness flurry of activity ride soap opera seesaw saga entanglement static strike discombobulation terrorism actions firestorm argument tintamarre clamouring confused noise state of unrest tizzy, tizz nervous excitement stunner lament remonstrance protesting clinker temper rabidity lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk shaking trembling quaking seism tottering carryings-on chain of events a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy threat disapproval ritual clang tower jargon mob rule mistake misunderstanding overthrow menace boilover howl of protest riskiness perilousness hazardousness risk warmth dangerousness demurral a mess a muddle a shambles reign of terror car crash war of words high winds rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak flip-flop alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor lengthy process red tape tedious business topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness an omnishambles tantrum hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor untidiness formal complaint chorus of disapproval eagerness exciting experience precariousness a car crash stage dramaturgy acting consternation movements dramas fit blowup hissy new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game wilderness complication dismay tangle error hullabaloos tumults exhibition haze intricacy irritation inconvenience fright vexation discomfiture miscalculation fankle botch puzzle slip-up hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour hurt grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment distressed state hissy fit temper tantrum a buzz a charge a kick reversion exhibition of oneself letdown affront problem display of emotion queasiness turn-up subversion tiz-woz state of panic disconcertion circumstance crisis interference theatricals affair disarranging disordering unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences undermining delay retardation delaying holding up division splitting break separation severance

Danh từ

Condition of favoring or liking
predilection partiality penchant bias inclination leaning predisposition proclivity propensity tendency fancy fondness liking preference taste weakness bent proneness affinity love affection aptitude bone devices disposition genius habitude impulse turn appetite dish druthers groove gusto inclining mindset soft spot thing type cup of tea prejudice likelihood willingness velleity potentiality option choice urge instinct drive desire notion compulsion itch unfairness tilt head-set viewpoint partisanship favoritism chauvinism standpoint narrowmindedness bigotry one-sidedness preconception illiberality intolerance spin tendentiousness mind-set whim wish longing caprice need yearning yen favouritism prepossession mind trip resolve thought extemporisation influence lust passion whimsy feeling vagary lash actuation motive hunch impellent extemporization mind impulsion appeal excitant attraction relish hankering favor favour thirst aptness like shine susceptibility craving hunger attachment readiness use liability love affair aspiration will devotion flair way stomach enjoyment orientation position slant ambition knack talent gift keenness temperament habit view appreciation judgement palate judgment capacity enthusiasm sentiment eagerness capability opinion outlook mania pleasure fascination craze persuasion lustfulness point of view ability voracity greed pick faculty custom nonobjectivity angle facility rapture belief stance skill infatuation perspective attitude covetousness fervor concupiscence dream approach eroticism head brain selection perception fervour libido turn of mind way of thinking lechery vantage point zest lasciviousness ardor frame of mind appetency interest amativeness zeal salacity erotism prurience libidinousness bond pruriency avidity cupidity frenzy solicitude ravenousness rapaciousness ply competence idea bag addiction endowment character doting proficiency forte obsession nature thing for eye understanding expertise aim finesse prowess pining ardour impression liking for interpretation expertness know-how philosophy parti pris standing temper drift unfair preference where one is at say so tooth admiration estimation fixation demand set motivation objective sympathy humour humor want fetish trend thinking reaction favorite intelligence weakness for propension requirement closeness ache conviction nepotism potential intent sweet tooth relationship goal favourite nose preoccupation discrimination convictions ideas mood adeptness peculiarity purpose mastery artistry suitability trick dexterity cleverness sentiments feelings thoughts preferential treatment pursuit endeavor fitness savvy aroha shoes impetus endeavour requisite necessity air sensibility headset demeanor demeanour direction natural ability twist hang-up crush school of thought way of looking at things mental state eye view mental outlook fondness for what it takes jobs for the boys like it is appropriateness faithfulness loyalty appetence device attidue hungriness appetition horniness likeliness salaciousness hots letch openness lustihood indulgence lech nominee hope miasm vulnerability clout clutch appointee candidate emphasis having as one's type intuition choosing bet inequity power essential yearn answer contingency fallback frame of reference innate tendency side natural tendency ingrained tendency volition art adroitness fire in the belly inherent tendency ingenuity intuitiveness narrow-mindedness solution capableness accomplishment competency mastership intrinsic tendency fad liberty election alternative ageism injustice classism innate knowledge perceptivity hobby occupation avocation pastime turn-on what floats one's boat tack go-to pistol property sense function quality right stuff strength knowing way around sixth sense feel stimulant engrossment idée fixe golden calf sexual fixation luck illiberalism discretion decision hatred intolerantness spirit possible course of action freedom of choice small-mindedness wrong verdict delight vein constitution list satisfaction idiosyncrasy movement fantasy urgency moral fibre personality make moral fiber make-up happiness contentment delectation gratification contentedness posture rapport regard vision practice needfulness scarcity occasion expectation focus imperative deficit scantiness desideratum dearth cry out strong interest call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency accord quickness giftedness glee ideation empathy link cast of mind smarts stuff friendship illusion daydream content exhilaration spice titillation gladness excitement trace catalyst harmony communion fellowship reverence tenderness devotedness envisagement chimera phantasy phantasm quirk eccentricity delusion imagination contrivance kink stand interrelationship chemistry unity camaraderie piquancy zing smack warmth reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness conceit picture envisioning whimsey figment inventiveness way of looking cotton simpatico want-to cause fire in belly driving force ritual fashion rule practise pattern amore mirage fabrication romancing chimaera enjoying loving heart elation bliss diversion assessment admiration for sentiment for regard for friendship with affection for respect for affinity for high regard relationship with feeling for love for reverence for intimacy with tenderness for partiality for routine convention penchant for inclination towards like-mindedness pipe dream eyes for take apprehension fellow feeling for good vibrations special relationship predilection towards understanding of closeness to close relationship fellow feeling hitting it off attraction towards same wavelength second nature wont evaluation analysis conception consideration grasp reading comprehension elucidation inference deduction assimilation awareness discernment contemplation pie in the sky fool's paradise castle in the air two cents worth broad view context overview value judgment

Danh từ

Great personal charm
charisma allure appeal charm magnetism attractiveness personality aura glamour magic presence animal magnetism attraction captivation duende enchantment fascination glamor individuality lure oomph pizazz pzazz pizzazz seductiveness witchery dazzle IT mojo mystique pull something spell witchcraft drawing power force field force of personality star quality strength of character draw enticement allurement beauty bewitchment desirability temptation beguilement romance interest seduction ravishment character mesmerism bewitchery excitement engagingness mysteriousness inscrutability secretiveness pleasingness prestige air of secrecy infatuation captivatingness influence entrancement power likableness complex air of mystery pleasantness intrigue inveiglement enthrallment charmingness agreeableness come-hither look bedroom eyes strength of personality come-on sex appeal opulence color razzle-dazzle hypnotism sophisticated style atmosphere charmwork absorption style delight persuasion colour enticingness je ne sais quoi sexual magnetism enthralment enslavement joy prepossessingness agreeability irresistibility bliss rapture transport irresistible influence odyl OD invitation magnet inducement attractivity tantalization mesmerization hypnotization ensnarement interestingness awe brilliance glitter the jazz personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction exoticism obsession happiness thrill poise glitz it confidence glam prettiness loveliness preoccupation blandishments wiles bonniness mystery SA star power bright lights high life dynamism comeliness delightfulness gorgeousness self-confidence authority enthusiasm passion attitude temperament nature pulling power fetish fixation hang-up mania compulsion thing sorcery self-assurance grabber bug piquancy trance special something powers of attraction ruling passion idée fixe self-possession bee in your bonnet thing for bait addiction call decoy prepossession fancy craze penchant predilection incentive partiality turn-on neurosis fetich snare siren song crush hold fairness splendour curiosity pulchritude magnificence winsomeness carrot handsomeness liking loadstone lodestone weakness trap fad cajolery taste hobbyhorse bribe splendor delusion propensity bias proclivity desire sweetener mousetrap good looks hobby horse case prejudice leaning pet subject crowd puller strong interest sparkle curse thrall teaser tantalising tantalizing glory showiness flashiness coaxing razzmatazz bribery sweetening promise blandishment phobia éclat fondness come hither monomania yen preference preoccupation with mania for rage obsession with curiousness must phantom monkey consuming passion concern soft spot inclination keenness affinity love affection susceptibility fixedness paranoia keen interest glamorousness bug in ear tiger by the tail ax to grind something on the brain one-track mind concrete idea air of mysteriousness focus crowd-pleaser worry uneasiness anxiety niggle care eroticism sexiness winningness takingness temptingness colourfulness adventure sentiment crowd-puller grace elegance exoticness fantasy nostalgia centre of attention focal point sexual attractiveness sexual attraction idealization idealisation idyll center of attention stimulant sexual fixation engrossment luck exquisiteness bloom artistry voluptuousness symmetry heavenliness beauteousness impressiveness beautifulness cuteness decorativeness grandeur picturesqueness sightliness aesthetics looks esthetics golden calf seemliness wonders delights glories fairy tale refinement shapeliness physical attractiveness polish class natural beauty delicacy adorableness tout hook seducement gimmick fake ambush trick illusion camouflage drawing card con game sitting duck

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A small or trace amount
scintilla bit hint smidgen touch trace crumb drop iota mite modicum ounce shred smidgeon spatter speck splash spot sprinkling suggestion suspicion dab dash dram driblet fragment glimmer grain jot lick little morsel nip particle pinch ray scruple shade shadow skosh smack smell smidge spark strain streak tad tittle whisper whit ace atom scantling scrap snap soupçon stim whiff sparkle jot or tittle small bit small quantity drop in the bucket semblance tinge breath soupcon taste intimation hair peanuts small degree small amount relic echo vestige impression undertone faint appearance flicker glimpse glimmering ghost inkling nuance smattering tincture trifle overtone element tang snippet flavour flavor vein note sample scent dribble fraction trickle granule indication piece air nugget scattering mouthful molecule sliver sprinkle bite dollop fleck dot strand savour tidbit patch sign minimum savor little bit idea sense degree peck titbit snack snip droplet part colouring shot murmur nibble skerrick coloring sniff nib tiny piece small piece trait thread tatter aroma measure footstep cast rudiments elements tendency step slot some sampling wink tiny amount slightest bit dose spoonful spoor smatter scoosh seed diddly squat picayune eyelash spice shaving record memento residue proof token mote snort stump stub small portion splinter specimen couple scatter few handful flyspeck extract nubbin tiny bit segment lump smudge refinement gradation subtlety nicety hunk connotation smear blob cut slice chunk notion evocation gnaw blot cue wind clue aura reminder allusion portion least lowest draft odor inhalation fume odour snuff draught flatus tot seasoning squirt depth graduation modulation variation distinction shading few drops bottom nadir slightest base implication tone fine distinction subtle difference subtle distinction margin narrowest pittance smallest lower limit gleam point smallest amount rock bottom bare minimum bottom level lowest level food savoury nibbles refreshment appetizer refreshments elevenses a little something light meal brunch bite to eat namkeen sop something to eat taster savory nosh appetiser

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A sudden sharp feeling or pain

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A published statement or the act of revealing something
release announcement reporting broadcast disclosing news publicising publicizing airing breaking broadcasting bulletin circulation disclosure dissemination divulgation exposition publicity publishing revealing revelation story distribution divulging exposé proclamation propaganda publication transmission announcing communication declaration imparting issue issuing notice notification posting printing purveying spreading statement advertisement briefing dispatch newsflash offering propagation ad advert leak handout putting out divulgence uncovering exposure promulgation circulating delivery diffusion impartation report intimation unveiling conveying annunciation edict expression recitation prediction advice narration presenting communiqué relay exposing conveyance exchange betrayal presentation making known transfer granting utterance distributing dispensing furnishing conferring supplying handing out giving out telecast transmitting telecasting transmittal decree endorsement pronouncement explanation message testimony breaking news admission unearthing confession giveaway passing on handing on dispersion sending transferring spread supply issuance transference assigning dispensation allotment allocation discovery provision division apportioning administration dispersal alloting apportionment yielding passing out movement deliverance passage doling out dissipation remitting telling giving mention assertion elucidation notifying leakage partition sending out rationing partitioning enlightenment ventilation revealment exposal picture acknowledgement tip blow-by-blow squeal rundown snitch make unveilment self-disclosure impartance tip-off acknowledgment asseveration articulation voicing venting enunciation verbalization commentary uttering scattering vent remark pronunciamento setting forth unfolding emergence speech conduction conductance gearbox proliferation relaying appearance transmittance advertising writing discussion display submission ordinance proposal debate mooting raising divergence polarization divarication diffraction ramification brain dump public relations vocalization formal statement mouthing formulation diction vociferation cry leaking interpretation speaking words exclamation language pronunciation definition writ argument exhibition elocution tabling wording recital rule order ruling command declaring vouchsafing divulgement example break program programme verbalism talking talk phrasing vocalisation voice manifesto becoming known coming to light becoming evident becoming apparent letting out public statement letting slip making public giving away letting drop bringing to public attention bringing to public notice blow by blow means of expression polarisation radiation dispersing disseminating expansion bruiting webcast show feed livestream putting about flow affirmation profession avowal manifestation protestation attestation live stream confirmation averment oath guarantee insistence vow pledge proof validation certification claim avouchment deposition maintenance answer information bomb allegation pitch say so hot air two cents' worth spiel saying

Danh từ

A phenomenon that is popular for a short period of time
sensation craze trend buzz fad hit interest rage vogue chic fashion flavor flavour enthusiasm impact latest style go mode passion tonne ton wonder dernier cri hot ticket last word talking point thing mania latest thing fancy obsession in thing newest wrinkle taste furor furore look custom fascination cry latest wrinkle infatuation love fetish fixation compulsion preoccupation practice whim weakness passing fancy the last word modishness stylishness convention novelty hobby way caprice conceit vagary current style wrinkle kick in now general tendency latest taste latest style in-thing the thing new look elegance panache classiness mainstream fever monomania craving desire appetite fondness yen cacoethes penchant the latest fad the latest cry the newest fashion inclination predilection happening in-spot freak crotchet preference popularity fashionableness hip thing prevalence currency recreation pursuit pastime hot spot hotness voguishness fashionability favour favor impulse snazziness coolness trendiness hobbyhorse entertainment bug usage use the latest the rage leisure pursuit leisure activity affectation humor whimsy cult innovation eccentricity kink amusement quirk frivolity sport humour fantasy fool notion latest word ritual practise wont bandwagon trick cultus cultism habitude habit faddism prevailing taste praxis manner pattern rule second nature form routine procedure tradition matter of course characteristic consuetude groove hang-up system policy observance precedent grind beaten path daily grind method into modus operandi approval proprieties institution norm customariness addiction tendency idea concept rite design formality hip etiquette process law shot rubric heritage prescription canon movement mores propensity proclivity drill bent disposition cool proneness tikanga precept p normality normalcy ordinariness buzzword prominent thing important thing habitualness jag flair genre swim hipsterism hipness air du temps usance meme repetition peculiarity mannerism big thing asylum fact phenomenon code idiosyncrasy assuetude notion home madhouse bedlam propriety protocol set rut trait prison hostel fixture familiarity foible punctilio conventionality fixed attitude oddity quip tic individualism quiddity erraticism curiosity twist singularity acquired behavior habit pattern kawa ceremonial moeurs urge prepossession fetich partiality idée fixe accepted behaviour covenance principle percept force of habit bug in ear tiger grabber fixed idea craziness bee tiger by the tail bee in bonnet ax to grind something on the brain disorder residential care home fashionable popular in fashion convenance proceeding usefulness utility with it trendy in vogue big all the rage usual procedure campaign ceremony drive ordinance crusade dictates conventionalism le dernier cri push folkways shibboleth mould character attitude mold type observation cause kaupapa sacred cow juggernaut unwritten rule unwritten law established way way of doing things blitz lobby

Danh từ

The organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information
perception understanding awareness grasp appreciation apprehension consciousness feeling impression recognition sense comprehension discernment notion observation idea knowledge sensation acknowledgment acknowledgement assessment cognizance conception picture realisation realization thought view apprehending concept grip hold intellection interpretation judgment percipience reading study take viewpoint belief estimation judgement realising realizing slant approach attention attitude conceit experience image light opinion taste plan big idea brain wave insight consideration cognition apperception sentiment assimilation mindfulness regard notice sensibility point of view thinking observance perspective way of thinking enlightenment familiarity persuasion mindset outlook mind angle vision heed position abstraction supposition acquaintance theory standpoint conceptualization intuition cogitation stance hypothesis philosophy inference conceptualisation postulation concern responsiveness conviction ken presumption perceptiveness ear frame of mind eye knowingness note alertness attentiveness explanation advertence advertency sensitivity conclusion feel mind's eye heedfulness reasoning perceptivity imagination ideas inkling contemplation deduction fancy visualization suggestion cognisance verdict vantage point inclination visualisation disposition standing assumption examination wariness analysis sentience suspicion mood mental picture command discovery conjecture construal generalization thoughts stand evaluation insight into sight familiarity with scrutiny leaning premise information vigilance generalisation sympathy noticing identification clarification discrimination detection appraisal version musing context accepted wisdom hunch care inspiration determination orientation stereotype notions reaction generality prospect bias acquaintance with construct predilection proclivity sentiments feelings intelligence way of looking diagnosis temperament character interest temper headset distinguishing account where one is at say so respect learning presentiment dreaming valuation fantasy aspect esteem inspection resolution mastery sensitiveness surveillance excogitation preconception vagary caprice mentality translation construction representation presupposition elucidation ability capacity signification dream decipherment sensitivity to perceiving uptake side enjoyment fool notion education mental image mental vision mental visualization convictions prognosis reflection ascertainment speculation frame of reference calculation clue deliberation thoughtfulness prejudice absorption expectation aesthetic sense model cogitating imagining envisaging air bent demeanor demeanour receptivity mental representation knowing sneaking suspicion twist funny feeling school of thought way of looking at things mental state eye view mental outlook like it is acumen wit meaning attidue anticipation indication reason penetration treatment construing evidence perspicacity bearing intellect need spotting connotation handle hint atmosphere aura self-understanding knowledgeableness self-awareness wakefulness acquaintanceship focus curiosity formula finding definition wisdom rumination characterization posture theorem reverie pondering phantasm concepts noting sensibility to vibe conscious thought line of thinking thanks appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude sapience sageness sagaciousness erudition policy rationality brainchild wrinkle awakening achievement conceptualizations inquisitiveness aha prehension carefulness witfulness smelling sensing tasting acceptance contention greater understanding better understanding enhanced understanding superior understanding comprehensive understanding improved understanding revelation engrossment enthrallment immersion ability to understand look glimpse mind-set intimation beliefs presumptions views hypotheses angles two cents worth broad view overview value judgment admiration liking relish attraction commendation love affection admission color colour proficiency consensus premonition shoes faculty instruction edification theses premises slow take double take mental acquisitiveness inquiring mind nosiness expertise riff variation mulling over messages pictures concession light bulb moment aha moment personal feeling prediction principle recollection tingle hallucination illusion