Đồng nghĩa của attention

Alternative for attention


Đồng nghĩa: care, concern, consideration, courtesy, politeness, thoughtfulness,

Trái nghĩa: inattention,

Danh từ

The act of dealing with or taking notice of someone or something
consideration concern deliberation scrutiny analysis estimation exploration heed notice perusal regard action care concentration contemplation examination heedfulness observation reflection review thought application assiduity diligence industry inspection investigation mindfulness observance once-over study view advertence advertency ascertainment attentiveness awareness ear eye intentness knowledge note studying thinking debate spotlight cognizance consciousness mind watchfulness interest vigilance surveillance forethought watch advisement solicitousness vigil solicitude cogitation lookout discussion thoughtfulness respect monitoring pondering rumination supervision account brainwork meditation sympathy guard focus calculation perception tender loving care remark mark lovingness caringness caution premeditation alertness patrol sensitivity musing TLC wariness carefulness kindness eagle eye regardfulness absorption immersion engrossment detection thoughts lucubration grind apprehension grasp focusing focussing understanding considerateness listen up mulling stake-out wake nightwatch duty judgment devotion survey sight judgement time policing watching courtesy responsiveness interestedness hesitation agonizing viewing scrutinization object navel-gazing an eye surveying cognition night watch aid tending agonising sentry duty close watch recognising recognizing overlook noticing probe cerebration consultation brooding speculation looking after excogitation circumspection conferring compassion rap planning prudence ventilation negotiation serious thought purpose ratiocination weighing up empathy benevolence tab warmth affinity alert gander rapport kindliness grace feelings concernment tenderness warmheartedness kindheartedness weather eye

Danh từ

The notice or regard taken of someone or something that is interesting or important
awareness curiosity focus interest notice concern observation recognition cognizance consideration heed regard scrutiny detection discernment inquisitiveness perception absorption acknowledgement acknowledgment alertness apperception apprehension attentiveness consciousness discovery engrossment enthrallment immersion mindfulness surveillance inquiring mind mental acquisitiveness mind nosiness thoughtfulness responsiveness knowledge understanding observance appreciation note heedfulness advertence advertency realization ear comprehension care enlightenment eye insight cognition realisation vigilance sensibility familiarity sentience grasp thought acquaintance watchfulness cognisance preoccupation conception wakefulness suspicion assimilation deliberation percipience sensitivity to insight into acquaintance with familiarity with discrimination fascination mention comment passion idea perceptiveness carefulness witfulness bearing reasoning intelligence captivation indication belief suggestion feeling anticipation sense capacity ability evidence imagination hint reason learning remark finding intellect thinking intuition need spotting concentration conscious thought enthusiasm beholding interestedness contemplation excitement application eyeing espial curiousness diligence receptiveness intentness eagerness thirst for knowledge undivided attention concernment receptivity keenness zest information knowingness wariness experience self-awareness acquaintanceship knowledgeableness self-understanding grip sensibility to

Danh từ

The act of providing someone in need of assistance with aid
care aid treatment assistance help support supervision therapy guidance ministration relief service sustenance tending comfort rehabilitation remedy reprieve respite solace succor succour devotion helpfulness looking after tender loving care TLC favour favor nurture patronage services ministrations abettance backing abetment cooperation hand assist lift boost promotion facilitation push furtherance encouragement backup deliverance espousal salvation advice alleviation giving spurring on advocacy reinforcement rescue leg up a leg up a helping hand shot in the arm helping hand championship endorsement sponsorship auspices approval aegis reinforcements intervention contribution recommendation benefit protection defence championing stimulus kindness spur ward auxiliaries maintenance advancement defense offices mediation fillip trusteeship favouring intercession expertise a hand time sanction favoring pick-me-up cavalry skills agency collaboration abetting reserves good deed easement goodness impetus compensation benefaction acceptance secours tonic good turn inspiration supplementaries urging furthering sanctioning uplift boosterism good offices abettal ease countenance guide influence rescuer provider helpmate benefactor accessory crutch intermediation bolster participation reassurance security responsiveness troubleshooting coattails instrumentality mitzvah complicity shelter office extras charity kick blessing seconding donations guardianship charge keeping umbrella grace buzz gifts redemption subsidy alms protectorship auspice wing safeguarding a kindness commendation accompaniment hand-holding nourishment use fix adoption incentive additional resources guaranty secondment adherence embracing moral support tutelage a lift a favour a good turn a break boosting development consolation gee-up proposal upholding quick fix fostering stimulant incitement goad prod inducement stimulation financial assistance debt remission preferment progress cultivation welcome taking up argument for espousing propagation approving justification preference exaltation sponsoring ennoblement reviver motivation prompt spice prelation betterment taking to siding with wholehearted reception preferring enthusiastic reception zest go-ahead contribution to endorsing promoting supporting campaigning for recommending promulgation support for succours additional fresh troops impulse line link spokesmanship pushing for pressing for pleading for arguing for calling for activism vouching for additional troops additional police additional materiel succors lifeline aiding and abetting advising in favour way of continuing means of survival rescue device safety device life belt

Danh từ

The quality of being sedulous
sedulousness diligence industry assiduity industriousness sedulity assiduousness attentiveness application care intentness activity constancy heedfulness pertinacity earnestness vigour carefulness laboriousness heed vigor exertion alertness briskness intensity intent keenness quickness concentration effort conscientiousness persistence dedication doggedness perseverance indefatigability tirelessness hard work single-mindedness studiousness steadiness commitment focus vision tenacity work zeal rigour labour sense of purpose pains labor rigor struggle trouble energy productiveness punctiliousness rigorousness zealousness thoroughness meticulousness perseveration worksomeness continuance work ethic endeavour bother thought inconvenience devotion hassle fuss striving study toil expenditure strain endurance patience travail grief ado sweat deliberation bustle while elbow grease hitch flurry snag endeavor blood, sweat and tears busyness determination resolve resoluteness resolution drive graft steadfastness purposefulness obstinacy staying power moil grit insistence enterprise yakka stubbornness intransigence purpose force push stickability backbone strength slog power Sitzfleisch stress firmness of purpose stick-to-it-iveness hard yakka firmness staunchness stamina drudgery toiling pluck discipline grind battle persistency moxie guts spunk drudge ardor muscle ardour venture stick-to-itiveness sweat of one's brow dynamism enthusiasm wholeheartedness responsibility pursuit doing immovability charge control crusade struggling labouring pursuance thoughtfulness seriousness inattention ambition campaign undertaking attempt movement pain gruntwork slogging hard slog throes singleness of purpose hard labor manual labor salt mines laboring service blood, swear, and tears slaving donkey work attempts hardship spadework fatigue slavery donkeywork steps donkey-work tenaciousness measures occupation nine-to-five obduracy inflexibility inexorability relentlessness obdurateness bulldog spirit inexorableness implacability fixity of purpose procedures proceedings strength of will strength of purpose chutzpah willfulness guttiness starch courage stomach gutsiness clock heart nerve reaction response education action undertakings true grit intestinal fortitude fixedness what it takes acts analysis adhesion devotedness faithfulness fealty loyalty allegiance piety fastness troth faith fidelity attachment course of action pull tension exercise strife welly integrity unfailingness honour decision abidingness principle certainty love eagerness honesty truthfulness honor surety adherence trustiness hard graft importunity pushiness old college try

Danh từ

The state or quality of being interested, or having an interest
interestedness care consideration heed interest carefulness regard heedfulness concernment apprehension bearing disquiet disquietude distress relation relevance solicitude unease worry tender loving care concern notice thought note mind sight sympathy observance view consciousness cognizance an eye once-over curiosity concentration focus awareness scrutiny attentiveness engrossment thoughtfulness enthusiasm inquisitiveness curiousness diligence receptivity absorption receptiveness excitement intentness eagerness deliberation responsiveness thirst for knowledge alertness vigilance keenness undivided attention watchfulness preoccupation nosiness suspicion contemplation application zest understanding approachability openness impartiality broad-mindedness tolerance acceptance open-mindedness accessibility respect observation account mindfulness friendliness fascination perception immersion captivation forethought enthrallment reference knowledge caution advertence advertency eye ear mark openmindedness sociableness progressiveness liberalism passion imagination connection regards recognition grasp sensitivity reaction detection discernment study spotlight debate remark TLC listen up aid tending solicitousness lovingness discovery apperception surveillance acknowledgment occupation involvement engagement caringness raptness inquiring mind acknowledgement mental acquisitiveness looking after holding reflection enthralment monopolization review thinking examination time wariness pondering rumination monopolisation hang-up advisement brainwork circumspection hesitation premeditation agonizing prudence object navel-gazing guardedness chariness cautiousness agonising exactness exertion conscientiousness gingerliness discrimination fastidiousness effort direction management

Danh từ

thoughtfulness accuracy attentiveness care carefulness consideration kindheartedness kindness meticulousness precision selflessness solicitude sympathy thoroughness unselfishness attention to detail helpfulness indulgence understanding compassion charity concern kindliness benevolence generosity humanity kind-heartedness feeling warmth sensitivity tenderness friendliness altruism goodness goodwill regard warm-heartedness tender-heartedness considerateness philanthropy empathy solicitousness tolerance graciousness pity commiseration benignity mercy charitableness decency fellow feeling humaneness gentleness mindfulness magnanimity neighbourliness good-heartedness neighborliness bigheartedness warmheartedness affection beneficence awareness heart ruth softheartedness largeheartedness patience amiability liberality clemency cordiality love tact responsiveness consciousness grace courtesy good will aroha munificence largesse forbearance bounty favour bounteousness favor compassionateness gift mildness recognition appreciation fellowship affinity good-fellowship leniency cognizance rapport perception sensibility tenderheartedness comity receptiveness receptivity apperception discretion respect brotherly love awareness of the feelings of others lovingness amity generousness big-heartedness pleasantness magnanimousness benignancy nobility public-spiritedness friendship niceness benefaction geniality brotherhood cordialness sweetness bountifulness sensitiveness identification perceptiveness condolence heed perceptivity humanitarianism delicacy communion concord caring lenience soft-heartedness largess assimilation apprehension support devotion heedfulness motherliness fatherliness collaboration cooperation caritas Agape amenability diplomacy thought politeness oblation office charitability agape attachment subtlety finesse solace consolation comfort congeniality obligingness openhandedness mercifulness unity encouragement esteem estimation judgment mutual support openheartedness condolences affability agreeableness endowment giving donation boon alms aid reassurance rue philanthropism watchfulness lavishness free-handedness open-handedness quarter judgement sorrow tender loving care amiableness almsgiving social conscience agreeability brotherliness softness sisterliness compunction TLC altruistism personableness amenity good-naturedness docility good-temperedness interest notice focus curiosity observation soft skills finer feelings conception insight scrutiny comprehension cognition detection inquisitiveness discernment knowingness intuition knowing familiarity enlightenment acquaintance cottoning to being on same wavelength community of interests absorption immersion surveillance acknowledgment engrossment alertness discovery enthrallment inquiring mind mind nosiness acknowledgement mental acquisitiveness hospitality affectionateness courteousness nobleness liberalness self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention lenity forgiveness alms-giving high-mindedness great-heartedness fondness free giving all heart pardon readiness profusion freehandedness sufferance endurance toleration liking permissiveness unsparingness large-heartedness reprieve hospitableness moderation emotion admiration sociability partiality passion sincerity broad-mindedness liberalism shine assistance self-denial feelings conviviality permission license concession freedom ardor ardour allowance virtue peacefulness fancy heartiness turn service amorousness peaceableness preference approval blessing commendation intensity sentimentality absolution relish taste like reverence meekness good nature amicability heat fervor fervour serenity fairness lifesaver tranquillity tranquility appetite approbation imprimatur account calmness endearment sentiment warmness closeness intimacy devotedness use caringness soul cheer acceptance placidity condolement relief complaisance kind regard condonation lack of prejudice capacity long-suffering good opinion peace civility harmony fraternity honesty genuineness faith greatheartedness chivalry principle supportiveness protectiveness loftiness honor honour honourableness sadness distress moderateness disinterest equitableness justness deference acquiescence accommodativeness compliance blessings princeliness amicableness regret gifts favours character respects open-mindedness welcome favors constitution dejection melancholy large-hea succor succour patronage lack of severity public spirit sanction large-heartedn tender feelings concernment discrimination action reaction palpability response good deed desire brownie points good neighbourliness rallying round laxness condoning social concern sponsorship dole concern for others heart of hearts optimism assuagement easement inspiration adoration worship amore crush lack of bias backing help warm reception warm feelings shyness quietness prosocial behaviour gifting fund strong fondness soft spot puppy love reception companionship openness sociableness guestfriendship comradeship guestfriendliness pampering spoiling modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility prosocial behavior good works helping hand gladdening mansuetude enthusiasm vehemence remission pliancy pliability fragility good cheer profligateness fondling fulfilment toadying kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy pleasure favouring intemperateness favoring petting privilege pleasing fulfillment treating zeal eagerness welcomingness passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence fire wholeheartedness fervency fervidness intenseness amnesty remittal happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement white heat spirit glow empressement earnestness conciliation anchor indemnity freeing excuse vindication indemnification commute resignation fortitude restraint composure equanimity stoicism imperturbability persistence longanimity equilibrium unexcitability cool submission poise perseverance inexcitability constancy grit passivity gutsiness bearing backbone unflappability passiveness guts nonresistance intestinal fortitude even-temperedness even temper self-control self-restraint

Danh từ

rumination meditation ponderings reflection thought thoughts anticipation cerebration cogitation cognition consideration contemplation deduction deliberation deriving excogitation heed hope ideation inducing introspection intuition judging knowing logic musing rationalisation rationalization reasoning regard scrutiny seeing speculation study theorization thinking understanding apprehending brainwork concluding considering deducing discerning inferring perceiving rationalising rationalizing realising realizing pondering brooding concentration examination debate advisement account reverie analysis mulling idea forethought mulling over brown study judgment judgement agonizing impression serious thought view premeditation agonising opinion pensiveness thought process planning review abstraction notion picture image concept notice conception inference daydreaming calculation circumspection discussion imagination perusal absorption woolgathering weighing up assessment application ratiocination reason belief inspection thoughtfulness trance observation prayer ruminating carefulness care caution self-examination investigation intellection mentation deep thought quiet time consultation worrying puzzling premise perception vision philosophy revery conferring a brown study conceptualization theory dreaming mind's eye rap wariness prudence ventilation negotiation purpose vagary caprice fantasy dream preconception interest time muse conclusions conclusion think prospect conceptualisation daydream preoccupation ideas position mind awareness recollection period of deliberation period of reflection period of contemplation viewpoint beliefs views opinions viewpoints outlook hesitation object navel-gazing spell of contemplation spell of deliberation spell of reflection evaluation conjecture assumption point of view points of view accepted wisdom line of thought presumption supposition navel gazing day-dreaming wool-gathering determination eduction thesis verdict induction consequence sequitur finding suspicion hypothesis findings results conviction corollary interpretation result answer illation derivation exploration estimation weighing once-over concern audit engrossment probe survey check studying enquiry scan going-over checkup inquiry postulation lucubration grind Zen careful considering evaluating measuring deciding balancing action heedfulness profound thought thinking over careful consideration diligence industry mindfulness observance assiduity absent-mindedness knowledge eye intentness ascertainment advertence attentiveness advertency ear note dreaminess retrospect look-see reappraisal reconsideration reexamination report retrospection appraisal absence obliviousness inattention guess research breakdown dissection anatomization spotlight guesswork surmise vagueness distraction objective intention inclination thing visualization worry aspiration motivation expectation inkling fancy plan contrivance visualisation idée fixe sentiment inspiration intent interrogation diagnosis fresh look second look reevaluation recapitulation file second thought drill theorizing inattentiveness heedlessness remoteness talk hypothesizing guesstimate cross-examination inquisition raptness bemusedness distractedness forecast prediction entrancement reflecting aloofness absence of mind shot in the dark hearsay stab gossip stab in the dark shot hunch sneaking suspicion hypothesising rumor theorising rumour look inventory look-over

Danh từ

Breadth or range of outlook
purview understanding comprehension acumen apprehension attitude awareness cognizance concept consciousness grasp horizon idea impression insight judgement judgment ken knowledge light notion picture range reach recognition scope sense sight vision apprehending overview perspective realising realizing range of view realization appreciation perception realisation notice wit acquaintance feeling observation discernment sensation acknowledgement thought assessment view conception intellection hold viewpoint take interpretation study percipience grip reading estimation belief slant taste experience approach plan conceit image flash big idea brain wave opinion acknowledgment cognition familiarity apperception intelligence assimilation knowingness command mastery insight into education penetration conversance perceptiveness perspicacity intellect enlightenment schooling acquaintanceship intimacy knowing decipherment tuition know-how understanding of grasp of comprehension of familiarity with cognizance of awareness of knowledge of proficiency in expertise in skill in sentiment erudition learning expertise proficiency perceptivity absorption digestion visualisation visualization discrimination intuition uptake acquaintance with skill grapple aha capacity ability prehension cultivation shrewdness ability to understand sharpness sharp-wittedness astuteness double take slow take association conversancy relationship exchange learnedness instruction scholarship wisdom canniness acuity acuteness connection contact companionship fellowship nous sagacity sageness perspicaciousness experience of social contact arguteness sapience common sense savvy smarts practicality horse sense consideration mindfulness regard cognisance wariness observance information heedfulness heed vigilance sentience apprehension of realization of command of perception of conception of ken of mastery of

Danh từ

A feeling of high regard for someone
respect esteem regard appreciation acclaim recognition admiration estimation credit favour commendation high regard popularity honour reverence veneration acclamation acknowledgement acknowledgment honor praise adoration approval tribute approbation awe consideration deference homage repute accolades celebration compliments honouring honoring plaudits exaltation extolment favor high opinion props court devotion glorification glory good opinion idolization kudos laudation love pat on the back puffing up pumping up worship ovation testimonial adulation accolade applause distinction fame merit congratulations eulogium bouquets pride prestige renown reputation aggrandizement nobility cachet illustriousness greatness name importance elevation fealty dignity gratitude thanks immortalization apotheosis notability privilege eminence canonization tributes obeisance deification lionization lionisation aggrandisement salutes paeans eulogy commemoration trust compliment notice high standing good name brownie points hat tip good image good reputation respectfulness capitulation complaisance thoughtfulness obedience suit respects attentiveness laurels laud sun blandishments courtship addresses points bays stroke reward acceptance salute rave mention bouquet pat on head pat on back round of applause standing note celebrity rank prominence account preeminence status stature panegyric weight influence encomium mark position authority superiority luster lustre consequence notoriety character éclat image rep significance pre-eminence salutation stardom station prominency flattery report citation respectability cheers excellence place plaudit loyalty paean magnification majesty hymn idolatry power faithfulness immortality izzat fidelity odor odour worshipping trustworthiness famousness acceptability prestigiousness supremacy clout allegiance cheering award dithyramb worth worshiping prepotency eminency noteworthiness loftiness affection attachment dependability troth a pat on the back duty class opinion thanksgiving memorial reputability genuflection grace remembrance excellency recommendation perfection quality hero-worship puff reliability calibre piety blessing caliber liking ardor big up degree ardour splendor steadfastness commitment public esteem praising mana value constancy cheer dedication submission staunchness stock ranking fastness devotedness level prostration triumph good word welcome adherence faith splendour rap trustiness adhesion felicitations impressiveness big hand great respect hero worship fondness rave review decoration pat on the head observance revering beatification supplication benediction shingle idolizing lionizing venerating glorifying service state toast sycophancy greetings credibility trueness import magnifying patriotism eulogizing support eulogising reaches echelon rung footing réclame bond blandishment lionising idolising sentiment firmness stratum momentousness infatuation ceremony congratulation grade crush true-heartedness passion transcendence dominance raves steadiness hankering brand dulia care testament pash weakness amore yen shine condition primacy paramountcy best wishes clapping relevance cherishing preponderancy preponderance supereminence mark of respect puppy love valuing prizing stroking astonishment amazement PR strong praise integrity devoutness social position heyday pats on the back honourable mention manner badge flair style validation stateliness lavishness magnificence grandeur sublimity imposingness grandness choiceness first-rateness superbness primeness monument bay bottom ascendancy laurel self-respect success royalty lordship ladyship sire gift hurrah bravo cry boost thankfulness appreciativeness prayer nobleness adoring warmth commendations regards sway control extraordinariness memorability publicity courtesy endorsement commemorative extolling prayers exalting worshipfulness admiring infamy memorialization high rank high station good report encouragement prize visibility latria sympathy self-image present offering strokes memory reminiscence shouting surprise wonder public image high esteem awards honours decorations intense love grandiosity fawning eulogies enthusiasm superstardom myth legend trueheartedness order self-esteem delight pleasure charge bidding salutations blessings hail pledge health blarney cajolery sanction kudo salvo bootlicking eulogiums special mention shot in the arm honorable mention -olatry media interest media attention plug symbol statement token bonding inviolability ennoblement obsequiousness fear bow religiousness face vengeance wrath repayment extravagant flattery audation kneeling treasuring enjoyment wonderment good wishes flattering remark hand jubilation standing O roar loud homage praying to servile flattery fulsome praise rating marveling marvelling monumentalization memorial service acknowledgement of recognition of celebration of stage capacity blue ribbon gold star honors feather in cap positive reception warrant voucher credentials warm fuzzy honeyed word buttering up trade last mode type category dignification estate height situation virtue highness social standing down drink proposal position in society standing in society social class social status commission charter confirmation sheepskin concern goodness lauding resolution benefit moment weightiness substance deifying worthiness idealization idealisation uplifting matter advantage perseverance doggedness tenacity determination resoluteness fixedness standard good hero-worshipping valuation signification magnitude desert talent obsession resolve obligation impact seriousness interest urgency gravity deservingness meritoriousness fanaticism application obstinacy consecration capability plus point skill ability accomplishment arete pro high quality redeeming feature aptitude diploma single-mindedness zeal eagerness honesty unfailingness staying power decision abidingness principle certainty earnestness truthfulness surety

Danh từ

Coverage in media
press coverage publicity hype exposure reports articles broadcasting commentary consideration fuss noise plug puff reportage reporting treatment billing blurb limelight pieces reviews storeys stories PR write-ups media attention media interest media hype press reporting public relations press articles press coverage press reviews press treatment press write-ups report handling presentation exploration content investigation analysis study description accounts advertising ballyhoo boost puffery promotion build-up propaganda push fanfare réclame razzmatazz boosterism commercial release pitch announcement scratch handout write-up press-agentry promulgation distribution promo announcing hoopla currency clout ink pushing spread spotlight big noise marketing plugging advertisement buildup playing time broadcast hard sell airplay airtime brouhaha praise boosting spiel publicizing publicization publicising advertising campaign publicity campaign PR campaign hoo-ha image management promotions outreach P.R. publicity stunt hook profile-raiser photo-shoot extravagant commendation touting splash promotional advertizing ad proclamation promoting exposition exhibiting blasting displaying screamer squib exhibition posting advert song and dance propaganda campaign mention patter line campaign selling marketing campaign offer recommendation puffing e-marketing advertising promotion pizzazz pzazz notice laudation newspeak agitprop disinformation information brainwashing excitement hysteria racket flimflam sales talk hot air good word indoctrination spin counter-information advocacy favourable mention piece of publicity extensive publicity bumf hogwash misinformation doctrine literature implantation presstitution cant proselytism publication info evangelism inculcation big lie half truths party line

Danh từ

The quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or revealing confidential information
discretion care caution prudence tact circumspection consideration diplomacy wariness carefulness sense chariness judiciousness discrimination guardedness judgment tactfulness acumen delicacy discernment discreetness gumption judgement levelheadedness nous policy sensibleness sensitivity subtlety wisdom wit common sense heedfulness sagacity calculation canniness concern considerateness deliberation foresight forethought good sense heed horse sense maturity moderation observation perspicacity precaution providence responsibility shrewdness solicitude thoughtfulness vigilance warning watchfulness kid gloves presence of mind politeness courtesy urbanity refinement grace attentiveness decorum awareness polish correctness penetration etiquette alertness finesse cultivation cautiousness farsightedness poise gingerliness adroitness perception mindfulness manners style foresightedness respect savoir-faire elegance prescience civility suavity planning gallantry graciousness vision culture understanding far-sightedness mannerliness taste provision gentility acuteness forehandedness tastefulness sophistication smoothness good manners thought good taste savvy restraint propriety kindness politesse address respectfulness decency savoir faire anticipation courteousness breeding caginess decorousness courtliness premeditation preparedness nicety accomplishment genteelness couth good breeding intelligence confidence skill regard social graces know-how worldliness presence amenity delicatesse repose aptness head control politicness punctiliousness respectability cordiality forethoughtfulness sympathy deference friendliness chivalry seemliness soft skills insight social know-how readiness complaisance formality economy amenities dignity prevision forward planning good behavior belt and braces flair composure understatedness mutedness contrivance chic beauty class attractiveness rationality reasonableness dexterity appreciation distinction feeling susceptibility advisability delicateness obligingness observance hesitance hesitancy level-headedness suaveness urbaneness charm common courtesy good judgement keeping your head down intention thrift hesitation timidity timidness timorousness aestheticism good judgment social skill aplomb thriftiness diligence forecast coolness austerity practicality reasoning conservation conservatism pragmatism good management guidance foreknowledge knowledge assurance careful budgeting clairvoyance intuition precognition preconception hindsight prophecy divination premonition prospect long-sightedness prenotion social grace Aukflarung gentlemanliness ladylikeness safeguard kindliness solicitousness charity affability civilization stylishness quickness liveliness agility risk avoidance Fabian policy rank affectation ostentation affectedness ostentatiousness provident foresightfulness compassion unselfishness savoir vivre geniality watch alert briskness nimbleness perceptiveness spiritedness civilisation flower society ruling class gentle birth blue blood optimacy good family high birth insurance modesty protocol promptitude activeness sprightliness forbearance benevolence selflessness favour favor gallantness rectitude red alert qui vive amiability reverence comity gentleness familiarity ceremony appropriateness palladium fail-safe preventive protection esteem generosity tolerance estimation mercy conscientiousness demureness sobriety painstakingness preventive measure defence defense backstop becomingness orthodoxy form mores manner conventionality pains effort deterrent safety measure preventative measure security probity good form punctilio tenue meticulousness niceties fastidiousness accuracy precision the done thing accepted conduct

Danh từ

The state or attitude of being indulgent or tolerant
indulgence kindness tolerance leniency understanding forbearance courtesy mercy sympathy benevolence boon clemency compassion favor favour forgiveness grace humanity lenience liberality liberalness pampering service spoiling turn fondness goodwill mercifulness partiality patience permissiveness absolution allowance endurance favouring favoring fondling fulfilment fulfillment hedonism intemperateness kowtowing pardon petting placating pleasing pleasure privilege profligacy profligateness toadying toleration treating charity generosity lenity tenderness magnanimity kindliness consideration altruism beneficence good will quarter charitableness goodness sufferance benignity unselfishness gentleness assistance bounty pity aid love benefaction mildness benefit philanthropy humaneness caritas broad-mindedness compassionateness help liberalism good turn dispensation sensitivity munificence kind-heartedness kindheartedness largesse benediction thoughtfulness good deed moderation act of assistance bounteousness soft-heartedness laxness concession license care helpfulness concern decency friendliness act of kindness open-handedness reprieve tender-heartedness cordiality open-mindedness benignancy softness long-suffering selflessness good-heartedness affection kind act helping hand magnanimousness tenderheartedness warm-heartedness graciousness nobility lavishness free-handedness contribution patronage acceptance permission freedom neighbourliness deed gift bountifulness big-heartedness responsiveness humanitarianism largess fellow feeling generousness warmheartedness accommodation neighborliness bigheartedness solid softheartedness fortitude feeling heart laxity warmth considerateness amiability succor support relief backing abetment comity amity self-sacrifice public-spiritedness complaisance restraint resignation reward fairness cooperation commiseration largeheartedness ruth obligement aroha almsgiving lifesaver errand lack of bias lack of prejudice succour stoicism goodwill gesture self-control longanimity self-restraint guts openness progressiveness flexibility prodigality reconciliation preference princeliness motherliness fatherliness lovingness moderateness justness equitableness great-heartedness high-mindedness accuracy attentiveness thoroughness carefulness solicitude meticulousness precision pleasantness niceness politeness chivalry self-denial geniality congeniality obligingness openhandedness blessings openheartedness ministration Agape overlooking lack of severity attention to detail gifts favours looseness indifference indecision brotherly love sanction condonation philanthropism favors agape attachment act gesture friendship good-fellowship brotherhood cordialness fellowship condoning friendly gesture gesture of goodwill olive branch social conscience special consideration action resilience stamina resistance toughness hardness hardiness vigor opposition strength steadiness steadfastness vigour hospitality alms blessing boost honour benison honor affectionateness endowment donation grant funding subsidy welfare handout courteousness staying power offering assist sponsorship compensation subvention sustenance bursary deliverance comfort temperance sweetness salvation furtherance long-sufferingness nobleness tact hand-out avoidance refraining abstinence fellow-feeling good intention resisting patientness calmness composure serenity equanimity living with imperturbability going easy on persistence tranquillity tranquility unexcitability cool submission equilibrium poise perseverance inexcitability grit constancy placidity backbone unflappability passivity capacity gutsiness bearing passiveness even-temperedness even temper nonresistance intestinal fortitude affability alms-giving sociability conviviality freehandedness agreeableness agreeability unsparingness free giving all heart readiness profusion camaraderie empathy amiableness amenity good-naturedness comradery large-heartedness good nature congenialness genialness amicability sociableness amenability rapport approachability respect chumminess civility clubbiness regard gregariousness open arms comradeship companionability clubbability accessibility bonhomie approval hospitableness warmness good-temperedness condolence esteem charm mindfulness estimation approbation virtue emotion appreciation brotherliness fancy dole personableness heartiness good humour peacefulness peaceableness joviality companionship harmony communicativeness liking commendation shine intimacy social concern fraternity enjoyableness wholeheartedness mateyness palliness affinity relish taste devotion like feelings easy-going manner approachableness soul earnestness company heedfulness reverence solicitousness admiration appetite imprimatur account solace familiarity use good opinion condolement kind regard humanism greatheartedness caring collaboration inner beauty sisterliness principle supportiveness protectiveness loftiness honourableness disinterest mutual support faith liveliness gemütlichkeit large-heartedn discretion awareness public spirit doing no harm forthcomingness extroversion charitability likability pleasurableness loveliness satisfaction appeal cheeriness likableness affableness douceur character hospitability urbanity constitution mutuality jovialness sincerity gratefulness reciprocity brownie points sadness sorrow distress naturalness informality ease relaxedness closeness prosocial behaviour gifting fund nei receptiveness receptivity unity accord harmoniousness easiness tender feelings social intelligence nonmaleficence companionableness demonstrativeness obliging nature hospitable manner prosocial behavior good works peace amicableness concurrence concord sisterhood due regard rue regret socializing concern for others heart of hearts lack of reserve sodality manners collaborating togetherness simpatico good humor sweetness and light dejection melancholy compunction etiquette outgoingness community involvement intercourse association relations mingling mutual affection encouragement consolation decorum good manners dignity shyness quietness mixing communion congress good vibrations good relations same wavelength deference propriety veneration lack of reservation lack of inhibition modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility enthusiasm passion vehemence league acquaintance fraternization socialising fraternisation hitting it off refinement courtliness large-hea cheer optimism reassurance assuagement easement gladdening inspiration mansuetude docility meekness intensity social contact social intercourse social interaction zeal eagerness welcomingness delicacy pliancy pliability fragility passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence heat fire ardor fervency fervidness intenseness fervor fervour ardour happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions amorousness zest excitement white heat spirit glow empressement

Trái nghĩa của attention

attention Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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