Đồng nghĩa của relish

Alternative for relish

relishes, relished, relishing

Đồng nghĩa: appreciate, enjoy, like, savor,

Trái nghĩa: loathe,

Danh từ

The act or state of greatly enjoying or finding satisfaction in something
pleasure delight enjoyment happiness satisfaction gratification contentment gladness gusto zest contentedness enthusiasm delectation content glee excitement exhilaration appetite elation rapture liking fondness appreciation titillation joy verve zeal energy exuberance liveliness animation passion fervour pep vigour vigor ardour zing fervor cheerfulness spirit high spirits vitality dynamism brio vim fire ardor gaiety zip get-up-and-go oomph keenness sparkle spiritedness effervescence life dash eagerness jollity ebullience go vivacity merriment bounce buoyancy fulfilment pizzazz drive comfort avidity pzazz punch fulfillment fizz amusement sprightliness cheer moxie joyfulness high-spiritedness joyousness esprit bliss sap mirth love felicity zestfulness blitheness cheeriness joviality ecstasy ginger hardihood juice snap starch ease vinegar gas beans hilarity well-being serenity fanaticism merriness vehemence jubilation feeling fieriness light-heartedness vivaciousness triumph euphoria elan jolliness peace of mind intensity push jouissance self-content rejoicing lightheartedness devotion warmth perkiness joie de vivre peace relief indulgence fun thrill taste kick repletion devotedness restfulness welly tranquillity force forcefulness spunk complacency tranquility ardency motivation strength élan beatitude prosperity luxury determination carefreeness blissfulness feistiness enchantment laughter delirium good spirits entertainment good cheer transports of delight warm fuzzies diversion cloud nine good humor interest jauntiness mirthfulness festivity gleefulness relaxation equanimity vibrancy fervency zealousness earnestness exultation jocundity spark inclination emotion gayness jocularity gayety guts savor savour initiative placidity smugness flame stamina fruition placidness power activity readiness steam blessedness wellbeing bang playfulness optimism geniality scintillation irrepressibility breeziness vividness brightness gladsomeness heart chirpiness blithesomeness molliness pluck brilliance love of life virility great enthusiasm robustness gumption potency pepper panache activeness lustiness revelry sanctity hopefulness seventh heaven committedness militancy venturesomeness audacity being buoyance pulse stuff bloom clout toughness birr tuck endurance solace rhapsody jollies buzz being full of the joys of spring joyance transport recreation enjoyment of living zest for life fierceness diligence intentness perseverance what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania hustle dazzle sincerity alacrity urgency yen enterprise bustle great pleasure great joy avidness conviction willingness wholeheartedness beguilement rec sport lust thirst desirousness fervidness commitment passionateness heat impatience hunger fever intenseness enjoying hedonism sensuality loving self-indulgence regalement pride reward frenzy glow flare zap impetuosity fury affection appeasement assuagement repose leisure kicks beer and skittles adoration like satiation achievement keen interest slaking quenching conciliation satiety vindication consummation intimacy respect friendship attachment quiet calmness white heat red heat resolution agreement approval refreshment sufficiency calm rest involvement amity tenderness idolatry regard amour self-satisfaction easiness peacefulness freedom wealth composure security sense of achievement sense of well-being cherishing allegiance sentiment fidelity adulation weakness partiality crush case worship piety prosperousness plenty cosiness idleness easefulness affluence good fortune soft spot quietude opulence coziness decompression romance ataraxia freedom from hardship freedom from troubles free time bed of roses wuv luv exultance schadenfreude paradise heaven intoxication exaltation high swoon elatedness conviviality merrymaking reveling revelling celebration jubilance confidence sunniness nirvana frolic good humour levity glory transports casualness encouragement whoopee assurance certainty jollification sureness amiability inspiration humour radiance humor heartiness feasting top of the world anticipation sanguineness airiness ravishment shindig grins revel wingding cordiality friendliness affability jocoseness poise sportiveness exultancy nonchalance kindliness hope peppiness pleasantness trust expectation idealism positivism warm-heartedness bullishness bounciness sanguinity positiveness insouciance festiveness uplift rhapsodies frolics jocosity passivity inertia inertness informality inactivity quietness relaxedness reassurance great happiness living it up rose-colored glasses Eden cool supreme happiness laughs looking on bright side congeniality joking requiescence supinity unrestraint sweetness and light fun and games flippancy kindness glitter unceremoniousness crowing gloating showiness color colour colorfulness sociability stimulation elevation frivolity good nature good-naturedness hospitality jubilee frivolousness inner peace larking about silliness empyrean frolicking treat carousing effusiveness coolness facetiousness jamboree Elysium buffoonery positivity junketing tomfoolery self-assurance hospitableness revelment funniness Utopia Arcadia foolishness picnic comedy hoopla play nonsense exuberancy utopia self-confidence foolery distraction romping gamboling volatility gambolling gambol sunshine and lollipops psychological wellbeing sunshine boisterousness inebriation boasting carefreedom offhandedness fortunateness timeliness luck tranquilness sereneness safeness secureness drunkenness glorying expectancy gloominess show bragging colourfulness gaudiness spell moroseness trance sunshine and rainbows positive attitude bubbliness wonder communion at-oneness lightsomeness charge upper up brawl treasure prize charm invigoration fit ferment agitation alleviation exulting gem partying frolicsomeness convulsions hysterics hysteria respite pearl jewel heaven on earth joys of spring peartness extreme happiness revitalization light-mindedness mental wellness paroxysm celestial throne excitedness Arcady idyll dream pride and joy debauchery celebrating stupor state twilight zone balm heaven of heavens throne of God galvanization enlivenment quickening envigoration electrification firing vivification vitalization excitation halcyon days saintliness stars in one's eyes release consolation roistering lightness of heart comfortableness jeu d'esprit strong emotion intense feeling grace benediction triviality festival head rush a rush enjoying oneself amenability Shangri-La perfect contentment supreme joy soothingness party wit giddiness deliverance level-headedness aplomb self-possession steadiness imperturbability soundness levelheadedness blast beatification sainthood naturalness spontaneity ball drollery flightiness wittiness presence of mind ataraxis ataraxy equability even-mindedness sangfroid merry-making carousal lift clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom bonhomie mischief jesting briskness lightness fickleness irreverence light-headedness skittishness frothiness load off one's mind rave-up games pertness wantonness friskiness knavery clowning roguishness waggery riot good time humorousness mischievousness rascality comity heartsease compatibility bound bob spryness bash beano childishness holy joy heavenly joy divine rapture larks rave revels shindy celebrations thrash health madness dreamland skylarking folly jokiness repartee pleasantry trifling absurdity understanding sympathy bunfight beanfeast jolly knees-up festive occasion hooley festive event horseplay capering safety goodwill benevolence charitableness charity benignity welcomingness care liberality jest rollicking dalliance game do blowout clambake event festive proceedings agreeableness indifference unconcern romp gaming pastime promised land violence approachability teasing me-time a good time disport sports frisk gambling lark caper prank match Cockaigne obliviousness Zion enlightenment Shangri-la lotusland fantasyland forgetfulness Sion Camelot oblivion heedlessness feelings emotions amorousness amenity niceness neighbourliness good-temperedness bluffness graciousness agreeability personableness companionableness sweetness amiableness reliance disinterestedness incuriousness torpor incuriosity disregard apathy complacence palliness pleasance sympathetic nature warmheartedness chumminess easy-going nature congenialness mateyness gregariousness gratefulness enjoyableness compassion empressement New Jerusalem awakening eden spiritual enlightenment state of grace never-never land neighborliness carelessness easy-going attitude lack of concern feeling of safety absence of anxiety ease of mind absence of worry freedom from doubt feeling of ease

Danh từ

The act or state of anticipating something with excitement

Danh từ

A liking or desire for something
stomach fondness liking taste penchant propensity fancy inclination partiality proclivity desire love appetite thirst passion hankering longing weakness urge enthusiasm craving itch keenness yearning appetency zest hunger mind yen zeal need eagerness lust willingness avidity ardour ardor avidness desirousness drive pining soft spot wish predilection voracity greed preference attraction devotion mania will ravenousness ambition aspiration motive craze ache concupiscence eroticism lustfulness palate favour favor disposition libido lechery lasciviousness prurience letch amativeness salacity erotism libidinousness dream pruriency infatuation cupidity rapture covetousness frenzy fascination solicitude fervor rapaciousness like want shine predisposition impulse thing doting obsession sweet tooth love affair fervour bias demand hungriness interest appetence gusto tendency appetition hope use appreciation admiration whim bent jones thirstiness goal pursuit yearn horniness salaciousness hots lustihood faithfulness loyalty lech tooth estimation indulgence affinity addiction determination burning proneness excitement impatience eye affection leaning attachment favoritism favouritism enjoyment big eyes objective requirement chocolate addiction sugar craving intent hobby motivation compulsion purpose requisite necessity essential aim endeavor preoccupation fire in the belly impetus endeavour hobby horse pastime fad fetish distraction belly famishment munchies emptiness edacity esurience gluttony the munchies need for food need to eat desire for food whimsy fantasy vision caprice ideation thought daydream vagary illusion envisagement chimera eccentricity delusion idea phantasy phantasm imagination contrivance kink quirk reverie humour hallucination fantasm imaginativeness whimsey humor conceit peculiarity picture figment inventiveness envisioning pipe dream romancing mirage fabrication fool's paradise castle in the air eyes for pie in the sky druthers chimaera

Danh từ

A relish consisting of vegetables or fruit preserved in vinegar or brine

Danh từ

Roe of the sturgeon or other large fish, considered a delicacy

Danh từ

Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment

Danh từ

The state of being thankful
thankfulness appreciation appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude thanks acknowledgement acknowledgment admiration affection appraisal assessment attraction awareness cognizance commendation comprehension enjoyment esteem estimation grasp knowledge liking love perception realisation realization recognition regard respect responsiveness sensibility sensitiveness sensitivity sympathy understanding valuation aesthetic sense high regard indebtedness tribute obligation credit thanksgiving grace gramercy hat tip testimonial thank you note requital sense of obligation praise acclaim approval honour honor homage accolade laudation brownie points congratulations pat on the back acclamation approbation adulation kudos mention extolment applause citation rave glory distinction eulogy eulogium veneration paean panegyric encomium attention hymn notice bouquet recommendation puff bouquets compliment points stroke pumping up honourable mention round of applause merit debt commendations props fame laurels laud respects sun bays prestige salutations heading byline plaudits salutes bravo boost worship sycophancy devotion flattery obeisance exaltation celebration plaudit cheering ovation hurrah cry glorification cheer strap line expression of gratitude a pat on the back a round of applause expression of appreciation good word big hand congratulation dithyramb prize salutation award encouragement stroking honorable mention special mention good opinion shot in the arm pat on the head reward acceptance salute puffing up pat on head pat on back

Động từ

To enjoy something greatly
enjoy love like appreciate adore savour fancy savor dig cherish revel prefer delight in revel in rejoice in take pleasure in get off on glory in groove on luxuriate in get a kick out of be pleased by go for be fond of get a thrill out of gloat over crow about feel self-satisfied about treasure prize embrace value admire bask in hold dear indulge in get a charge out of esteem wallow in take to lap up delight revere be taken with take great delight in favour favor rate rate highly thoroughly enjoy be entertained by venerate have a weakness for be keen on have a thing about exult in take great pleasure in go a bundle on luxuriate get a buzz out of bask wallow idolize be pleased feast on indulge eat up get high on take delight in live it up take pleasure indulge oneself be amused by rollick take an interest in derive pleasure from take satisfaction in take joy in be partial to hold in high esteem idolise regard highly hold in high regard be hooked on have a taste for set great store by respect have a penchant for have a predilection for have a proclivity for value highly think the world of amuse oneself glory be content really enjoy live a little really like thrive drink in care for honour honor partake of think highly of have a high opinion of have a liking for adulate think much of reverence dote on find appealing be gratified by hanker for get a buzz from be wild about be crazy about set store by immerse yourself in cotton to take a thrill to be mad about attach importance to extol the virtues of get a kick from of find pleasure in have a passion for have a soft spot for get a bang out of hold in esteem be sweet on get a buzz from of find irresistible take a fancy to have a great liking for have a thing for enjoy greatly approve of find satisfaction in nuts about mad about like to indulge in put on a pedestal go in for have a high regard for lap something up very much like mind rejoice get pleasure from welter support dote upon nurture absorb cannot resist be addicted to derive satisfaction from think well of be into have a preference for find attractive have regard for find enjoyable take a shine to find agreeable have a fondness for be mad for want roll about in make the most of lie in worship look up to encourage derive pleasure take comfort soak up have an affection for lean toward be attached to be attracted to be stuck on get a charge from of be smitten with be nuts about be gone on be serious about feel affection toward be very fond of be very partial to be very keen on get a charge from go through imbibe praise grow flourish applaud pay homage to drool over taste to the full devour laud hail prosper burgeon abound bloom extol commend lionize smack your lips over overdo roll riot feast wanton increase lionise hold in awe hold in the highest regard hallow be in awe of hero-worship glorify hold in respect be awed by deify marvel at regard wonder at think a lot of exalt take in read compulsively be potty about smack one's chops over enjoy to the full be shook on be nutso about get a thrill from live extravagantly be preoccupied with be engrossed by wish to want to love to like to be in clover take it easy live high on hog have the time of your life live the life of Riley live in luxury take satisfaction have fun grovel humour spoil humor immerse pamper have a ball stuck on have a good time be entertained jubilate give oneself up to indulge yourself be immersed have affection for apprize get a kick from get a bang from be pleased with place great value on care very much for feel great affection for appreciate greatly value greatly be infatuated with be captivated by have a pash on carry a torch for desire be soft on be in love with have a crush on have the hots for take a liking to lust after burn for feel affection be devoted to feel deep affection for feel affection for lech over lech after approve fall for be enamoured of have eyes for hold in regard have taken a shine to lavish affection on have an eye for develop a liking for be mad on be nutso over be biased toward be nutty about care love dearly heart pet lean towards less than three dote advocate doting endorse think very highly of choose be in favour of look on with favour take kindly to countenance hold very dear be besotted with be passionate about overindulge leaning be enchanted by bewitched by thrive with entranced by carrying a torch for potty about fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for crazy about twitterpated by besotted with doting on derive great pleasure from wild for bowled over by be swept off one's feet by enamoured of put on pedestal wild about passionate about be enamored of smitten with give one's heart to like very much develop a crush on become smitten with gone on be fascinated with long for love-struck by with a passion for become infatuated with infatuated with captivated by have it bad enthralled by devoted to lose one's heart to back approbate express approval of be big on enamored of favorite favourite be crazy over be amazed by be crazy for moon over wuv acclaim luv recognize consider think of apprise recognise take off hat to become good at get on with become friendly with be suitable for become interested in develop an aptitude for develop an ability for

Động từ

To take great pleasure in (something)
glory rejoice revel exult jubilate crow triumph delight exuberate savor savour boast joy kvell drool glory in delight in exult in rejoice in revel in take delight get a kick out of get a thrill out of greatly enjoy be proud of take great pleasure in enjoy appreciate vaunt bask in find pleasure in take satisfaction in find satisfaction in find joy in take pleasure in boast about pique oneself on feel self-satisfied about crow about brag about congratulate oneself on celebrate wallow gloat feel satisfaction at wallow in luxuriate in take delight in triumph over gloat over pique oneself in pat oneself on the back for flatter oneself on give oneself a pat on the back for preen oneself on feel proud of enjoy greatly be proud of oneself for feel proud about cheer rejoice at brag taunt bully show off bluster smirk whoop rub one's hands together crow over preen oneself about rub it in rub your hands be smug about pat oneself on the back about adore fancy luxuriate love favour favor indulge cherish dig revere venerate choose treasure adulate value embrace get a charge from of have an affection for derive satisfaction from have a predilection for partake of get a charge out of amuse oneself with get pleasure from get a buzz from have a penchant for have a liking for have a passion for get a thrill from like very much care for be partial to drink in find agreeable take joy in immerse yourself in find appealing get a bang out of rate highly have a thing for regard highly take to have fun with enjoy to the full have a fondness for go for have a preference for thoroughly enjoy derive great pleasure from get a buzz out of have a proclivity for drool over lap up have a soft spot for really like have a taste for get off on have a weakness for be wild about very much like be passionate about be wild for go in for hanker for take great pleasure take an interest in have regard for feel satisfaction with take a thrill to take a fancy to be taken with really enjoy have a great liking for take great delight have a thing about find enjoyable find great pleasure like to indulge in

Động từ

To have a desire for
want desire fancy like crave be partial to care for covet feel like hanker for need hanker after long for pine for require wish for have an inclination for hope for hunger for thirst for yearn for ache for be bent on be dying for cry out for feel in need of have a fancy for have a need for have one's heart set on hunger after itch for set one's heart on sigh for take a fancy to thirst after yen for be desperate for desiderate have a yen for jones for lust after pine after spoil for burn for could do with die for feel inclined to feel the need for feel up to have an urge for have a passion for have eyes for have the inclination for incline toward lust for pant after repine for salivate for eat one's heart out over feel a need for would give one's eyeteeth for prefer wish choose favour favor love endorse be inclined toward take to approve of take a liking to have in mind select lean towards lean toward elect have a preference for rather feel inclined toward opt for aspire to be turned on to suggest go for would rather would sooner take a shine to welcome enjoy savor adore dig savour will sanction opt dream of have a craving for have a yearning for decide demand please command rejoice in be enamored of delight in revel in be desirous of get off on see fit think fit would like be mad for be wild for be crazy about fall for be inclined decide on feel disposed to hanker yearn envy long hunger pine pant for be athirst for be consumed with desire for dream thirst lust seek wish to ache expect suspire for sigh look forward to have your eye on be unable to wait for languish aspire desire to aim for seek to await anticipate eat your heart out thirstily await be counting down the days to anticipate with pleasure be eager to await with anticipation intently await be excited to vigorously await really want thirstily anticipate have as one's aim energetically await actively anticipate cannot wait await with pleasure anticipate with gusto ardently anticipate be enthusiastic about fervently anticipate can't wait impatiently await eagerly anticipate earnestly await await with gusto actively await be enthused about expectantly anticipate impatiently anticipate await with enthusiasm breathlessly anticipate be interested in enthusiastically await enthusiastically anticipate wait for be gung ho about fervently await be keen on be impatient about breathlessly await ardently await vigorously anticipate eagerly await spiritedly anticipate longingly anticipate count the days until spiritedly await hungrily await hungrily anticipate have an eye on earnestly anticipate longingly await intently anticipate anticipate with enthusiasm zealously anticipate be hung up about expectantly await lick one's lips over energetically anticipate have as one's goal zealously await be excited at suspire jones feen beg count the hours until anticipate with anticipation desire intensely begrudge give eyeteeth for pray for have need of wish to have ask for miss dislike lament be in need of repine be covetous of have hots for pant aim die over turn green be envious object to carry a torch regret the loss of dream about regret the absence of shed tears for cry for have designs on have the hots for have hard feelings be greedy for be hungry for be thirsty for fantasize grieve for daydream imagine contemplate carry a torch for visualise visualize envision contrive romanticize muse woolgather idealize live in a dream world romanticise build castles in air pipe dream conceive of conjure up pictures idealise set your sights on picture ideate fantasise pursue aim to long to hope to want to yearn to hanker to expect to hope struggle hunger to be ambitious try strive lick your lips lick one's chops have the objective of be eager raise standards push the envelope want more raise the bar expect more raise expectations

Động từ

To trust or accept as true or credible
believe trust accept buy swallow accredit affirm acknowledge favor favour approbate approve countenance fancy like depend on rely on fall for have faith in count on buy into go for be convinced by have confidence in take stock in take as gospel truth give credence to lap up place confidence in swear by take as gospel consider honest consider truthful give credit to put confidence in regard as true take on accept as true attach weight to be certain of be convinced of take at one's word presume true be credulous be rest assured about have no doubt keep the faith put your faith in swallow something hook, line and sinker take for granted take it credit take bank on take something as gospel place trust in take something at face value believe in bet on lean on be sure of swallow something hook, line, and sinker reckon on subscribe to look to be tricked by be fooled by confide in be sure about be duped by be taken in by be deceived by not read the small print take as read have subscribe have no doubt in agree to assent to presume to be true give the benefit of the doubt be persuaded of rely consider to be true hold to be true allow score aim for bargain for expect from stake on heed hang one's hat on tab plan on rest on count upon be naive consider eat up take in calculate on rely upon build on gamble on place reliance on have every confidence in pin your faith on lay money on bet bottom dollar on put trust in pin one's hopes on trust in depend turn to build upon presume on depend upon exploit calculate lean count reckon anticipate cling to be certain about be supported by expect bargain on be sustained by venture assume hope for stake wager pin one's hope on be unable to manage without take advantage of take liberties with rate value be confident of take on trust figure on take unfair advantage of express confidence in set store by depend on it vouch for suggest advocate go on the record for put in a good word plug back speak highly of be satisfied with compliment stand by be certain praise endorse think highly of speak well of

Động từ

To anticipate something with great eagerness
lick your lips salivate drool look forward to lick one's chops anticipate with eagerness eagerly await hungrily await be unable to wait for count the days until be counting down the days to await with enthusiasm thirstily await fancy envy breathlessly anticipate be interested in yearn enthusiastically await enthusiastically anticipate anticipate with pleasure be eager to be consumed with desire for await with anticipation intently await wait for covet itch for wish to be gung ho about fervently await want be keen on be excited to be impatient about vigorously await be athirst for really want breathlessly await thirstily anticipate ardently await lust after pine pant for vigorously anticipate spiritedly anticipate salivate for energetically await actively anticipate longingly anticipate spiritedly await cannot wait pine for desire thirst hanker after long for hungrily anticipate expect have a yen for await with pleasure anticipate with gusto have an eye on ardently anticipate earnestly anticipate be enthusiastic about longingly await intently anticipate set one's heart on anticipate with enthusiasm hanker be desperate for zealously anticipate crave fervently anticipate be hung up about can't wait hunger expectantly await impatiently await repine for lick one's lips over ache for lust for hanker for energetically anticipate thirst for yen for sigh for pine after eagerly anticipate be dying for earnestly await aspire to await with gusto await actively await zealously await be excited at yearn for hope for burn for be enthused about wish for expectantly anticipate hunger for anticipate have your eye on impatiently anticipate wait on lie in wait for be prepared for sweat it out be ready for be in readiness for look out for look ahead envisage count the hours until anticipate with anticipation delight in cool your heels stay for hang around for hang out for watch for sweat listen be waiting for seek be in need of pray for spoil for be bent on have as one's aim have need of have one's heart set on dream of cry out for be desirous of hunger after wish to have prefer beg wish die for desiderate like need have a fancy for feel in need of choose ask for have as one's goal feel like will have a need for

Động từ

Enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way
roister carouse revel celebrate frolic romp drink party rave rollick binge birl eat make merry wassail enjoy oneself have fun spree bask crow delight enjoy gloat indulge large it lark luxuriate make whoopee rejoice riot roll savour savor thrive wallow and be merry have a fling have a good time have a party live it up carry on cut loose fool around have a ball kid around lap up let go let loose push the boat out run around step out whoop it up blow off steam paint the town go on a spree kick over the traces kick up one's heels paint the town red feast play overindulge frisk caper socialize cavort sport skip socialise prance enjoy life gambol junket raise hell go on a binge have a wild time disport put the flags out kill the fatted calf put the flag out go to town curvet go on the town go out on the town let your hair down horse around have a night on the tiles live extravagantly glory exult live in clover take satisfaction take pride go overboard live large carol bless jubilate jump booze hop fete jol live in the lap of luxury eat, drink and be merry be merry beat the drum mark with a red letter commemorate occasion enjoy yourself binge-drink leap spring bound bounce dance bevvy drink heavily pub-crawl quaff drink freely imbibe make a pig of oneself live high on the hog live high off the hog capriole groove drink and make merry live cut a caper cut kibitz around bevy go on a drinking bout go boozing go on a pub crawl bend the elbow get drunk raise Cain go on a bender be happy have a whale of a time live life to the full have the time of your life go on the piss go on the bevvy raise the roof bound about spring around jump around bound around jump about rollic spring about skylark cut capers cut up let off steam leap about triumph exuberate joy kvell boast drool rejoice in appreciate cheer delight in get down get a kick out of brag take pleasure indulge oneself vaunt exult in revel in glory in get a thrill out of love be glad be joyful be pleased be delighted be elated be jubilant be overjoyed be rapturous be ecstatic be euphoric be cock-a-hoop bully bluster be thrilled be transported be delirious be in raptures take delight in be blissed out jump for joy be on cloud nine be walking on air be treading on air be in seventh heaven be as pleased as Punch be wrapped show off be proud of be over the moon be beside oneself with joy boast about get a charge out of brag about feel self-satisfied about congratulate oneself on take great pleasure in be on top of the world pique oneself on swagger live up go out rave it up be triumphant hang loose be in high spirits welter have a night on the town revere derive pleasure take comfort soak up grow flourish get a charge from prosper burgeon abound bloom have a great time get it on overdo wanton increase whoop smirk take delight rub one's hands together rub it in be smug about pat oneself on the back about crow over preen oneself about rub your hands enjoy greatly triumph over greatly enjoy eat up be in clover take it easy live high on hog live the life of Riley live in luxury rejoice at cause a disturbance run wild behave wildly run riot taunt like feel satisfaction at find satisfaction in bask in find pleasure in wallow in luxuriate in take satisfaction in find joy in take pleasure in crow about feel proud about feel proud of grovel humour spoil humor take to immerse pamper give oneself up to indulge yourself gloat over flatter oneself on preen oneself on cause a commotion pique oneself in give oneself a pat on the back for be proud of oneself for pat oneself on the back for be immersed get a buzz out of get a kick from get a buzz from get a bang from be loud and noisy go on the rampage get out of control have a wild party feel happy be pleased about

Trái nghĩa của relish

relish Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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