Đồng nghĩa của enterprise

Alternative for enterprise

Danh từ

A project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one
venture operation pursuit undertaking activity endeavour project action deed exercise move task act affair campaign exploit measure mission plan programme proposition scheme adventure concern endeavor expedition interest outfit proceeding proposal caper conception effort engagement escapade essay experiment exploration feat fling flutter idea plunge process program purpose quest stake suggestion wheeze attempt baby bag ballgame cause crusade deal do gamble game hazard investment performance risk romp setup speculation striving stunt thing trade try work plan of action big idea follow through pet project leap in the dark course of action maneuver manoeuvre business procedure assignment strategy system job play game plan step ground plan design method struggle arrangement blueprint push movement trial master plan charge doing commission exertion drive contrivance tactic shot road map course labour policy line of action formula labor implementation transaction stab coordination agenda plot proceedings aim matter ploy accomplishment ruse maneuvering machination stratagem tactics manoeuvring occupation racket voyage initiative avenue option route choice alternative bid modus operandi crapshoot chance crack go flier flyer toil bandwagon odyssey function achievement battle throw event bargain drill negotiation application industry goal errand bash trick happening brief disposal outline duty whack whirl travail scam juggernaut responsibility contract ambition intention practice machinations conspiracy sale device subterfuge wile hard work recipe buying purchasing purchase secret plan grand design antic blitz experience wager jeopardy peril departure detail post dealings deployment test spec shop hassle dodge artifice pilgrimage progress onus productivity business enterprise gesture gambit business plan stroke execution shift sham con fastie number pursual blow obligation crafty designs cunning plan set-up determination resolve attainment what one is into expedient layout something done objective pains resolution toiling byplay winning securing happenin' bit pet hunt seeking journey angle shenanigans shenanigan wish aspiration burden target hope pretension desire ideal piece of business gig holy grail intent chore workflow tour de force path scenario way approach manner technique methodology resoluteness earnestness steadfastness doggedness tenacity steps brainchild routine mechanism style means regimen conduct tour measures praxis behaviour mode protocol tack line possibility graft throes cabal trek mode of behaviour behavior red tape mode of conduct MO method of working peregrination foray procedures vocation lobby agreement trip safari travels passage pass assay pact bond compact treaty reaction response demonstration hike survey coup occurrence settlement appeal organization mobilization acts diligence energy conscientiousness undertakings offer preoccupation dedication commitment swing patrol picnic cavalcade entrada travel cruise caravan intercourse covenant selling convention try-on war promotion impetus fight organisation mobilisation one's all best shot one's level best crash project dry run business deal bazaar auction mart fair demand marketing unloading dumping commerce consuming clearance closeout vendition retailing barter reduction set of tactics

Danh từ

A business or company
business company firm establishment operation organisation organization corporation industry undertaking venture agency bureau conglomerate consortium cooperative franchise office partnership practice cartel combine concern group house institution outfit set-up shop syndicate interest store commercial undertaking business enterprise association multinational setup megacorp chain society crew gang trust service unit department mob crowd ring market bunch multiple branch division affair federation concession emporium institute foundation transnational mill monopoly factory affairs guild shoestring operation family business fly-by-night operation private corporation refreshment stand proceedings project Mom and Pop program programme octopus hookup jungle clan shell zoo arm desk show legal entity large company corporate body business organization representative band co-op collective business matter team squad charity management outlet dealing contract wing ministry activity matter commission microenterprise dealer board administration subdivision station assignment coterie platoon body corps clique formation commando army party troop brigade cadre detachment squadron troupe patrol set contingent force posse section battalion circle regiment pack legion club faction fraternity league fellowship cohort brotherhood lot assembly community bevy sect detail array bevvy gathering camp order alliance network garrison gaggle battery cluster sodality assemblage horde cell sorority swarm host coalition congress herd fold throng council cabal union congregation coven klatch klatsch batch dream team working party side collection chamber flock caucus lodge multitude affiliation tribe block aggregation huddle stream crush covey junta line-up schism crop insiders in-crowd confederation system parcel bloc complement column convention drove sector college gild lobby confederacy shift combination flight task force grouping selection workers boodle retinue consort machine push nucleus meeting panel confraternity troops knot delegation load conclave special force in-group inner circle vocation clump structure staff clubhouse control employees whole manufacturer sisterhood duty race family mass social organization constellation clutch fatigue menagerie gens sept aircrew military unit sea scrum reserves body of people guard minority servicemen troopers forces number combatants fighting men denomination passel entity employer wolf pack encounter group consociation support group group of people ainga ngai camarilla horses score press myriad cram rout relations relatives moiety ensemble kitchen police KP soldiers pressure group vast number ingroup elite armed forces shower muster concourse turnout ruck combo ginger group minority group offshoot public-interest group splinter group entente fringe movement conspiracy intrigue design ballet trio partners foursome string players lineup stable theater company theater group concert party touring company crowd of people movement concord profession trade parliament cabinet one thing entirety totality total convocation building block synod powwow senate legislature executive government governing body get-together conference municipal authority local authority runanga civic authority local government groupthink official family meet kitchen cabinet directorate brain trust legislative body

Danh từ

A willingness to undertake new or risky projects
initiative drive resource enthusiasm imagination originality spirit daring energy ingenuity push resourcefulness ambition boldness creativity imaginativeness inventiveness vigour audacity cleverness ability capability dash dynamism go gumption leadership pep spiritedness talent ambitiousness courage readiness verve vitality zeal zest action aggressiveness alertness eagerness hustle intrepidity oomph pzazz pizzazz welly adventurousness venturesomeness vim zip force innovativeness pluck vigor willingness get-up-and-go quick-wittedness native wit self-reliance spirit of adventure determination gusto punch ardour motivation zing passion fire ardor moxie life liveliness fervour ingeniousness creativeness strength brio commitment animation fervor esprit tenacity sap vivacity spunk inspiration genius invention bounce juice hardihood dedication snap ginger keenness doggedness forcefulness exuberance resolve single-mindedness artistry potency gas starch beans stamina vision innovation brilliance perseverance power intensity earnestness activity appetite might vinegar devotion resolution conviction desire fervency warmth avidity mettle sparkle application aggression muscle ideation will power contrivance phantasy spark fantasy fancy fortitude urgency birr feistiness right stuff toughness creative power backbone vivaciousness vim and vigour aspiration impetus persistence zealousness fanaticism resoluteness shrewdness will steadfastness firmness insight incentive sharpness puissance constancy intuition perceptiveness guts intelligence knack virility cunning wit effervescence vibrancy self-motivation potence horsepower sinew firepower wisdom brains perkiness buoyancy sprightliness steam firmness of purpose smartness brightness sharp-wittedness strength of character momentum strength of mind heartiness robustness hardiness ferocity fire in belly fizz exertion effectiveness efficiency endurance efficacy grit zap go-getting what it takes tuck thew pith lustiness capacity thewiness vehemence balls get up and go creative thought mental agility staying power creative talent creative gift effort aim vibrance panache elan wits stimulus intent fire in the belly activeness élan design resilience zestfulness heart thought thoughtfulness spring bang flamboyance powerfulness vigorousness motive clout purposefulness spontaneity resources operativeness keen interest sense of purpose have-a-go attitude impellent stuff thrust confidence individuality expressiveness fertility fecundity productivity pertinence decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness faith committedness militancy devotedness love fondness gameness creative skill braveness pluckiness valour courageousness spine bravery nerve taste relish willpower fight ballsiness stoutheartedness chutzpah indomitability dauntlessness fierceness diligence intentness inclination what-it-takes dazzle dispatch sincerity alacrity ardency stick-to-itiveness yen bustle mania purpose bottle valor moral fibre skill flair moral fiber stout-heartedness sand striving faculty gift finesse perception adroitness hunger acuity mastery acumen astuteness yearning hankering thirst itch longing lust emulation quickness sophistication dexterity a sense of purpose artistic power entrepreneurial spirit thinking outside the box powers of invention

Danh từ

The quality of being game
valiance bravery fearlessness daring nerve intrepidity guts courage gallantry heroism courageousness boldness valour valor dauntlessness heart pluck prowess mettle doughtiness spirit hardihood grit intrepidness fortitude audacity braveness pluckiness backbone spunk gameness determination valiancy resolution dash adventurousness stoutheartedness tenacity temerity firmness valiantness rashness endurance recklessness venturesomeness undauntedness bravura power pugnacity adventuresomeness valorousness élan strength nobility lion-heartedness bottle moxie gutsiness virtue daringness stoutness greatheartedness pecker intestinal fortitude audaciousness confidence balls ballsiness face dynamism cojones sand temerariousness venturousness spunkiness har resoluteness poise self-belief resolve self-trust conviction assurance faith aplomb certainty spine spiritedness willingness alacrity manfulness foolhardiness amenability goodwill obligingness derring-do stout-heartedness brassiness cockiness salt impudence daredevilry daredeviltry cheek front steadfastness indomitability strength of character gumption toughness stomach will constancy starch stamina lionheartedness fiber hardiness fibre perseverance purpose staunchness energy will power self-confidence strong-mindedness manliness moral fiber moral fibre chivalry Dunkirk spirit self-assurance grittiness pertinacity coolness stoicism persistence resilience doggedness tenaciousness indefatigability firmness of purpose force toughness of spirit staying power steel self-possession cool-headedness vigour purposefulness virility obstinacy drive intentness character stalwartness dedication pertinaciousness fight perseveration determinedness relentlessness vigor willpower true grit life what it takes certitude stick-to-itiveness strength of mind vitality brashness morale T-block T-box pothead adventure forcefulness mettlesomeness bravehood stuff enthusiasm manhood indomitableness defiance invincibility patience right stuff potency insolence effrontery mind gut fire civility deference urbanity gentility address reverence duty elegance tact savoir-faire keenness eagerness passion zest gusto belief bravado might ardour forbearance long-suffering moral strength person's resolution vim durability resistance single-mindedness pith decision stubbornness bouncebackability ruggedness decidedness quality makeup caliber ardor animation calibre potence motivation powerfulness initiative intensity survival skills ability to bounce back inner strength obdurateness obduracy inflexibility decisiveness earnestness granite intension dogmatism self-reliance assuredness sense of purpose stickability strength of will stiff upper lip stick-to-it-iveness bulldog spirit fixity of purpose sitzfleisch cocksureness positiveness assertiveness surety composure doubtlessness self-assuredness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-esteem faith in oneself presumption belief in oneself elan cool satisfaction presence of mind buoyancy

Danh từ

Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness
gumption sense initiative acumen resourcefulness cleverness discernment nous shrewdness spirit wisdom astuteness common sense sagacity savvy wit get-up-and-go imagination imaginativeness ingenuity inventiveness practicality reason understanding ability backbone forcefulness nerve wits courage discreetness discretion grit levelheadedness mettle oomph pluck policy prudence sensibleness spunk common horse sense loaf native ability native wit smarts commonsense industry judgement judgment mother wit perspicaciousness perspicacity sagaciousness good sense presence of mind sharpness insight sharp-wittedness canniness intuition intuitiveness vision intelligence capability know-how arguteness sapience powers of reasoning level-headedness sound judgement judiciousness native intelligence perceptiveness knowledge realism cool logic experience reasonableness rationality soundness sound judgment sweet reason good judgment cop on good reasoning sound sense smartness acuity perception awareness perspicuity brightness keenness penetration flair brains caginess knowingness acuteness clear-sightedness foxiness cageyness hardheadedness cunning expertise guile refinement intellect brilliance comprehension sensitivity grasp percipience farsightedness discrimination grey matter savoir faire good taste sageness sanity tact reasoning foresight mind brainpower tactfulness thoughtfulness consideration pragmatism erudition clear thinking logicality enlightenment saneness circumspection balance forethought intellection ratiocination coherence good judgement marbles lucidity thought intellectuality perceptivity head mentality providence capacity worldliness care moderation mental capacity intellectual capacity wariness matter-of-factness brain mental ability apprehension learning clear-headedness cognition heedfulness lucidness aptness rationalness logical thought vigilance watchfulness diplomacy sound mind clear mind alertness caution delicacy skill calculation carefulness subtlety braininess adroitness finesse savoir-faire faculties maturity poise cogency incisiveness dexterity heed profundity quickness sophistication genius quick-wittedness reasonability advisability artfulness wiliness calculatedness craftiness rationale mastery courtesy precaution intimacy daylights upper storey gray matter aptitude urbanity smoothness grip education authority acquaintance observation presence amenity suavity stability gallantry expertness address powers of discernment normality scholarship cognitive faculties cognizance repose brain cells intellectual power IQ mental agility soberness I.Q. control quickness of mind politicness right mind brain power soundness of mind mental acuity headpiece scientific thinking delicatesse healthy mind uncomplicatedness plain sense omniscience intellectual gifts senses innate common sense equanimity fairness sense one was born with practicability propriety esprit ken suss practical intelligence sleight pansophy worldly wisdom accuracy knowing logicalness the right stuff trenchancy precociousness precocity giftedness what it takes profoundness depth soundness of judgment knowledgeability deep insight brainbox quick wits kop far-sightedness economy thrift prescience foresightedness soundness of judgement forehandedness thriftiness learnedness conception conversance with familiarity with observance appreciation sensibility recognition knowing inside out savviness consciousness ingeniousness mindfulness idea realization acquaintanceship realisation sentience intimacy with acquaintance with schooling good management guidance provision careful budgeting cordiality mannerliness respect decorum politeness polish respectfulness etiquette chariness politesse guardedness exposure involvement familiarity skills proficiency responsibility warning solicitude concern deliberation considerateness attention training practice competence practical knowledge helpfulness wholesomeness openness deduction kid gloves qualifications impression professionalism talent qualification command inference connection relevance relationship link contact action conversance grounding linkage thesis induction dialectic syllogism philosophy syllogistics prowess empiricism evidence faculty fitness life skills touch technique skillfulness knack inclination right stuff doing hindsight proof efficiency participation power distinction suaveness development chain of thought syllogistic reasoning train of thought good reason course of thought formal system antithesis and synthesis

Danh từ

The name or trademark of a fashion company
label brand line name association company corporation firm chain conglomerate group institution business establishment logo marque trademark hallmark make organisation organization product style consortium type variety class mark grade kind tradename brand name trade name proprietary name stamp emblem symbol badge identification sign tag imprint logotype seal insignia marker colophon earmark registered trademark crest design monogram motif service mark shield inscription signature watermark identifying mark device sort figure motto token ensign impresa totem coat of arms trademark name product name technical name indication banner heading initials identification mark printer's mark impression flag signet chop image indicia heraldry welt distinctive label order level league quality pattern tier form category fashion identification marker classification cut genre breed ilk species strain cast genus description set family manner model bracket kidney stripe nature division rank mould mold character grain feather like shape race generation lot vintage section rubric ranks status grouping department denomination likes range caliber calibre condition categorization compartment designation subdivision persuasion number phylum mode head configuration list frame listing school grading tribe collection kin way version gender likes of temperament method hue specimen variant specification field guise disposition structure standard circle lineup practice system format sample geometry conformation appearance repute arrangement expression approach hierarchy rating archetype prototype paradigm standing pigeonhole branch state domain source origin rate suit course formation construction build spirit province selection sect color colour value kingdom makeup habit caste tendency fiber bunch fibre clutch battery suite parcel batch array personality type

Danh từ

A line of work or business
game line business industry sector area domain field occupation profession sphere trade vocation arena career circle department discipline element engagement front position racket realm role speciality walk work world activity calling craft demesne employment jurisdiction living province pursuit service specialty terrain territory zone bailiwick barony bubble fief fiefdom job post precinct section situation sport turf concern firmament kingdom métier office orbit proceeding slot thing undertaking line of work line of business line of employment area of interest area of study walk of life chosen work day job rat race employ livelihood nine-to-five daily grind day gig lay skill grip way play do lick affair grindstone task hang moonlight dodge recruitment function contract commitment obligation specialization gig hiring means of earning one's living stint assignment specialisation contracting what one is into appointment capacity place lifework mission forte berth art avocation handicraft duty station billet niche metier purpose connection spot practice interest opening life's work hire placement means posting bag vacancy part subsistence strong suit long suit maintenance sustenance line of country labor labour income area of activity keep upkeep nourishment handcraft means of support funds grind alimentation support source of income swindle subject responsibility daily bread biz branch specialism bread and butter opportunity dominion field of work purview topic means of livelihood source of revenue compass pigeon sphere of influence sphere of activity sphere of interest rank class status venture caste patronage custom handiwork go tier strong point life work schtick setup employment status practise chosen career field of expertise position of employment charge environment commission faculty being existence expertise competency competence experience skillset scene theme life existing animation sustainment apprenticing enrolling enlisting enrolment enrollment region preserve study salt mode sustentation scope worry authority means of earning a living margin confines pale pay area of responsibility area of knowledge sphere of study county champaign shire tract prefecture living wage appointee candidate services solutions output office-holder delegate representative nominee circumstances resources officeholder area of expertise person's calling object of study hobby magnum opus distinguishing feature cup of tea masterpiece special project object of attention special number claim to fame minor piece de resistance major field of concentration weakness

Danh từ

The art or science of innovation and risk-taking for profit in business

Danh từ

A company in which the liability of members or subscribers of the company is limited to what they have invested or guaranteed to the company

Danh từ

A procedure undertaken to make a discovery, especially for scientific purposes
experiment investigation test trial analysis examination study demonstration experimentation observation probe research testing assessment enquiry evaluation exploration inquiry inspection scrutiny try-out appraisal breakdown dissection essay interrogation probing procedure review venture assay inquest inquisition substantiation undertaking analyzation check deconstruction delving disquisition examen exercise fling groundwork legwork operation probation scrutinization try try-on tryout verification work pilot study scientific test trial run dry run dummy run fact finding fact-finding trial and error research and development run-through test drive try out R and D R & D attempt controlled test shot field test go crack stab bid whack effort endeavor pass endeavour whirl bash offer proof striving struggle field trial audition pilot test-run test run workout lick screen test exertion try on one's all one's level best questioning trying out taste sample screening paper ordeal pursuit feeler scan approval tilt labor aim labour hassle travail toil acid test one's darnedest all one's got development tentation hit or miss hit and miss cut and try road test field work R&D practice practise rehearsal examining proving measurement measuring experimenting experience test period trial period shakedown showcase learning consideration education lessons deliberation advisement debate scholarship swotting reading schooling account cogitation academic work perusal tuition thought reasoning analyzing memorizing lesson search course homework analysing weighing memorising subject school work comparison revision training book work schoolwork class cramming abstraction application attention survey audit once-over going-over anatomy checkup anatomizing interpretation anatomization view quiz look-over look-see diagnosis inventory scanning estimation vetting checking practical exam recce oral cross-examination question paper viva catechism viva voce sifting set of questions oral exam theory test set of exercises resolution check-up overhaul balancing supervision surveillance reflection surveying report superintendence reconnaissance critique perlustration weighing up breaking down valuation rating criticism quizzing dissolution hearing stocktaking travel sweep breakup trial balloon straw vote servicing snoop case snooping gander tune-up maintenance quest poll post-mortem division upkeep necropsy autopsy retrospect reappraisal reconsideration reexamination retrospection outline overview empiricism calculation discovery process contrast dismemberment synopsis juxtaposition differentiation précis discrimination distinguishing collation histology medicine etiology biology morphology physiology aetiology embryology cytology genetics zoology syllabus canvass digest aperçu compendium rap fresh look second look reevaluation recapitulation file second thought drill distinction pandect overall picture sketch investigating appraising assessing deciphering decoding differentiating contrasting critical examination critical investigation routine check service maintenance check relating collating paralleling parade maneuvers pageant manoeuvres read frisk ratio analogizing telling the difference discernment dividing judgement judgment post postmortem examination medical examination postmortem coroner's report debriefing translation delineation grilling road map musing pondering look contemplation fill-in-the-blank midterm final question and answer session interview third degree oral examination cross-questioning critical analysis

Danh từ

An association of two or more people as partners or allies
partnership alliance association cooperation union collaboration affiliation coalition confederation relationship connection liaison cartel clique companionship consociation faction league relation brotherhood club combination compact copartnership coterie fellowship fraternity linkup party ring society body chumminess community conjunction crew friendship gang hookup mob participation sisterhood sorority togetherness trust cahoots co-partnership tie-up joint venture strategic partnership federation confederacy group syndicate organization combine consortium bloc company block link organisation guild axis cooperative outfit band circle bond sodality tie corporation entente attachment set institution order communication team conglomerate congress kinship teamwork affinity council board bunch coordination unit relations dealings conspiracy communion collusion tie-in concert grouping network synergy contact intercourse amalgamation institute interrelation alignment working together linkage pool chamber rapport accord coopetition unity concord interchange interaction solidarity synergism interface fusion symbiosis joint effort camp merger troop college interconnection lodge troupe mutual effort concurrence side combined effort joint action house agreement crowd fraternization comradeship clan interdependence unification wing joining intimacy establishment contingent sect fraternisation partisanship understanding concern cadre harmony consorting teaming coaction reciprocity commerce squad pack mutual support tribe esprit de corps closeness correlation integration camaraderie caucus cabal posse gild business concordat familiarity platoon corps pact membership amity army confraternity brigade coupling parallel correspondence interplay cooperating interactivity agency acquaintance coadjuvancy unanimity compromise mutuality nexus intercommunication interrelations interactiveness transaction networking meshing chain team effort pulling together playing ball combined effect concerted effort reciprocal action doing business juxtaposition formation family Bund concomitance firm covenant confluence gathering pairing cluster lobby assemblage sociability linking meeting array belonging acquaintanceship relatedness convergence assistance bearing identification combining affair anschluss patrol involvement treaty detachment rat pack private club setup interest contract merging division aggregation combo selection friendliness mixing line-up interrelatedness marriage hook-up cordiality mergence melding coadunation consolidation allied group banding together cooperativeness commission committee collective branch friendly relationship trade union social interaction working party social contact social intercourse communications federacy syndication operation circuit conference loop similarity government bund crème de la crème social club social organization fold comparison application camarilla acceptance bracketing profession trade help contractual cooperation ties sympathies labour union coven deal arrangement bargain commando link-up cooperative relationship cooperative interaction klatch klatsch bonding settlement accommodation protocol squadron companionability professional association interest group strategic relationship doing business with interoperability back-and-forth labor union workers' association multinational megacorp cabinet loyalty inclusion interrelationship connective allyship strategic alliance womance bromance sismance kindliness sector section close association cordial relations business arrangement set-up amalgam mutually beneficial alliance mutually beneficial relationship mutually beneficial partnership amiability close relationship affability assembly bevy horde trio panel stable workers partners foursome string players lineup entente cordiale socialization geniality comradery equity alliance dream team minority coincidence throng venture undertaking mutual attachment palliness mutual respect mateyness mutual liking clubbiness linking up cross-holding socializing fellow feeling boodle consort crop conviviality junction connecting office department market junta schism arm conjoining fraternizing mingling detail huddle cohort gaggle covey menagerie bevvy pressure group collegiality terms reinforcement strengthening stabilization fortification ginger group minority group conclave cell machine fringe movement design knot offshoot public-interest group splinter group insiders intrigue collaborating socialising simultaneousness coexistence contemporaneousness contemporaneity co-occurrence convergency simultaneity concordance frequenting fraternising socialisation cordialness partying powwow compression firming up firming incorporation condensation stabilisation solidification concentration outlet dealing matter bureau ministry activity microenterprise dealer administration business matter subdivision station assignment mixture blend yoking coming together social life social relations synchronicity parallelism congruency conjointment synchrony logrolling give and take class give-and-take collection kotahitanga congregation batch troops

Danh từ

The right to use land or other property for a specified purpose, granted by a government, company, or other controlling body
concession privilege right franchise licence permit apanage appanage boon favor favour honor honour authorisation authorization entitlement indulgence prerogative warrant business concern refreshment stand benefit compliment advantage bonus charter asset sanction perk grant plus luxury perquisite pleasure delight treat credit pride joy satisfaction relish source of pleasure source of satisfaction source of pride permission seal of approval liberty blessing godsend freedom help claim license due windfall aid gain birthright opportunity allowance authority utility freelage expedience profit reward chance good benediction bonanza manna felicity gift pro benison good thing benefaction donation present plus point largess gratuity break fringe benefit stroke of luck good fortune piece of good fortune service convenience value treasure virtue assistance attraction good point merit miracle added extra resource beauty upside additional benefit luck prize manna from heaven jackpot usefulness use fortune avail extra gratification comfort strong point expediency advantageousness ease support influence lucky break welfare improvement edge interest success run of luck prosperity well-being happiness fluke bliss strike lucky thing sake added attraction start helpfulness fitness enjoyment amenity leg-up leeway leverage preference eminence pre-eminence good luck worth dividend relief importance selling point betterment ace in the hole pennies from heaven piece of luck mercy feather in your cap saving grace lucky strike goodness good break delicacy lifesaver fortuity bounty kindness accident lucky occasion icing on the cake strength nicety coup triumph greater good added advantage attractive feature pull lure draw favorable circumstance achievement feat masterstroke accommodation fate appeal attainment accomplishment strengthening nutritional health nutritious creature comfort excellent excellence feature inspiration gift from on high loaves and fishes mod con boom joyfulness melioration grace solace anodyne consolation growth behalf health-giving commonwealth nourishing nugget plum acquisition find result discovery deal wealth recommendation venture buy acquirement one in a million guide addition steal favorable aspect appealing aspect thing in its favour favourable aspect good feature payout handout win gravy bargain purchase hand facilitation accessory investment accretion possession procuration holding lucky find unexpected gain supremacy superiority mastery upper hand hold trump odds trump card winner protection prevalence power lead dominance precedence prestige position decider ascendancy pot of gold at the end of the rainbow money from heaven stroke of good luck gift from the gods piece of good luck winning streak treasure trove cash cow gold mine prosperousness content wellness robustness weal contentedness wholeness soundness healthiness wholesomeness successfulness crutch effectiveness productiveness functionality efficacy good buy good deal crock of gold pot of gold quality grade applicability vantage excuse serviceableness call stature grounds significancy caliber substance significance perks serviceability calibre mileage appropriateness estimation justification account resort pointer recourse assist abetment refuge backup pick-me-up encouragement solution profitability foredeal advisability desirability return ace up your sleeve

Trái nghĩa của enterprise

enterprise Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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