Đồng nghĩa của beauty

Alternative for beauty


Trái nghĩa: ugliness,

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The advantage or benefit of something
advantage asset attraction benefit blessing boon good merit strength use draw gain lure plus profit pull virtue bonus utility excellence excellent feature good point importance inspiration selling point strong point upside value worth added extra good thing perk pro perquisite additional benefit fringe benefit extra godsend aid help convenience expediency privilege service expedience advantageousness ace in the hole ace up your sleeve attractive feature plus point most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point dividend treasure amenity gratuity added advantage reward gift talent skill favour start favor added attraction ability profitability helpfulness usefulness assistance forte quality power attractiveness best personal best avail leeway leg-up leverage stroke of luck distinction qualification preference advisability eminence break desirability return luck influence gratification support pre-eminence improvement foredeal icing on the cake credit recommendation long suit compensating feature endowment strong suit positive feature redeeming feature effectiveness efficacy account mileage resource appropriateness fitness efficiency practicality appanage serviceableness serviceability suitability edge productiveness windfall luxury liberty opportunity interest good fortune success authority potency prerogative significance authorization sanction gravy license substance right functionality entitlement authorisation lagniappe effect due birthright claim capability efficaciousness consequence point apanage licence tip premium purpose note leave freedom sense weight relevance consideration accommodation permission adequacy bonanza facility benison comfort concession possibility aptness capacity import impact feasibility fruitfulness ease efficacity appropriacy charter franchise performance grant donative cumshaw consent effectualness honour manna successfulness valuation warrant compensation magnitude freebie throw-in effectuality potence constructiveness felicity benediction prize honor handiness carte blanche largess incentive sweetener moment mark betterment chance goodness perks practicability saving grace gravy train prudence applicability preferableness choice judiciousness feather in cap piece of good fortune viability workability satisfaction wisdom timeliness propitiousness title exemption droit immunity appeal independence worthiness concern function validity propriety dispensation bounty present nicety relief desirableness advisableness jackpot force advancement appealing aspect indemnity meritoriousness weightiness competence superiority behoof percentage solution allowance aim prominence momentousness capableness sufficiency seriousness gravity refuge caliber benefits niftiness repayment creature comfort effectivity signification calibre stature usability vantage estimation mod con call justification thing in its favour good luck golden hello lucky break manna from heaven valuableness worthwhileness opportuneness chance of a lifetime favourableness soundness affordance delight joy preferability boot fittingness sensibleness usage bliss rightness achievability neatness well-being grace attribute attainability operability workableness recommendability seemliness sensibility advantages extenuative palliative attractive aspect business meaning allure golden opportunity excellency significancy kindness pith class greatness meaningfulness prosperity free will priority miracle prequisite perquisites allowances solatium grade excuse grounds pragmatism profitableness versatility welfare pretension pretense pretence dibs reason perfection extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality enjoyment coup triumph good quality standing compensation package employee benefit piece of luck logic favorable aspect good feature favourable aspect forcefulness latitude feat masterstroke achievement rank matter ease of use object motive cardinal virtue lucky thing gainfulness benefit in kind succor autonomy flexibility attainment accomplishment sake availment upshot utilitarianism indulgence esteem urgency repute award protection weal point of character scope discretion space boom guide validness clout opportunism properness meetness acquisition freelage noteworthiness recompense payment system arrangement appliance deal room free rein margin result discovery wealth hand facilitation accessory stopgap expedient winnings requital price venture buy acquirement equipment solutions provision furtherance succour ministration ministry meed decoration carrot addition steal good judgment leisure unrestraint crutch bargain purchase discount deduction reduction extravagance enrichment enhancement desert purse pay-off guerdon payoff inducement fortuity fluke fortune investment accretion procuration possession holding remuneration cut blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room wiggle room elbowroom elbow room breathing space rein free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine rebate recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment garland goodies crown accolade good buy good deal pleasant thing strike run concurrence granting clearance sufferance decrease encouragement donation benefaction compliment lucky strike prize money foot in the door way in leg up weighting refund adjustment tolerance admission adaptation green light toleration implication bearing bang for the buck

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Magnificence or great beauty
glory grandeur magnificence majesty resplendence stateliness brilliance nobility splendidness gloriousness gorgeousness grandness superbness augustness sublimeness splendor nobleness splendiferousness resplendency splendour stupendousness pomp sumptuousness opulence impressiveness greatness pageantry richness éclat elegance radiance fineness lustre effulgence sublimity brightness luster preciousness great beauty luxuriousness pomp and circumstance luxury spectacle dazzle lavishness show importance distinction transcendency elevation ceremony ritziness loftiness poshness vividness ornateness display solemnity panoply imposingness state prestige status standing dignity prominence transcendence ceremoniousness ceremonial pulchritude marvelousness flourish post ostentation spectacularity glitter style ostentatiousness grace swank exaltedness celebrity breadth expansiveness immensity might superbity sway preeminence circumstance inclusiveness fame eminence amplitude grandiosity handsomeness gravity vastness great importance showiness glamour renown glamor illustriousness brilliancy honour honor triumph exaltation pizzazz reputation pzazz pageant glitz excellence tinsel razzle-dazzle razzmatazz formality praise kudos immortality royalty kingliness sparkle drama gaudiness extravagance theatricality superiority parade morality magnanimity pomposity affectation fanfare array power sight finery splash rank superlativeness wonderfulness grandezza exquisiteness gilt awesomeness quality fashion class regalness royalness queenliness regality awe stature cachet consequence ritual pride righteousness flashiness magnitude decency gravitas massiveness goodness hugeness gallantry graciousness sublime flash fascination lure captivation draw allure attraction enormousness immenseness honorableness prodigiousness size bigness vainglory bulk tremendousness appeal pull fabulousness amazingness remarkableness shine exceptional nature drawing power significance generosity merit repute pre-eminence heroism supremacy moment worth chivalry choiceness excellency weight import disinterestedness high-mindedness idealism primeness noteworthiness first-rateness value perfection momentousness urgency seriousness heaviness note weightiness high standing worthiness

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The quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
elegance grace refinement gracefulness style taste dignity sophistication polish tastefulness discernment grandeur stylishness sumptuousness charm culture distinction propriety smoothness courtliness exquisiteness fashion finesse luxury poise class classiness dash elegancy fineness flair gentility handsomeness majesty opulence panache plushness stateliness suaveness urbanity couth swankiness breeding chic cultivation delicacy felicity hauteur lushness magnificence modishness nicety nobility noblesse ornateness politeness poshness purity restraint rhythm smartness splendour splendor symmetry cultivated beauty good taste attractiveness loveliness judgment tactfulness perception discrimination correctness discretion tact appreciation feeling susceptibility decorum acumen penetration acuteness daintiness aestheticism frangibility fragility judgement ease suppleness adroitness fluency dexterity deftness flow agility nimbleness form perfection precision effortlessness neatness naturalness shapeliness flowingness lithesomeness pleasantness comeliness lightsomeness lissomeness allure balance finish pliancy address fluidity of movement light-footedness poetry in motion civilization manners civilisation worldliness courtesy civility education enlightenment learning accomplishment erudition letters intellectual awareness artistic awareness mannerliness self-possession gallantry graciousness affability gentlemanliness diplomacy cool suavity courteousness genteelness soft skills verve sparkle elan brio creativity inventiveness culturedness pizzazz advancement progress grounding refined taste schooling pzazz belles-lettres urbaneness practice proficiency kindness science capacity ability art dress experience training savoir-faire skill elevation improvement

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Beauty or charm that is highly attractive
enchantment fascination captivation charm allure attraction delight appeal attractiveness bewitchment entrancement joy magnetism bliss charisma duende enticement glamor glamour irresistibility magic mesmerism oomph pizazz pzazz pizzazz rapture seduction seductiveness temptation transport witchery allurement beguilement draw lure pull ravishment animal magnetism force field happiness desirability drawing power interest star quality engagingness pleasingness charmingness interestingness opulence excitement prestige color influence romance razzle-dazzle sophisticated style curiosity spell colour call tantalization enthrallment dazzle inveiglement captivatingness come-hither look mojo bedroom eyes je ne sais quoi prettiness loveliness blandishments wiles bonniness delightfulness gorgeousness agreeableness bewitchery comeliness something pulling power sex appeal special something come-on persuasion inducement IT power obsession witchcraft aura magnet mystique presence passion infatuation thing for bait hold intrigue complex invitation decoy snare cajolery absorption enthralment enslavement hypnotism mesmerization hypnotization ensnarement strong interest style sexual magnetism personality enticingness the jazz loadstone lodestone likableness odyl OD curse thrall individuality prepossessingness agreeability personal appeal odylic force hypnotic attraction flash brilliance glitter pleasantness attractivity preoccupation exoticism thrill glitz force of personality glam crowd puller it confidence enthusiasm SA star power incentive strength of character bright lights high life fetish fixation hang-up mania compulsion turn-on coaxing awe thing sorcery bribe bribery siren song trap sweetener mousetrap sweetening promise blandishment grabber bug piquancy trance ruling passion idée fixe tantalizing mystery come hither tantalising character attitude temperament mysteriousness inscrutability secretiveness nature bee in your bonnet air of secrecy air of mystery

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A quantum number of quarks and hadrons, determined by the number(s) of bottom quarks & antiquarks present

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A person or thing viewed as a model of excellence
paragon exemplar ideal model nonpareil apotheosis archetype epitome jewel nonesuch paradigm prototype quintessence standard embodiment masterpiece norm personification acme angel best classic criterion cynosure eidolon flower gem good example idea pattern perfect example tops treasure champ champion crackerjack cream essence love lovely original peach perfection pick sublimation trump ultimate beau ideal patron saint shining example something else one in a million perfect example of its kind saint star good person dream brick kind person paragon of virtue finest elite crème de la crème cream of the crop height prime prize jewel in the crown lifeblood heart core essentiality soul top spirit favourite royalty fat pride favorite A-list choicest nobility illuminati top drawer aristocracy upper class substance gentry upper crust choice first stuff example type exemplification representation illustration symbol pearl blueprint byword specimen stereotype avatar outstanding example mirror instance template ne plus ultra incarnation last word precedent glory manifestation yardstick elect benchmark icon sample gauge definitive example darling chef-d'oeuvre gage copy textbook example typical example leading light image beau idéal pick of the bunch the bee's knees guide design wonder godsend typification classic example humdinger find catch plum expression prodigy actualization taonga case representative instantiation ikon masterwork showpiece picture mould role model rarity objectification touchstone genius charm representative case mold portrayal trophy pink crown jewel magnum opus standard of perfection stroke of genius greatest thing since sliced bread corps d'elite best thing since sliced bread one of a kind tour de force piece de resistance pride and joy appreciation oner zenith idol framework emblem classic case ensample peak of perfection hero source of envy envy object of envy most select crown acme of perfection perfect specimen idealism basis version archetypal setup style guideline formula lodestar canon triumph dear marvel game plan scale authority coup beatified soul tutelary saint canonized mortal guardian angel specification lead masterstroke hit the best saint and martyr representative example knockout occasion occurrence boast exhibit collector's item a star point of reference parallel case finest example honour honor credit finest specimen demonstration exposition exponent exhibition landmark great work counterpart clone double valuable object objet of virtu work of art objet d'art torchbearer pioneer trailblazer best example best specimen choicest specimen choicest example case history sampling detail variety situation evidence portrait proof item case in point typical case established work twin semblance replica specialty phenomenon speciality phoenix someone worth their weight in gold something worth their weight in gold ringer characterization pièce de résistance quality priesthood facsimile duplicate doppelganger likeness match duplication incorporation look-alike first class select few carbon copy re-creation mirror image alter ego spitting image dead ringer living image living example realization reification collection concretization symbolization externalization embodier integration personifier abstract organization combination inclusion concentration comprehension consolidation codification systematization prosopopoeia organisation encompassment form conformation cast systematisation formation matter realisation externalisation embracement bringing together structure

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The condition of being physically fit and healthy
fitness health robustness strength vigour athleticism hardiness lustiness ruggedness shape stalwartness sturdiness toughness wellness condition fettle healthiness heartiness muscularity sap soundness tone trim verdure well-being wholeness wholesomeness good health huskiness nick good shape kilter physical fitness repair vigor good condition state of health form healthfulness salubrity salubriousness order energy state haleness keeping estate bloom hardihood constitution complexion clean bill fine feather wellbeing prime pink euphoria eupepsia stamina good trim whack fine fettle working order vitality physical condition nimbleness sprightliness spryness commission situation good physical condition good spirits freshness nutritiousness goodness naturalness purity physical endurance life tonicity status build way good kilter top form aspect appearance physical shape state of repair mental state emotional state sound condition state of mind cheerfulness enthusiasm fervor gusto fervour position standing level rank station echelon mood circumstance temper humour quality grade attitude spirits disposition humor frame of mind predicament case plight phase physical state physical health spirit vein place mental condition inner nature perspective mentality temperament feelings makeup mindset emotions persuasion nature class footing classification sphere category ranking lot period caliber temporary psychological state fate calibre bracket tier rating gradation placing brand rate ranks size pigeonhole degree of merit degree of proficiency degree of quality morale

Tính từ

Serving to improve the appearance of the body, especially the face

Trái nghĩa của beauty

beauty Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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