Đồng nghĩa của gainfulness

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Appropriateness or suitability
expediency convenience advisability benefit effectiveness prudence suitability usefulness utility desirability fitness pragmatism profitability advantageousness appropriateness judiciousness practicality aptness advantage gain profit propriety advisableness appropriacy desirableness expedience helpfulness utilitarianism wisdom meetness opportunism properness propitiousness timeliness efficiency expedient feasibility stopgap value merit service help sense use sensibleness avail practicability soundness possibility viability workability sensibility worth serviceability efficacy asset functionality mileage reasonableness boon handiness account favour favor serviceableness blessing adequacy bonus perk aid plus niftiness privilege attraction assistance perquisite good beauty additional benefit fringe benefit added extra good point opportuneness favourableness preferability preferableness fittingness recommendability seemliness neatness advantages success benefits sagacity shrewdness judgment discrimination caution pro godsend versatility usability profitableness extra dividend upside treasure care amenity gratuity availment workableness attainability achievability valuableness worthwhileness good thing added advantage attractive feature plus point likelihood constructiveness judgement probability conceivability chance likeliness doability feasibleness productiveness note point relevance function applicability reward virtue start strong point leeway leg-up leverage preference eminence break return luck influence gratification support pre-eminence improvement foredeal ace in the hole ace up your sleeve interest strength quality welfare resource good fortune power gift importance edge windfall well-being gravy successfulness comfort prosperity potency prize satisfaction significance premium stroke of luck substance health weal effect happiness lagniappe fortune efficaciousness consequence luxury tip purpose excellence distinction ease sake weight felicity consideration selling point benediction import impact fruitfulness efficacity concern performance capability donative accommodation ability cumshaw effectualness honour valuation talent furtherance compensation magnitude recommendation effectuality potence prosperousness honor credit bonanza benison freebie moment mark betterment sweetener incentive goodness protection throw-in largess appanage redeeming feature perks saving grace facility strong suit contentment gravy train behalf feather in cap capacity appeal worthiness stead validity bounty present nicety relief forte feature manna safety security jackpot force advancement appealing aspect meritoriousness weightiness compensating feature competence encouragement superiority added attraction behoof percentage solution aim endowment opportunity prominence momentousness capableness sufficiency seriousness gravity refuge caliber creature comfort effectivity signification calibre stature attractiveness vantage estimation mod con piece of good fortune progress euphoria good health thing in its favour good luck lucky break golden hello manna from heaven long suit nutritious strengthening nutritional affordance delight joy boot lure draw pull health-giving commonwealth nourishing usage bliss rightness indulgence excellent inspiration eudaemonia grace attribute operability icing on the cake extenuative palliative attractive aspect meaning allure excellency cream robustness wholeness wholesomeness wellness healthiness kindness pith class greatness meaningfulness significancy egg in one's beer most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point miracle prequisite perquisites allowances solatium skill standing reason perfection justification grade excuse call grounds extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality enjoyment coup triumph good quality rank matter compensation package employee benefit piece of luck logic favorable aspect good feature favourable aspect forcefulness feat masterstroke achievement wellbeing ease of use object motive cardinal virtue qualification lucky thing benefit in kind succor esteem urgency repute attainment accomplishment award guide upshot noteworthiness point of character recompense payment boom hand facilitation accessory thriving abundance pogey interests validness clout acquisition implication bearing winnings requital price deal bang for the buck result discovery wealth side fortuity fluke meed decoration carrot crutch venture buy acquirement grant donation benefaction compliment positive feature system arrangement appliance east street succour ministration ministry addition steal good judgment desert purse pay-off repayment guerdon payoff inducement personal best best defence representation cause defense countenance place part bargain purchase equipment solutions provision recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment remuneration cut strike investment accretion procuration possession holding garland goodies crown accolade extravagance enrichment enhancement pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine lucky strike foot in the door way in leg up good buy good deal prize money pleasant thing

Trái nghĩa của gainfulness

gainfulness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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