Đồng nghĩa của potency

Alternative for potency

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The power of something to influence or make an impression
power force strength might effectiveness efficacy muscle puissance efficaciousness potence horsepower sinew capacity forcefulness firepower capability powerfulness influence mightiness potential sway persuasiveness cogency impressiveness kick authoritativeness headiness what it takes energy vigour vigor efficiency efficacity productiveness effectualness brawn effectuality stamina edge usefulness use weight effect ability performance fruitfulness clout value success muscularity constructiveness virtue beef successfulness sturdiness toughness thew vim vitality impact brute force punch robustness advantage benefit brawniness competence prowess effort capableness stoutness verdure utility worth intensity effectivity welly strong arm burliness lustiness hardiness adequacy soundness main sufficiency thewness validity zip steam stalwartness productivity strongness arm oomph peppiness punchiness dynamism fury physical energy tenacity nerve fierceness pull helpfulness validness merit function progress facility guns weapons armaments arms munitions firmness stability agency progression resistance activity instrumentality operation pith body stableness physique security substance steadiness powerhouse verve virility vigorousness driving force acceleration endurance grunt physical ability athleticism valour authority command jurisdiction mastery valor domination moxie forcibleness control assertiveness aggressiveness vividness weightiness richness greatness eloquence grandeur carrying on hard power pressure stress exertion impulse violence impetus stimulus momentum draft push brunt draught strain tension life trouble velocity sock pow stuff subjection speed beefiness huskiness physical strength muscular strength

Danh từ

Energy or vitality that is exhibited in something
energy vigour zip vigor pep punch zing go juice moxie hardihood birr steam zap mana force vitality liveliness animation drive vim dash power verve strength life spirit get-up-and-go zest vivacity fire zeal welly dynamism enthusiasm pizzazz might bounce exuberance snap gusto brio push pzazz muscle forcefulness stamina enterprise oomph ginger starch initiative puissance intensity esprit sap gas élan beans vibrancy tuck sparkle sprightliness ardour ardor determination vinegar toughness activity virility pluck passion feistiness endurance robustness lustiness sinew effervescence spiritedness perkiness vehemence fizz spark vigorousness action potence horsepower firepower bang elan ebullience buoyancy heartiness urgency hardiness application panache pith capability capacity ability exertion effectiveness fortitude vim and vigour vibrance briskness jazziness ferocity peppiness eagerness fervour thew thewiness vivaciousness efficiency flair quickness efficacy spunk spontaneity operativeness agility staying power nimbleness momentum aggressiveness gumption activeness hustle fervor kick high spirits fieriness relish fanaticism feeling keenness ambition motivation burn perseverance pepper potential zestfulness flamboyance powerfulness impulse impetus thrust boldness aggression balls service vim and vigor well-being exercise alertness motion soundness healthiness sock go-getting have-a-go attitude pace speed velocity resilience beef driving power spring resources impetuosity fervency heat light scintillation excitement splendour radiance lustre passionateness creativity ardency virtuosity warmth imagination violence emotion fervidness intenseness inspiration inventiveness exhilaration luster splendor calenture burning passion white heat red heat spryness dexterity litheness joy gaiety avidity commitment high-spiritedness appetite tenacity doggedness cheerfulness happiness bite resourcefulness dedication colour resource ambitiousness single-mindedness brilliance earnestness will power joie de vivre color guts bounciness jollity merriment ingenuity light-heartedness pleasure jauntiness enjoyment love delight imaginativeness mettle talent daring cleverness joyfulness conviction audacity zealousness chirpiness brightness interest desire leadership aspiration heart venturesomeness devotion willingness readiness adventurousness stuff clout thirst lust hunger quick-wittedness native wit fire in belly right stuff self-motivation what it takes bean impact boisterousness resolution resolve vividness irrepressibility breeziness elation backbone cogency point intrepidness good cheer good humour grit influence airiness merriness validity punchiness validness wits being bloom buoyance pulse cheeriness stylishness optimism style bound bob motive impellent flourish glitz dazzle glimmer show ferment confidence strength of character fire in the belly strength of mind striving great enthusiasm éclat impressiveness self-assurance elan vital snappiness stir movement bustle spunkiness soul hustle and bustle edge savour ingeniousness genius yearning hankering itch longing emulation entrepreneurial spirit get up and go a sense of purpose originality cunning intuition intelligence shrewdness perceptiveness wit a little something savor spice knack creativeness wisdom sharpness brains avidness wholeheartedness smartness sharp-wittedness devotedness desirousness courage rapture ecstasy fever mirth impatience intrepidity flare frenzy flame fury glow keen interest innovativeness self-reliance spirit of adventure

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The benefit, importance or (useful) effect of something
value benefit merit worth usefulness utility practicality advantage use desirability effectiveness efficacy profit good assistance effect impact influence helpfulness gain importance magnitude service significance help power aid avail relevance strength upside mileage point sense serviceableness strong point bearing consequence goodness implication import purpose quality substance superiority bang for the buck virtue asset plus advantageousness productiveness account ability convenience blessing capability appropriateness success edge boon capacity good point bonus expediency perk competence distinction suitability adequacy excellence expedience fitness efficiency caliber profitability calibre efficaciousness validity force successfulness viability stature practicability favor fruitfulness advisability favour reward weight efficacity talent possibility privilege workability effectualness class godsend attraction feasibility eminence aptness effectuality potence functionality constructiveness perquisite serviceability sensibleness soundness beauty treasure worthiness amenity gift performance appeal gratuity endowment resource forcefulness function capableness added extra qualification plus point pre-eminence grade reasonableness status position credit note character rank standard fringe benefit applicability additional benefit cogency judiciousness prudence preferableness achievability workableness attainability handiness dignity selling point valuation meaning skill sufficiency wisdom clout niftiness meritoriousness reason standing sensibility behoof percentage forte advisableness classification effectivity desirableness interest repute estimation gratification prosperity attractiveness improvement grace pro upshot start state station support excellency expertise proficiency betterment recommendation leverage preference vantage faculty strong suit growth redeeming feature ace in the hole ace up your sleeve long suit saving grace feather in your cap essence habilitation gifts attractive feature good thing cardinal virtue strengths constitution advancement persuasiveness usage preferability validness appropriacy rightness operability adeptness qualifications competency aptitude skilfulness facility extra propriety likelihood dividend morality recommendability seemliness premium prestige perks pertinence likeliness feasibleness probability conceivability chance doability attribute vigor punch vigour windfall indulgence significancy most favourable aspect best point most pleasant aspect neatness pull lure draw added advantage prize fascination logic wearing appositeness relevancy germaneness employment prominence reputation solution relief allure advantages benefits rectitude right probity prerogative uprightness ideal righteousness cream gravy object motive aim wallop greatness meaningfulness excellent feature inspiration egg in one's beer moment mark excuse call grounds justification favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature good quality size illustriousness refuge positive feature measure benchmark sake well-being welfare protection weal perfection profitableness versatility usability compensating feature appealing aspect thing in its favour celebrity acclaim renown fame place condition practice wear exercise application user-friendliness level-headedness gumption soberness acquisition physique high station figure cachet development deal kind venture buy acquirement addition steal rating good judgment personal best best bargain purchase horse sense body investment accretion possession procuration holding degree fortune good buy good deal leg-up leeway rate money-spinner moneymaker foredeal break return luck result matter core amount lucrativeness remuneration full effect full value whole effect rainmaker killing productivity

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The quality of being clear, logical, and convincing
cogency force effectiveness strength persuasiveness power authority conclusiveness validity weight efficacy foundation influence plausibility soundness authoritativeness credibility eloquence forcefulness impressiveness logic unanswerability articulateness clarity coherence conviction convincingness impact logicality lucidity methodicalness orderliness persuasion point punch rationality reasonableness relevance suasiveness consistency bearing concern connection dynamism good organization intensity pertinence validness vigor vigour value substance grounds right gravity clout pull weightiness powerfulness appeal effect sustainability viability defensibility justifiability fascination vitality vim energy might believability wallop substantiality reliability indisputability candidness authenticity truth bona fides realness legitimacy truthfulness legality genuinity genuineness importance consequence sway significance moment leverage import muscle emphasis teeth credit prestige momentousness consideration heft account beef signification magnitude mana pith in forcibleness juice liveliness verve oomph vivacity life bite animation vigorousness pep zip pizzazz enthusiasm gusto esprit dash panache get-up-and-go pzazz efficaciousness competence capability ability dominance determination gumption sapience spirit vividness excitement interest drive effervescence richness vibrancy sparkle exuberance passion fervor sprightliness zap vivaciousness zeal vibrance spiritedness fervour color colour zing high spirits joie de vivre bounce beans brio vinegar kick moxie ginger hardihood gas sap go zest starch snap punchiness

Danh từ

The measurable amount, force or strength of a property
intensity force power severity strength extremity ferocity acuteness concentration greatness magnitude powerfulness forcefulness harshness intenseness aggressiveness amount depth graveness gravity might severeness vigorousness volume deepness ferociousness sharpness weightiness excess high degree vehemence fervency violence fierceness fire passion ardency fervor ardor fervour ardour passionateness vigor vigour fervidness assertiveness emotion fury energy fever heat wildness fanaticism turbulence tempestuousness enthusiasm seriousness spirit grievousness excitement earnestness keenness ferment strain tension level degree storminess frenziedness roughness aggression abandon dilution emphasis pitch extreme nervousness vehemency anxiety high pitch tenseness savagery distraction uproar flap feverishness furor rage hysteria agitation deliriousness furore delirium rampage frenzy ferity impetuosity flare-up rabidity storm asperity acrimony conniption rampancy sore stew acerbity rise slow burn boiling point zeal warmth animation eagerness welly white heat vibrancy richness vividness brutality viciousness resonance clearness extent barbarity mercilessness profoundness ruthlessness profundity destructiveness savageness tumult raging boisterousness reach immensity completeness cavernousness fathomlessness pugnaciousness pugnacity cruelty pureness bloodthirstiness spiritedness forcibleness urgency inhumanity zealousness verve vociferousness brutishness murderousness insistence forthrightness outspokenness extensiveness enormity sadism pitilessness heartlessness loudness fruitiness clarity rapacity brunt puissance darkness brilliance brightness furiousness impact punch fullness great force full force physical force extreme force avidity fieriness cruelness bluster relentlessness anger sternness

Danh từ

The quality or state of having great size
greatness immensity largeness bigness bulk enormity force length magnitude mass size strength amplitude bulkiness grandness heftiness hugeness intensity prodigiousness substantiality vastness voluminousness abundance infinity might sizableness high degree extent massiveness enormousness immenseness expanse giantism scope gigantism vastitude volume scale measure breadth proportion range amount dimensions tremendousness width capacity dimension proportions weight reach area sweep compass measurement extensiveness body depth ambit stupendousness spread height confines realm capaciousness extension diameter significance measurements total aggregate fullness admeasurement tonnage highness calibre stature voluminosity content stretch caliber substance sum quota quantity severity monstrousness number sheer size large size space matter importance density complement footage acreage immeasurableness boundlessness value square footage avoirdupois span expansiveness breath spaciousness dimensionality thickness comprehensiveness excess limitlessness incalculability collection spatial extent extensity all-inclusiveness degree count tally orbit inclusiveness gamut coverage whole totality sum total wickedness profusion extremity atrocity evilness depravity profoundness seriousness keenness vileness plethora completeness richness sinfulness monstrosity profundity hideousness bounty plenitude ampleness copiousness generosity plenty heft depravedness atrociousness portion part quantum diabolicalness group load badness lot consignment heinousness dose dosage allotment variety multitude budget batch figure number of gauge distance gage level radius bore ratio grade sphere wideness latitude rate heaviness expansion pitch gradation field limit interval girth cubage point division mileage bounds purview equation apportionment fraction share cubic measure real estate percentage broadness region beam spacing way bit remove lead rank territory horizon domain parameters footprint circumference room supply poundage portliness order quality elbowroom tract module unit standard contents perimeter retention sufficiency accommodation thoroughness spectrum stratum stage cut segment piece distance across cross measure classification shade percentile longitude determination analysis valuation metage frequency time judgement calibration judgment survey altitude cubic content jurisdiction boundaries high point holding ability holding power perspective linear perspective allowance take end slice section quotient class category standing room distance lengthwise linearity ranginess extent lengthwise longness linear measure continuance margin confine outlook remit competence distance around proportionality gap run bracket separation calculation comparative extent comparative number relative amount comparison interspace sphere of influence terms of reference field of reference plain waste void denomination type good ways country mile far piece

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A high level of skill or ability in a particular field or endeavor
excellence expertise skill talent ability mastery prowess aptitude caliber class competency nous skilfulness skillfulness virtuosity adeptness adroitness brilliance competence dexterity genius proficiency wizardry calibre capacity craftsmanship deftness expertness facility finesse ingenuity masterfulness polish savvy technique touch acumen artistry chops flair gift handiness ingeniousness panache puissance smarts know-how capability aptness power knack potential command effectiveness strength bent potentiality faculty endowment means right stuff savoir faire craft wherewithal skillset stuff what it takes might clout skills capableness forte effectualness expertism form readiness sharpness art resourcefulness fitness qualification artfulness moxie savviness efficacy professionalism masterliness sleight pizzazz efficiency cleverness makings pzazz promise versatility the right stuff the goods propensity competitiveness green thumb savoir-faire strong point abilities talents intelligence quickness powers energy force mind for accomplishment resources address parts qualities head property agency asset instinct function dynamism inventiveness the formula nose efficacity productiveness edge efficaciousness productivity suitability knowledge thoroughness suitableness organization powerfulness organisation adequacy grasp grip ableness workmanship mastership poise nimbleness dodge refinement style sophistication grace gracefulness elegance goods agility artistic ability cunning experience artifice dexterousness understanding inclination astuteness education wisdom leaning mind brain feel creativity familiarity acquaintance comprehension learning imagination sagacity perception shrewdness attainment awareness smartness judgment handiwork slickness disposition erudition finish enlightenment method intellect turn natural ability giftedness distinction judgement discernment trick execution insight taste fluency scholarship culture predilection proclivity artisanship invention learnedness qualifications sense numerical competence niftiness control worldliness cognition accomplishments profession effortlessness inspiration urbanity training penchant suaveness practicality numeracy mathematical ability knowingness cultivation performance set persuasiveness tact precision approach cognizance civility canniness achievement coordination magic schooling handicraft craftship design artwork way slyness prudence foresight sageness spryness litheness greatness neatness quality nippiness discretion brightness light-footedness edification acquirement lightsomeness grounding tendency IQ originality study sleight of hand secret predisposition calling intimacy wit attainments perspicacity background development brains intuitiveness delicacy practice practical knowledge braininess gumption authority conversance feeling ken intuition qualifiedness urbaneness specialty métier suavity speciality breeding subtlety smoothness life skills couth knowledgeableness acquaintanceship civilization perceptivity apprehension discrimination letters gentility courteousness politeness courtesy acquaintance with conception manners appreciation proficiency in science insight into civilisation expertise in skill in skillage game delivery manner prospects éclat work trickery duplicity deceit mental powers musicianship academic skill technical skill agileness accuracy daintiness worth merit value trademark sensibility expressiveness sensitivity mojo swiftness rectitude respectability acuity doctrine acquirements omniscience nimbleness of fingers preciseness stylishness eloquence poetry creative skill manufacture credentials proneness possibilities probity steadiness record past light attribute timing faculties facilities precociousness precocity reach attributes features temperament numen legerdemain stature pistol peculiarity superability bookishness suss craftmanship innate knowledge simplicity advance advancement oil headway progress formula creative power sixth sense dedication willingness polished skill reliability quick-wittedness employability deeds academic attainment facileness knowing way around up to it great ability calculation esprit cogency politesse specialization cutting it hacking it guile curriculum vitae hard skill exposure involvement specialisation hand-eye coordination diplomacy imaginativeness chic glamor splash presence zip glamour shine hang of something quick wits cultivated look good manners aplomb sapience concept alertness knowing inside out straightforwardness making the grade cutting the mustard eye-hand coordination deviousness hang of it stunt exploit feat glibness clue lore quick wit hang number device maturity impression fluency in ability in wiliness craftiness bias handcraft craftwork trade literacy ease deed lightness sprightliness oiliness smarminess acrobatics athleticism contact action book-learning intricacy ingratiation unctuousness preference orientation liveliness result vocation production product creation artifact strong suit academic study instruction book learning intellectual attainment research philosophy academic achievement decorum smooth talking charm bag devices affinity habitude impulse partiality bone affection empiricism evidence rationality reason tactfulness profundity doing hindsight common sense proof sagaciousness no trouble no difficulty no bother nimble-footedness activeness subtleness acuteness foxiness cageyness caginess cunningness sneakiness complexity guilefulness artefact suppleness lissomness limberness alacrity flexibility mental agility thing quick thinking participation observation visualization hold take familiarity with tuition visualisation apperception assimilation grapple consciousness absorption digestion realization knowing realisation percipience perceptiveness uptake decipherment aim druthers tilt mind-set inclining head-set tack tour de force fleetness zippiness vivacity area arena oratory weakness for thing for turn of mind exquisiteness domain metier realm field sphere racket department discipline province mission artistic awareness belles-lettres intellectual awareness acquaintanceship with improvement kindness nobility elevation aestheticism fashion dress good taste dignity conversance with awareness of understanding of grasp of skill with conversancy with mastery of cognizance of experience of knowledge of comprehension of

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One's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation
hardihood courage daring bravery nerve bottle guts spirit boldness intrepidity pluck courageousness dauntlessness doughtiness grit heart mettle backbone fortitude heroism intrepidness determination moxie resolution spine spunk strength valour daringness fearlessness gallantry greatheartedness gutsiness pecker prowess stoutness valor virtue balls cojones firmness sand audacity confidence effrontery impudence insolence intestinal fortitude moral fiber moral fibre will strength of character braveness pluckiness gameness tenacity valiance adventurousness valiancy adventuresomeness endurance ballsiness stoutheartedness dash enterprise lion-heartedness bravura valiantness resolve venturesomeness undauntedness stout-heartedness recklessness temerity rashness élan pugnacity power toughness steadfastness resoluteness gumption fiber constancy fibre indomitability stamina stomach hardiness starch valorousness grittiness audaciousness manfulness assurance spiritedness steel derring-do manliness firmness of purpose conviction willpower vigour certainty poise perseverance face resilience self-confidence vigor venturousness energy nobility will power Dunkirk spirit aplomb forcefulness strength of will self-assurance robustness ruggedness self-trust self-possession coolness lionheartedness mettlesomeness cool-headedness purpose force staunchness doggedness strong-mindedness daredevilry daredeviltry temerariousness pertinacity certitude true grit staying power stick-to-itiveness strength of mind what it takes har T-block T-box pothead self-belief faith spunkiness chivalry willingness alacrity character stalwartness bravehood enthusiasm stuff fight amenability fire life indomitableness defiance invincibility goodwill obligingness patience gut foolhardiness dynamism front mind right stuff keenness eagerness ardour passion zest gusto bravado might self-discipline powerfulness stoicism brassiness cockiness salt cheek person's resolution quality makeup vitality caliber ardor animation calibre forbearance long-suffering moral strength brawniness pith toughness of spirit civility deference urbanity gentility address reverence duty elegance tact savoir-faire sturdiness muscularity inner strength durability self-reliance assuredness hunkiness persistence single-mindedness decision purposefulness stubbornness decidedness cocksureness positiveness assertiveness surety composure doubtlessness obstinacy drive intentness self-assuredness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-esteem dedication tenaciousness indefatigability pertinaciousness obdurateness obduracy inflexibility perseveration decisiveness earnestness determinedness relentlessness granite brashness faith in oneself intension dogmatism stickability stiff upper lip stick-to-it-iveness bulldog spirit fixity of purpose sense of purpose sitzfleisch presumption belief in oneself morale elan cool satisfaction presence of mind buoyancy chutzpah muscle brawn motivation sinew vim thew potence brute force verve burliness lustiness zip oomph beef intensity horsepower thewness mightiness puissance firepower welly substance physique steadiness can-do attitude presence belief diligence application intransigence initiative tirelessness insistence sedulousness assiduity inexorability liveliness Sitzfleisch inexorableness implacability vivacity strength of purpose continuance persistency willfulness guttiness clock effort sparkle brio fierceness driving force acceleration physical energy weight athleticism peppiness punch virility fury punchiness vigorousness potential grunt physical ability bounce esprit warmth temper essence tenor jazz mood complexion outlook humor air disposition temperament psyche breath pertness humour vivaciousness soundness life force vital spark frame of mind stability resistance verdure stableness strongness strong arm body security powerhouse

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A quality considered good morally, or that gives something special worth
virtue value advantage merit benefit distinction worth asset attribute excellence forte grace plus quality strength usefulness advantageousness credit efficaciousness efficacy excellency meritoriousness power talent force good point good quality plus point strong point redeeming feature strong suit long suit cardinal virtue stature caliber calibre eminence superiority ability standard worthiness account goodness perfection good importance capability class capacity profit endowment qualification standing pre-eminence skill gain use grade gift greatness helpfulness character upside mileage arete purity expertise high quality competence selling point avail aptitude status brilliance consequence appeal position rank note integrity supremacy accomplishment repute weight behoof percentage significance pro valuation preeminence utility substance dignity sense service choiceness primeness compensating feature appealing aspect attraction state attractiveness station proficiency assistance aid help estimation first-rateness transcendence éclat superbness recommendation faculty boon beauty fineness essence habilitation gifts thing in its favour strengths constitution reward interest perk advancement clearness clarity wholesomeness advisability most favourable aspect best point most pleasant aspect blessing prestige simplicity prominence reputation favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature positive feature attractive feature ace in the hole ace up your sleeve size import illustriousness influence celebrity acclaim renown fame personal best best extenuative compensation palliative attractive aspect peerlessness physique high station figure cachet development growth effectiveness productiveness functionality edge supereminence convenience applicability vantage excuse serviceableness call fitness grounds significancy start improvement betterment perks serviceability appropriateness gratification favour justification favor meaning allure metier métier measure classification benchmark validity meaningfulness high standard saving grace extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality speciality level moment mark relevance desirability point place condition specialty desert deservingness kind point of character honour honor pith wire burden gist connection in succor succour body core license security tier purport meat upper hand intestinal fortitude bent facility knack aptness flair dexterity adroitness competency know-how adeptness prowess genius mastery virtuosity potential skilfulness technique thing artistry cleverness expertness means potentiality savvy deftness nous command what it takes skillfulness chops capableness puissance efficiency touch right stuff finesse head craft wherewithal readiness handiness bag stuff ableness intelligence claim to fame propensity skills skillset qualities cup of tea nose form expertism turn art sharpness might artfulness masterfulness moxie the goods savoir faire medium eminency oyster department knowledge savviness ingenuity panache grasp smarts polish inventiveness craftsmanship understanding promise makings inclination sleight pizzazz instinct leaning masterliness clout pzazz versatility savoir-faire the right stuff resourcefulness green thumb line abilities talents mental powers feature intellect quickness characteristic powers distinctive address special talent mind for experience brains special asset creativity grip adequacy energy resources pièce de résistance preparedness light professionalism workmanship suitability effectualness poise dodge mastership nimbleness mind brain eligibility special subject refinement goods agility style sophistication gracefulness elegance natural ability pistol knowing way around proclivity property peculiarity penchant predilection function personal talent natural gift up to it artistic ability reach imagination good points likable trait originality superability inspiration creative power great ability special ability parts attainment acquirement set numen the formula

Trái nghĩa của potency

potency Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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