Đồng nghĩa của usefulness

Alternative for usefulness

Đồng nghĩa: utility,

Danh từ

The quality or fact of being useful
use utility helpfulness serviceability value worth convenience effectiveness practicality avail efficacy functionality handiness service adequacy fitness help neatness account advantages benefit benefits good merit mileage niftiness profit serviceableness success assistance advantage expediency practicability profitableness usability versatility productiveness efficiency virtue significance influence potency substance importance consequence efficaciousness effect advantageousness gain efficacity relevance strength fruitfulness edge power constructiveness workability aid effectualness point appropriateness potence weight possibility suitability viability purpose impact capability feasibility note reward moment desirability import asset expedience sense applicability strong point profitability momentousness reasonableness capacity successfulness effectuality magnitude upside quality plus weightiness favor favour seriousness distinction gravity performance validity sensibleness ability sufficiency competence bearing aptness advisability perk capableness force significancy noteworthiness meaning goodness ease of use concern user-friendliness signification interest caliber workableness attainability achievability calibre function good point operability productivity ingeniousness soundness superiority effectivity boon excellence paramountcy preponderancy preponderance privilege meritoriousness implication bonus credit talent fringe benefit eminence gift gratification behoof percentage additional benefit added extra improvement stature start priority notability materiality estimation perquisite plus point matter urgency functionalism accessibility availability usage forcefulness boot employability preferableness judiciousness aim advancement prudence validness clout easability sensibility rightness wearing employment approachability worthiness advisableness gratuity appeal allure premium godsend cleverness stress precedence emphasis greatness class meaningfulness attractiveness consideration desirableness wisdom grace attribute forte windfall amenity indulgence level-headedness gumption soberness salience esteem prominence severity exigency enormity valuation endowment mark upshot standing excellency prize betterment wear perfection elegance precision perks egg in one's beer cream gravy vantage horse sense likelihood blessing long suit redeeming feature strong suit cardinal virtue good quality effortlessness simplicity compactness nattiness grade excuse call grounds justification likeliness feasibleness probability conceivability chance doability attraction leg-up leeway leverage graveness preference beauty support foredeal break return luck pre-eminence bang for the buck acceptability satisfactoriness ace in the hole ace up your sleeve fairness suitableness ampleness pertinence appropriacy passableness tolerability appositeness commensurateness requisiteness plenty tolerableness abundance enough action capability treasure resource qualification status position character rank standard cogency dignity selling point skill reason classification repute prosperity pro state station expertise proficiency recommendation faculty growth saving grace essence habilitation gifts attractive feature good thing feather in cap strengths constitution persuasiveness preferability adeptness qualifications competency aptitude skilfulness facility extra propriety dividend morality recommendability seemliness prestige vigor punch vigour most favourable aspect best point most pleasant aspect pull lure draw added advantage fascination logic relevancy germaneness reputation solution relief rectitude right probity prerogative uprightness ideal righteousness object motive wallop excellent feature inspiration favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature size illustriousness refuge positive feature measure benchmark sake well-being welfare protection weal compensating feature appealing aspect thing in its favour celebrity acclaim renown fame place condition practice exercise application acquisition physique high station figure cachet development deal kind venture buy acquirement addition steal rating good judgment personal best best bargain purchase body investment accretion possession procuration holding degree fortune good buy good deal rate money-spinner moneymaker result core amount lucrativeness remuneration full effect full value whole effect rainmaker killing

Danh từ

The quality or condition of being appropriate
appropriateness appositeness aptness fitness suitability applicability felicitousness felicity fittingness properness rightness seemliness timeliness correctness germaneness happiness opportuneness pertinence propriety relevance suitableness becomingness congruousness well-suitedness appropriacy congruity convenience judiciousness expedience equitableness bearing relevancy materiality application pertinency concernment decorum respectability conventionality etiquette modesty dignity decorousness formality civility courtesy good form good manners eligibility connection decency virtue ceremoniousness worthiness competence decentness significance honesty comeliness righteousness importance purpose acceptability respectableness order form demureness qualification admissibility rectitude politesse ability readiness preparedness capability morality agreeableness accordance correspondence harmony compatibility consonance breeding politeness protocol refinement consistency applicableness delicacy weight gentility good taste punctilio good behavior uprightness agreement entitlement grace eloquence effectiveness adaptation qualifications choiceness proficiency competency aptitude consequence function value wholesomeness keeping concurrency congeniality patness seasonableness auspiciousness expediency assimilation accommodation adequacy qualifiedness capacity purity use relatedness what it takes regard reference deportment ethicality practice exercise relation bearing on recommendability legitimacy advisability pleasantness concord justice meetness courtliness orderliness convenance restraint correctitude habits demeanor tact sedateness demeanour conduct gravity good grace appropriate behavior manners sobriety mores manner orthodoxy discretion couth probity tenue niceties amenities accepted conduct the done thing

Danh từ

The customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing something
practice custom habit way system wont fashion method routine rule tradition convention praxis procedure use habitude mode pattern policy ritual trick usage institution convenance form manner proceeding process second nature utility modus operandi usual procedure tikanga style approach methodology plan technique strategy observance scheme rite ceremony practise course recipe programme program formality design means tack formula tactics line protocol order ceremonial course of action arrangement groove characteristic service blueprint consuetude ordinance norm sacrament matter of course liturgy tactic solemnity stratagem celebration grind regimen mechanism drill game plan plan of action etiquette office rubric tendency MO red tape mores master plan plot rules how idea prescription setup daily grind game line of action ground plan precedent principle performance precept thing propensity modus action hang-up act channels beaten path heritage worship mannerism road map idiosyncrasy proprieties schedule project behaviour conduct law vogue canon operation peculiarity into trait normality Sacrament normalcy route theory behavior communion ploy machination oddity ruse method of working move manoeuvre maneuver code proclivity lockstep disposition trend proneness rut mystery type rote exercise craze modus vivendi fad propriety addiction rage vein intrigue path quirk measure sensation treatment regulation enthusiasm artifice customariness attitude flavour flavor device step contrivance chic go buzz angle prevalence customs latest formal procedure dernier cri foible line of attack mass nuts and bolts hot ticket last word eccentricity way of doing things sort kind familiarity singularity usance treadmill penchant moeurs standard bent condition shot position character look tenet measures stance concept guideline steps regime genre doctrine avenue conventionalism kawa belief solution organization road management cabal par currency dogma conspiracy dodge mania option series initiative sequence direction organisation agenda taste fancy alternative maneuvering ton decorum enterprise transaction wisdom organizing system how-to touch layout furor manoeuvring racket furore latest thing current style covin order of things tonne latest style latest taste grand design the book general tendency fix plan of attack in thing series of measures passing fancy p ordinariness festival traditional action established ways regulations occasion habitualness standard of living movement preference predilection pomp personality nature agency practical activity stages average way of life lifestyle dictate prescript methods crotchet attribute apparatus diet services plans guidelines punctilio conventionality tic individualism quiddity twist quip erraticism curiosity kink temperament feature undertaking pageantry asylum phenomenon fact proposal barometer benchmark intentions formulation aptness venture scenario instrumentation formation repetition workings M.O. manners characteristic gesture technic capacity yardstick proposition home madhouse bedlam notion normal notions choice vow confirmation matrimony baptism marriage confession oath outline swim decency social practice state solemnities commemoration show accepted behaviour covenance percept possibility expedient administration prison hostel fixture do's and don'ts assuetude tone phraseology quality locution operating procedure parade function mainstream cry now by the numbers right practice set formula by the book ropes done thing set course of therapy proposed action model viewpoint perspective slant stab whack mind-set point of view attack wile formal courtesy latest wrinkle framework regularity holy orders acquired behavior habit pattern method of functioning method of operation manner of working rule of thumb method of operating mode of operation guiding principle art craft posture wise status situation book religious ceremony form of worship church service subversion mode of conduct mode of behaviour scam gimmick stereotype science fixed attitude force of habit draft booby trap draught secret plan secret scheme acceptance control set of procedures set of principles fixed order residential care home popularity fashionableness logical order frame of reference systematic process orderly process set of guidelines set of channels passion modishness logical process dictates knowledge discipline agendum series of steps obsession hotness favour infatuation fashionability fascination voguishness favor variety mould folkways shibboleth snazziness trendiness coolness mold observation skill artistry class set of tactics the rage the latest the thing stylishness standard operating procedure the numbers SOP routine job circuit boring routine pace circle dead end assembly line same old round humdrum existence round humdrum instruction body of knowledge species planning plotting skullduggery scheming sellout kaupapa sacred cow lore folklore unwritten rule unwritten law creed teaching legendry legend established way myth culture ethics ethic birthright fable mythology mythos genus family classification brand category song and dance dirty work monkey business conviction credo view opinion established practice denomination breed stamp description generation strain phylum medium orthodoxy religion faith frame-up rank make schema collusion subterfuge complot deception confederacy prevailing attitude accepted belief article of faith accepted view received wisdom tenor wrinkle league fit-up trickery sharp practice sedition golden circle perfidy frame treachery -gate hookup countermine counterplot little game treacherousness put-up job disloyalty ways and means bandwagon cultus cultism faddism newest wrinkle prevailing taste deed effort implementation task campaign exploit work channel vehicle play affair endeavor engagement pursuit mechanics formalities assignment motion suggestion shift structure specification instrument coordination endeavour rules of conduct code of behavior code of behaviour execution job deal instructions principles conventions mission courtesies procedures adventure politesse civilities conventionalities ministry machinery agent organ instrumentality manoeuvres maneuvers thing to do set-up p's and q's business preparation devices standard procedure approaches charge handiwork gesture laws processes directions code of conduct bureaucracy requirement démarche happening experiment maxim gambit good form courtesy paperwork delivery logistics code of practice rendering carrying out attempt interface official procedure machine nitty-gritty lineup agreement application campaigning generalship development diplomacy defence defense modality rule of order happenings diplomatic code social code social procedures cycle variation story influence springboard example standing order feat precepts exactitude meticulousness precision ingredients receipt shifting engine list itinerary strictness punctiliousness scrupulousness nicety guise demeanor enactment specifications equation theorem moves stepping stone stopgap resort makeshift curriculum conscientiousness conformity intention source of compound way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring working feats exploits machinations operations progress realization demeanour rules and regulations constitution cogs mechanisms solemnness officialism formal gesture academism rituality gestures deeds enactments means of access way in particularity likely cause of technicalities stroke doing realisation legal action occurrence recommendation advice accouterment motor couth finickiness thought matter of form parameters spec charter party ring pathway circumstance incident go-down submission animus purpose sketch civility dignity expedition quest exploration conditions details provisions requirements projection actions strokes undertakings decalogue jurisprudence outlet vent release practices ways responsibility commission trial essay try outfit shop duty striving hazard struggle hassle stipulations intermediary auspices paraphernalia aid equipment stepping-stone factor systems lines pipeline platform drawing blows doings ins and outs criterion gauge parameter social graces proper behavior business plan power API big picture diagram what one is into digest codex body of law detail post dealings deployment brief practises representation map prototype clue signal touchstone constraint limit key guidance mark guide counsel marker way of harnessing safety valve means of release mode of expression release mechanism means of expression proceedings event schematic scale drawing archetype cyanotype pilot scheme technical drawing gage preparations authority architectural plan methods and means methods and resources ground rule provision governance jurisdiction ordering scheduling organizing preparing government succession grouping obligation covenant array groundwork devising outlining designing drafting structuring prearrangement line-up codification categorization menu placement progression systematization distribution organising working out disposal composition adjustment aligning standardization systematisation computation standardisation establishment procession chain assortment

Danh từ

An advantage or purpose that can be gained from doing something
point aim object purpose design end goal intention objective use idea reason ideal intent motive plan sense utility advantage ambition appeal aspiration attraction meaning pretension target value charm dream bourn bourne cogency fascination impact interest mark thing validity validness central theme nuts and bolts name of the game hope desire wish mission motivation holy grail basis Holy Grail focus grail justification function direction scheme destination resolve grounds end in view desired result why and wherefore cause case object of the exercise raison d'être argument principle subject rationality significance occasion project impetus course rationale view concern determination evidence premise expectation wherefore vision whole idea scope pretext desideratum resolution butt explanation authority why duty excuse account underpinning accounting rationalization rationalisation bullseye drift end purpose the why and wherefore initiative gist reasoning essence spot outline where one is heading where one's heading bull's eye bull's-eye overview benefit logic program system programme strategy foundation factor big picture solution summary good snapshot sketch master plan road map game plan ground plan sake footing upshot worth prize pie in the sky castles in the air role job bucket list object of desire capacity operation application relevance backup proof prospect good judgment proposal premeditation responsibility mind terminus nirvana plot action charge affair task victim recipient occupation consideration avail business wont way whyfor big idea ulterior motive remonstrance scapegoat receiver ground zero zero incentive defence defense apology ground inducement warrant vindication apologia causation causality antecedent exposition driver instigation story source genesis origin inspiration causal agent driving force chief ingredient whys and wherefores principal element undertaking assignment work commission drive pursuit inclination exercise errand brief detail want passion enterprise endeavor endeavour yearning longing craving hankering urge calling vocation employment labor labour push post hunger fancy end goal engagement office chore fire in the belly gig quest need final destination part requirement position place essential activity requisite lust conviction thirst propensity predilection predisposition proclivity disposition compulsion ache catalyst itch effort obligation preference province notion yen penchant ambitiousness venture thinking process piece of business go-getting ultimate object daydream purport telos milestone journey's end end of the line compass decision commitment want-to cynosure pledge ultimate destination ultimate goal lack emulation fire in belly loadstar polestar lodestar promise prerequisite consequence exploit deed feat trip expedition necessary act matter racket contract onus stint demand final cause vow long row to hoe piece of work fun and games stunt burden accomplishment doing journey trust eagerness something in mind lifework profession trade movement indispensable thing desired thing sine qua non missing thing needed thing spur incitement persuasion choice oath situation stimulant stimulation determinant enticement carrot person's task preoccupation heart's desire care agenda crusade belief charity bandwagon campaign tenet principles service necessity prey end game march bid faith result outcome appointment zeal yearn relish obsession creed bag behavior faculty connection appetite impulse pining whim will vested interest score to settle reason why hidden motive hidden agenda special interest merit behoof effect pigeon berth power behaviour billet gain return profit line of country chase kill hunted game thought quarry ravin wild fowl big game impression understanding conception visualization image inkling regard visualisation perception postulation idée fixe sentiment abstraction hypothesis deliberation worry reflection conclusion contrivance opinion contemplation supposition conceptualisation estimation conceptualization

Trái nghĩa của usefulness

usefulness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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