Đồng nghĩa của eagerness

Alternative for eagerness

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Enthusiasm to do or to have something
passion enthusiasm keenness desire hunger zeal appetite thirst avidity willingness lust excitement fervour ardor longing yearning ardour intensity zest vehemence fervor impatience earnestness avidness fervency anticipation yen ambition commitment gusto dedication greed appetency ardency readiness wholeheartedness passionateness desirousness greediness interest alacrity voracity heartiness zing impetuosity voraciousness intentness solicitude wishing promptness quickness craving devotion hankering fire urge inclination itch drive warmth wish love heat spirit need emotion energy fancy vigour vigor pining covetousness relish aspiration verve determination fanaticism liking fondness letch animation infatuation expectation fervidness motivation propensity proclivity cupidity expectancy feeling rapaciousness zealousness thirstiness jones intenseness hope resolve will frenzy ache violence suspense initiative enterprise fierceness white heat fieriness lustfulness tenacity push ravenousness predilection urgency mania fever prurience motive rapture concupiscence craze eroticism sincerity get-up-and-go taste want perseverance assiduity devotedness resolution libido pep lechery appetence weakness lasciviousness dream libidinousness gameness liveliness fascination amativeness salacity burning doggedness erotism pruriency attraction fury avarice single-mindedness rapacity expectance graspingness force hopefulness dynamism mercenariness fire in the belly penchant hungering partiality firmness activity conviction steadfastness action vim ambitiousness resoluteness stomach appetition agitation thrill soft spot doting disposition impulse amenability ferment goodwill obligingness confidence bias favour favor persistence purposefulness devoutness acquisitiveness exhilaration gaiety ebullience diligence aim committedness oomph spiritedness anxiety gumption strength admiration horniness flurry fixation emotionalism salaciousness depth hurry aggressiveness vivacity spunk hustle incentive piety stimulus exuberance hots faithfulness loyalty turmoil demand elation empressement welly faith lustihood avariciousness flame dash intent go assertiveness furor materialism feverishness punch zip strong interest hot-bloodedness seriousness ecstasy constancy use lech possessiveness purpose restlessness keen interest excitation rage tension furore go-getting desideratum get up and go high hopes bated breath right stuff intense desire conscientiousness preference vehemency effort impetus unscrupulousness edacity palate tendency facility positivism addiction effusiveness feelings emotions preparedness strong desire compulsion joyousness tooth hungriness estimation gluttony positiveness excitability haste piousness thirsting aridity hastiness rashness coveting impulsiveness cheerfulness religiousness mind indulgence ants in pants jazz striving monomania alertness big eyes hurrah solemnity power eros mettle backbone thrust vivaciousness aptness ease instigation obsessiveness fandom strong want pep talk sense of purpose potency excess severity concentration fortitude sap overenthusiasm madness waiting agreement consent agreeableness vitality pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness forcefulness address leaning brio extremity anger preoccupation obsession aggression over-enthusiasm life strength of character strength of mind ripeness predatoriness money-grubbing selfishness moxie emulation esprit spark ado engrossment deliberation hang-up impulsion firmness of purpose mirth ferocity incandescence self-motivation cooperation volition compliance warmness grievousness wildness strain stress joyfulness élan glow flare zap joy money-grabbing insatiableness grabbiness pleonexia Mammonism uncertainty kicks movement intoxication flutter enjoyment vigorousness positivity fire in belly emphasis aphrodisia intensity of feeling butterflies will power a sense of purpose entrepreneurial spirit what it takes insistence ferociousness forcibleness delirium vociferousness forthrightness outspokenness red heat requirement unrest distraction rampage uproar flush flap hysteria deliriousness butterflies in the stomach burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes expectingness commotion itching awaiting needfulness scarcity requisite necessity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency steadiness fixedness staunchness looking forward militancy provocation stimulation incitement dispatch dazzle bustle allegiance fastness troth fidelity adhesion fealty attachment what-it-takes stick-to-itiveness goal objective application obstinacy object design endeavor target plan end pursuit intention mission ideal endeavour honesty honor integrity unfailingness staying power honour decision abidingness principle certainty truthfulness surety adherence trustiness scheme calling vision vocation pretension thing idea destination bourne bourn direction mark raison d'être object of desire holy grail Holy Grail desired result

Danh từ

A mixture of style and energy
dash verve vitality vigour energy life spirit vigor zip liveliness pep vim gusto drive dynamism zest brio enthusiasm zing punch animation vivacity oomph go bounce exuberance sparkle esprit pzazz pizzazz moxie juice snap sap hardihood panache elan force ginger starch vivaciousness gas beans ebullience vinegar élan strength flair stylishness style vehemence flourish flamboyance power confidence birr might éclat impressiveness get-up-and-go self-assurance zeal fervour ardour passion ardor fervor fire spiritedness welly sprightliness buoyancy keenness effervescence push intensity relish excitement forcefulness fizz enterprise initiative motivation gumption high spirits feeling vibrancy fieriness activity ambition action warmth high-spiritedness zap fanaticism perkiness feistiness determination imagination potency enjoyment appetite exhilaration joy resource love resourcefulness zestfulness fervency creativity inventiveness emotion inspiration pluck spunk avidity daring delight briskness stamina vibrance steam boldness leadership passionateness ardency lustiness ambitiousness robustness capability pepper elation vigorousness jazziness endurance peppiness pleasure aggressiveness adventurousness hustle commitment resolution gaiety bounciness kick virility mettle activeness chirpiness earnestness bang toughness tuck airiness psyche originality dedication single-mindedness ingenuity impetuosity heat doggedness tenacity light imaginativeness soul scintillation will power audacity cleverness splendour ability talent fortitude effectiveness efficiency exertion muscle efficacy application radiance lustre readiness courage wits virtuosity violence fervidness intenseness intrepidity alertness venturesomeness heartiness luster innovativeness willingness splendor calenture burning passion interest quick-wittedness white heat red heat self-reliance native wit spirit of adventure delectation bliss happiness ecstasy cheer satisfaction guts irrepressibility peartness friskiness abandon gayness get up and go

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Courage or enthusiasm, especially in the face of adversity
heart courage nerve spirit bravery purpose resolution will bottle enthusiasm guts resolve balls determination stomach backbone fortitude mettle mind spine grit keenness spunk valour valor boldness courageousness daring daringness dauntlessness doughtiness fearlessness gallantry greatheartedness gusto gutsiness hardihood heroism intrepidity intrepidness passion pluck zest prowess stoutness virtue moxie pecker stout-heartedness intestinal fortitude will power braveness pluckiness audacity tenacity firmness gameness valiance endurance valiancy stoutheartedness adventurousness adventuresomeness valiantness dash enterprise bravura undauntedness venturesomeness ballsiness lion-heartedness resoluteness steadfastness temerity recklessness sand rashness stamina pugnacity perseverance élan cojones strength power strength of character indefatigability doggedness confidence starch toughness staunchness constancy resilience staying power persistence spiritedness indomitability willpower hardiness pertinacity energy assurance moral fibre moral fiber firmness of purpose tenaciousness gumption valorousness fiber audaciousness fibre strong-mindedness conviction purposefulness obstinacy poise Dunkirk spirit certainty stick-to-itiveness tirelessness manfulness perseveration relentlessness grittiness self-confidence coolness stickability vitality aplomb impudence strength of will vigour stubbornness steel self-assurance patience character stoicism dedication intentness obduracy pertinaciousness obdurateness determinedness vigor derring-do venturousness nobility inflexibility resistance single-mindedness force toughness of spirit true grit faith what it takes fixity of purpose stick-to-it-iveness bulldog spirit forcefulness strength of mind effrontery self-trust fight lionheartedness self-possession drive life cool-headedness decision decidedness manliness Sitzfleisch temerariousness daredevilry daredeviltry brashness face durability certitude decisiveness earnestness morale ruggedness granite intension survival skills cool har self-belief spunkiness mettlesomeness chivalry willingness belief robustness alacrity sturdiness stalwartness indomitableness defiance invincibility amenability goodwill obligingness fire person's resolution gut foolhardiness dynamism front legs tolerance potency insolence bravehood stuff ardour bravado might vim commitment dogmatism self-discipline motivation brassiness cockiness salt cheek right stuff sense of purpose bouncebackability stiff upper lip sitzfleisch quality makeup caliber being hard as nails ardor animation calibre immovability purposiveness potence powerfulness initiative intensity civility deference urbanity gentility address reverence duty elegance tact savoir-faire ability to bounce back power of endurance fixed purpose resignation submission forbearance toleration self-reliance assuredness sufferance pith cocksureness positiveness assertiveness surety composure doubtlessness long-suffering undergoing enduring allowance restraint standing suffering holding up forebearance continuing capacity ability withstanding survival intransigence self-assuredness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-esteem diligence application willfulness inner strength moral strength faith in oneself assiduity sedulousness presumption self-efficacy belief in oneself positivity elan satisfaction presence of mind can-do attitude buoyancy insistence continuance persistency implacability chutzpah inexorability inexorableness guttiness strength of purpose devotion obstinance iron will seriousness volition discipline zeal self-control self-restraint self-mastery self-command self-government fervour push assiduousness continence fervor sticktoitiveness control self-containment industry aggressiveness aggression self-will verve steadiness endeavor endeavour fixedness conclusiveness emphaticalness combativeness get-up-and-go competitiveness intention work design toil exertion undertaking labour effort integrity feeling labor honor honour fixity striving pains will to win travail battle struggle hard work graft welly strictness objective sedulity importunity pushiness sincerity wholeheartedness genuineness project conclusion vehemence importunateness militancy pursuance belligerence bulldog tenacity aim substance competitivity pleading clamor clamour clamorousness begging industriousness urge temperament pining thrust liveliness depth manhood velleity attitude ambition liking craving appetite yearning fancy longing meticulousness fervency authoritativeness definiteness pertinence avidity ambitiousness incentive hankering obedience orderliness engrossment deliberation militance scrappiness disputatiousness quarrelsomeness truculence assaultiveness bellicosity feistiness belligerency contentiousness militantness urgency mulishness good behaviour controlled behaviour sparkle power to resist heart's desire pig-headedness intractability intractableness wilfulness vivacity vivaciousness faithfulness loyalty allegiance fastness troth fidelity adhesion devotedness fealty piety attachment attack work ethic singleness of purpose perverseness contrariness bull-headedness uncooperativeness perversity exuberance brio panache will to resist stiffness rigidity refractoriness unmanageableness steeliness go pep oomph pizzazz warmth sap honesty unfailingness abidingness principle love truthfulness adherence trustiness opinionatedness obstinateness recalcitrance hardheadedness self-opinionatedness pigheadedness bloody-mindedness bullheadedness trouble zing zap zip pzazz reluctance stroppiness unreasonableness bolshiness frowardness wrong-headedness contumaciousness contumacy stress sweat strain pursuit muscle expenditure bother crusade venture while slog moil yakka sweat of one's brow hard graft blood, sweat and tears strife old college try elbow grease pull tension hard yakka exercise toiling campaign attempt movement throes

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The state or character of being strenuous

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A feeling of intense pleasure, happiness or joy
rhapsody euphoria ecstasy rapture elation exhilaration bliss intoxication joy heaven transport paradise high elatedness swoon enthusiasm cloud nine seventh heaven happiness delight joyousness exaltation jubilation excitement animation exultation joyfulness glee high spirits felicity enchantment delirium top of the world pleasure inspiration gladness nirvana frenzy ravishment transports rhapsodies delectation gaiety beatitude fervour thrill buoyancy contentment ebullience passion fervor cool gratification uplift blissfulness satisfaction gleefulness enjoyment cheer mirth cheerfulness vivacity liveliness triumph glory hilarity sprightliness perfect contentment good spirits trance blessedness state stupor fit inebriation infatuation heaven on earth twilight zone empyrean drunkenness boozing alcoholism intemperance vehemence paroxysm celestial throne ardour ardor heaven of heavens throne of God kicks upper charge kick up jollies buzz over the moon cloud number nine walking on air heavy drinking extreme happiness spell invigoration strong emotion intense feeling stars in one's eyes Arcady Arcadia idyll Utopia Eden dream revitalization supreme happiness supreme joy Shangri-La Elysium communion at-oneness well-being galvanization envigoration enlivenment electrification firing excitation quickening vivification vitalization stimulation elevation relish exuberance merriment contentedness merriness amusement mirthfulness a rush head rush great happiness joviality verve cheeriness jolliness content blitheness relaxation health dreamland madness gayety fulfilment comfort festivity jouissance gayness carefreeness jocularity optimism playfulness good humour fun lightheartedness joyance jocundity rejoicing jollity fulfillment warm fuzzies good cheer great pleasure great joy transports of delight good humor fruition light-heartedness gusto zest laughter jubilance entertainment revelry celebration peace of mind titillation pride geniality joie de vivre prosperity reveling exultance pep serenity tingle sparkle ease effervescence revelling zing sport zestfulness merrymaking zeal sensation vitality energy high-spiritedness treat indulgence relief humour peace spiritedness tranquillity bounce tranquility levity glow luxury solace liking refreshment jauntiness humor appetite get-up-and-go self-content appreciation diversion hopefulness exultancy dynamism rush conviviality vigour regalement vigor brio restfulness vim spirit love fire avidity frisson oomph frolic radiance fizz complacency bang pizzazz repletion zip lift moxie gas boot life pzazz chirpiness pride and joy keenness sanctity fondness flush of excitement crowing gloating whoopee feasting savor savour achievement jollification repose treasure wellbeing adventure placidity calmness equanimity beguilement dash wonder smugness blast frolics placidness frivolity gladsomeness darling peacefulness composure gem blithesomeness drive laughs esprit punch jewel go jubilee pearl hysterics perkiness grins juice snap starch hardihood sap ginger honor honour encouragement vinegar boast beans sense of achievement peppiness turn-on feeling of excitement good feeling source of satisfaction boasting boost schadenfreude glorying hoot boisterousness bragging warmth enjoyment of living zest for life recreation comedy feast gladdening appeasement assuagement sunshine and rainbows wallop jamboree exciting sensation thrilling sensation satiation fortunateness timeliness luck twitter spunk slaking quenching prize charm rec jolt alleviation exulting frolicsomeness convulsions hysteria enjoying hedonism sensuality loving self-indulgence brilliance show colour glitter feeling of euphoria hope reward colourfulness showiness brightness gaudiness utopia interest balm respite beer and skittles halcyon days anticipation expectancy feeling heartiness jocoseness pleasantness vivaciousness colorfulness wingding color shindig revel living it up soothingness molliness merry-making taste élan larking about field day high time conciliation satiety vindication consummation love of life inner peace clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom resolution agreement approval leisure guts admiration self-satisfaction sense of well-being quiet marvel good fortune sufficiency calm rest being full of the joys of spring easiness freedom wealth security prosperousness plenty cosiness idleness easefulness affluence treasured possession object of admiration apple of someone's eye quietude opulence coziness decompression fireworks ataraxia credit trophy thrilling experience freedom from hardship freedom from troubles free time bed of roses positive response crown jewel source of pride valued object

Trái nghĩa của eagerness

eagerness Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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