Đồng nghĩa của steam

Alternative for steam

steams, steamed, steaming

Đồng nghĩa: cook, energy, force, freshen, gas, power, smoke, soften, vapor,

Danh từ

Energy and momentum or impetus
energy power stamina strength vigour vitality drive force go pep vigorousness zip élan enthusiasm get-up-and-go impetus impulse momentum push thrust verve welly zeal zest forcefulness liveliness pace speed velocity vim vivacity beef might muscle potency puissance sinew vigor driving power punch zing moxie dash life spirit dynamism fire juice exuberance hardihood bounce brio ardour animation ardor birr esprit intensity snap oomph gusto starch endurance ginger sap sparkle gas pizzazz beans activity vibrancy passion tuck sprightliness pzazz spiritedness effervescence vivaciousness vinegar vehemence spunk elan initiative bang lustiness robustness fervour spark enterprise kick virility pluck exertion fervor briskness vibrance pressure jazziness propulsion effort buoyancy peppiness fieriness motivation perkiness fizz stuff clout feistiness effectiveness toughness fortitude impulsion eagerness hustle guts relish stress stimulus horsepower driving force motive force impelling force quickness determination agility gumption tension nimbleness radiance motion efficiency efficacy capability action spontaneity application operativeness sock continuing motion zap resilience ambition high-spiritedness mana spring zestfulness vim and vigour resources resourcefulness venturesomeness joie de vivre audacity being bloom buoyance pulse resource ebullience fanaticism feeling daring ambitiousness leadership impact keenness boldness aggressiveness adventurousness wits pith vim and vigor well-being urgency exercise capacity alertness ability hardiness soundness healthiness pepper panache activeness potence firepower violence jazz humor heart pertness gameness humour weight life force vital spark draft pow arm subjection physical energy trouble brunt draught fury potential strain high spirits actuation propelling force surge vitali goods motive impellent stimulant boost instigation incitation provocation incitement encouragement incentive yeast goad spur motive power forward motion full head of steam go-forward shot in the arm fire in belly right stuff spryness dexterity litheness excitement earnestness warmth grit fervency backbone appetite ardency tenacity resolve avidity joy steadfastness emotion mettle gaiety doggedness confidence fierceness happiness commitment flair powerfulness intenseness passionateness cheerfulness resolution courage perseverance dedication cogency exhilaration brilliance heat vividness influence ferocity zealousness assertiveness bounciness style fervidness conviction point jauntiness dauntlessness resistance light-heartedness flourish balls interest validity flamboyance love stylishness enjoyment intestinal fortitude impetuosity jollity will devotion pleasure willpower resoluteness nerve colour tolerance persuasiveness single-mindedness staying power aggression brightness strength of character color white heat severity self-confidence will power magnitude desire suppleness muscularity flexibility ecstasy bite staunchness delight scintillation bravery firmness irrepressibility fascination depth rapture temper gutsiness merriment imagination assurance self-assurance inventiveness outlook disposition temperament mood stoutheartedness constancy fever creativity morale quality intrepidity authority chirpiness hunger bottle courageousness éclat valour joyfulness ferociousness sharpness athleticism extremity conclusiveness display cheeriness readiness convincingness persuasion indefatigability impressiveness ferment alacrity suasiveness valor get up and go tirelessness purpose effect avidness raciness virtuosity acuteness weightiness sincerity splendour what it takes seriousness lustre ostentation emphasis legs aspiration ingenuity essence tenor air breath character complexion substance psyche vehemency show committedness elation intrepidness sturdiness grievousness breeziness optimism fearlessness punchiness imaginativeness talent frame of mind toleration cleverness devotedness wildness hardness braveness pluckiness luster peartness airiness self-possession gallantry steadiness persistence splendor indomitability merriness willingness excess concentration frenzy friskiness strength of mind fire in the belly ballsiness dazzle cheer lust thirst power of endurance moral fibre satisfaction mirth bustle stout-heartedness sentiment fun cojones red heat validness richness sand sunniness virtue firmness of purpose chutzpah eloquence authoritativeness quick-wittedness affection self-motivation moral fiber keen interest go-getting native wit vengeance affectivity purposefulness strong emotion rapidity desperation self-assertion assertion self-assertiveness boisterousness level degree aim bean appeal assiduity devoutness good cheer good humour sassiness exhibitionism non-susceptibility immunity value youthfulness swagger stiffness high degree graveness severeness gravity burn success delectation adventure steel bravura intent furiousness bliss great enthusiasm forcibleness refinement pomp spine flamboyant confidence bound bob vociferousness self-esteem service fight glitz glimmer militancy fondness wallop striving light insistence forthrightness outspokenness soul showmanship taste joys of spring caliber calibre makeup have-a-go attitude charisma elegance sense of purpose volatility excitedness exuberancy hustle and bustle Dunkirk spirit diligence intentness what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness mania inclination yen spirits fiber grittiness ingeniousness genius inspiration emulation yearning hankering itch longing originality mental power heartiness wholeheartedness intuition intelligence shrewdness cunning perceptiveness wit efficacity grandeur greatness performance snappiness movement spunkiness elan vital stir gayness abandon coolness desirousness calenture attitude turn hopefulness esprit de corps hope team spirit pitch creativeness wisdom brains knack entrepreneurial spirit a sense of purpose impatience burning passion spice spiciness extreme delirium glow flare flame smartness volume anxiety deepness nervousness tenseness doughtiness cool-headedness edge provocativeness saltiness high pitch stability sharp-wittedness innovativeness wind fitness stick-to-it-iveness brass balls fibre piquancy state of mind greatheartedness prowess daringness heroism pecker stoutness self-reliance spirit of adventure sureness permanence solidness aplomb balance maturity fastness establishment immobility solidity dependability stableness durability support substantiality cohesion immovability security adherence bravado stomach forbearance sufferance patience broad-mindedness plausibility foundation amusement open-mindedness charity logic credibility unanswerability indulgence sympathy long-suffering coherence articulateness orderliness logicality relevance rationality lucidity clarity methodicalness reasonableness lenity permissiveness lenience magnanimity liberality liberalism thrill consistency glee entertainment play understanding leniency foolery playfulness blast buffoonery festivity clemency complaisance laxness pertinence bearing good organization concern connection tomfoolery festiveness ball jocularity gleefulness living it up lack of bias opposition acceptance lack of prejudice wantonness silliness foolishness jocundity knavery clowning funniness facetiousness jocosity felicity distraction gamboling romping joking jolliness comedy laughter blithesomeness nonsense rejoicing revelry gladness hilarity gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace treat lightheartedness jocoseness grins good time humorousness gambol levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness mirthfulness blitheness rascality sportiveness

Danh từ

Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources

Danh từ

Political or social authority or control
power authority clout authorisation authorization influence jurisdiction right sovereignty ability ascendancy license agency arm entitlement governance hand leverage licence permission permit prerogative privilege strength weight birthright law leadership management prestige regency say sway warrant commission diadem direction pull say-so strong arm upper hand connection eminence hold inside track strings teeth advantage mana prestidigitation responsibility sovranty vantage voice control command dominion mastery dominance supremacy reign rule domination standing edge superiority force muscle leave sanction scope reach consent rank approval mandate might dispensation grip government clearance assent compass approbation charge precedence predominance blessing go-ahead reins liberty green light discretion position beef juice acceptance death grip reputation seal of approval esteem primacy endorsement acquiescence agreement imprimatur carte blanche range clutch empowerment stature accreditation OK freedom nod exemption significance thumbs up support administration rubber stamp whip hand supervision capacity extent credit leeway heft ranking prominence sweep granting rein ambit duty station pre-eminence lead facility immunity play latitude importance free rein mark field jump drag access sphere delegation area independence limits trust orbit grasp allowance autonomy hegemony purview commitment sufferance credentials concurrence impact effect self-determination preeminence favour favor nihil obstat gain might and main break okay bargaining chip independency odds a blank cheque say so boon self-governance head start margin opportunity abandonment indulgence swing abandon rope flexibility elbowroom profligacy bent unrestraint rampancy laxity expediency luck blank cheque laissez faire full play own accord plenty of rope self-government full swing puissance remit keeping ascendency potency in bargaining counter faculty obligation droit forefront thrall effectiveness strong influence claim leading place competence self-rule status first place primary position breadth word warranty the right pressure first position democracy gravitas top spot head place realm monopoly title territory republic self-legislation integrity image plausibility credibility confidence what it takes grease non-alignment devolution notoriety gamut jump on due capability capabilities faith headship a free hand self-sufficiency home rule radius magnitude majesty social position superintendency guidance directorship knowledge conviction kudos experience transcendence captaincy superintendence premiership governorship signature organization input involvement participation opinion leg up orchestration initiative role part divine right better ratification countenance concern contribution association expression engagement interest feedback share inspiration stimulus drop conveyance conduction organisation foresight convenience preference good leg-up assistance improvement trump trump card ace in the hole winner aid protection prevalence help asset profit decider backing concession acknowledgment validation confirmation condonance tolerance verification admission avowal stead impunity sanctification pass acknowledgement run endorsation charter order toleration decree passage condonation seal admittance pilotage skill all clear green-light stamp of approval free hand O.K. start province district regime bounds circuit zone regimen handicap empire state turf judicature arbitration confines precinct bailiwick magistracy slot inquisition bulge stomping grounds high ground catbird seat deputation extent of power oyer and terminer certificate proxy brevet power of attorney

Động từ

To feel or express great anger
fume seethe rage boil storm rankle sizzle foam burn bristle be angry go ballistic smoulder foam at the mouth simmer be furious smolder explode be beside oneself see red be livid wig out breathe fire blow up rave rant be enraged be incensed be infuriated spit feathers froth at the mouth fly off the handle chafe spit crack up rant and rave go berserk be boiling over be wild erupt be steamed up blow a fuse get hot under the collar go off the deep end jump up and down be hot under the collar go up the wall fulminate bluster flare have a fit lose control flare up throw a fit be incandescent get steamed up be in a rage be in a state get worked up hit the roof be mad boil with rage be hopping mad foam at mouth blow one's stack be beside yourself glower glow fester blaze anger churn consume bubble stir smoke ferment be up in arms raise the roof be excited chomp at the bit be all steamed up champ at the bit be at boiling point get steamed up about lose one's temper get hot be passionate be aroused be stirred up be inflamed steam up carry on burn up heat fret get angry become impassioned become annoyed become angry grow passionate get excited grow vehement become animated become enraged heat up become excited get annoyed lose it splutter scream roar scold tear overflow surge lose the plot lose your temper yell do one's head in boil over work oneself into sweat champ at bit have a tantrum rail at lose your rag flip your lid blow your top look daggers blow one's top make a fuss over have steam coming out of one's ears snap at do one's nut in let off steam spark flip stew have lost one's temper throw a wobbly be on the warpath hit the ceiling breathe fire and slaughter sputter be irate throw a tantrum be indignant bridle get mad go mad smart be maddened rear up go crazy gnash your teeth go wild go bananas flip one's wig go non-linear go into a rage go psycho do one's nut go through the roof go spare go ape get your dander up blow a gasket go crackers blow be resentful become very angry blow one's lid lose one's rag exist unseen rumble draw yourself up be uptight be tense be agitated go crook lie dormant get your back up raise your hackles become indignant become infuriated resent object take offense recoil swell take umbrage be irritated ruffle be defensive draw oneself up take offence have one's hackles up become upset get one's dander up feel one's hackles rise get your hackles up lose your cool have a cow have a conniption fit gnash one's teeth go postal go into orbit flip one's lid burst a blood vessel get all steamed up spout shout bellow declaim vociferate trumpet huff pontificate cry hold forth sound off soapbox clamour mouth off harangue stump deliver a tirade perorate mouth go on and on orate rail go on objurgate bloviate spiel take on clamor

Động từ

To come, go, or move somewhere rapidly or in a forceful way
dart race run rush sprint bolt bound dash fly hare hasten hurry scamper scurry scuttle gallop hurtle pound shoot speed streak sweep whizz zoom career charge double flash plow plough push stampede storm dive jog jogtrot lope lunge swoop trot belt dogtrot go like lightning pelt scoot tear whip zip barrel bomb boogie go headlong launch oneself throw oneself go hell for leather go like the wind hie hotfoot it leg it post get cracking hightail it hop it cut along step on it get a move on put on some speed get the lead out go like a bat out of hell stir one's stumps whisk whirl burn rubber bundle blast scramble careen blow bowl blaze drive breeze course hustle zap bucket rocket plunge cannonball motor hurl highball clip chase ram fleet haste wheech bustle buzz jet rustle jump rip nip step hump travel crack on make haste barrel along go like the clappers march flit roll go fast whiz scud fling hotfoot put one's foot down move quickly steamroller railroad blitz buck whistle surge move fast move like greased lightning go rapidly drive fast whip along wing skim spurt tear along belt along bomb along accelerate quicken press dispatch plunge ahead spank along lose no time run like mad really move go like a bomb expedite go at breakneck speed tear up the miles go like greased lightning break step on gas shake a leg hurry up fast-track get your skates on speed up stomp stalk stamp flounce stride angrily spring trip boil make it snappy get on it rush at make a run for it scutter hightail whoosh shift scorch beetle lay rubber bowl along move skip make tracks leap rattle along sail flow flee stream skedaddle go gust flutter burst gush slide cascade flood burn spur beat it roar cannon fuss lurch glide thrust vroom proceed pounce canter wind go quickly amble pitch pass rage pace get moving take flight beeline jostle go faster rush around be busy make time leave get faster swirl be on the go pick up speed make off bluster drift skite tool stir flurry coast slip skitter kite bullet be quick hop ride cruise skirr press on tumble run off run away prance busy yourself smoke bestir frisk lash wash gambol retreat progress dust bug out float split vamoose pass quickly scat start go like a bullet get a wiggle on rush headlong increase speed gather speed gather momentum move along advance clear out light out cover ground pick up the pace rev up take off step up pile patter barge propel catapult waltz outstrip roll along run fast pop shove swoosh crack go briskly push on pour step lively blow fiercely romp busily scatter heave launch tear out sloosh waft express yeet put foot whish sally pump pass by move forward move rapidly go by go at top speed stride hurdle go like lighting rack thrill hop along step along go away dig in slip away run very fast gear up bowl over go all out turn on steam move apace make short work of exhale frolic circulate make yourself scarce flourish flicker billow eddy descend plummet drop well up brandish flick put on a burst of speed whip around book it chuck it down dance caper surge through be off like a shot startle duck dodge head waste no time take wing not lose a minute flitter go along show quickly bounce spin swish twist seethe churn rush off speed away nosedive run out flirt smooth along stoop gee up escape play cavort bob contend strive squirt puff squall swing strike attack fall scram beat a retreat turn tail tear around skidoo run for it clear off scarper fall upon make for set upon make depart hover vie buzz around hook it skip off levant decamp brush move suddenly dip run round in circles fly down set out set forth aim cut head off set off make a break steer bear veer rev peel out cut and run make a break for it head for the hills make a quick exit cut out beat a hasty retreat jab prod poke scrabble go through shoot through fly the coop show a clean pair of heels make oneself scarce do a fade do a bunk kick rocks take a powder do a runner get lost tilt gain momentum move faster continue move past tilt at drive faster jockey for position put on a spurt open it up get a wriggle on step on the gas open up the throttle put pedal to metal put your foot down put on afterburners peel rubber open up put on speed

Động từ

(of liquid) To flow from
emerge flow cascade egress gush stream course pour spurt issue jet proceed ripple run spew spill spout deluge discharge emanate emit flood ooze overflow roll rush sputter stem surge teem trickle well drift drip exude leak slip squirt swell swirl tumble dribble gurgle regurgitate whirl well forth well up leak out run out pour out burst spring sluice seep shed swoosh disembogue sloosh brim brim over glide rise well out flush spring up crowd throng swarm shoot spray mill erupt fountain disgorge pump eject eruct belch expel flow out spritz belch forth bleed sweat escape percolate strain leach drain filter weep release drop transude empty excrete filtrate exudate extravasate emit liquid perspire pour forth come out of give out give off overflow with vent send forth spew out radiate exhale send out throw out vomit cast expire irradiate diffuse sweep secrete evolve spit effuse shoot out cast out irrupt inundate hurl explode dispense void breathe evacuate spill out transmit splash give vent to ejaculate pass let off slide eructate babble bubble stream forth purl hiccup spit out spew forth drench seep out ooze out gush out expend beam extrude break out throw off reek output outsend breathe out expectorate purge yield speak burp water break splur squeeze seethe fire go spread let flow pile arise spiral waft drool eddy heave issue forth bucket lash transfer rill sheet decant drain away exhibit display force gush forth spill over swish rustle whiz deposit deliver send rupture boil be ejected burst out belch out billow churn out spurt out manifest burst forth spread out osmose touch off give forth go bang go off chuck it down let out demonstrate run off leave dry taper off filter off ventilate gulp posset repeat let loose breathe forth throw up cough up murmur lap plash burble swamp submerge drown drizzle sail tinkle guggle wash engulf coast cruise abound breeze pullulate skim whisk bowl slosh warble overwhelm gulf submerse brush douse soak run over speed whelm souse wet sop tear bubble over fly continue move past

Động từ

To go on a voyage or journey
voyage journey travel tour peregrinate sail cruise drive fly gallivant globetrot pilgrimage trek trip do itinerate go on a trip knock about knock around go on an excursion take a trip go on an expedition roam wander rove range jaunt ramble traverse hike migrate go move proceed pass junket hop backpack wend traipse jet perambulate navigate galavant tramp push on drift roll exodus advance cross transition circuit safari process depart fare hie barnstorm trudge cover meander progress walk make one's way wayfare explore go places globe trot course transit track wend one's way travel around set out cut across pass over proceed along set forth pass through travel through go walkabout hit the road repair stray prowl amble saunter venture go on a journey march go on a excursion slog footslog yomp trog plod shift negotiate foot trail emigrate immigrate nomadize leave transfer transmigrate be on the move be on the trail ride circumnavigate follow voyage across sail across travel over sail over voyage through journey across travel across voyage over journey over cruise through scour transmit move around move about overnight go round move round make your way cover ground get through go riding wend your way go into orbit make a journey travel round holiday vacation stump journey through swing range over voyage around sightsee in holiday in sightsee trek around globe-trot take a plane take a boat take a train roam in wander through journey round rove through trek round go on the road go on an excursion in go on a trip through scramble head approach road-trip take off coach motor get escape bus bustle spring continue trundle gig cab speed race transport go on safari go on a tour stroll shuffle mosey tread leg it maunder tromp mooch straggle bat clump gad about kick around drag oneself stravaig float step tootle toil gad circumambulate stomp galumph hoof it lumber shamble vagabond scuff ambulate schlep follow one's nose promenade pad hoof pootle drag yourself go on foot clomp potter dawdle coast bimble stumble circumnutate hopscotch stride struggle stamp flounder slough barge scuffle mill round mill around walk the tracks mill about mooch around flog lump pound pace troop traik wade prance trek through strut walk heavily take Shanks's pony foot it go through stretch one's legs circumlocute slouch patter pitter-patter back-pack climb streel bum swan divagate sweep dally labor labour encompass search reconnoiter reconnoitre sweat fight wander aimlessly move aimlessly get off the point go off at a tangent get sidetracked bum around struggle along mince spread through push descend ascend tiptoe skip make circuit hit the trail move with difficulty go forward go by foot travel on foot move forward go up go down press on push yourself travel to fight your way patrol go across zigzag wind clamber tramp over toddle venture to put behind one make one's way across step out canter parade stalk file locomote bat around bat back and forth go for a walk take a walk walk through hike through take a turn plod on take the air take a look at see the sights of limp blunder bumble sprauchle plough grind schlepp plow walk slowly plug along

Động từ

To expel or discharge, typically gas or light
exhale discharge emit emanate issue cast evolve expel irradiate radiate release shoot vent eject evaporate expire exsufflate breathe vaporise vaporize give off give out let out send forth send out throw out exude diffuse spew leak gush excrete jet void erupt pour out disgorge ooze shed pour secrete transmit evacuate spout effuse belch cast out vomit yield disembogue ejaculate squirt beam produce spew out give vent to spread spurt eruct empty pass output reek perspire send breathe out let off throw off flow extrude expend dispense spit spill outsend scatter stream drip speak expectorate purge broadcast ventilate distribute deposit strew sprinkle spray give forth smell of distil loose burst birth exit egress initiate distill rise force issue forth churn out extravasate sweat deliver pour forth break out fan exudate project eliminate dump remove hiccup irrupt gulp repeat posset puff out blow bend pinpoint aim direct throw hold train level head breathe forth cough up spew forth throw up spit out set spatter disseminate expel air bestow point express gleam glitter spread out air voice utter circulate proliferate afford illumine ramble propagate expand verbalize reveal beam out assert communicate articulate shoot out light up proclaim put verbalise escape declare give free rein to come out with give voice to bring into the open make public take out on find an outlet for give expression to provide escape drive out find expression for leach drain seep bleed weep percolate trickle strain transude well glow give egest put out dispose relieve dribble tingle filter thrill drop emerge emit liquid come out of overflow with overflow filtrate rupture boil hurl belch forth touch off be ejected explode burst out belch out burst forth go bang go off shine rush run course press press out force out squeeze out squeeze thrust out boot evict thrust drum out ray cascade flood surge demonstrate show display emit light give off light bucket roll deluge swoosh sloosh spring spill out lash inundate proceed drench sluice transfer chuck it down rill sheet exhibit kick out be a picture of generate bring about bring on effectuate create be the picture of convey well forth filter through flow out

Động từ

To make moist or moister
moisten dampen bedew damp soak water wet humidify dew irrigate moisturise moisturize bathe dip drench humect humify lick mist moistify rinse saturate shower sog sop sparge splash splatter spray sprinkle squirt steep wash waterlog make wet rain on water down douse souse immerse drown dowse sodden slosh flood spatter plunge submerge bedraggle hose lave water-soak slop wet down dunk impregnate dabble imbue hose down inundate baptise baptize deluge duck dash fertigate plash submerse besprinkle lower hydrate pitch get wet drouk paddle macerate bespatter launder cleanse sluice lap flush ret swash wet through strew shampoo immerge bewater remoisturize sink quench make damp drool guddle trail smear stain mark throw wallow wade imbathe rehydrate splodge blotch speckle wash out stand pervade fill permeate make fertile bring water to dip in clean spritz lather swamp lip splat daub swill infuse suffuse imbrue seethe do the dishes swill down rinse out disinfect do the laundry dry-clean sluice down sponge wipe scrub soap bath get water on throw liquid swab starch tub scour shine bubble float freshen up brush up wash up clean up fresh up cover overwhelm scatter slabber engulf marinate gulf pour overflow whelm wet thoroughly pickle snuff squench atomize diffuse teem seep merge asperse brine marinade preserve plunge into water stream gush transfuse penetrate douche percolate debouch soil dirty speck mottle fleck bedabble bestrew splotch wash off purify out wash lightly spangle discharge disperse stipple splutter spot broadcast dot polka-dot smudge dribble sputter emit flush away flush out sponge down wash down

Động từ

To steal
rob burgle loot raid sack pillage plunder ransack burglarise burglarize do mug reave rifle spoil steal from stiff break into hold up turn over knock off stick up despoil ravage devastate maraud depredate spoliate strip gut lay waste rape ruin destroy desolate waste desecrate fleece harry devour forage wreak havoc on vandalize grab demolish attack appropriate vandalise rip off smash and grab denude ravish wreck take raze requisition liberate lift loft salvage relieve level lay waste to havoc moonlight requisition pirate annihilate prey foray wreak havoc pull a gun on steal assail assault hit dispossess deprive prowl kip burn freeboot reive depopulate tear apart clean out burst into arrogate invade confiscate embezzle trespass knock over make a raid on purse-snatch boost swipe snatch make thieve clear out do over tip over damage shatter scourge wipe out leave desolate rustle wrest exterminate crush trample cream sweep away seize consume stamp out smash dismantle prostrate overwhelm extinguish disorganize impair pull down sink capture trash disrupt leave in ruins overrun break up total overthrow defile decimate pulverize wrack violate nuke vaporize pulverise vaporise tear down do in rub out abuse compromise flatten deface debase mess up take apart obliterate empty out molest maraud over deceive corrupt betray make desolate empty harass lay low wipe off map raze to the ground do one in go pillaging go looting reduce go on forays go on raids picaroon profane dishonour pollute contaminate mar injure harm blaspheme pervert blemish disfigure scar befoul commit sacrilege infect degrade flaw blight upset blow dishonor treat sacrilegiously prostitute insult outrage hurt vitiate undo bloody crab break endamage cripple crool disfeature treat with disrespect blaspheme against screw up cross up make useless be a blot on the landscape prejudice disgrace put a damper on blot squash make lose face commit sacrilege against

Động từ

To attack someone, especially in a public place
mug assault attack jump ambush beat up knock down lay into rough up set upon do over duff up work over batter thrash knock around have a go at let someone have it pummel hit pound lace into pitch into sail into strike knock about get stuck into pummelled light into beset set about pounce on turn on belabour clobber let fly at tear into lash out at duff someone up beat up on fall upon pounce upon belabor beat the living daylights out of beat paste assail accost charge clip besiege storm rush sic punch weigh into wallop trash bop biff sick launch oneself at round on fall on bushwhack bust club fill in make an assault on hit out at wade into launch an attack on descend upon descend on jump on fly at set on go in on go for injure pulverize hammer kick in pulverise beat someone up invade raid maltreat impugn have at come at blitz encounter strike out at slap knock smack thump belt bash cuff deck swat whack clout sock bang thwack spank pelt rap chin cane welt flog lob cudgel smite whip lash slug plug lambaste tonk quilt jump down one's throat lay one on zap aim blows at slap around come down on slam physically attack let have it knock into the middle of next week haul off on hurt aggress harm overwhelm kick bean clock boot bother larrup brain slog harass boff bat cook blister whop stab assault physically chop down knock cold strike at knock block off turn to violence lay siege to knock for a loop abuse maul mistreat manhandle mess up bung up buffet drub whale ill-treat mishandle bludgeon brutalize brutalise bully lick tan birch pommel baste lace lambast lather whap whup slate hide tromp paddle switch thresh fib curry punch out kick around mess over ill-use misuse molest do persecute roughhouse handle roughly treat badly treat roughly damage wrong shake up total rain blows on smash oppress lacerate give someone a beating torture mutilate mangle victimize cosh cut up wax victimise bash up outrage beat to a pulp wound give someone a good hiding give somebody a beating revile trounce whomp set at terrorize go at strike with a stick blackjack beat with a stick fustigate beat hollow mar take care of break face put in the hospital flail flagellate lean on interfere with bang up ruin be violent toward neglect terrorise pull push launch at spring at rush upon run at go after rush at spring on crack box hustle shove jostle lunge at jump at paw clap profane pervert misapply misemploy prostitute bonk nail bob exploit tag thud go through corrupt mismanage run through desecrate misappropriate blow tap floor roust handle bundle fell KO flatten level wade into someone wreck deface punish break disable disfigure maim bruise contuse cripple lame dash against give the shaft backbite dump on give black eye do wrong push around rip chop bombard

Động từ

To irritate or annoy
peeve irritate annoy bother exasperate gall nettle vex get irk pique provoke bug rile anger upset aggravate displease nark put out ruffle agitate disgruntle bait goad miff needle hack off rankle with rasp chafe eat frost grate gravel gripe itch persecute rankle ride spite drive to distraction exacerbate get to hump rark bum burn burn up disturb get across hack roil tick off T-off wind up rub up the wrong way get on your nerves get your goat give someone the hump hack you off get one's goat drive up the wall rub the wrong way infuriate offend incense madden hassle harass enrage antagonize pester trouble fret antagonise affront outrage inflame worry distress make someone see red perturb bum out get at plague drive mad hurt tee off drive crazy nag pain rattle tease torment make angry frustrate harry sting discompose wound disquiet disgust give someone the pip get on someone's nerves give a hard time bedevil make cross aggrieve grate on disconcert grieve get on one's nerves badger abrade insult drive round the twist drive round the bend dissatisfy get in someone's hair mortify niggle get someone's back up discomfit ire make waves get up someone's nose hound afflict get your back up molest put your back up make someone's blood boil ruffle someone's feathers eat at injure dismay get under someone's skin discountenance perplex enflame mad gnaw dog chagrin depress faze get someone steam up shock taunt get in your hair pick on make someone's hackles rise get someone's goat stir up prick fluster embarrass get on someone's wick try sadden fire up wear on discombobulate give someone grief jar on ail cheese off get on your wick turn off egg on get someone's dander up try someone's patience be on your back get under your skin rattle someone's cage get under one's skin eat away at cause offense put someone's nose out of joint raise someone's hackles put someone's back up cut to the quick mither inconvenience discommode jar unsettle devil unnerve slight get across someone incommode embitter excite distract agonize alarm flurry cross fuss throw disoblige send into a rage be offensive concern confound sicken be at distemper get under skin disappoint drive bananas rub you up the wrong way throw off balance try the patience of get on nerves make your blood boil agonise hurt someone's feelings be on the back of prod affect discontent beset confuse crush nudge cramp disaffect bite browbeat heavy humiliate bore pursue intimidate bully tantalize brown off tantalise acerbate work up repel wear horrify get someone's hackles up be a thorn in someone's flesh break empurple nauseate stick in one's craw discomfort zing floor grill exercise shake set one's teeth on edge wear out frazzle unhinge derail be a pain in the neck alarum craze get your dander up be a thorn in someone's side pother hector try one's patience hagride indispose undo try your patience get a rise out of hit where one lives raise hell give offence to make unhappy get on somebody's nerves freak out raise your hackles hurt somebody's feelings weird out be on one's case put somebody's nose out of joint make blood boil ache press rouse drive nuts chide squeeze pinch compress abash get someone's wick fester henpeck wig beleaguer shame snit pet tiff huff stew get up your nose bristle impose upon sour push button heat up work on bruise scandalize spur tatter erode fray boil arouse cause annoyance to cause resentment to ask for it harm panic excoriate stroke someone's hair the wrong way frighten ruffle one's feathers mess umbrage cut thwart foil gnaw at obsess incite put your nose out of joint tire heckle haze awake quicken goose motivate absorb grab ignite attract interest make one see red blow up disgrace resent push someon's buttons mess with scour wear down misplease wing curdle revolt cool sound cap start put on the spot make your hackles rise make sore lose one's temper spook psych cause anxiety make anxious jar upon grate upon rile up devastate victimize make you see red be like a red rag to a bull wind somebody up drive you up the wall get your hackles up question examine quiz tweak begrudge crab grudge wear upon chivvy eat up turn incapacitate flip debilitate bewilder scandalise rub one the wrong way set your teeth on edge terrorize give the business set on cause to panic work into lather set one off take a rise out of put someone out flip out rasp one's nerves wear away rage repulse excruciate dishearten weary run up the wrong way chivy rock the boat make a scene turn on lay up key up play dirty get on someone hang up get even cramp style louse up scare cause anguish cause suffering be hurtful to bleed mourn lambaste nag at cause sorrow interrupt stir impede hinder crucify dragoon expel victimise wrong beat hunt exile terrorise scrape away bite into wear to shreds put off upset the apple cart have had enough make fed up become bored make discontented grate at exhaust someone's patience lose patience be disagreeable to push the buttons of shake up make nervous oppress torture rack stress intrude upon impose on get the knife into single out make things hot for someone make it hot for someone stick the knife into anguish curse bend someone's ear disrespect diss gnaw away at breathe down someone's neck thumb nose at carp at make one's hackles rise stump furbelow cow bluster frill disrupt flummox fuddle strain get on someone's case dis snub slur strap nit-pick push desolate harrow martyr put someone off their stroke cause suffering to cause anguish to put into a flap cause someone to lose their composure throw into a tizz arouse anxiety in make miserable do a number on make wretched push buttons make it tough for weigh on cut up rattle one's cage throw into tizzy give offence turn one off put down be disagreeable tread on someone's toes be an affront to get in one's hair mix up give a bad time discourage daunt nonplus demoralize dispirit burden demoralise puzzle take aback startle appall appal make uneasy deject traumatize muddle stun knock for six weigh down cast down surprise dumbfound traumatise terrify knock sideways derange disorder overwhelm chill addle baffle haunt psych out move unman amaze astound mystify affright petrify daze overcome jolt awe sap shatter knock the stuffing out of gross out astonish stagger disorient stupefy befuddle throw off disarrange set someone back on their heels muddy tax make uncomfortable foul up lie heavy on deter bowl over subdue dash buffalo disorganize dampen be repugnant to disillusion enervate abase bamboozle consternate jumble mess up disenchant bring down put out of countenance make sad scarify fright bustle overpower let down reluct put the wind up make someone scratch their head unbalance besiege pressurize fear scare to death scare the bejesus out of sear sweat strike weaken rock pressurise interfere complicate grind snafu cause anxiety to paralyse flabbergast bemuse get down electrify paralyze fox put someone off their stride beat down make your heart bleed cause discomfort to hang over disorientate put a damper on muck up give a turn make despondent make gloomy give someone a turn scare stiff weigh heavily on do someone's head in prey on someone's mind give someone the blues make sick hurry get someone down dump on do in cause to be at a stand break someone's heart abuse throw cold water on put in a spot pour cold water on scare the living daylights out of turn your stomach test pressure damage fidget make fretful despair alienate cavil drain scar down stimulate preoccupy foul stretch dizzy catch off balance undermine intrude demean lower enfeeble cause trouble to touch meddle devitalize break the heart of prostrate reduce to tears slap galvanize dull criticize squelch possess jangle dampen spirits maze dumfound make blue drag down stop someone in their tracks estrange tangle chasten whelm overmaster swamp break one's heart bring one down throw into disorder humble cause concern to thunderstrike discredit galvanise befog own be a great weight on damp screw up snarl dishonour make self-conscious put into a funk cast a gloom upon criticise dishonor be a burden to numb be a nuisance to pose be offensive to keep on at go on at bring tears to your eyes greatly upset knock over throw into a tizzy put the wind up someone be distasteful to cause offence to give trouble fog throw a curve mess with someone's head bulldoze make it tough obfuscate snarl up keep after make shudder be repulsive to fill with fear hurt one's feelings deflate blow away snow under scare someone out of their wits make someone want to throw up make someone fed up strike dumb turn one's stomach throw into a panic go to one's head make your hair stand on end strike terror into put the fear of God into make one sick blow one's mind scare the pants off dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit put to trouble bring low take someone's breath away throw into a blue funk make someone's gorge rise fill with loathing muddle up outface stare down outstare put off balance heat stand up to unquiet frenzy make restless cause disquiet to put on edge tear apart flutter stress out mistake hustle ferment deplore occupy ventilate be rude to importune psych someone out destabilize unstring tear dun exhaust send into a spin dement displace rummage disarray make flip work someone up bug up thrill roust destabilise push one's buttons balk sweat out dislocate cast a gloom on pierce knock props out baulk take by surprise put someone off throw into confusion lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind get in the way mistreat accost encroach obtrude infest weigh heavily on one's mind knock for a loop arouse hostility in grind down put to some trouble overcharge occupy someone's thoughts disengage uncouple unfasten separate unhitch disconnect detach throw into uproar prey on press down on set someone's teeth on edge weigh heavily on someone's mind niggle at grind at fill with consternation wring disaccord disharmonize discord alien put upset apple cart worst inflict trauma deeply upset chill off frighten to death frighten the living daylights out of be suppress subjugate stifle make one's heart bleed bring tears to one's eyes dampen someone's spirit make awkward make ashamed show up carp hit hard disarm tire out confront dispraise slander catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares spring something on throw a curveball cause to lose your bearings find fault with envenom make turbid suffer be unwell weigh be a burden on knock the stuffing out of someone quibble smother diminish give a zinger give the cold shoulder wilder dash hopes surprize break in put off his or her stride make someone laugh on the other side of their face make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth take the wind out of someone's sails nitpick disadvantage make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on make your gorge rise make someone feel nauseous pull the rug from under tear to pieces dish out dish it out give it to stick it to be indisposed be crook flap poison drive insane dash the hopes of muss snow disempower uncalm pull the rug out from under take over drive you crazy hurt the feelings of deaden defeat extinguish curb quell catch one short muck put out of action hit like a ton of bricks hit bring around set thinking make punchy intoxicate bring up short inebriate stymie be ill be weak be sick feel pain be agitated scare silly make jump shatter the illusions of burst one's bubble dampen the spirits of blow out unzip send up make a monkey of disparage unglue put in a hole take steam out cripple take apart take pains hit a sour note clutter mess with one's head make someone's head spin be all Greek to set someone thinking ball up knock out be in a tizzy be worried squick drive you to distraction make livid cause someone difficulty discommodate labour over take control of threaten menace set back be in a flap be wrong with be in pain feel unwell impress send over the edge raise someone's eyebrows bear down on damp down be in a stew get worked up get in a stew smite make someone's hair stand on end drive you round the twist drive you round the bend shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks take the wind out of your sails completely surprise make someone's blood run cold make a big thing out of make a big thing of disunify abominate cause to feel nauseous disunite pall divide cause aversion surfeit make someone's stomach rise cloy on offend morals of wean be repulsive be the matter with be a problem to put someone to trouble botch bungle make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill overstretch overtax tense blight make a thing of drive you off your head lean on grip dazzle spellbind give someone bother put pressure on be in someone's hair bring pressure to bear on crawl knock the wind out of drive you out of your mind make somebody's blood boil drive out of mind cast a pall over visit take turn someone off be displeasing to tyrannize buffet throw into panic harsh one's mellow jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter make someone feel sick drive somebody up the wall make emotional drive scare witless disburb stiff mau-mau strong-arm coerce drag darken turn stomach make your flesh creep give you the creeps make flesh crawl make someone go out of his way freeze your blood run down crunch overextend tyrannise inspire panic in strike terror in frighten out of your wits bludgeon fill with terror put the frighteners on worsen wreck steamroller destroy kill run circles around hit for six downgrade leave speechless sweep someone off their feet render speechless subordinate turn someone's stomach give someone goose pimples give one the creeps chill to the bone get the wind up throw into a fright scare off make your blood run cold make someone jump out of their skin make blood run cold make one's flesh creep chill someone to the marrow make teeth chatter scare someone half to death give someone the heebie-jeebies scare away curdle the blood invigorate inspire whip up cause to feel emotional strain overdo cause to feel mental strain make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit put on trial make desolate keep under acidulate make rancorous bitter venom make a mess of energize pump up degrade harsh someone's mellow debase bring tears to someone's eyes bear down make someone's heart bleed dampen someone's spirits entangle sink juice up enliven inspirit foment energise envigorate trigger animate enthuse liven up activize work jazz up titillate make ill belittle reduce disagree embroil cheapen silence make a fool of pop one's balloon take down bemean make someone eat humble pie pull down make someone eat crow bring down a peg cause to lose face squash cut down to size put to shame take down a peg settle someone's hash tear down make one feel small put one away put someone in their place put away smirch take down a peg or two shoot down make eat dirt force to eat humble pie demote make unwell ravel complexify complex sophisticate be sickening be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems involve make difficult be injurious to be disturbing be injurious strike down multiply twist make intricate add fuel to fire make complicated handicap render unintelligible clog interrelate fold convolute interweave make difficulties mire elaborate intricate set hurdles combine open can of worms obscure make more difficult make complex interfuse infold snag go against the grain be distasteful have an adverse effect on

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