Từ đồng nghĩa của smooth

Alternative for smooth

smooths, smoothed, smoothing, smoother, smoothest

Từ đồng nghĩa: chivalrous, cunning, even, glossy, level, pleasant, polished, polite, sleek, slick, suave,

Từ trái nghĩa: rough,

Tính từ

Having a glossy finish
glossy polished shiny sleek buffed chatoyant japanned lacquered satin shellacked slick waxed silky lustrous burnished sheeny satiny velvety gleaming glassy shining glistening bright rubbed glazed varnished brilliant silken nitid sparkling glowing slippery shimmering reflecting translucent luminous level sanded transparent enameled clear glimmering vitreous patinated enamelled sparkly radiant reflective flashing glittering planed well-groomed scintillating glossed gilded ground furbished well brushed sericeous satinlike finished splendid candescent fulgent lambent dazzling lucid incandescent beaming lucent refulgent effulgent bedazzling agleam sunny glittery convey pellucid limpid vitric icy hyaline unruffled even hyaloid calm slippy glazy glass-like crystal clear mirror-like ice-covered coruscating blazing twinkling intense resplendent flickering ablaze glaring vivid irradiant illuminated luminescent aglow lighted phosphorescent light glinting glistering iridescent lit scintillant alight fulgurating opalescent illumined shimmery burning fluorescent flaming strong starry flashy moonlit glorious lit up luculent radiating clinquant glowy colourful silvery fiery colorful relucent rutilant psychedelic warm kaleidoscopic rich blinding beamy ardent vibrant brightened lightsome nacreous opaline scintillescent silver aflame splendent pearly dancing fulgurant fulgurous pearlescent coruscant lurid fervid deep striking crystal gaudy smouldering sunlit auroral golden argent fulgid irradiated mirrorlike fervent flamboyant bold garish splashy jazzy gay smoldering showy on fire loud deep-coloured eye-catching bright-coloured highly-coloured highly colored extremely bright winking twinkly glimmery transcendent aglitter starlit red-hot cheery healthy razzle-dazzle glitzy white-hot luminiferous soft shinning glacé splendorous noticeable conspicuous metallized full beamful beautiful waxy stunning visual dramatic brightly illuminated sharp powerful concentrated harsh fierce overpowering see-through crystalline intensely hot Day-Glo gleamy irradiating neon flaring suffused reflecting light metallic uncloudy unclouded shot milky prismatic spangled impassioned dynamic vigorous spirited mantling gaseous entertaining off-white frosted ivory afire rainbow-coloured liquid kindled ignited inflamed conflagrant enflamed combusting scorching pearl mother-of-pearl fair rainbow-like many-hued polychromatic variegated multicoloured beady full of life holographic irised rainbowlike rainbow-colored rainbow many-colored margaritic margaric creamy roaring baking blistering searing multicolored

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Without obstructions or difficulties
easy simple straightforward effortless quick trouble-free uncomplicated undemanding uninvolved unproblematic untroublesome efficient untroubled facile painless well-ordered uneventful plain sailing well ordered fluid cheap light downhill snap elementary natural unchallenging ready hands-down royal a cinch as easy as ABC a piece of cake as easy as falling off a log fluent soft easy-peasy breezy duck soup a snap a breeze a pushover easy as pie a doddle money for jam a bludge idiot-proof money for old rope unexacting easy-breezy no sweat not difficult picnic a snip child's play piece of cake flowing graceful obvious leisurely basic rudimental trivial apparent pushover inconsiderable a piece of old tackle no trouble no problem as easy as pie without a hitch elegant casual carefree fast comfortable easygoing spontaneous instinctive intuitive stress-free unlabored unforced running cursive offhand a cakewalk a picnic a gift a walk in the park attainable mindless perspicuous weightless palpable unambiguous unmistakable workable evident unequivocal user friendly accessible transparent kids' stuff cinch user-friendly distinct slight clear clear-cut idiotproof no muss no fuss patent bed of roses open-and-shut simple as ABC wieldy yielding no bother manageable plain nothing to it easily done little manifest not burdensome paltry mere a doss a snack a five-finger exercise routine nothing feasible parsimonious easily accomplished self-evident intelligible understandable readily comprehensible easily understood self-explanatory clearly expressed clearly explained crystal clear easy to understand without explanation easy to follow easeful cushy lax unburdensome relaxed uninhibited safe easy-going laid-back

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Polite, elegant, and sophisticated in manner
suave urbane charming debonair glib mannerly persuasive slick chivalrous civil considerate cultivated decent decorous genteel gentlemanly polite refined respectable respectful sophisticated cool courteous ingratiating smarmy together unctuous collected composed courtly facile gracious polished svelte civilised civilized genial possessed silky unruffled coolheaded equable oily royal sedate self-composed self-possessed silver-tongued smooth-tongued media-savvy affable cultured well-bred worldly worldly-wise gallant bland pleasant well mannered stylish smart dignified elegant poised diplomatic tactful gentle obliging cosmopolitan well bred friendly amiable dashing smooth-talking spiffy dapper well-mannered sharp good-natured swish politic cordial sociable self-assured swanky fly well dressed metropolitan experienced knowing mature well-groomed well turned out congenial unemotional agreeable soft impeccable fulsome soft-spoken pleasing formal distingué assured smooth-spoken balanced confident deferential trim spruce snappy attractive enlightened knowledgeable thoughtful ladylike trig well groomed jet-set classy chic citified intelligent blasé happy casual nonchalant detached buoyant sprightly cheerful jaunty unprovincial seasoned aware mondaine erudite well-behaved well behaved discreet kind complaisant world-weary on fleek broad-minded unprejudiced liberal worldly wise well brought up conciliatory attentive punctilious mild amenable sympathetic well brought-up neighborly obsequious well-spoken well spoken concerned neighbourly condescending solicitous good-mannered streetwise well-travelled well travelled been around hip catholic planetary gregarious public ecumenical trendy snazzy sassy fashionable happening posh kicking spiff swell schmick supercool swank sporty chichi well-dressed smartly dressed well turned-out in vogue fashionably dressed discerning educated tasteful graceful learned discriminating fine perceptive highbrow intellectual modish accomplished couth sensitive astute shrewd wise ritzy proper literate informed clever exquisite scholarly au courant handsome tony exclusive seemly advanced voguish sagacious in distinguished stately well-read a la mode natty literary kicky well read well informed well educated majestic artistic beautiful lettered plush judicious nice with it bright up-to-date acute brainy sage savvy dressy well-educated fresh high-class well-informed aristocratic aesthetic modern fastidious versed developed illuminated percipient insightful sapient esthetic luxurious studious now fancy grand upscale genius groovy mod ostentatious correct uptown widely read lovely trendsetting brilliant glamorous opulent with-it up to date academic rational noble contemporary sensible perspicacious bookish in the know canny cognizant highbrowed expert deep conversant esoteric scholastic delicate well versed having been around creative critical quick-witted sumptuous keen well-rounded tolerant up to the minute progressive upmarket appealing prudent arty ingenious subtle dressed to kill inventive profound superior schooled cerebral quick swinging oversophisticated befitting alert ultra-modern instructed nifty selective well-born funky big donnish switched-on de rigueur practical becoming new ceremonious clear-sighted sharp-witted plugged in posted in fashion rich all the rage original penetrating down clued-up piercing imaginative well-off sublime expensive dainty aesthete elitist comely flattering engaging charismatic reasonable august conscious ornate affected gnostic traveled inspired likeable likable esthete prim travelled precise acquainted elaborate familiar select intuitive apprised studied understanding witty fetching flash restrained hot accurate able with good taste designer captivating observant argute appreciative abreast sound competent hep turned-on skilful pedantic recondite def pretentious razor-sharp cunning flashy tuned in skilled rakish dap in the picture absorbing sentient calculating jazzy current neat in style au fait intellective swagger sussed omniscient latest thing sleek latest skillful bang up to date high-toned clued up genned up in thing in the loop tuned-in dressed to the teeth larger than life on the ball as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox classical privileged comfortable discriminative modest high-quality eloquent industrialized good mannered humane particular finished lively poetic expressive coffee-table popular honorable honourable cavalier well-brought-up strong fully developed imposing highbred preux lofty adulatory complimentary high-bred conventional womanly plushy obscure glitzy spirited active flippant high-society dicty high-fashion understated downtown airy close rigorous late evolved improved forward high pinpoint spot-on higher mathematical responsible reliable into dress fast supersmart well schooled international global highborn blue-blooded patrician avant-garde specialist gorgeous stunning bling glossy well produced dependable adult initiated insighted culty wise up vivacious faddy in-thing fancy-pants high-minded high-brow nimble ultrasmart faddish clean du jour steezy modernistic showy harmonious groomed presentable splashy pizzazzy pizazzy elite well-traveled open-minded taught trained upper-crust mindful flamboyant colorful gay loud proficient whiz highly-developed industrialised looking sharp dressed up prestigious intellectualistic intellectualist psychologic good einstein last word colourful jet-setting prescient à la mode in the mainstream with experience old matured fitting fit incisive exceptional sharpened in high feather eggheaded geeky clerkly well put together practised privy across pretty dressed to the nines patronizing hollow prudish straitlaced prissy stuffy pompous confined la-di-da intolerant patronising artificial snooty priggish snobbish precious blue nerdish nerdy solid polymath professorial philosophical abstruse philosophic solemn pansophic grounded well-grounded scientific grave been there old hand seductive considered rapier-like razor-like with a knowledge of up on at home practiced switched on with an understanding of no stranger to leet level-headed grown-up primed spick and span well-turned-out dolled up well-tailored well-developed clean-cut spiffed-up besuited well-presented soigné tutored razor sharp selfish materialistic grasping quiet unobtrusive in good taste splendiferous aesthetically pleasing pure chaste unaffected gratifying subdued prestige watchful very smart cautious careful sharp as a tack hyperintelligent worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous high-end deluxe lavish upper-class free-thinking expedient provocative gripping stimulating thought-provoking intriguing callous hardened self-centered unprincipled opportunistic self-centred disenchanted power-loving mondain impressive circumspect commonsensical gnarly massive advisable enchanting art-house logical strategic sober hip to wised up endearing briefed sane pawky tactical judgmatical judgmatic desirable self-aware vigilant stylin' efficacious well-versed versant sweet prepossessing bewitching adorable cute winning excellent distinctive first-class artistically aware innovative knowing what's what well-advised well judged heads-up seasonable far-sighted wary judicial common-sense well advised long-headed just well-judged thorough well thought out analytical plugged-in apprized well briefed dreamy lovable entrancing enticing delectable alluring resourceful masterly blue-stocking intellectually aware savant distingue abreast of the facts filled in up to speed serious riveting powerful heavy interesting heavyweight fascinating irresistible beguiling winsome adorbs divine luring well versed in the ways of the world all the go enterprising gifted inviting couthy magnetizing bonny delightful magnetic magnetising electrifying le dernier cri talented capable qualified absorbed thinking engrossed ratiocinative innovational trailblazing fertile originative Promethean innovatory wily dexterous pioneering adroit crafty dextrous sly deviceful ready thinking outside the box clear-eyed classic choice ornamented rare overdone recherche stylized well-designed

Tính từ

(of voice or tone) Sweet or melodious to the ear
dulcet mellow soft soothing harmonic honeyed lilting mellifluous melodic melodious musical pretty resonant silvery songful sweet symphonious tuneful euphonious harmonious mellifluent lyrical sweet-toned sweet-sounding euphonic rich pleasant clear liquid symphonic pleasing agreeable lyric easy on the ear sonorous pleasing to the ear flowing full birdsweet deep canorous tuned pleasant-sounding consonant bell-like golden silver-toned euphonous harmonizing rhythmical in tune well-pitched well-tuned harmonising fluent pure clarion distinct melting catchy rhythmic foot-tapping poppy easy-listening seraphic angelical fluid silky sweet-flowing silver-tongued orotund rotund booming strong loud vibrant fruity full-bodied full-toned ringing resounding reverberant reverberating plangent round reverberative powerful sonorant thunderous thundering clangorous stentorian earsplitting echoing pulsating throbbing deep-toned heightened pulsing strident intensified enhanced electrifying blaring deafening clamorous piercing roaring blasting noisy beating profound thrilling slam-bang baritone carrying pear-shaped expressive phat rounded sounding blending chiming orchestral choral operatic low throaty full-voiced loud-voiced robust plummy light graceful resonating eloquent significant bright big concordant silvery-toned vocal enjoyable basso bass assonant accordant vibrating well tuned poetic ariose chantlike rhapsodic songlike cacophonous stentorious singsong singing singable eurythmic sing-song chant-like song-like eurhythmic lusty reverberatory rambunctious raucous vociferous emotional poeticized bardic passionate poetical magniloquent grandiloquent oscillating palpitating lively riotous prominent pompous fortissimo clearly audible ear-popping full-throated ear-piercing boisterous ear-shattering aquiver forceful harsh overpowering intense very loud ear-splitting head-splitting dinning obstreperous personal subjective mournful inspired sentimental romantic soulful plaintive deeply felt melancholy

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(of a body of water) Placid and undisturbed
calm even flat glassy halcyon level mirror-like motionless pacific placid quiet serene stagnant stationary still stilly tranquil unagitated undisturbed unruffled mirrorlike peaceful settled unbroken uninterrupted waveless unperturbed untroubled dead calm like a millpond cool composed collected together sedate unworried self-possessed unshaken possessed coolheaded recollected equal self-composed limpid unfazed at peace unflappable unflustered equable relaxed at ease nonplussed cool, calm and collected imperturbable poised unmoved nonchalant laid-back unbothered even-tempered steady chilled unemotional equanimous controlled cool-headed unexcitable level-headed dispassionate undismayed as cool as a cucumber hushed lown self-controlled unconcerned phlegmatic restful easygoing impassive confident self-assured levelheaded carefree temperate easy casual insouciant arcadian stable blithe unstirred quieted stolid assured cool as a cucumber unanxious dignified whist sober blasé serious easy-going content constant mild happy-go-lucky peaceable urbane quiescent grounded fair devil-may-care staid mellow sensible trouble-free without a care in the world calmed commonsensical unflurried secure stoical clearheaded self-confident at rest unfluctuating deliberate keeping your cool well-balanced sure of oneself cool as cucumber well balanced unaffected undaunted fine regular sleepy becalmed firm unalarmed resolute unchanging unvarying unflinching untouched gentle unvexed philosophical unexcited uniform unobstructed undistracted agreeable consistent invariable in control not moved soothed disimpassioned repressed suppressed bovine blissful centered unaltering unalterable elegant suave stabile orderly systematic methodical good-natured detached docile irenic keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on conciliatory pellucid reconciled centred resting satisfied comfortable patient reserved easeful reposeful anxiety-free sure of yourself in peace without interruption in repose earnest balanced practical proper rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic deathly deathlike businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable unperturbable demure seemly decorous downwind deathly still moderate sure sanguine serious-minded grave straight assertive stiff prim formal solemn stuffy boring stick-in-the-mud starchy sombre stately somber well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well-adjusted good-tempered cold sober protected leeside shielded screened sheltered safe leeward indifferent cold unhurried stress-free apathetic tolerant uninterested uncaring unfeeling stoic unshakable free and easy complaisant lackadaisical aloof enlightened stony oblivious breezy hard-hearted civil callous pococurante incurious heedless insensitive emotionless debonair forbearing unsympathetic mild-mannered logical neutral flexible cozy in a relaxed manner unburdened amenable graceful clubby benign happy taking your time cosy nerveless balmy no-nonsense complacent euthymic idyllic measured disinterested hard-headed insensible uncurious perfunctory discreet deliberative farsighted not dismayed thick-skinned immovable smug self-satisfied unimpassioned passionless well-disposed unimpressed calm and collected unimpressible offhand listless Zen all there dry-eyed unresponsive hard as nails stiff upper lip roll with punches unsentimental stony-hearted down-to-earth nonpassionate resigned clinical unpassionate impervious immune analytical scientific accommodating restrained long-suffering informal unmindful impassible hard-boiled indulgent fatalistic tough abstract iceberg lax immune to insensate impervious to heedless of stubborn unyielding oblivious to non-emotional affable friendly cold-blooded leisurely accepting profound deep moral ethical philosophic deep-thinking learned uncomplaining unmindful of proof against deaf to undemanding cold-fish cool cat laid back poker-faced couldn't care less understated downbeat distant lighthearted slaphappy gay careless lightsome uninvolved low-pressure low-key easy-peasy supine deaf not bothered hardened forgetful self-centered feckless inattentive blind negligent self-centred live-and-let-live chilled out not giving a toss

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Excessive in obsequious praise or flattery
unctuous sycophantic fawning obsequious ingratiating flattering oily smarmy grovelling toadying servile cringing bootlicking suave crawling oleaginous slick soapy fulsome glib humble subservient gushing adulatory slimy urbane greasy gushy saccharine sucky hagiographic hagiographical insincere effusive cloying plausible cajoling nauseating hypocritical buttery sickening wheedling slippery groveling saponaceous phony phoney creamy pinguid smug creepy silver-tongued smooth-tongued brown-nosing arse-licking self-abasing smooth-talking apple-polishing smooth-spoken honey-tongued forelock-tugging ass-kissing Uriah Heepish complimentary oiled honeyed slithery slippy sleek glassy slicked greased lubricated lubricious skiddy creeping sugary deferential praising insinuating applauding commending mealy-mouthed laudatory encomiastic icy silken sweet-talking soft-soaping lustrous toadyish wet silky submissive supple coaxing bland compliant appreciative admiring favourable truckling abject self-effacing disarming winsome winning endearing flannelling blarneying reptilian soft charming serving insinuative timeserving gratifying encomiastical extravagant excessive inordinate overdone favorable all over someone glossy immoderate lavish profuse enthusiastic extensive glowing liberal ample generous shiny fatty over-appreciative shining acclamatory eulogistic rapturous OTT gross pomaded salved smeared anointed daubed swabbed magniloquent bombastic grandiloquent canting coarse overgenerous sanctimonious Brylcreemed unsafe glacé sugarcoated over the top plastered down like a skating rink glazed unsteady waxy satiny perilous unstable polished glistening sweet persuasive pleasing sweet-sounding sleeky exuberant unrestrained bountiful overflowing commendatory prodigal unreserved rhapsodic copious galore rave bounteous plentiful teeming luxuriant abounding superfluous aplenty plenty no end demonstrative panegyrical abundant expansive ebullient unstinting prolific congratulatory riotous emotional superabundant laudative highly favourable opulent lush swarming crawling with alive with thick with approving approbatory lyrical mushy sentimental lionizing over-effusive plenteous eulogizing bumper extreme sumptuous profusive openhanded open-handed over-enthusiastic lionising full rich praiseful approbative a dime a dozen hyped up eulogising unlimited lank full of praise replete a gogo laid on with a trowel surplus in excess overabundant extra exaggerated worshipping blandishing worshipful reverential actorly theatrical dramatic wholehearted slavish extolling free ecstatic glorifying panegyric celebratory touchy-feely uninhibited worshiping munificent maudlin unconstrained outpouring raving overemotional mawkish nostalgic unsparing ungrudging handsome vociferous overacted bathetic icky corny affectionate moonstruck jejune inane languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected dreamy idealistic insipid highly complimentary loving infinite inexhaustible free-flowing very happy large good positive friendly substantial considerable huge flush great complete fertile comfortable cornucopian productive blubbery hammy voluble dewy-eyed plauditory polite civil honoring fair-spoken celebrating well-wishing courtly gracious respectful honouring kind numerous many innumerable multifarious multiple manifold multitudinous countless fruitful thick on the ground competent swimming well-provided lousy with rife appreciable sufficient flowing chock-full enough improvident in abundance wordy myriad heavy prolix verbose lovey-dovey with high praise with highest recommendation highly favorable a mess of coming out of ears

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Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects
insidious stealthy subtle cunning sneaking tricky artful crafty deceptive slick sly wily crooked deceitful designing guileful Machiavellian surreptitious treacherous disingenuous duplicitous dishonest sneaky underhand astute backhanded corrupt dangerous deep devious ensnaring false foxy indirect intriguing perfidious perilous secret sinister snaky wormlike like a snake in the grass scheming shifty cagey shrewd sharp delusive furtive slippery conniving clever dodgy calculating beguiling cute fly cagy shady dishonorable captious dissembling unscrupulous canny ingenious smart bluffing illusory double-dealing plotting elusive traitorous shonky slim carny dishonourable covert untrustworthy manipulative snide skillful skilful evasive nifty mean streetwise keen misleading delusory greasy intelligent witted wry secretive impish roguish mischievous arch two-faced fraudulent underhanded Janus-faced unfair unethical unprincipled clandestine cheating disreputable bent two-timing immoral lying dirty dubious mendacious snidey double-crossing contriving deceiving unjust oblique iffy fast rogue untruthful insincere fly-by-night hollow-hearted dissimulating stinky unpredictable unreliable mean-spirited hypocritical swindling fibbing dirty-dealing undercover hush-hush concealed sub-rosa suspicious fugitive slimy rascally lubricious collusive unhonest criminal illegal amoral unlawful uncertain mutable unsafe unsteady inconstant insecure unstable hard to pin down variable changeable knavish defrauding malfeasant on the quiet on the QT under wraps double-faced false-hearted truthless hoodwinking recreant backbiting unctuous villainous unsporting unsportsmanlike back-alley hugger-mugger below the belt veiled shrouded cloak-and-dagger hidden hole-and-corner murky backstairs conspiratorial fishy low-down gimmicky erring errant obliquitous under the table playing politics put on playing games not straightforward faking one out

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Showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters, sometimes with guile
shrewd astute clever canny cunning intelligent perceptive discerning smart wise judicious sensible crafty prudent sharp wily artful sly acute sagacious knowing savvy perspicacious devious scheming insightful subtle foxy guileful keen calculating tricky sage slick discriminating alert designing ingenious sapient brainy cagey cute observant slippery beguiling streetwise pawky underhand hardheaded argute dodgy cagy heady profound deep fly suss accurate disingenuous farsighted probing astucious calculated inside shark quick-witted sharp-witted clear-eyed clear-sighted far-sighted hard-boiled heads-up long-headed on the ball far-seeing media-savvy in the know on the inside wised up on top of up on sneaky Machiavellian deceitful shifty skillful skilful insidious politic street smart deceptive duplicitous slim intriguing vulpine adroit street-smart dexterous dextrous dishonest cheating experienced conniving carny resourceful Janus-faced adept penetrating hardened unscrupulous double-dealing seasoned whip-smart worldly tactful manipulative careful masterly cautious proficient arch discreet thoughtful crazy like a fox shady fraudulent treacherous untrustworthy tactical tricksy shonky dirty evasive imaginative inventive fiendish circumspect malicious crazy like fox sussed crooked worldly-wise hep watchful able frugal quick wary nimble-witted percipient philosophical knowledgeable with it underhanded greasy sly like a fox as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork gnostic apt witty rational cool hip showing great knowledge erudite sophic with great knowledge learned sensitive delicate polite full of insight understanding considerate strategic conciliatory diplomatic deft gracious suave treating with kid gloves contriving courteous capable opportunistic bland sound logical enlightened reasonable practical intellectual informed commonsensical intuitive bright brilliant levelheaded reasoned scholarly pragmatic sane expedient incisive provident well-informed educated genius realistic good well-advised aware vigilant foresighted analytical sophisticated piercing cerebral desirable balanced advisable commonsense sober level-headed solid razor-sharp well advised reflective well-founded justified well-grounded cultured cultivated visionary down-to-earth coherent commonsensible analytic well judged well-reasoned just mature precocious valid responsible critical grounded reliable objective considered prescient well informed cogent lucid seemly academic firm contemplative esoteric matter-of-fact bookish well reasoned well thought out common-sense omniscient well-read lettered together quick on the uptake appropriate deliberate recommended nimble forethoughtful thorough all-seeing heedful thinking advantageous fitting fast recondite supersmart forehanded beneficial judgmatical judgmatic literate hard philosophic highbrow ultrasmart well fit well educated gainful worthwhile attentive exceptional widely read well read rapier-like healthy well-thought-out gifted safe conversant hyperintelligent quick off the mark all-knowing sharp-sighted all there fine meticulous sentient forearmed dependable normal profitable scrupulous open-eyed downy guarded refined punctilious sharpened literary responsive chary ratiocinative foreseeing suitable studious civilized deductive skilled farseeing whiz cognitive abstruse proven no-nonsense suggested proper pedantic best donnish well versed illuminated penetrative leery forward razor-like expert clairvoyant well-balanced scientific well-educated proactive hard-headed conservative sharp as a tack right efficacious useful effective helpful ready civilised clear awake gingerly well balanced well grounded well-judged joined-up softly-softly competent moderate forward-looking self-aware keen-witted tasteful enterprising theoretical selective exquisite prudential handy satisfying dinkum insighted satisfactory congruent einstein decent estimable cool-headed fastidious businesslike adult obscure prophetic not born yesterday schooled genuine complex exacting detailed finicky methodical metaphysical abstract hard-nosed deliberated trenchant razor-edged knife-like razor sharp scholastic into tutored playing one's cards close to one's chest genial egghead serious consequent serious-minded wise up pragmatical cluey thinking twice playing safe well-taught in one's best interests weighty arcane with one's feet on the ground with both feet on the ground cogitative full of common sense conscious appreciative talented urbane qualified unprovincial hedging one's bets preferable grown-up polished hermetic hermetical agile enquiring questioning inquiring well thought-out thrifty all-wise acroamatic occult orphic secret instructed alive comprehending creative original au courant cognizant recommendable having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on very smart a good idea in right mind equipped economical having all one's marbles steady-going seasonable judicial having been around clued-up with-it tuned-in valuable knows what's what tuned in ear to the ground correct preferred well-prepared unidealistic reserved close-lipped commendable counselable straight acceptable favorable close-mouthed infinite preeminent pansophical almighty parsimonious unwasteful saving prepared tight penny-pinching mean effectual compelling applicable definitive convenient favourable productive necessary best suited timely opportune presentable kid-glove fair civil controlled temperate noncommittal precautious plausible justifiable veridical faultless synthetic credible infallible trustable reasoning collected unquestionable certain veracious with both one's feet on the ground trustworthy versed like a clam on lookout having foresight not rash errorless sure corroborated colorable rigorous substantiated truthful sincere impeccable secure inerrant confirmed validated verified posted accomplished polymath professorial well-rounded solemn grave studied pansophic supportable tenable sustainable certified defensible empirical maintainable open definite defendable calculable explicit exact precise stringent empiric stable recognized faithful legit canonical true kosher reputable sanctioned significant recognised orthodox clear-headed clearheaded compos mentis dead-on on-target letter-perfect spot-on clear-cut in your right mind able to reason clearly playing with full deck mentally sound both oars in water oriented able to think clearly in possession of all your faculties fair-minded in one's right mind playing with a full deck steady of sound mind self-possessed having all marbles abled right in the head right-minded legal tried-and-true most correct

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Worthy of being believed or accepted as true
plausible believable credible likely probable reasonable persuasive possible conceivable tenable glib acceptable convincing feasible imaginable logical smooth-talking smooth-tongued sound cogent colourable creditable presumptive rational specious thinkable verisimilar fair-spoken presumable supposable valid like enough very likely within the bounds of possibility forceful telling compelling effective strong influential eloquent weighty winning impressive potent decisive inducing moving silver-tongued slick conclusive efficacious impelling silky effectual touching satisfying powerful actuating stringent seductive inveigling pointed forcible stimulating alluring suasory luring swaying inspiring enticing energetic unctuous suasive efficient wheedling assuasive convictive not taking no for an answer apparent seeming presumed ostensible supposed assumed anticipated realistic illusory potential expected predictable foreseeable outward cogitable alleged superficial professed trusty reputed colorable putative evident earthly ostensive perceived semblant prima facie comprehensible understandable odds-on awaited sensible conjecturable tried straight aboveboard mortal reliable trustworthy authentic believeable avowed solid satisfactory pretended purported surface so-called up front illusive claimed declared to be expected feigned able to hold water suppositious on the cards admissible implicit exterior honest sincere probably determinative under the sun incontrovertible calculable apprehensible comprehendible quite possible honest to God exhibited manifest reasonable to think ten to one truthlike a good bet in the cards a reasonable bet a fair bet notable demonstrative quasi credential unquestionable honest-to-god fiduciary incontestable unanswerable unassailable irresistible true-to-life hopeful faithful dependable carrying conviction well founded within the realms of possibility true to life predicted believed understood prospective with a ring of truth forecast normal foreseen inferred hypothetical inevitable not unexpected obvious assumptive presumptuous circumstantial unsurprising external only to be expected what one would expect par for the course most likely

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Characterized by a lack of sincerity
Pecksniffian insincere hypocritical phoney fake artificial pretended feigned phony backhanded unctuous mealy counterfeit mealymouthed double jive lip false duplicitous deceptive dissembling lying faithless fraudulent hollow canting specious spurious snide affected feigning glib jivey oily unnatural unreliable deluding pharisaic pietistic sanctimonious pharisaical assuming bland captious cavilling caviling fishy moralistic pious two-faced double-dealing double-faced phoney-baloney phony-baloney Janus-faced left-handed self-righteous smooth-spoken smooth-tongued formal goody-goody holier-than-thou deceitful dishonest untruthful pretend untrustworthy hypocritic Tartuffian Pharisaic Pharisaical disingenuous treacherous perfidious mendacious pretentious dissimulating untrue shifty disloyal sly put-on ambidextrous assumed devious evasive unfaithful slick deceiving cynical knavish sham inauthentic back-stabbing mala fide exaggerated overdone dual underhand cunning underhanded guileful artful crafty beguiling backstabbing sneaky misleading foxy tricky not candid lacking sincerity not frank double-crossing pseud slippery double dealing unsound flimsy with tongue in cheek unconvincing invalid insignificant weak indirect ironic ambiguous dubious equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic hollow-hearted uncertain devoid of validity double-meaning double-edged pseudo bogus so-called professed purported simulated contrived ostensible mock faked alleged make-believe quasi- imaginary factitious mechanical plastic strained forced imitation avowed fictitious forged masked impostrous bluffing shammed in name only quack charlatan falsified cheating covered supposed concealed dissimulated imposturous

Tính từ

Not blocked
unblocked open free unhampered unimpeded unobstructed unlimited empty vacant bare stark void vacuous clear unrestricted unhindered unrestrained unchecked unconstrained untrammelled without hindrance untrammeled uninhibited total unbroken full unclogged passable unstopped unbarred unclosed cleared uncontrolled unbridled liberated abandoned wild unconfined unfettered loose intemperate independent unbounded wanton footloose uncurbed unrepressed ungoverned unbound rampant undisciplined reckless dissolute runaway raw free-spirited unreserved carefree at liberty unshackled licentious immoral profligate incontinent free and easy unattached shameless freewheeling relaxed unregulated natural impetuous unsuppressed limitless easygoing riotous immoderate spontaneous candid unencumbered extravagant fancy-free uncommitted audacious out of control excessive out of hand untied unchained depraved incorrigible dissipated fast gay corrupt rakish unprincipled sinful wicked full-on barren untamed at leisure freed autonomous vacated evacuated desolate deserted individualistic unconventional freethinking maverick demonstrative running wild bold unloaded cleaned emotional released navigable unoccupied uninhabited unfilled unengaged single unmarried go-as-you-please instinctive boisterous uncluttered wilful contrary headstrong individual emancipated unselfconscious without ties happy-go-lucky without commitments immodest effusive ice-free snow-free decontrolled unregimented cleared away careless touchy-feely overt expansive absolute free-for-all rash heedless unconditional unopposed cut loose off the cuff hanging out unself-conscious no holds barred impulsive capricious cavalier flexible slack unqualified lax public free from obstructions uncircumscribed lavish allowed liberal able free for all profuse abundant devil-may-care volatile prodigal on one's own with no holds barred inordinate outrageous uncontrollable boundless irrepressible unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable saturnalian frank impotent plenary flamboyant exaggerated impertinent lawless bizarre indiscriminate blunt

Tính từ

Inactive, quiet, at rest
quiescent inactive dormant inert latent motionless quiet sluggish still lethargic peaceful resting serene silent torpid asleep calm deactivated dull fallow idle immobile in abeyance inoperative passive placid sleepy slumbering stagnant tranquil undisturbed gentle lifeless unagitated unmoving unruffled at rest sleeping abeyant hidden lurking undeveloped inherent unseen untapped unexpressed unrevealed unrealized invisible concealed subconscious repressed veiled smoldering secret undiscovered unapparent masked underlying suppressed unconscious immanent unexposed potential smouldering suspended prepatent unused vacant free off dead not sounded out not pronounced indiscernible imperceptible unfulfilled inchoate innermost unacknowledged covert buried inferred vestigial intrinsic involved underdeveloped inferential tacit embryonic immature implied unripe contained likely rudimentary possible not activated out of commission on the shelf implicit undeclared unreserved unspoken understood unsaid constructive unuttered taken for granted complete total wholehearted firm steadfast full fixed entire constant unqualified unshakable unhesitating accurate inevitable implicative inarticulate definite virtual practical unquestioned certain covered camouflaged screened unfaltering unquestioning disguised unconditional absolute shrouded wordless unemployed undoubting undisclosed bottled up under wraps deep subliminal undetectable suggested indirect deducible hinted unoccupied imperceivable cloaked mothballed surreptitious stationary clouded undercover eclipsed undetected not in use out of use hinted at not visible out of sight in the dark out of view unwavering unidentified unbeknown unknown forthright rapid swift prompt confident lost covered up unbeknownst unrecognized resolute relapsing retreating lowering receding regressive ebbing declining falling unrecognised unswerving inbuilt obedient unthinking automatic larvate cryptic incognito cabalistic ingrained fundamental incorporated disused prospective inner future not operating ticking over undivulged probable budding inmost gathering dust unutilized no longer in use fallen into disuse mental recessive unexploited conceivable developing imaginable not made use of untried obscured inconspicuous going begging not in service unspoilt non-functioning in the making unseeable unnoticeable unnoticed indistinguishable unobserved disengaged restrained unobtrusive discreet indistinct nonexistent obscure unperceivable shadowy inappreciable stopped static stifled intangible unobservable ghostly insensible perdu impalpable ethereal vaporous imaginary not in view not in sight unviewable imponderable gaseous impossible to detect turned off on hold low-key in holding pattern insinuated smothered muffled unstated inhibited oblique unvoiced not obvious withheld sheltered pent up bottled-up blocked held back curbed held in allusive adumbrated occult indicative signified figured symbolized foreshadowed significative assumed indicated perceptible meant connoted parallel intended snug tect underground symbolised kept in check not spelt out alluded to taken as read tacitly assumed not on view

Tính từ

Talkative or loquacious
talky talkative garrulous loquacious chatty gabby conversational verbose mouthy voluble effusive windy gossipy prolix wordy motormouthed multiloquent chattering blabby glib vocal fluent articulate loudmouthed eloquent slick verbal rattling long-winded big-mouthed loose-lipped full of hot air chattery blathering communicative babbling gushing yakking gassy rambling multiloquous able to talk the hind legs off a donkey with the gift of the gab forthcoming prattling jabbering silver-tongued expansive unreserved open gobby wittering gossiping vociferous bigmouthed profuse gibbering running on drivellous outspoken outgoing blessed with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney Stone excessively communicative having kissed the blarney stone bombastic diffuse expressive circumlocutory pleonastic lengthy uninhibited informative discursive protracted circuitous periphrastic tautological repetitious logorrheic tortuous demonstrative yacking tedious redundant palaverous informal prating relaxed meandering digressive long-drawn-out newsy intimate conversable free pompous ambagious logorrhoeic motormouth turgid unrestrained inflated ranting casual conversational over-talkative ordinary familiar everyday spoken empty prolonged overlong noisy maundering boastful waffly confabulatory plainspoken taletelling cooperative helpful obliging flatulent sesquipedalian full of verbiage frank spontaneous personal multieloquent free-spoken enlightening communicable friendly candid genial affable sociable tonguey yakkity prosy gaseous wind-bag loose-tongued yakky blabbermouth flap jaw running on at the mouth orotund amiable extroverted indirect easy warm extrovert wandering convoluted magniloquent fustian flowery grandiloquent rhetorical tautologous repeating involved pretentious repetitive effervescent unconstrained gregarious liberal magnanimous generous lavish gushy full of air having kissed the Blarney stone

Tính từ

Without wrinkles

Tính từ

Without a break in continuity
uninterrupted continual continuous constant steady sustained unbroken unceasing undisturbed incessant consecutive nonstop running ceaseless continued continuing non-stop perpetual straight successive unremitting untroubled never-ending solid unending direct endless in succession interminable straightforward through without stopping persistent relentless eternal everlasting permanent unrelenting unabating unrelieved round-the-clock regular ongoing unfaltering enduring unchanging lasting unvarying undying unwavering perennial timeless immortal dateless abiding stable infinite unflagging repeated undeviating unfailing consistent without end even deathless recurrent boundless chronic monotonous uniform frequent amaranthine persisting habitual unabated limitless unlimited around-the-clock undivided imperishable ageless prolonged unfluctuating changeless day-and-night succeeding immeasurable invariable unbounded always-on invariant sequential recurring illimitable indefinite successional round the clock fixed overlong unwaning untiring indefatigable connected sequent staying repetitive no end to no end of oft-repeated unfading measureless untold back-to-back without respite inexhaustible incalculable immensurable bottomless inestimable unfathomable horizonless fathomless unvaried indeterminate unwearied unyielding aeonian dogged rhythmic persevering following unswerving tireless immutable perdurable vast stabile never-changing sempiternal immense interminate long-lasting in a row protracted on a treadmill long on the trot unsurpassable numberless self-perpetuating multitudinous countless steady-going static progressive fast firm indestructible neverending serial without interruption lifelong total unchanged ensuing succedent seriate predictable periodical periodic long-lived durable steadfast great homogenous same metrical 24/7 unwearying forever equable day and night dependable old longstanding cosmic unchangeable reliable without limit inflexible end-to-end one after the other flowing cursive fluent lengthy unstoppable lingering frozen unaltered sound without ceasing nagging fluid frictionless faithful remorseless diligent assiduous unsparing inexorable unruffled profound deep unintermitted all day long extended closed pushy unaltering unflinching maintained sedulous unalleviated hard harsh stern extensive implacable regularized standardised regularised drawn out drawn-out inveterate unmodified unbothered unmoved unaffected untouched resolute stretched out at all times all day and all night standardized never-ceasing beyond measure nonrandom rapid annual returning yearlong yearly seasonal subsequent long-winded plain unconstrained uncontrolled unchecked unrestrained all-year-round world-without-end unhindered long-drawn-out wearisome unconditional absolute unrestricted unbridled level free without limits boring dragging long-term express deep-rooted remaining long-standing indelible surviving lavish balanced matching alike with no let-up tedious seemingly endless next subsequential one-way opened stationary ingrained secure established full utter for ever and ever rambling laborious ponderous meandering irreversible rotating alternating with no holds barred without a break without surcease unbound looped dull in line rigid set inexpungible indissoluble abundant abounding following after next up next off strung out spun out dragged out till the cows come home in for the long haul not stopping having no end immemorial always termless chronological seriatim 24-hour serialized in turn serialised in sequence in order going on one after another determined staunch tenacious immovable unshakable unshakeable single-minded unshaken resolved decided stubborn dedicated pertinacious sure obstinate unalterable never-failing uncompromising obdurate cyclic prevailing purposeful unqualified symmetrical systematic dead set on intense unflappable true patient committed unhesitating unvacillating orderly homogeneous strong-willed measured spirited energetic zealous dynamic loyal routine enthusiastic cyclical methodical pat perseverant focused insistent on an even keel pigheaded driven numerous intermittent headstrong unbending bound intent cadenced stiff-necked unmodifiable bullheaded stabilized hard-nosed reiterative iterated intransigent focussed rhythmical set in stone self-willed dead set long-established bound and determined iron-willed standing unequivocal customary usual unquestioning counterbalanced certain normal vigorous cadent weariless industrious keen traditional settled forceful time-honoured common confident metric positive assured stabilised consonant brick-wall occasional adamant familiar harmonious mulish undiversified daily deliberate mechanical expected infrequent sporadic active plumb long-running many stalwart steely spasmodic ossified importunate ambitious on-and-off enterprising motivated odd hanging tough eager beaver bent on willful wilful decisive never-tiring a great many very many every so often tough nut every once in a while at fixed intervals irrevocable unavoidable inevitable inescapable undaunted unretiring time-hallowed incommutable inalterable hard-and-fast true to type valiant wholehearted living marathon uninfluenced mettlesome gritty age-old well established ancient time-honored not changing moderate temperate tranquil infallible meaning business strong-minded full of determination diehard game non-extreme fair regulated systematized telling indisputable convinced satisfied incontestable valid indubitable undeniable incontrovertible real genuine doubtless free from doubt convincing unquestionable for a fact clear persuaded solid as rock patterned do-or-die out sticky ordinary hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened perverse self-opinionated impassive opinionated like the Rock of Gibralter throbbing pulsating congruous arranged accordant systematised punctual precise in place in position reoccurring standard accustomed going all the way fail-safe surefire can't-miss unerring stony-hearted unimpressionable indurate rock-ribbed grim telelogical mean business bent calculated be out for blood hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent upon playing hard ball nose to the grindstone pulsing lilting exact stand pat in for long haul locked in stick to guns set in concrete dug in like bad penny quiescent weighted perseverative rolling repeating in a straight line musical beating wonted natural Herculean lifetime similar tried-and-true delivering there come-through trustworthy dyed-in-the-wool undoubting typical oft repeated equivalent identical livelong melodious paced stout lifetime's unappeasable reiterated manifold several profuse characteristic general equal symmetric strong devoted thick various for all your life all-time for life tried and true rock solid tried and tested counted on ordered fated incorrigible fateful well-proportioned compatible monolithic well-balanced millions of loads of a good many quite a few lots of heaps of masses of quite a lot of occurring often dozens of hundreds of thousands of stout-hearted with a steady pulse perfectly weighted repetitious practised