Đồng nghĩa của vigorous

Tính từ

Strong, healthy, and full of energy
robust lively strong energetic healthy hardy dynamic flourishing spirited vital active animated sturdy athletic bouncing fine fit high-spirited sparkling sprightly strapping tough vivacious able-bodied blooming peppy thriving effervescent in good health jaunty lusty perky playful powerful red-blooded spry zippy buoyant forceful hale indefatigable in good condition in good kilter in good shape in good trim intense in tip-top condition sound strong as an horse strong as an lion strong as an ox tireless vibrant zestful bouncy feisty flush forcible gingery go-getting hale and hearty hearty spanking upbeat virile chipper spunky wick brisk dashing driving effective efficient enterprising exuberant fighting fit full of life hard-driving persuasive snappy steamroller take-charge take-over alive and kicking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of vim in the pink raring to go ball of fire full of beans full of energy fit as a fiddle enthusiastic muscular sparky gay stalwart mettlesome stout bubbly rugged frisky animate bold airy in fine fettle pert brawny kinetic well buff racy husky quick springy pizzazzy pizazzy jazzy firm potent nimble peart shredded chirpy keen burly bright zingy ripped ebullient fiery full of vim and vigour alert eager muscly hunky unflagging courageous fresh jacked well built manly breezy whole wholesome strenuous beefy untiring well-conditioned industrious determined resolute zealous Herculean unwearied cheerful aggressive passionate brave agile jumping as fit as a fiddle gutsy daring gallant zesty intrepid well-built masculine hefty frolicsome go-go able staunch bursting with health as fit as a flea solid fearless valiant sharp sunny all right fast merry joyful hyper irrepressible zappy go-ahead cheery trim effectual bright and breezy alive sinewy high-powered persevering rapid swift inexhaustible in rude health weariless powerfully built thewy vivid ambitious steadfast bustling valorous right as rain in shape heroic capable stirring physically fit happy light-hearted stout-hearted blithe plucky sportive macho dogged all-male excited on the go ardent manful restored male busy tenacious unwearying thickset as strong as an ox stark audacious mighty invigorated emphatic impassioned speedy as merry as a grig indomitable lionhearted exciting jolly frolic in trim gamesome crank moving in excellent shape substantial refreshed incessant persistent surviving unremitting unfaltering unswerving unfailing bright-eyed bushy-tailed creative around full of get-up-and-go aerobicized in high spirits adventurous grind pushing unwavering striking smart mesomorphic elated peppery influential up to snuff driven bubbling rehabilitated undaunted punchy high-octane scintillating full of the joys of spring ballsy stimulating fit as a flea manlike gladsome ingenious diligent imaginative sparkly going strong in good physical shape inventive blithesome hasty sporty swinging mannish alive and well still with us man-size man-sized resourceful hurried lithe butch dauntless hard-hitting glowing flamboyant doughty full of pep of good cheer normal broad-shouldered innovative two-fisted assertive unflinching good exhilarated pertinacious storming euphoric lightsome unshakeable assiduous gritty young unrelenting vehement compelling pushy jubilant hard-working iron energized beefcake hunk nippy authoritative carefree boisterous exultant clever gifted live hopping working rested OK healthful existing solidly built vitalized well muscled revived relaxed full-blooded fleet lion-hearted happy-go-lucky smiley fast-moving rousing rocking dexterous productive operative existent self-starting ready mobile sound in body and limb in fine feather energised loud unimpaired chivalrous swashbuckling responsive brash awake living full of fun growing original like new dextrous unceasing lightning blistering galloping breakneck alacritous in top form as lively as a grig physical right well made hulking entrepreneurial bulky dramatic heated progressive up-and-coming self-motivated fleet-footed colourful patient piquant pungent generative game occupied positive continuing talented impressive hot in good physical condition avid herculean witty muscle-bound quick-witted stouthearted well-developed stud jock telling convincing cogent activated breathing radiant intensive happening humming buzzing greathearted gutty heroical poignant tart tangy resounding astir abuzz operating breathless undauntable new gumptious eventful in good form solid as a rock colorful functional rattling venturesome sedulous abubble aboil jovial hard bruising hulky entertaining have-a-go in-your-face functioning tiger coruscating barnstorming deft well-knit light successful controlling sentient adroit brilliant noble enduring perceptive glad well knit organic sensitive operational full of spirit as strong as a horse coming on strong confident biological gleeful mirthful powerhouse quick-thinking efficacious muscled joyous subsisting sane all-out on the move abled abiding mercurial wonderful exceptional among the living having life competent in the land of the living as right as rain quick on the trigger up to par quick on the draw committed self-directed uncomplaining long-suffering strident stentorian unused rosy undimmed stimulated verdant relieved clear florid ruddy unfaded fair dewy creamy unwithered big stocky studly fecund fertile laddish fun-loving expressive Ramboesque very healthy very well A1 pioneering unstinting better reproductive sexually potent procreative sturdily built interesting full-bodied built healthier high-energy liberal modern disruptive advanced forward-looking in perfect health bounding spicy electrifying recovered ambulatory dazzling ok meaty enlightened forward-thinking gorillalike portly healed green tumultuous fleshy steely mended cured vibrating enlivened formidable full of the joy of living rude incisive fairylike grooving resolved mettled rising deedful jockstrap colt stately he-man self-reliant dignified savory humorous savoury hardened toughened inured cast-iron hard-bitten sexy upright burning hilarious enthralling gripping roaring rough suspenseful thrilling rhapsodical willful unruly relentless avant-garde nondisabled fitter luxuriantly together fast-track fervid unyielding unbending exhilarating heady biting full of zip acclimatised resistant acclimatized resilient seasoned steady constant in peak condition eloquent as strong as a ox revitalized reinvigorated not disabled slim toned hunky-dory turnt peaches-and-cream incarnate bursting with good health stubborn fine and dandy demoniac motive dynamical locomotive kinematic motile stable electric magnetic upstanding rich tasty distinctive toned up feeling one's oats as game as Ned Kelly irresistible graphic great bubbling over inspired practical salty revivified rejuvenated renewed engaged well-proportioned lighthearted corporeal bodily rock-ribbed full of determination unafraid never-tiring authoritarian dominant supreme weighty ruling commanding gusty devoted dedicated nifty accelerated cracking expeditious express warm charged revitalised reenergized current excellent magnificent outstanding marvellous whopping marvelous remarkable employed fast and furious deviceful sprouting burgeoning expanding augmenting amplifying budding wiry ropy musclebound swole stringy in the flesh unsinkable single-minded remorseless hell-bent ironclad inexorable painstaking plugging unstinted undeterred fireball continued plodding pulling no punches contemporary running persisting present ongoing howling laborious succinct terse pithy as strong as a lion intact fervent fruitful inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up highly capable in control remaining supple pumped up charismatic activating highpowered energising energizing hyped-up go-getter vitalizing cock-a-hoop prolific extant going limber light-footed graceful nose to grindstone stop at nothing dead set on bound and determined handy occupational serviceable in the saddle durable bombproof undamaged hairy honorable ape boyish caveman adult honourable stallion unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened overjoyed beaming laughing smiling grinning still going strong eager beaver practicable utile in good spirits thrilled acrobatic willowy action-packed play hard ball play for keeps genial untroubled unworried good-humoured delighted good-humored blissful quick-moving lissom featly light-foot lissome gracile nimble-footed feline lithesome like a new man utilitarian well-oiled undecayed well constructed hanging together rigorous flawless unhurt unblemished wide-ranging well-constructed holding together perfect safe viral rosy-cheeked safe and sound tied-up twinkle-toed gratified optimistic contented content hopeful stiff in full swing busy as a bee in existence developing ticking in use clear-headed spright winged prompt easy-moving whirlwind splitting rapid-fire urgent flying dizzy beside oneself with joy jocund pleased wrapped festive on cloud nine thankful satisfied on cloud seven tickled ecstatic chuffed the picture of health venturous free-swinging nervy emboldened adventuresome nerved intelligent heartening heartwarming blessed rapturous jocular twinkle toes deep devout full of hope hungry craving hardworking advancing itching yearning aspiring hustling lusting sharp-witted astute effusive generous affable unreserved on top of the world without a care in the world over the moon acute receptive profound deepest backslapping uninhibited brainy spark plug hard ball amiable savvy profuse full unrestrained gushing honest frank welcoming supersmart apt shrewd delicate hyperintelligent canny observant discerning ultrasmart back-slapping wise genius slick quick off the mark adept skilful whip-smart nimble-witted knowing deep-rooted good natured deep-felt warm-hearted provocative impactful useful responsible contributory decisive momentous motivational pivotal imposing animating motivating fateful inspiring swayful formative central inspirational consequential masterful touching critical crucial affecting meaningful swaying enticing material encouraging inducing impelling purposeful considerable guiding monumental instrumental alluring seductive far-reaching all there smart as a whip sharp as a tack skillful whiz on the ball wide awake curt wired perspicacious quick on the uptake viable mortal not dead glittering flashing glistening shimmering twinkling shining glinting gleaming iridescent lustrous coruscant shimmery flickering glistering dancing opalescent scintillant effulgent fulgurating mantling starry shiny spangled lambent glittery gaseous

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Behaving, spoken or done in a determined and forceful way
strenuous aggressive forceful active vehement determined energetic forcible intense mettlesome potent powerful resolute spirited ardent eager enthusiastic fervent intensive keen zealous arduous assertive blunt dynamic emphatic fiery full-blooded hard hard-hitting muscular passionate resounding taxing tough unbridled uncontrolled unrestrained violent wild all-out brisk exhausting in-your-face punchy rigorous pulling no punches strong earnest fervid impassioned perfervid fierce burning fanatical warm passional emotional red-hot committed flaming excited feverish animated torrid charged glowing demonstrative blazing compelling incandescent hot-blooded warm-blooded wholehearted heated hearty lively uncompromising robust superheated religious bold insistent dominant commanding bullish pushy influential convincing effective persuasive raging militant dedicated rabid all out impetuous consuming sweeping stout confident domineering authoritative audacious bossy competitive feisty strong-willed ambitious devoted vital driving avid enterprising heartfelt assiduous concentrated urgent go-ahead cogent forthright frenzied obsessed zestful antsy afire messianic nutty mighty hot uncontrollable frantic extreme angry puissant eloquent gung-ho coming on strong tireless plucky dogged Herculean tenacious indefatigable complete pushing heightened amorous persistent unremitting pertinacious galvanic concerted self-possessed self-confident self-assured raw torrential excitable stormy effusive irascible red-blooded lusty thorough thoroughgoing full total steadfast allegiant rapid rampant relentless exhaustive all-embracing clamorous outspoken vocal loud noisy vociferous motivating urging propulsive impellent major not backward in coming forward out-and-out unmixed virile hardy sound sincere devout strident fast rushing fast-flowing valid impressive single-minded purposeful desperate inflamed full-throated pronounced opinionated hyper delirious hardline tumultuous out and out weighty obsessive itchy ripe zealotic fired frenetic fanatic fireball self-starting possessed wild-eyed impulsive ungovernable hopped up moving inspiring stirring deep poignant high-pressure hotblooded stimulated expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered imperious telling on the make firm plausible armed efficient efficacious steamed up brassy credible conclusive unanswerable drastic coercive compulsory critical self-asserting honest frank unsparing direct straight-talking condemnatory constraining upfront dynamical elemental strongly worded pithy gutsy electric powerhouse no holds barred profound not beating about the bush straight from the shoulder ball of fire hectic acute deep-seated all-consuming ebullient enthused exuberant pumped intent raring motivated thrilled willing vivacious titillated stoked hungry agog voracious solicitous fascinated exhilarated great ready interested rhapsodic animate geeked aflame impatient nuts wacky anxious tantalized industrious concerned unqualified appetent thirsty desirous yearning diligent athirst juiced conscientious gaga itching driven crazy tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty warmblooded greedy turnt gone on hopped-up ready and willing mad keen hot to trot hepped up as keen as mustard gung ho high-spirited keyed up keen as mustard raring to go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans champing at the bit chomping at the bit

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Characteristic of great power or forcefulness
powerful forceful violent strong almighty hard mighty ferocious explosive fierce crushing brutal devastating forcible heavy thunderous great overpowering blistering destructive overwhelming potent dynamic mightful annihilating calamitous damaging desolating tremendous strengthful strengthy rugged severe grievous robust intense puissant hard-hitting all-powerful really hard very hard hefty powerhouse sharp heavy-duty gutsy punchy vicious savage sturdy dominant smart acute telling energetic influential deadly lethal painful important significant strapping authoritative commanding manful stout titanic weighty knockout driving furious aggressive fatal harsh serious rough extreme mortal cyclonic fearsome drastic death-dealing turbulent stark muscular big Herculean tough hardy elemental leading doughty stalwart redoubtable formidable controlling lusty indomitable predominant prestigious efficacious steamroller boss wieldy omnipotent spanking trenchant go-getter useful ball of fire strong as ox compelling oppressive unbearable overbearing uncontrollable intolerable shattering irresistible irrepressible besetting dominating compulsive obsessive overmastering tempestuous stormy blustery gusty stiff squally boisterous burdensome unendurable high intimidating mind-blowing persuasive inescapable unavoidable urgent inexorable inevitable sure unpreventable ungovernable imperative certain fated destined ineluctable consuming profound pervasive stifling unutterable marked overriding suffocating irrefutable very strong

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Extreme in intensity
heavy intense intensive fierce concentrated relentless all-out severe serious excessive considerable comprehensive extreme harsh immoderate marked profound protracted rigorous deep intensified violent vehement furious acute strenuous ferocious blistering keen hard explosive exquisite hellacious vicious terrible concerted powerful strong excruciating fearsome ghastly dreadful almighty fearful frightful heavy-duty consuming potent thorough full great in-depth passionate assiduous close wild all-absorbing fiery forceful uncontrolled inordinate determined resolute heightened intemperate inflamed unqualified flaming penetrating piercing agonizing biting vivid forcible sharp agonising desperate all-consuming raging crash round-the-clock telescoped total-immersion resounding ungovernable uncontrollable rabid rampaging rampant riotous devastating unrestrained storming uncurbed unchecked unbridled unmanageable overwhelming unfettered emphatic enormous exceptional supreme extraordinary convulsive hot painful enraged urgent energetic blustery ruinous peppery drastic high major paroxysmal stormy turbulent volcanic dynamic outrageous frenzied tumultuous aroused tempestuous coercive tough out of control full of force gale force undue diligent exaggerated bitter cutting fervent impassioned strained pungent stinging shrill ardent fervid mother of all earnest torrid burning heartfelt charged fanatical feverish zealous heated avid emotional eager enthused perfervid passional melodramatic emotive overemotional sentimental gung ho hopped up spirited deep-seated red-hot true blue hot-blooded deeply felt exhaustive complete detailed all-inclusive all-encompassing thoroughgoing painstaking total demanding conscientious all-embracing meticulous scrupulous methodical minute sedulous sweeping extensive searching high-pressure elaborate widespread careful out-and-out persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up radical searing unbearable overpowering insufferable very great unendurable grievous harrowing hellish torturous racking tormenting gusty poignant boisterous squally sound durable industrial-strength pronounced real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting diabolical grave intolerable unstoppable awful inexcusable dire unforgivable reprehensible indefensible transcending disgraceful shameful parlous very bad sincere wholehearted abject stiff stark titanic mighty crushing powerhouse boiling baking scorching heartrending compelling deepest hearty sizzling roasting cyclonic significant deep-rooted sweltering blazing inclement menacing volatile thundery bumpy thunderous windy savage howling tropical parching withering typhonic blustering rough swirling choppy destructive critical cut-throat warm-blooded scalding chaotic restless roaring rugged stormful blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling boiling hot very hot like a furnace shooting stabbing distressing peracute sudden finely tuned more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

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Expressing something forcibly and clearly
emphatic forceful energetic certain direct vehement absolute assertive decided definite earnest forcible insistent categorical firm unequivocal wholehearted ardent determined explicit out-and-out positive aggressive clear distinct dynamic full-blooded muscular resounding strenuous unambiguous unconditional unmistakable unqualified violent downright outright accented assured cogent confident definitive dogmatic evident express flat glaring important impressive obvious pointed potent ringing significant sober solemn stressed sure trenchant one hundred per cent no mistake for a face conclusive decisive unquestionable undeniable indubitable incontestable clear-cut plain indisputable incontrovertible irrefutable compelling convincing final strong manifest complete unanswerable undebatable total unarguable inarguable unassailable irrefragable real resolute thorough patent beyond question thoroughgoing unchallengeable beyond doubt ultimate sound true straightforward undoubted transparent utter beyond dispute self-evident apodictic unwavering unmitigated powerful authoritative proven determinate watertight all-out full accomplished zealous palpable set not in doubt unfaltering perfect accurate unshakeable unswerving flat-out intense pure unadulterated unalloyed beyond a shadow of a doubt consummate hard specific pronounced undisputable fixed clinching marked clean demonstrable all out active lucid fervent well founded reliable point-blank dogged enthusiastic genuine purposeful undisputed unreserved hearty inflexible unyielding committed crystal clear unbending serious valid solid exhaustive open and shut demonstrative persuasive obdurate unrestricted uncompromising obstinate unrelenting unmalleable sheer rank simple stark categoric authentic intransigent stubborn weighty intent arrant whole bent plausible regular profound veritable blunt settled airtight fair plumb determinative very stone dead cotton-picking whole-hearted bodacious deadly dreadful blooming apparent observable actual unalterable crashing blank uncontroversial perspicuous univocal strong-willed straight-out nailed-on open-and-shut sure thing straight out unhesitating as plain as a pikestaff staring one in the face unstinting spirited undivided credible unlimited factual comprehensive devoted unflinching steadfast robust irrevocable keen straight resolved precise staunch indurate entire eager undiluted unquestioning stalwart passionate unrestrained overt adamant telling effective exact constant rock-ribbed dead set hard-hitting uncontrolled unbridled substantial nonambiguous tenacious unambivalent whole-souled binding open guaranteed strong-minded persistent unshakable accepted acknowledged vital right peremptory pellucid bald sharp well grounded bound concrete uncontestable satisfying efficacious barefaced influential infallible broad understandable deep-dyed inexpugnable out and out without reservations dyed-in-the-wool single-minded on ice bald-faced never-failing for sure no catch pulling no punches no holds barred in the bag bright-line well defined hard-and-fast do-or-die no ifs ands or buts hell-bent on no strings attached no fine print hell-bent upon bent on bent upon clearly expressed tireless grand established considerable unmodified overwhelming faultless obligatory necessary compulsory surefire unequivocable undoubtable unimpeachable focused out focussed noticeable striking blatant sure-fire full-blown overall full-scale runaway bold Herculean indefatigable stout unchallenged hands-down uncontested prominent proper undisguised rational point blank nailed down well-proven particular double-checked veridical unfabled gross no two ways about it reasoned reasonable systematic unimpaired maximal unabridged unremitting pertinacious clear-sighted no ifs and or buts cinched sensible detailed mettlesome beyond the shadow of a doubt not in question red-blooded lusty sweeping intensive no ifs ands or buts about it that's a fact deciding irresistible minute stated fiery arduous tough taxing wild irreversible all-embracing punchy in-your-face rigorous exhausting brisk coercive compulsive immutable official principal determining virile hardy unmixed on the nose easily understandable incisive permanent unappealable loud well reasoned closing sincere effectual well-defined material pertinent urgent well-founded relevant intuitive intelligent formidable ingenious insightful great well-established crystalline invariable confirmable predestined verifiable known provable trustworthy establishable supreme ascertained unerring safe destined dedicated steady unchangeable irremediable unreversible concluding key settling enduring heartfelt unfeigned warm lasting indelible changeless unrectifiable finished unrepealable strict sonorous resonant piercing faithful salted away loyal impassioned abiding fullhearted prime last dependable trusty luculent having down pat immovable candid unblurred comprehensible luminous intelligible in earnest hard-line implacable dominant relentless stable prevailing hardened undeviating unshaken domineering persevering seasoned lucent crystal limpid clarion audible hundred percent bona fide going consistent logical easily understood black and white cut-and-dried crystal-clear straight from the shoulder black-and-white stand pat hang tough through-and-through dead set on deliberate cocksure mulish bell-like as clear as a bell iron-jawed forthright wholesale unconstrained extreme plenary wide through and through in every respect no kicker no strings full-bore right-down frank honest upfront outspoken plain-spoken conspicuous unconcealed unvarnished visible truthful plainspoken free-spoken bluff forthcoming unguarded no-nonsense brutal uninhibited openhearted freehearted discernible perceptible recognizable matter-of-fact self-explanatory up-front round recognisable distinguishable out-front harsh salient not afraid to call a spade a spade foursquare perceivable abrupt graspable straight-talking tangible writ large unadorned naked undiplomatic clear cut realistic free cut and dried tactless graphic warts and all fathomable up front sticking out a mile standing out a mile straight-shooting detectable standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb unembellished apprehensible unexaggerated coherent axiomatic flagrant bare curt guileless hard and fast brazen as plain as the nose on your face articulate true to life written all over someone speaking as one finds brusque crisp literal vivid comprehendible unceremonious severe unsubtle inescapable user friendly user-friendly unveiled knowable unsparing artless rude straight-from-the-shoulder to the point upright natural ingenuous aboveboard straight to the point plain to see bare-faced as clear as day beyond a doubt staring someone in the face from the hip like it is call a spade a spade as plain as day naive clearly defined short appreciable distinctive defined transpicuous legible square accessible gruff digestible snippy short-spoken crusty brusk terse unevasive clean-cut plain-speaking blinding readable vocal glaringly obvious brief raw on the level unfiltered as plain as daylight clear as a bell plain as day sharply defined as clear as crystal easy to understand not beating about the bush as plain as the nose on one's face not beating around the bush lay it on the line saying what one thinks talking turkey plain as the nose on your face calling spade a spade on the up and up laying it on the line monosemous shallow simplistic glib pat jejune perspicacious forward understood brutally honest fundamental easily seen notable noncontroversial joined-up basic manifestly res ipsa loquitur cut and dry easily grasped heartless vociferous unquestioned telltale evinced divulged disclosed austere unique obtrusive undissembling crystalling pinpoint spelled out scrutable discernable revealed evidenced prima facie instantly recognizable inimitable grim clear as day outstanding enunciated dramatic strident unreticent opinionated cold no beating around the bush unbiased unprejudiced well constructed penetrable no lie egregious stunning unornamented plain vanilla undecorated uncomplicated believable colorable ostensible seeming remarkable arresting meticulous exposed public not pulling any punches patently true rough frontal unpretended parrhesiastic written all over one right under one's nose of one syllable speaking straight from the shoulder exclusive controlled correct patchy threadbare worn telling it like it is right up front good-natured genial approachable easily distinguishable decipherable for real friendly for certain seeable confirmed snippety blustering breviloquent tart laconic cheery bearish error-free notorious dinkum in depth uninvolved make no bones much in evidence staring you in the face out in the open under one's nose stone cold convinced easy familiar scrupulous heart-to-heart recognized well-marked undubitable silhouetted recognised well-grounded noteworthy easy to read orderly flowing tidy fluent easily deciphered smooth licit legal pukka legitimate lawful legit kosher not vague above board by the book fair and square indelicate caustic expressive impolite uncivil unpolished discourteous lively pictorial descriptive illustrative picturesque snappy shocking lurid rich startling colourful visual delineated photographic well-drawn highly coloured calling a spade a spade moving well drawn eloquent stirring figurative lifelike colorful well delineated well expressed leaving nothing to the imagination not mincing one's words speaking one's mind

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Vigorously keen or severe in expression or style
trenchant cutting keen sharp pointed incisive penetrating acute biting scathing strong acid forceful pungent caustic emphatic tart acerbic astringent mordant piercing sarcastic clear driving forthright telling acidulous blunt crisp distinct effective explicit powerful severe stinging blistering devastating edgy fierce hurtful mordacious potent savage searing unequivocal vitriolic withering acerb critical crushing peppery sardonic unsparing rapier-like razor-edged razor-sharp bitter harsh virulent acrimonious venomous corrosive acrid barbed satirical satiric snarky acidic vicious nasty spiteful scalding cruel catty smart-mouthed smart-aleck scornful smart-alecky malicious wounding unkind waspish sarky poisonous derisive clever scorching mean pithy ferocious mocking curt concise succinct insightful polemic quick-witted cynical abrasive hostile smart rancorous short brusque perceptive rude perspicacious astute discerning to the point hateful stringent terse laconic witty epigrammatic compact ironic intelligent aphoristic slashing disparaging shrewd sharp-witted unfriendly percipient snappy quick contemptuous truculent sneering dry vindictive brief brutal discriminating profound salty summary belittling pernicious snide stern ironical condensed subtle compendious maleficent poignant elliptical thumbnail ridiculing sententious monosyllabic offensive sensitive taunting meaningful capsule apothegmatic elliptic telegraphic chaffing squint-eyed churlish disrespectful meaty short-and-sweet polemical short and sweet violent heartless callous derisory scoffing knife-like grim ready hard malignant double-edged abusive austere thoughtful rough burning vitriolous aggressive malefic deep clipped backhanded canny analytical tongue-in-cheek rigorous extremely critical splenetic ill-natured expressive malign finely honed arrogant evil-intentioned burlesque significant cogent honed snappish curious ingenious gnomic enquiring inquiring boiled down in a nutshell down to brass tacks controversial vehement unblunted contentious corroding merciless overwhelming overpowering derogatory strict exacting sound unrelenting edged argumentative disputatious wicked rigid pitiless antagonistic snippy testy acetose unpleasant disapproving malevolent sadistic bad-tempered ill-tempered baleful vengeful bilious ruthless wanton slighting cold-blooded jeering provocative salt exciting racy stimulating acetic tonic highly effective compressed sparing distressing insulting amusing piquant tight sharp-worded angry thoughtless inconsiderate ungracious destructive harmful grievous twitting saucy needling carping contumelious scurrilous captious envenomed lapidary irascible marrowy epigrammatical ornery weisenheiming wry crabbed abrupt apophthegmatic synoptic irreverent penetrative injurious damaging dripping with malice gruff well tuned parodying lampooning humorous spoofing paradoxical spoof farcical bantering whip-smart sagacious neat accurate venomed economical in well-chosen words questioning pertinent Hudibrastic Rabelaisian close breviloquent compendiary clear-cut exact lean precise cryptic cut to the bone taut right-on insinuating legit pregnant implausible ridiculous defiant contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert jibing atypical twisted uncomplimentary spicy examining thorough exploratory inquisitive researching searching judicious observant investigative intense probing intuitive interested on the nose right to it on the button laid on the line calling a spade a spade cold punchy argute sapient heads-up bright on the ball denigratory sour resentful vituperative disdainful teasing dismissive detracting pillorying deprecatory tough irritating evil snidey deprecating menacing hate-filled despiteful galling bad tangy grudging cussed dirty drilling impertinent coarse shrewish erosive zesty demeaning degrading derogative depreciative detractive decrying pejorative depreciatory denigrative savoury zingy pert savory stabbing nauseating grating slanderous defamatory unfeeling annoying viperous viperish toxicant insensitive unsympathetic comfortless dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose spiky vinegary acidulated scathy lousy horrid sly deadpan negative acidy droll hard to take sourish tartish smarting rubbing the wrong way waggish apathetic with a kick briny discouraging acetous soured green absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic silly cockamamy laughable risible comical preposterous matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous sharp-tongued poker-faced unhelpful excruciating out-of-line flip cocky fresh cheeky crusty gally sassy nervy agonizing undermining disobliging invalidating contrary adverse obstructive awful harrowing terrible intolerable dreadful oppressive torturous discrediting vexatious grueling tormenting unbearable punishing extreme insufferable repressive grave for the birds wrenching painful consuming troublesome racking pounding agonising afflicting gruelling embittered very bad sullen begrudging sore aggrieved hurt disgruntled offended indignant morose discontented wounded dissatisfied choked jaundiced miffed peeved piqued peevish petulant with chip on shoulder put out hard done by grudge-bearing irreconcilable with a chip on one's shoulder crabby ill-disposed sulky

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Loyal, reliable, and hard-working
stalwart faithful loyal staunch constant dependable firm resolute strong committed redoubtable steadfast dedicated devoted reliable steady unwavering daring hard-working stable sturdy true trusty unfaltering unswerving indomitable true-blue unhesitating audacious bound determined forceful nervy powerhouse resilient solid steamroller tenacious tough unafraid unshakable hanging tough tried and tested tried and true bound and determined dead set on spirited unyielding indefatigable dogged unshakeable stubborn unflinching unflagging unbending strong-willed earnest single-minded undaunted intent valiant immovable purposeful obstinate persistent steely stout uncompromising unrelenting strong-minded bold obdurate plucky mettlesome stiff willful resolved fixed set persevering pertinacious driven doughty lionhearted untiring ardent rock-ribbed full of determination adamant bulldog insistent inflexible brave manful unshaken courageous relentless gritty strenuous stout-hearted gutsy high-spirited ambitious motivated undeviating eager keen fast assertive aspiring enthusiastic four-square purposive zealous avid decided industrious enterprising hungry desirous sound deliberate thirsty inspired fierce active intransigent pushy energetic implacable ruthless militant go-getting self-starting hard-driving perseverant goal-oriented indurate self-driven bent upon self-assertive spunky unbendable unswervable serious striving progressive pioneering bombproof eager beaver power-loving self-asserting get up and go high-reaching power-hungry self-seeking secure unchanging compulsive bent obsessed fanatical meaning business aggressive decisive adventurous dead set like a ball of fire hell-bent on the make desiring success direct firmly-based unflappable wholehearted inexorable unmovable grim straight sure undiscouraged undeterred good pious down-the-line devout trustworthy thrusting hopeful undismayed tried-and-true allegiant liege go-ahead upwardly mobile great not put off not discouraged compelled consumed obsessive possessed competitive galvanized monomaniacal impelled diligent assiduous dynamic unremitting confident tireless sedulous rigid cutthroat sustained feisty rigorous ferocious fixated obsessional induced unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised gladiatorial gung ho hang-tough self-willed defiant full-blooded intensely competitive stop at nothing brutal iron-willed high-pressure having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed scrappy self-confident warlike in-your-face cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do bullheaded fiercely competitive urged on secured tight rooted anchored taut embedded stationary braced riveted motionless robust cemented established safe nailed snug lusty moored fastened wedged unmoving welded unfluctuating frozen substantial tightened mounted bolted lodged iron soldered stuck screwed irremovable immobile jammed intrepid definite immutable persisting settled out intent on do-or-die set on bent on hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on determined to hell-bent upon committed to the idea of hell bent on tall in the saddle intent upon

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Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause
militant aggressive belligerent assertive bellicose combative active pugnacious pushy fighting radical violent warring agonistic argumentative assaultive brawly chippy combating confrontational contending contentious discordant disputatious extreme extremist feisty fierce forceful gladiatorial quarrelsome scrappy truculent two-fisted ultra-active warlike embattled enthusiastic fanatical zealous assertory martial militaristic military offensive rebellious revolutionary warrish in arms up in arms antagonistic hostile cantankerous warmongering hawkish on the warpath ornery threatening unfriendly ill-tempered bad-tempered irascible stroppy inimical hot-tempered inhospitable battling angry contrary mean adversarial defiant malevolent fiery surly captious sabre-rattling quick-tempered aggers unkind irritable unsympathetic gung-ho litigious rancorous petulant touchy spiteful fractious wrathful combatant uncongenial vitriolic oppugnant unsociable jingoistic hateful bloodthirsty cross choleric nasty antipathetic bitter malicious spoiling for a fight soldierly disputative malignant controversial adverse difficult bickering venomous catty sour unpleasant viperous conflicting destructive factious vicious sullen polemical cavilling grouchy abusive testy snappy negative polemic disagreeable virulent disapproving arsey wrangling huffy biffo armed rude jaundiced querulous unreceptive army bolshie intimidating churlish caviling foul noncivil at loggerheads ready for a fight ill-natured have chip on shoulder clashing loudmouthed have a bone to pick quarrelling pettish narky attacking opposing expansionist grumpy splenetic miffy unwelcoming provocative prickly opposed at war snappish crabby snarly cranky alien adversary soreheaded courageous spirited spunky perverse ructious uncharitable dissentious maleficent unpropitious biting malefic excitable war inconsiderate vindictive hot-blooded short-tempered challenging uncooperative ardent dour hot flip cold quarreling peevish thin-skinned hurtful joyless furious salty brawling ill-disposed malign soldierlike filthy cussed ill-humored ferocious on the outs have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder mean-spirited evil-minded ready to fight ill-humoured sanguinary battleful pro-war determined plucky naysaying awkward troublesome disruptive sulky rough war-mongering war-loving colonialistic imperialistic dissentient at each other's throats bad tetchy spiky opinionated ratty shirty carnivorous service wrestling tilting skirmishing flag-waving militarist chauvinistic competing grumbling peckish liverish crotchety curmudgeonly waxy self-assertive itching to fight paramilitary battle-hardened trigger-happy dissenting under arms oppositional rotten obnoxious sparring rival rapacious intrusive invasive defence defense on a short fuse short-fused resistant hotheaded exasperated macho wretched cruel vile tempestuous arguesome fire-eating at daggers drawn dissident obstreperous wounding poisonous soldier-like warrior impassioned turbulent unruly passionate opposite unwilling reluctant adversative accusatorial oppugning fretful mighty peppery allergic discourteous itching insolent scathing frightening deadly vituperous browbeating caustic terrorizing terrifying cowing harsh terrorising trenchant sharp bullying mordacious mordant at odds tough sensitive gutsy peppy gritty frisky mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly gutty zestful game hearty go-getting full-blooded high-strung full of pep looking for trouble contumacious recalcitrant obstinate waspish refractory critical crabbed shrewish crusty eggy snaky cross-grained insubordinate froward hot-button like a bear with a sore head dyspeptic balky bilious bloody-minded scratchy stuffy snippety bearish vinegary mutinous disobedient intractable wayward acid bold eristic snarky brusque curt snippy unmanageable gruff raspy stubborn willful trying as cross as two sticks disputable cutting pigheaded thrawn ungovernable wilful acerbic contrarious obstructive moody uncompromising resisting untoward intransigent short restive rebel recusant incompliant vexed tart sarcastic iracund iracundulous morose fussy uptight snarling temperamental demanding discontented headstrong waspy out of humor saturnine pertinacious obdurate uncontrollable whiny acrimonious hypercritical ungracious dissatisfied self-willed insubmissive irritating acrid pitiless ugly undisciplined out of sorts tiresome undisciplinable in a mood out of temper indomitable in a bad mood inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient non-compliant renitent pervicacious daring audacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard subversive corrosive tense grating stern stinging pungent astringent keen huffish disgruntled bristly glum impatient volatile whingy disregardful cheeky reckless dareful sassy resistive dysfunctional misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive ireful divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal displeased resentful whining miserable crybaby devastating piercing acidulous incisive gloomy annoyed brooding edgy pouting callous galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal grousing mardy mumpish growling sorehead sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining fretting whingeing childish hasty chuffy acerb comfortless tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly out of humour abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take overbearing unrelenting hard to please unreasonable unamenable unaccommodating grim having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar fault-finding foul-tempered out-of-sorts easily offended disharmonious insurrectionary seditious sectarian schismatic hardheaded boorish rigid inflexible hard-nosed tyrannical picky fastidious finicky disputed debatable strict hard-line resolute immovable oafish stiff inexorable unbending contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure grumbly disobliging importunate strong-minded single-minded set in one's ways finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uppity stiff-necked delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy unflinching overcritical wrong-headed impolite unyielding opinionative perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial divisive malcontent insurgent estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan undecided borderline controvertible unsettled at variance open to question open to debate

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Young or seeming young
youthful juvenile young active boyish girlish immature childlike spry young-looking adolescent childish fresh fresh-faced sprightly youngish pubescent budding buoyant callow enthusiastic green inexperienced infant keen new tender underage vernal young looking young at heart full of life in the springtime of life teenage junior teenaged infantile innocent baby raw babyish developing unfledged growing untried undeveloped unseasoned teen fledgling younger little blooming untrained tenderfoot wet behind the ears unsophisticated naive naïve formative unworldly artless small wide-eyed baby-faced prepubescent kid early minor unqualified blossoming bread-and-butter childhood guileless puerile unpracticed inexpert newborn unversed unskilled jejune beardless unformed unripe unripened unbaked crude sophomore jellybean half-grown milk-fed not dry behind ears born yesterday as green as grass cute unspoiled fresh-looking well-kept boylike underaged youth pre-adult smaller pubertal well-preserved ingenuous growing up feminine infantine newly arrived uncultivated tenderfooted underdeveloped undergrown child's children's spring verdant flirty kittenish girly mincing hoydenish flirtatious coquettish unexperienced amateurish untested dewy just starting out unschooled unconversant unacquainted unaccustomed amateur unproven unfamiliar newish burgeoning not aged not far advanced in one's salad days embryonic nascent emerging incipient preteenager preteen up-and-coming inchoate preadolescent dawning emergent beginning promising aborning inceptive rising virginal impressionable initial evolving potential primordial unevolved advancing naissant just beginning future aspiring coming unactualized abortive germinal flowering prospective sprouting germinating vegetating pullulating maturing would-be wannabe opening in its infancy in the making with potential half-baked bursting forth shooting up

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Difficult to endure or accomplish
arduous difficult hard heavy taxing tough formidable laborious onerous strenuous trying burdensome demanding exhausting gruelling tiring uphill challenging exacting fatiguing punishing severe stiff toilsome back-breaking murderous painful relentless rigorous backbreaking grueling harsh Herculean killing steep wearying effortful grinding harrowing hellacious herculean intolerable laboured labored moiling operose persnickety rough rugged sweaty tall testing troublesome unbearable wearisome Augean exigent killer knackering murder pick-and-shovel no picnic daunting colossal gargantuan toilful fierce painstaking energy-consuming excruciating torturous tortuous ponderous unforgiving bruising tedious debilitating agonizing mighty brutal ambitious wearing draining tiresome gigantic intimidating upstream oppressive cumbersome stressful hellish crushing bothersome forbidding unyielding staggering agonising sapping hairy thorny unsparing unremitting immense intense titanic extreme almighty backbreaker galling grievous really hard very hard unpleasant weighty distressing jarring shattering depleting grim solemn distressful huge massive Sisyphean thoroughgoing immoderate hefty overwhelming major monumental mammoth forceful heroic courageous impressive energetic insufferable ominous worksome problematic prohibitive merciless not easy hard-won ferocious savage tough going easier said than done vicious cruel difficile unnerving stringent dicey awful problem hazardous nerve-racking high-impact slavish sticky torturesome unendurable tormenting drudgy serious marathon like getting blood out of a stone uncomfortable troubling impossible scabrous uphill battle crippling high-pressure discomforting pressing imperious tricky time-consuming irksome enervating vexatious worrying exasperating traumatic worrisome vexing mean awkward disturbing frustrating inconvenient enervative upsetting wicked unreasonable aggravating hectic maddening pressured fraught strict terrible annoying inhuman superincumbent disagreeable pesky bitter hardhanded searing excessive pestilent irritating austere bad nagging weary infuriating bold niggling nasty knotty aggressive plaguy pestiferous pestilential punitive troublous rowdy carking prostrating exorbitant embittering hostile grave tense grandiose daring perturbing anxious unfair drastic draconian dreadful harassing unsettling extravagant lofty rankling concerning intractable ungovernable objectionable drudging repressive infernal irking agitating busy domineering elaborate inexorable despotic headache abrasive riling very difficult ugly boring unmanageable wretched chafing nettling nettlesome peeving incommodious confounded undisciplined disorderly unjust recalcitrant large-scale wayward discouraging puzzling unruly rebarbative cussed pesty plaguey a stinker of a anxiety-ridden physical powerful stretching prodigious searching responsible withering racking chastening unrelaxing strained uncharitable unkind fiendishly difficult tremendously difficult very challenging unrelenting overtaxing overpowering plodding spartan careful hypercritical thorough precise critical nit-picking a nuisance dour protracted lengthy hardworking tight an imposition large order heavy sledding dogged overburdening high slow by the book grating provoking displeasing no piece of cake shocking repugnant exerting swingeing sky-high inflated extortionate enraging lamentable deplorable unwelcome antagonizing harrying afflicting disappointing ghastly foul horrible rotten horrid vile audacious iniquitous inordinate outrageous teasing festering antipathetic appalling atrocious frightful horrendous abominable tyrannical industrious unsatisfying unattractive antagonising dictatorial unrealistic grand intrepid autocratic offensive enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall undemocratic grotty pretentious visionary frantic chaotic improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible insupportable perverse complex complicated tyrannous fanciful unreal magnificent active eventful frenzied frenetic lively authoritarian iron-fisted lousy beastly improper unlikely overbearing pitiless ruthless coercive anti-democratic disquieting discomposing mystifying high-handed overweening peremptory from hell unacceptable egregious importunate turbulent restless far-fetched disheartening gloomy sombre dispiriting ironhanded rough going dismal depressive bleak heavy-handed somber depressing confining difficult to achieve infestive dangerous alarming damaging messy flustering animated madhouse tireless full tumultuous riotous furious bustling wild problematical bewildering intricate incomprehensible convoluted perplexing baffling confounding beyond bearing not to be borne full on spirited action-packed bumpy raucous a bummer of a disobedient rebellious dysfunctional defiant delinquent socially impaired belligerent willful self-willed naughty badly behaved uncooperative impudent erratic errant hot-tempered disturbed disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish sullen cantankerous undisciplinable loudmouthed contumacious ill-behaved bellicose incorrigible insolent maladjusted rude confrontational combative argumentative malicious ill-disciplined mischievous truculent pugnacious unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn scrappy uncompliant rascally insubordinate uncontainable peevish devilish petulant indocile

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Having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth
flourishing successful thriving prospering prosperous booming burgeoning mushrooming blooming buoyant expanding growing palmy strong boomy developing fruitful going golden halcyon healthy improving lucrative lush productive profitable progressing rampant roaring triumphant ballooning fast-growing snowballing blossoming exuberant going places luxuriant profuse rank rich robust doing well going strong on a roll faring well going well in full swing in the ascendant on the up and up in the pink in top form prolific abundant jungly dense overgrown riotous fecund weedy fertile lavish teeming superabundant plentiful verdant green grown thick plenteous flush fat fructuous cornucopian leafy abounding copious overflowing jungle-like wealthy active thrifty busy extensive grassy and up on the up diffuse opulent excessive ample fortunate lucky prodigal substantial boom easy comfortable loaded snug oofy uptown in clover main-line on easy street sitting pretty on top of heap spreading fructiferous semitropical overabundant tropical coarse luxurious junglelike wild high-growing affluent monied moneyed well-to-do well-off well-heeled remunerative gainful deep-pocketed moneymaking happy privileged well-endowed well-fixed fat-cat silk-stocking joyous money-spinning glorious auspicious minted rewarding favoured favored well off in the money well heeled set for life worthwhile profit-making beneficial joyful idyllic bankable paying advantageous juicy economic propertied blessed upper-class cash rich on velvet leisure-class quids in stinking rich filthy rich doing it easy rolling in money of means in the chips in easy street worth a bundle rolling in it of substance with deep pockets worth a packet made of money in luck rosy carefree blissful contented upmarket sound working promising advancing arrived rolling cooking up-and-coming solvent efficient home free gangbusters boffo pecunious providential propitious have it made have the wherewithal high-income advantaged upscale favourable plutocratic financial enviable elite independent socially advantaged in the gravy money-making well-paid ongoing delightful precious best large cost-effective high-paying multi-crore having it made of independent means on Easy Street cushy paradisiac peak favorable encouraging win-win sweet good fatness jammy well paid in the black cost effective

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Blunt and plain-spoken in one's manner of speaking or behavior
crisp blunt decisive brisk brusque curt short abrupt bald brutal businesslike frank indelicate sharp snappish snappy abrasive caustic cavalier gruff harsh offhand rough terse unceremonious outspoken tactless tart upfront dusty snippy no-nonsense pulling no punches plain-spoken straight from the shoulder to the point calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush not mincing one's words speaking one's mind rude discourteous impolite uncivil bluff crusty brief downright monosyllabic ungracious short-spoken surly direct churlish pithy undiplomatic impatient brusk clipped matter-of-fact straightforward forthright concise succinct candid unequivocal point-blank laconic off unmannerly simple bare explicit stark unadorned impetuous crude unqualified unembellished undisguised hard-hitting trenchant unvarnished unpolished uncompromising honest peremptory straight-talking straight-shooting not afraid to call a spade a spade impertinent thoughtless disrespectful ill-mannered bad-mannered inconsiderate ill-bred boorish ungentlemanly unladylike unmannered unhandsome graceless uncalled-for impudent uncouth ungallant insolent insulting crass unchivalrous unfriendly oafish flip offensive fresh unrefined mannerless brash ignorant insensitive uncharitable snippety unkind presumptuous audacious derogatory disparaging cheeky uncomplimentary contumelious malapert ungenteel smart-alecky underbred inaffable sullen coarse loutish unpleasant vulgar gauche indiscreet unthinking unsympathetic impolitic hasty testy pointed irascible disagreeable abusive petulant breviloquent imperious bad-tempered short-tempered ill-tempered arrogant cocky disgracious indecorous mouthy brazen smart alecky lippy overbearing out-of-line insubordinate disdainful tetchy sharp-tongued intrusive crabbed uncourteous yokelish bounderish rustic sassy inurbane hostile out of sorts inhospitable unfortunate careless unfeeling intolerant uncaring hurtful unconcerned unmindful unthoughtful heedless cruel uncivilized unconsiderate callous uncivilised uncalled for speaking as one finds incautious unfair heartless reckless bearish offish uncultured gross injudicious unpolitic rash unsubtle imprudent unwise inadvisable untactful stupid inept blundering awkward unperceptive bungling maladroit clumsy ill-advised

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Callous and toughened by experience
hard-bitten tough cynical case-hardened hard-nosed hard-boiled hard-headed unsentimental hardened practical realistic shrewd down-to-earth matter-of-fact callous cast-iron hard hardy indurate indurated inured rugged stout strong sturdy toughened world-weary adamantine compact compacted compressed concentrated consolidated firm hard-edged hard-handed impenetrable inflexible iron packed rigid rocky set solid stiff stony stubborn uncompromising lacking sentiment toughened by experience as hard as nails hard as nails as tough as old boots robust bulletproof impervious accustomed habituated sensible pragmatic seasoned desensitized experienced deadened used coarsened acclimatized forceful unromantic businesslike commonsensical unidealistic common-sense inaccessible hardhearted prepared desensitised coldhearted contemptuous unfeeling heartless cruel acclimatised uncaring steeled hard-as-nails unrepenting resistant irreverent disdainful impious unsubmissive benumbed unashamed obtuse uncompassionate unemotional straightforward common-sensical level-headed tough-minded no-nonsense hard-hearted unsympathetic unbending insensitive stony-hearted unforgiving cold uncharitable cool strict stern harsh ruthless hard-hitting merciless hard-line hard-shelled headstrong rough lacking compassion cold-hearted implacable with a heart of stone tough and shrewd astute rational cool-headed clear-thinking severe sharp-witted sharp unflinching graphic stark adamant unyielding flinty drastic rigorous affectless unsparing insensate slash-and-burn pitiless thick-skinned remorseless inhuman stonyhearted compassionless inhumane stoney take-no-prisoners obdurate unmerciful