Từ đồng nghĩa của tall in the saddle

Tính từ

Of imposing or magnificent size or appearance
noble imposing magnificent splendid stately dignified grand impressive majestic proud august distinguished glorious heroic monumental regal royal imperial striking awesome baronial epic gallant grandiose great marvelous marvellous massive palatial statuesque heroical kingly magnific princely queenly commanding Homeric spectacular awe-inspiring exalted lofty superb resplendent elevated eminent fine sublime opulent sumptuous illustrious lordly luxurious gorgeous splendiferous venerable superior honourable honorable lavish beautiful elegant rich excellent honored pompous brilliant honoured posh remarkable aristocratic notable important renowned celebrated solemn esteemed dazzling ritzy high stunning high-ranking swanky breathtaking towering deluxe outstanding large plush splendacious magnolious famous portly radiant preeminent time-honored terrific intellectual memorable triumphant respected courtly bright powerful high-minded arresting shining gratifying vast prominent supreme wonderful inflated staid extraordinary imperious ceremonious sovereign famed pretentious magisterial divine uplifting noted handsome ambitious immortal splendorous effulgent revered big dramatic well-known tremendous prodigious splendrous extravagant acclaimed prestigious ideal something else heavenly pleasurable worthy influential costly gracious highest-ranking formal highfalutin' plushy leading immodest highest astral exaggerated excessive first fancy super haughty large-scale Olympian unreal smashing fab ostentatious unforgettable first-class fit for a king huge first-rate swish staggering palatian cosmic mega overblown considerable colossal splashy mind-blowing eye-catching overwhelming formidable stirring delightful enjoyable ominous estimable legendary mythological classical high-born number fit for a prince fantastic rarefied godlike fit for a queen fit for a princess authoritative dynamite admirable ornate showy ample expensive adored maestoso resounding sonorous monarchial monarchic monarchical monarchal decorous eloquent high-flown portentous hallowed prime penetrating absorbing brave swank very good elaborate Junoesque well-proportioned cool reserved queenlike spacious highly regarded classy higher magnifico flamboyant baroque effective sedate upright proper sensational palatine exquisite stupendous celestial fabulous amazing sightly wondrous of repute of distinction long trim poised shapely graceful transcendent solid gold forcible flash flashy serious highbrow composed extended classic well thought of of high standing moving exciting grandiloquent out of this world arduous Herculean upmarket Lucullian luxuriant lush luxury luxe exclusive palace silken Lucullan Babylonian couth sombre distingué respectable refined starchy somber grave nifty unfathomable complex impenetrable theatrical fustian bombastic purple egotistic high-falutin' high-flying glittering marathon self-important top-ranking top-drawer something to write home about one for the book lavishly appointed upholstered big-time high up self-respecting higher up larger-than-life very long very great very large tall and dignified landmark momentous fateful consequential number one just so eventful historic de luxe meaningful groundbreaking pivotal significant noteworthy fulfilling good cheering material satisfying epochal red-letter heart-warming rewarding pleasing far-reaching immense leviathan mighty mammoth substantial hulking monstrous oceanic giant gigantesque enormous largish vasty walloping goodly titanic humungous sizable outsized supersize whopping jumbo sizeable monster whacking biggish mountainous astronomic elephantine supersized gargantuan humongous voluminous astronomical boxcar gigantic pharaonic bulky planetary husky oversize bumper cosmical tidy cyclopean outsize hefty oversized herculean galactic king-size king-sized Brobdingnagian super-duper king size Himalayan incredible astonishing astounding phenomenal tall ginormous stellar amazeballs bold soaring sky-high sky-scraping mind-boggling jaw-dropping skyscraping altitudinous thrilling almighty startling extensive multistorey unbelievable thumping intense stiff attractive eye-popping exorbitant extreme conspicuous whacking great thumping great whopping great high-rise towery raised insane fascinating bodacious noisy emphatic solid inordinate gross surprising marked weighty heavy miraculous expansive studied inspiring immoderate gee-whizz very big exceptional noticeable civil high rise ritual rising engaging conventional electrifying courteous outrageous high-reaching surpassing ascending wide kenspeckle distinctive grabby unusual pronounced catchy full-size giant-size airy spiring aerial rare perfect uncommon ponderous traditional attention-grabbing infinite immeasurable broad boundless limitless cumbersome profound unwieldy cumbrous humbling upraised uplifted alpine mahoosive out of sight generous confounding fantastical eye-opening overgrown far-out jumbo-sized out of the ordinary picturesque bigger than life mythical splendent choice mastodonic prepossessing leonine audacious salient stupefying larger than life stuffy superhuman utopian nice-looking personable good-looking enthralling magical observable pointed exhilarating disproportionate incalculable unlimited eternal coruscating arrestive irresistible dynamic ballsy fanciful adventurous zealous unreasonable wild unco endless comprehensive superlative matchless featureless intractable faceless characterless immovable special unmitigated capacious steep high-ceilinged lifted skyward cracking awe-striking heart-stopping peerless measureless illimitable widespread consistent permanent monolithic blissful rapturous ace capital wicked magic expanded interminable dreamy behemothic behemoth heavyweight blimp topping wizard brill bonzer spiffing plenteous mundo Gargantuan commodious abundant sweeping prolific detailed unbounded mondo megalithic major titan awing paramount unconscionable overextravagant overmuch undue overdue overweening intolerable plethoric unmerciful devilish far-flung spread-out never-ending whale of a all-inclusive stretched-out transcendental holy sacred spiritual inspirational abstract giant-sized good-size good-sized super colossal a whale of a extremely large extremely big extra-large barn door Cyclopean super-colossal obvious captivating manifest supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bad daring impassioned ridiculous deep primo like wow crazy swell far out hunky-dory groovy dandy delicious rousing touching affecting the most too much official unmatchable ultimate unmeasurable urbane cultivated polite sophisticated chivalrous stylish tip-top deferential precise too good to be true top-notch top-hole can't miss it punctilious exact suave debonair ritualistic public way-out rigid correct deliberate stilted affected measured nice cultured ladylike genteel tasteful obliging affable gentlemanly civilized polished scrupulous liturgical state tense seemly adulatory complimentary well mannered high-bred highbred well bred gentle prim flattering preux set prescribed suspenseful slow-moving stiff-necked civilised sacramental celebratory gripping riveting lively graphic climactic vivid mannered ceremonial stylized shock-horror stem-winding high-octane heady sudden breath-taking rip-roaring action-packed hair-raising

Tính từ

Firm and unyielding in one's determination
resolute intent resolved committed dedicated determined steadfast dogged earnest firm intransigent obdurate obstinate purposeful relentless set stalwart tenacious uncompromising unswerving unwavering constant indefatigable mettlesome perseverant persevering persistent pertinacious spirited staunch steely strong stubborn undaunted unflinching unrelenting faithful gritty immovable implacable indomitable inflexible intrepid plucky true unbending unshakeable unshaken valiant vigorous adamant bold bound brave courageous decided decisive fixed gutsy indurate insistent purposive steady unfaltering unflagging unhesitating unshakable unyielding definite deliberate immutable loyal manful persisting serious spunky stiff stout strenuous unbendable unchanging bulldog out settled single-minded strong-minded strong-willed do-or-die four-square intent on stout-hearted bent on rock-ribbed set on bent upon dead set on insistent on intent upon meaning business determined to hell bent on hell-bent on hell-bent upon committed to the idea of on one's mettle tough untiring inexorable zealous rigid ardent forceful hard devoted tireless daring fearless heroic lionhearted doughty driven hardened gallant enthusiastic willful valorous intense keen headstrong undeviating assiduous hard-nosed dauntless solid hardy sure enduring stiff-necked mulish intractable assertive eager game bullheaded feisty reliable pigheaded stable devout rigorous strict active stouthearted fast wilful self-willed diligent true-blue energetic passionate dependable audacious adamantine unfailing hardheaded unremitting ballsy gutty unafraid hard-line industrious perverse trusty dead set confident iron-willed wholehearted fanatical sturdy pat fervent emphatic focused bent vehement opinionated dutiful aggressive ossified adventurous fierce heroical dyed-in-the-wool greathearted trustworthy inconvincible undauntable self-opinionated powerful focussed unmalleable grim full of determination enterprising sincere good robust sedulous motivated ruthless nervy unchangeable genuine patient lion-hearted deep unshrinking resilient hard-working importunate dynamic refractory stringent avid pious rugged concentrated ambitious fervid demanding set in stone unvarying bound and determined severe manly diehard obsessed pushy abiding stern allegiant sound harsh tried and true tried and tested venturous cast-iron dashing certain conscientious bloody-minded stanch hell-bent unflappable iron hardline daredevil unalterable responsible consistent unappeasable secure unadaptable intensive self-assertive have-a-go fiery bull-headed unfearful unmovable down-the-line unqualified exacting hard-core locked in assured high-spirited tried unpersuadable deep-dyed honest unvacillating permanent honorable honourable unwearied hard and fast venturesome incessant invariable never-failing inexhaustible recalcitrant sworn positive obsessive durable weariless impassioned go-getting patriotic draconian unalarmed unsparing merciless redoubtable unswayable straight hanging tough scrupulous tried-and-true muscular dour uncooperative unabashed pitiless inveterate domineering close no-nonsense contrary fixated all-out impervious hard-driving established self-starting red-blooded trusted unwearying goal-oriented self-driven continuing absolute sustained authoritarian jumping grind hyper perky aspiring ferocious wild unaccommodating changeless true-hearted well-built balky militant sensible invincible deep-rooted chivalrous self-confident upright iron-fisted brick-wall trustable supportive calculable undismayed long-lasting unforgiving adventuresome continuous two-fisted lusty cool Herculean card-carrying unceasing unfluctuating attached engrossed unmoved static forcible die-hard red-hot formidable true blue set in one's ways tough nut heavy-handed entrenched unswervable complete perpetual violent uniform potent unstoppable eternal invariant concerted lasting as game as Ned Kelly fire-eating profound compulsive resounding thirsty unquestioning inspired hungry bulletproof desirous full-blooded furious direct radical regular perdurable adherent unchanged ironclad stubborn as a mule pledged striving pressing terrible hearty imperious hard-hitting inured cantankerous truthful oppressive cruel studious uncompliant long-standing unassailable self-possessed sedate resistant in earnest unsentimental explicit on the go ball of fire froward incorruptible hard-and-fast unconquerable unblenching death-or-glory spartan dire safe macho defiant toughened confirmed temerarious in-your-face austere incompliant foolhardy frozen virile mad keen clamorous liege hard-bitten stand pat well built hard as nails noble collected strapping aweless standing one's ground eager beaver unsurpassable invulnerable male hang tough painstaking impregnable commanding entreating composed worthy thorough absorbed indelible religious awkward ingrained unaffected full attentive fearsome exigent stiffened well-founded forbidding independent total preoccupied masculine concentrating pure forward impassive bombproof dreadful fearful restive urgent immersed bolshie undefeatable even blunt uncontrolled unbridled unrestrained possessed gung ho occupied thoroughgoing monomaniacal peremptory butch seasoned overbearing ethical righteous laborious ornery burning swashbuckling concrete moral virtuous decent inevitable perfervid ghastly frightful picky level-headed veracious rooted disciplinary irreversible punchy stony undisturbed contumacious entire explosive indestructible perennial uptight irrepressible torrid serious-minded high-powered extreme revering cussed dominant intrenched never-tiring lively ineradicable inexpugnable unmodifiable brisk lifelong venerating unending infallible reckless unpermissive heavy-duty undeterred clamant ungovernable difficult unworried remorseless not giving an inch inalterable stony-hearted incurable progressive pioneering self-assured true to life unabated vicious exquisite high-pressure brassbound tough-minded unfearing can-do peppery gingery hopeful clear-sighted hard-boiled dug in all out out-and-out mean business rash drastic deep-seated standing pat bred-in-the-bone wrapped up heartfelt resolved to free-swinging brash emboldened nerved pig-headed fractious herolike callous unsympathetic pulling no punches dogmatic through and through adoring unmanageable single-minded about firm about obstreperous ramrod impavid obedient self-asserting rough go-ahead tyrannical desperate self-seeking get up and go power-hungry high-reaching confiding built to last obsessive about loving circumspect on the level inflexible about stop at nothing fixated on fanatical about hard-hearted behind one strongly made truehearted power-loving puissant affectionate carefree string along with self-disciplined hardboiled buckled down predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed repeated uncomplaining long-suffering firmly-based mullish restless realistic unbeatable not joking unblinking immoveable bravehearted unaltered sporting unbudgeable unintimidated irremovable cocksure incommutable vital uninfluenced perseverative hellbent unretiring cohesive narrow-minded unfading renitent great hardworking coherent illiberal hidebound immalleable resolute about unbothered untouched unvaried uninterrupted unmodified steamroller powerhouse Ramboesque iron-jawed blinkered untameable insurmountable insuperable possessive unforgetful sticky unthinking quick hasty snap unimpressionable sagacious brassy frightless impassable quiescent cross-grained self-motivated undiscouraged observant puritanical pounding mortal hard-headed fundamentalist orthodox plugging go-go unstinted fireball continued plodding fit telelogical calculated effective unmistakable tested imperturbable nerveless orped perceptive mean take charge capable competitive all exclusive enrapt whole undivided madcap consumed compelled riveted dinkum stuffy traditional conservative reverent in for long haul obscene pornographic X-rated unflexible crisp doctrinaire bullish unsinkable in place in position cynical on one's side going all the way flat-out insistent about prayerful thick-skinned meaning what one says foolproof cutthroat devil-may-care risky whole-hearted firm in spirit animated resourceful thrusting goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic unstinting stick to guns set in concrete watchful alert unconcerned unapprehensive exact going for broke imposing authoritative bloodthirsty on task engaged enthralled galvanized impelled everlasting timeless standing stationary like bad penny straight out unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable flinty determinate imprudent chin-up fortitudinous controlling frisky sprightly mettled overbold overconfident warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy balanced set in your ways grave prevailing playing hard ball single-hearted old faithful not put off not discouraged keen as mustard cocky icy never give up unwaivering induced obsessional bossy unmoving going as keen as mustard true to the end given over to pushful equable engagé feverish difficult to keep down death-defying do or die hold one's ground hold the fort hold the line impatient unruly wayward pleading be out for blood nose to the grindstone unquenchable bitter granite goody two-shoes as thick as thieves boon inseparable bosom pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised cold regimented ineluctable sticking to one's guns doting rabid fond big exuberant rolling with punches quick to recover quick to bounce back disciplinarian ascetical by the book hardhearted astringent uncharitable browbeating ascetic autocratic bantam assuming tough nut to crack decided upon writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced exhaustive cut-throat indefinite imperative crying reiterative monotonous correct believable right just nice imperishable like a ball of fire on the make desiring success superheated ungoverned uncurbed tough as old boots uncaring poised like death and taxes immobile no going back necessary compulsory disciplined controlled beseeching begging right-minded disobedient uncontrollable intensely competitive fiercely competitive having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough go for broke chronic habitual long-lived error-tolerant hard-wearing well made arduous taxing never-ending endless pugnacious tight substantial through-and-through veridical no lie undistorted up front square creditable all right on the up and up estimable high-principled well balanced well-balanced undisciplined charged heated warm volatile emotional demonstrative warm-blooded hot-blooded as tough as old boots confining binding hard-shelled exhausting persuasive detailed in-depth comprehensive in the bag shoo-in conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on rebellious untoward rebel insubordinate recusant proved incorrigible incandescent passional principled credible self-reliant urged on massed impermeable all-absorbing all-inclusive all-encompassing mannish muscly all-male manlike impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable longtime well-made humble authentic solidified husky taut cool-headed minding implicit accustomed habituated staid insoluble thorny indocile unpliable locked problematic knotty sealed blocked impartial unfeigned uncontrived equitable unpretentious reputable fair all-embracing minute meticulous methodical man-size hunky brawny ripped man-sized on an even keel well constructed sicker out to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to fixed on obsessed with resolved on impatient to decisive about determined on made to last compact dimensional consolidated long-established sharp-witted sharp shrewd smart heady canny savvy clear-eyed knowing astute buff jacked shredded searching sweeping blistering acute almighty excruciating elaborate heavy widespread careful extensive hellacious compacted rocklike impliable closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced mighty alarming bona fide thick congealed stud hairy beefcake ape boyish caveman hunk generative adult jock stallion swift forthright prompt rapid dense accelerated speeded-up impressive remove well established deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established well-established jellied impenetrable categorical awful shocking terrifying awe-inspiring horrendous dread hair-raising daunting horrifying spine-chilling scary intimidating horrible frightening direful tremendous brick wall rock-solid rock-hard non-flexible unreserved quality like a rock calm really hard very hard unreasonable unamenable hard to please fussy rational logical businesslike sober constructive undeclared taken for granted tacit accurate implied understood inarticulate unquestioned latent contained unexpressed unspoken virtual undoubting practical implicative unconditional inferential unuttered inferred unsaid imminent awesome fastidious boorish argumentative finicky irritable tiresome vexed testy choosy captious snappy temperamental chippy quarrelsome disputative oafish hypercritical prickly querulous bearish thrawn huffy stroppy negative delicate overcritical wrong-headed irascible obstructive particular over-particular dictatorial critical ungracious grumbly disobliging trying finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious fiendish sensitive ill-natured crotchety uppity touchy troublesome sour discontented dissatisfied rude crabby hard to satisfy irritating contrarious impolite opinionative disputatious perfectionist unperturbed unruffled peaceful recollected untroubled coolheaded serene limpid equal tranquil unfazed together placid self-composed level smooth at peace

Phó từ

In a way or degree that is striking or remarkable
notably remarkably distinctly strikingly singularly unusually conspicuously exceptionally extraordinarily markedly outstandingly particularly uncommonly very eminently especially impressively peculiarly signally specially uniquely decidedly majorly mucho noticeably really seriously spectacularly surprisingly dead devilish emphatically frightfully jolly supremely matchlessly prominently reputably pre-eminently extremely awfully incredibly terribly extra hugely fantastically highly exceedingly enormously immensely vastly right mightily most greatly intensely awful real wildly severely mighty almighty super surpassingly blisteringly heavily colossally desperately way fabulously fiercely stinking dang achingly roaringly archly thumping filthy significantly so considerably appreciably amazingly prodigiously astonishingly well deadly sorely tremendously completely ever thoroughly far too totally positively terrifically absolutely rather cracking utterly beastly spanking roaring wicked corking exceeding monstrous much vitally rattling mortally whacking full badly bone passing sore truly unco substantially inordinately staggeringly largely entirely abundantly obscenely profoundly monumentally pretty discernibly ultra palpably mega powerfully visibly extensively astronomically monstrously excessively dearly wholly infinitely uber darned radically très ever so oh-so to a great extent genuinely phenomenally astoundingly exclusively powerful stupendously acutely superlatively fully horribly plentifully mad exaggeratedly wonderfully dirty altogether overly materially preeminently marvelously too … for words devilishly marvellously madly immoderately exorbitantly undoubtedly drastically veritably certifiably principally hellishly bloody in the extreme downright perfectly suitably that obviously clearly such a lot par excellence good and as all get-out

Từ trái nghĩa của tall in the saddle

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