Từ đồng nghĩa của principled

Alternative for principled

principled /'prinsəpld/
  • tính từcó nguyên tắc; theo nguyên tắc; thành nguyên tắc

Tính từ

Having suitable conformity to accepted moral standards
ethical upright just moral righteous decent honest upstanding conscientious correct noble virtuous good honourable respectable right-minded high-minded honorable proper scrupulous anti-corruption conscionable incorruptible stand-up clean elevated equitable fair fitting high-principled humane kosher moralistic right rightful square straight true blue trustworthy worthy reputable true law-abiding nice pure reliable dependable blameless faithful irreproachable exemplary all right laudable lawful trusty unimpeachable admirable dutiful morally correct truthful sincere respected guiltless uncorrupted straightforward saintly meritorious chivalrous impartial sinless praiseworthy lofty responsible right-thinking angelic gallant on the level fair-minded venerable innocent distinguished squeaky clean creditable estimable gracious magnanimous noble-minded commendable immaculate dignified self-righteous clean-living true-blue unbribable of good repute irreprehensible impeccable constant legitimate sound solid reasonable legit aboveboard whiter than white pure as the driven snow incorrupt charitable above board unbiased unprejudiced full of integrity loyal sensible up front forthright wholesome punctilious evenhanded esteemed on the up and up saintlike godly peaceable unfailing nonpartisan chaste pious steadfast cultivated veracious proud nondiscriminatory rational generous benevolent legal great candid squeaky-clean lordly high great-hearted justified greathearted unselfish competent obedient fastidious peaceful salt of the earth orderly civilized duteous prestigious objective seemly decorous sportsmanlike tractable faultless well behaved unwavering level-headed notable steady knightly even-handed respectful unstained of principle excellent inculpable redoubtable sanctimonious fine reverent open-minded sportsmanly eminent dispassionate holy spiritual mannerly beneficent trusted neutral non-partisan deserving equal anti-discrimination non-discriminatory courteous deserved civilised illustrious natural devoted due merited considerate thoughtful kind indifferent altruistic justifiable on the up-and-up unobjectionable lily-white valiant according to the rules condign polite benign sympathetic uncolored frank warranted kindly helpful philanthropical philanthropic liberal civil highly regarded tried and trusted hospitable tolerant of good report above-board above suspicion above reproach self-sacrificing unerring idealistic strict compliant rectitudinous celibate modest professional circumspect particular undefiled sporting untainted balanced incorrupted favoring Christian prudish G-rated vestal submissive amenable manageable biddable conformable docile glorious God-fearing morally right morally acceptable well-behaved detached matchless godlike peerless devout heedful punctual exact precise critical strait-laced prissy finicky stately self-respecting deferential disciplined gentlemanlike pukka lenient favouring religious prim saving dinkum perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging untouchable open credible clean-cut inspired divinely inspired goal driven humble authentic honest-to-goodness guileless delicate fussy on up-and-up sporty according to Hoyle unpretentious unfeigned genuine uncontrived on up and up extremely careful thinking twice independent self-sufficient regal enduring dedicated resolute patriotic inoffensive disinterested straight-arrow pernickety worthwhile valuable dapper alright goody-goody unmarred precious sterling model applaudable honoured established invaluable first-class squeamish compassionate loving caring selfless kind-hearted stable recognized of repute reputed well thought of name well-thought-of well respected quality well known favored famous well-known renowned prominent popular famed high-ranking redoubted celebrated acclaimed copper-bottomed honored bighearted kindhearted obliging A-1 neighbourly outstanding brave courtly bounteous refined adult favoured with a good reputation recognised accommodating extraordinary remarkable capable of being trusted friendly amiable understanding merciful sweet big-hearted goodhearted big public-spirited tender heroic giving free princely goodish humanitarian large-hearted munificent agreeable indulgent comradely amicable sociable pleasant capable qualified able effective firm efficient self-reliant purpose driven genial companionable regardful staunch in high favor of good standing neighborly secure safe appropriate suitable apt earned unswerving sure foolproof guaranteed trustable calculable mature well-disposed well mannered well-brought-up well-mannered tried fit holding water requisite official applicable canonical authorised twenty-four carat permitted well deserved card-carrying in principle authorized befitting orthodox well earned tried and true fly right tried-and-true straight-up boy scout never-failing rock solid always there as good as one's word to be trusted tried and tested sure-fire worthy of trust down home untarnished without reproach in the clear of excellent character grand august important imposing exalted noteworthy magnificent superior influential gentlemanly leading revered urbane sublime unblemished genteel paradigmatic classic quintessential easy batting a thousand not too shabby thankworthy meritable pre-eminent principal stainless spotless noted praisable preeminent bueno neato prototypical classical powerful beyond reproach bountiful unblamable exceptional high-powered perfect acceptable fair and square committed majestic not bad moderate aristocratic flawless seminal dominant highest gentle distinctive suave worthy of admiration fast serious representative typical illustrative characteristic foremost lavish ideal high profile high-level unsparing allegiant ardent portly ladylike major league well bred strong couth impressive loose soft-touch unstinting attentive courageous premier prime sedate commanding main uplifting valued impersonal consequential iconic first integral formidable stanch resonant prized true-hearted down-the-line pivotal puissant monumental dyed-in-the-wool stout high-up mighty top-ranking admired bold intrepid with no axe to grind hard-core behind one big time far-reaching valorous formal cultured polished ceremonious unsullied profuse highest-ranking unspoilt unaffected sturdy becoming apple-pie smart ungrudging prodigal open-handed egalitarian hallowed well-bred copybook venerated fulsome openhanded freehearted freehanded affable handsome willing inflated consummate classy solemn sane kingly highbrow composed conventional staid primary intellectual of note stalwart white stellar imperial clear supreme conforming done memorable astral exaggerated excessive immodest upfront major comely key legendary predominant chief top-notch royal confirmed palmary central de rigueur prevailing notorious fabled unfaltering splendid uninvolved worthy of commendation eventful arch magnific alpha all-important authoritative grave pleasing without fault historical material fundamental well-connected highfalutin' core superb comme il faut essential attached of influence senior incomparable signal marvelous potent fair-and-square number one top liege marvellous unassailable resplendent confiding top-drawer of high standing pompous brilliant big name big-time affectionate string along with big league protective peacekeeping soft-hearted warm-hearted complying highly respectable uncorrupt right-hand favorite close intimate proved palatable chivalric even inspiring individual abundant ample daring discreet time-honored number elegant needy eligible free-handed ready well favoured well-favoured go-to savory savoury reverenced unbigoted kin full-figured well-rounded plump womanly certain rocklike eleemosynary almsgiving plentiful full predictable infallible favourite terrific mean uncompromising deep-dyed self-important overblown sophisticated stylish archetypical imitable archetypal textbook definitive top-level head controlling spirited well-regarded much touted manly quixotic acknowledged decisive determined virginal higher meretorious appreciable on-the-level right and proper on the square crimeless worshipped fearless dauntless stout-hearted uncoloured proportionate picture-book cleanhanded picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless crucial maidenly in good faith die-hard plenteous willingly given unstinted cardinal unequivocal positive careful irreprovable eloquent rich oratorical towering four-star upper-class VIP upper cogent successful phenomenal deciding supportive level even-steven cricket fair-to-middling virgin lionized demure immovable debonair in limelight very good focal veridical wholehearted undistorted truehearted grandiloquent considerable vital reproachless pristine carrying the load without fear or favour awe-inspiring epic grandiose heroical massive baronial Homeric true to life believable sacred reverend sage prodigious good as one's word to be counted on acquitted higher up high up snow white tasteful graceful meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating durable fair shake square deal edifying of distinction reserved no lie indispensable high-priority intrinsic major-league heavy-duty earnest big-league necessary needed skookum conspicuous wise public unchangeable immutable puritanical priggish fixed rigid good-natured approachable cordial forthcoming bonhomous good-hearted complaisant benignant mild congenial bland unctuous female motherly highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred studied lionised matriarchal philosophical experienced patriarchal worshipful worshiped non-erotic improving non-violent continent unprofaned inviolate unspotted unblighted characterful meet top drawer imperious of mark of great consequence in the public eye licit not to blame not guilty beyond criticism guilt-free in line by the book by the numbers lasting unshakeable gone tough swell slick keen select pillar gnarly lily white wide-eyed sombre magisterial somber distingué starchy nifty momentous fateful landmark gratifying permanent simple equable pure as driven snow babe in woods wet behind ears historic invigorating envigorating hygienic commonsensical open-faced ruddy practical together fresh-faced sanitary normal blooming settled matronly deserving congratulations first-rate wicked bulletproof perdurable cheering unforgettable shining satisfying triumphant significant pleasurable rewarding bright fulfilling meaningful groundbreaking wonderful epochal red-letter heart-warming ace smashing tip-top champion super fab brill splendiferous long-standing long-lived long-lasting presentable salt of earth just so top-hole bully beaut all there well balanced well-built well-balanced neat tidy spruce accepted up to the mark nasty believeable satisfactory organic deep-rooted in the pink hale and hearty in fine feather ordinary mediocre capital paramount superlative learned triumphal overbearing unparalleled primal first rate of the first rank unsurpassed gifted prior unexcelled unequaled unequalled highly rated arch- greatest

Từ trái nghĩa của principled

principled Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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