Từ đồng nghĩa của key

Alternative for key

keys, keyed, keying

Từ đồng nghĩa: answer, clue, explanation, lead, note, opener, pitch, tone,

Tính từ

Of crucial importance
chief crucial leading essential main pivotal principal vital basic central fundamental major decisive important indispensable critical dominant necessary big capital cardinal foremost grand great predominant preeminent premier primal primary prime significant sovereign supreme arch lead master must-have overbearing overriding paramount salient first keynote material number one numero uno operative overmastering quintessential sovran strategic greatest consequential highest pre-eminent top urgent integral core prominent prior imperative requisite momentous head intrinsic high-priority all-important focal acute serious needed ruling weighty life-and-death of great consequence ultimate influential commanding outstanding number-one elemental required pressing underlying far-reaching elementary grave considerable compelling uppermost notable rudimentary burning presiding exigent superior of the essence of the utmost importance high mandatory supereminent necessitous determining staple profound prevailing eminent inherent best heavyweight controlling substantial radical deciding vitally important meaningful constitutive needful historic compulsory obligatory noteworthy topmost earnest constitutional heavy prerequisite of consequence basal portentous innate absolute root illustrious utmost powerful prevalent solemn foundational called for definitive severe life and death top-tier senior big-time somber substantive sombre conclusive of moment sober final pertinent biggest settling of great importance unsurpassed monumental sedate staid no joke no laughing matter of great import of significance earth-shattering distinguished rudimental authoritative famous ingrained beginning natural consummate heavy-duty humourless humorless champion relevant dire top-ranking preponderant transcendent peerless no-nonsense matchless unequaled big deal determinative eventful bottom-line meat-and-potatoes governing ascendant incomparable top-notch predominate unequalled underlined telling introductory major league epoch-making major-league apex renowned stellar native overruling celebrated top-drawer inborn all important elite respected inbred star esteemed high-level noble fateful top-priority instrumental imperious well-known noted superlative unrivaled unrivalled high-ranking immediate largest defining regnant unparalleled directing intense of greatest importance valuable deep-seated highly regarded germane big league structural uncomic climacteric conspicuous appropriate characteristic top-level prestigious premium worthwhile seminal maximum real especial honoured effective appreciable primitive ponderous applicable mighty first-rate reputable nitty-gritty surpassing unsurpassable immanent world-shaking connate indigenous reigning dominating arch- hardwired engrained almighty inimitable invaluable honored large-scale No. 1 of prime importance apposite tough life-or-death big-league pronounced deep-rooted now or never built-in apropos striking second to none high-powered elevated finest simple bread-and-butter marked responsible exalted certain original initial apocalyptic useful dignified pointed large helpful imposing regal respectable clear revered venerable potent acclaimed particular desperate expedient abecedarian sizable categorical peremptory special guiding fatal popular causal unprecedented high-profile exemplary official famed earth-shaking importunate demanded true super last better exceptional of note crack select good towering congenital larger greater clamant crying emergent honorable honourable headmost ingrain ranking world-shattering total lofty deep admired in demand unconditional life-changing much needed of supreme importance first and foremost industry leading first-class perfect difficult serviceable unbeatable nonpareil emphatic well known extensive best possible deep-down dynamic topflight top-class a cut above the rest top drawer tectonic earthshaking hard puissant very important well thought of worth its weight in gold high profile hefty in one's blood of the first rank high-up everyday earthshattering king life-preserving life-sustaining mainstream foundation accomplished expert finished everything standard noticeable signal remarkable arresting axial excellent unmatchable oustanding shaping evaluative comprehensive strongest mainline trusted initiative alpha executive favoured favored chosen successful winning climactic unlimited all-embracing all-encompassing inner constituent obvious component connected fitting crowning superseding of greatest significance intervening opening landmark primordial organic most royal definite forceful apt chad front actual at the heart of unmatched infinite unrestricted unrestrained unbounded boundless incumbent recognized moving intrusive projecting protruding obtrusive impressive arrestive jutting storied trenchant irrevocable untouchable high priority richest optimal peak super colossal mammoth involuntary nonelective forced A-number-1 A-1 inaugural second-to-none imperial full kingly utter indicative business-critical mission-critical of high standing big time skookum notorious feted relative record ill-fated doomful unlucky direful inauspicious ominous resultful drastic emergency sore impelling extreme top-rank hotshot primo hotdog decided incisive inseparable genuine lion's share bulkiest majority name-of-the-game compulsatory determinate closing highest ranking mother of all omnipotent efficacious supervisory all-powerful overpowering arbitrary sustaining axiomatic supporting substratal underived groundlaying axiological substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom optimum complete unassailable monarchical monarchal driving terrible parlous indelible permanent decision-making iconic appurtenant applicative coal-and-ice transcendental sublime wanted desired recommended preferred proper binding specified domineering unexcelled utopian unexampled ineradicable ineffaceable crisp settled heavy stuff hot stuff concluding clinching monarchial majestic prodigious resonant undefeated unbeaten de rigueur intimate connatural hereditary indwelling inmost called-for very great pointful associated energetic glorious stately furthermost overarching sweeping empyrean empyreal historical distinctive formidable recognised public at the cutting edge at the leading edge litmus test life-saving incumbent on testing holding the reins unequivocal hard-wired searching trying life or death name of game without equal extremely important of great moment of vital importance top of the line top of the range top-of-the-range par excellence beyond compare record-breaking first class prize-winning number 1 sans pareil august ace world class impactful psychological to the point to the purpose refined patrician aristocratic in the public eye higher bigger elder grievous overshadowing dangerous of concern ad rem sizeable of influence of mark demanding maximal priceless clamorous solid genteel high-class loftiest precious crown constraining instant zenithal apical tiptop posh showdown climatic touchy insistent glum constructive favorable advantageous beneficial practical favourable inestimable highbred gentle huge wellborn highborn upmarket stern inescapable highest-ranking irreplaceable strong extraordinary firm sturdy sound gloomy grim dour profitable choice rare austere touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread clamouring persuasive clamoring requiring irresistible exacting distressing hurry-up obliging heat-on claiming forcing unyielding much durable ample healthy massive quiet downbeat sad treasured handy propitious conducive gainful productive timely rewarding worthy behooveful commodious auspicious beneficent appreciated fruitful meritorious opportune superabundant abundant steady vast cold sober upper-class blue-blooded matter of life and death extremely useful extremely helpful beyond price well born widely praised upper-crust of distinction of help of use of service loved of benefit held dear hot of value of assistance estimable worth it silk-stocking high-born big-deal worthful hot property scarce ideal uttermost unique max model nth pure outside only unqualified classic faultless culminating flawless archetypal exquisite prototypical beyond comparison invincible singular splendid very impeccable without parallel downright superb sheer enormous all-out autocratic out-and-out outright unmitigated dictatorial thorough magnificent classical unconquerable unblemished prepotent out of sight idyllic flat-out fine thoroughgoing categoric stark representative immaculate despotic in control indefectible arrant unalloyed unadulterated rank prepollent paradigmatic greatest possible totalitarian magisterial in charge authoritarian precise autarchic in a class of its own tremendous deadly right magnific heroic typical assertive clean upper fair dreadful bodacious blooming tops alone untainted copybook stainless spotless whole cotton-picking straight-out world-class maxi predominating tyrannical unequalable choicest grandiose in the ascendancy epic baronial plumb unstoppable proud gallant flat heroical without peer dead regular Homeric blank archetypical irreproachable unmarred unparagoned prized best ever marvellous excelling valued without match marvelous mostest blameless aces immortal exact eternal textbook five-star correct memorable untarnished greatest amount of foolproof high-grade immense one and only best-case on the button indomitable widespread effectual high-octane current invulnerable unchallenged tyrannous triumphant divine stone impregnable efficient exceeding determined unforgettable rife rampant insuperable administrative redoubtable monocratic autocratical exciting thrilling concentrated resplendent tyrannic unconstrained unreserved emblematic symbolic fantastic high-quality stereotypical wonderful tsarist czarist unbroken terrific brilliant dazzling one-in-a-million conventional seamless insurmountable bulletproof fabled worthiest the most stock upmost autarchical picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect hors concours well-connected intact boss without fault idealized idealised standout tip-top phenomenal perpetual one-off crashing unremitting big-name A1 suitable sui generis one of a kind vintage just right true to type out-of-sight on the money in a class of one's own spot on umpteenth ten skilled skillful out-of-this-world adept paradisiacal experienced skilful paradisiac A-OK defectless distinct anti-democratic managing arrogant ascendent marquee general apogean admirable pioneer unapproached unfettered extravagant hegemonic undiminished vulgar overall received common gilt-edge all-time solid-gold unimpeachable exhaustive full-scale farthest magnanimous unflawed victorious in first place without an equal stand alone beautiful bright epochal unbowed commendable praiseworthy laudable learned legendary triumphal idealistic one plain demonstrative all-time best resolute unstinted gubernatorial superintending overseeing conducting ordering regulatory restraining mastering presidential unvanquished unsubdued inveterate horrible gorgeous shining hugest absolutist Grade A superfine of the highest quality blue-ribbon plenipotent A-list outermost furthest recognizable individual autonomous applaudable very good capable able quality high-minded first rate gifted highly rated effulgent radiant splendiferous absolutistic on the throne godlike competent unconquered unsullied out of the ordinary extra special remotest farthermost exclusive best-example dream come true fairy-tale pie-in-the-sky fearsome adored time-honored gratifying signature princely unending endless imitable raging indescribable mortal to the fore trendsetting big-gun big-wheel big-shot hot-dog full-blown full-on novel eloquent rich oratorical four-star VIP cogent predictable unmistakable habitual outmost endmost aftermost sterling undemocratic finishing ending well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job queenly monarchic usual idiosyncratic totemic recognisable furthest up terminal unaccountable crowned top-grade top-shelf egregious enterprising the best stirring gripping riveting hair-raising apocalyptical dramatic action-packed high-end top-quality top-of-the-line extraordinaire at his best at its best at her best first-string accurate aggressive vigorous go-ahead go-getting traditional blue-chip A-grade furthest away farthest away errant perfected positive chronic entire intellectual intuitive awe-inspiring uplifting inspiring inspirational obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined abstract approved unheard-of unconventional plenipotentiary purpose-built new sanctioned something else without precedent authorized unrepeatable far-out unimaginable officiating fresh once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate amazing unordinary incredible in a class by itself newfangled fast-track thundering outrageous harsh gross uber preposterous overwhelming flagrant veritable hellacious brutal climatical climactical not beatable haunting of a king no end of catchy wholesale unbound pushing driven ambitious pushy error-free unquestionable lasting cherished indestructible faithful scrupulous meticulous unerring beyond grasp robust go-go forcible deep-dyed timeless unfading vivid without blemish everlasting undying on the nail crimeless right on errorless unspotted on target on the mark bang on unguilty just so imperishable enduring enthralling never to be forgotten not to be forgotten spectacular observable legitimate accredited accepted fancy unspoilt unsurmountable highly capable full of get-up-and-go in the saddle remembered rememberable unflinching dauntless indefatigable inviolable unshakeable unbending all out no holds barred bureaucratic ex cathedra departmental legal lawful canonical authorised without limit ex officio straight out stamped on your memory fixed in the mind mind-blowing out of this world red-letter secure safe undefeatable impassable unshakable unattackable irrepressible have-it-all up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par more powerful more important most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most significant most skilled most obvious most noticeable most outstanding most excellent most high most extreme most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most favorable most typical most valuable most precious most scholarly most reliable

Tính từ

The best of its kind or class
stellar grand superior A-OK awesome bang-up banner beautiful blue-chip blue-ribbon boffo bonnie bonny boss brag brave bully bumper capital choice classic cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy divine dope down dynamite excellent fab fabulous famous fantabulous fantastic fine first-class first-rate first-string five-star four-star frontline gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gilt-edged gone great groovy heavenly high-class hot hype immense jim-dandy keen lovely marvellous marvelous mean neat nifty noble out-of-sight peachy phat prime primo prize prizewinning quality radical righteous sensational slick splendid sterling superb superlative supernal swell terrific tip-top top topflight top-notch top-of-the-line topping top-shelf unsurpassed wizard wonderful number one numero uno par excellence peachy keen dominant highest outstanding supreme magnificent exceptional brilliant out of this world super ace smashing wicked good tremendous exquisite sublime impressive glorious consummate peerless admirable amazing world-class masterly accomplished select skilful brill perfect phenomenal extraordinary crack remarkable champion skillful matchless notable expert pre-eminent unparalleled very good supercalifragilisticexpialidocious incredible best premium premier elite unrivalled unrivaled magic skilled virtuoso adept leading preeminent top-hole proficient rad masterful eminent distinguished adroit finest too much dazzling high-grade incomparable exemplary rare master deft high-quality formidable spectacular spiffing bosting beaut amazeballs delightful dexterous schmick practised unequalled able bonzer practiced competent experienced ripping clever dextrous mega mind-blowing unequaled greatest on fleek striking polished special worthy of the first water stunning high educated topnotch talented sovereign applaudable capable crucial versed top-quality tiptop A1 gorgeous prodigious breathtaking sik chief exo A-1 transcendent deluxe class surpassing stupendous foremost meritorious flawless compleat top-drawer veteran commendable bodacious laudable dreamy gifted professional top-tier exclusive prominent delicate efficient splendiferous complete professed top-class estimable elegant top of the line top of the range valuable praiseworthy of high quality unique star belting pearler major barrie ideal of the first order artful principal noteworthy enjoyable second to none trained first unreal workmanlike main of the highest quality sound illustrious central goodly smart priceless unexcelled vintage too good to be true chillin' def sharp bravura of the highest standard nice primary paramount fabby cardinal noted beezer unmatched predominant attractive renowned well versed wondrous winning lofty lead top-grade grade A seasoned knowledgeable tasty exalted apt far out astonishing genius memorable handy optimal savvy invaluable spanking inimitable bad fancy celebrated creditable standout unprecedented desirable highest quality out of sight faultless marvy singular pleasing big league fly lank kif head astounding uppermost awe-inspiring precious especial tops big arch mind-boggling qualified extraordinaire splendorous unusually good unsurpassable pleasurable important chic of the highest order schooled enchanting extreme staggering enviable delectable commanding unbelievable dainty topmost outrageous finished pleasant unusual awesomesauce top-level honourable optimum thrilling scrumptious mighty overriding quintessential bosker hotshot inspired uncommon vital deserving solid demon honorable blissful better meritable overbearing primal prior ingenious overmastering refined intelligent sovran peak classy upscale upmarket moving zero cool specialist very best model way-out luxurious without equal award-winning extremely good beyond compare facile the dog's bollocks selected top quality out-of-this-world effective exceptionally good super-duper majestic high-end worthy of admiration immensely skilled highly qualified very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled extraordinarily skilled highly trained entrancing captivating plush radiant impeccable distinctive state-of-the-art imposing miraculous cream unexampled coruscating particular gratifying flagship unbeatable unimaginable inconceivable agreeable elevated untouchable rapturous essential crowning advanced effusive excessive powerful tough far-out significant inspiring exaggerated worthiest inflated greater supereminent presiding well-known posh strong classical focal really good idyllic deadly ruling A-list ultimate extravagant towering magical momentous consequential habile handpicked thankworthy hunky-dory gnarly banging prevailing pivotal spiritual costly dear pricey expensive high quality unheard of number-one august proud of highest order prize-winning the best spendy ultraexpensive pricy nonpareil best ever solid gold ka pai one in a million controlling above and beyond first-line a dab hand at in a league of their own in a class all by itself big-ticket of a high standard first class au fait top-end high-ticket reliable certified charming bewitching unforgettable arresting luxury quick fantastical mint legit sophisticated agile bestselling unimpeachable irreproachable beauteous frabjous top-of-the-range ritzy rocking foxy juicy satisfying rewarding colossal stylish well-designed natty convenient spruce splendacious sweet fashionable unorthodox deep wild redoubtable blameless ravishing alluring beyond words beyond description signal definitive authoritative pick fat eloquent surprising agitating most indomitable invincible of note choicest proper hand-picked elect really nice heavy world amiable eventful pro marked awing rockin good quality high-caliber a cut above paragon reputable businesslike delicious hundred-proof eximious leet popular preferential favored 10 preferred high-test stirring rich recherche refreshing eclectic worthwhile touching cherished big-time pretty A-number-1 mostest front puissant top-flight supremely skilled dream venerable plum favorite praisable specialized improved enhanced something else very fine cat's meow like wow sup rior all very well well and good well executed good-quality high-calibre not too shabby respectable paradisal paradisaic paradisic ambrosial superhuman yummy lush adorable saintly grade-A paradisiacal to die for paradisiac unmatchable favoured cherry-picked favourite pillar five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality with it pretty cool the very best a standout chur a million dollars like a million dollars lordly copacetic better than usual of the best quality better than average affecting carefully chosen telling major league weighty potent specialised very agreeable very pleasant very nice apex A-grade 24-karat exciting resplendent transcendental sacred uplifting inspirational holy stately abstract ranking deserving congratulations salt of earth biggest world class industry leading well-favored hunky dory well-versed artistic influential profound pioneer top-ranking high-ranking brainy bright familiar conscious acquainted endowed larger senior higher bigger elder the most tutored multitalented fitted well-rounded multiskilled fit sure-handed effectual taught practical all-round all-around a hand at intense gee-whizz forcible rousing crash-hot having a knack for cut out for class act shining at worthy of commendation cat's pajamas a cut above the rest best possible top drawer arch- critical impassioned exceeding atypical abnormal aberrated freak anomalous peculiar odd preternatural unwonted aberrant uncustomary fundamental huge substantial necessary well-done intrinsic elemental core salient extra special well versed au courant well informed clued up genned up out of the ordinary staple must-have No. 1 urgent fascinating appealing congenial weird cute welcome delightsome spellbinding enchanted taking fetching engaging darling fair eye-catching entertaining magnetic uncanny mythical jolly mysterious blessed lovesome blest otherworldly comely bewitched sightly occult happy good-looking jaw-dropping entranced fun amusing grateful charismatic felicitous dulcet mystic glamorous eye-opening handsome wizardly dramatic ghostly favorable savory savoury enthralling fiendish conjuring pulchritudinous aesthetic seductive imaginary drop-dead eye-popping spellbound splashy showy intoxicating exhilarating esthetic palatable diverting favourable heroic enticing bizarre thaumaturgic sorcerous spiritualistic unutterable spectral acceptable knockout witching parapsychological haunted ensorcelled necromantic cheery dreamlike thaumaturgical demoniac tranced diabolic spooky clairvoyant fey theurgic witchlike eerie runic theurgical telekinetic talismanic strange luscious flamboyant portentous statuesque ineffable likely inviting angelic conspicuous seemly shining picturesque electrifying likable whimsical tasteful noticeable joyous historic hypnotic fairy-tale awful catchy overwhelming comfortable genial graceful charmed glamourous beguiling emphatic likeable unexpected bold shapely unspeakable winsome immortal unthinkable traditional famed romantic fortunate never to be forgotten red-letter symmetrical fine and dandy drop-dead gorgeous triumphant storybook well-formed positive satisfactory tantalizing monumental ecstatic tantalising indescribable super-eminent shipshape super-excellent inexpressible sunny indefinable supernatural clear considerable imaginative unspoilt ethereal irresistible photogenic tempting legendary dignified illusory comforting flashy euphoric presentable cheerful cordial incommunicable lovable dollish pronounced intriguing sexy uncommunicable inenarrable nameless arrestive outlandish glossy showstopping zingy prettyish not bad mesmeric mesmerizing above average endearing epic distinct queer profitable telegenic recreative relishable irregular utopian ducky confounding improbable unlikely implausible incomprehensible irie mesmerising untold golden out of the way easy on the eye observable deviant startling beggaring description interesting curious loveable disarming impossible vivid ridiculous unthought of compelling massive cutesy easy on the eyes mooi lekker adorbs hip chocolate-box prepossessing sensual absorbing unordinary buzzworthy splendrous effulgent time-honored esteemed honored unblemished splendent fairytale-like exacting entire up to snuff unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt unbroken undamaged whole intact festive convivial balmy honoured replayable jovial spesh bewildering red-carpet celebratory immaculate insane creative affable hunky mild luring decorative titantic utmost large imperial regal grandiose unmarred crazy babelicious pleasureful to one's liking unfamiliar unaccustomed surpassing belief snazzy OK in order dishy relief glad cunning soothing hospitable heartwarming baronial bootylicious slap-up superfine innovational innovative mind-bending spine-tingling far-fetched left-field obvious evident very beautiful different to your liking inconsistent couthy awe-striking unearthly passable elating copasetic paradisaical calming innovatory of moment manifest difficult to believe magnific gallant daring lavish enterprising original inventive unmistakable physically attractive unconventional offbeat exotic fateful landmark freakish plummy cushy enigmatic indelible haunting resourceful clear-cut visible unaccountable inexplicable unpredictable infrequent heroical nice-looking aesthetically appealing aesthetically pleasing fine-looking virtuosic kenspeckle noisy grabby paranormal seldom freaky divergent scarce one and only lasting appreciable perceptible voluptuous curvaceous beddable fanciable from left field unpredicted chimeric out there romanesque cheering fulfilling meaningful material groundbreaking epochal heart-warming far-reaching propitious auspicious royal Homeric out of the common unheard-of way out covetable plump prestigious preferable jazzy forceful cogent timeless unfading opportune dapper sheen willowy personable camera-friendly debonair unco filled with dreams metaphysical mystical supernormal unworldly other-worldly off the beaten track one of a kind everlasting notorious eternal perpetual undying treasured beyond one's wildest dreams beyond the realm of reason undreamed of optimistic advantageous hopeful undefinable imperishable enduring not to be forgotten chimerical weird and wonderful deviating unnatural rosy heartening encouraging providential mythic provocative stimulating very pleasurable heady remembered rememberable idealized halcyon roseate upbeat promising untypical unrepresentative deviative supermundane meaty gripping hypnotizing invigorating piquant riveting preoccupying unputdownable envigorating immersing hypnotising attention-grabbing engrossing involving racy newsworthy thought-provoking electric worthy of note fresh compulsive trenchant galvanising topical unboring vibrant newsy relatable action-packed consuming galvanizing mythological very attractive greatly to one's liking of genius peaceful pastoral rustic stamped on your memory fixed in the mind fairylike celestial untellable empyrean empyreal folkloric fictitious cherubical cuddly cherubic phantasmagoric phantasmagorical visionary wistful hallucinatory oneiric pretty-pretty innocent as pretty as a picture twee kawaii fictional imagined apocryphal hypothetical proverbial full of promise one-off rose-colored too sacred for words allegorical parabolic symbolic storied rural Utopian unspoiled bucolic arcadian Elysian sylvan Arcadian fanciful made up fabled make-believe scenic restful calm serene idealised tranquil relaxing dream-filled just right the very thing well-suited appropriate useful suitable pertinent just the thing befitting fitting just what the doctor ordered just what one needs made to order tailor-made just the job most important most prominent

Danh từ

The prevailing tone of a piece of writing, performance or situation
character feel mood spirit style vein atmosphere feeling flavor flavour humor humour quality tone tenor temper temperament note disposition stamp nature bent aspect vibrations complexion characteristic aura air ambience manner way turn inclination mode attitude tendency fashion tinge touch mind wave tang vibe setting impression undertone overtone personality scene backdrop background surroundings environment constitution context property undercurrent semblance vibes suggestion look color make-up cast individuality persona attributes traits essence identity mentality psyche psychology ethos halo emanation element vagary ambient climate timbre subcurrent ambiance colour aroma features make mould calibre fingerprint peculiarity particularity qualities grain hallmark specialty complex shape sense badge turn of mind colors clay mettle marked traits set sum and substance frame of mind appearance selfhood makeup kidney kind mold streak crasis estimation affection colours frame self-identity distinctiveness individualism mystique speciality singularity caliber essential quality uniqueness properties mark odour odor smell attribute feature trait attribution point marker diagnostic criterion differentia specific idiosyncrasy distinction self habit virtue soul quirk form genius facet outlook type sort trademark bearing oddity cast of mind effect sign mannerism selfdom side substance condition selfness ipseity heart strain being originality eccentricity description karma oneness patina nimbus indication singleness symbol mien image custom slant meaning significance demeanor position mindset approach guise demeanour fiber component angle way of thinking fibre expression quintessence ego affectation value endowment behavior gist ilk factor structure behaviour core detail point of view stature leaning status earmark drift standing capacity variety circumstances standpoint separateness standard figure direction countenance build view perspective stance foible intention presence faculty thing face emotions thinking existence stripe design constituent token worth proclivity merit belief viewpoint philosophy sentiment energy mind-set orientation integrity manifestation difference theme identification ability arrangement headset state of mind carriage principle savor trend intellect eminence person intent strand lineament savour discreteness feather echo stuff method ingredient force unlikeness rarity unity singularness dissimilarity independence seity purport pattern dimension opinion outline individual predilection regard sure sign particular meat telltale sign burden interpretation purpose power thought penchant class hint part thrust differentness body respect perception outward form thoughts feelings hand sentiments sensibility talent capability emblem colouring mental state mental outlook typical feature mental attitude crux composition excellence name coherence attitudes state exterior kernel expertise proficiency competence superiority hue essentiality repute nuance evidence ethic organization practice name of tune nature of beast import quiddity coloring ring glow nucleus cheer comportment strength qualification formation conduct prevailing tendency message framework deportment characteristics lifeblood configuration thread moral fibre dominating characteristic indicator symptom convention front gifts habilitation worthiness strengths motivating force animating principle moral fiber physique aim nicety inner self etiquette inner man trick pith looks notability reaction address inner woman tradition ritual rule bottom line construction pre-eminence policy procedure differential twist organisation usage level name of game convictions judgment vantage point judgement ideas praxis fundamental nature consciousness outside persuasion prejudice essential nature architecture consuetude school of thought way of looking at things notion bias outward aspect mind set where one is at say so like it is light edge milieu facade egoism selfishness façade seeming reverberation importance reminiscence attidue current dash trace personality type taste scent influence situation conditions lot conformation subjectiveness internal predisposition proof druthers breed morale grace charm distinctive quality reference mark star curiosity person's character parameter like abnormality clue distinctive feature essential predication perspicacity embodiment incarnation denominator birthmark thumbprint likeness reputation prestige highlight unconventionality visage weight management posture affirmation course bag chi ch'i ki item self-conception self-view prospect way of it path oneself way one is individual trait reasoning article material status symbol habit of mind tendencies handling technique imprint contortion question way of being idea true intention real meaning true meaning I nature of the beast phase way someone's mind works web scheme contexture fabric foundation weave matter personal trait connection evolution run resonance mug susceptibility integrant gag gimmick portion section piece bit presentation grade measure rank classification benchmark beliefs principles course of thought garb dress subjectivity stand focus emphasis inner nature space standards ethics morality place station proprium identical substantive narcissism individualization personal egocentrism myself own isolation basic characteristics pose screen obverse issue switch seclusion warp and woof segregation conception concept asterisk mental processes privacy wont way of looking at it sequestration inherent attributes inherent qualities inherent characteristics looks alone face value first impressions the exterior inner person innermost feelings rationale morals code norms solitude contours solitariness aloneness thought processes self-image outer shell inherent features basic attributes essential attributes essential features essential characteristics essential qualities basic features basic qualities insulation symmetry contour profile heart of hearts secludedness habits values ideology tenet culture separation self-worth sense of self world view lines cut delineation behaviorism mental attitudes therapy medicine behaviourism psych outward appearance intimation mitre miter pitch intonation subconscious model moral code routine use anima format geometry silhouette public image habitude practise pneuma where head is at what makes someone tick mental make-up personality study chassis shadow circumscription simulacrum connotation implication moral belief true being life proneness aptness propensity anatomy set-up port manners vital force ka atman life force inner ego wairua denotation bosom second nature groove actions mannerisms parts content contents components constituents elan vital inner child animus innermost self spirituality awareness root end allusion modus operandi tikanga modus vivendi disconnectedness poise geste gest performance basis observance formality blood gut heartstrings quick bones belly inside fundamentals base sum ceremony proprieties norm marrow reality backbone nub actuality centerpiece ordinance mores rubric heritage prescription seat of affections seat of the affections innermost being seat of one's feelings inner space breast way of bearing oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself way of behaving way of carrying oneself way of acting way of standing entity keynote centre precedent institution system customariness kaupapa folkways unwritten rule rite way of doing things conventionalism canon dictates vogue precept established way shibboleth unwritten law observation sacred cow virtuality net essentia pivot center germ centrepiece timber bottom esse central part basic quality essential part basic characteristic intrinsic nature nitty-gritty fundamental quality bull's-eye main idea chief constituent meat and potatoes be-all and end-all

Danh từ

An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based
cornerstone basis bedrock foundation keystone base linchpin mainspring mainstay anchor bottom center centre centerpiece centrepiece core footing fundament ground groundwork heart root underpinning warp backbone crux focus main ingredient premise prop central component essential fundamental principle pillar starting point warp and woof foundation stone key element vital element essence principle fundamental basics authority nitty-gritty beginning thrust fundamentals source institution roots theory origin rationale principles support rudiments kernel nub spring fount medium fountainhead vehicle carrier organization rest chief constituent organisation important part primary element principal key component well head infrastructure fundamental point principal element brass tacks nuts and bolts principal constituent point of departure bottom line nucleus gist pith substance keynote meat point rudiment sum net lynchpin marrow hub pivot nubbin substructure quintessence substratum meat and potatoes sine qua non axiom bed bull's-eye essentials soul crown rule foot bulwark law buttress understructure seat first principle supporter essentiality stuff guts centre of attention basement strength center of attention stay kingpin flagship key feature jewel in the crown pride and joy basic chief ingredient chief support focal point tenet constituent rock sustainer nexus standard stipulation upholder spine floor ABCs modus operandi protection body pedestal standby dependence reliance dependance defence defense principium ABC ground rule highlight quick foothold tower of strength grounding seating rock bottom central point heart of the matter sum and substance main idea guiding principle director chief prerequisite fulcrum requirement element theorem component factor undergirding hinge platform co-ordinator base position stage groundwall raison d'être theme driving force stand idea topic spirit locus bastion epicenter spotlight axis coal and ice bridgehead nadir target staff crutch maintainer brace basic idea defining characteristic essential feature salient point policy line essential element preliminary stress plinth resting place bull's eye forefront showpiece emphasis attraction pier value epicentre underpinnings good right arm climax deepest part lowest part postulate significance code doctrine import rallying point hot spot antecedent main event main feature high point long and short best part high spot criterion explanation background dictum dogma ethic determinant reality fact practicality golden rule importance hard fact precept regulation stalwart basic principles main ingredients source of security source of protection pillar of strength Rock of Gibraltar hook backer mooring second bower kedge drogue comforter safeguard grapnel hold fastener grip comfort security ballast sheet anchor main source of stability main source of security mud hook grappling iron

Danh từ

That which can be used as an indication of something
clue indication indicator sign signal guide lead pointer track evidence mark model trace basis hint index intimation signature suggestion telltale dead giveaway telltale sign tip-off inkling word cue tip information info proof inside wire trail smoking gun whisper wind confidential information nod reminder prompt prompting landmark marker zeitgeber beacon signpost mnemonic warning catchword innuendo idea notion prod lodestar high sign hot lead guiding light symptom token manifestation note omen vestige symbol significant indicia giveaway implication demonstration expression betrayal attestation remnant portent remains gesture record ghost shadow flash relic augury prognostic display measure forewarning flag badge remembrance memory revelation echo souvenir leak gauge evocation barometer footprint adumbration testimony signification impression guideline gage allusion overtone presage point of reference bellwether litmus test ratio rule indicant formula stamp recollection news survival syndrome gossip tidings report reminiscence warning sign sigil light talk rumor caution bell witness notice memento representation memorial rumour declaration signifier show disclosure exhibition pledge keepsake touch grounds epiphany divination premonition support breath earnest monument emblem commemorative goods dope backing for grounds for reinforcement for support for foreshadowing register communication suspicion recognition preamble explanation prefiguration auspice wink prolegomenon glimmer oracle writing on the wall vision prophecy apocalypse inspiration benchmark imprint warrant sample pawn gift favour security favor whiff tinge wake-up call standard touchstone meter yardstick spoor footmark footstep flicker modicum connotation undertone tang semblance dash criterion test shade soupçon nuance scent print step groove air aura metre guide to paw mark hoof mark wake tract

Danh từ

Spline or blade

Danh từ

Something unrevealed
secret mystery puzzle enigma conundrum paradox riddle problem question gateway mystification poser puzzlement unknown why occult head-scratcher question mark closed book teaser stumper brain-teaser quandary perplexity dilemma puzzler bewilderment stickler twister brainteaser unsolved problem mind-boggler tough nut to crack sixty-four dollar question abstruseness maze labyrinth crux charade cryptogram challenge mind-twister crossword jigsaw difficulty cruncher facer cliffhanger knot parable sticker grabber sphinx difficult question vexed question Gordian knot a closed book inexplicableness mystique rebus koan inscrutability inscrutableness intricacy entanglement doubt strait distraction predicament confusion complexity complication brain-twister plight embarrassment Chinese puzzle secrecy knotty question tough proposition magic abstrusity rune roun braintwister sixty-four-thousand-dollar question snarl matter issue knotty problem concern tangle web case mindboggler can of worms chaos imbroglio subject point topic tough one affair theme mire tickler contention matter of contention thriller oracle chiller whodunit subtlety obscurity query toughie mess muddle convolution mesh awkward problem morass net jungle how-do-you-do situation disarray business skein item point at issue hard nut to crack subject matter point of contention argument ambiguity anagram difficult proposition quiz fix involvement inextricability obfuscation uphill stinker example illustration bugaboo sixty-four thousand dollar question cliff-hanger jam quagmire pickle catch-22 hitch interest hole focus catch pitfall snag word game bother task incident proceeding goings-on thing circumstance occasion matter in question bone of contention point in question dispute point of departure talking point controversy jumble mishmash mixture hash medley assortment clutter undertaking nut collage miscellany patchwork hodgepodge variety mélange potpourri agglomeration smorgasbord network montage miscellanea motley trouble mass bundle twist weave mixed bag motley collection patchwork quilt mash-up proposal debate proposition consideration motion discussion content motive motif

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(instructions) Detailed information about how something should be done or operated

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A non-specific rule or principle that provides direction to action or behaviour
guideline advice recommendation direction requirement specification suggestion benchmark criterion gage gauge instruction measure parameter precept prescription principle proposal regulation rule standard yardstick clue code constraint counsel directions guidance guide limit mark marker policy procedure protocol signal touchstone guiding principle ground rule standard procedure rule of thumb barometer pattern model example norm exemplar basis indicator test par point of reference litmus test scale bar archetype metric grade precedent paradigm convention formula meter gold standard index metre order sample check indication prototype ideal reference average canon type condition restriction sign law hallmark mean custom omen pointer median reference point warning bellwether beacon hint frame of reference extent tester estimate height size device measurement capacity bore depth width span thickness recognizance assessment degree instrument scope magnitude design level rule of order blueprint display paragon optimum standing order classic example target referral symbol signpost plan guide to perfection measuring stick standards morality ethics principles morals ethos beau ideal recognisance map instructions medium last word exhortation diagnostic zero control enjoinder practice way rider urging submission advocacy proposition routine tradition form baseline roadmap normality habit advisement rubric heritage formality wont normalcy method praxis course provision stipulation point of departure starting point starting position reference line framework boundary limitation charge order of things detail proviso constant variable particular delineation description limiting factor consideration factor stricture bound original foundation point of comparison distinguishing feature template classic epitome essence mirror mould quintessence embodiment idea stereotype apotheosis mold lodestar authority instance illustration lead acme inspiration cynosure perfect example eidolon master shining example antecedent role model icon patron saint tenet proof ensample assize maxim ordeal required standard rulebook rules standard of comparison parallel case guiding spirit torchbearer pioneer trailblazer exemplification representative case expectations assumptions version archetypal setup style mock-up specimen ancestor predecessor precursor granddaddy grandaddy first foregoer forerunner daddy polestar focus luminary compass case representative byword game plan first model first example nonpareil definitive example avatar aim guiding light antecessor textbook example copy jewel nonesuch value guiding star masterpiece personification representative example typical example flower good example treasure gem tops angel best pick peach crackerjack beauty champ ultimate lovely trump cream champion love sublimation previous case previous instance prior case prior example prior instance previous example something else perfect example of its kind one in a million

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A virtual container in a computer's file system, in which files and other directories may be stored

Động từ

(key in) To bring into harmony or accord
attune accommodate coordinate reconcile conform harmonise harmonize accord clue conciliate bring in line integrate regulate proportion accustom adjust tune arrange reconciliate bring together organize synchronize correlate mesh systematize order dovetail pool interrelate manage concert systematise conduce relate synchronise organise direct quarterback atune fit together get it together shape up reunite adapt acclimatize set acclimate condition familiarize assimilate pacify appease placate propitiate balance modulate counterbalance tailor compensate mollify familiarise acclimatise arbitrate fit merge join compose suit mediate re-establish intercede mitigate cool assuage resolve differences between make agree fix up make up come together bring back together again restore harmony between bury the hatchet kiss and make up restore friendly relations between make peace between patch things up make matters up bring back together win over restore harmony bring to terms get together on re-establish friendly relations between be in harmony with be in tune with grow accustomed to be in accord with become used to soothe calm satisfy gentle humour humor disarm quiet quieten sweeten resolve calm down make peace with still allay tranquilize soften tranquillize square off comfort settle lull please make peace match blend tally cohere chime square chord ease go complement combine silence symphonize quell check content go together quieten down tie in pour oil on troubled waters come to terms with atone make amends to stroke cheer soft-pedal pour oil on play up to curb dulcorate honey dulcify sugar salve becalm lullaby agree correspond coincide rime answer consist comport homogenize sort rhyme jibe cooperate sing homogenise synthesise carol tone unify tone in synthesize orchestrate unite make consistent bring in line with bring in tune with be of one mind be in unison chime with go with fit in with bring in tune lessen moderate balm temper suppress solace restrain rein repress let up simmer down ease up relax slacken hold in smother dispose console tune down mix pleasure gladden delight gratify rejoice warm sit tickle suffice bewitch charm feast gas enrapture agree with make happy thrill indulge captivate glad sit with be consonant be well coordinated be harmonious be congruous be compatible fit in relieve palliate subdue quiet down accede to somebody's demands