Từ đồng nghĩa của ideal

Alternative for ideal


Từ đồng nghĩa: faultless, flawless, model, perfect,

Từ trái nghĩa: real,

Tính từ

Being the most suitable
perfect absolute classic flawless supreme archetypal consummate exemplary faultless model optimal ultimate complete fitting idyllic quintessential best copybook excellent prototypical immaculate impeccable indefectible irreproachable representative seamless classical superlative unblemished letter-perfect picture-book picture-perfect without fault best possible have-it-all pure correct spotless precise stainless right untarnished exact blameless proper definitive unsullied prime innocent guiltless above reproach unmarred appropriate optimum unimpeachable paradigmatic suitable accurate sinless unflawed very virtuous typical good utopian requisite sound beyond reproach without blemish imitable squeaky clean idealized peak top finest idealised foremost intact textbook whole lily-white choicest inculpable unerring incorrupt choice clean clear squeaky-clean superb skillful expert skilled adept skilful foolproof untainted accomplished experienced whiter than white standard ten aces pre-eminent stock conventional best-case on the button just right commendable desirable admirable fit honourable meritorious outstanding essential preferable exceptional fairy-tale archetypical undamaged error-free undefiled honorable unimpaired opportune transcendental dream come true unmarked irreprehensible pristine uncontaminated righteous cleanhanded pie-in-the-sky exquisite unspotted unpolluted errorless apt just so unspoiled well suited well qualified uncorrupted bang on spot on on target on the money as pure as the driven snow fantasy stereotypical unbroken dream beyond compare splendid paradisiacal unequaled matchless culminating sublime paradisiac A-OK out-of-this-world crowning excelling defectless finished peerless characteristic mint irreprovable unexceptionable fundamental reproachless unblamable masterly snow white tip-top relevant signature prepared acceptable entire untouched unspoilt true to type qualified as sound as a bell as good as new pertinent word-perfect faithful meticulous scrupulous competent unstained capable able eligible uninjured chaste modest decent unhurt best-example crimeless unguilty well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job pure as the driven snow unequalled proficient talented coherent uninterrupted ordered logical harmonious uniform consistent smooth practised seasoned right on on the nail on the mark equal equipped practiced upright moral white dead-on so on-target true veracious infallible A-okay note-perfect fleckless beyond criticism nice apple-pie above suspicion just what the doctor ordered exactly right spot-on dead right just what we need hunky-dory fine laudable estimable praiseworthy sterling punctilious applaudable bueno worthy very good neato not bad batting a thousand not too shabby virgin virginal unaffected fresh unharmed wholesome unsoiled honest angelic spick-and-span unscathed natural unmutilated spic-and-span unchanged safe preserved uncorrupt unoffending unadulterated fair uncensurable guilt-free in the clear not guilty impeccant uninvolved antiseptic as new without a scratch free of neat undisturbed undebased lawful licit legal legitimate angelical reputable vestal sanitary refined shining demure crisp snowy sparkling G-rated unused simple maidenly taintless inviolate shipshape celibate unprocessed purified unscarred in perfect condition unmoved spanking sterile ethical unaltered solid sterilized unsevered uninfluenced refreshing unmixed unscratched upstanding new maiden unstirred brand-new original unwed self-denying self-restrained abstinent unmarried artless sterilised free holy first-class like new together comprehensive untroubled elegant unassailable straight brand new salubrious continent plain uncut intemerate prudish marvelous great in one piece unmodified undiluted unalloyed unruffled polished washed cleansed sturdy saintly speckless pious stable unagitated undented gleaming marvellous continuous noble harmless firm laundered full regular undivided sackless dirtless unsmudged squeaky clean-handed total organic tidy steady unremitting earthy not to blame cleared unimpressed undiminished ship-shape spanking-new spic and span orderly delicate secure decorous in good order invigorating in mint condition untried well-kept quiet neat as a pin neat as a button primal envigorating restorative integral plenary restrained austere maximal monogamous inexperienced impotent controlled subdued in good condition free of sin mint condition full-blown full-fledged safe and sound full-scale untouchable glowing spot-free burnished bright unquestionable unblackened highly respectable angel-like shiny ongoing unwounded ceaseless secured well-preserved native unwemmed chase nunlike unchallengeable trustworthy not responsible uncultivated unassuming unshaken disinfected span-new unopened without guilt without sin reliable dependable thorough as good as before scrubbed cleaned free from guilt free from blame distilled constant unceasing unworn impregnant young just out unstudied recent latest endless respectable impervious immune A1 polite beyond question beyond suspicion innocent as a lamb indigenous indifferent firsthand not influenced not liable to not subject to all right sanitized uninfected healthful unified in good taste dry-eyed unconcerned scatheless unviolated raw crude wilding agrestal guileless unseasoned in tiptop condition untrodden brand spanking new brand-spanking new spanking new sensational brilliant magnificent extraordinary fantastic fabulous phenomenal sponged laved spick and span showered sanitised clean as a new pin dirt-free pasteurised aseptic healthy pasteurized absolved exculpated peaceful at peace calm serene tranquil exonerated unblighted unprofaned as clean as a whistle health-giving bulletproof airtight good for you sweeping exhaustive germ-free gross wild unabridged better than expected grand compleat bad crack rad agreeable bully super-eminent ace congenial select favorable super-excellent positive stupendous capital up to snuff satisfying super welcome wonderful deluxe first-rate satisfactory gratifying superior gnarly valuable boss precious recherche pleasing sweet luscious lily white wide-eyed apple-pie order indiscrete imperforate pure as driven snow wet behind ears babe in woods anti-corruption not rotten not sour all-in-one one-piece void nescient bereft devoid out of danger hygienic trim unfermented empty unaware ignorant cleanly vanilla graceful all in one piece unfilled with favourable platonic without lacking lacking in untouched by unfamiliar with unacquainted with most favorable most excellent most advantageous most appropriate most favourable

Tính từ

Of, involving, or existing only as a fanciful idea
imaginary unreal visionary fanciful fantastic fictitious romantic unattainable fabulous mythical fairy-tale hypothetical impracticable impractical ivory-towered quixotic theoretical unachievable unfeasible unworkable utopian Utopian chimeric chimerical fantasied fantastical fictional idealised idealized imaginal imagined invented made-up make-believe mythic notional phantasmal phantasmic phantom poetic pretend imagal mercurial dreamlike extravagant high-flown mental transcendent transcendental unearthly ivory-tower out-of-reach in the clouds pie-in-the-sky illusory fictive hallucinatory delusive suppositious fancied sham fake whimsical untrue delusory false fabricated supposititious fantasy misleading legendary phantasmagoric ostensible nonexistent mistaken fallacious concocted seeming apparent illusive pseudo dreamed-up figmental apocryphal deceitful pretended blue-sky storybook semblant devised non-existent dream mock deceptive phantasmagorical imaginative abstract simulated mythological unsubstantial shadowy artificial synthetic bogus spurious perfect unrealistic phoney phony made up surreal assumed fantasized wild dreamy absurd insubstantial spectral feigned specious apparitional unbelievable faux fabled hyped up play-play imitation product of someone's imagination trumped up fool's paradise incredible aerial thought up fraudulent fantasised traditional blue sky pipe dream out of this world flawless faultless nightmarish psychedelic vain unfounded phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic Kafkaesque phantasmagorian bizarre trumped-up phantasm imitative estimated academic dummy ersatz improvised manufactured illusionary delusional queer conceived created out of thin air factitious mimic substitute counterfeit man-made created storied deceiving hollow folkloric dreamt up forged prepared heroic in your head misguided erroneous acted all in the mind symbolic allegorical proverbial symbolical intangible immaterial nebulous Barmecidal Barmecide float impalpable insincere unnatural weird reproduction reachy replica far-fetched preposterous idealistic ridiculous curious tall capricious crackpot ethereal offbeat flakey unlikely kinky flaky far out fairy tale floating starry-eyed cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take supposed virtual on cloud nine airy quixotical starry idealist perfectionist pie in the sky castles in the air all in one's head figment of someone's imagination otherworldly naive ultimate pretentious impossible arcadian model supreme lofty grandiose hopeful ambitious best ideological vague ghostly spiritual ghostlike misty daydreaming marvelous incorporeal supernatural wraithlike mythologic musing preoccupied marvellous abstracted pensive speculative excellent introspective astral introvertive out of touch with reality bodiless flimsy epic unclear indistinct unbodied deluding beguiling unsound vaporous formless nonphysical discarnate nonmaterial absent inexistent parabolic imponderable vampiric wondrous inventive flighty spooky eerie wraithy strange head in the clouds conceptual hoax deluded lulling calming relaxing gentle woolgathering soothing chimeral unread mocking misconceived trick disembodied non-physical non-material unembodied in error optimistic idyllic exaggerated larger-than-life unpractical trancelike trance-like extraterrestrial improbable disincarnate dim hazy Panglossian Micawberish moony uncorporeal head-in-the-clouds faint dreamish oneiric hypnagogic unconvincing alien dreaming distracted ruminative meditative inattentive thoughtful reflective distrait too good for this world shaky lightweight feeble rapt absent-minded wool-gathering absorbed expressive faraway wanting lacking missing without substance unfocused creative indescribable indefinable lost in thought beautiful superb wistful outlandish extraordinary left-field obscure untouchable far away in a reverie with your head in the clouds miles away in a brown study dead empty gone blank ungrounded departed extinguished vacant void null gossamery defunct baseless tenuous negative groundless lost perished extinct fresh exotic original in a world of one's own enigmatic astounding inspired artistic eccentric fancy quirky originative artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen ephemeral airy-fairy sensational astonishing awesome spectacular incomprehensible stupendous out there breathtaking romanesque glamourous glamorous innovational far-out unorthodox avant-garde vivid revolutionary Promethean astute imperceptible to the touch metaphysical slender infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night idle passed on passed away without foundation weird and wonderful deviating wonderful surprising null and void few and far between too little too late

Tính từ

Representing an abstract or hypothetical optimum
abstract conceptual theoretical metaphysical notional academic hypothetical intellectual speculative ideational conjectural conjectured philosophical suppositional theoretic putative suppositious suppositive transcendental impractical paradigmatic assumed imaginary unsubstantiated general in theory formularized analytical idealized ideological idealised unreal formalistic imaginative codified as a premise instanced contingent in the abstract pure visionary hypothetic tentative vague logical presumed unproved intelle unapplied not practical fanciful fancied supposed illusory imagal unproven unpragmatic unrealistic untested unfounded academical groundless irrelevant indefinite useless experimental hairy based on guesswork dangerous projected conceptive ivory-tower ivory-towered ivory-towerish quixotic pedantic problematical unearthly on paper postulated transcendent fundamental abstruse essential recondite basic deep intangible esoteric supernatural profound high-flown universal spiritual oversubtle unsubstantial immaterial impalpable unpractical incorporeal jesuitic discarnate unfleshly nonphysical supramundane eternal philosophic unphysical supermundane insubstantial superhuman bodiless suprahuman nonmaterial difficult numinous supranatural mystical ontological superior presupposed presumptive imagined uncertain suspect doubtful non-practical postulatory non-technical blue-sky nominal higher nonconcrete alleged apparent inferred indeterminate casual contestable disputable equivocal assumptive stochastic concocted questionable conditional conjecturable debatable refutable provisory proposed guessed unconfirmed pretending problematic purported suspected surmised supposititious made up postulational guessing unresolved surmising guesstimated figured reputed likely asserted inferential on a hunch on a long shot

Tính từ

Bearing good value, worth or reliability
quality excellent reliable valuable worthy good amazing awesome certified exceptional beautiful brilliant desirable divine elegant enviable exclusive exquisite extraordinary fantastic glorious illustrious impressive incredible invaluable magnificent marvellous outstanding perfect phenomenal premium sensational spectacular stunning super superb superior supreme wonderful accomplished admirable advanced applaudable attractive blue-ribbon bodacious bosting capital choice class classic commendable crowning deluxe distinguished dominant dynamite elite eminent estimable exemplary fabulous famous fancy fantastical fine first-class first-rate frontline grand great groovy heavenly high hot immense incomparable laudable legit lofty lovely marvelous matchless mega meritorious mint neat nifty noble notable noted outrageous peerless phat praiseworthy preeminent pre-eminent priceless prime primo prizewinning rare ripping select smashing sovereign special splendid stellar sterling striking stupendous sublime superlative supernal swell terrific tiptop top top-level topnotch top-notch transcendent tremendous unparalleled unreal unrivalled unrivaled unsurpassed vintage wicked bang-up banner blue-chip boffo bonnie bonny boss brag brave bully bumper cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy dope down fab fantabulous first-string five-star four-star gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gone hype jim-dandy keen mean number one numero uno par excellence peachy peachy keen prize radical slick tip-top topflight topping wizard gilt-edged high-class high-grade high-quality of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard out-of-sight really good top-of-the-line top-of-the-range top-shelf very good world-class delightful gorgeous pleasing alluring ravishing refined graceful fair dazzling resplendent elevated exalted charming handsome pretty intellectual appealing unique cute blissful beauteous bewitching sightly comely taking radiant angelic shapely enticing pulchritudinous good-looking nice statuesque moving uplifting delicate fascinating classy symmetrical well-formed enjoyable high-minded aesthetic consummate rapturous imposing inflated majestic foxy awe-inspiring supercalifragilisticexpialidocious remarkable best august brill aesthetically pleasing transcendental adorable spiritual likely esthetic easy on the eyes seemly fetching well-favored splendiferous out of this world inspiring inspirational golden noteworthy abstract idyllic gratifying pleasurable entrancing enchanting knockout pleasant something else finest righteous A-OK ace definitive authoritative classical masterly goodly drop-dead lovesome banging of the first water better than usual better improved on fleek first class enhanced of the best quality better than average crucial master ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush paradisaic scrumptious paradisic saintly pretentious influential prominent highest-ranking important mind-blowing big lordly the most holy sacred too good to be true splendorous too much stately proud decorative stylish sexy physically attractive ornamental tasteful exceeding paramount predominant unequalled ascendant fit nice-looking aesthetically appealing eye-catching fine-looking leading honourable immodest number honorable highest astral exaggerated excessive first dignified honored noticeable one and only standout uncommon interesting buzzworthy singular unordinary propitious auspicious creative fashionable dollish beddable dapper tantalising telegenic captivating showstopping irresistible tempting magnetic willowy beguiling voluptuous easy on the eye personable sensual prepossessing curvaceous winsome camera-friendly fanciable tantalizing glamourous glamorous photogenic seductive presentable drop-dead gorgeous engaging prettyish sheen debonair opportune excelling cultivated emotional imaginative expressive optimistic advantageous hopeful infinite unmatched unlimited entire second to none beyond grasp intuitive primordial unequalable unequaled absolute towering ultimate obscure surpassing hypothetical transcending whole unconfined intact boundless innate eternal theoretical finished original encouraging rosy heartening providential subtle honoured high-ranking exciting roseate favorable upbeat favourable promising profitable fortunate bright cultured artistic musical harmonious pictorial rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque one-off utopian full of promise rose-colored champion magic top-hole spiffing beaut rad bonzer amazeballs dreamy schmick greatest sound beezer crack spanking breathtaking def fabby far out sik bad A1 exo belting memorable out of sight chillin' marvy A-1 lank kif thrilling pearler barrie satisfying agreeable formidable skilful prodigious premier skillful top-drawer virtuoso astonishing chief way-out congenial wondrous arresting top drawer inimitable unbelievable unsurpassable solid sweet tops star far-out beyond compare without equal world class colossal welcome astounding super-duper delectable significant principal nonpareil luxury unexampled awesomesauce positive signal hunky-dory bosker unexcelled reputable zero cool satisfactory main shipshape of the first order recherche amusing masterful to die for luxurious miraculous coruscating unforgettable most OK respectable fun frabjous uppermost blessed delightsome head dulcet savory grateful darling blest faultless creditable delicious foremost diverting savoury unbeatable luscious optimum state-of-the-art momentous extremely good industry leading prize-winning top-class meaningful top-tier solid gold out-of-this-world acceptable precious superfine cardinal super-eminent super-excellent gnarly bigger flawless staggering heavy joyous sunny likable expert up to snuff entertaining ingenious plush exhilarating dainty adept upmarket splashy showy only larger higher copacetic able conspicuous deserving flamboyant cheery genial celebrated rewarding deft competent not bad clever eye-popping jaw-dropping enthralling eventful magical renowned likeable paradisiacal paradisiac adroit venerable greater ducky posh ritzy lavish lead fly catchy felicitous apex jolly palatable primary chic tasty major unprecedented complete top-grade number-one considerable extraordinaire inspired monumental powerful bold weighty highest quality very best worthy of admiration worthy of commendation hip optimal a cut above the rest best possible of the highest order mind-boggling best ever in a class all by itself never to be forgotten the best deep ka pai like wow top-flight the dog's bollocks out of the ordinary all right unblemished grander more hypnotic tough world unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt unbroken undamaged sharp quick splendacious osm smart agile upscale replayable rocking juicy paragon model well-known handy apt well-designed natty convenient spruce rockin awing eloquent surprising agitating especial sup rior unmarred cooler largest all very well well and good untouchable cream quintessential central key effusive extreme winning hundred-proof cat's meow strong top-quality aces unparagoned alone all-time solid-gold chur really nice insane worthiest flagship above average slap-up of a high standard baller nang No. 1 virtuous crash hot mighty unorthodox with it pretty cool wild A-number-1 mostest worthwhile portentous theatrical to your liking a million dollars like a million dollars eximious grade A the very best a standout meritable dream unchallenged capable prestigious beyond comparison crazy number 1 unusually good royal awe-striking heart-stopping eye-opening practised hotshot skilled compleat versed demon veteran educated practiced proficient experienced professed one in a million in a league of their own award-winning commanding emphatic innovational innovative top of the line top of the range Grade A undefeated choicest unbeaten one-in-a-million crown dominating record-breaking big-time sans pareil up to standard up to scratch up to par cordon bleu sumptuous tip top ridiculous intense biggest marked uncanny arrestive genius innovatory of highest order above and beyond pronounced opulent rich palatial expensive enterprising inventive senior elder up to the mark reputed suitable palmary nasty honest decent believeable organic well-thought-of salient daring stirring impassioned absorbing touching affecting profound rousing massive hunky dory talented gifted resourceful costly unco virtuosic batting a thousand salt of the earth not too shabby cat's pajamas indelible comforting flashy affable comfortable amiable hunky clear mild euphoric arch- plushy Lucullan glossy snazzy intoxicating in order dishy relief unspoilt glad cunning zingy soothing hospitable persistent Lucullian swish luxuriant palace silken fancy-pants swanky pricey luxe swank loaded Babylonian of genius passable elating copasetic paradisaical calming recreative ecstatic relishable acclaimed distinctive haunting palatian well appointed irie enduring lasting remembered cherished historic rememberable treasured much touted fat consequential of high standing doozie of repute essential material well thought of to the max something mondo highly rated well received of distinction ineffable refreshing very pleasant very agreeable very pleasurable very attractive greatly to one's liking unusual fixed in the mind not to be forgotten citable observable mentionable different namable nameable of particular interest worthy of note worthy of mention serious murder splash manifest major-league the end worth mentioning utmost underlined stand-out patent evident worth taking a look at red-letter high-profile of note most excellent most important

Tính từ

Being the best or most extreme example of its kind
ultimate supreme greatest paramount top consummate highest optimum quintessential unrivaled unrivalled utmost best maximum topmost unsurpassed incomparable max preeminent superlative unsurpassable uttermost transcendent unequalable unmatchable apogean extreme last significant surpassing maxi most nth towering matchless peerless inimitable unparalleled unequalled unmatched unexampled unequaled nonpareil beyond compare without equal second to none perfect singular exceptional model unique superior excellent one and only without match only beyond comparison out of sight faultless in a class of one's own outstanding without peer rare without parallel sovereign one-in-a-million par excellence hors concours in a class of its own complete total absolute utter categorical profound outright sheer downright categoric thoroughgoing thorough unqualified pure fair plumb unconditional definite unadulterated unalloyed stark unmitigated arrant dreadful rank solid bodacious dead flat deadly conspicuous clean blooming whole flawless impeccable positive perfected chronic finished errant blank flat-out exclusive out-and-out straight-out cotton-picking all-out classic unprecedented novel essential exemplary prototypical special extraordinary typical deep-dyed standout one-off irreplaceable unparagoned one of a kind extraordinaire signal sui generis unexcelled far-out unimaginable archetypal in a class by itself phenomenal notable unrepeatable noteworthy something else remarkable incredible unrepeated unheard-of unconventional purpose-built separate once-in-a-lifetime newfangled amazing new without precedent unordinary primo one-of-a-kind exquisite fresh simple regular stone crashing very full unequivocal real entire unreserved veritable right unlimited proper unrestricted plain undiluted dyed-in-the-wool infernal right-down blasted outside direct comprehensive explicit wholehearted through and through gross in every respect undivided blessed confounded wholesale genuine final full-bore unambiguous clear exhaustive maximal certain unrestrained indubitable unbounded firm conclusive blatant undiminished plenary overt intense unmodified unmistakable inveterate major true unbroken unquestionable unremitting enormous all-fired sure unrelieved clear-cut full-scale straight out prize undeniable patent greatest possible no catch unmixed express naked emphatic flagrant glaring unstinting terminal sweeping unvarnished fixed unquestioning concentrated point-blank all out without reservations full-on constant no ifs ands or buts infinite limitless honest straight severe apodictic palpable sincere unmistaken mere elaborate brazen decisive accurate steadfast uncompromising intensive biggest detailed unblemished exact obvious assured unabridged authentic barefaced undisguised resolute determined unalleviated unconstrained open rigid everlasting double-dyed all determinate actual wide in-depth rigorous out and out specific steady pre-eminent full-blown minute true-blue perpetual eternal endless abundant uncontrolled greatest amount of no holds barred without reservation no kicker no strings no fine print umpteenth incessant royal true blue candid pronounced frank continuous unrelenting serious staring largest capital egregious quite single altogether customary unstinted transparent adamant assertive insistent bloody bald unregenerate usual shameless decided monstrous atrocious infamous notorious vile farthest peremptory relentless austere blunt stone-cold enduring abiding never-failing unfaltering arrogant uncorrupted wholesome unadorned unabated effusive gushing mostest rightly so called untempered unmoderated unmollified unbending through-and-through horrible huge unembellished point blank great oppressive outermost furthest furthermost sublime untarnished habitual undying confirmed persistent unsoftened harsh grim high acute remotest farthermost resounding definitive forthright no joke unhesitating untouched unaltered overarching undisputed outmost endmost aftermost totalitarian uninterrupted inclusive unshaken deep in every way unshakeable personal immediate completed tremendous unshakable farthest away furthest away intricate meticulous experienced indescribable raging mortal fulfilled extensive embedded constructive virtual practical inevitable implicative inarticulate intrinsic hidden inferential unquestioned implicit unuttered contained precise one hundred per cent no strings attached mother of all very great firsthand penetrating developed accomplished mature elemental encyclopedic particular spot-on valid dinkum encyclopaedic intimate first-hand ripe strict dead-on certified good faithful pukka on-target echt so satisfactory pucka sure-enough unerring certifiable focused undistracted collective admissible sound factual engrossed unshared consistent undoubted watertight veridical immaculate amen inerrant bona fide bang on undistorted solemn unswerving dedicated united absorbed unflagging focussed unanimous committed scrupulous attentive continued concerted fast deliberate circumspect diligent vigilant intent right on lock stock and barrel most significant most extreme

Tính từ

Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
right advantageous good happy opportune perfect suitable appropriate convenient favourable felicitous fitting propitious becoming fit proper apt auspicious fortunate golden lucky promising applicable befitting benign done due expedient fitted providential reasonable ripe seemly timely desirable rightful seasonable adequate best comely favorable requisite satisfactory sufficient suited well timed heaven-sent comme il faut tailor-made relevant belonging apposite related meet pretty qualified just right pertinent useful made to order equipped disposed set apropos adapted well suited matched conformable correct congruous judicious crying out cut out germane just relating pertaining spot on cut out for to the point great to the purpose unique peculiar optimal just the thing well-suited associated with just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful just the job acceptable decent worthy in keeping material decorous kosher right on on the nose on the button equitable deserved connected pat helpful significant fair competent employable usable serviceable well-timed appurtenant ad rem good enough legit able capable functional prepared feasible condign well-chosen deserving ready useable available correspondent equal conforming compatible agreeable preferable commodious correlated salient relative applicatory valid congruent nice linked comfortable consistent handy on target having direct bearing on having to do with well-matched destined justified fairy-tale harmonious conducive accommodating welcome admissible beneficial pointed good for designed conformed reconciled accommodated relatable important inspired that's the ticket just what was ordered neat choice pertaining to well chosen telling fortuitous well put well expressed convincing joyous beseeming behooving associable trained likely eligible of use apropos of advisable okay merited presentable user friendly fit for purpose righteous right up someone's street up to standard in keeping with politic swell copacetic in character up to snuff equal to up to in the running capable of in line for what the doctor ordered according to Hoyle well judged enough ample commensurate commensurable abundant proportionate sufficing plenty tolerable average plentiful passable plenteous bounteous necessary enow as much as is necessary minimal unobjectionable aplenty copious as much as you need bountiful satisfying all right exploitable operable practicable -worthy

Tính từ

Treated or regarded with partiality
preferred favored favoured favourite favorite choice chosen elect fancied selected endorsed handpicked picked popular adopted approved culled elected liked sanctioned select in recommended decided upon settled upon singled out of choice well-liked cherry-picked pet fave most-liked fav best-liked best-loved special dearest first-line default closest to one's heart blue-eyed particular treasured esteemed golden instinctive sweetheart privileged lucky advantaged elite blessed number one desired desirable destination go-to first-picked must-see exclusive preferential hand-picked designated appointed named conscripted tabbed carefully chosen called pegged nominated certain with the nod preferable weeded prime prize superior excellent best fine first-class quality first-rate top fantastic bad high-quality premier great nice exquisite tip-top grand phat exceptional wonderful terrific top-quality dainty hot high-grade top-notch fabulous finest superb crucial optimal fab sensational splendid beautiful 10 groovy swell famous heavenly awesome marvellous marvelous sterling fantabulous topflight unsurpassed lovely stellar divine dynamite rad neat top-shelf slick frontline vintage dandy gangbusters schmick elegant precious righteous cool superlative classic capital rare immense plum prizewinning bang-up noble bumper gangbuster bonny boffo banner nifty peachy high-class corking mean def bonnie cracking valuable boss brag crackerjack unusual keen uncommon primo radical dope A-OK supernal blue-ribbon five-star out-of-sight jim-dandy gilt-edge top-drawer par excellence first-string top-of-the-line blue-chip gilt-edged solid gold of the first water 24-karat peachy keen grade A A-1 numero uno top of the line top of the range

Tính từ

Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
ineffable indescribable inexpressible unutterable indefinable unspeakable incommunicable undefinable breathtaking inenarrable marvelous marvellous nameless staggering uncommunicable unimaginable untold wonderful amazing astonishing astounding beggaring description beyond description beyond words fabulous fantastic celestial deep divine empyreal empyrean ethereal heavenly holy impossible incredible sacred spiritual transcendent transcendental unheard of untellable unthought of too sacred for words inconceivable unthinkable undescribable unbelievable indefinite impalpable defying description intangible unanalysable unanalyzable nondescript elusive unspecified unspecifiable preternatural sublime overwhelming abstract subtle implausible mind-boggling extraordinary improbable unlikely exceptional mind-blowing undreamed of beyond the realm of reason obscure indistinct incalculable incorporeal unpronounceable inarticulate difficult hard to define hard to describe stupendous prodigious remarkable phenomenal tremendous inexpressable unexpressible spectacular unsayable awful stunning striking miraculous portentous extravagant awesome eye-opening immense surprising eye-popping wondrous legendary outrageous amazeballs rad beyond one's wildest dreams top drawer out-of-this-world unimagined unconvincing fantastical unheard-of incredulous unconceivable uncompelling inapprehensible incomprehensible unique singular incogitable undreamed-of rare unordinary uncommon unknowable doubtful not understandable beyond belief full of it beyond wildest dreams beyond your wildest dreams preposterous unusual strange far-fetched dubious fanciful questionable absurd out of the ordinary unexpected outlandish flimsy ridiculous suspect unrealistic unprecedented hard to swallow peculiar bizarre weak sensational unsubstantial odd fishy thin anomalous cock-and-bull outstanding unforeseen unwonted unanticipated weird atypical abnormal special queer aberrant uncustomary unparalleled ludicrous curious tall puzzling notable won't wash scarcely credible especial not likely exceeding aberrated freak far out unreal extraordinaire cock and bull freakish out of this world reachy difficult to believe unreasonable magnificent remote strained farfetched laboured debatable out of the question nonsensical uncanny labored unfamiliar noteworthy incongruous too much hard to believe magical whimsical unaccustomed hard to take cockamamie oddball won't hold water full of holes baffling for the birds beyond the bounds of possibility freaky jaw-dropping awe-inspiring off the wall confounding unlooked-for unhoped-for insupposable superlative problematic wild eccentric brilliant surpassing phony illogical terrific stellar phoney unusually good irrational misleading highly unlikely not in the least likely insane thrilling funny crazy superior offbeat mad grandiose out-of-the-way iffy extreme foolish comical too good to be true befuddling wacky zany mystifying shocking original impressive unaccountable conspicuous incomparable stupefying outside chance unexampled outré flustering bewildering dumfounding seldom scarce heavy hare-brained like a dream come true unannounced off-the-wall jarring jolting out of the blue startling dramatic make-believe unthought-of unsuspected undreamt-of unplausible distinctive imcomprehensible extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful not on insupportable marked particular beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe uncertain faint slight beyond possibility signal significant momentous supernatural unforgettable eye-catching arresting contrary untoward flabbergasting blindsiding inimitable not to be thought of exaggerated devastating dumbfounding inconsistent serious unco unapt providential irregular deviant harebrained reaching infeasible unsound unsettling unnerving flash gnarly forby flakey kooky scatterbrained flaky cockeyed lamebrained screwy less likely superhuman inexplicable specious unpersuasive off beaten path never to be forgotten overblown better than expected from left field slim impracticable hundred-to-one infrequent lame trifling feeble unconventional off-centre monstrous supermundane the utmost wonderworking numinous supranatural supercalifragilisticexpialidocious embellished fabricated dishonest suspicious dubitable false untruthful untrue divergent distinct novel new unknown untypical perplexing unnatural mysterious unsatisfactory transparent shallow ineffectual inadequate pathetic forced ponderous substantial huge great out of the common out of the way way out something else daggy wacko slim and none not expected shady laughable hyperbolic farcical incoherent poor unimpressive past belief open to doubt avant-garde out there breaking new ground loner cool extra special distorted disputable undependable equivocal untrustworthy embroidered histrionic arguable unreliable unacceptable fresh offensive undiscovered half-baked not convincing eerie quaint blown up unsung unremarked disgraceful ground-breaking unregarded far-out resplendent sensorial enthralling exciting invigorating bewitching captivating charming majestic envigorating mind-bending heart-stopping enlivening stimulating blissful fabled beguiling splendorous enchanting glorious fascinating enlightening fairy-tale fairytale-like dream-filled untenable uncredible complicated disconcerting spooky little-known little known unrenowned never before encountered rings phony shaky muddling discomfiting nonplussing shattering nonplusing confusing dismaying upsetting not able to hold water imaginary moving cherished touching perfect illusory erratic romantic capricious ambitious visionary artificial scanty subtile sparse preeminent scattered standout rarefied towering occasional tenuous few and far between attenuate short light attenuated isolated deficient recherche unfrequent few sporadic semioccasional limited illusive barmy suppositious different potty daft hallucinatory out of sight cock-eyed

Danh từ

A model by which others are compared and aspire to
model exemplar example criterion archetype paradigm pattern prototype classic idea stereotype yardstick essence icon mirror value patron saint paragon beau ideal standard epitome nonpareil eidolon quintessence nonesuch embodiment blueprint apotheosis norm specimen illustration type template sample precedent exemplification instance acme perfection symbol representative original representation design guide gauge mould gage perfect example case mold role model copy perfect specimen byword personification benchmark framework shining example touchstone textbook example authority lead typical example exhibit prime example sampling representative case demonstration portrayal typical case case in point variety exhibition ensample typification basis form guideline formula emblem canon scale saint hero cream of the crop leadership direction guidance specification appreciation classic exemplar ultimate beatified soul tutelary saint canonized mortal guardian angel occurrence occasion standard of excellence version style archetypal setup ideal beauty good example perfect type perfect model parallel case saint and martyr essentiality core pioneer trailblazer torchbearer expression exposition exponent manifestation lodestar point of reference mock-up beau idéal pick of the bunch item situation evidence image portrait avatar definitive example case history proof detail person to look up to unique kernel precursor ancestor granddaddy predecessor grandaddy first antecedent foregoer forerunner master daddy representative example interpretation game plan virtuality first model first example antecessor

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An aim or end result that one hopes to achieve
aim ambition aspiration dream goal intent intention purpose objective plan pretension target design idea point end bourn bourne mark object thing desire hope wish meaning mission holy grail Holy Grail resolve scheme reason motive grail desired result resolution destination direction vision raison d'être determination object of desire object of the exercise end in view function focus name of the game why and wherefore desideratum impetus motivation cause grounds principle use expectation view endeavor longing interest endeavour yearning urge hankering pursuit calling inclination vocation craving push whole idea want passion course drift bullseye spot butt bull's-eye duty where one's heading where one is heading end purpose the why and wherefore bull's eye prize pie in the sky castles in the air sense utility bucket list appeal value advantage attraction eagerness ambitiousness itch charm yen incentive rationale impact fascination usefulness validity validness cogency consideration instigation spur persuasion catalyst inducement incitement concern stimulant drive enticement inspiration stimulation carrot determinant fire in the belly go-getting preoccupation central theme nuts and bolts care thinking agenda basis occasion justification special interest reason why hidden motive hidden agenda end game vested interest driving force score to settle prospect project rationality significance proposal premeditation scope mind terminus nirvana plot whyfor big idea ulterior motive decision prearrangement predetermination agreement arrangement planning hunger forethought calculation thought pre-planning malice aforethought advance planning purport lust initiative thirst daydream end goal notion ache fancy commitment pledge promise undertaking program system programme strategy vow game plan master plan road map ground plan deliberation choice oath plotting scheming reflection cogitation role responsibility charge business operation wont way occupation action relevance capacity avail affair task job application mens rea coldness contemplation criminal intent cold-bloodedness malice prepense deliberateness intentionality preconception animus impulsion

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A person or thing regarded as precious or special
gem jewel treasure prize cream paragon flower best pearl pride finest nonpareil choice epitome model exemplar masterpiece tops elect star embodiment standard prototype archetype apotheosis glory quintessence pick wonder personification acme paradigm catch elite plum peach prime taonga trump humdinger godsend jewel in the crown something else outstanding example shining example leading light one in a million perfect example of its kind chef-d'œuvre perfection nonesuch classic angel essence ultimate beauty beau ideal crème de la crème eidolon perfect example idea top royalty choicest fat aristocracy illuminati patron saint nobility height core gentry ne plus ultra A-list top drawer upper class cream of the crop pick of the bunch upper crust stereotype picture pink type representation byword quality priesthood beau idéal the bee's knees norm saint select few first class corps d'elite criterion pattern good example cynosure champion love crackerjack champ sublimation lovely original typical example last word acme of perfection dream brick paragon of virtue showpiece boast good person kind person finest example trophy honour honor crown jewel credit finest specimen darling best specimen choicest specimen choicest example best example specialty phenomenon charm rarity speciality prodigy genius phoenix essentiality favorite spirit favourite first stuff lifeblood heart soul substance oner peak of perfection pride and joy pièce de résistance select Hall of Fame jet set blue blood gentility beautiful people haut monde high society chosen glitterati chef-d'oeuvre zenith peak patriciate who's who smart set main line country set beau monde polite society monument masterstroke utmost magnum opus masterwork tour de force chef d'oeuvre highest level four hundred master work stroke of genius work of art piece de resistance noblesse society favoured favored the quality skim upper-crust source of envy envy object of envy preference option most select selection discretion gold volition druthers alternative bet election liberty way choosing bag aces best choice top choice cup of tea pick of the litter gentlefolk gentlefolks asset head limit pinnacle lead source of honour feather in the cap feather in your cap source of pride proud boast source of satisfaction extremity extreme summit apex bloom uttermost greatest ceiling leader top form blossoming upper limit flowering triumph meridian trim verdure fitness coup sensation success capstone climax culmination chief full flowering utmost extent highest rank first place high-water mark crowning point high point knockout hit chef d'œuvre good health best condition marvellous feat great work

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A tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling
embodiment incorporation personification incarnation manifestation epitome example expression realisation realization representation symbol type model paradigm quintessence actualization exemplar exemplification paragon avatar collection concretization reification symbolization abstract combination concentration embodier essence externalisation externalization genius icon ikon image inclusion instantiation integration objectification organisation organization personifier soul typification codification comprehension consolidation idea systematisation systematization apotheosis archetype bringing together cast conformation embracement encompassment form formation matter perfect example prosopopoeia structure textbook example likeness prototype illustration god idol picture statue hero figure classic example portrayal effigy favourite favorite byword prodigy acme height classic norm ultimate perfection zenith beau ideal classic case definitive example portrait typical example superstar pet pin-up darling favicon last word double counterpart clone drawing photograph semblance replica twin mirror copy ringer characterization graphical user interface graphic image painted image facsimile mold duplicate doppelganger match duplication mould look-alike spitting image living example mirror image fetish carbon copy re-creation dead ringer living image alter ego figurine totem doll carving deity eidolon golden calf inamorata obsession dear desire pagan symbol false god graven image goddess pinup simulacrum sculpture

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Something that is wished for, or considered desirable
desideratum hope need want dream essential lack wish objective prerequisite requirement aim goal necessary requisite aspiration desired thing indispensable thing missing thing needed thing sine qua non heart's desire desire ambition end design target plan purpose intention intent idea object resolve mark pretension direction bourne bourn thing desired result holy grail Holy Grail raison d'être demand point mission longing scheme yearning hankering vision urge inclination focus use eagerness craving passion expectation meaning object of the exercise course grail request where one is heading reason principle function motive duty why and wherefore end purpose view end in view whole idea the why and wherefore claim concern ask fancy dearth lustfulness propensity pining drive needfulness scarcity cry out imperative deficit strong interest thirst call predilection scarceness covetousness exigence lust scantiness hunger market fervor exigency fervour support necessity occasion absence urgency proclivity necessitude drought appetite endeavor resolution pursuit push endeavour calling ambitiousness itch vocation destination yen object of desire fire in the belly go-getting motivation determination ardor ardour ache liking infatuation fascination will zeal letch greed love attraction appetency thirstiness jones burning impetus disposition relish devotion prurience avidity craze fondness concupiscence initiative impulse eroticism commitment libido lechery lasciviousness emulation enterprise admiration amativeness salacity erotism compulsion libidinousness whim pruriency cupidity frenzy solicitude voracity mania rapture ravenousness rapaciousness predisposition obsession cause hungering preference doting penchant action name of the game vigour vitality energy thought verve enthusiasm vigor grounds notion spirit dynamism conviction tenacity fixation dash doggedness zest gusto pep prospect project undertaking vim spunk cacoethes mind aggressiveness catalyst appetition go zip activity punch get-up-and-go consideration interest preoccupation persuasion drift inspiration pie in the sky thinking fire in belly driving force daydream horniness salaciousness hots lustihood prayer planning lech spot coveting envy rivalry competition decision nostalgia bullseye bull's-eye strength addiction butt want-to pledge munchies hurting prize stamina liveliness application vibrance where one's heading hang-up castles in the air end goal promise exuberance forcefulness vivaciousness zealousness intensity virility bucket list impulsion bull's eye the munchies basis justification vivacity spiritedness pizzazz fanaticism system programme strategy program yearn utility sense significance rationality appeal value advantage vow premeditation scope proposal strength of character single-mindedness strength of mind pzazz activeness charm nirvana plot terminus road map ground plan game plan master plan impact usefulness validity validness cogency choice oath ulterior motive whyfor big idea crush central theme nuts and bolts rationale incentive captivation spur instigation incitement inducement stimulant stimulation determinant enticement carrot enchantment besottedness care deep affection endearment idolization puppy love amorousness tendency leaning agenda bent mad for veneration eros vested interest score to settle reason why hidden motive hidden agenda special interest end game optimism turn anticipation bias affection proneness taste aptitude task prejudice weakness partiality stomach venture responsibility commission charge business stunt exploit errand act deed burden feat matter accomplishment obligation piece of business racket brief chore engagement doing work contract exercise affair job gig process assignment impression velleity devices readiness affinity habitude bone genius expectancy list humour expectance idée fixe hypothesis deliberation opinion restlessness capability aptness idiosyncrasy temperament movement druthers feeling susceptibility groove pleasure trend type humor capacity attachment aphrodisia encouragement cup of tea soft spot turn of mind understanding conception visualization image rationalization rationalisation inkling regard visualisation perception postulation sentiment abstraction worry reflection conclusion reasoning contrivance contemplation supposition conceptualisation estimation conceptualization dedication striving fire warmth keenness hustle fervency gumption aggression moxie zing