Từ đồng nghĩa của feeble

Alternative for feeble

feebler, feeblest

Từ đồng nghĩa: frail, powerless, weak,

Từ trái nghĩa: intense, strong, tough,

Tính từ

Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness
weak frail weakened delicate infirm debilitated enfeebled failing effete powerless puny sickly enervated wasted faint weakly ailing doddering exhausted helpless impotent languid decrepit etiolated poorly shaky unwell asthenic doddery down-and-out incapacitated low prostrate prostrated sapped shilpit slight soft softened tender tottering tottery unsubstantial weedy wimpish wimpy trembling trembly aged dopey emasculated flabby flat fragile gentle half-hearted insufficient lame meagre meager pathetic sapless strengthless vitiated woozy out of gas ill unsound flimsy nerveless tired drained thin fatigued spineless faltering spent crippled unenthusiastic ineffective limp lacklustre tenuous lackluster inadequate spindly weary wishy-washy listless irresolute unstable weakling indisposed anemic lackadaisical old anaemic vulnerable anile insecure senile small rickety poor in poor health worn out indifferent weak-kneed unhealthy ineffectual uninterested apathetic passive tepid sick spiritless flagging unconvincing forceless subdued brittle faded unwilling long in the tooth elderly languorous paltry breakable dainty sensitive tame paralyzed paralysed invertebrate unsteady characterless wet mild insubstantial shrill out of shape scrawny high namby-pamby past it milk-and-water limp-wristed perfunctory sluggish high-pitched passionless lifeless unexcited lukewarm invalid cool vague wobbly slender depleted reedy defenseless minimal wavering undermined dim reluctant debile vacillating ancient senescent superficial blasé unnerved halting sensile deteriorated inert defenceless declining unable devitalized unfit diminished useless impuissant impassive light hamstrung incapable handcuffed hog-tied laid low shatterable fracturable dull disabled muted crumbly moderate inept gutless pale remote distant friable wan frangible high and dry washed-out hazy played out easily broken without energy drooping encumbered hindered hampered toothless bedridden disorganized boneless wasteful indecisive valetudinarian crook nesh susceptible in declining health fishy shattery wispy wussy meek unpowerful rundown yielding neutral rendered feeble senior timorous withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged easily damaged airy stricken dotard nominal disorganised done in rusty run-down timid desultory cursory emotionless sinking dying reduced superannuated lacking feeling dispassionate unconcerned dizzy subtle unimpressed unresponsive imperceptible token out of sorts flawed deficient diffuse Laodicean unemotional dimmed diffused gone to seed washed out out of condition on the ropes unmoved untrained mellow broken-down fine shaded burned out tinted low-key faint-hearted glimmering in second childhood in your dotage glowing in bad shape shimmering imperfect unsatisfactory substandard subject tied dependent incompetent lily-livered injured over the hill no spring chicken disenfranchised unarmed splintery smashable destroyable destructible eggshell dud unproductive infecund supine blank disfranchised chicken without power resistless wimp tinny squeaky blurred hurt bated lambent wounded not able in poor condition bland bad sore stiff bruised paper tiger with no say gloomy unlikely handicapped maimed cracked lethargic wearied worn battered deformed damaged over a barrel improbable tiny languishing pooped knackered beat game dead aweary bushed done dubious slim doubtful negligible poorly lit badly lit wiped out loggy burned-out jaded logy beaten bleary tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out precarious physically challenged minuscule exiguous outside perilous nebulous risky suspect unreliable rocky dicey sketchy uncertain dodgy iffy wanting defeated unsuccessful unprosperous easily threatened easily destroyed far-fetched unthriving unavailing not well

Tính từ

Failing to convince or impress
unconvincing poor tame thin weak flimsy implausible inadequate ineffective ineffectual paltry unsuccessful inept pathetic shallow unsatisfactory flat fruitless futile lame profitless useless unpersuasive tenuous incredible unbelievable inconceivable insufficient trifling transparent unsound unimpressive questionable unsubstantial improbable suspect illogical unlikely unreasonable superficial slight groundless false fallacious vain half-baked trivial untenable insubstantial inconsequential dubious hollow sketchy doubtful faulty frivolous controvertible specious fantastic baseless far-fetched fishy inane wishful ungrounded frail assailable weakly contemptible airy full of holes hard to believe hard to swallow insignificant phony erroneous unsupported phoney unbacked lacking substance ill-founded light fragile puny unrealistic fanciful fantastical incredulous uncompelling puerile unthinkable unimaginable strained unconceivable faltering inefficient unpleasing unsuitable flabby preposterous remote ponderous forced laboured labored strange vague flawed irrational nonsensical inconclusive unsubstantiated absurd contradictory nebulous ludicrous farfetched threadbare difficult to believe cock-and-bull not convincing beyond belief scarcely credible hard to take full of it vapid spurious incongruous unsustainable invalid unsupportable shaky irreconcilable puzzling obscure senseless impossible indefensible meager meagre nonrational reachy unfounded unreasoned inconsequent illegitimate unreasoning fatuous nutty wacky problematic weak-kneed off the wall won't hold water won't wash self-contradictory unapt debatable ridiculous not likely uncertain iffy beyond the bounds of possibility unexpected unnatural contrived elaborate bizarre exaggerated incoherent hokey overdone unimagined tall unplausible slim impracticable hundred-to-one rare mind-boggling far out too much slim and none not expected outside chance unheard of for the birds cock and bull doubtable dubitable equivocal speculative unsettled undecided unconfirmed unsure long shot fat chance on thin ice touch-and-go

Tính từ

Lacking strength of character
inadequate incompetent ineffective inefficient weak chicken-livered cowardly craven faint-hearted indecisive ineffectual lily-livered pigeon-hearted spineless spiritless timid timorous fearful soft unassertive chicken gutless insufficient pathetic sissified sissy weak-kneed wet wimpy wishy-washy yellow yellow-bellied candy-assed insignificant lame poor-spirited wimpish pusillanimous namby-pamby irresolute effete limp-wristed frail weakling characterless weakened nerveless invertebrate shrinking recreant unheroic chicken-hearted wussy weedy boneless poltroon quaking dastardly trembling submissive cowering chickenhearted milk-livered milk-and-water vacillating apprehensive fainthearted insipid abject scared frightened nervous silly foolish afraid drippy weak-willed daft vapid pithless jejune mousy diffident nerdy caitiff wavering unmanly lacking courage hesitant anxious jittery panicky pigeonhearted cowed dismayed mousey skittish tremulous shy soppy innocuous epicene coward simpering colourless inept mean-spirited snowflake swishy niddering poltroonish weak-minded colorless limp bland half-hearted milksoppish ignoble persuasible infirm impressionable doubtful persuadable compliant low deceitful offensive unprincipled treacherous unethical sneaking tricky easily frightened dishonourable dishonorable cringing afraid of one's own shadow listless sapless flavorless languid flavourless mediocre watered-down enervated dull biddable feeble-minded meek reticent self-effacing cringey white-livered sookie capricious gentle browbeaten bullied unassured intimidated Milquetoast daunted tentative shaky unnerved reluctant base doubting wary suspicious retiring cowhearted backward worthless chary easily led unconfident having cold feet running scared paper tiger no guts having the willies distrustful fearsome unsure squeamish forceless without a will of your own afraid of one's shadow jumpy scary feart impotent servile nervy coy tame spooked bashful antsy easily scared sheepish debilitated petrified funky startled terrified reserved quiet modest unassuming demure humble trepidatious excited fickle passive uncertain agitated wormlike faltering dithering useless faint shuddering agog powerless undetermined indeterminate fallible corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable undependable quivering twitchy stressy windy overstrung unquiet keyed up spooky having kittens crouching a bundle of nerves in a cold sweat like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks frightened of one's own shadow obsequious

Tính từ

Lacking force, vigor, or efficiency in action or expression
dim faint muted pale soft subdued weak indistinct unclear vague wishy-washy muffled quiet stifled inaudible low mumbled inarticulate hushed suppressed dull hazy faded softened whispered mute obscure strangled gentle scarcely audible low-pitched distant small delicate hush nonvocal noiseless indefinite sketchy indeterminate uncertain rough confused indiscernible murmuring faltering silenced diminished flat unintelligible deadened muttering hoarse meek lowered fuzzy out of earshot ill-defined low-key imperceptible bated unaccented unstressed reedy muttered slurred smothered unheard scarcely perceptible hard to make out hard to hear incoherent murmured garbled incomprehensible mumbling still disjointed stuttering stammering muddled jumbled soundless stumbling silent unhearable quietened poorly spoken halting hesitating unfathomable voiceless rambling meaningless hesitant indecipherable maundering hushful uncommunicative sedate unvocal dulcet calm mellow mom closemouthed tongue-tied stilly mum soft-spoken not talkative soft-toned toned down imperfect thudding indistinguishable quieted broken melodious subtle soothing not loud wordless not heard low-toned sotto voce mild slight moderate tame dainty graceful cryptic impenetrable enigmatic inscrutable ungraspable light wimpy scrambled illegible senseless speechless ambiguous unexplicit equivocal tenebrous incognizable inexplicit unknowable opaque fathomless Greek serene placid tranquil peaceful arcadian restful untroubled lown halcyon reticent awkward blurred clumsy all Greek to me bashful iced inhibited clammed up close laconic closed up mousy checked buttoned up inconversable dumb curbed dummied up

Tính từ

Not exciting, adventurous, or controversial
tame boring dull uninteresting tedious monotonous flat humdrum dreary wearisome tiresome pedestrian drab dry insipid stale unexciting slow ponderous bland lifeless leaden heavy stodgy prosaic tiring jejune wearying uninspiring colorless vapid stuffy numbing uninspired jading old colourless arid drudging monochromatic weary dusty stupid spiritless routine weak ordinary limp dead bloodless mediocre conventional inoffensive unobjectionable harmless mainstream safe diluted halfhearted ho-hum mind-numbing run-of-the-mill wishy-washy white-bread boiled down without punch anaemic unimaginative anemic lacklustre lackluster tired sterile pallid trite vacuous lame pale watery zestless characterless lustreless commonplace milk-and-water nothing barren mundane plain poor blah inadequate faint banal driveling drivelling inane flavourless half-hearted torpid flavorless pathetic antiseptic etiolated nondescript middle-of-the-road wan subdued flat tire puny tasteless dim ineffectual ineffective non-stimulating unanimated vacant thin innocuous namby-pamby enervated zero languid lusterless bleak unremarkable washed-out dowdy washed out dull as dishwater unmemorable impotent powerless vigourless pointless hackneyed hacky prosy least unpalatable Milquetoast nowhere unexceptional weariful soft mild nebbish beige corny fatuous tenuous slight dry as dust unchanging desolate frail common or garden anodyne inferior vanilla undistinctive unstimulating featureless unappealing pabulum waterish sapless nerdy wimpy sombre ho hum unimpressive faded dark somber ashen gloomy gray dingy ashy grey muted bleached illustrous black mousy pastel grimy washy light mat muddy toned-down sooty unlustrous dun matte listless unenthusiastic passive sober cold subfusc toned down droopy apathetic meek irresolute submissive melancholic melancholy passionless dispirited unmoved lackadaisical despondent languorous depressed mopy desiccated dejected low spineless unimpassioned wooden languishing unconcerned draggy slothful broken blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless dopey inanimate downhearted indifferent sad drippy indecisive downcast down in the dumps cast down down in the mouth lacking in vitality undistinguished uneventful soulless workaday quotidian common everyday average empty ornery simple bog-standard nothing to write home about samey bromidic normal garden-variety unvaried as dry as dust impersonal usual soporific dull-coloured plain vanilla expressionless deadly restrained dark-colored standard bare no great shakes depressing neutral monochrome dark-coloured clinical stiff mechanical dullsville dreich lacking variety a dime a dozen not up to much second-rate severe spartan stark modest uniform so-so typical unpretentious dismal basic plodding OK homespun soul-destroying cut-and-dry cut-and-dried standard-issue fatiguing repetitious matter-of-fact dulled institutional unentertaining unenjoyable unrelieved yawnsome blank lacking excitement lacking interest big yawn austere unoriginal practical middling joyless unornamented ascetic unadorned derivative unpolished unembellished emotionless repetitive unvarying fair homely passable run-of-the-mine medium run-of-mine second-class familiar regular unnoteworthy customary generic garden run of the mill dull as ditchwater prolix lacking variation functional unspirited irksome unburnished matt deadening no frills faceless lethargic unromantic static brownish uninhabited unadventurous derived chaste clean down-to-earth factual uninterested tepid platitudinous droning stock uninventive ubiquitous household frequent mindless unoccupied hollow toneless discoloured discolored threadbare habitual anonymous crude meagre simplistic meager inexpressive sluggish lacking vitality unimpressed uncreative heavy-handed yawn laborious trivial greyish unspectacular humble stereotyped suburban plebeian overlong worn-out two-dimensional dun-coloured brownish-grey day-to-day casual nitty-gritty terrestrial informal tolerable unfeeling unexpressive unexcited literal-minded no-nonsense dime-a-dozen not bad monastic uninflected spent null predictable plastic mean dragging enervating interminable mortal exhausting poky snooze unseasoned whitebread blind level-headed unsentimental hard-headed raw old hat dispiriting wintry wintery phoned in sorrowful damp oppressive windy endless formal without variety garden variety two a penny reiterated treadmill samely banausic monotonic all the same monotone recurrent sing-song unchanged grayish forbidding cheerless forgettable lead balloon lightish brown deadly dull unwelcoming grim flat as pancake long-drawn-out lacking in character glassy unresponsive impassive deadpan poker-faced puts one to sleep literal regimented off-putting uninviting serviceable useful utilitarian half-pie unemotional intermediate nothing special no-frills minimalist undecorated nothing to get excited about fair to middling devoid of emotion middle of the road utility unfussy uncluttered unostentatious hard-wearing without frills bog standard blending into the background

Tính từ

Suffering from an illness or disease or feeling unwell
ill sick unwell poorly ailing indisposed diseased infirm peaky queasy sickly frail funny weak afflicted bad queer crook unhealthy bedridden liverish invalided seedy crummy iffy infected valetudinarian down groggy grotty lousy peaked peculiar punk qualmish queazy queerish ropy rough sickened sickish squeamish unsound wabbit bummed grim woozy nauseous rotten run-down laid up not well off-colour under par below par in a bad way off-color off colour out of sorts not in good shape not oneself not up to par not very well under the weather in poor health laid low not up to snuff at death's door sick as a dog green about the gills a wreck like death warmed up off one's feet on sick list on the sick list feeling awful feeling rotten feeling terrible got the bug running temperature debilitated invalid run down delicate nauseated feverish impaired rocky suffering laid-up hospitalized incurable disordered rickety unfit hospitalised under medication broken down weakly out of action declining tottering faint imperfect defective confined wobbly off not so hot mean enfeebled dragging out of shape in poor condition washed out decrepit green giddy languishing dying haggard wasting in bad health awful terrible not feeling well disabled incapacitated down with in pain the worse for wear valetudinary handicapped pale achy hypochondriacal wretched hippish hipped splenetic not healthy pallid shaky anemic anaemic puny lacklustre cranky pining chronically ill often ill low always ill lackluster laid-low in ill health in poor shape ill-looking out of condition in a decline dreadful peely-wally peakish dizzy lightheaded light-headed bilious seasick carsick airsick drained sickly-looking drawn emaciated thin unsettled travel-sick pukish upset barfy out of commission sick as dog about to throw up green at the gills rundown not up to the mark poor paltry lame ropey ugly unsightly off one's feed horrible unstable failing qualmy reeling disgusted uneasy disturbed distressed unwholesome in bad shape ghastly sick as a parrot pasty pasty-faced in bed chunderous ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced corpse-like cadaverous sallow hors de combat confined to bed got a bug contaminated tainted septic blighted wan pinched trainsick peccant abnormal uncomfortable deathly pale fatigued infectious exhausted tired enervated etiolated peelie-wally uncertain restless dubious unsettling troubling odd suffering from motion sickness concerned doubtful fidgety weakened spent suffering from altitude sickness as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless weary green around gills sapped languorous sluggish depleted beat pooped wasted low-energy unsteady burned out worn out down-and-out asthenic worn-out languid prostrated prostrate broken-down tuckered out out of gas out-of-action tired out

Tính từ

Characterized by low quality or standard
poor substandard bad deficient defective faulty imperfect inferior mediocre abject appalling abysmal atrocious awful terrible dismal dreadful unsatisfactory low-grade second-rate third-rate jerry-built shoddy crude tinny trashy rubbishy miserable wretched disappointing lamentable deplorable pitiful inadequate insufficient unacceptable execrable frightful crummy dire bum diabolical rotten sad tatty tenth-rate ropy duff rubbish pants shabby valueless weak worthless grotty crumby dissatisfactory lame lousy suboptimal subpar common craptacular cheap cheapjack cheesy coarse gimcrack junky schlock schlocky sleazy trumpery direful egregious middling lacking bargain-basement cut-rate el cheapo a load of pants less-than-stellar under par below average below par low-rent below standard not up to scratch not up to standard weak sauce paltry pathetic meagre insubstantial meager sorry laughable hopeless woeful pitiable useless inconsiderable contemptible despicable limited disgraceful measly mean low restricted shameful inappreciable poxy piddling pits chronic wanting scant too little shocking reduced inefficient disastrous catastrophic grievous flawed impotent ineffectual little calamitous very bad sparing ineffective godawful ratty cruddy grubby scabby dirty scummy scurvy nasty sneaking subnormal not much cop well below par under-strength not up to par less than ideal displeasing wet inept not good enough undesirable petty found wanting not okay objectionable unworthy not acceptable bereft negligible scarce sparse short wanky incomplete dishonourable dishonorable scanty miserly sketchy skimpy incommensurate exiguous bare shy stunted depleted derisory spare parsimonious barren junk thin unproductive failing stinted small dry not enough too few in short supply bush-league tawdry base tacky low-quality unsound two-bit lemon ordinary second-class not up to snuff average dime-a-dozen downmarket poorer hack good-for-nothing sub-par disagreeable déclassé indifferent poor-quality leaving much to be desired not up to much insignificant cheap and nasty vile gaudy dodgy unexceptional pedestrian low-end meretricious sordid the pits horrible punk flimsy distressing bodger impaired tinhorn abominable piteous Brummagem damaged off low quality slipshod rough showy commonplace run-down twopenny-halfpenny affecting beggarly vulgar rueful tasteless unrefined undistinguished trifling offensive bush wrong ignoble humble sucky cheap-jack brummagem hideous ghastly horrendous wack inglorious cheapo naff unfinished heartbreaking cheapie unfit kitsch amiss dud marred broken-down moving lowly touching a dime a dozen entry-level bottom-rung heartrending unfashionable compassionate afflicted stirring joyless commiserative tearful arousing mournful suffering sorrowful distressed comfortless cheerless unpleasant gruesome plastic plebeian unimportant low cost unsatisfying unpretentious piss-poor garish unsightly repulsive gross trivial dilapidated needing tinsel unsuitable half-pie poor quality patchy sour ill scruffy dingy unfortunate puny menial low-ranking seedy no great shakes tragic makeshift scrubby humdrum ignominious broken reprehensible beastly worse lower-class subservient empty injured servile low-down detestable chintzy low-born scroungy warped malfunctioning from hunger pinchbeck tattered brassy odious blemished dinky garbage minor-league two a penny of a sort rinky-dink dime-store thrown together fallible out of order end-of-the-pier corny cheeseball second-best heart-rending strictly for the birds frowzy second class uncomfortable pretentious hateful harrowing disturbing saddening garbagy forlorn poignant plaintive tear-jerking uncultured low-class insalubrious lowbrow unsophisticated poorly distressful gut-wrenching merciful simple derisible to be pitied doleful proletarian unspeakable disreputable modest so-so unreliable off-color baseborn underprivileged fair yucky scrappy severe unremarkable unwashed run-of-the-mine passable medium run-of-the-mill run-of-mine shlocky godforsaken shlock downscale inconsequential lowborn obscure prole cheap-looking unassembled rare undersupplied infrequent unequal underprovided outclassed bog-standard uninspired uninspiring uncouth lumpen plebby regrettable cataclysmic God-awful incorrect frail tainted botched crippled working-class outta gas third string second string second fiddle run down unimpressive blithering tinselly not make it fair to middling ridiculous absurd ludicrous foolish-looking silly god-awful minimal down at heel not cut out for unstylish styleless ticky-tack inelegant dowdy ticky-tacky flashy degraded tinpot reject of low birth low-life of low rank mingy piffling ruthful cursed flaming dumbed down catchpenny brash crass infernal accursed revolting loathsome disgusting heinous confounded poopy debased bad quality footling degenerate glittering flash raffish loud second rate no good absent missing minor league small potatoes not satisfying bogus no-good low in quality grungy abandoned unpolished stupid villainous abhorrent slavish omitted gone unfulfilled less devoid cooked away needed destitute bankrupt deprived half-baked flamboyant flaring sporty glitzy glaring flaunting jazzy screaming blatant brazen obtrusive scungy burned out in default cut off out of gas meek gloomy grovelling dejected outcast groveling deferent hangdog humiliated self-effacing not up to expectations too little too late lesser minor secondary subordinate unsaleable unsellable scratched partial torn inoperative cracked deformed subsidiary second-string junior unassuming immature undeveloped inexact rudimentary demeaning degrading ancillary second-fiddle smaller bottom in a state of disrepair vicious faultful sick bottom-of-barrel disfigured not functioning minus not working few bugs slighter lower lower-ranking clumsy artless small-fry small-time back seat lower in status less important second-banana beneath someone third-string undersized below someone subjacent under someone's heel not very important lower in rank not so important rude ramshackle rickety unstable rough-hewn jury-rigged jerry-rigged carelessly built rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready badly built

Tính từ

Small and weak
puny little diminutive undersized frail pint-sized small stunted weak dwarfish pygmy slight underfed weakly fun size sickly underdeveloped tiny undernourished bantam delicate dinky fine fragile half-pint Lilliputian pint-size pocket pocket-size pocket-sized shrimpy smallish subnormal toylike undersize undeveloped weedy inferior infirm meagre meager minor niggling nothing peanut peewee picayune runt scrawny shrimp small-fry two-bit unconsequential unsound unsubstantial useless wee worthless zero zilch small time teeny-weeny teensy-weensy runtish small-boned miniature squat compact elfin minuscule atrophied mini underweight teeny runty baby short petite itsy-bitsy homuncular measly knee-high to a grasshopper minute midget dwarf teensy microscopic bitty bitsy infinitesimal itty-bitty weeny toy weensy minuscular microscopical minikin fun-size atomic little-bitty microminiature little bitty titchy tiddly pee-wee negligible small-scale nanoscopic vest-pocket trifling insignificant yea big eensy micro eensy-weensy minimum very small pintsize bite-sized pintsized miniaturized stubby miniaturised imperceptible dainty scaled-down ickle scrubby reduced portable bitesize light dwarfed skimpy sawn-off cramped low nano bijou knee high to a grasshopper thin skinny slender neat trim twiggy bite-size slightly built stocky cute lilliputian reedy embryonic babyish shriveled wizened invisible shrivelled squatty not large not big mite teeny weeny poky spindly pygmyish tincy teentsy handy abridged potted microbic concise condensed capsule insufficient molecular piddling piffling inconsiderable sparse inappreciable limited slim pygmaean minim exiguous scant spare nanosized teenty attenuate snub truncated young immature infant fleeting junior hasty brief gracile smaller stick skeleton broomstick dear adorable bonsai flyspeck boxy narrow with no room to swing a cat short-lived knee-high youthful dumpy model hardly any efficient lesser secondary bush-league adorbs minor-league small-time natty invisible to the naked eye fubsy very little nickel-and-dime not worth bothering about economic of space size-zero runted scrub shot undergrown lightly-built itsy bitsy incy wincy tincy wincy teensy weensy not heavy shallow munchkin yea high small fry meek lank mere a slip of a … low-lying not long low-slung second rate not tall knee high to a gnat sawed-off close to the ground button

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Not producing any significant or desired effect
incapable incompetent inept inadequate inexpert unfit unfitted unqualified ineffective unproficient unskilful ineffectual inefficacious inferior insufficient cack-handed ham-fisted hopeless inapt lacking ability no good pathetic unable unskilled unskillful useless weak not good enough butterfingers dependent disqualified frail ineligible inexperienced inproficient losing naive poor uncool unequipped unsuited vulnerable a dead loss leaving much to be desired not much cop not up to scratch unequal to the task not up to it not up to snuff not equal to not equal to something not up to not up to something out of one's depth not know one's arse from one's elbow powerless impotent worthless inefficient unsuccessful feckless counterproductive hamstrung inexpedient lame bad bum lousy rotten untrained prodigal faulty slovenly slack shooting blanks can't hack it careless improficient half-baked not cut out for extravagant disorganized sloppy unprepared improvident slipshod disorganised unworkmanlike amateurish amateur bungling unprofessional blundering substandard maladroit wanting clumsy floundering dilettante deficient unsuitable unapt dilettantish raw lacking nonprofessional undependable green jackleg incapacitated crude skill-less bumbling awkward unhandy ill-equipped cowboy gauche untaught unreliable bush-league unpractised lay botched shoddy hapless unsatisfactory unequal duff unschooled uncultivated not cut out unpracticed untalented unable to do something for toffee incapable of unqualified for incompetent at incompatible edentulous inadept hack talentless loser toothless unstudied non-qualified bush inoperative imperfect bodged ham-handed fumbled heavy-handed not prepared can't cut it defective butterfingered suboptimal subpar negligent slapdash all thumbs unaccomplished unpolished without finesse all fingers and thumbs lacking finesse couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery not much chop untrained for unable to do something out of one's element can't make the grade helpless uninitiated unadapted no great shakes less capable awful appalling atrocious dreadful terrible frightful asymmetrical abysmal dire out to lunch not have it rubbish pants untutored not qualified for found wanting in unsuited to inadequate for insufficient for unfitted for very poor a load of pants unable to do something to save one's life very bad ignorant unversed unacquainted uninformed non-technical unchartered uneducated unlicensed uncertificated non-professional new untamed illiterate undisciplined novice nescient wild not trained

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Unable to defend oneself or to act without help
helpless exposed unprotected vulnerable dependent incapable powerless weak defenceless impotent abandoned defenseless incompetent paralysed paralyzed susceptible undefended unfit unguarded unresistant weakly debilitated destitute forlorn infirm stranded basket-case disabled forsaken friendless inefficient inexpert invalid pinned prostrate shiftless tapped unable unaided easily destroyed easily hurt wide open open to attack tapped out over a barrel with hands tied up creek without paddle needy needful reliant clingy desperate clinging unarmed open endangered assailable naked pregnable unshielded deserted unfortified insecure in the lurch accessible impuissant unsafe indefensible without arms high and dry at risk marooned aground like a sitting duck without resources in difficulties without assistance without help frail stuck shipwrecked resistless caught easily damaged unpatrolled without weapons hands tied in peril in jeopardy easily wounded in danger on the line out on a limb unfitted incapacitated weaponless unarmoured undefendable without defences vincible unsheltered trapped unattended wide-open isolated unwatched woundable cut off grounded in the line of fire handcuffed hamstrung hog-tied bereft ashore left in the lurch open to foundered defenceless against vulnerable to an easy target for susceptive to receptive to wrecked ill-protected attackable beached liable subject stuck fast run aground sensitive prone poor pigeon sitting duck threatened threatened with laid open in peril of without protection in danger of left open laid bare up the creek on the spot out on limb in line of fire like a clay pigeon

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Bearing the characteristics of a simpleton, or someone who is uneducated
simple ignorant illiterate nonliterate uneducated benighted unlearned analphabetic uninstructed unlettered unread airheaded birdbrained bonehead boneheaded brain-dead brainless bubbleheaded chuckleheaded dense dim dim-witted doltish dopey dopy dorky dull dumb dunderheaded empty-headed fatuous gormless half-witted knuckleheaded lamebrain lamebrained lunkheaded mindless oafish obtuse opaque pinheaded senseless slow slow-witted softheaded stupid thick thickheaded thick-witted unintelligent unschooled unsmart vacuous weak-minded witless dark rude untaught untutored credulous foolish moronic shallow silly soft idiotic imbecilic daft dozy naive cretinous simple-minded dippy vapid imbecile slow on the uptake uninformed asinine dull-witted simpleminded untrained dotish wooden-headed dof pea-brained blockheaded inane crazy backward unenlightened bovine muttonheaded soft in the head pig-ignorant fat-headed gullible not the full shilling feebleminded chowderheaded dunce-like inexperienced sluggish dead from the neck up thick-skulled unaware thoughtless as thick as two short planks blockish harebrained uncultured unsophisticated goofy unknowledgeable uncultivated stolid unreasoning half-baked thick as two short planks tomfool innocent green unwise divvy glaikit nescient deficient unversed unscholarly scatterbrained giddy in the dark clueless uncomprehending unwitting vulgar oblivious lumpish feather-brained featherheaded philistine crass unmindful dimwitted feeble-minded unconscious loggerheaded uninitiated daffy unthinking barmy wooden uncivilized natural sappy uncouth instinctive weak dotty scatty thick-headed screwy very stupid dummy unrefined lowbrow insensible ill-informed hebetudinous uncivilised unintellectual clownish unknowing lethargic torpid frivolous unqualified superficial ill-advised flighty dizzy unconversant ditzy woodenheaded imprudent vacant retarded injudicious hebete cloddish puerile fool irrational braindead boorish featherbrained slow on uptake know-nothing not intelligent short-sighted mentally deficient mentally handicapped mad loopy primitive misinformed comatose heavy slumberish apprenticed ill-mannered unpolished unsuspecting inept jerky anencephalic anencephalous idiot stupefied soppy halfwitted Boeotian nonrational surd idiotical boobish fallacious unconsidered invalid unreasoned notional buffoonish clottish numskulled impassive fatheaded insensate laughable shortsighted ignoramus without thought batty dappy ill-educated foolishly stupid blind cockamamy blind to imperceptive incompetent skittish poorly educated pie-faced negligent careless lagging stunted arrested underdeveloped limited ridiculous indiscreet ludicrous unreasonable damfool neglectful forgetful unaccomplished insensitive unacquainted incognizant thick-skinned out to lunch inerudite solecistic catachrestic inattentive nitwitted mooning rash spaced-out out daydreaming moony artless unpractised lacking knowledge hare-brained impractical pea-brain log-headed unworldly touched pinhead dumbbell underachieving dumdum yo-yo subnormal ditsy unable to read and write out of the loop out of it unforced frothy spontaneous inherent born innate yeasty futile thick as mince lightheaded numbskull dumbo exceptional mentally defective gorked defective held back retardo light-headed light-minded wet behind the ears as green as grass a brick short of a load two sandwiches short of a picnic

Tính từ

Not securely fixed
unsteady unstable shaky rickety unsafe wobbly insecure rocky tottering precarious shaking teetering unbalanced unreliable wobbling tottery unfastened unsecured movable teetery unsound quivery shifting trembling trembly tremulous wabbly wayward wiggly not secure nonsecured dilapidated broken-down derelict ramshackle decrepit infirm ruinous imperfect decaying frail jerry-built weak broken flimsy tumbledown disintegrating crumbling rachitic rumpty geriatric wavering fragile shacky tumble-down rattletrap shambly falling to pieces insubstantial wonky makeshift dodgy breakable slight perilous hazardous dangerous delicate gimcrack shoddy vulnerable light badly built slippery spindly thrown together risky quaking bockety tricky ticklish defenseless defenceless quivering treacherous loose frangible shuddering on thin ice wabbling staggering unsubstantial cheap shuddery unwell dizzy atremble aquiver fluctuant vacillating quavery moving mobile unsure not safe exposed unprotected not fixed parlous touch and go uneven superficial worm-eaten wavy wiggling defective shifty suspect unguarded rotten damaged wispy sensitive brittle tender inconstant sick sickly ill doubtful swaying doddering rocking on its last legs groggy woozy easily broken doddery unsettled easily damaged floating awry iffy giddy lubricious not solid not robust in poor condition loosened slack slackened lax relaxed not stable lurching fitful not fixed in place endangered immature rootless at risk rough crude clumsy threatening unrefined artless rude menacing life-threatening high-risk uncertain threatened serious injurious hairy venturesome destructive malignant harmful unhealthy chancy toxic grievous grave jeopardizing shabby slipshod explosive hanging by a thread untrustworthy alarming erratic open to attack fearsome on a limb touchy jeopardising undependable rough-hewn rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready jerry-rigged carelessly built jury-rigged

Tính từ

Showing no interest, vigor, determination, or enthusiasm
lackadaisical limp languid languorous listless enervated idle indifferent lazy lethargic spiritless apathetic indolent inert abstracted half-hearted lukewarm uncaring dreamy insouciant leisurely offhand aimless bloodless passionless sluggish torpid careless casual impassive languishing lax relaxed shiftless slap-happy unconcerned unenthusiastic uninterested daydreaming disinterested dull easygoing energyless faineant fainéant halfhearted inattentive incurious laid-back laissez-faire Laodicean moony passive pococurante romantic sentimental slapdash slothful easy going laid back spring fever slow inactive weary heavy supine blah phlegmatic weak leaden dopey comatose snoozy flagging infirm wimpy faint easy blahs pining nebbish unhurried lymphatic sleepyhead sickly still sleepy tired lifeless unfeeling unanimated cold wishy-washy vapid bland unemotional anesthetic insensitive coldhearted insensible anaesthetic unkind drowsy unresponsive unenergetic draggy dormant slow-moving somnolent dilatory laggard slack cool emotionless unmoved debilitated stolid flat fatigued quiescent having spring fever otiose detached dispassionate hebetudinous droopy lacking in energy bored stoic non-committal lumpish callous untouched yawny neurasthenic dozy asthenic slumberous neb out of it logy what the hell could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less being lazy taking your time vigourless vacant mopish effete good-for-nothing perfunctory absent neutral heedless loafing workshy heavy-eyed work-shy negligent remiss plodding subdued uneager sluggardly bovine stagnant static drony resting slow-going unexcited half asleep quiet depressed lacking energy tepid sleepyheaded stiff down mooney sullen off sluggard drippy unenthused stupefied bone idle tardy laodicean uncertain uncommitted irresolute undecided hesitant chilly unresolved indecisive dead stoical uninvolved lacklustre lackluster narcotic stretchy exhausted unmoving undemonstrative unambitious impassible affectless numb cold-blooded unmotivated without energy dispirited

Tính từ

Sentimental in an exaggerated or false way
hokey banal cheesy commonplace dull hackneyed kitschy mawkish old-fashioned sentimental shopworn stale trite old hat soppy sloppy corny mushy emotional treacly drippy sickly cutesy icky oversentimental cloying twee sappy gushing schmaltzy cornball weepy maudlin sloshy overemotional bathetic sugarcoated saccharine sugary novelettish gushy spoony gooey sticky lachrymose romantic spooney soupy fruity slushy teary sickening nauseating wet syrupy tear-jerking toe-curling three-hanky self-pitying lovey-dovey three-hankie chocolate-box sick-making over-sentimental touching soft softhearted dreamy sobby nostalgic sweet overacted affected pathetic simpering soapy idealistic tender tearful effusive impressionable vapid honeyed passionate ingratiating demonstrative candied oversweet dewy-eyed over-emotional sickly-sweet jejune inane hearts-and-flowers moonstruck languishing insipid Mills-and-Boon tacky kitsch melodramatic visionary rosewater sugar-coated affectionate loving cute precious sad romanticized moving silly poignant tragic sickly sweet heart-rending fatuous soft-hearted romanticised excessive hacky OTT unctuous bromidic cornpone schlocky choking campy over the top dime-store histrionic corn-fed warmed-over disgusting heavy exaggerated cloyingly sweet melancholy depressing pretty picturesque attractive pretty-pretty soft-focus plaintive namby-pamby stirring affecting fulsome dismal enthusiastic emotive ebullient rhapsodic extravagant exuberant expansive hagiographical overdone unreserved unrestrained lyrical adulatory lavish oleaginous hagiographic powerful heart-warming uplifting harrowing impassioned heartbreaking soul-stirring haunting dramatic overenthusiastic oily exciting thrilling impactful impressive over-effusive hyped up over-enthusiastic laid on with a trowel

Tính từ

Tending to cause great distress or anxiety
woeful tragic miserable sad gloomy distressing pathetic grievous heartbreaking unhappy wretched pitiful dismal sorrowful harrowing pitiable sorry cheerless depressing distressful heart-rending saddening traumatic upsetting afflicted anguished deplorable doleful grieving heartrending lamentable mournful plaintive regrettable tear-jerking tragical unfortunate unlucky agonised agonized agonising agonizing disconsolate piteous calamitous catastrophic cruel disappointing disastrous grim mean paltry racked tortured unpleasant dire dreadful awful terrible poor abject affecting moving gut-wrenching rueful poignant forlorn joyless hopeless appalling touching comfortless painful disturbing cataclysmic melancholy bad shameful ruinous dreary devastating afflictive fatal shabby base stirring drear tearful horrendous unfavourable egregious harmful bleak unfavorable disquieting shocking vile disheartening execrable drab adverse rotten scurvy sombre worthless disgraceful desolate morose somber detrimental suffering distressed dark crushing atrocious dolorous meagre meager horrible direful destructive black lousy to be pitied fateful frightful ill-fated difficult unwelcome inopportune untoward arousing compassionate commiserative low intolerable damaging injurious sordid gruesome discouraging beggarly unpropitious cataclysmal sullen solemn inadequate depressive crippling deadly bitter contemptible lethal glum funereal uncomfortable excruciating inferior ghastly hideous abominable god-awful hapless vexatious heart-breaking ruthful mortifying commiserable horrific derisible heart-wrenching ill-starred merciful despicable insignificant cheap ill-advised deleterious desolating emotional teary stark outcast unsightly nasty repulsive gross blameworthy wrong undesirable reprehensible sober lame dispiriting untimely disconcerting degrading offensive regretful melting tender melancholic demoralising demoralizing inauspicious unnerving discomforting loss-making beseeching ruined supplicating imploring entreating too bad disadvantageous unadvantageous horrid dejecting dispirited mirthless oppressive troublesome dolesome costly sacrificial humourless foul humorless tough hostile useless puny petty cold depressed discomposing a pity squalid godforsaken unpromising inimical damning dingy plangent lachrymose horrifying pensive lugubrious worrying uninviting infelicitous hard catastrophal tormenting hurtful disagreeable alarming shattering unsettling grave small frightening afflicting galling indigent scungy impoverished sepulchral displeasing detestable stressful dirty despondent dejected concerning ignominious fearful haunting mortal nagging desperate confronting mediocre inexcusable deathly nerve-racking hurting inept crummy shoddy godawful diabolical unsatisfactory rubbish sucky ridiculous absurd ludicrous abysmal derisory laughable foolish-looking silly odious beastly second-rate third-rate

Tính từ

(of a mixture or effect) Delicately complex and understated
subtle muted faint understated delicate modest soft subdued vague gentle imperceptible inconspicuous indistinct minimalist pale slight tempered conservative indefinite moderated simple softened stifled unsubstantial discreet mellow muffled negligible unobtrusive enervated indirect insinuated lowered neutral quiet repressed restrained suggestive unassuming low-key toned down toned-down washed out low-keyed delicately complex hardly detectable hardly noticeable unostentatious pastel dull faded light dim unpretentious unnoticeable flat plain sober low-profile unflashy unremarkable ordinary lacklustre lackluster sombre somber soft-hued downbeat light-coloured light-colored shaded hidden lustreless lusterless insignificant retiring concealed relaxed camouflaged unemphatic soft-pedalled tenuous secretive shy drab dark dreary dusty tasteful unlustrous invisible washy dulled washed-out light-toned played down easy having unconspicuous obscure reserved easy-going whitish laid-back bleached circumspect hushed bland unspectacular in the background fair blond blonde conventional dirty darkish greyish straight square demure casual informal moderate unshowy insouciant nonchalant equable grayish wishy-washy peaches-and-cream toned soft-pedaled weak out of sight together cool at ease unflappable unglamorous unfussy unimposing unexceptional undistinguished easygoing modulated characterless run-of-the-mill forgettable unmemorable inobtrusive light-hued pale-coloured pale-colored pastel-coloured unclouded pastel-colored clear clean free and easy downhome whispered loose unnoticed unseen not steep backstage gradual out of the limelight behind the scenes out of the spotlight out of the public eye soft-sell self-effacing played-down quietened murmured insipid dulcet inaudible mild not loud low soothing tame nondescript commonplace normal workaday average mediocre indifferent everyday prosaic uneventful common routine usual garden-variety typical meek humble diffident boring mundane timorous shrinking timid humdrum unassertive withdrawn reticent cut-and-dry standard cut-and-dried standard-issue bashful unconfident natural insecure stock quotidian uninspired mousy unnoteworthy nothing special common or garden par for the course bog standard silent down-to-earth unaffected lowly genuine unpretending artless unambitious prim ingenuous backward prevailing formulaic settled popular familiar habitual wonted traditional customary established garden accustomed frequent general public unimpressive pedestrian middle-of-the-road bog-standard acceptable adequate tolerable decent OK so-so fair-to-middling no great shakes anonymous second-rate unexciting middling nothing to write home about not much cop plodding introverted unaggressive introvert unpresuming unforthcoming amateur amateurish vanilla hackneyed keeping a low profile trite ornery jejune suburban nothing out of the ordinary generic inconsequential okay no big deal a dime a dozen plain vanilla

Tính từ

Not working
broken defective faulty inoperative kaput malfunctioning broken-down bust damaged non-functioning unsound busted in disrepair inoperable not working disabled down finished imperfect not functioning out ruined wonky knackered out of commission out of kilter shot spent wracked duff exhausted gone haywire unsatisfactory unusable weak acting up conked out done for gone haywire not in working order on the blink out of order playing up run-down worn-out coming unglued coming unstuck conked-out fallen apart had it screwed up gone phut gone to pieces gone to pot in the shop on the fritz on the shelf out of whack in need of repair on its last legs unserviceable out of action non-functional gone kaput out of service dud broken down useless nonfunctional kaputt impaired sunk flawed nonfunctioning nonoperating dead jiggered inactive out of use doomed done wrecked smashed injured ineffective hurt spoiled marred dilapidated destroyed spoilt worn out toast no good bonkers kerflooey blemished up the spout incapacitated totaled wiped out beat-up dashed lost not functional defeated devastated tumbledown ramshackle done in not in operation crumbling harmed in ruins unavailable for use in flames in a state of disrepair gone to rack and ruin given up the ghost at an end not in use stopped working washed up packed up falling to pieces down the tubes not in service down for the count down the drain gone bust past its best old failed bad rumpty buggy worthless clapped out scratched dented inoperational valueless darned unavailable debilitated dinged snafued bent flubbed unoperational unfunctional S U off unproductive unavailing crashed dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go non-operational doesn't work in repair decommissioned invalid on the bum unworkable ineffectual nonactive inefficacious shattered through crushed null and void over bankrupt hors de combat beaten undone drained thwarted empty liquidated over with in pieces dead and buried over the hill played out gone to the wall past it washed-up wound up derelict in shreds in tatters in ashes dead in the water ruinous disintegrating decaying neglected shambly uncared-for decrepit deteriorated munted shacky blasted decayed run down battered botched mutilated robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried abandoned falling apart defaced ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained worse for wear defunct cooked ended extinct floored on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up out of business down and out all washed up

Từ trái nghĩa của feeble

feeble Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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