Từ đồng nghĩa của innocent

Alternative for innocent


Từ đồng nghĩa: blameless, faultless, guiltless, harmless, sinless,

Từ trái nghĩa: guilty,

Tính từ

Không có hành vi hoặc phẩm chất trái đạo đức
pure impeccable sinless immaculate righteous stainless upright decent moral impeccant pristine spotless unblemished uncorrupted virtuous wholesome blameless faultless unsullied guiltless holy incorrupt irreproachable perfect uncorrupt undefiled untainted untarnished virginal white chaste clean cleanhanded demure honest inculpable modest uncontaminated virgin angelic exemplary good sackless unoffending lily-white squeaky-clean free of sin not guilty squeaky clean free of as pure as the driven snow whiter than white unimpeachable clear honourable honorable above reproach flawless ethical pure as the driven snow unstained upstanding worthy in the clear noble above suspicion respectable reputable vestal proper meritorious just nice saintly celibate irreprehensible scrupulous model admirable laudable praiseworthy crimeless unaffected maidenly right beyond reproach right-minded high-minded guilt-free uncensurable G-rated principled unspotted decorous ideal estimable without fault uninvolved unpolluted angelical commendable simple lawful correct unspoilt pious abstinent incorruptible law-abiding true seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible clean-living unblamable punctilious licit legal legitimate safe maiden trustworthy unwed intact unmarried self-denying self-restrained seemly beyond criticism excellent continent anti-corruption straight dutiful prudish moralistic paradigmatic classic sterling quintessential platonic undamaged bueno prototypical classical neato all right batting a thousand not too shabby not bad dignified not to blame equitable whole quiet refined elegant clean-cut untouched faithful restrained austere morally correct copybook outstanding free apple-pie inexperienced neat impotent intemerate controlled monogamous subdued consummate exceptional charitable sound self-righteous conscientious spiritual unobjectionable stand-up distinguished noble-minded characteristic typical illustrative representative unflawed unspoiled unerring unmarred cleared exonerated artless natural angel-like reliable dependable untouchable unassailable clean-handed without guilt having clean hands not responsible highly respectable unsoiled without sin free from guilt free from blame redoubtable unexceptionable gleaming shining snowy non-sexual friendly unwemmed chase polite fine high-principled without blemish innocent as a lamb rectitudinous conscionable respected inoffensive unmarked uninjured unimpaired unhurt harmless truthful nunlike peaceful professional saintlike godly lofty imitable archetypal archetypical textbook definitive chivalrous aboveboard exquisite exact precise in good taste esteemed gallant magnanimous applaudable favoring obedient balanced elevated right-thinking unbribable incorrupted square courteous kosher very good highly regarded dapper alright goody-goody precious accurate errorless ten aces infallible A-okay note-perfect fleckless free from sin calm serene tranquil at peace cultivated tractable well-behaved sanctimonious on target irreprovable salt of the earth true-blue guileless beautiful fair reproachless favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly absolved exculpated untroubled unblighted unprofaned inviolate lovely snow white straightforward proud God-fearing entrancing adorable lily white wide-eyed devoted reverent impartial matchless deserving philanthropical devout philanthropic godlike creditable peerless edifying uplifting lovable beatific enchanting adorbs wet behind ears babe in woods improving non-erotic non-violent pure as driven snow sanitary open invigorating helpful ruddy sane normal practical open-faced sensible together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical blooming let off free to go free of blame off the hook scot free all there hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink trusty steady loyal constant staunch steadfast solid sure dedicated responsible tried-and-true sincere calculable firm unwavering fast trustable secure tried committed down-the-line unswerving stanch ardent tried and true tried and tested resolute fitting reasonable unfailing on the level trusted fair-minded venerable stable true blue above board rational allegiant stalwart justified rightful civilized legit orderly certain forthright of good repute compliant duteous respectful genuine justifiable civilised unbiased never-failing unprejudiced enduring valid well behaved due up front evenhanded nonpartisan mannerly recognized on the up and up proven disciplined humane nondiscriminatory fervent candid zealous indifferent established true-hearted unfaltering becoming suitable full of integrity recognised submissive docile deferential wholehearted immovable keen peaceable veracious prestigious fervid objective well-founded sporting biddable even-handed tested dispassionate gracious open-minded anti-discrimination non-discriminatory neutral non-partisan equal befitting strong certified attested appropriate competent approved patriotic genteel well-thought-of copper-bottomed orthodox sober fanatical praisable passionate supportive confirmed uncolored fail-safe fit persistent enthusiastic mature levelheaded card-carrying well-mannered liege dyed-in-the-wool comely conforming deep-dyed tried and trusted amenable well founded de rigueur comme il faut level-headed assured notable eminent knightly foolproof guaranteed reasoned great reputed name disinterested logical honoured authentic warranted proved commonsense commonsensible informed worthwhile stout regardful of principle generous benevolent predictable valuable hard earnest on the up-and-up obdurate redoubted deserved merited condign thankworthy intense meritable illustrious inexorable honored attentive unselfish presentable accepted civil benign sympathetic circumspect settled august fresh frank definite determined strict close fixed tasteful veridical undistorted sworn uncompromising serious courtly well bred pukka sedate failsafe according to the rules lordly done unchanging pledged hard-core hard-working obligatory bosom sure-fire truehearted staid high conventional true to life greathearted adherent boon well mannered of good report fair and square reserved well grounded mad keen always there above-board from the horse's mouth behind one peacekeeping complying acquiescent idealistic creditworthy manageable conformable glorious gentlemanlike credible Christian sporty according to Hoyle needy eligible morally right morally acceptable detached undisturbed die-hard concerned attached vigorous discreet unflappable invaluable adult unbigoted egalitarian unhesitating valued go-to first-class capable on up and up inextinguishable immortal undestroyable perpetual straight-arrow in good faith honest-to-goodness reverential tough inflexible stiff expected awaited slated anticipated apt apposite rocklike sturdy admiring consecrated on up-and-up effective unmistakable uncoloured proportionate confiding loving believable affectionate standard avid as thick as thieves inseparable astute unshakable beneficent persevering upfront impersonal level even-steven cricket fair-to-middling fastidious critical heedful punctual no lie tactful consistent demonstrated A-1 traditional capable of being trusted without fear or favour string along with palmary prized admired meretorious appreciable high-powered well respected of repute well thought of liberal brave impervious bounteous wise sagacious judicious intelligent used formal polished as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout rock solid to be trusted down home meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating pliant filial deferent abiding stubborn immobile unquestioning rigid adamant bound unmovable changeless unbending unqualified intent good as one's word to be counted on carrying the load prudent emphatic with no axe to grind fair shake square deal tolerant extraordinary remarkable eager driven gentlemanly ladylike well known famous well-known renowned popular celebrated acclaimed favored prominent famed high-ranking thinking twice extremely careful tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses binding assiduous diligent defensible defendable warrantable regular perceptive shrewd percipient couth without reproach through and through studious purposeful favoured with a good reputation impassioned major league in limelight big time big name of excellent character top drawer seasonable ceremonial meet well disciplined au fait as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out single-minded given over to vindicable decisive great-hearted self-sacrificing confident sanctioned significant fly canonical hardened unequivocal positive careful well trained incumbent on unscathed unharmed cogent perfervid unflinching deep conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine able carefree hopeful in high favor of good standing kind obliging well-engineered well-built tidy smart spruce active vehement profound neighbourly shoo-in easy accommodating ordinary moderate sublime mediocre factual rhadamanthine earned requisite coming scheduled heartfelt red-hot in the bag nailed down locked on thoughtful amiable considerate hospitable well-grounded imperturbable equable learned agreeable indulgent kindly amicable comradely altruistic unmoved unchanged adoring worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic sociable pleasant well built high-quality well engineered scholarly poised stolid unimpressed dry-eyed unconcerned unaltered uninfluenced unstirred genial companionable neighborly verifiable veritable full of common sense well balanced collected serious-minded unexcitable down-to-earth having both feet on the ground composed unruffled self-possessed cool out of danger in perfect condition entire without a scratch in good condition shipshape unbroken safe and sound untried goody two-shoes authenticated supported convincing documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified straight from horse's mouth well-disposed well-brought-up

Tính từ

Thiếu kinh nghiệm thế gian, sự khôn ngoan hoặc sự phán xét
naive ingenuous simple trusting credulous unsophisticated unsuspicious unworldly guileless gullible artless naïve unsuspecting unwary trustful unknowing unpretentious unwitting confiding impressionable inexperienced oblivious unaffected unaware unguarded unmindful unsceptical clueless green ignorant incognizant insensible unacquainted uninformed childlike naif naïf primitive uncritical unfamiliar nescient raw unconscious unpretending unschooled unstudied youthful over-trusting simpleminded easily deceived easily led easily taken in born yesterday as green as grass wet behind the ears wide-eyed immature dewy-eyed dewy untrained callow natural aw-shucks unfledged young uninitiated new fresh unenlightened in the dark open unconversant easy unseasoned untried unversed exploitable uninstructed untutored uneducated untaught undeveloped tenderfoot susceptible unlearned juvenile adolescent amateur inexpert heedless honest unknowledgeable dupable frank spontaneous unpracticed jejune rookie genuine kid accepting childish believing unaccustomed blind to deceivable illiterate mindless candid verdant benighted unread unlettered unqualified uncultivated witless unskilled plain over-trustful shallow thick dense blind rude unripe unfamiliar with straightforward unintellectual unquestioning misinformed foolish inept unskeptical fleeceable undisciplined sophomoric obtuse uncultured sincere without airs biting imbecilic moronic nonliterate cretinous puerile birdbrained boyish deaf unripened unformed unpractised unassuming simple-minded true fledgling uninhibited silly deaf to babyish childly prentice down-to-earth inattentive unused apprenticed forgetful folksy spring chicken wet behind ears careless coincidental amateurish virgin inconversant negligent unproven girlish lacking experience infant analphabetic untested cute caught napping oblivious to unaffected by impervious to modest fresh-faced vulnerable in the dark about accidental unintentional direct unartificial pure clean unreserved real unpremeditated forthright underdeveloped gullable uninitiate unobservant unintended plain-spoken frivolous chance tender casual inadvertent homey straight undesigned unheeding unplanned unbriefed dark stupid unintelligent daydreaming unscholarly unresponsive involuntary insensitive transparent unconcerned dim dumb impervious unbaked jellybean crude sophomore backward upfront dopey unmeant easy mark like a babe in the woods dozy not told not informed unaware of out of it out to lunch indifferent to ignorant of unconscious of ill-informed a stranger to unenlightened about slow on the uptake unconversant with not dry behind ears uninformed about inexperienced in strange to unschooled in just starting out unrehearsed optimistic inexperience developing junior budding idealistic uncomplicated baby-faced lamblike undeceitful unapprised vernal uncool country corn-fed undoubting moist damp wet overcredulous exploitative exploitatory exploitive blank green as grass overtrusting newly arrived tenderfooted incompetent slow fictile defenceless babe in woods infantile teenage teenaged savage uncivilized imprudent regardless dew-covered first-time unrefined heavy with dew unskillful malleable barbarian barbaric undiscerning unnoticing unrecognizing not knowing disregardful disregarding unpolished gauche impractical dull bread-and-butter boylike unprofessional nonprofessional readily swallowing whole readily taken in readily falling for neglectful relaxed inerudite catachrestic solecistic unselfconscious provincial rustic parochial uncivilised fierce barbarous untamed animal brutish austere atavistic undomesticated vestigial wild jackleg half-witted sucker mark defenseless strange out of the loop bush-league corny unadulterated cornball authentic aimless numb senseless comatose haphazard insensible to fond unable to read and write unused to new to nescient of untutored in unaccustomed to fresh to unwise swallowing whole tumbling for taken in kidding oneself taking no notice unconcerned by removed from detached from thoughtless virginal taking the bait being a sucker uncorrupted unjaded quaint dinkum unthinking lost to in ignorance Panglossian countrified unforced superficial falling hook line and sinker uncontrived airheaded starry-eyed unstudious unmannered uncomprehending daft fortuitous incidental uncalculated flukey fluky unperceptive unstilted accountable unconstrained chowderheaded dof glaikit dotish divvy hebete uncaring reckless feckless irreflective undevised unthought mooning doped spacey empty-headed humble homely a brick short of a load dead from the neck up as thick as two short planks thick as two short planks not the full shilling pig-ignorant two sandwiches short of a picnic indifferent free-spoken outspoken not cognizant out cold unimposing unobtrusive honest-to-goodness unspoiled unostentatious forthcoming well-intentioned not on purpose not all there not in the loop in a daze unfeeling apathetic untouched downright up-front blunt inelaborate down easy-going unpresumptuous uncomplex unbeautified discreet prosaic unembellished unambitious free-spirited laid-back self-effacing plainspoken truthful communicative not aware unmoved unimpressible impassive imperceptive freehearted openhearted unacquainted with uninformed of obdurate impercipient unperceiving lay it on the line out-front open-and-shut talking turkey on the level above board fair not afraid to call a spade a spade undissembled straight from the shoulder round not knowing the first thing about uninitiated about innocent about clueless about uninitiated in unknowing of unwitting of not having the faintest about without knowledge green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of innocent of up front down home mindless of unmindful of unresponsive to negligent of untouched by insensitive of unmoved by without knowledge of careless of unsusceptible brainless idiotic vacuous doltish fatuous lamebrained thickheaded dim-witted unsmart boneheaded dunderheaded oafish slow-witted chuckleheaded lunkheaded dopy weak-minded bubbleheaded vapid pinheaded knuckleheaded brain-dead softheaded gormless opaque lamebrain bonehead dorky thick-witted dull-witted pea-brained wooden-headed bovine muttonheaded soft dunce-like fat-headed imbecile dippy soft in the head inane blockheaded crazy half-baked rash asinine wooden barmy stolid boorish blockish absurd lumpish philistine thick-skulled indiscreet feeble-minded hare-brained uncouth sluggish incautious preposterous feebleminded vulgar deficient ridiculous goofy hasty dotty wacky unreasoning ill-advised nonsensical harebrained cloddish flighty scatterbrained daffy brash inconsiderate instinctive thick-headed unprepared feather-brained crass lowbrow inadvisable heathenish injudicious irresponsible foolhardy torpid laughable risible rough unreasonable farcical lethargic giddy nitwitted uncivil loutish mad batty unwatchful heathen damfool dilettante tomfool scatty screwy dappy kooky loony cuckoo screwball looney nutty lunatic featherheaded zany whacky crackpot kookie sappy Neanderthal Neandertal jerky insane featherbrained cockamamie cockeyed balmy fool unadvised unsafe numskulled novice ill-considered know-nothing clownish clumsy uncircumspect napping absent-minded off-guard unalert impetuous not intelligent mentally deficient mentally handicapped unvigilant lowbrowed lifeless inert phlegmatic placid dimwitted ill-mannered numbskulled inanimate somnolent halfwitted low-browed feeble braindead impolitic insensate heavy erratic unstable anencephalic anencephalous loggerheaded clottish ill-educated pointless ignoramus fatheaded inactive listless loopy Boeotian unaccomplished slothful chowderhead slow on uptake tasteless inherent born innate not bright poorly educated archaic inconsistent bourgeois pie-faced sheepheaded muddle-headed vacant ditzy dizzy skittish very stupid pagan infidel medieval antiquated lacking knowledge idolatrous unwarned materialist commercial mediaeval feudal retarded irreligious godless inappropriate non-technical unequipped unconsidered hot-headed ludicrous agnostic atheistic incapable uncertificated unchartered unlicensed pea-brain anti-intellectual inartistic coarse illogical irrational misguided non-professional lay non-believing unbelieving heretical ungodly faithless unholy derisive derisory comical feather-headed churlish nullifidian idiotical pathetic cockamamy improvident ferine fell brutal bestial truculent beastly feral rugged non-literate ungraceful lumpen hick hillbilly graceless maladroit not trained off one's guard sceptic profane nonbeliever skeptic stilted clodhopping stiff awkward unmannerly ferocious rough-hewn backwoods ungainly glib simplistic trifling inefficient slapdash vicious jungli harsh unprecedented novel unheard-of unknown original schematic lightweight insubstantial trivial slipshod shoddy cowboy unskilful sloppy facile frothy flimsy empty cursory surface sketchy meaningless oversimplified hollow bumbling dilettantish bungling blundering second-rate a newbie to too green not given to not used to a novice at unversed in not used newcome a newcomer to inexperienced at a stranger unpractised in vain petty piddling paltry addle-brained cack-handed skin-deep wishy-washy one-dimensional nonexpert slack inadequate immoral unfitting dishonourable dishonorable wrong unsuitable

Tính từ

Tươi mát
unspoiled intact perfect unchanged untouched artless unaffected unblemished undamaged unharmed wholesome fresh natural pristine uncorrupted well-preserved preserved unassuming clean clear crisp just out latest new original pure recent refreshing sparkling uncontaminated unimpaired unpolluted unprocessed unstudied untainted whole young untarnished undefiled unsoiled unsullied unstained unadulterated immaculate virgin undebased unspoilt spotless virginal sanitary unmarred salubrious mint unspotted brand-new laundered washed native uncultivated refined straight fine purified trim earthy plain organic white dirt-free unmixed unmodified undiluted unalloyed luscious envigorating sweet invigorating primal restorative unbroken indigenous unfermented not rotten not sour raw crude wilding agrestal wild unused sterile span-new sterilized disinfected brand new firsthand untried excellent mint condition in perfect condition spic-and-span spanking as new unseasoned spick-and-span untrodden spanking-new brand-spanking new shipshape in tiptop condition spanking new in mint condition brand spanking new flawless uninfected healthful taintless pasteurised aseptic intemerate sterilised pasteurized healthy good for you germ-free health-giving antiseptic hygienic stainless sanitized neat germfree sanitised squeaky-clean chaste fair shining unmarked snowy faultless delicate disease-free simple tidy gleaming like new polished cleaned up distilled absolute sanative prophylactic decontaminated completely clean salutary spotlessly clean unopened good salutiferous unworn cool squeaky clean neat and tidy spruce clean and tidy cleaned very clean as clean as a whistle tonic uncompounded uncombined cooling airy energising revitalising pleasant unblended refreshful energizing revitalizing rejuvenating rejuvenative revivifying vitalizing unsubdivided basic single elementary speckless fundamental non-complex non-compound cleansed dirtless squeaky unsmudged orderly elegant cleanly graceful vanilla well-kept spic and span neat as a button neat as a pin

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Nhút nhát và thích ở một mình
demure modest bashful coy retiring shy diffident reserved unassuming reticent decorous meek prim mild prissy proper prudish quiet timid decent ladylike respectable sedate seemly shrinking sober staid strait-laced timorous chaste maidenly priggish pure virginal virtuous backward coquettish down-to-earth goody-goody humble introverted kittenish lowly old-maidish puritanical recessive self-effacing sheepish starchy straight unpretentious withdrawn affected niminy-piminy retired square uptight blushing close earnest nice serious silent skittish solemn unassertive unassured prim and proper restrained unobtrusive gentle cool vestal undefiled peaceful reclusive immaculate subdued self-restrained unsullied virgin uncommunicative secretive moral placid serene conventional inhibited undemonstrative solitary standoffish mousy uncorrupted unostentatious soft-spoken clean simple unsociable fearful unpresuming taciturn formal distant aloof cold self-contained cautious collected sinless close-mouthed self-conscious insecure offish wholesome media-shy nervous unconfident apprehensive unblemished plain hesitant discreet constrained unforthcoming composed soft polite G-rated unapproachable private eremitic aw-shucks docile embarrassed introvert celibate unaffected deferential refined uncompanionable abstinent lamblike incorrupt controlled intact unambitious withdrawing pure as the driven snow shamefaced detached maiden unboastful frigid unresponsive rabbity unwed peaceable misanthropic icy ceremonious noncommittal spotless stand-offish self-denying unmarried temperate reverent uncontaminated mim good elegant angelic faint-hearted inconspicuous submissive unpretending ordinary reluctant overmodest resigned becoming befitting low-key calm genteel inward-looking yielding fit dignified compliant fitting remote tentative wary suitable abashed unfriendly acquiescent forbearing closemouthed gentlemanly guarded laconic cowed self-controlled mannerly chary hermitic untainted tender pleasant upright right snobbish affable thoughtful tame manageable compassionate nongregarious guiltless pacific respectful moderate caring tight-lipped obliging stainless conforming done comely courteous lenient benevolent benign continent meet de rigueur well-mannered sympathetic austere in good taste softhearted untarnished mellow neat intemerate monogamous inexperienced impotent warmhearted gracious harmless free of sin squeaky clean unoffensive good-natured comme il faut tender-hearted mild-mannered non-confrontational arch flirtatious simpering genuine natural evasive artless ingenuous severe girlish delicate doubtful unsure introspective unaggressive apologetic low-profile unnoticeable independent honourable honorable orthodox unstained platonic antisocial isolated prudent self-doubting uncertain indrawn weak-kneed trembling quaking cowering unsocial ungregarious insular ashamed socially inhibited hermit-like hermitical contemplative self-absorbed self-interested pensive obsequious servile dubious suspicious flinching distrustful blenching unpoised subtle understated toned-down repressed low-keyed muted unflashy unrevealing eremetic easily frightened lacking courage casual unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious uninterested indifferent egoless obedient unprotesting spineless unresisting spiritless ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed self-centred in line keeping a low profile reverential subservient by the numbers by the book free from vanity hiding one's light under a bushel self-deprecating ill at ease patient self-centered wimpish mousey yellow scary fearsome gutless yellow-bellied tremulous chicken sissy trepidatious fainthearted biddable resistless supplicatory seclusive secret non-communicative self-sufficient anchoritic eremitical all alone tractable sycophantic long-suffering nunlike unaffable unexpansive faint recreant cowardly poor-spirited afraid frightened scared shuddering conservative impeccable unimposing flawless not forward doubting inelaborate unextravagant righteous verecund recoiling blushful kind poor homely faithful pristine impeccant easily embarrassed faultless blameless small unadorned holy irreproachable white perfect uncorrupt unexcessive unembroidered economical unornamented token honest cleanhanded inculpable genial considerate amiable clean-living free from sin exemplary agreeable pleasing sackless unoffending chilly dumb unemotional tranquil pabulum Milquetoast tolerant nothing orderly wishy-washy zero longanimous passive lily-white understanding easygoing merciful congenial kindly likeable humane sociable bland goodhearted motherly fatherly loving sweet-tempered laid back good-humored sisterly dovelike tenderhearted lovable maternal brotherly cheerful likable large-hearted good-humoured kind-hearted friendly amicable dove-like forgiving kindhearted paternal Olympian free of not guilty whiter than white squeaky-clean as pure as the driven snow unruffled easy imperturbable unflappable sensitive steady complaisant serious-minded grave correct unshaken unperturbed together recollected untroubled self-composed level possessed coolheaded undisturbed stiff limpid equal unworried self-possessed stuffy smooth stick-in-the-mud boring soft-hearted appropriate sombre deliberate dispassionate stately somber cold sober tasteful tactful cool as cucumber courtly civilized polished couth well behaved well-behaved well mannered well bred seasonable ceremonial civilised au fait frosty impersonal cold-eyed unbending asocial mum mom dry unclubbable unsympathetic standoff cold-blooded haughty unwelcoming mute passionless unfeeling buttoned-up apathetic speechless clammed up emotionless glacial chill impassive wooden phlegmatic tongue-tied forbidding uncordial close-lipped stolid inhospitable gelid unexpressive hostile untalkative buttoned up disdainful clammy antiseptic brittle hard-eyed stony careful supercilious affectless uncongenial unenthusiastic tightlipped sententious incommunicable incommunicative wintry poker-faced wintery lukewarm coldish stoical frozen arctic stilted sparing uncommunicable laid-back unneighbourly stoic impassible numb cagey uninvolved hushed wordless circumspect unmoved curt brooding uppity dark callous inarticulate unspeaking unneighborly tight-mouthed cool, calm and collected judicious unexcitable stern rigid heartless on the QT matter-of-fact reasonable zipped uneasy voiceless dour clamlike measured at a loss for words unamicable clinical pompous offhand contained sensible politic dried-up uncivil offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent level-headed antagonistic nonchalant alert heedful hush-hush unpassioned abstract rational gingerly safe hard-hearted deadpan watchful vigilant mumchance attentive calculating flat cold-hearted balanced dummied up disciplined abstracted in check unimpassioned preoccupied mannered not talkative cold as ice businesslike strained lost for words awkward cloistered unloving unsentimental diplomatic enigmatic snooty cynical proud unwilling deep under control still uncomfortable off disagreeable secluded unkind unpleasant ungracious ascetic rude thick-skinned hard-boiled stuck up insensible dried up fogeyish putting on airs leery arrogant jaundiced lone inimical stuck-up old-fashioned equable removed insouciant negative neutral inapproachable discourteous spacey dumbstruck of few words dumbfounded inaccessible expressionless toneless hollow dead blank vacant uncharitable hateful narrow-minded insensitive objective bottled up hardened grouchy strict starched spaced-out playing one's cards close to one's chest pococurante impartial keeping people at arm's length out of it discriminating observant precautious nowhere immovable nonemotional fuddy-duddy with reservations even warm nonvocal struck dumb on the lookout with eyes peeled of the old school levelheaded soundless saying nothing not saying boo unable to get a word out stony-eyed bereft of speech not given to excesses stiff-necked unextreme avoidant unaffectionate unamiable unnatural forced costive sullen frustrated tamed restricted limited brusque superior contrived laboured artificial ungenial mopey mopish camera-shy insociable scowling punctilious sequestered half-hearted tepid hung up steely flinty unhappy depressing mean-looking stodgy ungainly alienated put on airs unconversational unsmiling low-pitched low muffled hushful short outside repellent lifeless hard fierce discouraging off-putting hermitlike unenthused labored monastic exact precise cool-headed hard-headed not forthcoming complacent perfunctory cold-shoulder contemptuous withering unagitated inflexible uninquiring zipped one's lips have tight chops unimpressionable unfazed inscrutable secluse hermetic hardhearted official bureaucratic inhuman stony-hearted disinclined loath hesitating wavering indisposed unprejudiced uncommitted unbiased cryptic wise strategic obdurate inexpressive listless coldhearted marble uncompassionate blah unwilling to mix with other people sceptical wouldn't say boo to a goose pokerfaced featureless colorless soulless gray colourless grey uncolored depersonalised faceless candid depersonalized nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic undercover backstairs covert sly furtive feline mysterious intelligent judgmatical judgmatic discerning stable regular silentious unheard unimpressible insusceptible buttoning up clamming up hidden mum's the word tight chops zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip malevolent shut away straight arrow shocked sagacious softly-softly kid-glove straight-faced indurated inexcitable averse astounded under wraps inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up in charge chilled on a leash in control of yourself closed up in private in chambers in privacy pessimistic inhumane aghast dazed thunderstruck amazed awake civil worldly-wise considered not excessive compromising lonely alone strictly business cold turkey dependable settled reliable in the background in the dark sober-minded even-tempered sobersided gobsmacked flabbergasted selfish sarcastic hating egoistic sardonic egotistical misanthropical companionless shell-shocked along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on lookout having foresight not rash dumbstricken obmutescent playing your cards close to your chest mature anxious troubled friendless skeptical unaccompanied knocked for six astonished aphonic hit for six like a clam poised responsible sound carefree secure restless tense discomposed edgy unsettled blithe surly sour lonesome full of common sense well balanced calculable unswerving having both feet on the ground medium comfortable checked regulated constant curbed relaxed perturbed unrelaxed bothered nervy jittery antsy mindful provident aware special one-off sole unique singular one only deadly musty conformist aggressive ill-natured suspecting scrupulous shrewd forethoughtful unquiet discomforted disquieted discomfited devil-may-care happy-go-lucky humourless fusty by itself quarrelsome unanxious old-fogeyish nasty keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on your guard belt-and-braces watching one's step watching out walking on eggs on your toes taking it slow playing safe hedging one's bets on the qui vive on guard on the watch with one's eyes peeled narrow magisterial fetid straitlaced important self-important hot bloated humorless puffy foetid Victorian smug smoky smelly careless lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair antipathetic menacing adversary obnoxious mortal impolite adversarial unmannerly unattended forsaken sui generis out-of-the-way particular deserted lacking social skills by oneself on edge stag separate lorn on its own lofty nonplussed cross ill-disposed against conflicting opposite estranged malicious disaffected malignant spiteful competitive unpromising contrary warlike vengeful acrimonious opposed censorious combative grudging gruff unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless inattentive lackadaisical blind supine deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss heedless negligent undaunted non-committal on ice as dry as dust cold fish lone wolf vague not on speaking terms overcareful canny overcautious

Tính từ

Có những đặc điểm hoặc đặc điểm đáng yêu dành cho trẻ sơ sinh
cute adorable dear endearing sweet angelic cherubic dainty darling lovable precious charming cuddly delightful disarming loveable lovely cherubical childlike cutesy dinky enchanting engaging fetching fragile perky pleasant winning winsome adorbs fair kawaii likeable likable lovesome as pretty as a picture bonnie bonny chocolate-box pretty-pretty twee appealing attractive pleasing captivating seraphic beautiful bewitching gorgeous ambrosial taking wonderful alluring irresistible pretty fascinating agreeable amiable prepossessing beguiling delectable enticing entrancing elegant seductive inviting comely ingratiating insinuating delicate nice desirable ravishing enthralling graceful charismatic glamorous dreamy absorbing divine magnetic luring simpatico sympathique cunning sympatisch tantalizing titillating enamoring tantalising heavenly glamourous eye-catching magnetising electrifying magnetizing choice smashing persuasive quaint bijou sentimental arresting dazzling mesmeric sophisticated cultivated striking siren sirenic elfin polite civilized cultured smart suave debonair fit witty worldly warm-hearted cherished affectionate doll face seducing rapturous mesmerizing spellbinding hypnotizing magical couthy civilised genial friendly congenial affable cherishable intriguing well bred worldly-wise nurturable prizable appreciatable bodacious infatuating exciting beauteous engrossing tempting larger than life hypnotising babelicious mesmerising on fleek good-looking easy on the eye as nice as pie fine exquisite refined neat trim slight petite slim tasteful select airy subtle nuanced rare well-made soft deft frail light tender recherche lacy thin feeble diaphanous ethereal superior

Tính từ

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legit authorised authorized legal legitimate proper licit permissible kosher constitutional legalised legalized valid official warranted just statutory rightful justifiable due established canonical condign decreed enforced enjoined judged ordained passed protected commanded enacted judicial jural juridical jurisprudent legislated legitimatized mandated ordered ruled vested warrantable bona fide card-carrying on the level of right on the up and up allowed allowable lawful sanctioned permitted admissible justified above board within the law recognized approved endorsed decriminalised recognised decriminalized going by the rules by the book acceptable sound binding fair statutable enforceable licensed right honest genuine upright ex cathedra granted chartered licenced enforcible de jure acknowledged prescribed aboveboard contractual straight precedented sure enough accepted orthodox certified traditional accredited regular confirmed ratified standard true conventional authoritative correct customary agreed validated admitted settled chosen agreed upon received formal normal authentic usual documented popular fixed tolerable tolerated backed affirmed common appropriate nominated assigned supported okay declared set elected universal stock undisputed commissioned appointed ordinary prevailing delegated prevalent familiar routine well-known time-honoured representative real determined consented favored conceded verified democratic classic designated specified authenticated selected unquestioned general OK'd suitable identified undoubted understood known mainstream proclaimed arrived at vouched for methodical classical accustomed named ceremonious regulation square explicit professed ceremonial preferred tried and true favoured widely recognized commonly accepted tried and tested time-honored generally accepted let accorded sanctioned by law elective proven certain stated tried and trusted done made official pro forma of the people strict characteristic renowned believed stipulated recognizable perceived regimented orderly express excusable pardonable all right predictable realized remembered constituted codified bearable unforbidden venial OK unprohibited systematic realised recognisable straightforward sincere in order ceremonialistic formalistic ritualistic ritual ensured by law in accordance with the constitution within accepted bounds uncontested natural canonic anointed verifiable trustworthy straight-shooting honest-to-goodness truthful upfront for real reliable definitive signed recommended cited picked announced conformist conservative confessed pegged deputed classified consecrated individuated bonafide right as rain telling the truth fair and square on the up-and-up decided deserved doctrinal traditionalist returned answered concluded underwritten blessed advocated notarized commended upheld sponsored sealed attested credible magisterial best opted for settled on singled out decided upon entrusted tabbed mentioned drafted merited traditionalistic ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down unoriginal old-fashioned buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative certifiable sworn unchallenged avowed well established derivative well-established commanding sovereign arranged allotted prearranged veritable effective actual usable fitting straight arrow pious by the numbers bien pensant in line religious according to the book punctilious unexpired OK'd boosted competent apt earned scheduled imperial executive mandatory bureaucratic ruling departmental supreme ex officio administrative reasonable legally acceptable legally binding fit holding water requisite moralistic moral virtuous ethical principled applicable noble twenty-four carat well deserved in principle befitting equitable well earned right-minded habitual typical signed and sealed true-blue in effect in force preordained installed expected predominant household wonted charged going fashionable touted well worn unopposed bog-standard okayed current everyday in vogue long-established prescriptive plain requisitioned bid dictated summoned most scholarly most reliable

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Trong phạm vi quyền của bạn

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Người hoặc vật là đối tượng của sự chế giễu hoặc chỉ trích

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Một thành viên của bồi thẩm đoàn hoặc tòa án ủng hộ việc tha bổng, hoặc một cuộc bỏ phiếu ủng hộ việc tha bổng

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Một đứa trẻ hoặc con vật mới sinh gần đây
babe child infant baby newborn bairn neonate tot bambino tacker little one nursling sprog suckling tiny kid newborn child babe in arms bundle of joy toddler cherub tiny tot little angel little darling youngster wean juvenile minor youth mite teenager adolescent nipper whippersnapper kiddie brat stripling munchkin ankle-biter shaver teenybopper teen young one littlie moppet cub bud urchin squirt chick sprout nestling tadpole pubescent anklebiter tyke imp lamb preteen rug rat little doll small fry issue offspring descendant progeny small child young 'un little dear pretty child cupid putto innocent child lovable child amoretto well behaved child beautiful infant girl boy schoolgirl schoolboy junior fledgling young person young lady laddie chit young woman young man young adult pickney kiddiewink lassie sprat chap whelp lad lass kiddo youngling kiddy guttersnipe hobbledehoy preschooler spawn tad bundle daughter young child son angelface crawler papoose preemie buttercup dividend dumpling button deduction write-off under-five preschool child boyo shaveling sonny boychik callant boychick heir successor scion young young'un bantling little child young fellow mollycoddle milksop weakling crotch fruit crib lizard milquetoast lighty outjie babby curtain-climber carpet ape crumbsnatcher carpet rat rug ape biter rascal lineage seed pup children generation fry babies get produce stock fruit posterity ankle biter female child fellow litter family issues brood scamp tots progeniture puppy knave punk gamin dude half-pint mate guy cadet runt buck master successors scions kids babes tinies little ones kiddies nippers sons sprogs daughters monkey newly born child tiny baby young baby new baby little shaver little guy ankle-biters sons and daughters fruit of one's loins tearaway

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Một người mơ mộng, một người lơ đãng hoặc mất tập trung
mooncalf idiot fool imbecile dolt simpleton twit doofus moron oaf dunce halfwit jackass dimwit dope lamebrain nincompoop nitwit buffoon ignoramus sap bonehead fathead loon nit birdbrain dipstick git ninny numskull turkey blockhead boob clod cretin dingbat nerd simp booby clown goose ninnyhammer charlie cuckoo dunderhead featherhead jerk schlemiel berk bore charley illiterate lightweight lunatic silly simple softhead stooge sucker twerp nut nutcase tomfool ding-dong half-wit yo-yo ding-a-ling dumb ox dork victim numbskull pillock easy mark fair game prick plank wally geek prat plonker chump featherbrain rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz scatterbrain gonzo putz divvy dweeb dummy dullard knucklehead thicko eejit dorba bogan stupid stupid person stupe nimrod clot goon dumbhead donkey airhead pinhead chucklehead goof thickhead noodle noddy chowderhead clunk mug dip dum-dum clodpole dumbo numpty loggerhead schmuck cluck bozo lamer coot galoot goofball nyaff muppet meathead spud wooden-head muttonhead poop pea-brain goofus lump gowk drongo sumph lummox galah dumb-bell dill klutz pudding-head palooka dumbbell nong dingleberry wazzock alec wiener gobdaw schlepper knobhead yahoo boofhead mompara poon weeny nerk balloon squarehead gink spoony dodo zombie schlub saphead lunkhead mutt cuddy wing nut clodpoll bubblehead woodenhead deadhead mome dummkopf shlub natural cuddie hammerhead schnook stock hardhead ratbag gander golem know-nothing dim bulb meatball goat twonk dumb cluck weenie mampara kook silly billy brute dildo lame-brain foolish person goop loony Neanderthal screwball lout duffer boor clodhopper gawk lug butthead lubber hulk clodpate rascal muggins harebrain tosser tit loser lowbrow blunderer witling pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum bungler bimbo retardate tosspot yokel milksop weakling juggins prig dumdum baboon beefhead bust retard addlepate numptie cloth-head Simple Simon schmo mental defective bumpkin jughead pea brain born fool hick yobbo ape stumblebum barbarian yob bear gorilla hobbledehoy bosthoon churl beast clumsy idiot scozza chav bruiser skate oik cougan ox nutter eccentric fruitcake maniac crank crackpot head case crazy oddball wacko madman weirdo madwoman crackbrain headbanger nutjob schizo bird-brain oddity character crack quiz sicko bug sickie nutso zany psychopath flake meshuggener whacko psycho radge original codger weirdie schlep wackadoodle wack basket case wackadoo bedlamite zealot dement odd bod bigot non compos mentis

Từ trái nghĩa của innocent

innocent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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