Từ đồng nghĩa của theistic

Alternative for theistic

theistic /θi:'istik/ (theistical) /θi:'istikəl/
  • tính từ
    • (triết học) (thuộc) thuyết cổ thần

Tính từ

Of or relating to theology
theological divine doctrinal ecclesiastical religious scriptural apostolic canonical churchly deistic dogmatic hierological holy metaphysical mystical spiritual theologic sacred devotional sanctified hallowed consecrated saintly godly heavenly pious pure sacrosanct supernatural sectarian church celestial dedicated sainted righteous devout schismatic moral born-again clerical orthodox sacerdotal god-fearing pietistic priestly saintlike ministerial pontifical blessed revered immortal exalted venerable sacramental venerated immaculate consecrate enshrined sacral blest inviolable anointed unprofane numinous solemn devoted to God dedicated to God eternal reverenced prayerful godlike virtuous angelic good faithful devoted reverent glorified innocent upright believing ecclesiastic perfect unworldly spotless humble seraphic just chaste clean pastoral non-secular prelatic parsonical pietistical beatified untouchable faultless untainted uncorrupt sublime undefiled unassailable God-fearing ecclesial bible biblical ritual ordained canonized non-temporal churchy worshipped sinless papal episcopal reverend canonised worshiped deified reverential evangelic Christian honoured otherworldly ethereal cherished reserved messianic special respected honored adored evangelical churchgoing dutiful blameless deific purified classical prophetic ethical clerkly vicarial moralizing smug moralising worshipful worshiping ceremonial uncorrupted stainless irreproachable beatific worthy guiltless set apart hieratic rectorial presbyteral among the angels upstanding seraph worshipping theocratical cleric monastic monkish rabbinical parsonish parochial diaconal full of good works supplicant supplicating pleading beseeching inalienable unchallengeable unalterable soliciting entreating absolute unbreakable impregnable imploring suppliant supplicatory intemerate firm uninfringeable indestructible unbreachable inviolate

Từ trái nghĩa của theistic

theistic Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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