Đồng nghĩa của just

Alternative for just


Đồng nghĩa: exact, fair, good, merely, moral, only, precise, proper, righteous, virtuous,

Trái nghĩa: unjust,

Tính từ

Based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair
fair honest decent upright equitable ethical righteous good impartial unbiased unprejudiced fair-minded moral objective virtuous honorable honourable principled square right scrupulous upstanding conscientious even-handed legitimate neutral non-partisan open-minded right-minded straight anti-discrimination disinterested non-discriminatory pure trustworthy conscionable dispassionate equal evenhanded incorruptible indifferent lawful noble nonpartisan respectable candid reasonable sincere true truthful blameless dependable nondiscriminatory reliable uncolored full of integrity stand-up high-minded proper worthy nice reputable detached law-abiding balanced faithful high-principled all right clean on the level anti-corruption saintly straightforward innocent uninvolved correct exemplary irreproachable angelic kosher lofty unselfish pious impersonal aboveboard elevated laudable moralistic charitable benevolent without fear or favour unbigoted morally correct dutiful godly sinless immaculate liberal on the up and up with no axe to grind chaste unimpeachable magnanimous chivalrous saintlike uncorrupted tolerant admirable guiltless devout venerable above board meritorious trusty greathearted spiritual helpful generous kind humane free devoted altruistic considerate praiseworthy religious big true-blue respected open hospitable squeaky clean clean-living creditable fair and square free from discrimination gallant beneficent estimable bounteous philanthropic faultless legit reverent big-hearted kindly rightful kindhearted excellent thoughtful unbribable egalitarian commendable independent of good repute great-hearted rational forthright bountiful right-thinking responsible distinguished loyal gracious squeaky-clean sainted divine munificent noble-minded even constant great whiter than white pure as the driven snow dedicated moderate self-righteous devotional godlike easy untainted pietistic sublime legal undefiled believing up front knightly justifiable hallowed prayerful perfect impeccable irreprehensible fitting lavish humble seraphic glorified upfront god-fearing giving sensible sympathetic nonaligned frank unsparing nondiscriminating holy esteemed courteous peaceable wholesome fair-and-square philanthropical solid incorrupt lordly true blue loose soft-touch on the up-and-up without favouritism unstinting on the fence high veracious sanctified bighearted acceptable consecrated dignified blessed unworldly spotless due pietistical obedient revered venerated uncorrupt sacrosanct self-sacrificing progressive peaceful seemly decorous equable sportsmanlike punctilious orderly uncoloured profuse civilized steady uninfluenced broad-minded understanding judicial duteous middle-of-the-road uncommitted unstained on-the-fence inculpable unswayed brave prestigious God-fearing sportsmanly outside tractable ungrudging prodigal open-handed dinkum cold genuine sound redoubtable freethinking of principle notable cultivated mannerly gentlemanlike willing natural level aloof according to the rules well behaved civil free-thinking heroic valiant respectful indulgent eminent freehearted fulsome openhanded freehanded courtly lily-white kind-hearted unobjectionable illustrious humanitarian selfless guileless civilised precise polite clean-cut benign safe salt of the earth large-hearted well-mannered above-board highly regarded above reproach unerring strict warm-hearted soft-hearted circumspect sporting unemotional matchless deserving peerless compliant eleemosynary almsgiving pukka rectitudinous condign deserved justified merited celibate modest uninterested proportionate competent warranted Christian unallied professional unslanted stable even-steven cricket fair-to-middling morally right morally acceptable without distinction on up-and-up matching unprepossessed clinical incorrupted favoring glorious sporty according to Hoyle enlightened G-rated vestal without favor on-the-level fair shake square deal submissive amenable manageable biddable conformable docile well-behaved sanctimonious courageous heedful punctual exact fastidious critical well balanced kin strictly business cool without prejudice free from self-interest on up and up sitting on the fence inoffensive chivalric intrepid bold valorous lenient favouring prim saving deferential disciplined right and proper on the square straight-arrow compassionate loving caring deified canonized ordained beatified honest-to-goodness equalitarian extremely careful thinking twice perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging untouchable dapper alright goody-goody unmarred precious daring gentlemanly proud equalized unaffiliated merciful sweet goodhearted public-spirited tender princely goodish classless equalised unaffected unimplicated canonised reserved messianic special staunch obliging neighbourly firm in proportion above suspicion democratic accommodating spirited manly quixotic fast abundant ample that takes everything into account friendly amiable unswerving plain-spoken agreeable comradely amicable edifying uplifting true-hearted supplicant sociable pleasant free-handed ready supplicating outstanding refined sure steadfast tried unwavering stanch secure trustable genial companionable regardful honoured trusted established pleading extraordinary remarkable beseeching neighborly non-erotic non-violent improving supportive calculable free-spoken round soliciting plentiful full recognized of repute reputed well thought of name well-thought-of well respected tried-and-true truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line resolute wholehearted ardent undistorted liege confirmed entreating well-disposed well mannered well-brought-up plainspoken believable meaning what one says unfeigned real veritable literal truth-telling outspoken unreserved ingenuous realistic like it is imploring equal-opportunity well known favored famous well-known renowned prominent popular famed high-ranking redoubted celebrated acclaimed copper-bottomed honored apple-pie simple suppliant supplicatory plenteous willingly given handsome unstinted no lie invigorating ruddy sane practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical sanitary normal open-faced blooming favoured with a good reputation recognised tried and trusted of good report in high favor of good standing flexible catholic all there hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink receptive permissive undogmatic forbearing unorthodox nonconventional nonorthodox unconventional cosmopolitan unshockable radical libertarian nontraditional responsive forward-thinking advanced wide nonjudgmental untarnished free thinking without reproach in the clear of excellent character grand august sterling important fine imposing stately exalted model applaudable noteworthy magnificent superior influential leading unfailing urbane unblemished genteel paradigmatic classic quintessential batting a thousand not too shabby thankworthy meritable pre-eminent principal stainless noted praisable preeminent bueno neato prototypical classical powerful beyond reproach unblamable exceptional high-powered enduring committed majestic tried and true tried and tested regal not bad aristocratic flawless seminal patriotic dominant highest gentle distinctive suave worthy of admiration serious representative typical illustrative characteristic foremost ideal high profile high-level portly ladylike major league well bred credible strong mature level-headed couth suitable impressive attentive first-class premier prime sedate commanding main valued consequential iconic first integral formidable resonant prized pivotal puissant monumental dyed-in-the-wool stout high-up mighty top-ranking admired hard-core behind one big time far-reaching formal cultured polished ceremonious unsullied prudish befitting highest-ranking unspoilt sturdy idealistic becoming prissy smart well-bred copybook affable strait-laced inflated consummate classy solemn kingly highbrow composed conventional staid primary intellectual of note stalwart worthwhile white stellar valuable imperial clear supreme conforming done memorable astral exaggerated excessive immodest self-respecting major comely key legendary predominant chief top-notch royal orthodox palmary central de rigueur prevailing notorious fabled unfaltering splendid worthy of commendation eventful arch magnific alpha all-important authoritative grave pleasing without fault historical material fundamental well-connected highfalutin' core superb comme il faut essential attached of influence senior incomparable signal marvelous potent number one always there top marvellous unassailable resplendent confiding top-drawer of high standing pompous brilliant big name big-time affectionate string along with big league protective peacekeeping complying highly respectable right-hand favorite particular close intimate proved palatable finicky inspiring individual delicate fussy discreet time-honored number elegant needy eligible adult well favoured well-favoured capable card-carrying go-to savory savoury reverenced pernickety full-figured well-rounded plump womanly certain rocklike self-sufficient predictable infallible favourite terrific mean uncompromising deep-dyed self-important overblown sophisticated stylish archetypical imitable archetypal textbook definitive top-level head controlling well-regarded much touted acknowledged decisive determined virginal higher meretorious appreciable crimeless worshipped fearless dauntless stout-hearted picture-book cleanhanded picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless crucial authentic fit maidenly in good faith die-hard invaluable squeamish capable of being trusted cardinal unequivocal positive careful uncontrived unpretentious irreprovable eloquent rich oratorical towering four-star upper-class VIP upper cogent successful phenomenal deciding virgin lionized demure immovable debonair in limelight very good focal grandiloquent considerable vital reproachless pristine carrying the load awe-inspiring epic grandiose heroical massive baronial Homeric true to life sacred reverend sage prodigious good as one's word to be counted on acquitted higher up high up snow white tasteful graceful meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating durable of distinction indispensable high-priority intrinsic major-league requisite heavy-duty earnest big-league necessary needed skookum conspicuous wise public unchangeable immutable puritanical priggish fixed rigid A-1 good-natured approachable cordial forthcoming bonhomous good-hearted complaisant benignant mild congenial bland unctuous female motherly highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred studied lionised matriarchal philosophical experienced patriarchal worshipful worshiped continent unprofaned inviolate unspotted unblighted characterful meet top drawer imperious of mark of great consequence in the public eye licit not to blame not guilty beyond criticism guilt-free in line by the book by the numbers lasting unshakeable gone tough swell slick keen select pillar gnarly quality lily white wide-eyed sombre magisterial somber distingué starchy nifty momentous fateful landmark gratifying permanent pure as driven snow babe in woods wet behind ears historic settled matronly deserving congratulations first-rate wicked bulletproof perdurable cheering unforgettable shining satisfying triumphant significant pleasurable rewarding bright fulfilling meaningful groundbreaking wonderful epochal red-letter heart-warming ace smashing tip-top champion super fab brill splendiferous long-standing long-lived long-lasting foolproof guaranteed presentable salt of earth just so top-hole bully beaut well-built well-balanced neat tidy spruce accepted up to the mark nasty believeable satisfactory organic deep-rooted appropriate ordinary mediocre straight-up never-failing rock solid sure-fire as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right boy scout to be trusted down home capital paramount superlative learned triumphal overbearing unparalleled primal first rate of the first rank unsurpassed gifted prior unexcelled unequaled unequalled highly rated arch- greatest

Tính từ

Based on, or displaying, common sense
valid justified sound logical reasonable accurate commonsense commonsensible commonsensical correct defendable defensible firm good hard informed justifiable legitimate levelheaded normal rational reasoned regular sensible sober solid true warrantable warranted well-founded exact faithful precise proper vindicable balanced cogent strict undistorted veracious veridical well founded well grounded well-grounded judicious prudent practical realistic coherent right wise acceptable reliable lucid plausible analytical thoughtful supportable analytic discerning pragmatic credible intelligent well-advised convincing fair astute legit grounded perceptive understandable matter-of-fact admissible factual well reasoned well thought out unerring sagacious discriminating faultless sane circumspect authentic tenable well advised genuine objective enlightened scrupulous meticulous congruent sage shrewd sharp probable on the button consistent consequent level-headed intellectual close down-to-earth together rightful allowable well-reasoned sustainable careful spot on systematic believable viable methodical truthful compelling definite rigorous error-free skilful skillful sapient satisfactory appropriate on the money on the nose errorless perspicacious politic flawless knowing advisable relevant well-thought-out impeccable pertinent clever deductive cool kosher spot-on common-sense far-sighted bang on on the nail on the beam on the mark clear-sighted holding water literal excusable lawful punctilious explicit dinkum infallible unmistakable permissible decent rigid deft discriminative defined punctual particular concrete scientific distinct workable ultraprecise persuasive effective legal certain perfect insightful maintainable arguable licit considered bona fide satisfying equitable telling savvy proven discreet unimpeachable pukka irrefutable percipient suitable righteous plain accepted conclusive lifelike perspicuous weighty authoritative verisimilar trustworthy canny articulate OK okay no-nonsense likely responsible efficacious recognized unmistaken thorough clear-cut well-informed able to hold water full of common sense word-perfect clear-eyed recognised all there profound joined-up severe specific detailed educated sincere knowledgeable learned fit dependable verifiable substantiated estimable real acknowledged inferential clear without error deducible inductive explainable forgivable dispassionate unidealistic syllogistic well informed similar straight deliberate philosophic pardonable remissible venial condonable well balanced straightforward prosaic unemotional holding together based on hard data rock-solid based on hard facts hard-headed with both one's feet on the ground allowed passable tolerable permitted organized serious-minded mature unimpassioned cold watertight holding up holding up in wash got it together unassailable right-thinking standing up established orthodox right-minded well-expressed well-presented showing great knowledge with great knowledge attentive conversant organised well presented well-structured well expressed well organized diplomatic cautious au courant having all one's marbles in right mind steady-going expedient tolerated undeniable unambiguous definitive undisputed unquestionable unrefuted well considered thought through acute sanctioned strategic dead-on standard on-target so judgmatical judgmatic pawky desirable smart tactical possible worthy applicable concedable fitting O.K. argute powerful substantial right on right as rain on the ball on the right track dead on for sure on track on the right lines amen on target free of error right stuff actual along the right lines stone cooking with gas according to Hoyle seemly considerate well judged well-judged heads-up seasonable sophisticated wary calculating judicial worldly-wise keen long-headed quick-witted unfailing above board strong within the law by the book not unlikely not impossible confirmed germane determinative sure forceful stable uncorrupted attested tested potent unswerving uncanny deadly inevitable assured clear-headed dead positive inerrable absolute inerrant sure-fire invariable conscientious painstaking veristic nice true to life telling it like it is fact-based impartial as it really happened moderate restrained conservative controlled reflective temperate unprejudiced feasible unexcessive thinking cognitive ratiocinative making sense unbiased standing to reason cerebral unextreme thought-out evenhanded fair-minded open to reason based on good sense in one's right mind intelligible comprehensible scholarly erudite fathomable brainy legible decisive businesslike deep apt graspable hardheaded conceivable accessible apprehensible comprehendible reasoning unsentimental influential impressive meaningful eloquent philosophical imaginable worthwhile user friendly user-friendly scrutable intuitive penetrable contemplative earthy alert pragmatical provident cogitative knowable within the bounds of possibility easy to understand bright recommended advantageous with both feet on the ground brilliant beneficial digestible useful well-argued clearly stated irresistible genius sharp-witted thinkable unanswerable healthy transparent clearheaded forcible gainful gifted smooth efficient well precocious stringent empirical simple self-explanatory hard-nosed puissant heady hard-boiled highbrow studious compos mentis crystal clear orderly of sound mind able to think clearly introspective academic foresighted conceptual ruminative pensive attainable practicable profitable corroborated realizable achievable meditative vigilant penetrating graceful creditable doable accomplishable unequivocal steady glib colorable trusty smooth-talking smooth-tongued inducing best suggested presumptive open convictive suasive mundane within reach harmonious unromantic helpful utilitarian luminous moving effectual unembellished emphatic supposable presumable significant realisable able obvious capable unfantastic energetic within the realms of possibility well-balanced fast exceptional readable supersmart punchy mighty powerhouse recondite hyperintelligent ultrasmart pellucid able to reason clearly letter-perfect direct with one's feet on the ground in your right mind potential identified musing reflecting pondering measured solemn earnest museful grave studied mental cluey natural supported preferred preferable thoughty functional fastidious recommendable favorable concise sensical robust inferrible heedful finicky deep-thinking valuable compulsive urgent collected synthetic trustable glanceable anticipated proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted productive timely opportune honest-to-god tried fiduciary aboveboard credential derivable inferable a good idea secure validated verified recognisable recognizable commendable counselable detail oriented competent genial well-read with all one's marbles bookish got head together in possession of one's faculties egghead momentous consequential apposite tough-minded implicit favourable necessary certified calculable empiric reachable mentally stable cognizant obtainable aware deliberated categorical up front unimpaired indisputable demonstrative educational scholastic academical theoretical documented procurable acquirable with a ring of truth unconditional uncomplicated deliberative convenient best suited presentable well thought-out securable quick to be expected pithy operational dull flat unarguable incontrovertible experienced tactful cast-iron well-defined in words of one syllable unblurred spelled out gettable transpicuous discernable clearly expressed provable demonstrable cultured ruminating deliberating playing with full deck playing with a full deck abled mentally sound both oars in water oriented in possession of all your faculties self-possessed having all marbles right in the head deadpan dry winning constraining virile take-over steamroller titanic gutsy electric elemental take-charge punch plain-spoken impactful striking usable manageable serviceable operable tough resolute hang tough stand pat intractable locked in tough nut hard-bitten irrefragable incontestable lifeless unvarnished unimaginative get-at-able earth-bound hardboiled easy plainspoken common sufficient successful resounding coming on strong ball of fire silky slick touching impelling silver-tongued historical confirmable documentary evident nonfictional uncreative unadorned aggressive exciting charming histrionical imposing theatric important performant vehement grand material trenchant high-powered enthusiastic hard-hitting vivid dramatic expressive serious inventive ingenious resourceful meditating pedestrian emotionless humdrum actuating stimulating wheedling inspiring inveigling suasory swaying enticing assuasive luring pointed unctuous alluring seductive within reason talented beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute have one's feet on the ground full of insight a priori unembroidered phlegmatic unaffected whip-smart one hundred per cent abstract in possession of all one's faculties understanding comprehending creative nimble original instructed imaginative alive witty quick on the uptake ready specious colourable straight-thinking of use whiz fair-spoken having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on very smart experimental a posteriori inducible not taking no for an answer unblemished immaculate within possibility ideal very likely like enough irreproachable indefectible ordered uninterrupted uniform seamless picture-book picture-perfect most correct

Tính từ

Showing no concern or interest
indifferent dispassionate aloof detached distant cold cool callous impartial unmoved disinterested equitable objective unbiased unconcerned unconcerned about unresponsive unsympathetic apathetic about apathetic towards careless casual about heedless of impassive insouciant nonchalant about nonpartisan offhand about passionless regardless uncaring about unemotional unfeeling unimpressed uninterested in uninvolved in uninvolved with unprejudiced apathetic bored by candid careless of cavalier about dismissive of emotionless equal evenhanded fair frivolous about impervious mindless of neutral oblivious to reckless about regardless of square uncaring unimpressed by uninterested blasé heedless inattentive lukewarm about nonaligned phlegmatic about pococurante unenthusiastic about uninvolved unmoved by unresponsive to weary of diffident haughty heartless highbrow listless phlegmatic scornful silent stoical supercilious superior unaroused uncommunicative unsocial not giving a monkey's nonchalant fair-minded even-handed non-partisan uncolored impersonal nondiscriminatory balanced open-minded non-discriminatory insensible uncurious casual independent straight incurious unbigoted on the fence honest uncommitted clinical perfunctory complacent upright without fear or favour relaxed reasonable undecided unaffected oblivious calm insensitive on the level honourable anti-discrimination honorable scrupulous bored middle-of-the-road inactive rational carefree on-the-fence collected disengaged easy bystanding unaligned free from discrimination poker-faced with no axe to grind on the up and up unruffled decent on sidelines ethical good hard-hearted proper uninfluenced deaf laid-back inert unmindful of removed impervious to indifferent to lukewarm weary unslanted above board nonbelligerent noncombatant immune without favor untroubled untouched neuter unperturbed nonparticipating middle-of-road pacifistic negligent unworried unimpressible unaware stony unmindful right unflappable without favouritism righteous even moderate legitimate equable trustworthy autonomous unselfish nonplussed egalitarian unallied moral unaffiliated stubborn conscientious unenthusiastic lackadaisical virtuous principled lawful unconnected outside judicial unaware of unconscious of upfront non-aligned proof against untouched by unaffected by deaf to kosher uncoloured aboveboard true nondiscriminating disconnected sincere sensible blameless fair and square sitting on the fence cavalier selfish hardhearted not interested immovable unincluded trivializing unrelated glutted jaded dismissive trivialising offhand world-weary unswayed cloyed laid back unexcited insusceptible selfless not caring unprepossessed genuine clean without distinction passive strictly business blasé straightforward legal legit without prejudice free from self-interest level-headed logical composed nonpassionate dinkum pukka blithe undesirous withdrawn remote negative uncorrupted frank civil serene on-the-level right and proper on the square fair-and-square unimplicated on up-and-up according to the rules upstanding devil-may-care happy-go-lucky right-minded unhearing unanxious insert pure unstirred lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair conscionable noble respectable incorruptible truthful unconcerned with self-willed unwilling intractable pigheaded perverse obstinate headstrong strong-willed mulish dispassionate about pertinacious bullheaded just watching the clock not giving a damn dry-eyed undismayed floating supine reserved unbothered not bothered at ease hardened forgetful self-centered feckless undisturbed blind undaunted self-centred reliable dependable stony-hearted stolid stand-up full of integrity cool, calm and collected mild midway inexpensive conservative controlled compromising cautious noncommittal disciplined modest unconscious incurious about distant from insensible to unconvinced uninspired without a care in the world not giving a toss could care less turned off detached from undeclared free undesiring to listen blind going through motions aloof from bored stiff stoic resolute impassible innocent unknowing nescient incognizant ignorant unacquainted uninformed clueless unwitting rightful unattached vacillating uncertain free-floating non-discriminating due broad-minded non-participating immune to insensate unyielding imperceptive not involved middle ground middle of the road fence-sitting cut loose restrained free-spirited don't care obdurate impercipient unperceiving proportionate not taking sides ignorant of justifiable level stable even-steven cricket fair-to-middling not excessive blind to without knowledge of unsusceptible fair shake square deal negligent of insensitive of in the dark about based free from care about what others think not caring what others think indifferent to what others think untroubled about what others think unworried about what others think

Tính từ

Generally accepted, recognized or admitted
acknowledged accepted accredited approved confirmed recognised recognized admitted declared authorised authorized confessed sanctioned answered established proclaimed returned unquestioned avowed conceded proper rightful sworn true unchallenged undisputed undoubted well-known agreed correct genuine known professed agreed upon commonly accepted generally accepted widely recognized standard usual conventional customary common regular familiar traditional normal popular universal stock general self-confessed prevailing orthodox prevalent accustomed typical ordinary routine received set mainstream time-honoured expected official affirmed fixed habitual settled stated proven current self-proclaimed renowned open widespread asserted wonted time-honored certified legit everyday proverbial classical predictable prescriptive sound by your own admission blatant overt endorsed notorious lawful rooted understood plain allowed average shared classic ruling household regulation acceptable legal characteristic statutory fashionable recognizable going commonplace passed legitimate natural ubiquitous conformist long-established inveterate prescribed kosher announced stereotypical in circulation famous bog-standard determined run-of-the-mill vested by the numbers authoritative documented recognisable ratified overall certain identified backed validated valid licit majority obvious published rife OK'd legalized constitutional predominant permitted publicized public stipulated well-established stereotyped warranted prosaic well known manifest licensed revealed patent canonical publicised vouched for unremarkable well established due traditionalistic old-fashioned unexceptional arrived at cut-and-dry cut-and-dried doctrinal widely held legalised widely known right widely used well worn licenced steady in vogue chronic frequent straight tried and true tried and tested de jure bona fide definite explicit precise legendary famed uncontested canonic done avowedly defined express exact archetypal self-evident axiomatic self-acknowledged believed perceived generic collective reputed infamous realized remembered appropriate chosen supported pervasive traditionary realised ritual dyed-in-the-wool acquired honored undistinguished staid hackneyed derived ritualistic ceremonial day-to-day workaday daily sop wont entrenched unadventurous honoured vulgar told pledged quotidian standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut same old in the groove according to Hoyle taken for granted immemorial noted made official real typic celebrated existing orderly methodical historic stable deep-rooted ingrained notable old old-style officially recognized commonest secure unshakable permanent predominating conservative representative inherent symptomatic consistent influential operative dominant main preponderating principal suitable authentic anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic permissible preponderant comprehensive catholic all-embracing in style regnant sweeping fundamental rampant worldwide ecumenical traditionalist formulaic distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing allowable ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down unoriginal buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative true to form in keeping old hat to be expected only to be expected individualistic native in character par for the course standard-issue on the cards clichéd cliched … all over true to type in fashion branded admissible derivative enforceable statutable binding fair publicly known generally known pious religious punctilious square honest above board clear bien pensant within the law ex cathedra upright exposed condign innocent protected contractual precedented justifiable chartered enjoined on the level enforcible aboveboard sure enough granted justified on the up and up decreed card-carrying ordained judged enforced straight arrow in line according to the book apparent transparent observable evident conspicuous visible down pat prominent unconcealed noticeable unmistakable flagrant unhidden undisguised brazen barefaced glaring broadcast on show plain to see freely available plainly seen public knowledge in the public domain in the open touted unopposed okayed preferred most usual most frequent

Tính từ

Experiencing luck and good fortune
happy fortunate lucky privileged prosperous successful healthy providential fortuitous profitable serendipitous well-off wholesome auspicious bright chance coincidental golden opportune promising propitious unexpected advantageous efficacious enviable fair favourable favorable favoured favored felicitous fitting flukey fluky incidental meet nice proper timely unforeseen accidental well-timed heaven-sent welcome right good benign seasonable convenient expedient ripe appropriate correct effective befitting casual well timed satisfactory apt beneficial suitable encouraging rosy hopeful helpful optimistic full of promise likely useful fit heartening jammy roseate upbeat rose-colored blessed ideal salutary best beneficent pleasing relevant applicable flourishing benevolent timeous pertinent pat halcyon valuable palmy fine friendly excellent reassuring gainful benefic handy cheering toward benignant dexter reasonable exciting adequate charmed hot well disposed set disposed select furthersome behooveful crying out perfect kindly becoming favouring favoring brave usual moderate warm clement predictable expected apropos towardly seasonal fitted seemly done due unique superb healthful flattering constructive worthy gratifying pleasurable pleasureful pleasant desirable rightful splendid brilliant special tremendous conducive up-and-coming inadvertent unintended requisite comely suited sufficient rewarding fruitful uncertain haphazard unlooked-for unanticipated unpremeditated unintentional unplanned unwitting inspiring cheerful gladdening wonderful terrific thriving merciful smiling charitable random chancy incalculable variable normal for the time of year appropriate to the time of year uplifting inspiriting enlivening beautiful blissful utopian comme il faut glorious odd contingent arousing elating stirring promiseful full of hope rousing sunny booming first-rate one-off first-class roaring lush at the mercy of events rich delightful prospering precious boomy born with a silver spoon in your mouth joyful paradisiac peak idyllic joyous in order all right acceptable agreeable okay right on tickety-boo on the ball jake unobjectionable well comfortable unexceptional cool up to snuff fine and dandy decent hunky-dory kosher OK as it should be

Tính từ

Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
fit suitable appropriate right fitting meet apt proper qualified seemly able becoming apposite befitting capable correct fitted feasible functional prepared worthy acceptable adapted deserving due good pertinent ready relevant suited adequate apropos conformable decent decorous employable expedient rightful useful applicable available correspondent equipped exploitable serviceable usable useable convenient equal equitable operable practicable preferable good enough comme il faut -worthy felicitous happy pretty timely opportune germane to the point congruous spot on kosher well-timed right on in keeping on the nose on the button desirable beseeming behooving conforming that's the ticket belonging related judicious just what was ordered inspired perfect ideal tailor-made neat well-chosen choice accepted just right according to Hoyle propitious well chosen what the doctor ordered established conventional made to order convincing telling fortuitous well put pat well expressed joyous seasonable orthodox formal to the purpose accurate exact regular official satisfactory commodious handy okay merited advisable requisite reasonable presentable sufficient legitimate precise condign politic deserved swell copacetic righteous nice legit desired sensible prudent cut out for user friendly in keeping with fit for purpose in character up to snuff up to standard de règle right up someone's street competent trained skilled proficient eligible compatible welcome fair up to scratch likely capable of equal to up to in the running in line for expert clever masterly gifted accomplished talented efficient effective experienced skilful brilliant intelligent powerful adept adroit practised virtuoso savvy tasty skillful masterful cunning easy knowing bright effectual effortless practiced keen ingenious alert endowed genius strong smart sharp dextrous responsible learned deft artful agile dexterous highly endowed with it au fait know the ropes up to speed know one's onions up to it know backwards and forwards

Phó từ

Exactly or precisely
exactly precisely completely absolutely entirely perfectly totally altogether really truly wholly positively thoroughly utterly dead directly expressly quite squarely unmistakably accurately fully right bang on in all respects in every respect in every way smack-dab on the money to a T down to the ground plumb soundly well clean enough all of all over through and through all even heartily full flat to the hilt one hundred per cent all in all fast entire out wide downright unconditionally bang unmitigatedly outright undisputedly totes all the way to the maximum extent in toto consummately wholeheartedly unrestrictedly unqualifiedly stark comprehensively radically flat-out sharp correctly strictly prompt literally due categorically specifically square unreservedly ultimately spot on every inch on the button for sure the ticket to the letter no mistake on the nose to the core purely on the dot for a fact without reservation heart and soul from A to Z to the nth degree top to bottom full blast without exception unconstrainedly without qualification roundly one-hundred percent promptly smack extremely slap implicitly veritably effectively dead on extensively conclusively sure limitlessly unlimitedly infinitely solidly plain finally exhaustively deadly slap bang word for word smack dab square on smack on slap on to the limit lock, stock and barrel to the max en masse up and down inside out hook line and sinker root and branch in all to the end hook, line and sinker a hundred per cent in full without omission in entirety on all counts the very thing to a tee as well neither more nor less no ifs ands or buts sure thing definitely scrupulously faithfully explicitly truthfully rigorously unequivocally faultlessly methodically unerringly veraciously severely carefully on the nail indeed for certain decisively unquestionably surely undoubtedly certainly manifestly clearly unambiguously decidedly undividedly without a doubt genuinely sweepingly all out greatly firmly widely very terribly no doubt vehemently resolutely without question reservedly uniquely at all staunchly clear largely certifiably heavily flatly full on abundantly amply authentically actually strongly very much plentifully intimately straightforwardly royally systematically out-and-out from first to last from soup to nuts out and out in reality in fact in truth all told to the full without hesitation without restraint without demur without reserve infallibly come hell or high water to the fullest extent no strings attached from beginning to end from top to bottom straight out definitively convincingly emphatically plainly beyond any doubt sure as can be

Phó từ

By a very small or narrow margin

Trái nghĩa của just

just Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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