Đồng nghĩa của sufficiently

Alternative for sufficiently

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Phó từ

In a way that is satisfactory or adequate
well adequately satisfactorily okay good acceptably fine OK alright nicely passably tolerably decently serviceably creditably respectably middlingly all right so-so suitably properly appropriately reasonably aptly satisfyingly fittingly correctly agreeably well enough congruously favorably competently favourably in a satisfactory manner perfectly unobjectionably effectively efficiently moderately soundly gratifyingly right becomingly decorously happily proficiently accordingly amply rightly abundantly famously splendidly felicitously strongly ably expertly effectually accurately commendably successfully fairly excellently admirably proportionately plentifully judiciously triumphantly swimmingly fitly in a satisfactory way appositely blandly indifferently insipidly befittingly presentably correspondingly fairly well good enough not badly O.K. astutely wisely relevantly sensibly prudently commensurately commensurably duly somewhat relatively rather to a T quite pretty consistently requisitely plentily comparatively equally ish averagely bounteously comfortably plenteously copiously minimally bountifully necessarily opportunely capably efficaciously productively pleasantly delightfully pleasingly fortunately propitiously comprehensively victoriously fortuitously auspiciously flourishingly conclusively after a fashion to some extent attractively skilfully totally to a limited degree to a limited extent to a certain degree charmingly kindly enjoyably prosperously thrivingly profitably altogether thoughtfully pleasurably beautifully courteously in triumph sweetly deliciously welcomely dreamily enchantingly delectably fetchingly palatably gloriously considerately great prettily graciously winningly invitingly genteelly likably virtuously winsomely amusingly amiably politely through and through all the way with flying colours distinctively finely desirably tidily thoroughly readily extremely fully closely carefully skillfully greatly neatly profoundly conscientiously smoothly with forbearance attentively tolerantly entirely freely wholly with skill good-naturedly patiently good-humouredly easily effortlessly irreproachably completely substantially indulgently without offence luxuriantly amicably adeptly cheerfully meetly capitally highly heartily considerably sprightly goodly okayly fairishly unexceptionally solidly validly conveniently admissibly worthily allowably supportably sustainably rationally plausibly justly ordinarily convincingly standardly bearably timelily sufferably commonly advantageously mediocrely endurably kosherly mediumly congenially credibly unremarkably luckily cogently likelily blessedly usefully persuasively unexceptionably handily tenably coolly reliably legitimately tellingly logically positively beneficially rightfully heavenlily undistinguishedly possibly seasonably helpfully delightsomely dulcetly expediently darlingly gratefully providentially forcefully permissibly qualifiedly compellingly powerfully justifiably significantly potently exceptionally manageably weightily promisingly honourably reputably probably influentially impressively faultlessly sterlingly reassuringly superly decisively superbly marvelously wonderfully valuably benignly jollily lusciously meanly authoritatively trustworthily goldenly honorably applicably savorily flawlessly savourily peachily snugly precisely pertinently legitly modestly exactly habitably honestly marvellously generously believably markedly elegantly sizably sizeably appreciably irresistibly preciously lawfully licitly hopefully brightly unanswerably primely spankingly superiorly choicely rewardingly legally comfortingly clearly justifiedly pardonably excusably dependably accommodatingly commonplacely analytically coherently pleasurefully stupendously constructively tastily incontrovertibly eligibly cozily amateurly meritedly condignly appealingly forcibly hospitably hearteningly meaningfully usably ripely genially commodiously amateurishly defensibly temptingly enviably preparedly suasively verisimilarly flatteringly encouragingly seemlily unassailably paradisaically comelily paradisiacally faithfully intermediately grandly refreshingly with decorum usually realistically trustily advisably in the appropriate manner cosily unimpeachably ideally unblemishedly heartwarmingly friendlily kindlily unbrokenly badly unimpairedly wholy viably strikingly luxuriously wealthily defendably restoratively restfully obligatorily dandily inoffensively attainably workably feasibly residentially liberally opulently trenchantly benignantly beneficently salutarily flukily certainly unfailingly surely importantly revealingly arguably functionally limitedly boundenly equitably preferably warrantably noticeably incontestably normally nourishingly affluently healthfully wholesomely crucially casually incidentally accidentally serendipitously practicably consequently scantily medianly devastatingly operatively conspicuously praiseworthily colourably prosaically unexcitingly pedestrianly uninspiredly forgettably lacklustrely lacklusterly presumptively germanely soberly meagrely skimpily lightly foolproofly affordably understandably movingly presumably authentically inferiorly politically righteously meritoriously laudably estimably conceivably imaginably safely unbeatably togetherly responsibly acceptedly impeccably levelheadedly intellectually commonsensically right-mindedly orthodoxly truely sparsely exemplarily supposably thinkably conventionally typically traditionally approvedly sanctionably deservingly determinatively straightly colorably sincerely seemingly meagerly inerrably steadily omnisciently apodictically infallibly unquestionably undeceivably notably noteworthily unerringly outstandingly applaudably wickedly as intended groovily as is appropriate without error in the accepted manner in the true sense in due manner in the approved manner without flaws smashingly splendiferously optimistically venially magnificently enticingly appetisingly handsomely appetizingly fantastically sensationally nastily reputedly organically rosily eloquently bullishly methodically lucidly urgently compulsively articulately systematically upbeatly giftedly talentedly quickly puissantly inducingly consequentially momentously cleverly dexterously masterfully dextrously roseately fascinatingly hunkily glamorously stunningly flashily sublimely sunnily joyously tastefully exhilaratingly photogenically affably euphorically engagingly ravishingly mildly gorgeously seductively lovelily resplendently dishily aesthetically daintily slickly showily cutely foxily cheerily pulchritudinously beauteously splashily takingly radiantly cunningly intoxicatingly flamboyantly zingily gladly dollishly statuesquely rapturously soothingly snazzily exquisitely delicately glossily niftily consummately polishedly knowledgeably telegenically supercalifragilisticexpialidociously alluringly ecstatically esthetically stringently refinedly errorlessly practisedly sportingly sure-handedly adroitly deftly experiencedly masterly likeably hardily

Phó từ

To a great or significant extent
abundantly exceptionally extraordinarily exceedingly highly unusually especially extremely uncommonly distinctly extra hugely immensely outstandingly significantly singularly terribly tremendously vastly awfully decidedly eminently mightily particularly really remarkably supremely truly most thoroughly devilishly majorly mega seriously terrifically ultra very bloody dead dirty fair greatly jolly mucho quite severely utterly well acutely awful darned devilish intensely lekker manifestly markedly mighty plumb powerful real so way excessively frightfully hellish inordinately right stinking to a great extent exceeding unco ever so oh-so all that … enough enormously considerably substantially incredibly colossally heavily blisteringly surpassingly far fiercely extensively appreciably monumentally super staggeringly ever fantastically wildly roaringly much desperately notably very much specially fabulously achingly to a great degree largely profoundly deadly almighty too totally entirely sorely archly monstrously astronomically thumping badly vitally mortally altogether beastly overly full filthy dang completely wicked cracking spanking immeasurably roaring corking massively a great deal materially emphatically prodigiously infinitely strikingly sore rattling that whacking bone a lot noticeably powerfully fearfully wholly fully astonishingly immoderately mad monstrous passing big-time such over dreadfully signally sizably stupendously incalculably plentifully in the extreme conspicuously absolutely positively madly rather in great measure sizeably radically deeply broadly obscenely lavishly liberally generously palpably exorbitantly too-too to a large extent by leaps and bounds drastically by a considerable amount to the nth degree to a fault principally lots surprisingly heartily pretty loads amazingly discernibly heaps tons superlatively comprehensively voluminously tonnes downright visibly a good deal a ton copiously on a large scale one hundred per cent hellishly aboundingly comfortably teemingly rifely richly chiefly mainly soundly grandly primarily predominantly generally perfectly easily strongly indeed uniquely mostly incomparably widely overall plenty profusely basically oodles overmuch wholesale luxuriantly wonderfully all typically usually preponderantly obviously to a marked extent flat-out to a marked degree prodigally dearly uber amply commodiously all in all extravagantly superabundantly très to beat the band too much expansively by much good and through and through on the whole in all respects for the most part in every respect to the hilt every inch by and large by a great amount horribly in a grand manner by a great deal lankly as a rule in the main in a big way as all get-out on a grand scale to somewhat peculiarly rotten glaringly inimitably marvelously famously undoubtedly veritably certifiably genuinely much too exaggeratedly preeminently too … for words marvellously commonly in general crackingly magnificently for all intents and purposes first and foremost imposingly prohibitively violently deathly a long way deep a great distance a good way thickly repletely plenteously bounteously flowingly countlessly saturatedly critically painfully gravely firmly vehemently prominently intently suitably dramatically unduly ridiculously lousily unreasonably dangerously unconscionably grievously unnecessarily hopelessly hysterically hard perilously chronically fatally passionately precariously clearly parlously irretrievably beyond outrageously plentily opulently innumerably rankly disturbingly stinkingly exuberantly bigly essentially a fair amount par excellence boundlessly very badly by far as all get out to the core no end extremely badly to too great an extent like mad in a marked degree a hundred per cent by a long way in excess to too great an degree by half in every way over- like crazy by a mile almost entirely above all inexhaustibly bountifully prolifically exhaustively roundly outright sweepingly totes intimately exactly wide royally fast systematically flat clean out-and-out all over heart and soul inside out all the way all out lock, stock and barrel from first to last out and out all of without reservation from soup to nuts without exception from A to Z steeply stiffly toweringly intolerably plethorically insanely fancily overweeningly disproportionately unmercifully baroquely extortionately intemperately unwarrantedly superfluously unrestrainedly needlessly preposterously gigantically whoppingly cosmically giantly grossly gargantuanly titanically mountainously unmeasurably ginormously superly wantonly unlimitedly profligately expensively uncontrolledly dizzyingly heroically heftily redundantly unjustifiably unjustifiedly epically harshly limitlessly thumpingly supererogatorily handsomely unbridledly irrationally hulkingly gratuitously unfairly punitively unboundedly unwarrantably galactically pharaonically unrestrictedly egregiously grandiosely overindulgently unjustly improperly almightily supernumerarily imprudently overabundantly bulkily sparely shockingly stratospherically fulsomely austerely elaborately illogically sharply senselessly weightily unprovokedly draconianly formidably stellarly rampantly unbelievably oceanically tidily criminally riotously swingeingly dissipatedly unfetteredly wastefully planetarily awesomely bizarrely ludicrously flagrantly indefensibly fierily loftily uninhibitedly keenly strictly inexcusably unacceptably inessentially gushingly inappropriately unseemlily abnormally uncontrollably effusively huskily capaciously unyieldingly iniquitously ruinously punishingly recklessly indiscriminately fanatically zealously cumbersomely solidly audaciously unwieldily ponderously unrelentingly indulgently ferociously pronouncedly spaciously additionally unmitigatedly supernaturally implausibly overwhelmingly grotesquely blatantly stringently absurdly patently unbendingly groundlessly unthinkably unsuitably hardly valuably pricily cruelly direly overtly burdensomely unmeritedly impressively uselessly rigorously ardently convolutedly forcefully unpardonably unforgivably ragingly toughly cripplingly crazily inconceivably unbecomingly unwantedly burningly abandonedly hardhandedly devastatingly searingly endlessly detailedly excruciatingly ill-advisedly agonizingly gushily oppressively transparently undisguisedly ungovernably nonsensically astoundingly roomily rawly undeservedly exquisitely unqualifiedly consequentially consumingly furiously frenziedly crushingly brazenly stunningly evidently mind-blowingly openly melodramatically flamboyantly apparently substantively theatrically unmanageably vigorously potently flamingly downrightly sheerly illimitably breathtakingly overelaborately dissolutely tempestuously debauchedly dissipatively unessentially explosively pleonastically hellaciously cumbrously mind-bogglingly reprehensibly incontinently wickedly barbarously penally wrongfully peremptorily bottomlessly unlawfully arbitrarily poshly capitally unrightfully overgenerously megalithically crazy alarmingly distressingly demandingly savagely soaringly unreservedly eternally wrongly dubiously questionably doubtfully unconvincingly strangely oddly multitudinously horrifically overpoweringly unbearably swankily statuesquely obtrusively improvidently ornately inflexibly verily phenomenally magnifically thunderingly overdramatically illegitimately unmistakably measurelessly unproductively disposably thunderously startlingly miraculously exactingly healthily pricelessly unmissably inescapably superiorly paramountly unnaturally uncannily interminably sillily frantically spectacularly sensationally sublimely transcendently mercilessly risibly tyrannically ruthlessly extraneously paralyzingly paralysingly excitingly preciously finely choicely fantabulously elegantly atypically freakishly supernormally subnormally fervently unstintingly stupidly foolishly airily unmatchably imperially aerially ultimately wondrously authoritarianly fervidly uncompromisingly sternly starkly cryingly protrusively fussily flowerily onerously roughly ominously decadently earnestly momentously causelessly unfoundedly inanely laughably executively the most brutally ruggedly grimly bitterly floridly showily busily ostentatiously torridly remorselessly rigidly farcically idiotically incongruously stoutly cavernously burlily beefily meatily fleshily strappingly brawnily monolithically chunkily sturdily muscularly heartfeltly penetratingly heatedly vividly piercingly feverishly greedily baselessly avoidably consciencelessly horrifyingly ungodlily knavishly appallingly unholily sneakily murderously tryingly ineptly forbiddenly unfittingly underhandedly sinisterly indecorously unaptly illegally inaptly unseasonably most deeply most fully to the greatest degree best to the highest degree most highly decoratively ornamentally iron-handedly heavy-handedly diabolically avidly perfervidly emotionally eagerly freely unconventionally open-handedly brutishly carelessly unreasoningly offensively unspeakably maddeningly impossibly flabbily fubsily hunkily paunchily inhumanly hardheadedly headstrongly intractably pitilessly inexorably relentlessly barefacedly nakedly outrightly shamelessly heinously overemotionally sentimentally emotively spiritedly buxomly unconstrainedly unconfinedly openhandedly sumptuously frequently arrantly plainly robustly barmily unsupportably reasonlessly assumedly resoundingly scandalously atrociously shamefully disgracefully complexly rabidly unimpededly undisciplinedly naturally villainously labouredly bitingly viciously ghastlily fearsomely loosely unstoppably uncontainably irrepressibly unquenchably without restraint without control to excess intricately complicatedly sensationalistically forcedly affectedly stagily convulsively urgently strenuously forcibly intensively energetically enragedly hotly concentratedly unrepressedly camply paroxysmally dynamically volcanically tumultuously stormily coercively turbulently immorally candidly frankly impotently licentiously lawlessly spontaneously plenarily impertinently bluntly awkwardly laboredly involvedly unhandily longly incommodiously labyrinthinely sophisticatedly

Trái nghĩa của sufficiently

sufficiently Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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