Đồng nghĩa của strenuously

Alternative for strenuously

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    • căng thẳng, vất vả, đòi hỏi cố gắng lớn

Phó từ

With great endeavor or resolve
assiduously arduously determinedly diligently hard industriously intently laboriously purposefully resolutely amain doggedly intensely intensively sedulously slavishly zealously hardly mightily actively busily vigorously energetically perseveringly tirelessly conscientiously indefatigably earnestly painstakingly steadfastly steadily enthusiastically eagerly persistently willfully obstinately unweariedly unwaveringly fervently unremittingly untiringly ardently unflaggingly painfully with effort wearilessly with a will exhaustingly expeditiously onerously spiritedly vivaciously burdensomely animatedly seriously inexhaustibly troublesomely difficultly vigilantly unfailingly unwearyingly not without difficulty with difficulty incessantly after a struggle perkily jumpingly unceasingly uncomplainingly dutifully with gritted teeth strongly tightly bravely firmly decisively nose to the grindstone like a Trojan without slacking restlessly studiously rigorously keenly by hand heavily like all get out toilsomely wearyingly gruelingly tiringly ponderously tiresomely with a struggle like the dickens like the devil closely meticulously very hard with great effort cumbrously cumbersomely thoroughly feverishly really hard exhaustively continuously unabatedly unrelentingly gruellingly like billy-o flatstick like crazy with perseverance with application all out like mad tenaciously stubbornly firm tight passionately thoughtfully fast in earnest staunchly unflinchingly unyieldingly devotedly with forethought through thick and thin for keeps close pertinaciously deeply adamantly obdurately solidly soundly immovably loyally wholeheartedly fervidly with commitment with enthusiasm with dedication urgently solemnly gravely soberly dourly grimly pensively sombrely humourlessly sternly ruminatively meditatively contemplatively sincerely sedately with sobriety with a straight face with a poker face without smiling attentively methodically fastidiously watchfully delicately punctiliously concentratedly precisely scrutinizingly scrupulously faithfully raptly particularly sharply correctly alertly fixedly heedfully regardfully observantly exactly reliably fully searchingly trustily dependably honorably providently carefully honourably in detail

Phó từ

In a forceful or powerful manner
vigorously hard powerfully forcefully energetically strongly forcibly mightily dynamically explosively stiffly roundly sturdily firmly muscularly stoutly intensely aggressively vehemently emphatically actively assertively violently determinedly with might and main fiercely zealously with a vengeance potently intensively resolutely enthusiastically resoundingly spiritedly assiduously industriously robustly like gangbusters passionately rigorously eagerly earnestly to beat the band indefatigably diligently sedulously keenly persistently boldly furiously conscientiously heartily thoroughly lustily wildly tirelessly vitally fierily briskly unflaggingly untiringly painstakingly pushily concentratedly toughly severely with force feistily enterprisingly all out livelily animatedly like mad vivaciously peppily insistently like crazy doggedly like billy-o perkily thoroughgoingly racily unrestrainedly concertedly tenaciously perseveringly relentlessly effectively uncontrolledly with vigour unbridledly drivingly ferociously hardly with vigor punchily ruggedly hardily viciously scrupulously meticulously zippily sparkily wholeheartedly exhaustively animately ambitiously airily snappily heavily carefully friskily pertly ardently demandingly madly bouncingly springily gaily unremittingly jauntily jazzily vibrantly militantly pushingly with great effort spankingly unswervingly searchingly laboriously profoundly unshakeably steadfastly unrelentingly pertinaciously elaborately solidly deeply stalwartly virilely spryly terribly exquisitely kinetically soundly completely with a will compellingly uncompromisingly healthily attentively at full tilt punctiliously fervently purposefully decidedly persuasively fussily unweariedly dominantly committedly authoritatively commandingly domineeringly bullishly confidently roughly totally inexhaustibly sparklingly hammer and tongs accurately particularly bossily audaciously for all one is worth with all the stops out bluntly competitively steadily exactingly minutely closely methodically zestfully dedicatedly sweepingly unwearyingly unflinchingly unwaveringly acutely wearilessly bouncily with perseverance with application excruciatingly strictly coercively heedfully ghastlily frightfully blisteringly fearfully dreadfully fearsomely almightily religiously substantially hotly hellaciously finickily exactly spunkily indomitably correctly lovingly gutsily frantically radically freshly pickily persnicketily breezily desperately with all one's might and main with all one's might pluckily proudly torely staunchly to the full to the limit to the utmost flat-out to the greatest extreme exuberantly bodily self-confidently self-assuredly chipperly effectually jumpingly incessantly unstintingly importunately really hard very hard patiently strappingly movingly kinematically demoniacally strong fastidiously fitly brawnily restlessly unmixedly with violence unfalteringly precisely bloomingly stressfully pushfully difficultly like fury boisterously savagely deliberately constantly heftily remorselessly inexorably single-mindedly taxingly arduously invincibly providently judiciously ragingly extremely burlily huskily daringly influentially with energy thoughtfully faithfully cautiously circumspectly buffly beefily might and main exhaustingly convincingly imperiously regardfully concernedly observantly primly angrily with all one's strength greatly nicely charily discreetly heatedly ungovernably inordinately uncontrollably consumingly devastatingly riotously rampantly intemperately rabidly flourishingly electrifyingly excitingly brassily indignantly sharply unmanageably excessively overwhelmingly immoderately harshly bitingly unfetteredly dazzlingly dashingly zestily flamboyantly bustlingly effervescently studiously painfully convulsively urgently flamingly enragedly agonizingly ruinously colourfully rousingly vividly stirringly colorfully securely seriously impetuously tumultuously stormily frenziedly tempestuously turbulently paroxysmally outrageously volcanically hoppingly thrivingly busily stimulatingly detailedly comprehensively punctually conscionably pedantically responsively radiantly sensitively vibratingly immovably tightly safely motionlessly enduringly in anger solid fast stably fixedly durably rigidly inflexibly tight extensively with indignation fastly acceleratedly like a rock sincerely quickly devoutly fearlessly as hard as possible as hard as one can like the devil with enthusiasm with eagerness with great vigour for dear life like the deuce as best one can going great guns to the best of one's abilities like nobody's business like it's going out of style athletically stockily hunkily chunkily hulkingly unyieldingly bulkily wholy resiliently starkly reliably resistantly dumpily thickly stubbily meatily squatly stumpily dependably bigly wholesomely imperishably indestructibly steelily unbreakably imperviously adamantinely finely unshakably goodly fatly fubsily impenetrably plumply unimpairedly lastingly trimly broadly manlily compactly shortly surely flawlessly truely rootedly capably perdurably invulnerably chubbily frozenly concretely stonily fleshily portlily tautly corpulently trustily permanently immutably impregnably importantly everlastingly unchangeably obstinately unmalleably manfully normally significantly puissantly unshakenly impermeably stubbornly formidably weightily unblemishedly ably pudgily densely obdurately cohesively unbrokenly faultlessly pristinely trustworthily responsibly undisturbedly unfailingly largely infallibly loyally infrangibly uninterruptedly sportily unassailably redoubtably unbendingly tubbily incorruptibly rotundly grittily stationarily airtightly rightly untroubledly regularly indissolubly physically buxomly honourably honorably compactedly endlessly intrepidly adamantly snugly amply lithely agilely nimbly doughtily calculably togetherly diminutively nervily masculinely unmovingly compressedly rockily pursily stodgily gigantically sanely massively uprightly youngly leanly dourly foolproofly healthfully butchly unaffectedly dwarfishly ongoingly inexpugnably stuntedly unpliably ceaselessly cogently statically continuously inviolately irrepressibly indubitably reputably sensibly devotedly slimly rudely intransigently inviolably impassibly unshakingly perfectly paunchily undividedly competently certainly bullheadedly cynically refractorily inelastically unmoveably imposingly widely headstrongly valiantly ramrod ropily roaringly stringily wirily unceasingly salutiferously implacably repellently adventurously unhesitatingly greenly unsentimentally stoutheartedly porkily podgily obesely coherently irremovably realistically practically shrewdly efficaciously overpoweringly possessively mulishly toweringly hugely colossally gargantuanly lumberingly swollenly leadingly undauntedly matter-of-factly trenchantly usefully controllingly predominantly prestigiously venturously adventuresomely courageously callously omnipotently hard-handedly dimensionally ruthlessly playfully buoyantly equably fanatically inextinguishably immortally upbeatly venturesomely recklessly rashly bravely temerariously resourcefully foolhardily overboldly abidingly indelibly grimly burningly unquenchably bitterly glowingly efficiently serviceably undyingly deathlessly unfadingly ineradicably perennially unalterably irrefragably eternally perpetually irrefrangibly

Phó từ

Adverb for requiring or using great effort or exertion
demandingly hardly arduously toughly taxingly difficultly exactingly exhaustingly stiffly toilsomely formidably gruellingly heavily laboriously murderously tiringly backbreakingly challengingly effortfully gruelingly hellaciously punishingly rigorously roughly ruggedly severely sweatily testingly killingly unrelaxingly meanly operosely toilfully wickedly onerously tryingly burdensomely wearingly stressfully drainingly crushingly wearisomely harshly grindingly oppressively brutally exigently hellishly debilitatingly troublesomely tiresomely cripplingly excruciatingly weightily grievously laboredly labouredly tediously fiercely harrowingly irksomely stringently grimly painfully cruelly unsparingly persnicketily relentlessly tortuously vigorously ponderously torturously seriously bothersomely dauntingly unremittingly ambitiously unpleasantly hairily awkwardly colossally thornily hectically agonizingly intensely intolerably unbearably extremely trickily forbiddingly worryingly energetically problematically mightily painstakingly gravely stickily savagely dangerously gargantuanly gallingly cumbersomely vexatiously mercilessly uncomfortably solemnly bitterly ferociously distressingly bloodthirstily strictly nerve-rackingly devastatingly destructively wearily homicidally busily knottily ruinously unforgivingly bloodily traumatically imperiously staggeringly gigantically sanguinarily excessively searingly inhumanly hardhandedly frustratingly titanically intimidatingly slavishly unyieldingly exasperatingly critically eventfully bloody-mindedly monumentally leadenly contrivedly artificially lethally livelily frenetically criminally slaughterously actively wildly steeply frantically impressively boringly spiritedly inconveniently tensely complexly complicatedly austerely forcedly immoderately anxiously sanguinely heftily intensively almightily elaborately impossibly immensely disturbingly pressingly wretchedly prohibitively majorly badly jarringly distressfully acutely soberingly uglily awfully direly hazardously powerfully unreasonably prodigiously hugely overwhelmingly exorbitantly physically unfairly searchingly dourly spartanly worrisomely witheringly massively punitively inexorably doggedly ruthlessly slowly hardworkingly lengthily upsettingly unrelentingly responsibly thoroughgoingly pitilessly excitingly domineeringly despotically heroically courageously forcefully profoundly stormily confusedly abstrusely reconditely concentratedly clumsily insufferably delicately tightly pestilently vivaciously carefully hypercritically precisely thoroughly drastically aggressively boldly ploddingly overpoweringly grandiosely daringly unjustly ominously affectedly studiedly noteworthily interestingly industriously ticklishly nastily embarrassingly chaotically unendurably scabrously tormentingly viciously troublingly grandly extravagantly intrepidly sensitively frenziedly unnaturally ineptly maladroitly visionarily loftily pretentiously mystifyingly tricksily touchily dodgily catchily significantly considerably disastrously turbulently restlessly magnificently terribly consequentially tumultuously animatedly tirelessly bustlingly furiously riotously intricately bewilderingly puzzlingly perplexingly convolutedly incomprehensibly bafflingly menacingly threateningly perilously bigly bleakly precariously unrulily rowdily bumpily raucously desolately fatally depressingly shockingly unamusingly somberly sombrely discouragingly ill-fatedly sadly urgently sedately dishearteningly forlornly earnestly soberly concerningly unsettlingly nigglingly annoyingly disquietingly disagreeably alarmingly irritatingly controversially scarily hostilely maddeningly naggingly involvedly vexedly iffily chancily dreadfully troublously peskily plaguily pestilentially pestiferously lamentably darkly questionably unfriendlily tragically appallingly infuriatingly frighteningly dismally atrociously infernally discomposingly unkindly deplorably abrasively confoundedly incommodiously repressively riskily rockily unstably heartbreakingly rebarbatively cussedly dispiritingly heart-rendingly suspectly dubiously unfortunately regrettably woefully heartrendingly paradoxically uncharitably apprehensively displeasingly gratingly objectionably repugnantly unwelcomely ghastlily rottenly horridly horribly vilely foully nail-bitingly pointedly stimulatingly disappointingly frightfully horrendously abominably treacherously vulnerably disputedly antipathetically demoralizingly awesomely tyrannically uneasily nervously creepily parlously unattractively unsatisfyingly dictatorially contentiously debatedly disconcertingly autocratically gut-wrenchingly panickily terrifyingly grottily unsafely unsoundly undemocratically draconianly debatably tyrannously unresolvedly unsettledly undecidedly lousily authoritarianly unpredictably shakily insecurely shamefully outrageously heinously off-puttingly hurtfully overbearingly coercively ongoingly glaringly egregiously fearsomely high-handedly overweeningly peremptorily depressively ironhandedly gloomily heavy-handedly monstrously flagrantly unluckily nefariously iniquitously grossly demoralisingly fractiously flagitiously offensively pitifully harmfully pathetically villainously importunately intractably undisciplinedly damagingly ungovernably messily disorderlily nicely uncertainly unsteadily volatilely changeably temperamentally inconstantly mercurially variably fickly capriciously

Phó từ

Adverb for having or displaying resolve
determinedly resolutely unwaveringly single-mindedly firmly unswervingly undauntedly intently committedly steadfastly indefatigably staunchly stalwartly earnestly tenaciously unfalteringly unhesitatingly unflinchingly persistently pertinaciously perseveringly strong-mindedly unshakeably steelily dedicatedly insistently stubbornly adamantly doggedly purposefully obstinately purposively obdurately decidedly deliberately inflexibly relentlessly intransigently implacably uncompromisingly unyieldingly unbendingly immovably unrelentingly spiritedly bravely fixedly boldly courageously manfully pluckily stoutly indomitably unshakenly unflappably untiringly stout-heartedly wholeheartedly grittily vigorously gutsily inexorably seriously stiffly strongly unmovably unshakably valiantly compulsively grimly perseverantly steadily unchangingly undeviatingly unflaggingly constantly spunkily truely solidly faithfully intrepidly decisively immutably loyally definitely directly devotedly reliably straightly trustily toughly ardently zealously keenly enthusiastically fanatically avidly assertively eagerly hardily fiercely actively feistily pushily ruthlessly ambitiously industriously inspiredly enterprisingly aspiringly thirstily obsessedly desirously forcefully aggressively hungrily lionheartedly energetically resiliently militantly irrepressibly enduringly heroically gamely passionately adventurously intensely pioneeringly progressively surely self-confidently vehemently sagaciously consumedly perceptively meanly independently invincibly unbeatably obsessively unconquerably tough-mindedly resourcefully animatedly certainly confidently obsessionally unsurpassably impregnably invulnerably impulsively fearlessly insuperably unstoppably untameably insurmountably unassailably willfully doughtily impassably headstrongly ruggedly capably sturdily stoutheartedly resistantly robustly soundly

Trái nghĩa của strenuously

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