Đồng nghĩa của clumsily

Alternative for clumsily

clumsily /'klʌmzili/
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Without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly
awkwardly bunglingly carelessly gawkily sloppily stumblingly ineptly maladroitly gracelessly gauchely inexpertly unhandily inelegantly ungracefully incompetently ham-handedly crudely lumberingly cack-handedly heavy-handedly unskilfully roughly uncoordinatedly unskillfully rustically amateurishly coarsely stiffly oafishly unrefinedly inexperiencedly uncouthly rudely botchedly woodenly clownishly unfitly boorishly stiltedly unsophisticatedly unprofessionally cloddishly amateurly left-handedly vulgarly crassly gawkishly churlishly uselessly tactlessly lumpishly inefficiently uneasily ponderously inaptly ganglingly artlessly unably uncomfortably gruffly untactfully loutishly nonprofessionally indelicately tastelessly rawly unsuitably grossly incapably unwieldily primitively untowardly lumpenly injudiciously bearishly substandardly unqualifiedly unfortunately unseemlily improperly ineffectually indecorously rudimentarily heavily stolidly commonly hastily wrongly slipshodly uncivilly simply philistinely shamblingly uneducatedly inappropriately unaptly yobbishly cumbersomely impolitely stupidly shoddily greenly labouredly unnaturally inadequately infelicitously inappositely basically indiscreetly incongruously barbarically incorrectly imperfectly unsubtly discourteously harshly unfittingly unbecomingly rashly foolishly classlessly perversely doltishly swinishly bovinely clunkily provincially unhappily ill-advisedly laboredly loudly blunderously ignorantly untalentedly spastically inferiorly unbefittingly brutishly insufficiently imprudently brashly lowly thuggishly inadvisably incompletely elementarily unpolitically regrettably laboriously hopelessly barbarously undiplomatically insensibly raffishly ruggedly illiberally impolitically offensively poorly uncomplicatedly imprecisely inexactly cantankerously ornerily unsteadily hulkingly flatly plainly slowly insipidly inurbanely weedily helplessly bulkily shufflingly unsavourily ungraciously guilelessly naively ingenuously ill-fatedly unluckily sharply bluntly unwisely insensitively inefficaciously basely rowdily wildly parochially coltishly unperceptively unthinkingly uglily forcedly densely unsavorily constrainedly unartfully menially lethargically obtusely slackly dishonourably immorally dishonorably dorkily misguidedly inexpediently ill-judgedly unacceptably artificially sullenly surlily dozily inopportunely unproductively unsuccessfully indecently undignifiedly undesirably preliminarily discreditably hesitantly contrivedly sketchily quickly cursorily banally inadeptly unmeetly jejunely ungodlily salaciously tackily unhandsomely unworthily unfairly unseasonably initially rustily stutteringly mincingly self-consciously lifelessly preparatively firstly inductively preparatorily callously earlily approximately inartistically precipitately straightforwardly leadenly passionlessly stodgily rigidly drily plebeianly disjointedly unimpassionedly spiritlessly soullessly savagely disrespectfully impertinently ungenteelly ungallantly unyieldingly obstinately inexpressively unbendingly inflexibly weightily brokenly ineffectively raunchily pathetically doubtfully haltingly indecisively waveringly tentatively uncertainly irresolutely vacillatingly deficiently wantingly ineligibly unreliably fumblingly unadroitly with difficulty

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In a poor, unsatisfactory, or inadequate way
badly poorly inadequately bad incorrectly unsatisfactorily erroneously deficiently wretchedly faultily imperfectly dreadfully appallingly atrociously awfully deplorably terribly dismally lamentably miserably abysmally insufficiently abominably woefully carelessly incompetently lousily unacceptably defectively pitifully crudely execrably diabolically inexpertly crummily egregiously ineptly inefficiently shoddily ineffectively negligently frightfully amateurishly meanly awkwardly blunderingly feebly haphazardly ill maladroitly stupidly unskillfully weakly wrong disgracefully reprehensibly unforgivably disreputably unpleasantly incompletely wickedly amateurly ineffectually inexperiencedly rawly bunglingly incapably suboptimally unqualifiedly untalentedly horribly shockingly horrendously horridly direly loathsomely ghastlily odiously disgustingly hideously vilely nastily offensively revoltingly abhorrently rottenly repulsively repugnantly foully repellently sickeningly monstrously horrifyingly obnoxiously distastefully nauseatingly grossly disagreeably gruesomely detestably scandalously obscenely evilly contemptibly nauseously heinously objectionably despicably unspeakably pathetically horrifically inferiorly hatefully uglily noisomely noxiously grimly distressingly grislily rancidly repellantly macabrely alarmingly frighteningly fulsomely shamefully direfully fearfully substandardly hopelessly terrifyingly yuckily sorrily disgustfully outrageously sadly grottily nightmarishly grievously harrowingly unpalatably luridly calamitously unsavourily mediocrely tragically uselessly off-puttingly intolerably cheaply stinkingly displeasingly terrifically basely unsavorily chronically unfortunately forbiddingly hellaciously putridly godawfully ickily disastrously scarily pitiably upsettingly insufferably paltrily fearsomely trashily worthlessly scurvily laughably shabbily disturbingly lamely formidably ropily intimidatingly uninvitingly abjectly dirtily redoubtably dauntingly nefariously hellishly viciously regrettably dreadly creepily villainously ignominiously junkily sleazily coarsely gravely iniquitously unwelcomely undesirably cruelly flagitiously catastrophically chillingly damnably immorally disappointingly dishonourably darkly disquietingly filthily heartbreakingly inhumanly severely blackly worryingly dishonorably desperately infamously wantingly savagely opprobriously sinisterly malodorously cataclysmically commonly brutally fetidly exceptionably rebarbatively ignobly troublesomely sordidly grubbily distressfully lowly sinfully sickly mephitically annoyingly vomitously depravedly unpleasingly traumatically inexcusably harshly ruinously startlingly gloomily stomach-turningly stomach-churningly spookily ungodlily wrongly bitterly painfully seriously unluckily discreditably disconcertingly stinkily fiendishly hairily unbearably rankly extremely depressingly devastatingly barbarously dangerously criminally morbidly irritatingly scabbily scummily dodgily unsoundly adversely unhappily unprincipledly invidiously smellily uncomfortably devilishly degradingly destructively harmfully tawdrily cheesily subnormally rattily unfavourably unfavorably sourly bloodcurdlingly gut-wrenchingly barbarically uncongenially dishearteningly unutterably gallingly indescribably difficultly irksomely afflictively averagely sombrely corruptly somberly menacingly tattily degenerately indifferently critically unappetizingly agonizingly heartrendingly ordinarily bestially vulgarly indefensibly melancholily middlingly parlously unexceptionally funkily pedestrianly mournfully unholily unworthily infernally fatally ghostlily blameworthily tackily brutishly ruthlessly accursedly insupportably weirdly grotesquely bleakly desolately squalidly notoriously dolefully embarrassingly acridly sorrowfully unpardonably flagrantly vexatiously unfairly tremendously shadily heart-rendingly fatefully wantonly ominously uncleanly troublingly tinnily dingily grungily balefully inauspiciously pervertedly acutely unsuccessfully humiliatingly unsettlingly discouragingly mercilessly unreasonably solemnly unscrupulously malevolently unethically drearily gorily indecently cheerlessly damningly depressively unrespectably shily louchely eldritchly morosely piteously glumly forlornly knavishly meagrely meagerly overwhelmingly grimily crumbily excruciatingly funereally scurrilously sepulchrally peskily slimily ghoulishly unpropitiously stressfully very badly unseemlily shamelessly demoniacally violently cripplingly preposterously excessively crushingly ingloriously extravagantly sadistically murderously amorally inadmissibly unsuitably roughly drably bloodily melancholically valuelessly hardly emetically unlawfully unrighteously unconscionably affectingly forebodingly pitilessly discomposingly poisonously pestilentially glaringly perversely brutely satanically bothersomely debauchedly unwantedly injuriously tastelessly pollutedly sullenly fiercely ridiculously godforsakenly unkindly cryingly impurely mortifyingly unappealingly smuttily bedraggledly muddily illegally muckily dustily cursedly unhealthily hurtfully hostilely pestiferously raunchily demonically worrisomely drastically heartlessly unpopularly improperly threateningly uncannily supernaturally hauntingly immoderately torturously demoralizingly dispiritingly perilously soberly preternaturally strangely ineffably deceitfully underhandedly saddeningly awesomely callously dissolutely intensely tryingly testingly joylessly impermissibly inappropriately pruriently indecorously untowardly treacherously taxingly frustratingly heavily toughly imposingly poignantly exorbitantly dispiritedly censurably malignantly comfortlessly detrimentally steeply unwarrantedly immodestly mortally rudely humorlessly humourlessly troublously tormentingly unmercifully unnaturally demoralisingly ruefully alienly starkly ribaldly unjustifiably reekingly sedately deleteriously mirthlessly movingly unendurably inconceivably truculently sanguinarily exasperatingly questionably ill-fatedly coldly anguishedly restrictedly dolorously currishly snidely lethally carnally animally degradedly irrationally confoundedly astoundingly cattily perniciously irremediably concerningly sneakily inhumanely irretrievably derisorily low-mindedly bewilderingly strongly sanguinely banefully lugubriously uncoolly inexpressibly impoverishedly lewdly haplessly strikingly cuttingly sublimely ornerily bitingly inconveniently nerve-rackingly deathlily inexpediently brackishly worstly bloodthirstily senselessly illy inclemently untrustworthily dishonestly forbiddenly Kafkaesquely foolishly unimpressively crookedly blastedly culpably hazardously precariously riskily sicklily naffly thoughtlessly limitedly greatly dissipatedly disconsolately broodingly spitefully commonplacely mightily dubiously ill-advisedly thrillingly scabrously impotently littly trickily reptilianly freakily misshapenly oppressively dolesomely infuriatingly cussedly mal- naggingly mischievously unattractively unreally phantasmagorically swinishly piggishly gluttonously ferally boorishly remissly excitingly breathtakingly condemnably overpoweringly unprintably sensationally austerely fallaciously frozenly eye-wateringly spectrally bluely brokenly sparingly inappreciably inconsiderably insubstantially demandingly unwholesomely undescribably meanspiritedly disrespectfully maliciously apocalyptically messily unbelievably diseasedly depressedly cloyingly scuzzily frenetically madly crazedly maniacally tenebrously exaggeratedly graphically venally unrelentingly impressively rockily woozily absurdly ludicrously sillily irritably perplexingly troubledly distressedly unamusingly beastly unfitly abortively unimaginably insipidly flavourlessly flavorlessly flatly hauntedly extraterrestrially mysteriously inordinately uninvitedly incommodiously backbitingly disadvantageously untruely detractively aberrantly impolitely inacceptably unstably explicitly melodramatically shadowily murkily greyly grayly piddlingly weightily faithlessly perfidiously mercenarily onerously pressingly crucially crassly plangently slipshodly pensively gracelessly lachrymosely deceptively tiringly gruellingly arduously lucklessly indigently heartstoppingly bizarrely urgently nail-bitingly consequentially profoundly suspensefully extraordinarily contradictorily incompatibly inconsistently astonishingly amazingly stunningly staggeringly irredeemably massively powerfully surprisingly abusively insolently discourteously impertinently antagonistically antipathetically inimically aversely meritlessly eerily haggardly faintly anaemically dimly anemically unrestrainedly colourfully undefinably unbecomingly sorely oppositely extrinsically extraneously differently unfriendlily unconformably foreignly mustily highly fustily unsympathetically cold-bloodedly unmentionably portentously exigently kitschily salaciously drunkenly profligately intemperately miasmically frowsily frowzily phantasmically phantasmally hard-heartedly unfeelingly remorselessly despondently stirringly dejectedly ripely suggestively gruelingly toweringly unnecessarily plethorically stiffly lavishly overweeningly fancily insanely baroquely needlessly disproportionately juicily vividly ethereally heavenlily unpityingly unforgivingly yellowly maddeningly impossibly stonily compassionlessly insensately insensitively affectlessly uncharitably inconsiderately uncaringly obdurately unsparingly soullessly extortionately saltily fierily garishly colorfully distinctly purplely deeply racily consciencelessly unthinkably illogically unjustly uncompassionately contumeliously cold-heartedly abandonedly

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In a laborious or ponderous manner
heavily laboriously ponderously slowly awkwardly gloomily painfully sluggishly steadily dejectedly deliberately dully stiffly woodenly hard weightily massively tediously wearily with difficulty with heavy steps with leaden steps artificially forcedly unnaturally labouredly contrivedly laboredly affectedly studiedly stiltedly leadenly turgidly long-windedly convolutedly inelegantly unconvincingly complexly tortuously arduously difficultly intricately prolixly elaborately ornately ineptly operosely toilsomely hardly maladroitly strenuously effortfully pedestrianly drearily stodgily ploddingly boringly lifelessly drily monotonously uninterestingly tiresomely pedantically seriously solemnly stolidly tiringly stalely stuffily oldly wearisomely stupidly jejunely aridly drably dustily colorlessly flatly humdrumly monochromatically tamely vapidly colourlessly barrenly unexcitingly prosaically insipidly banally commonplacely routinely uneventfully unimaginatively blandly mundanely lacklustrely lacklusterly uninspiringly uninspiredly repetitiously tritely unremarkably sterilely tiredly ordinarily repetitively spiritlessly unvaryingly quotidianly characterlessly commonly unoriginally derivatively soporifically featurelessly prosily exhaustingly dimly unexceptionally conventionally deadly mediocrely uniformly unchangingly depressingly unentertainingly wishy-washily inanely mindlessly matter-of-factly passionlessly platitudinously uncreatively feebly tonelessly unrelievedly mechanically limply interminably lamely bloodlessly desolately wearifully vacuously emptily usually cornily weakly nondescriptly hackily ornerily innocuously downcastly dismally undistinguishedly indifferently heftily anaemically unadventurously averagely soullessly annoyingly irritatingly longwindedly regularly typically customarily normally depressedly sleepily slackly quietly unmemorably irksomely vacantly pointlessly monotonically recurrently formally uninterestedly tepidly clichédly tryingly unmovedly heavy-handedly stagnantly expressionlessly lusterlessly unexcitedly unfeelingly unexpressively waterily trivially puerilely staidly truistically indistinctly neutrally vexatiously unproductively inactively unprogressively crudely meagrely meagerly simplistically zestlessly verbosely anemically damply wintrily oppressively windily dispiritingly rawly sorrowfully pokily mortally antiseptically unpalatably blindly outdatedly old-fashionedly outmodedly archaically endlessly obsoletely dowdily plainly bleakly antiquatedly hoarily inoffensively unobjectionably harmlessly safely halfheartedly

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In an inaccurate manner
inaccurately amiss carelessly erroneously faultily imprecisely improperly inappropriately inaptly incorrectly mistakenly unsuitably wrongly badly crudely inadequately inexactly unfaithfully unreliably falsely awkwardly fallaciously untruely unsoundly invalidly spuriously untruthfully unfoundedly speciously misleadingly deceptively sophistically defectively misguidedly fictitiously illogically unsubstantiatedly counterfactually delusively unsupportedly bogusly iffily weakly deceitfully baselessly beguilingly imperfectly casuistically questionably dodgily dubiously phonily imaginarily unconvincingly apocryphally doubtfully widely groundlessly fallibly mythically counterfeitly fraudulently fakely unreally fishily insincerely truthlessly implausibly by mistake flimsily illusorily in error unfavorably unfavourably unprovenly suspectly tenuously unjustifiedly discrepantly shakily riskily chancily rockily disreputably erringly equivocally uncertainly hollowly confusedly fabulously dishonestly emptily mythologically unfitly fictionally unstably madly untrustworthily sickly reasonlessly flakily legendarily coldly uncanonically afield conjecturally unfittingly erratically debatably inadvisedly speculatively askew indefinitely afoul unnaturally imprudently wrong wantingly mendaciously fancifully illusively out of turn unassuredly unsurely untowardly plausibly credibly likelily probably vainly captiously flatteringly ostentatiously ostensibly meretriciously apparently colorably presumptively presumably seemingly idly sophisticatedly pretentiously rottenly feignedly wildly trickily unwarrantedly untenably irrationally artificially disingenuously leakily rankly incompletely botchedly frailly blamably deficiently insufficiently lamely incoherently contradictorily unseemlily indecorously infelicitously unhappily unaptly unsatisfactorily gracelessly ineptly perversely inappositely unbecomingly incongruously ambiguously confusingly unreasonably unscientifically factitiously contrivedly evasively unreasoningly inconsequentially inconsistently preposterously absurdly inconsequently illegitimately unstraightforwardly crookedly foully unlawfully unfairly mistakably bewilderingly puzzlingly demagogically perplexingly catchily unsustainably illegally

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Adverb for badly made or done
unwieldily cumbersomely awkwardly clunkily unhandily bulkily crankily cumbrously hulkingly ponderously unmanageably heavily solidly massively heftily weightily inconveniently burdensomely lumberingly largely hugely greatly bigly grossly substantially incommodiously immensely enormously laboriously difficultly gigantically impractically oppressively onerously colossally gargantuanly troublesomely monumentally titanically vastly tremendously grandly extensively toweringly heroically cosmically astronomically uncontrollably chunkily giantly trickily monstrously leadenly embarrassingly wearisomely tiresomely prodigiously whoppingly stupendously gracelessly oceanically superly pharaonically planetarily almightily mountainously thumpingly galactically mightily slowly ginormously uncoordinatedly maladroitly thickly densely stoutly obesely fatly portlily fleshily brawnily burlily sturdily beefily strappingly huskily oafishly lumpishly sizably voluminously tidily sizeably hunkily handsomely loutishly considerably starkly imposingly muscularly epically strongly amply stockily robustly powerfully stellarly buffly significantly stalwartly immeasurably generously majorly meatily expansively ruggedly broadly widely abundantly grandiosely highly substantively lustily healthily capaciously boundlessly respectably lavishly plentifully spaciously excessively inordinately vigorously magnificently athletically longly comprehensively goodly extremely infinitely limitlessly plenteously appreciably roomily formidably corpulently plumply commodiously extraordinarily fubsily loftily profusely toughly dumpily impressively pursily stubbily rotundly seriously stumpily squatly paunchily extravagantly flabbily markedly exorbitantly tubbily buxomly chubbily pudgily podgily staggeringly porkily incalculably liberally unlimitedly cavernously measurelessly monolithically statuesquely prosperously profitably thunderingly sufficiently noticeably advantageously entirely lucratively superabundantly copiously wholy completely roundly strikingly majestically reasonably hardily decently globally sweepingly heartily superiorly eminently notably endlessly augustly eternally sublimely imperially bountifully overwhelmingly awfully terrifically magnifically illustriously bonnily interminably megalithically bounteously illimitably prolifically fantastically numerously terribly unboundedly detailedly pronouncedly adequately rewardingly materially dauntingly repletely bloatedly gainfully remuneratively obdurately vitally astoundingly steadily unfathomably fathomlessly awesomely exhaustively baggily sensibly gloriously deeply ear-splittingly boomingly roaringly deafeningly resoundingly thunderously movingly renownedly dynamically intensely irresistibly measurably statelily splendidly unsparingly manlily prolongedly lengthily decidedly extendedly universally nationwidely dreadfully appallingly nobly superbly fearfully frightfully catholicly cosmogonically ecumenically intergalactically soaringly multifariously convolutedly sundrily variously multitudinously simply intercontinentally importantly internationally leadingly crowdedly steeply firmly hardly forcefully palatially loudly desperately severely durably finely regally impenetrably intractably characterlessly featurelessly facelessly immovably sluggishly ploddingly resplendently proudly gorgeously tenaciously indomitably invincibly stably supremely bullishly royally ambitiously gallantly baronially dignifiedly consistently permanently bovinely insanely outstandingly baroquely intolerably plethorically unmercifully overweeningly immoderately unconscionably stiffly paramountly fancily devilishly exaltedly splendiferously haughtily unreally richly transcendently shamblingly preeminently unmatchably aerially airily unmeasurably ultimately stodgily

Trái nghĩa của clumsily

clumsily Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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