Đồng nghĩa của wantonly

Alternative for wantonly

  • phó từ
    • bướng, ngang ngạnh; cố tình (hành động)
    • tinh nghịch, nghịch gợm, đỏng đảnh; đùa giỡn
    • lố lăng, phóng đãng, dâm ô
    • bừa bãi, trái đạo đức
    • không khiêm tốn, không giản dị
    • tốt tươi, sum sê, um tùm, rất phong phú (sự sinh trưởng )

Phó từ

Adverb for having a strong carnal desire
lustfully promiscuously licentiously abandonedly lecherously loosely dissipatedly immorally lasciviously lewdly libidinously unchastely dissolutely immodestly indecently lubriciously profligately salaciously debauchedly impurely rakishly unblushingly fastly sinfully unvirtuously wildly bawdily bluely coarsely concupiscently corruptly crudely degenerately dirtily filthily foully goatishly grossly hornily hotly hypersexually itchily nastily obscenely passionately pornographically profanely randily raunchily ribaldly smuttily trashily unprintably vulgarly whorishly disreputably impiously shamelessly unprincipledly unscrupulously waywardly depravedly wickedly pruriently intemperately unrestrainedly scatologically rudely decadently improperly naughtily pervertedly carnally sensually suggestively vilely uncleanly unwholesomely offensively indelicately rawly uncontrolledly erotically perversely racily unbridledly adultly evilly immoderately sickly excessively degradedly sordidly uninhibitedly badly basely incontinently spicily sexily extravagantly earthily lickerishly unconstrainedly scurrilously lowly viciously indecorously saucily unrestrictedly steamily gamily dishonourably disgustingly unseemlily voluptuously villainously unconscionably fruitily outrageously inordinately unreasonably dishonorably titillatingly louchely rampantly inappropriately unrulily roughly sybaritically riotously explicitly extremely wrongly tastelessly uncontrollably recklessly nefariously iniquitously pervily sexually amorally shockingly scandalously lavishly fleshlily scabrously unboundedly indulgently unwarrantedly saltily blasphemously sleazily crassly rottenly uncouthly amorously exorbitantly overindulgently swingingly imprudently ignobly unsavorily incorrigibly criminally ungodlily unethically dishonestly desirously easily devilishly crookedly unsavourily corruptedly prodigally meanly unrighteously violently hedonistically steeply rankly ungovernably unfairly shadily intolerably raffishly disorderlily monstrously cheaply broadly unrefinedly impolitely unlawfully venereally wrongfully unlimitedly deviously ardently undisciplinedly abusively needlessly colourfully despicably infamously preposterously darkly plethorically ruttishly freely overweeningly insanely animally toweringly laxly roguishly profusely shamefully colorfully slily lustily orgiastically superfluously repugnantly unjustifiedly boorishly impetuously turbulently luxuriously lightly exaggeratedly arousingly disproportionately carelessly atrociously unmanageably bestially sickeningly loathsomely horribly deceitfully sensuously heinously egregiously heavily appallingly flagitiously distastefully openly hideously unjustly fancily baroquely unmercifully stiffly unholily unnecessarily reprehensibly irrationally dissipatively dizzyingly unmeasurably extortionately delinquently excitedly fractiously wastefully lawlessly supererogatorily odiously exasperatingly questionably ridiculously consciencelessly maliciously amatorily unconfinedly fiendishly wolfishly contemptibly provocatively unimpededly hedonically juicily underhandly sizzlingly uncontainably irrepressibly unquenchably unstoppably enormously indiscreetly lovingly ragingly pandemically unrepressedly epidemically pervasively exuberantly enthusiastically rifely slackly physically improvidently noisomely undesirably unjustifiably boundlessly corporeally grubbily sultrily carefreely unbecomingly mischievously disobediently illicitly disgracefully illogically gracelessly indiscriminately abominably abhorrently lushly lusciously unfetteredly foxily maturely tackily discourteously drunkenly gratuitously venally uncivilly brutally limitlessly boisterously gaily flirtatiously muckily mercenarily astronomically overabundantly unworthily unacceptably irresponsibly troublesomely dodgily greedily severely insubordinately overgenerously defiantly refractorily errantly gruesomely romantically feloniously audaciously flagrantly exploitatively awkwardly recalcitrantly disruptively playfully wilfully obstreperously bluntly willfully repulsively cruelly impishly two-facedly objectionably ruthlessly extensively savagely inelegantly horrifyingly ruggedly puckishly intractably prankishly frowardly tricksily scampishly inhumanly slipperily headstrongly rowdily contumaciously knavishly barbarously self-willedly malevolently harshly frenetically daringly friskily relaxedly uproariously luridly revealingly illegally unprofessionally heedlessly irreligiously tartily torridly obnoxiously scurvily impulsively dubiously inconstantly gluttonously demonstratively unwarrantably tempestuously twistedly abasedly fleshily somatically materially corporally unregenerately thriftlessly moribundly trickily tactlessly unconventionally unhealthily unnaturally kinkily sootily untrustworthily blameworthily purplely undecorously malodorously emotionally libellously libelously cheatingly banefully deleteriously ignorantly unsophisticatedly grimily genitally unthriftily uneconomically fraudulently culpably condemnably coitally commonly illiberally insensibly obsessively avidly blackly unreservedly inexcusably low-mindedly ignominiously treacherously outlandishly brashly supernumerarily terribly discreditably wistfully warmly scorchingly blamably sacrilegiously censurably effusively deplorably wretchedly detestably ruinously unthinkably inconceivably intimately sneakily frivolously excitingly temerariously foolhardily unspeakably artfully faithlessly perfidiously horrendously sparely liberally inefficiently destructively cavalierly uselessly undignifiedly tumultuously dominantly aggressively horridly dreadfully rebelliously disrespectfully immaturely thoughtlessly inconsiderately infantilely bothersomely ill-naturedly impudently frolicsomely childishly insolently delightfully ghastlily enticingly unbearably appealingly attractively desirably nauseatingly pleasingly vehemently prevalently untowardly insupportably barbarically diabolically unendurably insufferably luxuriantly groundlessly distressingly infernally maddeningly impossibly additionally inappositely incorrectly unsuitably inaptly mercilessly sinisterly naturally execrably godawfully hellaciously threateningly fecundly clamorously flourishingly blusteringly growingly predominantly ramblingly furiously spitefully scornfully hard-heartedly craftily despitefully demonically disparagingly heartlessly unfeelingly vindictively squalidly brutishly perniciously tyrannically virulently pitilessly unpleasantly bloodthirstily sadistically hatefully unkindly wrathfully contemptuously scrofulously disdainfully rancorously underhandedly vengefully grislily inexorably inhumanely cold-bloodedly shiftily forbiddingly callously schemingly infelicitously unhappily unfitly unaptly ineptly churlishly unfittingly incongruously notoriously inessentially contumeliously opprobriously grandiosely vastly immensely superly substantially unsupportedly tremendously plenarily candidly impertinently frankly flamboyantly bizarrely impotently spontaneously crazedly hysterically crazily chaotically berserkly noisily rabidly immeasurably motivelessly hugely redundantly infinitely stupendously fantastically prodigiously massively monumentally gigantically mountainously mightily ludicrously sillily epically stratospherically colossally supernaturally whoppingly giantly gargantuanly thumpingly superabundantly arbitrarily contrarily difficultly mutinously annoyingly worthlessly toughly

Phó từ

Adverb for having a tendency to inflict suffering and pain on others
cruelly viciously maliciously wilfully arbitrarily deliberately evilly malevolently needlessly senselessly unjustifiedly spitefully unprovokedly wickedly gratuitously groundlessly motivelessly badly unjustifiably aimlessly atrociously barbarically barbarously brutally brutely fiendishly heartlessly inhumanly inhumanely sadistically savagely truculently contrarily inconsiderately insolently meanly mercilessly ornerily perversely undisciplinedly unfairly unjustly unrulily waywardly ruthlessly pitilessly remorselessly bestially callously ferociously fiercely monstrously diabolically cold-bloodedly harshly brutishly murderously heinously unfeelingly bloodthirstily unmercifully violently severely vilely grimly hellishly infernally hard-heartedly sanguinarily unsympathetically unsparingly insensitively uncharitably nastily villainously nefariously uncaringly unkindly basely unrelentingly hardly stonily compassionlessly obdurately soullessly affectlessly devilishly unforgivingly homicidally insensately unpityingly crudely ghastlily coarsely malignantly implacably depravedly flagitiously uncompassionately cold-heartedly wolfishly bloodily abominably blackly darkly lowly vulgarly horribly egregiously demoniacally sternly immorally stony-heartedly hatefully pervertedly uncouthly unspeakably raveningly hideously satanically aggressively crazedly mindlessly purposelessly destructively demonically malignly relentlessly cannibalistically ignorantly bloodlessly ungodlily unemotionally unwarrantedly unrefinedly roughly toughly accursedly odiously inclemently flintily draconianly unconcernedly bearishly tactlessly indifferently gruffly wretchedly perniciously wrathfully slaughterously virulently inflexibly meaninglessly uncompromisingly unyieldingly inexorably hardheartedly rigidly unappeasably intolerantly unflinchingly dangerously illiberally corruptly foully infamously degradedly awfully terribly dreadfully worthlessly degenerately unprincipledly abhorrently profligately sinfully lewdly insubordinately licentiously indecently abandonedly libidinously putridly impurely faultily impiously reprehensibly wildly appallingly ferally primitively ruggedly dourly austerely tigerishly unrestrainedly bitterly lupinely ravenously voraciously torturously tormentingly oppressively abusively exactingly dictatorially despotically tyrannically tyrannously rudely menacingly furiously onerously authoritarianly suppressively fierily heathenly heathenishly naturally intimidatingly threateningly steelily fearsomely forbiddingly ungently rabidly critically ragingly impetuously frighteningly deliriously frightfully balefully convulsively uncivilly uneducatedly enragedly fearfully loweringly uncontrollably starkly ravingly hardhandedly heavy-handedly angrily rapaciously madly frantically venomously

Phó từ

(archaic) Adverb for merry or carefree in nature
merrily carefreely spiritedly frivolously frolicsomely livelily playfully whimsically friskily jollily sportively coltishly kittenishly gamesomely skittishly frolicly rollickingly perkily exuberantly gaily prankishly ludically gleefully light-heartedly peppily zippily sportfully larkily elfishly antically jauntily jocularly lightheartedly coquettishly flirtily flirtatiously joyously blithely playsomely blithesomely gamely festively bouncily actively energetically animatedly sparkily zestfully animately spankingly bouncingly pertly airily racily springily kinetically vitally jazzily briskly highly snappily vivaciously wickedly dashingly excitedly zestily jumpily excitably mischievously impishly roguishly waggishly happily jovially vigorously buoyantly spryly dynamically sparklingly effervescently chipperly brightly vibrantly chirpily cheerfully upbeatly sunnily breezily alertly cheerily enthusiastically nimbly zingily zappily ebulliently fierily agilely freshly lightsomely forcefully strongly keenly joyfully lightly spunkily wildly jumpingly boldly tirelessly quickly untiringly bustlingly hardily lustily industriously feistily swingingly indefatigably gladly busily potently powerfully unflaggingly genially jocosely excitingly sturdily stalwartly stimulatingly passionately gladsomely forcibly ardently stirringly jocundly debonairly strenuously vividly insouciantly winsomely elatedly rowdily cantily rockingly unrulily noisily rumbustiously boisterously unrestrainedly riotously roisterously easily loudly sportily uninhibitedly daringly robustiously rambunctiously raucously smartly sexily drivingly flourishingly mirthfully aggressively ruggedly enterprisingly swiftly irrepressibly valiantly colourfully colorfully scintillatingly hoppingly thrivingly rapidly eagerly confidently grittily dexterously robustly zealously determinedly sharply dextrously rousingly brashly pushily responsively neatly outgoingly casually sassily saucily dapperly fervently informally kinematically movingly demoniacally toughly breathlessly awarely youthfully psychedelically salaciously glitzily fancily disorderlily heatedly uproariously relaxedly beatifically euphorically blissfully ecstatically dramatically entertainingly outstandingly wonderfully excellently remarkably magnificently strikingly newly whoppingly fastly marvelously exceptionally marvellously electrifyingly avidly refreshingly eventfully convivially unconcernedly rakishly untroubledly flamboyantly dazzlingly uncontrolledly tumultuously undisciplinedly roughly waywardly clamorously abandonedly burningly hotly nonchalantly mellowly affably vehemently virilely intensely forwardly wilfully impetuously unthinkingly amiably exhilaratingly headily intensively clangorously obstreperously courageously good-humouredly unconstrainedly spicily good-humoredly radiantly gutsily emphatically resoundingly punchily effectively sensitively vibratingly distinctively tartly poignantly cleverly tangily tastily richly wittily pungently piquantly lithely vociferously stridently muscularly soundly supply pluckily gracefully limberly light-footedly devilishly bravely deftly venturesomely nattily trimly showily sprucely acrobatically fearlessly intrepidly heartily lissomly fitly fleetly nippily felinely lissomely swashbucklingly valorously heroically tenaciously steelily gallantly audaciously steadfastly indomitably resolutely readily athletically mercurially promptly wingedly rippingly thumpingly

Phó từ

Adverb for not disconcerted or embarrassed
unabashedly unblushingly unembarrassedly confidently unconcernedly blatantly boldly brazenly shamelessly unashamedly undauntedly audaciously barefacedly fearlessly flagrantly immodestly unflinchingly unrepentantly unshrinkingly abandonedly abashlessly arrantly brashly brassily cheekily cockily composedly depravedly dissolutely forthrightly forwardly high-handedly immorally improperly impudently incorrigibly insolently lewdly outrageously overboldly presumptuously profligately rudely unaffectedly unchastely unprincipledly unrestrainedly amorally indecorously saucily impertinently pertly freshly sassily wisely nervily pushily cocksurely bumptiously smartly contumeliously overconfidently unapologetically familiarly impenitently coolly malapertly arrogantly remorselessly archly assumptively defiantly undisguisedly overweeningly flippantly unremorsefully self-assuredly calmly overbearingly overtly obdurately indecently unrepentingly conceitedly loudly smugly temerariously disrespectfully overfamiliarly bullishly uppishly consciencelessly blusteringly irreverently grittily freely flashily forcefully corruptly facetiously cutely transparently openly callously unregenerately feistily nakedly frankly insubordinately unreservedly aggressively discourteously spiritedly uninhibitedly daringly insultingly mouthily impolitely directly gutsily spunkily meretriciously tawdrily irredeemably incurably inveterately confirmedly relentlessly foolhardily recidivistically hardheartedly stridently harshly noisily jarringly gratingly piercingly raucously boomingly cacophonously dissonantly deafeningly thunderingly recklessly swaggeringly superciliously loftily haughtily ear-splittingly gaudily vulgarly discordantly affectedly peremptorily pompously cavalierly imperiously jazzily showily tinnily obtrusively garishly carelessly heedlessly rashly overoptimistically snobbishly patronizingly disdainfully domineeringly dictatorially chestily metallically hardly flirtatiously toploftily sniffily importantly boastfully opinionatedly huffily officiously huffishly masterfully superiorly pretentiously egotistically pushfully snootily swankily aloofly snobbily condescendingly ostentatiously remotely snottily persnicketily snippily patronisingly hoity-toitily

Trái nghĩa của wantonly

wantonly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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