Đồng nghĩa của broadly

Alternative for broadly

Đồng nghĩa: broadly speaking, generally, loosely,

Phó từ

In general and without considering minor details
generally mainly predominantly widely commonly largely loosely mostly roughly approximately chiefly popularly universally usually in general as a rule for the most part in the main on the whole altogether extensively overall basically principally effectively primarily essentially collectively all things considered taking everything into consideration all in all generally speaking in general terms in a general sense by and large as a general rule in the general run of things on average to a great degree on balance to a large extent comprehensively customarily substantially conventionally roundly all around all told publicly pre-eminently abroad in all taking everything into account considering everything at the end of the day everything considered as a whole everything being equal in sum summa summarum when all's said and done more often than not counting them all en masse in toto taken together given the circumstances in total everything included typically ordinarily normally habitually traditionally naturally historically preponderantly natch faithfully first and foremost to a great extent in most cases needless to say almost always in great measure many a time to all intents and purposes for all intents and purposes of course most of the time regularly routinely frequently consistently above all as usual as is usual as is the custom especially often most often standardly oft occasionally now and again now and then wontly wontedly particularly repeatedly recurrently in particular over and over oft-times time and time again time and again practically invariably predominately in the ordinary way notably in the usual way virtually by many by most by all spesh fundamentally USU sometimes unremarkably oftentimes most importantly to the greatest extent most of all all together methodically as a matter of course almost entirely once and again in most instances in the first place in many instances many times considerably copiously lavishly prodigally grandly voluminously generously expansively prodigiously magnificently commodiously extravagantly liberally abundantly imposingly immoderately on a large scale in a grand manner in a big way spontaneously genuinely unaffectedly artlessly unpretentiously sincerely natural informally simply readily casually easily freely openly uniformly impulsively candidly characteristically without airs but of course in a natural manner by birth in a natural way

Phó từ

To a great degree or extent
greatly extensively hugely vastly astronomically big-time colossally considerably enormously highly largely massively monstrously monumentally much sizably staggeringly stupendously tremendously utterly widely expansively by half a lot seriously immensely exceedingly far particularly no end very much extremely heavily really well terribly remarkably awfully especially decidedly supremely eminently mightily significantly markedly severely intensely incredibly majorly substantially appreciably frightfully surpassingly way fiercely right wildly blisteringly fantastically achingly super fabulously roaringly plenty exceptionally prodigiously uncommonly to a great extent noticeably most so desperately materially immeasurably archly sorely signally specially vitally full very distinctly a great deal extra thoroughly quite stinking awful mighty real notably too ever exceeding jolly filthy wicked mortally badly thumping deadly spanking that almighty dang sore unco lots to a great degree a fair amount completely thickly extraordinarily inordinately conspicuously abundantly deeply ultra singularly profoundly terrifically indeed devilishly positively strikingly rather mega monstrous cracking roaring whacking bone corking passing beastly rattling easily too-too madly absolutely on a large scale mucho dead bloody devilish overly fair darned somewhat oh-so such strongly powerful head and shoulders by a great amount by far by a great deal by leaps and bounds ever so by a mile by a long way perfectly comprehensively clearly sweepingly totally sizeably excessively immoderately voluminously extravagantly generously altogether copiously intently hellish incomparably dirty plumb superlatively in a grand manner in a big way lekker by a long shot far and away to the highest degree without question by much in great measure far and wide beyond a shadow of a doubt by all odds by a good deal to the nth degree by a long chalk on a grand scale pronouncedly emphatically incalculably brightly glaringly powerfully infinitely inimitably that much so much famously by a considerable amount plainly ambitiously spaciously amply roomily purposefully aspiringly capaciously boundlessly commodiously ramblingly bigly comfortably inclusively universally ardently enterprisingly big grandly beamily fatly imposingly exhaustively unlimitedly encyclopedically principally mainly primarily chiefly catholicly overarchingly compendiously globally predominantly eclectically extendedly rangily encyclopaedically interdisciplinarily basically typically overall liberally usually prodigally generally essentially preponderantly mostly lavishly for the most part by and large as a rule almost entirely on the whole above all to a large extent in the main unusually truly outstandingly critically fully entirely painfully dreadfully exorbitantly drastically wholly gravely downright firmly wonderfully vehemently prominently heartily acutely unduly suitably ridiculously dramatically unnecessarily fearfully unreasonably dangerously obviously unconscionably grievously hopelessly chronically fatally hysterically hard over perilously passionately precariously mad uniquely parlously irretrievably beyond outrageously to the core extremely badly to too great an extent to a fault one hundred per cent too much in excess to too great an degree disturbingly in all respects in the extreme like mad very badly in every way as all get out in every respect in a marked degree all that to the hilt par excellence every inch over- like crazy good and a hundred per cent as all get-out cosmically heroically gigantically titanically giantly gargantuanly mountainously whoppingly superly amazingly pharaonically awesomely galactically phenomenally oceanically planetarily marvellously astonishingly marvelously ginormously hulkingly astoundingly toweringly miraculously wondrously thumpingly stunningly epically impressively sublimely sensationally heftily stellarly spectacularly magnificently surprisingly grossly bulkily breathtakingly rarely mind-blowingly overwhelmingly portentously weightily unbelievably abnormally superbly superiorly mind-bogglingly excellently splendidly atypically oddly grandiosely brilliantly formidably noteworthily gloriously handsomely strangely preternaturally peculiarly unprecedentedly finely bizarrely anomalously profusely magically distinguishedly aberrantly almightily unimaginably unreally tidily limitlessly memorably majestically uncustomarily weirdly transcendently unwontedly uncannily ponderously plentifully loftily matchlessly solidly peerlessly plenteously inconceivably superhumanly wickedly divinely indescribably supernaturally huskily dazzlingly goodly jaw-droppingly unsurpassedly substantively importantly momentously superabundantly unfamiliarly longly nobly measurelessly distinctively freakishly unnaturally radically untypically beautifully unutterably heavenlily curiously preeminently queerly primely smashingly exquisitely statelily supernormally meanly unaccustomedly fascinatingly capitally pre-eminently healthily gorgeously thunderingly unthinkably magnifically royally impossibly novelly toppingly unforgettably neatly consummately classically endlessly utmostly respectably fantabulously consequentially unaccountably eccentrically transcendentally unexpectedly outlandishly bountifully coolly thrillingly excitingly augustly statuesquely startlingly unconventionally cumbersomely unboundedly imperially innumerably regally illustriously unwieldily enthrallingly supercalifragilisticexpialidociously exaggeratedly insanely refreshingly baronially resplendently crucially profitably mysteriously disproportionately resoundingly admirably irregularly decisively originally leadingly lovelily plethorically steeply choicely obscenely inexplicably illimitably unknownly slickly historically commandingly palpably peachily richly proudly interminably dandily bodaciously sterlingly groovily renownedly elegantly spankingly improbably spiffingly corkingly exaltedly rippingly palatially implausibly keenly heart-stoppingly theatrically cumbrously splendiferously lankly movingly countlessly ominously newly prosperously numberlessly invaluably sufficiently advantageously pricelessly uncountably soaringly lucratively reasonably wholy conclusively indeterminably paramountly unrestrainedly urgently incommunicably unfathomably delightfully intemperately pretty unqualifiedly unmistakably inestimably stiffly funnily fundamentally centrally fathomlessly eternally incongruously valuably preciously extortionately discernibly gallantly superfluously supernally niftily multitudinously visibly dreamily profligately cavernously burlily meatily strappingly monolithically ghostlily defly absurdly unsurpassably righteously dignifiedly revolutionarily groundbreakingly freshly thunderously cardinally uber dearly soundly unspeakably hotly overweeningly intolerably crazily sovereignly très prolifically unbeatably faultlessly flawlessly overabundantly numerously preposterously pioneeringly untouchably mystifyingly ineffably ludicrously uncharacteristically bounteously inexpressibly imprudently unmeasurably bravely winningly bonnily effusively swankily luxuriously solemnly celestially idiosyncratically enchantingly bewitchingly queenlily detailedly sensorially stirringly opulently exotically sumptuously megalithically captivatingly maximumly adequately lastingly lumberingly rewardingly enduringly inexhaustibly bottomlessly pressingly infrequently laboriously undoubtedly veritably certifiably fairly immortally puzzlingly dauntingly boomingly deafeningly ear-splittingly providentially clumsily humblingly hellishly paranormally decently ably harshly horrifically arduously electrifyingly inconsistently appallingly ascendingly multiply manifoldly devastatingly measurably competently touchingly nationwidely ostentatiously shockingly numinously mystically metaphysically lengthily horribly prolongedly too … for words earthshakingly incomprehensibly bewilderingly exemplarily fancily baroquely unmercifully tolerably exhilaratingly enviably showily splashily boldly perplexingly bafflingly spookily creepily divergently laudably thaumaturgically abidingly permanently irresistibly remuneratively dynamically gainfully nicely in general commonly pleasingly tons heaps loads tonnes exclusively catchily flamboyantly undescribably prettily ethereally beguilingly stimulatingly invigoratingly charmingly daggily blissfully stoutly beefily fleshily brawnily chunkily sturdily muscularly alpinely internationally crowdedly intercontinentally deviously aberrationally first and foremost for all intents and purposes unrelentingly unyieldingly unmitigatedly loudly haughtily a ton a good deal occultly crushingly paralyzingly paralysingly worthily direly celebratedly saliently portlily venerably blindingly quintessentially legendarily ecumenically cosmogonically intergalactically eldritchly meaningfully airily unmatchably aerially indefinably hiddenly privately ultimately to a marked degree through and through to a marked extent eximiously applaudably bionically omnipotently flabbily fubsily hunkily paunchily dominantly jarringly unorthodoxly foreignly unmissably earnestly tellingly buxomly hauntingly eerily unbridledly unwarrantedly unrestrictedly fancifully notedly pivotally influentially foremostly seminally awkwardly grotesquely dubiously unrealistically freakily rumly gratuitously needlessly newsworthily burningly forcefully honorably focally honourably reputably iconically integrally nonsensically whimsically irrationally doubtfully unhandily uncontrolledly improvidently wantonly secretly inspiredly scarily ghoulishly comically zanily wackily foolishly unmanageably resonantly prestigiously redundantly dissipatedly wastefully indulgently dizzyingly incommodiously stratospherically uninhibitedly unfetteredly sillily overindulgently overgenerously daintily delicately publically subnormally

Phó từ

Adverb for clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity
blatantly clearly overtly unsubtly obviously straightforwardly plainly patently transparently baldly manifestly noticeably distinctly unambiguously unmistakably explicitly evidently directly unambivalently glaringly unequivocally undisguisedly conspicuously palpably lucidly openly barefacedly boldly undeniably distinctively apparently luminously perspicuously luculently prominently pellucidly decidedly markedly visibly ringingly flagrantly strikingly pronouncedly recognizably discernibly perceptibly observably perceivably recognisably detectably brazenly audaciously distinguishably shamelessly saliently nakedly indisputably grossly arrantly tangibly egregiously self-evidently rankly definitely outrageously unashamedly inescapably unquestionably starkly appreciably unabashedly utterly completely brashly frankly impudently unblushingly sensibly unembarrassedly sheerly exposedly insolently immodestly brassily understandably unmitigatedly unrestrainedly unrepentantly cryingly capitally shockingly dreadfully heinously incontrovertibly incontestably enormously unqualifiedly scandalously atrociously flauntingly outrightly downrightly obtrusively ostentatiously discernably apprehensibly notoriously blindingly significantly demonstrably disgracefully terribly reprehensibly monstrously wickedly certainly shamefully iniquitously villainously inordinately extremely excessively protrusively remarkably deliberately overboldly awfully infamously barely notably indubitably visually flagitiously comprehensibly temerariously unexaggeratedly controlledly exclusively discoverably flamingly outstandingly unmissably pointedly unfeignedly wholeheartedly thoroughgoingly credibly plausibly surely ostensibly believably positively colorably seemingly cognizably signally traceably audibly measurably uncontestedly acceptedly unchallengedly purely unadulteratedly artlessly matter-of-factly seriously corruptly abandonedly grievously absolutely exorbitantly majorly improperly indecently profligately depravedly immoderately incorrigibly unprincipledly remorselessly impenitently dissolutely lewdly high-handedly presumptuously immorally cheekily unchastely rudely showily loudly screamingly gaudily meretriciously flashily glitzily snazzily garishly axiomatically precisely publically conclusively

Phó từ

By everyone
universally always everywhere globally invariably widely worldwide internationally uniformly commonly generally without exception in all instances in every case across the board all over in all cases in every instance nationwide catholicly entirely nationally unfailingly constantly regularly consistently continually habitually inevitably repeatedly aye ever perpetually every time customarily eternally incessantly ay forever without fail each time invariously whatever happens twenty-four-seven unalterably infallibly unceasingly dependably at all times day in, day out in all places on every occasion night and day at every turn unchangingly fixedly unvaryingly immutably steadily unchangeably changelessly stably inflexibly continuously persistently undeviatingly ceaselessly endlessly permanently rigidly evenly lastingly unwaveringly everlastingly firmly enduringly immovably all the time abidingly routinely steadfastly recurrently irreversibly frequently methodically incommutably unremittingly inalterably monotonously unendingly interminably reliably often unbrokenly certainly strictly religiously definitely undyingly invariantly predictably hardly finally faithfully statically periodically perennially usually time and again over and over time and time again oftentimes indelibly stringently tirelessly relentlessly unfadingly normally bindingly rigorously typically non-stop day and night as usual again and again time after time immortally more often than not systematically ordinarily unbendingly rhythmically absolutely determinately stationarily ofttimes uninterruptedly equably levelly oft without a break round the clock uncompromisingly over and over again morning, noon and night thick and fast oft-times decidedly unyieldingly agelessly nonstop imperishably indestructibly conventionally infinitely resolutely durably unrelentingly perdurably inexpugnably frozenly much flatly a lot a great deal as a rule very often most of the time many a time and oft not infrequently many times 24/7 surely irrevocably irreparably irremediably unfalteringly exactingly identically concretely timelessly on all occasions deathlessly unswervingly rootedly fatedly unshakeably sempiternally indefinitely symmetrically mechanically mostly ineradicably mainly homogeneously stiffly peremptorily exactly solidly equally truely hourly straightly lots smoothly without cessation per usual in the main at regular intervals many a time in many instances day after day on many occasions week in, week out at frequent intervals as often as not on numerous occasions in many cases punctually ingrainedly stubbornly evermore incontrovertibly calmly automatically equivalently irretrievably entire time conclusively similarly definitively obstinately fastly ongoingly hardheadedly severely determinedly indissolubly sustainedly e'er precisely traditionally unrelievedly recurringly naturally continuingly seasonally successively unmovably inexorably historically without rest on and on cyclically intermittently in general for always most often on the whole as is the custom as is usual by and large ad nauseam in most cases lots of times a number of times for the most part almost always inveterately many times over consonantly in the general run of things the entire time without stopping on several occasions at short intervals conscientiously flowingly unaffectedly around the clock incontestably biasedly fluently unabatedly unabatingly without surcease remorselessly decisively like clockwork whatever happened confirmedly at all hours irrefutably nonrandomly for good en masse frictionlessly fluidly disciplinedly controlledly irredeemably unrecoverably irrecoverably boundlessly expectedly indisputably repetitiously plainly sacrosanctly irremovably tightly sometimes occasionally sternly homogenously inexhaustibly forevermore categorically incurably as a general rule needless to say on average natch now and again once and again of course expressly explicitly measuredly metrically nonnegotiably harshly intransigently unchallengeably ultimately daily adamantly standardly accordantly alternatingly harmoniously congruously serially continuedly unblinkingly austerely for ever unerringly loyally unlimitedly too long determinatively unanswerably emphatically predominantly obdurately toughly authoritarianly immemorially anytime classically draconianly illimitably staunchly unflaggingly bottomlessly statedly unqualifiedly bullheadedly unmovingly single-mindedly heavy-handedly strongly by any chance in any case till cows come home for keeps in perpetuum to the end of time so long assiduously diligently trustworthily unshakably pigheadedly unflappably adamantinely composedly fatefully monolithically incorrigibly compatibly likely comparably indistinguishably commensurately correspondingly spasmodically serenely tranquilly correspondently proportionately at times in quick succession every now and then not seldom peacefully collectedly undisturbedly coolheadedly untroubledly coolly limpidly placidly unemotionally sedately parallelly coequally togetherly unshakenly unperturbedly unalteringly unworriedly without break accordingly homologously coordinately

Trái nghĩa của broadly

broadly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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