Đồng nghĩa của elatedly

Alternative for elatedly

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In a cheerful manner
cheerfully happily merrily gaily cheerily jovially heartily gladly mirthfully jocosely willingly brightly smilingly readily gleefully joyfully blithely gayly buoyantly lightheartedly optimistically playfully vivaciously sportively genially pleasantly airily hopefully delightedly joyously euphorically sunnily animatedly chirpily ecstatically exuberantly jollily light-heartedly peppily sparklingly excitedly blissfully upbeatly ebulliently blithesomely jauntily gladsomely chipperly jubilantly sparkily effervescently livelily carefreely contentedly radiantly breezily jocundly frolicsomely pleasedly rhapsodically raptly exultantly contently enthusiastically rapturously zingily zippily bouncily untroubledly perkily zestfully festively intoxicatedly unworriedly beamingly spiritedly positively good-humoredly good-humouredly jocularly entrancedly inspiredly energetically exaltedly hilariously giddily eagerly enchantedly winsomely lightsomely vigorously headily thankfully ardently convivially highly beatifically cantily keenly zappily irrepressibly wildly glowingly delightfully lightly pleasurably enjoyably wonderfully desirously blessedly greatly frolicly gamesomely impatiently solicitously hungrily thirstily avidly friskily greedily bouncingly brashly snappily alertly gratefully amusingly passionately vibrantly absorbedly dynamically actively amusedly vitally peacefully uproariously orgasmically triumphantly heartwarmingly engagedly interestedly fantastically boisterously paradisaically paradisiacally briskly ludically debonairly rollickingly insouciantly pertly jazzily animately racily kinetically spankingly springily sanguinely rosily smugly anxiously crazily antsily hotly voraciously funnily laughably felicitously commodiously collectedly measuredly pacifically providentially composedly soberly fervently welcomely pleasingly scintillatingly serenely effusively quickly entertainingly unthinkingly amiably vividly bonnily humorously jumpingly riotously agitatedly frothily gushingly heatedly fierily forcefully flyingly gloriously sublimely heavenlily zealously rockingly rousingly easily hushedly unperturbedly sedately complacently zestily magically comfortably good-naturedly roseately seraphically frivolously appreciatively agreeably unconcernedly rakishly waggishly goodly exhilaratingly forwardly pushily confidently saintlily lovingly laughingly with pleasure preoccupiedly intently with relish with zeal inattentively absent-mindedly busily absently unconsciously involvedly obliviously abstractedly to one's heart's content excitably inclinedly amenably ambitiously restively burstingly disposedly covetously tumultuously hearteningly spryly dashingly assuredly bullishly expectantly flamboyantly friendlily idealistically stirringly outgoingly affably casually hoppingly strongly nonchalantly flourishingly promisingly boldly thrivingly bustlingly gregariously cordially warmly excitingly showily relaxedly freshly comically lustily facetiously hopingly daringly auspiciously nimbly encouragingly powerfully swashbucklingly propitiously sportily hardily indifferently congenially strikingly complaisantly sympathetically obligingly hospitably heedlessly venturesomely fitly supply gallantly flippantly utopianly chummily companionably sociably certainly surely athletically Pollyannaishly unseriously calmly doubtlessly enterprisingly cocksurely wittily extrovertedly agilely spunkily securely forcibly resiliently expansively unconstrainedly elastically industriously daffily mildly leniently informally invigoratingly theatrically ostentatiously goldenly expressively sassily saucily fairly likelily proudly extravagantly mellowly exultingly madly skittishly youthfully refreshingly benignly willfully unrulily awarely implicitly clearly swingingly pridefully banteringly loonily nuttily festally dizzily dramatically spicily camply irregularly throbbingly springingly quiveringly quakingly stimulatingly sexily reassuringly comfortingly robustly determinedly self-confidently undoubtfully self-assuredly volatilely upliftingly stylishly uncaringly healthily lithely proactively distinctively tartly sharply poignantly cleverly tangily piquantly tastily richly pungently dazzlingly impishly unsteadily adventurously insubstantially devilishly equably whimsically sturdily gracefully limberly light-footedly nattily trimly strappingly finely toughly sprucely incuriously apathetically disinterestedly uninterestedly insensibly uncuriously perfunctorily deftly dexterously bloomingly raffishly romantically attractively pluckily anticipatively coolly acrobatically soundly intensely tirelessly indefatigably nippily lissomely lissomly swiftly fleetly felinely thoughtlessly carelessly venturously elegantly audaciously intrepidly adventuresomely gutsily nervily swishly smartly feistily virilely trustfully urbanely dapperly persuasively drivingly efficiently effectively responsively promptly wingedly rapidly mercurially dextrously unflaggingly expectingly exclusively fearlessly

Trái nghĩa của elatedly

elatedly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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