Từ đồng nghĩa của elated

Alternative for elated

Từ đồng nghĩa: delighted, jubilant, overjoyed, rejoicing,

elates, elated, elating

Từ trái nghĩa: depress,

Tính từ

Cực kỳ vui và thích thú
ecstatic excited exhilarated animated delighted elevated euphoric thrilled joyful joyous jubilant overjoyed rapt cheered exultant gleeful proud roused over the moon blissful happy on cloud nine enraptured sent blissed out cock-a-hoop floating in seventh heaven puffed up rapturous stoked delirious enrapt entranced frenzied giddy heady hysterical intoxicated rhapsodic rhapsodical transported aroused corybantic enchanted exalted flying high in high spirits in raptures turned-on beside oneself with happiness carried away jumping for joy on cloud seven walking on air delirious with happiness fired up flying high hopped up in heaven looking good set up wigged out wild with excitement in transports of delight on a high in a frenzy of delight cheerful glad merry sunny gay cheery exuberant chirpy pleased buoyant jovial jolly wrapped upbeat peppy blithe sparkling light-hearted ebullient blithesome mirthful on top of the world jaunty bright gladsome chipper bubbly enthusiastic tickled pink laughing sparky vivacious effervescent lively radiant carefree breezy content jocund sprightly airy frolicsome gratified tickled peart full of beans chuffed beside oneself with joy high-spirited contented zingy smiley zippy grinning bouncy inspired happy-go-lucky genial smiling lighthearted as pleased as Punch untroubled triumphant satisfied perky of good cheer in good spirits unworried festive optimistic hopeful beaming enthused as happy as a clam made up zestful as happy as Larry captivated ravished wild spirited beatific rejoicing crank positive floating on air good-humoured good-humored pleasant jocular like a child with a new toy without a care in the world thankful beside oneself bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as happy as a sandboy orgasmic energetic full of hope moved stimulated charmed full of the joys of spring up jocose treading on air fervent lightsome winsome eager electrified gloating ardent playful vigorous crazy full of vim and vigour hilarious delightful full of life pleasurable enjoyable convivial wonderful encouraged eupeptic canty irrepressible zappy exulting crowing glorying prideful pleased as punch interested keen glowing passionate gladdened uplifted amused energized like a dog with two tails in transports peaceful stirred absorbed flipping blessed atingle sportive frolic gamesome brash cheering alert bouncing energised can't complain frisky snappy enlivened fun-loving desirous bright and breezy great tickled to death as merry as a grig avid hungry agog thirsty athirst impatient solicitous motivated triumphal swaggering geeked hopped-up greedy possessed fascinated piqued boastful overexcited engaged enthralled gung ho glorious flushed pumped spellbound amusing alive hepped up inspirited vibrant dynamic bewitched emotional hung up triumphalist agitated heavenly impassioned pleasing cool blest light boon gone mad dreamy uproarious active galvanized beguiled touched vital aglow fantastic heartwarming smug overwhelmed in a frenzy turned on hearty ludic enamoured activated boisterous deliriously happy larking debonair galvanised entertained rollicking fulfilled enlivening cheerly brisk grateful rosy sanguine insouciant enamored extremely happy pizazzy mettlesome springy kinetic animate jazzy pert racy spanking pizzazzy stirred up very happy doing handsprings enchanté gruntled at ease alive and kicking well pleased worked up exhilarative psyched serene revelling funny overpowered thrilled to bits filled with joy in paradise in rhapsodies celebratory laughable victorious reveling wowed poised composed pacific commodious providential sober measured collected frantic effusive sublime bubbling heartening bonny frothy gushing easy-going scintillating influenced blissfully happy seraphic distraught distrait hysteric distracted laughter-filled chucklesome blown away quick dizzy turnt felicitous celebrating fun-filled Corybantic vivid started complacent easygoing unthinking amiable only too happy satisfying fiery forceful heated feeling one's oats explosive fervid emotive entertaining appreciative infatuated athrill in exaltation out easy hushed unflustered sedate unperturbed unruffled prizewinning lucky champion dominant welcome drunk overwrought hot juiced voracious raring nuts antsy anxious zealous go-go gratifying in transports of joy in transports of pleasure extravagant lyrical eulogistic saintly zesty flattered privileged harmonious idyllic spaced-out perfect concerned affected quickened humorous jumping riotous grooving vitalized bucked happy as a lark happy as a clam in ecstasies paradisiacal well paradisal fun paradisaical paradisaic saturnalian paradisiac rousing rocking good over-the-top comfortable magical in ecstasy diverted roseate beside yourself honoured honored Panglossian good-natured frivolous devil-may-care pleasure-seeking unconcerned slaphappy rakish in a good mood at peace self-possessed in the twilight zone waggish def in trendy groovy now mod hep downtown with-it hip confident forward pushy self-assertive presuming sunny side up glass half full full of pep rip-roaring very pleased feel-good starry-eyed rose-colored excitable willing pleasantly surprised gripped inclined craving chomping at the bit champing at the bit amenable bursting ambitious appetent restive disposed awakened longing pining hankering covetous tumultuous au courant mesmerized engrossed held riveted preoccupied intent aflame absent dreaming mesmerised absent-minded abstracted daydreaming employed hypnotised busy occupied inattentive taken involved hypnotized unconscious oblivious wrapped up caught up in popping relaxed promising agreeable encouraging diverting beautiful auspicious charming comic propitious facetious enchanting jokey friendly festal comical perk golden fresh likely fascinating fair warm utopian uplifting placid as lively as a grig cordial tranquil favourable reassuring flippant favorable resilient appeased lovely droll idealistic divine splendid spry fine magnificent assured exciting marvelous marvellous joshing ludicrous daffy exhilarating delectable expectant antic stirring witty welcoming comforting free and easy nice expansive volatile ridiculous amazing gala farcical gladdening joking concluded achieved effectuated accomplished dispatched actualized obtained executed crowned attained effected compassed consummated matured finished elastic outgoing swinging delightsome Pickwickian impish bullish lusty whimsical Elysian captivating sparkly refreshing wick killing showy side-splitting trusting full of fun calm superb rewarding roguish hoping brought about carried out made good congenial flip noisy humoristic sidesplitting screaming comedic rib-tickling priceless lots of laughs fine and dandy Utopian engaging skittish risible silly delicious keeping the faith mischievous looking on the bright side alluring looking through rose-colored glasses brought to a close heart-warming nonchalant assuaged casual carnival holiday thrilled to pieces graceful celestial sociable conversible companionable clubby social hospitable unconstrained indifferent uncaring unconsidered heedless Christmassy benign perf loving it high as a kite appreciatory mellow insubstantial unserious grand determined believing affable sunbeamy back-slapping good-time supple invigorated warming can-do go-getting redeeming backslapping loony chaffing bantering jollying nutty fanciful relieved consoled reassured comforted proactive laid back decorated feastful carnivalesque feastly romantic fortunate storybook traditional glamorous dazzling fabulous full of zip solaced soothed unmarred ravishing superlunary empyrean coltish sassy saucy attractive absurd nimble pacified jesting off-the-wall agile youthful up and about juiced up fond teasing in fine fettle aware comfy homelike spectacular kittenish dashing hyper industrious wanton interesting enjoying oneself having fun soul-stirring slapstick tongue-in-cheek prankish fay sportful elfish larky colourful colorful like the cat that's got the cream smart clever frolicky pathetic derisive derisory preposterous grotesque cockamamie cockamamy zany acceptable commendable fetching peachy couthy mooi intoxicating choice irie darling lekker dulcet recreative relishable thrilling clubbable distracting revered venerated well-pleased esteemed dignified home-like feelgood imperturbable nonplussed together stoical healthy blooming espiègle ludicrous. laughable derisible wacky camp flaky joculous gagged up campy flakey boffo for grins laid-back rowdy euthymic successful copacetic stupid foolish likable idealized halcyon ideal romping rumbustious roisterous fairy-tale rose-coloured bold robustious rambunctious sporty devilish pastoral rustic picturesque exquisite level-headed calm and collected full of promise self-controlled committed assiduous restless fanatical wholehearted devoted diligent game breathless vehement dedicated habitual obsessed unreluctant diehard ready balmy venturesome trim natty hell-raising unrestrained unruly knockabout cavorting swashbuckling raucous uninhibited spruce doubtless implicit certain clear sure cocksure shining on top of world ray of sunshine rollicksome thumping ripping loud rural unspoiled bucolic arcadian brilliant ridibund undoubtful secure disposed to look on the bright side self-assured in good heart self-confident smitten very funny extremely amusing hysterically funny sylvan unspoilt Arcadian gut-busting riot scream likeable scenic restful out-of-this-world idealised relaxing a scream killingly funny a hoot too funny for words out of this world realized perfected completed performed reached rewarded under a spell realised put into effect

Động từ

Để có được sự nhiệt tình hoặc sự háo hức được kích hoạt
excited thrilled exhilarated roused stirred animated enlivened enthused stimulated delighted inspired inspirited invigorated moved lifted vitalized buoyed charged electrified enraptured galvanized gladdened gripped heartened intoxicated pumped up tickled uplifted bucked up energised energized envigorated galvanised gingered up jazzed up livened up pepped up perked up picked up stirred up evoked fired gave someone a buzz lit a fire under put zip into quickened lift cheered enthralled encouraged cheered up buoyed up elevated brightened transported boosted aroused captivated revitalized tickled pink brightened up revitalised pleased gratified incited motivated enchanted charmed entranced amused emboldened comforted fulfilled steeled fascinated restored refreshed warmed satisfied entertained sent rejoiced inflamed exalted turned on hit the spot given a buzz fired with enthusiasm gave someone a kick gave a buzz given someone a kick spurred diverted ravished instigated consoled reassured titillated raised bewitched contented rallied revived provoked strengthened indulged pleasured lightened humored suited wowed gladded humoured grabbed bowled over made someone feel good made happy fired the imagination of agreed with fired up chirked up gave someone a charge given someone a charge beguiled improved sparked swayed assured spellbound incentivized urged goaded solaced raptured enamored overjoyed instilled revivified regaled piqued allured rapped attracted commoved feasted gassed juiced made merry carried away given a lift to let the sun shine in given pleasure to slayed gave pleasure to set up raised spirits brought joy to geed up put on top of the world pleased greatly spurred on knocked dead made content turned someone on relaxed put on cloud nine gave a lift to borne up gave a lift given a lift bore up prompted edified caused satiated prodded triggered influenced interested sated persuaded occupied quenched pushed induced distracted soothed mesmerized activated filled bettered refined fortified absorbed absorpt slaked served heightened livened inclined impressed impassioned enhanced hooked fomented sweetened fed feed met disported engrossed involved engaged delectated imbued touched cultivated ameliorated infused civilized impelled fueled fuelled obliged enheartened whetted nudged leavened recreated preoccupied immersed filliped struck flushed satisficed surfeited flattered accommodated helped arrided upraised worked up gave joy to got someone going made more cheerful raised your spirits occasioned lifted up knocked one's socks off loosened up psyched up snapped out of it got filled with joy keyed up mesmerised lightened up appealed to sparked off went over big slain cracked up grooved captured sold revved up tickle to death cloyed braced up warmed the cockles of the heart boosted moral ecstasized civilised slew catered to advanced held the attention of gave someone pleasure beghasted raced one's motor provided for started off enriched given someone pleasure made a hit with someone made your head spin tranced infected spirited someone up endued pandered to given joy to made very happy filled the bill affected built up fired the enthusiasm of agitated looked up snapped up raised someone's spirits carried gone over big made happier driven drove done the trick did the trick gave shot in arm given shot in arm given great pleasure to gave great pleasure to stricken gone to your head went to your head tickled to death got one's kicks gotten one's kicks took a load off taken a load off given a shot in the arm to gave a shot in the arm to gotten gave one an idea been responsible for were responsible for was responsible for given impetus given one an idea gave impetus blew away blown away pepped given someone great pleasure given someone a thrill gave someone a thrill gave someone great pleasure awakened set off kindled enkindled whipped up actuated waked up wakened vivified promoted egged on generated touched off resuscitated engendered braced kick-started waked rejuvenated renewed called forth fanned brought about reanimated set going propelled produced amped up pricked intensified resurrected reawakened increased upset woke up put up to brought out elicited woken up spiked initiated brought around regenerated jump-started rekindled juiced up reinvigorated fostered brought into being pressed set on put in motion set in motion zipped up recharged made reinforced called into being started woke woken bounced back summoned up breathed new life into invoked precipitated empowered exhorted repaired brought to triggered off abetted worked wrought tempted freshened reactivated fermented bestirred awaked called up primed brewed rewakened rewaked brought recalled exacerbated summoned renovated refreshened gotten going got going dynamized reconditioned recovered drew forth drawn forth brought on innervated zapped troubled aggravated relieved touched up given rise to gave rise to made whole vexed created developed led leaded coerced bred augmented extended effectuated amazed picked sustained reproduced expanded stung bolstered astounded forced challenged set ruffled started up put a bomb under breathed life into put new life in psyched switched on called to mind conjured up irked flustered jolted perturbed amplified distressed compelled needled magnified ignited deepened come to life tantalized educed disturbed redoubled enticed astonished accentuated consolidated sharpened stepped up teased boosted up cheered on irritated exercised worsened nurtured supported restarted mobilized originated awoken awoke made worse enabled led to sicced vivificated riled extracted informed activized spooked won over rooted on brought back brought forth brought back to life intensated got to beefed up mobilised tantalised talked into incensed discomposed rewoke rewoken wound up maddened worried begat begotten begot hurt alarmed effected hatched concerned remembered charged up worked into lather taunted fed the fire escalated unsettled built minded incentified disquieted dismayed startled seduced disconcerted awed egged jumpstarted enforced yielded catalyzed dazzled spawned bothered flurried unnerved hounded disposed annoyed manifested cut run pained widened confused pressured convinced nerved overcome grieved badgered thought of unhinged discomforted ailed alarumed derailed frazzled fussed distempered hagrid recollected coaxed converted reestablished impacted fazed broadened frightened reminisced about pressurized given a boost to gave a boost to suggested exaggerated evinced actualized procured afflicted magnetized updated intrigued called re-established stiffened the resolve of whipped harked back to propped up rattled prevailed upon galled retrospected retained armed innerved set afoot looked back on made waves risen steamed up brought round acted as a incentive to reminded rose shook up come round prevailed on come to pressurised put new strength in harkened back to flashed back to put pep into bethought modernised cranked up put into action fanned the flames of magnetised come to one's senses set on foot replenished put new heart into weirded out translated into hearkened back to poured it on freaked out come around mounted regained consciousness put one in mind of put new heart in crazed brought to mind acted as a stimulus to knocked out recovered consciousness thought back to put life into modernized built a fire under catalysed flashed on rousted regained cut a figure let sunshine in heated up put new life into put some spark into cut to the quick roiled infuriated angered came to life shook grilled began begun extraught added fuel gave a new lease of life to gotten to come back from the dead sprung up burned up given a new lease of life to burnt up come back to life shaken up honed sprang up applauded disinhibited wound wounded operated exerted enlarged concentrated shocked jogged reenforced grew grown tripped overawed snowballed overwhelmed mushroomed yolden yold wooed compounded lured confounded accelerated made brave dilated exasperated routed ran harrowed constrained saddened shaken cajoled discomfited initialized gained harassed praised overcame redeveloped reached maximized overpowered chivvied speeded sped added to seared mortified undone hagridden hagrode undid perplexed confirmed emphasized palpated cued dug courted grappled conceived echoed drove on driven on raised the morale of relaunched boosted someone's morale lifted the spirits of bielded reintroduced stimulated spiritually reminisced reinstituted dragooned placed bullied titivated nursed made braver stoked tormented tortured made miserable made wretched discombobulated powered dazed inveigled gained strength made lively advised bewildered wakened up deranged frenzied stiffened nourished hardened encapsulated expressed lit up conjured imparted incented countenanced propagated given life to gave life to cranked reignited favoured favored mustered saved recognized made an impression on speeded up told on gnawed at hiked gave new life to brought to life called out made more lively accumulated felt admiration made an impression came around darkened drawn out plotted revived the memory of made enthusiastic came to made splash restored to life stirred embers flashed heaped on lashed moved to action spruced up spiced bugged ventilated aggrandized become worse piled on suggested to extorted incarnated swept off feet brushed up distended tapped come to one made uneasy milked drew on grandstanded hinted led on rabble-roused hotted up drummed up came round furthered made wild left a mark on spurred to action sounded caused to appear hinted to knocked someone's socks off sent into a rage intruded affronted thought back bugged up made a splash planned got going again jumped up recuperated stressed dusted neatened raised from the dead aired out bethought oneself of pierced buffaloed made active rediscovered freshened up given new life to solicited crowded showed off made more exciting had as a result acted upon swelled tidied came to one's senses leaned on got something going cited turned one's head thought back on outraged pyramided complicated made anxious agitated for made a hit had as a consequence lifted the morale of added fuel to the flames interfered helped out puzzled got up contributed to drawn on cleaned up killed initialised jogged memory schemed dispatched made flip emphasised sped up reminded one of had an impact on pushed buttons made for reminded oneself of run up sprung drew out acted as a spur to reminisced on worked on mustered up rooted scored registered made alive insinuated fanned the fire pointed necessitated hiked up caused anguish to examined maximised stunned changed recognised multiplied accented made angry jarred toned up depressed forwarded stoked up spirited up jacked up scared pushed around suscitated acted as a fillip to fanned the flames tired worked someone up caused anxiety to acted as a impetus to felt respect disheartened alerted cleaned bulldozed made confident came back from the dead rose from the dead came back to life risen from the dead gave courage given courage done did given confidence to given hope to gave hope to gave confidence to drew drawn added fuel to fire became worse gotten in the way got in the way came to one gave a shot in the arm given a shot in the arm given the kiss of life to gave the kiss of life to gotten up gave courage to given courage to blown away the cobwebs blew away the cobwebs gave new strength to gave a new lease on life given a new lease on life given new strength to sprang took out of mothballs taken out of mothballs ridden herd on rode herd on got one going gotten one going gotten one started got one started sowed the seeds sown the seeds sown the seeds of sowed the seeds of blew up ran up blown up swollen took one's breath away taken one's breath away took your breath away taken your breath away given someone grief gave someone grief taken someone aback shown off took someone aback gave the incentive to given the incentive to bore in mind rang a bell rung a bell born in mind given pep talk gave confidence given confidence gave pep talk gotten smoking got smoking given someone a cue gave someone a cue gave birth to given birth to baited vext offended chafed

Từ trái nghĩa của elated

elated Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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