Từ đồng nghĩa của industrious

Alternative for industrious

Từ đồng nghĩa: diligent, energetic, tireless,

Từ trái nghĩa: idle, indolent, lazy,

Tính từ

Hard-working, determined and diligent
diligent conscientious tireless assiduous hardworking indefatigable sedulous determined persevering zealous driven persistent pertinacious unflagging untiring eager involved steady studious intent operose purposeful hard-working ball of fire with one's nose to the grindstone with one's shoulder to the wheel laborious painstaking attentive careful meticulous thorough punctilious rigorous particular scrupulous busy active bustling searching fussy close minute exacting strict religious accurate heedful engaged employed working ultra-careful elaborate dedicated correct tied-up hopping occupied constant exact earnest plugging pedantic loving faithful eager beaver demanding swotty committed dogged tenacious steadfast unrelenting persisting punctual regardful thoroughgoing fastidious nice strenuous finicky methodical picky persnickety by the numbers by the book unremitting keen watchful concentrating listening circumstantial unwearied conscionable fussbudget stickler grinding whiz arduous hard reliable tough complete dependable upright precise playing safe hanging in hanging tough deliberate orderly provident exhaustive judicious walking on eggs thoughtful circumspect intensive full cautious solid concerned prim observant minding p's and q's heart and soul into selfdisciplined chary discreet pernickety perfectionist in-depth going to great lengths slogging plodding detailed alert focused deep nitpicking focussed absorbed engrossed concentrated fixed preoccupied enrapt mathematical intense finical immersed proper overnice rapt hair-splitting wrapped up delicate fine pinpoint microscopic hairline refined right stickling duteous spot-on white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's nit-picky comprehensive authoritative firm exclusive single-minded whole entire undivided all well researched scholarly fixated resolved inflexible stiff stiff-necked ceremonious stilted formal decorous starchy obsessive fanatical obsessed enthralled fascinated overconscientious overscrupulous polite civil seemly formalistic courteous conventional strong-minded motivated resolute gone transfixed lost riveted gripped consumed intrigued captivated mesmerized well informed well argued well reasoned entranced enraptured held hypnotized enchanted enamored infatuated bewitched right on good eye settled enthusiastic spellbound enticed enamoured mesmerised hypnotised set on deep in really into head over heels caught up locked in hooked on dialed in mindful vigilant aware percipient perceptive heeding acute noticing interested awake tentie tenty reckful on the ball on the job on one's toes open-eyed beady-eyed wide awake on the qui vive on your toes on guard paying attention wide-awake listening carefully Argus-eyed on the lookout not missing a trick

Tính từ

Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards an activity
keen eager ardent avid enthusiastic earnest fervent impassioned fervid passionate zealous athirst dedicated perfervid excited wholehearted willing assiduous crazy raring spirited driven hopeful intense longing voracious conscientious enthused intent warmblooded diligent ebullient hungry motivated vehement desirous devoted fanatical solicitous wild ambitious committed craving lively yearning desiring fierce interested zestful mad keen bright-eyed and bushy-tailed keen as mustard determined resolute persistent enterprising energetic active aspiring tenacious purposeful dogged self-starting vigorous go-getting unwavering goal-oriented single-minded untiring persevering assertive steadfast indefatigable hard-driving thirsty self-driven forceful unflagging militant bold strong-willed self-assertive resolved inspired striving dynamic pushy sedulous ruthless progressive strong-minded high-reaching bent upon aggressive obsessed full of determination tireless adventurous unrelenting bent uncompromising obstinate staunch unyielding pioneering hard-working fixed firm power-hungry dead set power-loving self-asserting hell-bent eager beaver get up and go self-seeking daring rigorous strong stalwart set unbending mettlesome steely undaunted unshakeable unfaltering gutsy constant plucky obdurate undeviating pertinacious ready unflinching itching stubborn insistent decisive go-ahead steady hardworking gung ho on the make desiring success like a ball of fire career-focused unswerving restless strenuous painstaking focused dutiful dependable self-motivated upwardly mobile thrusting hard laborious radical perseverant competitive focussed unremitting confident relentless career-minded rigid cutthroat sustained feisty ferocious unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured warm exuberant hearty gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy warlike bullheaded pumped rabid thrilled self-willed self-confident cut-throat self-assured can-do fiery animated vivacious titillated stoked hang-tough bound and determined full-blooded intensely competitive stop at nothing iron-willed high-pressure having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed in-your-face dog-eat-dog fiercely competitive agog fascinated passional exhilarated great rhapsodic animate geeked aflame nutty impatient nuts wacky antsy anxious tantalized concerned afire unqualified appetent juiced gaga tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty greedy turnt gone on red-hot hopped-up ready and willing hot to trot hepped up as keen as mustard high-spirited keyed up raring to go resourceful original full of beans imaginative ingenious audacious champing at the bit chomping at the bit inventive creative clever gifted capable alert bright intrepid venturesome sharp able talented quick-witted bound out decided adventuresome courageous dashing hardy venturous free-swinging up-and-coming nerved nervy emboldened entrepreneurial minding zippy go-go peppy stirring pushing hustling lusting take-over snappy innovative spanking gumptious advancing driving busy inflexible about hell-bent on intent on single-minded about insistent on set on out to do-or-die determined to fixed on hell-bent upon bent on fixed upon decisive about anxious to obsessive about firm about fixated on committed to obsessed with dead set on resolved on intending to fanatical about impatient to resolved to determined on spark plug hard ball coming on strong compelled consumed obsessive unshakable unbendable unshaken possessed immovable galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal indomitable impelled fixated compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised urged on hot feverish emotional burning charged demonstrative torrid devout sincere religious incandescent hot-blooded heartfelt warm-blooded mad superheated heated flaming stimulated dying blazing glowing frenzied aroused deep ecstatic happy fired up profound true delighted hankering infatuated extreme enraptured genuine euphoric stirred elated faithful loyal pining unrestrained cheerful moved psyched rapt potty expectant gagging unfeigned covetous effusive fond aching absorbed enamored rapturous overjoyed infatuated with responsive positive devoted to unreserved emphatic enamoured breathless hooked on uninhibited intoxicated engaged fanatic violent addicted on cloud nine deeply felt loving optimistic encouraged pious joyous joyful honest on fire inclined enchanted cordial wishing true-blue roused beside oneself elevated enamoured of giddy psyched up loud very keen on blissful enamored of buoyant glad noisy awakened gushing extravagant true blue expressive entranced worked up vociferous consuming engrossed sworn stanch hooked lyrical settled urgent impetuous over-enthusiastic uncontrollable high disposed hot for delirious thirsting affectionate deep-seated intemperate itchy enrapt frantic tender smitten wishful good captivated raging straining at the leash cheery card-carrying outspoken over the moon in love with smitten with dotty sure jovial bullish addicted to frank clamorous fulsome excitable dying to upbeat bursting daft turned on insatiable feeling strident forthright full-hearted bona fide immoderate juiced up lavish tumultuous affable powerful transported rarin' to go amenable frenetic gung-ho from the heart sentimental excessive hung up ravenous bigoted gushy amiable preoccupied open cock-a-hoop vocal real reinvigorated raw rapacious occupied ravished restive keen on welcoming desperate heady overenthusiastic inspirited raving dyed-in-the-wool thorough hysterical deep-rooted grasping enthralled sent sympathetic amorous concentrated in raptures immersed revitalized pledged supportive voluble in transports in seventh heaven hoping thrilling warmhearted wrapped ungovernable enlivened game blissed out dreamy fast warm-hearted in love inflamed studious OTT gone dinkum crazy about sanguine down-the-line deep-dyed electrified over the top jolly adherent beside oneself with happiness beside oneself with joy on tenterhooks solid refreshed exultant certain desirous of jubilant uncontrolled nutso on top of the world disposed to look on the bright side waiting with bated breath tickled gritty tickled pink plain-spoken inveterate complete profuse full direct candid revitalised friendly kindly soapy forcible unrestricted unconstrained heightened atingle genial uproarious fired curious oleaginous hagiographical hagiographic expansive adulatory unctuous unquenchable wanting absolute total acquisitive mushy wanton unruly abiding gluttonous approving acute over-effusive rhapsodical lustful beatific messianic opinionated pleasant kind sensitive full-throated sexy oily reassured deepest ripe involved inspiring benevolent caring raucous comforting biased high-powered hospitable gotta have amicable compassionate empathetic red-blooded touchy-feely angry tempestuous thoroughgoing heartwarming furious irrepressible delightful attentive piggish swinish ravening edacious hoggish glib sultry eloquent dependent ablaze diehard gracious comradely riveted pumped up congenial good-natured esurient concentrating sociable licentious hopped up in a frenzy crazed orgasmic hyped up all agog all-consuming pleasing extremist bewitched neighborly floating satisfied gratifying stirred up companionable insatiate geared up authentic berserk mad about whole-souled bonhomous convivial matey chummy very excited attached palsy spellbound floating on air in a hurry very enthusiastic neighbourly solemn buddy-buddy sizzling adoring nuts about cranked up itching for in suspense palsy-walsy out-and-out irrational doubtless cocksure dependent on habituated turned-on two-fisted in want of dying for secure under the influence laid on with a trowel on the edge of one's seat of good cheer jonesing for wrapped up strung out heart-to-heart given over to on pins and needles jonesing on hankering after self-directed queer amped-up reborn hardboiled buckled down touched responsible tried tried-and-true proselytizing evangelistic exalted poetic edgy restored blunt avaricious temperamental proactive banzai allegiant straining chafing rash inflexible amped arousing titillating untrammeled untrammelled abject entrenched habitual dithyrambic engagé take-charge melodramatic susceptible overwrought dizzy energized full of enthusiasm extremely enthusiastic prepared severe hard-core rooted extraordinary intrenched exceptional resilient influenced activated uplifted incensed aglow born-again revolutionary carried away explosive volatile spunky revived invigorated fortified heartened free-spoken all a-gog exciting overcharged up admiring consecrated aflutter revolutionist lacking supreme rousing grave hoping for longing for chafing at the bit intending aspirant wannabe potential would-be budding unreluctant energised beguiled besotted charmed jumping up and down wild-eyed zealotic fireball doting big bubbling over irresistible compelling overwhelming open-mouthed passionate about enthusiastic about verklempt sentient peppery gingery articulate wild about sapless cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry fain fond of sweet on goody-goody worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic urgently requiring riled up predatious future possible prospective likely pronounced hyper potent moving poignant precipitate headlong affecting hotblooded quickened proselytising evangelical lovesick using hard-nosed minded fuming hungered unsatisfied unfilled ambitious for anxious for yearning for eager for maudlin supported aided cheered renewed deliberate looking on the bright side chipper buoyed up sparky piqued consumed with desire sagacious taken love-struck seduced unstinting unambiguous categorical implicit clear favourably inclined willing for ready for avid for in need of with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen steamed up confirmed bred-in-the-bone dear agreeable collegial goody two-shoes overemotional overdone mawkish nostalgic erotic steamy sensual visionary in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for unlimited unmitigated unequivocal unconditional undivided brave tough partial to wild for crazy for dry as dust ultra cozy polite mellow social telelogical calculated smooth-spoken facile plainspoken fluent free venting stentorian round crying out in great need of alive upfront endeavoring endeavouring reassuring affectious clubby cosy thunderstruck astounded flabbergasted prehensile hopeful for envious aspiring towards keen for participating unalloyed unadulterated utter corny jejune languishing affected insipid overacted inane impressionable bathetic icky cloying idealistic moonstruck wackadoodle wackadoo hail-fellow-well-met red-carpet hail-fellow independent perceptive heroic mean take charge ridibund undoubtful in good heart wasted shooting up abusing with a … habit prone unpretending meant fearless up for it in urgent need rebel very keen enduring undiluted unquestioning outright shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about nutso over ravening for greedy for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for neurotic on edge eulogistic mean business gratified satisfying thankful chuffed erratic partial headstrong domineering credulous willful contumacious incorrigible twenty-four carat actual undissembled honest to God pretensionless undesigning firm in spirit stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad entire fullhearted playing hard ball be out for blood nose to the grindstone pyretic febrile pleasurable heavenly enjoyable foaming at the mouth off the air on the warpath with bated breath fit to be tied understanding uplifting nurturing affirmative inspiriting aspiring to terrorist unchecked rampant contributing influential activist over-the-top concupiscent salacious lewd lubricious libidinous satyric lascivious lecherous randy horny peaceful idyllic spaced-out harmonious wonderful flying cool perfect overpowering clamant obstreperous helpful employed working in ecstasies whole-hearted sweating nuts for high on in the twilight zone in ecstasy loudmouthed dewy-eyed maniacal intolerant hopping bustling forward overflowing mad on hundred percent protective cheering heartening appreciative calming soothing gladdening runaway uncurbed watchful transfixed gripped lost lovey-dovey overzealous gleeful overexcited jumping for joy athrill delirious with happiness in exaltation sunny blubbery hammy romantic prurient intrigued observant mesmerized yawping yauping ranting vociferant vociferating blatant shouting squawking demanding caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling burning up nervous flushed fevered febrific without reservations never-failing unreasonable illiberal prejudiced one-sided partisan walking on air hypnotized held stimulating boosting fulfilling encouraging tied-up enticed prodigious infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded berko outpouring flying high very happy rowdy boisterous distracting shrill mesmerised hypnotised anticipative through and through unhampered unhindered unstoppable uncontainable unbounded full-on abandoned riotous welcome infected naked insane corybantic deranged freaked out overboard sick poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased bitten unwell virulent flipped ill really into head over heels deep in caught up locked in dialed in pleased as punch tickled to death in transports of delight anticipating trusting trustful hectic predisposed imbued accustomed hyped full of hope looking forward to calm comfortable keeping the faith at ease content anticipant expecting omnivorous unappeasable self-indulgent turbulent undisciplined unmanageable ungoverned unconcealed chaotic madcap generous given to abusing spaced out used to in the habit of using wedded to given to prone to given to using single-hearted old faithful free-flowing wolfish backslapping true to the end unbridled all over someone devouring gannet-like gay empty gorging gross sating piggy starving starved dog-hungry back-slapping deep-felt good natured fatherly benign very hungry inviting liberal approachable likable maternal charitable starved to death likeable softhearted motherly kindhearted paternal good-humoured good-humored

Tính từ

Incapable of being wearied
weariless tireless unflagging indefatigable untiring unwearied persevering inexhaustible energetic vigorous enthusiastic unfailing unwearying resolute incessant active grind hyper jumping perky steadfast strenuous eager hard-working ball of fire on the go persistent dogged unremitting determined dynamic tenacious pertinacious unswerving unshakeable unrelenting unceasing forceful Herculean keen spirited zealous intense unfaltering stout strong patient assiduous unwavering diligent indomitable unflinching uncomplaining long-suffering unstinting relentless never-tiring sedulous ironclad single-minded remorseless painstaking unsinkable hell-bent inexorable nose to grindstone stop at nothing bound and determined dead set on constant staunch steady dedicated devoted plugging firm go-go unstinted continuing undeterred fireball continued plodding eager beaver unending continuous continual perpetual ceaseless endless unbroken uninterrupted non-stop nonstop sustained unabating interminable unabated unrelieved undeviating eternal running everlasting never-ending lasting unyielding round-the-clock permanent enduring fixed loyal unretiring undaunted perennial amaranthine world-without-end day and night round the clock on a treadmill unsparing persisting staying ongoing unwaning harsh regular unchanging connected repeated aeonian unvarying chronic recurrent dateless oft-repeated repetitive frequent unalleviated hard timeless stern around-the-clock consecutive without respite day-and-night

Tính từ

(of a plan or piece of work) Difficult to achieve, requiring great effort or ability
ambitious demanding hard challenging difficult exacting formidable aggressive arduous bold strenuous tough daring grandiose monumental onerous trying exhausting severe taxing elaborate extravagant grand intrepid toilsome energetic hellish impressive lofty pretentious stiff visionary killing knackering magnificent large-scale high-pressure herculean killer grueling gruelling rigorous testing laborious rough backbreaking punishing stressful oppressive back-breaking effortful harsh burdensome daunting torturous tortuous excruciating tedious ponderous wearisome tiring bruising rugged wearying agonizing brutal troublesome grievous moiling draining forbidding harrowing uphill thorny fierce crushing bothersome fatiguing unsparing heavy agonising exigent mighty painstaking hellacious intense stringent extreme colossal impossible unforgiving weighty titanic wearing grim toilful debilitating galling tiresome cumbersome operose upstream vigorous intimidating unyielding grinding sweaty tall painful sapping hairy gargantuan energy-consuming Herculean unreasonable tricky immoderate crippling merciless immense unremitting staggering gigantic prohibitive imperious murderous really hard very hard intolerable unbearable unpleasant distressing jarring solemn distressful shattering backbreaker depleting exorbitant excessive unfair steep persnickety pressing time-consuming Augean pick-and-shovel audacious dicey awful hazardous easier said than done nerve-racking high-impact slavish torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy labored serious no picnic vicious marathon cruel uncomfortable troubling difficile laboured unnerving tough going problem ominous insufferable sticky tormenting not easy worksome like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty savage scabrous problematic uphill battle discomforting stretching unrealistic improbable ballsy unfeasible brash idealistic unreal fanciful unlikely far-fetched difficult to achieve hefty thoroughgoing major irksome enervating vexatious worrying relentless exasperating traumatic worrisome vexing mean awkward disturbing frustrating inconvenient enervative upsetting wicked aggravating hectic maddening pressured fraught strict terrible annoying inhuman superincumbent disagreeable pesky bitter hardhanded searing pestilent irritating austere bad nagging weary infuriating niggling nasty murder knotty plaguy pestiferous pestilential punitive troublous rowdy carking prostrating embittering hostile grave tense perturbing anxious Sisyphean drastic draconian dreadful harassing unsettling rankling concerning intractable ungovernable objectionable drudging repressive infernal irking agitating busy domineering inexorable despotic headache abrasive riling very difficult overwhelming ugly boring unmanageable wretched chafing nettling nettlesome peeving incommodious confounded undisciplined disorderly unjust recalcitrant wayward discouraging puzzling unruly rebarbative cussed pesty plaguey a stinker of a anxiety-ridden physical powerful huge prodigious searching responsible withering racking chastening massive unrelaxing strained uncharitable unkind fiendishly difficult tremendously difficult very challenging unrelenting overtaxing overpowering plodding spartan mammoth careful hypercritical thorough precise critical nit-picking a nuisance dour protracted lengthy hardworking tight an imposition large order heavy sledding dogged overburdening high forceful heroic courageous slow by the book grating provoking displeasing no piece of cake shocking repugnant exerting swingeing sky-high inflated extortionate enraging lamentable deplorable unwelcome antagonizing harrying afflicting disappointing ghastly foul horrible rotten horrid vile iniquitous inordinate outrageous teasing festering antipathetic appalling atrocious frightful horrendous abominable tyrannical unsatisfying unattractive antagonising dictatorial autocratic offensive enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall undemocratic grotty frantic chaotic insupportable perverse complex complicated tyrannous active eventful frenzied frenetic lively authoritarian iron-fisted lousy beastly improper overbearing pitiless ruthless coercive anti-democratic disquieting discomposing mystifying high-handed overweening peremptory from hell unacceptable egregious importunate turbulent restless disheartening gloomy sombre dispiriting ironhanded rough going dismal depressive bleak heavy-handed somber depressing confining infestive dangerous alarming damaging messy flustering animated madhouse tireless full tumultuous riotous furious bustling wild problematical bewildering intricate incomprehensible convoluted perplexing baffling confounding beyond bearing not to be borne full on spirited action-packed bumpy raucous a bummer of a disobedient rebellious dysfunctional defiant delinquent socially impaired belligerent willful self-willed naughty badly behaved uncooperative impudent erratic errant hot-tempered disturbed disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish sullen cantankerous undisciplinable loudmouthed contumacious ill-behaved bellicose incorrigible insolent maladjusted rude confrontational combative argumentative malicious ill-disciplined mischievous truculent pugnacious unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn scrappy uncompliant rascally insubordinate uncontainable peevish devilish petulant indocile

Tính từ

Full of energy and life
vibrant energetic animated spirited dynamic lively sparkling vigorous electrifying exciting flourishing vital vivacious active alive bustling dashing dazzling effervescent enthusiastic flamboyant forceful peppy zesty airy animate bouncy brisk buzzing colorful colourful driving feisty fiery happening humming impassioned indefatigable intense kinetic passionate perky potent robust rousing sprightly stirring vehement virile vivid zealous zestful abuzz aggressive astir bold bubbly busy coruscating determined fresh hopping intensive lusty powerful snappy sparky spry spunky stimulating thriving tireless zippy ballsy bouncing breezy effective emphatic enterprising frisky gutsy pert punchy racy radiant resounding responsive rugged sensitive springy stalwart storming strong sturdy unflagging untiring vibrating aboil abubble forcible hardy jaunty jazzy mettlesome muscular pizazzy pizzazzy pushy sound spanking strenuous gay high-spirited full of pep all-out full-blooded full of vim and vigour high-octane full of beans full of life go-go hard-hitting high-powered alive and kicking bright and breezy full of spirit full of get-up-and-go have-a-go red-blooded ball of fire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring alert chirpy buoyant upbeat bright hyper nimble quick jumping refreshing cheerful outgoing motile moving tough dynamical kinematic locomotive demoniac motive mobile chipper exuberant merry agile skittish youthful blithesome frolicsome blithe zappy peart happy jocund fun fun-loving functional healthy operating functioning handy operative diligent on the go efficient occupational operational serviceable working utile practicable utilitarian well-oiled ebullient brilliant jolly festive zingy scintillating sunny gamesome frolic crank hectic boisterous excited bubbling irrepressible cheery buzzy barnstorming invigorating gingery crowded energized carefree envigorating joyful eager happy-go-lucky energised pulsating striking entertaining full of fun go-getting hearty playful flush raring to go rich deep exhilarating witty swashbuckling full daring clever theatrical gallant valiant elated vitalized ardent swarming activated strapping teeming solid substantial thronging light-hearted mirthful fit able-bodied eventful keen hale and hearty well built brash rocking hale in fine fettle wick like Piccadilly Circus in high spirits in the pink on the move full of commotion full of go gregarious unadulterated resplendent expressive party throbbing whirring purring whining droning glowing chaotic awake exhilarated wild well-trodden good rushing thronged frantic afoot jovial fervent lucrative money-making paying rewarding gritty hustling frenzied frenetic sportive hilarious gleeful joyous sporty peppery clubby social lighthearted swinging pure hurried avid zoolike furious live remunerative gainful fruitful occupied hot sharp burning glittering heated festal partyish enjoyable welcoming enlivened full of activity going strong still going strong saucy genial sparkly sassy dexterous dextrous deedful convivial holiday perk amusing glinting glimmering smart fascinating congested refreshed full of the joy of living as merry as a grig as lively as a grig aware up and about in motion magnetic electric full of zip reinvigorated invigorated revitalized fine athletic involved blooming go-ahead in good health heaving effectual positive restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter strong as an ox strong as an horse in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition well-trafficked pushing assertive charged revived ostentatious revitalised confident reenergized relaxed persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit take-charge hard-driving full of vim charismatic influential play for keeps compelling play hard ball coming on strong energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising extravagant rakish showy inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened fit as a fiddle full of energy camp fancy-pants like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man masculine male chivalrous manly all-male fearless brave intrepid heroic lionhearted stout-hearted manlike courageous valorous stable macho muscly brawny over the top OTT over the top whole husky burly hefty intact man-size mannish studly powerfully built fecund beefy ripped man-sized well made fertile butch shredded hunky laddish fast well well-conditioned unimpaired undamaged wholesome firm durable bombproof stout reproductive buff sexually potent jacked procreative generative right as rain wide-ranging sane undecayed well constructed hard hanging together up to snuff rigorous flawless normal well-constructed holding together perfect safe unhurt unblemished

Tính từ

Preoccupied with something to the exclusion of everything else
engrossed absorbed immersed deep rapt intent involved engaged enthralled gripped lost occupied caught up fascinated intrigued attentive captivated focused focussed interested observant preoccupied riveted assiduous bugged busy consumed diligent gone held hooked into monopolised monopolized sedulous submerged all ears beguiled by captivated by engaged in engaged with focused on gripped by intent on preoccupied by riveted by fiend for fixated by heavily into hung up hypnotized by intrigued by mesmerized by really into tied up turned on wrapped up all wound up caught up in head over heels taken up with up to here in spellbound mesmerized mesmerised obsessed entranced hypnotized fixated hypnotised beguiled infatuated charmed enchanted fanatical smitten single-minded happy concentrated concentrating fixed committed taken up devoted bewitched buried intense hooked on enraptured working employed transfixed passionate enrapt distracted up to here up to your ears enthusiastic delighted enamored active keen wrapped up in enamoured abstracted bustling steadfast at work hell-bent eat sleep and breathe tied-up locked in dialed in resolute stuck on transported dedicated queer motivated besotted enticed concerned thrilled intoxicated monomaniacal hopping preoccupied with single-minded about obsessive about possessed by hung up on in a brown study engrossed in dedicated to enthusiastic about devoted to immersed in under a spell hard-pressed determined potty about nuts about gone on wild on on the job on the go earnest steady on the hop diverted crazy about dotty about taken knee-deep hard at it firm deep in thought hard at work resolved studious obsessive watchful prepossessed tickled pleased alert inflexible set ardent fervent amused bound-up exhilarated dazzled tantalized attracted seduced titillated entertained unavailable wrapped absent-minded sent tantalised laborious overloaded in harness energetic snowed busy as a bee tied down taken over rushed off your feet on the move sunk in have a prior engagement absorbed in up to one's ears passionate about have one's hands full interested in on assignment involved in have a previous engagement wound up busy as a beaver at it with a customer having a one-track mind possessed up to your eyes up to your elbows entangled sunk steeped attached bent centered obsessed with busy with connected eager centred wackadoodle wackadoo infatuated with fanatical about paranoid neurotic insistent enfolded bound up on task laughing smiling besotted with glued impatient up to one's ears in fervid feverish crazy rapturous ignorant in the grip of ecstatic impassioned nuts full exclusive whole entire undivided all pleasantly occupied hanging on every word absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by participating dotty on duty somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated rhapsodical heady dutiful in a meeting blissful ravished influential faithful devout activist contributing on active service otherwise engaged cheered relaxed absent joyful inattentive dreaming overwhelmed content daydreaming unconscious oblivious strong-minded persistent pleasurably entertained dogged driven intensive in conference already taken tireless forward excited overpowered very interested aroused time-poor lively carried away blissed out having fun enjoying oneself having enough on one's plate having a full plate hustling harried having fish to fry efficient rushed off one's feet slaving in demand on the run having many irons in the fire hard-working hardworking go-getting two-fisted go-ahead fond of sold on in love with settled extremely curious very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious utilized utilised clocked up on the trot set on deep in too much on plate

Tính từ

Providing a reasonable or high degree of benefit
productive fruitful constructive useful valuable profitable rewarding worthwhile beneficial effective gainful gratifying formative helpful advantageous generative positive practical win-win expedient good favorable favourable of use remunerative of service meritorious lucrative economic timely invaluable kindly benignant benefic serviceable of assistance opportune worth it paying beneficent significant encouraging worthy salutary informative efficacious advisable of help instrumental conducive of value friendly appropriate strategic propitious of benefit moneymaking meaningful satisfying enriching facilitative important substantial fat juicy handy illuminating money-spinning effectual sensible applicable estimable commodious auspicious behooveful relevant suitable necessary best fulfilling justifiable edifying pleasing well spent to one's advantage usable wholesome prosperous purposeful good for one comforting gladdening heartening cheering heartwarming agreeable benevolent supportive good for you excellent paid promising toward nice money-making priceless exemplary worth the effort going well-paying fructuous sweet lush generous rich uplifting inspiring benign pivotal essential vital crucial financially rewarding well paid in one's interests in one's best interests imperative paramount critical indispensable going concern paid off very productive in the black admired appreciated fundamental key requisite respected in demand exigent needed loved held dear hot esteemed of the essence worth its weight in gold central scarce worthful hot property contributive preferred right correct thriving apt rational acceptable wise pragmatic reasoned prudent judicious desirable logical sound proper fitting fit recommended instructive valid seemly presentable sagacious definitive tactical convenient compelling best suited clear suggested most correct

Tính từ

Having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
businesslike efficient professional correct methodical orderly organised organized regular routine systematic matter-of-fact practical thorough well-ordered workaday competent disciplined planned practised slick pragmatic structured accomplished careful concentrated diligent direct earnest effective enterprising expeditious hardworking intent ordered painstaking practiced purposeful sedulous serious skilful skillful well ordered well-organized systematized systematised meticulous methodic precise logical neat formal coherent methodized exact well organized tidy arranged controlled well regulated well thought out fixed together well-regulated consistent well planned coordinated scrupulous deliberate systematical conventional standardized in order shipshape well thought-out regulated all together standard in good shape thoroughgoing fastidious analytical punctilious complete standardised out-and-out by the numbers joined-up by the book strict well-arranged rigid regimented steady self-controlled streamlined nonrandom sensible law-abiding well-behaved peaceable reasonable smooth-running straightened out well run established accepted procedural bureaucratic orthodox establishment customary set prescribed ready societal recognized influential official institutional recognised trim well-kept framed uniform spick-and-span rangé scientific set-up clean alike in shape in apple-pie order to rights neat as button neat as pin clear rigorous rational intelligible comprehensible sound legible accurate conscientious lucid analytic valid readable understandable exacting decipherable consequent good mathematical fussy judicious objective heedful finicky solid distinct well-maintained delimited supervised measured governed restrained integrated correlated cataloged classified tabulated settled cohesive severe deductive experimental grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared formulated conscionable punctual demanding reasoning sorted out consolidated collective unified cerebral thinking intelligent insightful in sync cooperative assimilated combined united harmonious no-nonsense firm wise hard productive economic unchanging even unvarying unvaried economical hard-headed straight-thinking resourceful organic laborsaving timesaving monotonous strictly regulated unbroken dull saving restricted closely controlled strictly controlled on a tight rein plain reasoned cost-effective well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving sharp articulate fluent graphic easy to understand unmistakable straightforward easy to read unequivocal explicit simple flowing easily deciphered smooth clear-cut easily read cogent well-grounded well-founded relevant meaningful well reasoned attentive particular identified assiduous exhaustive provident thoughtful faithful dedicated full cautious laborious circumspect intensive religious prim searching observant elaborate regardful concerned picky selfdisciplined chary pernickety persnickety loving nice discreet perfectionist strenuous in-depth going to great lengths

Từ trái nghĩa của industrious

industrious Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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