Từ đồng nghĩa của uncontrollable

Alternative for uncontrollable

uncontrollable /,ʌnkən'trouləbl/ (incontrollable) /,inkən'trouləbl/
  • tính từ
    • không kiểm soát được, không kiểm tra được
    • không ngăn được, không nén được
    • khó dạy, bất trị (trẻ con)

Tính từ

Not controllable
ungovernable unmanageable unruly recalcitrant intractable refractory wild disorderly disobedient obstreperous undisciplined defiant delinquent froward headstrong incontrollable incorrigible insubordinate non-compliant stroppy turbulent untoward violent wayward wilful willful bolshie contumacious out of control abandoned badly-behaved excited fractious freaked indocile indomitable insuppressible insurgent intense lawless obdurate obstinate overpowering overwhelming strong stubborn undisciplinable unrestrainable beside oneself like a loose cannon rebellious difficult contrary rowdy riotous mutinous rebel incompliant disruptive restive balky recusant unrestrained uncontrolled out of hand boisterous troublesome perverse uncooperative badly behaved rough awkward irrepressible self-willed anarchic noisy errant ill-disciplined seditious insurrectionary mischievous chaotic unyielding naughty unbridled unbiddable intemperate uproarious noncompliant disaffected revolutionary attention-seeking raucous impetuous loud misbehaving lawbreaking bad unchecked resistant rumbustious clamorous rampageous quarrelsome problematic reckless rampant troublemaking ornery mean wrong rollicking impossible rude roisterous wanton rambunctious roguish rascally uncompliant threatening tumultuous rackety intransigent rash anarchical opinionated rioting bloody-minded mulish truculent dissident exuberant rampaging factious radical cantankerous impudent insolent ungoverned anarchistic nonconformist bellicose impish pugnacious erratic aberrant tough exasperating unorthodox adverse unfavorable unfavourable insurrectionist uncontainable unreasonable heedless pervicacious stiff-necked bull-headed robustious unpredictable impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy inexorable inappropriate knockabout hell-raising dissentient disturbing annoying immoderate dissentious unwilling infelicitous inapt unsuitable unmalleable insubmissive pigheaded disloyal unhindered unbounded unaccommodating outrageous renitent irrational out of line obstinately disobedient insoluble malapropos tempestuous petulant iconoclastic treasonable militant disturbed maladjusted criminal peevish treacherous epidemic widespread demanding unpliable malicious pandemic raging rife up in arms traitorous thrawn pervasive excessive playful erring runaway sinful loudmouthed disordered argumentative tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish proliferating extravagant aggressive out-of-line out-of-order unregulated fiendish gallus evil ruffianly without law and order miscreant ill-behaved full of mischief fierce spreading like wildfire on the rampage devilish unsubduable hard to handle subversive cross untameable impotent robust contentious uncomplying loutish untrained cussed unpersuadable challenging crazy hysterical nuts madcap insurmountable berserk unsettling upsetting dangerous antisocial complex burdensome fickle unsteady capricious unschooled swaggering swashbuckling cavalier roughhouse lively romping contrarious stubborn as a mule disputatious mass persistent resolved malign malevolent maleficent determined spiteful tricky flyaway brawling ugly unlawful distracting unresponsive bullheaded resisting opposing withstanding inconsistent vociferous divisive indisciplined problem unbearable undependable intolerable wild and woolly termagant impossible to cope with dysfunctional deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized drunk lacking self-control immoral arbitrary rip-roaring unbending unconstrained unconventional uncurbed disrupting off-base callous hardened vicious on-a-tear out-of-control roistering artful self-indulgent cross-grained strong-willed piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous unfettered extrovert uninhibited inflexible uncompromising incurable raunchy kiddish infantile ill-natured sly frolicsome foxy bothersome thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful whiny incorrect licentious corybantic incautious profligate unadaptable raising Cain malcontent causing trouble socially impaired belligerent trying tiresome hot-tempered pesky sullen hostile nasty troublous confrontational combative bold irksome scrappy wearisome untimely unfortunate raising the roof rock-ribbed thrilled raving offending deregulated inconvenient inopportune sinning revolting mutinying terrorist giddy flighty restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging alienated attacking hard-line pat thorny locked resolute immovable tenacious knotty pertinacious deviant unanticipated ill-timed unexpected uncivilised tyrannous despotic heterodox terrorising warlike savage barbarous untamed unpeaceful terrorizing uncivilized nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical misbehaved inept unfit contradictory inapposite incongruous unhappy amiss unapt indecorous graceless illogical unbecoming wrong-headed improper unseemly culpable transgressing guilty locked in tough nut hang tough unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed straying wicked impolite irregular unlucky unwelcome inauspicious irritating teasing worthless shifting stray deviating heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable non-regulated inimical vexatious badly timed unseasonable off straight and narrow rank dominant disobliging unhealthy rotten obstructive unhelpful unhampered raw vehement flagrant prevalent unpropitious misfortunate unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless luxuriant profuse bad-mannered spreading blustering rambling fecund predominant extensive multiplying flourishing growing furious exceeding bounds dogged adamant hardheaded unrelenting implacable hard hard-nosed ossified adamantine inconvincible self-opinionated firm single-minded steadfast strong-minded relentless indurate rigid fixed dissenting iron-willed unshakeable unflinching irritable persevering negative pig-headed antagonistic unshakable nonconforming deaf to reason steely schismatic crabby discordant strict touchy stiff prickly grumpy chippy ill-tempered diehard set in one's ways estranged haughty sectarian unrepentant stalwart dead set on reluctant bad-tempered conflicting ratty choleric narky shirty purposeful disagreeing partisan rival resistive shrewish unwavering hesitant litigious averse insistent iron stern testy feisty disagreeable crotchety harsh as stubborn as a mule rigorous irascible stringent importunate ruthless snappy merciless dogmatic opinionative staunch querulous stony grim captious immutable huffy not giving an inch unswayable hard and fast hard-core inimitable irreconcilable morose sulky renegade limit nonobservant unconverted unreformed intent heretical maverick assiduous tireless indefatigable forceful apostate with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way boneheaded unreceptive decisive mullish domineering pushy treasonous unbendable separatist factional proud aloof daring provocative audacious divided split declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining hardline loath negativistic indisposed unalterable vexing unregenerate unmoved unbreakable heady stiffened unappeasable hard-shell locked-in convinced remorseless quarrelling civil disobedience bulky discommodious incommodious cramped immalleable unmovable durable hidebound unimpressible blinkered dyed-in-the-wool disharmonious clashing uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in paradoxical contrariant arsey disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy difficult to handle unchangeable brassbound wrongheaded antipathetic converse ready for a fight tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough set in stone set in your ways standing one's ground contending fighting controversial spoiling for a fight overbearing hard to please unamenable fussy grumbly pitiless boorish finical vexed invidious choosy sensitive temperamental uppity uptight disputative sour oafish discontented tyrannical hypercritical picky dissatisfied bearish delicate oppressive hard to satisfy overcritical perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical ungracious severe quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds stormy agitated progressive reforming unstable unenthusiastic grudging reformist extreme explosive roller-coaster rugged unsettled revisionist fanatical progressivist extremist flinty hard-hitting drastic unsentimental unsympathetic fanatic revolutionist rabid grouchy storming fiery shaking perturbed demonstrative passionate in turmoil bitter destructive unforgiving authoritarian exacting cold austere cool draconian tetchy full of ups and downs full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals uncaring ferocious pettish desperate far-out loony looney stony-hearted hard-shelled two-fisted hard-hearted hard-boiled ramrod way out ultraist swivel-eyed heavy-handed hard-bitten ill-humoured involuntary afraid crabbed waspish curmudgeonly snappish short-tempered splenetic in a mood peppery crusty quick-tempered scratchy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused laggard forced enforced demurring cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky thin-skinned complaining ill-humored unwishful uneager begrudging unobliging uninclined on a short fuse like a bear with a sore head having got out of bed the wrong side

Tính từ

Being mentally unstable
berserk mad crazy frenzied wild hysterical crazed maniacal raving deranged insane demented rabid manic mental nuts berko frantic hyper nutty ape amok bananas bonkers barmy bats batty spare barro crackers crook porangi postal beside oneself out of control off the deep end on the rampage through the roof up the wall off the air around the bend off your rocker out to lunch out of one's mind off your head unhinged unbalanced lunatic psychotic certifiable cuckoo loony screwy gaga wacko disturbed loco unstable sectionable psychopathic delirious cracked loopy distraught meshuga touched distracted barking dippy dotty buggy nutso bushed squirrelly nutsy schizoid irrational yarra raging furious phrenetic gibbering rampant ranting mentally ill of unsound mind non compos mentis stark mad round the twist have kangaroos in the top paddock mad as a hatter barking mad not right upstairs as daft as a brush away with the fairies nutty as a fruitcake not quite right in the head foaming at the mouth not right in the head stark raving mad not all there not together have a screw loose sick in the head stark staring mad not the full shilling have bats in the belfry not in your right mind off the wall mad as a March hare up the pole round the bend daft raving mad wacky whacky crackpot kooky daffy kookie looney balmy maniac psycho whacko unsound crackbrained cranky fruity brainsick meshugge bughouse haywire moonstruck scatty wud bedlam looney tunes loony tunes slang off one's nut off your trolley eccentric with a screw loose off one's gourd stupid foolish schizophrenic psychopathological potty sociopathic out of one's head severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock have bats in one's belfry silly senseless fatuous preposterous confused doolally bizarre odd disordered screwball peculiar queer gonzo one sandwich short of a picnic derailed unsettled paranoid unglued sick flipped out out of one's tree a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic having bats in the belfry not of sound mind mentally deranged deprived of one's wits having a screw loose one card shy of a full deck manic-depressive having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge flipped-out non compos mindless unsafe aberrant invalid fantastic flakey baked flaky fried freaked out psyched out panic-stricken yampy two sandwiches short of a picnic idiotic schitzy neurotic uncontrolled unreasonable moonstricken oddball bemused off your chump severely mentally disordered demoniac dazed off wrong dreamy bedlamite absurd nonsensical witless brainless asinine out there as mad as a March hare in another world out of one's gourd in a daze off-the-wall as mad as a hatter in the ozone crazy as a loon unwise chaotic zany harebrained touched in the head simpleminded bubbleheaded erratic disorganized lunkheaded cockeyed featherheaded jerky tomfool sappy topsy-turvy inept fool ridiculous faulty tangled shambolic wonky nonfunctional broken fuddled disarranged weird illogical goofy strange unconventional impractical idiosyncratic twisted in pieces disorganised in a mess out of commission on the blink mixed up out of whack orderless not functioning properly amiss flipped defective schizo messy on the fritz out of order up the spout half-witted half-baked weak-minded bats in the belfry nutty as fruitcake ding-a-ling screw loose mentally unbalanced a bit lacking upstairs

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Significant or extreme in degree or intensity
keen intense burning fierce vehement acute deep relentless passionate profound strong almighty compelling ghastly powerful raging extreme fervid hard major zealous excessive exquisite ferocious fervent impassioned drastic dreadful eager energetic fanatical fearful furious heightened hellacious sharp terrible blistering earnest extraordinary fearsome great significant ardent exceptional feverish heavy urgent vicious explosive flaming frightful intensive perfervid severe consuming critical excruciating frenzied serious violent all-consuming cut-throat deep-seated heavy-duty warm-blooded forceful fiery wild tumultuous stormy turbulent tempestuous rabid volcanic torrid rough convulsive vigorous hot cyclonic paroxysmal emotional passional warm excited charged demonstrative heated enthusiastic blazing incandescent religious superheated glowing uncontrolled intemperate frantic unbridled unrestrained unchecked blustery volatile hot-blooded ungovernable red-hot uncurbed immoderate devastating rampant impetuous storming knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bang-bang hammer and tongs wholehearted hectic involuntary spasmodic aggressive unruly frenetic mad uninhibited gusty unconstrained unrepressed inclement menacing boisterous bitter thundery squally bumpy thunderous windy savage howling unpredictable typhonic blustering swirling choppy destructive blind ebullient bursting at the boiling point chaotic restless roaring rugged stormful committed assiduous dedicated steadfast allegiant animated heartfelt resounding inordinate rampaging riotous spirited inflamed biting unmanageable overwhelming harsh unfettered emphatic messianic desperate agonizing painful potent enraged ruinous concentrated forcible strenuous peppery agonising dynamic outrageous aroused coercive impulsive out of control full of force gale force moving inspiring eloquent stirring steamed up poignant high-pressure hotblooded stimulated expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered searing piercing very great thorough overpowering insufferable unbearable intensified penetrating insistent vivid close deep-rooted deeply felt detailed careful painstaking rigorous conscientious meticulous grave sincere outspoken abject searching minute vociferous forthright scrupulous methodical strident full clamorous noisy cutting diligent rousing tough thoroughgoing unendurable loud avid hearty emotive supreme vocal marked unqualified lively hopped up durable industrial-strength real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting hellish diabolical raw cordial attentive intolerable awful inexcusable dire unforgivable grievous reprehensible indefensible focused intent unstoppable heartrending boiling baking scorching dramatic alert deepest disgraceful shameful parlous very bad enthused melodramatic sizzling roasting entrenched devout true genuine overemotional sentimental sweltering honest hard-core intrenched unfeigned rooted gung ho true blue stimulating interesting focussed tropical parching withering harrowing torturous bona fide inveterate scalding enormous racking transcending tormenting eventful formidable settled high blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling protracted bred-in-the-bone confirmed undue exaggerated angry full-throated pronounced opinionated hyper delirious boiling hot very hot strained pungent stinging shrill exhaustive frank blunt like a furnace mother of all on the make complete all-out in-depth comprehensive concerted all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing total demanding plain-spoken all-embracing free-spoken open candid direct sedulous sweeping extensive elaborate determined widespread resolute articulate out-and-out persistent accelerated fast speeded-up radical facile fluent free plainspoken smooth-spoken glib raucous voluble venting stentorian round more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

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Exhausting all effort
complete unhampered unrestrained all out assured bloody boundless brutal categorical ceaseless emphatic flat-out full intense limitless no holds barred no-holds-barred no-limit resounding unambiguous unbridled unchecked uncompromising unconditioned unconstrained uncontestable uncontrolled uncurbed undisputable ungoverned unhindered unimpeded uninhibited unmitigated unrepressed unreserved unrestricted unshackled unsuppressed untrammeled untrammelled wild without restrictions workmanlike incontinent rampant unbounded immoderate runaway intemperate abandoned unfettered raw inordinate excessive unlimited unconfined extravagant undisciplined violent ungovernable outrageous profligate reckless wanton dissolute irrepressible riotous out of control out of hand furious unruly boisterous full-on unsubmissive running wild disobedient stubborn lacking self-control not controlled extreme self-indulgent unreasonable unjustified undue prodigal lacking control lacking self-restraint severe overindulgent passionate unwarranted tempestuous imprudent egregious lavish O.T.T. uncalled for dissipated over the top dissipative debauched greedy unbalanced free natural unbound footloose uncontainable unquenchable unstoppable loose spontaneous saturnalian impertinent licentious immoral frank impotent lawless plenary open bizarre flamboyant indiscriminate exaggerated candid blunt audacious absolute unqualified outright unequivocal downright explicit unquestionable utter definite straight out unconditional clear positive decisive indubitable unmistakable certain out-and-out total thorough thoroughgoing categoric genuine no catch no ifs ands or buts wholesale no fine print express whole direct entire determinate wide specific point-blank no strings no kicker consummate pure rank profound unadulterated wholehearted stark regular simple unalloyed sheer ultimate final fair plumb perfect arrant forthright dead flat definitive open-ended bodacious crashing deadly actual blank stone very dreadful unquestioning clean blooming all-out straight-out plain overt distinct clear-cut patent cotton-picking no strings attached straight from the shoulder no limits with no strings supreme sovereign wide-ranging undefined unstructured superlative utmost predominant infinite unsurpassed peerless tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful omnipotent matchless peremptory preeminent upfront outspoken without limit plain-spoken straightforward incontrovertible manifest freewheeling unambivalent indisputable undeniable evident relaxed nonambiguous liberated straight obvious lucid luculent instinctive pellucid apparent transparent palpable perspicuous unblurred barefaced bald decided understandable ringing luminous comprehensible univocal incontestable intelligible unselfconscious easily understood black and white self-evident lucent cut-and-dried limpid open-and-shut bright-line broad crystal-clear crystal nailed-on well defined crystal clear open and shut bald-faced black-and-white clearly expressed shameless cut loose off the cuff expansive hanging out fancy-free unself-conscious free and easy firm unstinting conclusive sure real right apodictic undiluted through and through without reservations one hundred per cent in every respect full-bore deep-dyed right-down

Tính từ

Full of fervor
excited zealous energetic fanatical fervent lively manic perfervid pumped frenetic obsessed passionate raring ready ardent disorderly fevered spirited sprightly wild crazy effervescent feverish psyched voracious delirious fierce game high nuts restless unruly vivacious amped angry crazed furious high as a kite juiced mad nutty stirred up high-spirited unrestrained stirred fired up hyperactive on fire steamed up wigged-out frenzied agitated violent frantic rabid uncontrolled overwrought tumultuous hectic turbulent hysterical ferocious boisterous heated riotous rough intense maniacal swivel-eyed raging fraught distraught worked up insane stormy keyed up corybantic out of control berserk desperate distracted chaotic tempestuous obstreperous animated rowdy panic-stricken wired hyper unscrewed in a tizzy deranged rumbustious raving obsessive weirded out wigged out overactive beside oneself freaked out flipped out abandoned fervid exciting uproarious confused explosive overexcited convulsive rambunctious raucous vociferous lawless demented unbridled fast and furious noisy weird at wits' end spazzed out hot under the collar zonkers unglued unzipped shook up in a stew hot and bothered impatient ebullient full-on uninhibited clamorous vibrant rip-roaring inflamed undisciplined confusing impetuous volcanic unbalanced cyclonic rugged wayward paroxysmal overwhelming overpowering hot wilful busy unsettled panic-struck panicky in a lather termagant in turmoil fiery emotional refractory hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts vehement bang-bang unhinged gay impassioned rollicking madding active acrimonious bouncy loud phrenetic furibund passional touchy irascible savage frisky knockabout exuberant distressed lunatic bad-tempered excitable aroused ill-tempered temperamental lost it distrait uptight hysteric demonic demoniacal neurotic roisterous romping hell-raising roistering robustious berko anarchic in a state in a flap beside yourself worried having kittens last-minute in a flat spin at the end of your tether anxious in a tizz het up wound up in a cold sweat clangorous in high spirits sectionable unstable strident vociferant over-the-top brawling flurrying psychotic up turned out hopped up freaky flipped seditious mutinous roller-coaster rowdydowdy disturbed irregular flustering buzzing brisk bustling storming full of confusion shaking untamed roughhouse perturbed bitter rampant full of ups and downs full of upheavals full of conflict demonstrative destructive stern wooly disordered nutsy zoolike jungle hassle madhouse crowded burning enthusiastic woolly very busy very active like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose nervous cataclysmal cataclysmic flaming ungovernable unmanageable high-strung recalcitrant like one possessed intractable disobedient incorrigible incontrollable willful untoward defiant stroppy froward delinquent insubordinate non-compliant headstrong contumacious bolshie like a loose cannon strong obdurate freaked insurgent badly-behaved unrestrainable indomitable stubborn obstinate undisciplinable insuppressible fractious indocile

Tính từ

Lacking restraint, or ignoring societal standards, particularly in sexual conduct
licentious lewd wanton lascivious libidinous lustful promiscuous abandoned debauched immoral lubricious dissolute impure libertine profligate decadent degenerate dissipated sensual indecent lecherous salacious sinful uncontrolled wicked concupiscent horny intemperate prurient randy ribald unchaste uncurbed carnal coarse corrupt depraved dirty filthy fleshly goatish hot hypersexual itchy lickerish lubricous naughty passionate perverted pervy raunchy satyric smutty amoral animal desirous disorderly fast incontinent lax loose relaxed reprobate scabrous swinging unconstrained unmoral unprincipled unruly fast and loose in the fast lane obscene vulgar crude gross rakish bawdy unwholesome unclean vile debased shameless blue foul pornographic profane immodest X-rated improper unrestrained nasty suggestive degraded erotic perverse rude demoralized sordid sick demoralised wild warped racy base offensive indelicate evil trashy unprintable gutter porny jackleg rakehell stag raw rakehelly sexy self-indulgent low locker-room off colour voluptuous bad sybaritic scatological scatologic disgusting steamy vicious sexual adult louche risqué near the knuckle earthy dishonourable fast-living indecorous spicy porno uninhibited scurrilous villainous hedonistic voluptuary immoderate dishonorable off-color saucy indulgent Rabelaisian disreputable fruity pleasure-seeking sleazy amorous explicit luxurious epicurean gamy foul-mouthed nudge-nudge titillating defiled unscrupulous unbridled unrefined corrupted tasteless bestial shocking iniquitous unvirtuous unseemly of easy virtue porn unrestricted scandalous ardent profaned cheap desecrated venereal whorish unsavory easy unsavoury gone bad fallen near the bone excessive sensuous dishonest brutal vitiated inappropriate extravagant riotous mean nefarious crooked outrageous ignoble shady infamous ungoverned ruttish uncleanly miscreant physical bodily rough aroused gone to the dogs lotus-eating questionable aphrodisiac unhindered unethical dirty-minded aphrodisiacal wayward luscious lush crass light unhealthy hedonic wrongful distasteful unconscionable devious atrocious rank barnyard colourful uncouth lusty raffish contaminated criminal wrong unworthy despicable shameful arousing salty off rotten saturnalian contemptible hard-core colorful open incorrigible high living malicious not pure gamey sly brutish wolfish slippery dodgy harsh off-colored free out of control hankering unchecked itching toey unconfined roundheeled hircine orgiastic unimpeded excited rampant hot-blooded tainted overindulgent untrammeled pleasure-loving amatory broad bacchanalian underhand corporeal runaway loving slack violent low-down unblushing unbounded unhampered loathsome noisome sickening repugnant Dionysiac evil-minded savage blasphemous deceitful stimulating kinky cruel abusive scungy hot to trot greedy cutthroat Machiavellian unconventional violated hideous horrible deteriorated careless drunken gay impious irrepressible unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable untrammelled erotogenic taboo romantic enthusiastic venereous imprudent undisciplined impolite repulsive unbecoming barbarous inhuman stimulated rascally self-gratifying impassioned odious irresponsible heartless ruthless delightful sadistic merciless pleasing inelegant hot and heavy ungodly reckless off-colour bad-mannered dubious unfair morally wrong callous heinous monstrous animalistic unlawful scurvy gruesome bent conscienceless two-faced dastardly cold-blooded unrighteous dark in the gutter lacking restraint reprehensible blunt inhumane bloodthirsty lowbred turned on exciting in bad taste close to the bone audacious shifty night owl lawless sullied freethinking flirtatious obnoxious craving heedless illicit degrading embarrassing erogenous prodigal indiscreet material somatic corporal vice-ridden inconstant voyeuristic longing untoward rousing lavish Fescennine boorish sensualist barro ithyphallic Cyprian degenerated decaying moribund lost declining unprofessional genital untactful callow page-three skin red-blooded torrid warm-blooded sultry juicy parsimonious effete miserly outlandish sneaking soft-core discourteous fractious appetitive unspiritual rogue devilish uncivil retrogressive demeaned retrograde sinking flatitious failing gluttonous gourmandizing fervid purple enticing hedonist appealing attractive desirable tarty slaggy tactless undecorous ridiculous malodorous foulmouthed ill-bred red-hot sizzling beyond the pale uncultured uncultivated deviant anacreontic riggish moving stirring tactile heavy sensory physically gratifying sharpened no better than one should be discreditable notorious roguish tricky tacky grody ignorant awkward unsophisticated private unlimited mucky grubby grimy philandering fraudulent sexually arousing sexually stimulating low-down-and-dirty roughneck incult insensible unpolished lowbrow common rugged illiberal flagitous twisted ignominious disgraceful in poor taste binge-eating low-down and dirty out of line tender coital dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary praetorian cheating stop-at-nothing venal double-crossing two-timing sicko unnatural sexually exciting brash carefree avid obsessive turned-on black gourmand connoisseur foodie fast-paced temerarious devil-may-care daredevil gadabout frivolous foolhardy hellbent inordinate unshackled unfettered sinister fornicatory intimate erotical of the flesh unjust graceless natural unsuppressed boundless malevolent hateful not cricket gone to seed untrustworthy unbound footloose pitiless unfeeling rancorous scoundrelly unkind disparaging delinquent forbidding errant exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous unpleasant black-hearted self-seeking vengeful felonious contemptuous grisly pernicious tyrannical squalid underhanded scornful maleficent objectionable despiteful unconscientious scheming virulent inexorable vindictive disdainful spiteful titillated frisky seedy suspect opprobrious foxy inflamed unrepressed of bad reputation suspicious seamy shy unrespectable shoddy desiring squirrelly spontaneous frank flamboyant candid impertinent indiscriminate out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated bizarre limitless fishy ferocious in low esteem pitiable in the doghouse beggarly sorry abject lowly no good derogatory in bad inglorious sexually aroused in heat hard up hot and bothered sexed up on fire toey as a Roman sandal dangerous fiendish diabolical barbaric fierce remorseless full-on ungovernable bloody awful murderous terrible butcherly fell brute truculent dreadful homicidal grim worthless unconcealed chaotic turbulent unmanageable crazed crazy noisy hysterical rabid madcap berserk sanguinary abhorrent beastly flagitious faulty untamed putrid insubordinate treacherous duplicitous guileful cunning illegal deceptive sneaky detestable knavish wily abominable shabby designing snide execrable Janus-faced artful sharp wretched slick false deplorable conniving perfidious malfeasant calculating swindling shonky insidious lying egregious blameworthy appalling shrewd low-minded deceiving bribable paltry unsporting unsportsmanlike currish sacrilegious insincere irreligious mercenary subtle slim stinking corruptible below the belt inequitable defrauding unholy godless faithless arrant diabolic traitorous erring illegitimate hollow-hearted iffy furtive slimy peccable grafting hardened unspeakable untruthful buyable indefensible mendacious blackguardly flagrant petty snidey cowardly indirect low-life uncharitable unregenerate unreliable scummy unfaithful culpable unashamed servile menial disingenuous unembarrassed brazen unabashed rapacious irreverent fly-by-night blatant clandestine unforgivable counterfeit barefaced inexcusable lamentable truthless indictable undependable beyond contempt oblique false-hearted double-faced exceptionable lame lousy contriving impudent insolent cagey scabby ratty purchasable high-handed overbold cheeky presumptuous brassy no-good caitiff injurious unjustifiable unacceptable unwarranted lowlife atheistic disagreeable murky funny plotting not to be trusted grasping repellent recreant surreptitious hypocritical bold avaricious hoodwinking misleading dissembling conspiratorial tawdry negligent beguiling astute revolting humiliating mischievous cagy cute sham selfish forward ugly evasive stealthy unrepentant pitiful Punic malignant undesirable prejudicial untrue cruddy suborned collusive astucious bald-faced brazenfaced undignified out of order under-the-table trustless against the law opportunistic spurious phoney poor mock phony fake harmful on the take against the rules shaming wrongdoing debasing smart colluding irregular doubtful mysterious corruptable casuistic rudderless fly thoughtless unsatisfactory unreasonable unjustified uncalled for morally bereft canny clever despisable manipulative intolerable unbefitting unfitting transgressing ill-famed lawbreaking ruffianly unnecessary stinky dicey meanspirited disrespectful churlish ill-reputed thievish prostituted humble slavish caballing conspiring condemnable cowboy backbiting bluffing elusive unctuous bogus unfortunate regrettable cynical craven slipshod disdainable hostile ornery snaky out of turn not on ungentlemanly peccant opportunist intriguing pixieish scampish arch puckish pixy prankish tricksy impish pixie leprechaunish waggish elvish flimflam scam agnostic sceptical unbelieving plebeian unchivalrous remiss queer macabre unhonest blamable censurable padded simoniac simoniacal horrid falsified imitation pseudo bamboozling forged untrusty disloyal fickle unsportsmanly expedient pathetic sad miserable biased prejudiced non-believing heathen heretical non-theistic frolicsome confident unconcerned opprobious a bit much open to bribery modest simple peasant ordinary reproachful plain fink not to be relied upon secret secretive pagan infidel barbarian discriminatory nauseating horrifying undismayed undaunted good-for-naught no-count meritless good-for-nothing no-account unsafe cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner covert back-alley hugger-mugger shrouded plausible seeming serpentine imposturous rascal pretended bum catchy heathenish idolatrous guilty partisan ill-gotten buccaneering backstairs profiteering deleterious damaging baneful hurtful nocuous adverse noxious baleful a bit thick over the fence detrimental ill extortionate discriminating partial bigoted unequal beneath contempt below contempt obliquitous gimmicky religionless iconoclastic nonreligious dirty rotten fearless unawed unflinching unshrinking fair-weather not to be depended on not dependable under the table bad news weighted distorted slanted preferential intolerant coloured adaptable plundering thieving pillaging resourceful nonmoral non-moral undevout nullifidian playing politics put on playing games cocky poised forthright abashless brass-necked composed unaffected unshamed undue unbalanced loaded uneven arbitrary skeptical free-thinking faking one out not straightforward without standards without morals acquisitive bold as brass grievous unrightful colored fallacious impetuous impulsive covetous one-sided non-objective uncalled-for without scruples overt piratical impenitent transparent undisguised money-grubbing money-oriented grabby coveting moneygrubbing without shame materialistic stingy gold-digging damnable infernal hellish

Tính từ

Resulting from or acting from a compulsion

Tính từ

Incapable of being satisfied or appeased
insatiable unquenchable insatiate unappeasable greedy ravenous voracious gluttonous quenchless edacious intemperate rapacious hungry prodigious ravening avid eager hoggish inappeasable inextinguishable keen piggish piggy swinish unslakable wolfish clamorous crying demanding desiring esurient exigent gannet-like gutsy importunate insistent limitless pressing unsatisfiable unsatisfied urgent wanting yearning never satisfied unable to be satisfied uncontrolled omnivorous compulsive enthusiastic craving desirous devouring starving empty grasping gross gorging starved dog-hungry sating covetous very hungry starved to death avaricious predatory acquisitive gormandizing grabby selfish excessive wolflike gourmandizing gourmand gobbling guzzling close close-fisted grudging carnivorous gulping fierce ferocious savage self-indulgent peckish lupine famished unfed hollow hungering half-starved sharp-set dying of hunger faint from lack of food ready to eat a horse starving to death flying light could eat a horse having the munchies plant ventripotent dirty filthy mean squalid brutish sordid unclean with eyes bigger than one's stomach insatiat never full vicious rude crude undernourished malnourished vulturous exploitative vulturine menacing boorish underfed deprived of food mercenary prehensile pennypinching itchy parsimonious miserly penurious stingy tight tight-fisted have eyes bigger than one's stomach consuming powerful intense flaming overwhelming lascivious lecherous usurious marauding plundering materialistic moneygrubbing coveting preying extortionate money-grubbing leering wolfy lustful murderous furious annihilatory corrosive passionate famishing food-deprived dying from hunger craving food faint from hunger got the munchies in a fasted state able to eat a horse feeling faint from hunger on empty stomach dying from lack of food with one's stomach thinking one's throat's cut

Tính từ

Having a quick-tempered nature
fiery angry irritable aggressive choleric irascible petulant raspy testy crabby cranky cross grouchy grumpy peevish prickly snappy snippety crotchety furious pettish ratty snappish snarky snippy spiteful stuffy waspish excitable forceful impetuous bad-tempered hot-tempered ill-tempered quick-tempered short-tempered hot-headed touchy cantankerous chippy perverse tetchy narky fractious huffy impatient crabbed ill-humored crusty ill-humoured splenetic peppery querulous soreheaded eggy liverish surly miffy moody snaky peckish dyspeptic sullen disagreeable ill-natured passionate ornery volatile bilious sulky curmudgeonly stroppy hotheaded quarrelsome fretful temperamental like a bear with a sore head edgy on a short fuse out of sorts shirty captious churlish sour out of humor mean brusque scratchy argumentative waxy morose complaining violent snarling sensitive bitter shrewish short-fused thin-skinned truculent whingy mardy feisty hot-blooded hostile in a bad mood contentious emotional belligerent sorehead bearish antagonistic uptight curt threatening fierce miserable disputatious combative bellicose confrontational cavilling pugnacious as cross as two sticks militant caviling warlike scrappy oversensitive explosive agonistic tempestuous nasty hasty grumbling cross-grained on edge glum easily upset acrimonious annoyed difficult fussy sharp harsh whingeing defiant impassioned exasperated discordant assaultive disgruntled impulsive gruff tense in a mood contrary vehement inhospitable gladiatorial out of temper dour displeased waspy inflammable neurotic awkward mumpish tooshie mercurial highly strung ugly high-strung out of humour melodramatic hypersensitive inimical snarly arsey unfriendly obstinate whining disputative huffish headstrong warring ireful brooding discontented brawly critical battling iracund iracundulous frowning fighting uncooperative piqued vindictive tart acid saturnine gloomy sore short malicious acrid cussed vinegary intense having got out of bed the wrong side adversarial fault-finding on the warpath having got out of bed on the wrong side hot under the collar malevolent litigious overemotional bristly factious unsociable pouty easily offended rancorous antipathetic misanthropic cynical pertinacious whiny crybaby ungracious peeved froward wrangling salty grim pouting unruly forbidding bickering irritated skittish enraged venomous malignant tough resentful brawling rebellious willful ticklish wilful jumpy grousing trying growling blunt dissatisfied carping griping fretting childish chuffy obstreperous aggravated unpleasant irked vitriolic indignant agitable vicious easily provoked ferocious stern intolerant foul-tempered uneasy intimidating cheerless hysterical ready for a fight dark bloody-minded ready to fight nasty-tempered out-of-sorts easily frightened up in arms prima donna-ish easily agitated in bad mood capricious destructive abrupt erratic unpredictable sarcastic loudmouthed heated naysaying spunky acerbic acute abusive offended bad-humored moping mopish terse offensive apt to fly off the handle hypercritical narked got up on wrong side of bed like a bear unkind mighty dejected mopey broody vexed rough unindulgent filthy blue wounded kittle mopy pushy biffo aggers sharp-tongued sharp-tempered having short fuse hot under collar hawkish put out dissentious controversial polemical polemic militaristic warmongering ructious arguesome irate upset lively hateful turbulent war wrestling bloodthirsty tilting martial skirmishing galled livid apoplectic incensed stormy mad riled self-assertive itching to fight bristling spirited antisocial embittered icy virulent steamed wild scowling have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder dramatic steamed up crook vex ropeable over-emotional spoiling for a fight sabre-rattling under arms glowering hoha wroth vengeful manic uncomfortable lawless shaken frantic infuriated fuming steamed-up raving inflamed hottempered faultfinding aerated have chip on shoulder in a paddy foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased in a bate ticked off hopping mad in a lather bent out of shape teed off fit to be tied severe menacing aggrieved foreboding ominous nervous serious steely somber frightening all shook up humourless humorless sombre implacable solemn unstable brittle twitchy unsettled flinty cast-iron boot-faced unsmiling joyless ungentle no-nonsense mortified disapproving cold unappeasable stark stony jittery hyperexcitable skittery fluttery spooky spasmodic hyperkinetic adrenalized flighty stressy wired hyperactive hyper volcanic restless rash demonstrative reckless galvanic enthusiastic overzealous uncontrolled susceptible quick alarmable fidgety short fused fiddle-footed blowing hot and cold atrabilious zowerswopped perversely irritable wrathful cheesed off angered miffed in a huff outraged nettled provoked browned off in high dudgeon fed up peed off in a temper rabid ballistic rankled ticked steaming roiled brassed off bothered affronted foaming riley enflamed seething raging ruffled hot infuriate maddened hopping boiling snuffy horn-mad choked beside oneself distressed hurt agitated rude incandescent unhappy frustrated troubled worked up stung in a frenzy disturbed scunnered frenzied going crook beside yourself in a fume blue in the face in a pet flustered harassed ranting wound up discourteous wrath uncivil impolite insulted malign worried uncommunicative pained very angry perturbed disappointed seeing red poisonous aloof uncongenial off the air unmannerly injured unsympathetic unresponsive catty censorious rattled spare taciturn obnoxious sourpussed harried distant afflicted sulking cruel unapproachable hurtful mean-spirited needled anxious burned up negative restive grieved het up boiling mad slighted raging mad with all guns blazing depressed wicked cool disobliging unattractive envenomed chilly hard louring disaffected bad frosty black inconsiderate scathing boorish unhelpful unneighbourly frigid discouraged unlikable dismal savage berserk chafed annoying withdrawn tormented chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid frozen arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered scornful fretted ungratified jaundiced uncharitable roused hate-filled grudging antagonized stiff hacked bugged insane down in the mouth storming antagonised ill-disposed up the wall bummed out in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper anguished goaded burning with excitement excited unsavoury reproachful distraught overwrought objectionable malcontent snubbed good and mad mad as hell stressed hassled foul unlikeable snitty confused disrespected disrespectful perplexed brief vinegarish blazing crazy pernicious ready to be tied lugubrious wrought up ill at ease laconic bluff ungenerous tempersome discontent chagrined adverse disheartened recalcitrant offhand Eeyorish pessimistic sober wreck unquiet overstrung refractory crackers p.o.'d viperous crabbing bellyaching uncontent kicking malcontented kvetching ill-mannered out of countenance unceremonious rousted plaintive murmuring stewed toey indomitable indocile uncompliant ill flaming dogged scandalized buffaloed offish off unfulfilled defeated perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe unsavory shocked scandalised blazing mad flaming mad out of joint bad tempered disgusted at daggers drawn dirty unglued with a long face raving mad crude boisterous unsatisfied unsated in a funk in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks unlovable evil-minded grieving distressing weighty out of control very upset wired up as black as thunder moaning wailing crying deploring lamenting grumbly bemoaning whimpering eristic carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope in a wax in a towering rage bundle of nerves desperate demented uncompromising energetic unreasonable corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful irritating unloveable extremely angry long-faced hard to please evil maleficent baleful despondent huffy irascible malefic uninviting disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned formidable evil-intentioned melancholic forlorn low down saddened strict sinister lowering fell austere grave unamicable inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable bolshie itching resolute bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent browbeating bullying mordant gray grey supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy mean-looking against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging overcritical deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting nitpicking criticizing judgemental judgmental rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty demanding trivial cavillous finicky tricky

Tính từ

Awkward because of size or shape

Tính từ

Easily excitable with an excessive amount of energy
hyperactive excitable high-strung hyper fiddle-footed flighty fluttery hyperexcitable hyperkinetic jittery jumpy nervous skittery skittish spasmodic spooky energetic manic overzealous restless wild wired excessively active volatile rash sensitive edgy fidgety uneasy agitable alarmable easily frightened highly strung frenzied agitated overexcited overactive unbalanced hotheaded keyed up on the edge temperamental emotional mercurial touchy hasty irascible tense passionate unstable neurotic fiery tempestuous brittle moody twitchy uptight chippy unsettled restive snappy adrenalized violent stressy testy impulsive fierce galvanic impetuous susceptible enthusiastic demonstrative volcanic peevish quick vehement uncontrolled inflammable impatient reckless hysterical intolerant lively short fused easily upset easily agitated hot-tempered quick-tempered hot-headed blowing hot and cold antsy zippy giddy whimsical excited dizzy spookish squirrelly lightheaded animated peppy frivolous panicky scatterbrained combustible flappable volative wary unreliable spirited irresponsible light-headed harebrained skitterish undependable very nervous nervy anxious worried apprehensive dithery insecure on edge fearful troubled perturbed upset timid irritable ill at ease stressed flurried frightened scared queazy overstrung shy disturbed aflutter unquiet queasy discomposed het up distressed overwrought hung up timorous bothered spooked unnerved toey disquieted shaky terrified irrational afraid wound up hinky curt tetchy goosey atwitter crabbed in a tizzy critical crotchety bad-tempered short-tempered ill-tempered overanxious shrinking bashful mouselike graceless stiff prim stilted prickly querulous captious nerve-racking feeling anxious beside oneself nervous wreck stressful nail-biting in suspense hectic distraught oversensitive on tenterhooks desperate flushed startled annoyed intense alarmed shocked nerves on edge bundle of nerves in a panic daunted aquiver fixated obsessed phobic have cold feet paranoid on pins and needles frantic unreluctant distracted like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks wrought-up dismayed febrile fraught hot under the collar hyped-up afire atingle heated hyperexcited disconcerted ruffled provoked worked up zipped up hot juiced up hot and bothered taut concerned angsty sulky trepidatious sullen fretful angry grumpy morose unglued careful offended cantankerous cross wriggly squirmy frowning glum miserable moping mopish saturnine sour petulant crusty mousy uncomfortable shivery wiggly crabby dour piqued splenetic mardy mopey huffy dejected waspish broody huffish blue mumpish kittle mopy tooshie wounded a bundle of nerves all wound up ill-humored ill-humoured

Từ trái nghĩa của uncontrollable

uncontrollable Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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