Từ đồng nghĩa của prejudicial

Alternative for prejudicial

Từ đồng nghĩa: damaging, detrimental, prejudicious,

Tính từ

Able or likely to cause harm, damage or injury
adverse deleterious detrimental damaging harmful dangerous injurious pernicious baleful baneful hurtful bad counterproductive inimical noxious prejudicious unfavorable hostile nocuous unfavourable disadvantageous ill negative unsympathetic counter undermining unfriendly untoward evil wicked mischievous destructive calamitous ruinous malefic unfortunate maleficent malignant poisonous deadly disastrous unhealthy malign corrupting unwholesome malicious undesirable venomous threatening unpropitious antagonistic fatal inopportune cancerous lethal inexpedient hazardous nocent sinister virulent toxic critical troublesome inconvenient dire inauspicious adversarial crippling subversive untimely wounding menacing perilous unlucky opposed inhospitable contrary malevolent catastrophic devastating corroding cataclysmic unsafe parlous adversary ominous incendiary unseasonable environmentally unfriendly mortal unsuitable jaundiced disavowing disapproving objectionable discommodious disparaging uncomplimentary risky naysaying pestilential opposing pestiferous painful antipathetic dicey corrosive spiteful annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal insidious regrettable ill-disposed inconducive infelicitous improper unpromising derogatory pejorative harsh unseemly repugnant unhappy unsuited disturbing defamatory bothersome unfit malapropos inapt wrong inappropriate gloomy pestilent inadvisable vindictive ill-advised poor discouraging unflattering bitter very bad nasty unkind ill-suited vitriolic noisome low evil-intentioned ruining destroying hard corruptive enemy uncongenial alien precarious competitive rival obstructive ill-timed foul vile murderous miasmatic offensive miasmic nefarious oppositional lethiferous insalubrious internecine harassing wreckful sinful wrackful slaughterous killing rancorous vicious vengeful iniquitous reprobate cantankerous unwelcoming impeding hindering cruel mean detracting debit-side dyslogistic depreciative slighting depreciatory unprofitable downside unhelpful imperilling imperiling afflictive cutthroat anti artful catty inimicable inimic not conducive disaffected at odds oppugnant frightening forbidding intimidating hate-filled acrimonious grievous grave jeopardizing recusant intimidatory minatory ill-natured unsound bodeful minacious louring woeful on the debit side severe serious troubling thorny life-threatening jeopardising jeopardous discommoding remote unhandy vexatious tiresome awkward embarrassing unmanageable cumbersome unwieldy annoying difficult incommodious libelous libellous slanderous libeling insulting maligning vilifying libelling awful dreadful terrible distressing cataclysmal fateful contaminated terminal deathly damning tragic death-dealing mephitic septic infectious violent direful lamentable hateful annihilatory devastative appalling diseased unhealthful savage abusive black shocking fell impure insanitary unhygienic unsanitary incurable unpleasant disease-ridden disagreeable alarming skanky festy miserable killer gross dirty rotten infective unnutritious ill-fated brutal filthy unclean vital unconducive polluted crushing ravaging homicidal infested repulsive agonizing fierce horrible deplorable distasteful poison despiteful germ-ridden germy costly harrowing heartrending disquieting upsetting unwelcome mortiferous obnoxious rancid dark acute shattering heartbreaking frightful ill-boding agonising apocalyptic messy sickly disgusting carcinogenic infected repellent revolting contagious abhorrent displeasing wretched abominable corrupt horrid envenomed excruciating sickening nauseating insecure viperous consumptive odious ill-starred ugly poisoned spoiled sharp hapless mortuary unsavoury unpalatable detestable tragical distressful rank execrable yucky tough off-putting uncertain stinking galling toxicant immoderate wasteful unsalutary hairy beastly spoilt morbid chilling unsavory high-risk treacherous venturesome worrying chancy dodgy ill-omened foreboding touchy touch and go dismal tainting contaminating uncontrollable bad for you unbeneficial aching hurting nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing afflicting dirtied feculent invasive final mortifying oncogenic tumorous carcinomatous loss-making causing death desolating annihilating disease-causing morbific metastatic irremediable toxiferous splenetic climactic climacteric wild necrotic aspersive sacrificial capital unadvantageous resentful heavy tormenting torturous spreading peccant full of hate neutralising rough withering cutting bad-natured peracute unnourishing dead untreatable concerning of evil intent blighting earth-shattering shrewish erosive scathing stinging innutritious very dangerous unpredictable cussed impetuous maddened intemperate unrestrained epidemic communicable significant catastrophal impoverishing extravagant depleting draining exhausting barbed portentous slaying bloody bloodthirsty ruthless cannibalistic uncool ornery envious petty predictive prophetic revealing oracular junk tainted catching sordid touch-and-go iffy sticky tricky intense evil-minded raging maniacal furious creepy eerie unsuccessful mighty irksome gnarly caustic stained sullied dusty squalid tarnished scungy grimy muddy soiled sloppy abortive doomy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch decayed pathological trying icky yukky unappealing uncomfortable lousy unlovely irritating unpleasing plague-like vituperative hot fraught with danger haphazard shameful outrageous heinous pathogenic doomed luckless sinistrous minatorial crashing invidious grody fearful acid trenchant mordacious pointed acerbic ill-intentioned atrocious glaring egregious aggressive rapacious pesky sour suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse blackhearted lowering scarring gut-wrenching monstrous unbearable flagrant intolerable terrifying flagitious weighty villainous heart-rending pathetic pitiful taxing mind-blowing horrifying disheartening straitened dour sombre hard-pressed lurid joyless hopeless shadowy tortured morose troubled full of hardship doubtful glum gray mournful strained exacting doleful austere grey oppressive nightmarish bleak pressing comfortless grim desolate exigent solemn rocky somber sad depressing cheerless loathsome malodorous fetid traumatic putrid uninviting nauseous ghastly smelly vulnerable repellant hideous sick-making scandalous God-awful bogging horrendous fulsome obscene reeking niffy yucko disgustful loathly olid exposed defenceless insalutary foetid immoral unstable threatened unreliable unprotected on the nose explosive unsteady erratic fearsome ticklish slippery defenseless undependable wobbly untrustworthy tottering rickety on a limb on thin ice hanging by a thread open to attack

Tính từ

Causing distress to someone's feelings
hurtful mischievous cruel distressing malicious mean nasty painful spiteful unkind upsetting wounding acerbic barbed biting catty cutting offensive sarky snide vicious acidulous mordacious snarky inappropriate insensitive tactless bitter vitriolic harsh hateful venomous scathing caustic sarcastic poisonous acrimonious sharp hostile virulent malevolent vindictive rancorous malignant acid stinging mordant trenchant malign severe unfriendly savage sardonic ill-natured bad unsympathetic searing acerb acrid maleficent unpleasant pernicious critical uncharitable tart corrosive satirical inconsiderate pungent brutal piercing baleful acidic callous scalding pointed astringent malefic rude incisive penetrating evil satiric mean-spirited harmful hard withering devastating evil-intentioned wicked injurious despiteful vengeful keen heartless splenetic abrasive unfeeling smart-aleck ruthless pitiless smart-alecky destructive smart-mouthed abusive stern brusque waspish antagonistic obnoxious merciless vile disagreeable defamatory scornful angry aggressive unsparing uncaring thoughtless cantankerous mocking churlish razor-edged dirty contemptuous cold-blooded belittling contemptible despicable foul rough ornery fierce shabby unfair shrewish derisive blistering wretched belligerent derogatory pugnacious beastly hard-hearted ill inhuman damaging inhumane low-down sadistic ill-disposed cynical bad-tempered ill-tempered detrimental adverse deleterious ferocious jeering bilious taunting evil-minded unrelenting inimical noxious bellicose unforgiving resentful surly grim wrathful inhospitable furious rotten cross irascible insulting squint-eyed compassionless filthy low horrid sneering barbarous violent disparaging cussed coldhearted ill-humored uncalled for ill-humoured dangerous baneful backbiting unwarranted acute nocuous unacceptable truculent off slanderous scorching combative ungenerous envenomed confrontational curt remorseless uncivil implacable uncongenial crisp base rigorous unsociable strict sour scrappy crabbed burning tough contentious relentless rigid ungracious joyless militant annoying blunt stony peppery extremely critical censorious cranky testy peevish unchristian hardhearted gross viperous thick-skinned obdurate hard-boiled desensitized indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted rapier-like menacing execrable ignominious currish dishonorable detestable dirty rotten dishonourable inflexible crushing out of order not nice unmerciful hate-filled below the belt low-minded desensitised slighting grievous derisory antipathetic austere demeaning hypercritical carping censuring condemning cursing unblunted dry revengeful vitriolous cold-hearted spleenful selfish heedless exacting denigratory deprecating deprecatory ireful bad-natured unkindly unamiable salty piquant poignant grudge-bearing self-centred slashing edged scoffing disapproving ridiculing vituperative snarling coruscating sharp-tongued sharp-worded double-edged wild choleric sordid ignoble paltry awful stingy prejudicious counterproductive unfavorable grating dripping with malice full of hate stringent scathy lousy insinuating uncool envious petty wanton unfavourable of evil intent uncompromising lacking compassion sulphurous sulfurous avenging irritable insidious accidentally on purpose irritating acetic tonic indignant irate crabby strong vigorous troublesome disadvantageous negative galling uncompassionate self-centered unsympathizing forceful wreakful out for revenge retaliatory grudging artful perilous grouchy sulky comfortless emphatic undermining counter untoward impetuous maddened intemperate homicidal unrestrained hazardous bothersome spiky argumentative gruff snappish grumpy snappy sullen tetchy terrible telling driving forthright clear teasing narky querulous stroppy ratty shirty fractious petulant powerful effective explicit distinct rubbing the wrong way hard to take edgy potent unequivocal full of spleen raging maniacal peckish liverish crotchety chippy soreheaded huffy miffy grumbling curmudgeonly waxy humiliating disdainful dismissive supercilious superior mortifying blasting short-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered on a short fuse short-fused razor-sharp snubbing blighting unpitying provocative provoking brutish arrogant full of contempt draconian disrespectful intolerant cut-throat illiberal impertinent impolite discourteous odious punishing loathsome frank undiplomatic outspoken monstrous tyrannous bloodthirsty constant bestial punitive unremitting abrupt unconsiderate unladylike impolitic uncivilized bluff ungentlemanly uncivilised horrible speaking as one finds plain-spoken calling a spade a spade cold deplorable scummy

Tính từ

Evil or morally wrong
wicked evil bad immoral sinful corrupt vile iniquitous villainous foul nefarious unrighteous vicious wrong atrocious irreligious abominable heinous impious profane wrongful base depraved fiendish mean sacrilegious ungodly unholy blasphemous erring fallen irreverent rotten black contemptible dark impure monstrous outrageous reprehensible shocking sullied tainted despicable detestable diabolical dissolute execrable godless hateful horrible odious unlawful unprincipled abandoned barbarous criminal dangerous diabolic egregious guilty illicit murderous reprobate worthless degenerate felonious illegal illegitimate indictable lawless perverted roguish scandalous shameful sordid amoral crooked damaging debased deleterious devilish dishonest dishonorable dishonourable flagitious injurious underhand unscrupulous warped adverse baleful baneful beastly bent dirty harmful hurtful incorrigible malfeasant mischievous nocuous noxious pernicious rascally scoundrelly shady stinking unethical unsavoury unsavory dastardly detrimental heartless ill indecent maleficent peccable wayward shameless black-hearted low-down morally wrong bad news not cricket nasty loathsome infamous ignoble disgraceful dreadful low disreputable improper terrible offensive appalling abhorrent cruel obscene malevolent disgusting malicious gross lewd vulgar wanton infernal unspeakable coarse discreditable awful ignominious demonic satanic hideous hellish filthy smutty unfair bawdy repugnant ribald horrifying naughty savage salacious inhuman deplorable blue unconscionable damnable deceitful debauched shabby opprobrious raunchy revolting ghastly horrid indelicate scurvy immodest rude suggestive devious unworthy culpable sinister racy wretched spicy barbaric unjust blameworthy crude brutish licentious distasteful sickening perverse unpleasant fraudulent horrendous cacodemonic unseemly low-minded dissipated snide untrustworthy inexcusable lascivious frightful intolerable accursed off-color knavish unhallowed risqué obnoxious miscreant unforgivable pornographic X-rated spiteful demoniac Mephistophelian profligate atheistic malignant currish delinquent brutal nauseating treacherous dodgy notorious gamy flagrant heathen abject off colour paltry underhanded prurient lustful unclean ruthless errant bestial repellent saucy degrading pagan raw ugly objectionable demoniacal indefensible sexy degraded nightmarish vindictive inhumane near the knuckle horrific cheating grisly gruesome adult locker-room noisome trashy decadent scurrilous disrespectful unwarranted lurid merciless faithless repulsive fruity shoddy non-theistic beyond the pale two-faced erotic censurable off sadistic unchaste salty titillating sly juicy gamey sorry loose broad questionable terrific macabre grewsome nightmare unregenerate facinorous godawful grievous porny unprintable gutter intemperate porno rank earthy double-crossing scatological off-colored louche scatologic brute uncivilised uncivilized cutthroat demonian near the bone uncharitable Machiavellian lamentable blamable unvirtuous unrespectable glaring Luciferian indecorous violent arrant nudge-nudge perfidious unwholesome condemnable contrary cheap conscienceless disobedient venal rough excessive stag wild desperate distressing insufferable extreme petty serpentine sneaky unpardonable under-the-table harsh beyond contempt double-dealing unacceptable grim unbelieving low-life virulent vice-ridden sick disgustful loathly blameful disagreeable Hadean Rabelaisian corrupted foul-mouthed shy butcherly truculent corrupting exploitative undesirable demonical cursed inglorious lawbreaking rakish slippery unreasonable inappropriate deceptive callous malign unjustifiable unruly miserable preposterous exceptionable reproachable caitiff insupportable yucky against the law fearful lecherous exasperating rancid repellant fulsome nauseous taboo rancorous peccant immoderate servile menial unfaithful boorish lousy traitorous unbearable pitiful shifty libertine exorbitant insubordinate grody cold-blooded God-awful blameable undue invidious malefic ridiculous dire poor recreant forbidding crass untrue at fault hellacious crying agnostic deadly false frightening two-timing very bad blackguardly abysmal intimidating calamitous non-believing scummy wilful idolatrous despiteful senseless unjustified sick-making barbarian groundless depraving Stygian bad-hearted shadowy infidel needless unprofessional deliberate arbitrary transgressing lowlife unsanctified toxic humiliating blatant iconoclastic unkind deceiving lying venomous inequitable impish aberrant harrowing unbecoming nullifidian irreverential heathenish provocative unhealthy scampish puckish prankish tricksy undecorous furtive sinning wrathful disloyal disbelieving defiled feral inconsiderate fast unconscientious obvious prohibited barefaced sleazy misbehaving putrid demoralized undisciplined no good disorderly mercenary possessed responsible hypocritical extravagant amiss uncouth demeritorious ferocious offending brazen steep vitiated unsanctioned unauthorized troublesome scheming tragic arousing squalid unlicensed explicit tawdry recusant contraband enormous banned icky bloodthirsty conspicuous uncultivated self-seeking crafty unrefined undisguised utter sad forbidden graceless answerable good-for-nothing inordinate carnal disruptive patent actionable pitiable apostate mutinous audacious naked evident OTT unofficial proscribed ill-bred manifest outlawed evil-minded libidinous reprovable unconcealed unfeeling complete annoying interdicted foulmouthed demoralised unrestrained ominous hostile palpable transparent porn overt froward dirty-dealing fierce unnecessary chargeable barnyard scabrous alarming verboten regrettable contumacious catty pronounced striking hard-hearted pathetic bootleg uncontrollable unreliable to blame cruddy adulterous over the top formidable terrifying insincere serious impolite black-market scary fearsome untamed treasonable unauthorised plain rowdy in bad taste uncalled for capital direful fickle out of line exciting redoubtable slimy hair-raising spine-chilling not permitted not allowed in the wrong scornful disdainful badly behaved no-good against the rules from hell beneath contempt purple under the counter out and out Janus-faced out-and-out brass-necked full of mischief false-hearted back-stabbing ruffianly poisonous thievish yechy cunning wrongdoing guileful embarrassing mephistophelean straying undignified secular unblessed unconsecrated menacing tricky suspect cowardly grave ill-famed swindling threatening destructive morbid sceptical demonlike demonly demonish scathel inelegant ill-reputed remiss praetorian stop-at-nothing mercentary selfish casuistic drunken steamy uninhibited dirty-minded gossip-mongering raffish humble slavish unfriendly frenetic maniacal crazed mad morally bereft heretical insensitive bribable risque unprovoked remorseless barred abusive jackleg abased perverting great sexual unmannerly pixieish arch pixy pixie leprechaunish waggish elvish bloody unfortunate plebeian lowly common gratuitous motiveless dishonoured rakehell colourful colorful irritating foolish undeserved vexatious homicidal fell craven concupiscent unconstitutional thoughtless rakehelly dishonored hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish sexually explicit skin disastrous sanguinary page-three demoralizing subversive unchivalrous stimulating entertaining lively profaned desecrated lame scabby grubby sneaking ratty frolicsome backbiting maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting LaVeyan tarnished dread willed unmotivated contaminated faulty aggressive unsafe negligent uncaring coldhearted unsympathetic not pure tempting seductive highly improper malodorous religionless nonreligious outright hairy tyrannical inexorable scungy ill-natured fishy slick flimflam scam hardened doubting canting defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful unctuous desecrating sanctimonious woeful heartbreaking mournful crummy biased prejudiced close to the bone sheer irksome red hot not nice shuddersome creepy spooky like death warmed up frozen gnarly intimidatory ill-boding foreboding aimless duplicitous modest simple peasant ordinary reproachful below contempt dirty rotten undevout freethinking self-indulgent pitiless vengeful absolute downright unqualified unendurable mendacious inconstant demoralising discriminatory apparent unmitigated significant major off-putting maddening impossible minatory viperous minacious unsound whorish promiscuous in poor taste ornery insolent skeptical free-thinking unspiritual O.T.T. extortionate ill-behaved badly-behaved untruthful defrauding not religious partisan too great shaming disgracing debauching debasing contumelious delusive saturnalian disquieting fly-by-night double-faced forsworn hollow-hearted mythomaniac renegade falsehearted perjured discriminating partial bigoted unequal gut-churning stupefying liable convicted disparaging contemptuous mean-spirited scrofulous overextravagant insane plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful disproportionate overmuch overdue overweening stiff vomitous bogging disturbing heartstopping perturbing upsetting accountable deserving blame yucko startling agitating staggering stunning astonishing bewildering unsettling overwhelming amazing weighted distorted slanted preferential intolerant coloured unnerving surprising incriminated accurst freaking cussed darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst blasted danged durned dang confounded darn of easy virtue too much over-the-top unthinkable inconceivable illogical irrational on one's head impeached in error caught doomed censured convictable accusable condemned unbalanced loaded uneven misbehaved fractious anathematized underworld nether lower vomit-inducing tasteless animalistic unmanageable refractory defiant ungovernable one-sided unrightful non-objective uncalled-for colored unsophisticated philistine unbiddable playful recalcitrant obstreperous ferine difficult uneducated unpolished uncultured primitive swinish blamed under a curse blessed dratted awkward Plutonian undependable Neanderthal brattish intractable open loutish benighted ill-mannered headstrong willful teasing gallus of bad faith snaky hard-core unconventional incontinent lusty bold tough Neandertal thuggish churlish uncivil natural subterranean Tartarean Plutonic Styxian flaunting clandestine animal illiterate unmannered yobbish slobbish anarchic terrorist self-willed ostentatious impermissible punishable bad-mannered attention-seeking ill-disciplined in a state of nature impertinent uncontrolled mannerless rugged discourteous insurrectionary anarchical rebellious seditious insurgent mutinying neanderthal troglodytic anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist chthonian of hell Acherontic Avernal chthonic helly violating turbulent ungoverned nihilistic infringing wildcat piratical heavy warlike criminogenic unregulated unpeaceful disordered racketeering subhuman unashamed flagitous haram tapu less than human flaming noticeable off base smoking gun bald-faced bare-faced sulphurous sulfurous under-the-counter under the table contrary to law not acceptable ruled out in violation of law off limits without law and order stick out like sore thumb hanging out

Tính từ

Not practical, suitable, or advisable
inexpedient unwise imprudent inappropriate injudicious ill-advised ill-judged impolitic unadvisable disadvantageous ill-considered indiscreet undesirable careless detrimental foolhardy foolish impractical improper incautious irresponsible misguided silly thoughtless undiplomatic unsuitable wrong-headed inadvisable short-sighted tactless damaging harmful futile inopportune rash indelicate brash reckless inconsiderate hasty unthinking graceless overhasty wrong untimely ill-conceived impulsive hare-brained ill-thought-out maladroit misconceived heedless unwary unpolitic stupid confused spur-of-the-moment unguarded ill-timed improvident insensitive precipitate hot-headed spur of the moment temerarious unsubtle garrulous infelicitous nosy dumb unsensible unadvised pointless inconvenient unrecommended harebrained negligent unconsidered unseemly leaving self wide open playing with fire off the deep end crazy crackpot asinine not recommended madcap badly planned daft crackbrained half-baked cock-eyed hotheaded risky off the top of one's head misplaced erroneous unwarranted unfounded fallacious unsound deluded misled mistaken led up the garden path uncalled for off course stonewalled unreasonable erring straying disinformed stray labouring under a delusion errant bum-steer bearded deceived faked-out impetuous headlong devil-may-care wild precipitous harum-scarum daredevil mindless hurried daring audacious inattentive adventurous unheeding hell-for-leather kamikaze rushed irrational cursory unmindful neglectful regardless helter-skelter sudden senseless unobservant premature casual bold overbold gadarene remiss flying slapdash passionate imperceptive drive-by venturesome unthought-out pell-mell venturous absent-minded unsafe precipitant headstrong inadvertent immature indifferent myopic furious overconfident blind over-adventurous death-or-glory flighty unwatchful carefree napping abrupt unconcerned spontaneous undiscerning fiery frenzied insuppressible determined unsagacious astigmatic oblivious unpremeditated unperceptive untactful harsh frivolous uncaring jumping to conclusions unreflective tearaway over-venturesome ignorant capricious blithe perfunctory offhand uncircumspect unalert unvigilant off-guard uncareful superficial fast and loose gauche crude gruff near-sighted instinctive giddy nonchalant clumsy erratic untroubled short-term naive bungling irreflective unpolished rough blunt involuntary intuitive automatic unreasoning inept vulgar blundering awkward previous desperate unworried insouciant uninformed unplanned speedy unreasoned slipshod impromptu adventuresome quick cavalier breakneck sloppy forgetful dozy careless of hectic badly thought out not thought through credulous unprepared unrestrained bull-in-a-china-shop subitaneous swift unexpected abandoned out of control off guard nearsighted boorish misjudged shortsighted inane unfortunate unintelligent childish short-range restricted limited suicidal radge cool fearless intrepid courageous scatty unsympathetic mad chaotic wacky lively brave dauntless undaunted heady disregardful wide open happy-go-lucky haphazard abstracted rushing snatched easy-going off deep end out on limb uncreative unimaginative mechanical unduly quick death-defying unaware dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy airy flippant without regard self-destructive indiscriminate unconscious swaggering breezy fly-by-night romping light-minded disorderly risk-taking unwarned unknowing unsuspecting unreliable undiscriminating asleep at the switch out to lunch careless of one's duty ditsy lackadaisical extemporaneous snap lacking foresight unintended deaf apathetic listless whimsical uninhibited uncivil sharp in the dark emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed unselective unexacting reflex unintentional unwitting unpredictable violent free and easy crass unfussy witless eager fierce ardent unmeditated overventuresome impassioned vehement unbridled unsmart uncontrolled ad-lib jumping the gun winging it not in the loop uncautious wary shallow uncritical indiscriminating vacant unmeant feckless brutish outrageous lax unreflecting unresponsible fervid restive easily pleased fast-and-loose heedless of caught napping foot-in-mouth asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin pay no mind sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job paying no heed to inattentive to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to going off deep end frantic decadent fast-paced licentious self-indulgent self-gratifying unconstrained fast exciting immoderate intemperate slack extravagant salacious gadabout louche carnal corrupt profligate wanton shameless

Từ trái nghĩa của prejudicial

prejudicial Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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