Từ đồng nghĩa của environmentally unfriendly

Tính từ

Harmful or likely to injure
detrimental damaging harmful adverse baleful deleterious ill injurious pernicious prejudicial destructive inimical unfavourable bad calamitous deadly disastrous evil hurtful ruinous corrupting dangerous disadvantageous malign malignant noxious undesirable baneful cancerous fatal lethal nocuous poisonous unfortunate unhealthy unwholesome wicked counterproductive disturbing malefic maleficent negative prejudicious unfavorable corroding crippling dire hazardous malevolent malicious risky sinister toxic unsafe wounding pestiferous pestilential venomous noisome virulent mortal devastating nocent mischievous mephitic catastrophic cataclysmic death-dealing pestilent insalubrious lethiferous annihilative wreckful internecine wrackful suicidal slaughterous eradicative extirpative miasmic miasmatic poison envenomed toxiferous infective septic poisoned toxicant peccant insidious offensive nefarious spiteful ruining killing destroying cataclysmal violent dicey threatening parlous precarious perilous annihilatory fierce fateful ravaging devastative savage brutal damning painful consumptive erosive cutthroat subversive murderous incendiary fell contaminated corrupt undermining harassing corrosive menacing sinful critical viperous morbid putrid spoiled miasmal sickly unhealthful olid contaminative unsanitary spoilt insanitary scathel contaminating insalutary unhygienic nasty hostile awful dreadful grievous terrible vicious distressing cruel bitter life-threatening foul unpropitious terminal deathly untoward tragic grave woeful unlucky infectious ominous serious severe evil-intentioned mean rancorous vindictive vitriolic direful lamentable hateful catty troublesome appalling diseased abusive black shocking impure unfriendly inauspicious unkind incurable unpleasant unsound disease-ridden disagreeable alarming skanky hard festy miserable objectionable antagonistic killer gross dirty rotten unnutritious inopportune ill-fated filthy unclean vital unconducive polluted vengeful vile crushing homicidal infested repulsive repugnant agonizing horrible deplorable distasteful forbidding despiteful jeopardizing germ-ridden germy costly harrowing heartrending afflictive disquieting upsetting unwelcome mortiferous regrettable obnoxious rancid dark corruptive ill-natured acute shattering heartbreaking harsh jeopardising frightful ill-boding agonising difficult apocalyptic messy inexpedient unsympathetic antipathetic disgusting carcinogenic counter frightening acrimonious infected minatory repellent iniquitous revolting contagious abhorrent displeasing wretched abominable horrid excruciating sickening nauseating insecure defamatory bodeful odious ill-starred ugly minacious sharp hapless mortuary ill-disposed unsavoury unpalatable detestable tragical distressful rank execrable yucky tough off-putting uncertain stinking bothersome galling immoderate wasteful unsalutary hairy beastly jeopardous chilling unsavory high-risk treacherous venturesome worrying chancy dodgy ill-omened foreboding touchy touch and go dismal aggressive tainting uncontrollable bad for you unbeneficial aching hurting cantankerous reprobate nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing afflicting contrary opposed dirtied feculent intimidating invasive final mortifying hate-filled oncogenic tumorous carcinomatous loss-making artful untimely causing death desolating annihilating intimidatory disease-causing morbific metastatic irremediable splenetic climactic climacteric wild necrotic louring aspersive sacrificial capital rapacious unadvantageous resentful heavy tormenting torturous thorny troubling spreading full of hate neutralising rough withering cutting bad-natured unwelcoming peracute unnourishing dead untreatable imperilling imperiling concerning of evil intent blighting earth-shattering shrewish unpromising scathing stinging slighting innutritious very dangerous not conducive oppugnant inimicable inimic disaffected at odds unpredictable cussed low impetuous maddened intemperate unrestrained epidemic communicable significant infelicitous catastrophal impoverishing extravagant depleting draining exhausting barbed insulting portentous slaying bloody bloodthirsty ruthless cannibalistic uncool ornery envious petty predictive prophetic revealing oracular junk tainted catching sordid touch-and-go iffy sticky tricky intense evil-minded raging maniacal furious creepy eerie unsuccessful mighty vexatious irksome gnarly caustic stained sullied dusty squalid tarnished scungy grimy muddy soiled sloppy abortive doomy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch decayed pathological trying icky yukky annoying unappealing uncomfortable lousy uncongenial unlovely irritating unpleasing plague-like vituperative hot fraught with danger haphazard shameful outrageous heinous pathogenic doomed luckless sinistrous minatorial crashing invidious grody fearful acid trenchant mordacious pointed acerbic ill-intentioned atrocious glaring egregious pesky sour suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse blackhearted lowering scarring gut-wrenching monstrous unbearable flagrant intolerable terrifying flagitious weighty villainous heart-rending pathetic pitiful taxing mind-blowing horrifying disheartening gloomy straitened dour discouraging sombre hard-pressed lurid inhospitable joyless hopeless shadowy discommodious tortured morose troubled full of hardship doubtful glum gray mournful strained exacting doleful austere grey oppressive nightmarish bleak pressing comfortless grim desolate exigent solemn rocky somber sad depressing very bad cheerless loathsome malodorous fetid traumatic uninviting nauseous ghastly smelly vulnerable repellant hideous sick-making scandalous God-awful bogging horrendous fulsome obscene reeking niffy yucko disgustful loathly exposed defenceless foetid immoral unstable threatened unreliable unprotected on the nose explosive unsteady erratic fearsome ticklish slippery defenseless undependable wobbly untrustworthy tottering rickety on a limb on thin ice hanging by a thread open to attack

Từ trái nghĩa của environmentally unfriendly

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