Từ đồng nghĩa của creepy

Alternative for creepy

creepy /'kri:pi/
  • tính từ
    • rùng mình, sởn gáy, sởn gai ốc, làm rùng mình, làm sởn gáy, làm sởn gai ốc
      • to feel creepy: rùng mình sởn gáy
    • bò, leo

Tính từ

Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease
eerie scary spooky frightening terrifying awful chilling eery macabre nightmarish sinister disturbing harrowing horrific horrifying menacing ominous petrifying shocking spookish threatening dreadful freaky ghostly haunting uncanny weird direful hairy horrible scaring unearthly disgusting eldritch ghoulish gruesome nasty strange unpleasant shuddersome hair-raising spine-chilling blood-curdling ghastly fearful alarming frightful fearsome horrendous supernatural terrible dire forbidding appalling intimidating redoubtable formidable dread mysterious unnatural other-worldly spectral monstrous unnerving grim unreal bizarre bloodcurdling abnormal hideous horrid grisly grotesque rum preternatural ghostlike queer ethereal odd freakish spine-tingling daunting disquieting otherworldly curious wraithlike baleful magical grewsome haunted unspeakable atrocious awesome devilish insubstantial lurid startling indistinct phantom distressing dangerous gloomy awe-inspiring phantasmal phantasmic unusual peculiar mystic terrific fantastic traumatic nightmare mystifying far-out oddball disconcerting cadaverous spiritual bizarro extraordinary demoniac secret morbid corpselike funereal shadowy foreboding deathlike worrying brooding grievous sublime bodeful out of the ordinary dismaying mean-looking abysmal bad Kafkaesque melodramatic hellish nightmarey phantasmagorical feared thrilling possessed imposing breathtaking exciting extraterrestrial dreaded perturbing abominable jinxed cursed overpowering alien upsetting pulse-pounding lamentable terribly bad very bad all-powerful unsettling bone-chilling hair-curling cliff-hanging suspenseful illusory shivery shuddery transcendental supernormal superhuman phenomenal miraculous transcendent phantomlike demonic causing fear not of this world overwhelming tremendous astounding nerve-racking Gothic causing excitement eidolic wraithy apparitional holy wan divine pale vampiric demonish demonlike heavenly sepulchral fiendish inappropriate hyperphysical inspired singular prodigious inexplainable unheard-of supranormal inscrutable foul gross evil tragic hostile flakey occult uncouth flaky magic whacko numinous supernal skeletal deathly demonly off-putting very strange unfriendly serious godawful calamitous hellacious corpse-like uneasy severe unwelcoming uninviting frozen icky from hell shameful gnarly like death warmed up beastly vile grody wicked mean funny unpromising inauspicious evil-looking off-centre offbeat untypical eccentric atypical anomalous crawly superstitious paranormal offensive odious dismal inhospitable life-threatening bleak dark perilous glowering repulsive ugly ferocious depressing surreal aberrant deviant perverse crazy irregular suggestive of evil surprising wacky fishy unco unconventional screwy outlandish unexpected wild amazing wacko chance way out out of the way loathsome revolting abhorrent sickening repugnant repellent heinous grave detestable outrageous execrable cruel disagreeable obnoxious wretched insufferable distasteful hateful nauseating egregious vicious lousy rotten extreme inhuman objectionable obscene despicable excruciating woeful savage deplorable painful intolerable agonizing acute contemptible parlous troublesome critical desperate miserable fierce harsh barbarous unfortunate agonising heavy intense unpalatable violent catastrophic hard brutal bitter diabolical displeasing sick nauseous irksome noxious difficult loathly unbearable unacceptable disgustful scandalous troubling reprehensible unpropitious unutterable unwelcome indescribable bestial brutish disheartening disastrous great gory tormenting nefarious profound solemn harmful devastating ungodly sombre somber villainous cataclysmic barbaric sick-making undesirable discomforting galling sad depraved torturous poor black stressful bloody deep hurtful flagitious enormous unforgivable unsavoury injurious hopeless unfavorable unfavourable regrettable ruinous distressful unsavory unpleasing disgraceful annoying exceptionable impossible very great sorry ruthless immoral murderous destructive cacodemonic merciless unendurable blistering almighty doleful trying uncomfortable heartbreaking mighty huge repellant explosive exquisite keen heavy-duty vehement intensive furious cheerless base iniquitous God-awful inexcusable accursed precarious colossal yucky morose glum infernal afflictive vexing irritating unsuitable adverse sinful beyond the pale gut-wrenching damnable worrisome drastic damaging crying fraught agitating terrorizing unsightly unreasonable satanic fulsome black-hearted whopping stinking pressing noisome tough afflicting infamous discomposing terrorising discouraging bothersome exigent real detrimental rancid concerning dreary troublous chronic facinorous rebarbative gut-churning unappealing cataclysmal unlovely inconvenient heartrending sullen unlucky indefensible apocalyptic austere desolate mortal vexatious unhappy massive sadistic unkind disadvantageous staggering right unsatisfactory gray grey heart-rending brute inexpedient inadmissible proper unseemly fateful uncongenial demoniacal urgent Mephistophelian perverted crucial portentous bloodthirsty diabolic amoral inexpressible pathetic unhealthy hazardous wounding demanding fatal impressive grotty stark testing taxing cold irretrievable monumental unattractive misshapen excessive malignant frustrating powerful dislikable unholy callous peracute strong anguished animal gigantic tragical crippling sober unbelievable pitiless shady sorrowful baneful drab mirthless sanguinary unwanted heartless vast immense perplexing uncivilised uncivilized awkward ill-favored melancholic sanguine joyless comfortless low sore prurient ill-boding low-down ill-favoured depressive humourless humorless inordinate indecorous disappointing deadly mortifying improper untoward yukky dodgy sedate melancholy humongous stupendous wanton inhumane butcherly truculent infelicitous striking degraded sour mega invidious mournful poignant death-obsessed inopportune insupportable maleficent nagging large unsuited ginormous whacking inapt oppressive exacting troubled ill-suited ill-fated whopping great whacking great not to be borne incorrigible Hadean untold risky undescribable pained dislikeable demoralizing lou Stygian blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder stony brackish catty impoverished oppressed discommoding beast flagrant much-feared irredeemable taboo poverty-stricken censurable consequential pitiful dicey sharp pressured dispiriting climactic climacteric crashing onerous opprobrious afraid unpardonable abject inconceivable harassing unsocial ridiculous absurd unrelenting racking torturing minatory doomy ill aggressive unapproachable pressuring browbeating bullying blood-stained pesky unforgiving gruelling arduous tiring scurvy unimaginable crushing unfit rude significant resolute doughty indomitable invincible commanding malformed demoralising unstable punk ineffable raging wrenching fugly misproportioned reptilian oppressing scowling bogging poison sobering unhandsome unbeautiful distorted homely unpretty miscreated teratoid mutant shapeless deformed uncomely valiant pessimistic malevolent huckery unwholesome preposterous irritable bewildering beyond words undefinable gnawing untimely unbefitting unpopular disliked deeply distressing brave imminent courageous grueling piggish gluttonous swinish unclean feral boorish ferine carnal irrational coarse demonian demonical Luciferian indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil unmentionable unthinkable infected ailing diseased mephitical aggravating revulsive unamusing distressed stunning sensational pernicious crummy unmanageable predictive prophetic revealing oracular hard-pressed tortured doubtful treacherous negative jeopardous rocky straitened dour discommodious full of hardship strained ill-omened messy unwished-for tactless unbecoming injudicious dispirited frenetic maniacal unhallowed crazed mad graphic exaggerated like the back end of a bus as ugly as sin sickly pathological unsound too horrible for words tenebrous intractable ungovernable recalcitrant unsought defective scorned unlikable shunned useless outcast loathed incommodious uninvited rejected antisocial deleterious explicit saddening affecting uncool paralysing earth-shattering murky lugubrious drear dingy unseasonable cold-blooded remorseless annihilatory lethal devastative ravaging tearing soaring doom and gloom wayward moody irascible warped twisted much-dreaded a stinker of a a bummer of a corrupt for the birds unwished for damning eradicative annihilative faint mortuary haggard anaemic dim anemic weak homicidal fell degenerate worthless maddening infuriating exasperating to be avoided out of place strictly for the birds desolating annihilating shattering paralyzing undue ill-advised ill-considered ill-timed trashy sensationalist extravagant overdramatized colourful unrestrained rubbishy imperative profligate unprincipled debased death-dealing burning unconscionable late unheard of tasteless ribald cheap salacious kitschy pulp compelling contaminated faulty lewd untamed reprobate putrid insubordinate impure libidinous licentious indecent demoralised miscreant impious abandoned demoralized vital nail-biting heart-breaking nerve-wracking suggestive dirty filthy extremely bad clamant beyond bearing emergent shock-horror tacky vivid juicy importunate imperious yellow full-frontal necessitous important instant off-color purple racy fiery raunchy salty colorful rough distinct garish forlorn sizeable essential blue considerable extensive decisive sudden titanic mammoth all-important thunderous life-and-death towering gargantuan very big giant cosmic humungous grand substantial jumbo unsupportable astronomic epic monster astronomical herculean super mountainous leviathan bumper unsurpassable unsufferable heavy-handed enough oceanic pharaonic walloping heroic hulking thumping heroical supersized too much last straw too much to bear a bit much past bearing gigantesque galactic whopper cosmical cyclopean planetary vasty supersize mondo elephantine thumping great super-duper king size Himalayan oversized king-sized great big king-size Brobdingnagian Herculean more than flesh and blood can stand more than one can stand

Tính từ

Characterized by, or tending to cause, agitation or anxiety
unnerving unsettling distressing disturbing tense uneasy agitating disquieting distressful hairy worrisome anxious fraught nervous restless alarming nerve-racking nerve-wracking nail-biting worrying upsetting disconcerting troubling difficult dismaying trying perturbing frightening annoying irritating harassing perplexing troublesome discomforting stressful bothersome irksome vexing embarrassing aggravating disruptive unpleasant discouraging startling provoking concerning wearisome painful ominous discommoding severe foreboding gloomy onerous sinister depressing pessimistic discomposing exciting nagging nasty tiresome inconvenient burdensome disagreeable troublous laborious hard toilsome threatening consequential intrusive impeding uncertain prophetic scary harrowing charged uncomfortable antsy jittery panicky uptight intimidating apprehensive anxious-making off-putting gut-wrenching confronting tormenting insecure fretful strained awkward bothering daunting barro distracting demoralizing knife-edge tricky discomfiting devastating cliffhanging dramatic volatile demoralising troubled terrifying menacing exasperating maddening taxing edgy explosive white-knuckle emotionally charged nervy dithery stressed worried overwrought twitchy agitated taut rigid unrelaxed excited unquiet spooky queasy concerned queazy on edge vexatious displeasing grim galling agonizing frustrating horrible dreadful appalling awful terrible horrendous excruciating horrific horrifying agonising ghastly traumatic frightful horrid atrocious gruesome harsh monstrous grisly macabre nightmarish shocking tedious wearing grievous cruel hideous bad revolting bitter loathsome miserable abominable forbidding foul distasteful vile pesky pestiferous pestilent hurtful antagonizing antagonising unwelcome wretched lurid plaguy peeving chafing rebarbative rankling nettlesome infuriating riling pestilential brutal hellacious carking nettling abrasive pesty plaguey grating niggling unpleasing uncongenial objectionable woeful rotten unpalatable torturous affecting mortifying boring poor execrable dismal doleful lousy sad tough demanding exhausting pathetic teasing grave offensive disgusting repulsive odious arduous exacting challenging rough sickening nauseating repellent repugnant bedevilling heartbreaking tragical mean grewsome nightmare disgraceful saddening draining abhorrent sorrowful grueling enervating testing gruelling oppressive pressured rugged infernal cussed unamusing confounded hostile dire obnoxious gross detestable deplorable abysmal fearful heart-rending tragic repellant ugly nauseous godawful hellish hectic strenuous tiring punishing sapping enraging jarring punchable harrying heartrending bewildering terrific weighty back-breaking enough to try the patience of a saint heavy rigorous enough to drive you up the wall anxiety-ridden bedeviling sticky crushing disappointing terrorizing pitiless vicious ruthless savage oppressed impoverished stark merciless bleak terrorising poverty-stricken scandalous outrageous moving touching unspeakable obscene stupefying fearsome heartstopping stunning rancid astonishing overwhelming evil noisome fulsome amazing direful formidable noxious staggering redoubtable surprising spine-chilling from hell wicked glaring hair-raising heinous piteous pitiful humiliating pitiable stirring emotional impactful intense tearful impressive mournful shameful shaming plaintive tear-jerking flustering compromising sentimental poignant tender passionate expressive nostalgic demeaning degrading sensitive delicate confusing touchy ignominious discountenancing toe-curling cringey cringe-making discreditable dishonouring blush-making cringeworthy unpropitious discommodious dishonoring equivocal inopportune incommodious impossible rattling puzzling unseemly humourless crummy sombre humorless unbearable sober unsavory solemn somber unsatisfactory icky stinking unacceptable sedate undesirable diabolical unfortunate unendurable regrettable uncool yukky grotty lamentable unhappy grody sour unappealing yucky afflicting uninviting afflictive unsavoury anguished beastly unlovely heart-breaking extremely bad

Tính từ

Arousing revulsion or strong indignation
disgusting revolting distasteful foul repellent sickening gross nasty nauseating obnoxious odious horrid nauseous repulsive horrible displeasing exceptionable horrendous monstrous obscene outrageous repugnant shameful shameless unspeakable abhorrent abominable appalling awful egregious grotty heinous horrific insupportable loathsome offensive repellant reprehensible shocking stinking unpalatable vile vulgar wicked yucky bad contemptible deplorable despicable dreadful execrable grievous gruesome hateful hideous icky inexcusable intolerable noisome objectionable off-putting rotten scandalous sordid unpardonable unsavoury unwelcome detestable dire disagreeable frightful ghastly grisly horrifying sick ugly undesirable unforgivable uninviting unsavory beastly disgustful dismaying evil filthy fulsome galling grody lousy putrid rancid sleazy tasteless terrible unlikable unpleasant unpleasing vomitous bogging cloying festy God-awful loathly macabre noxious rebarbative scurvy scuzzy skanky sleazeball squicky surfeiting unappetizing yucko yecchy beyond the pale cringe-making gut-churning sick-making stomach-churning stomach-turning vomit-inducing dislikeable atrocious insufferable unacceptable base invidious damnable pesky slimy uncool pestiferous forbidding poisonous crummy hateable uncongenial unlovely harsh dirty sour bitter ornery hated reviled mean very disgusting incompatible inconsistent adverse hostile contradictory opposed averse antagonistic antipathetic inimical cruddy brackish messy opposite against extraneous alien unconformable foreign unfriendly different revulsive extrinsic unfitted counter mucky in opposition raunchy funky wretched diabolical disgraceful grim dishonourable dishonorable villainous low vicious nefarious infamous distressing ignominious frightening hellacious iniquitous immoral sorry fearful ignoble fetid nightmarish cruel low-down lurid terrifying hellish black disreputable flagitious rank malodorous foetid miserable sinful abysmal discreditable alarming paltry grubby godawful mephitic poor accursed pitiful depraved inhuman smelly shabby abject pitiable degenerate from hell stinky dark terrific nightmare grewsome annoying unprincipled fiendish cheap opprobrious scummy woeful lame pathetic unclean lamentable niffy savage olid infernal scabby unworthy morbid upsetting corrupt barbarous ungodly irritating harrowing foul-smelling evil-smelling on the nose cursed wrong pongy whiffy devilish unsatisfactory bestial miasmal unbearable snide currish ratty worthless sneaking criminal dismal unattractive shady grotesque sad perturbing low-minded squalid daunting unscrupulous smutty perverted eerie barbaric shoddy yukky pestilential brutish very bad dislikable brutal calamitous unsightly unappealing diabolic disconcerting malevolent confounded acrid disturbing beyond contempt inferior troublesome grimy unfair indescribable unseemly bleak coarse grungy unutterable soiled polluted unnerving sullied dingy dastardly reprobate depressing spine-chilling disquieting troubling rubbish very unpleasant unsettling ruthless irksome notorious degrading debased murderous grave smudged stained chronic begrimed hairy muddy dusty draggled befouled flagrant sombre somber besmirched unholy bemired blackened impure funereal bedraggled uncleanly gory indefensible useless illegal improper weird painful off sepulchral dissolute hopeless unethical wanton poison gloomy disheartening desperate black-hearted scurrilous discomforting no-good harmful cussed cacodemonic substandard insipid exasperating loathed flavourless emetic despisable bothersome facinorous merciless reeking blameworthy pernicious malignant unrespectable louche shy sadistic agitating disdainable inglorious profane embarrassing pits agonizing tremendous unrighteous ghostly inadequate unearthly discouraging flavorless hurtful excruciating scabrous distressful difficult pants unwholesome shadowy unhealthy poxy lewd crude hair-raising unlawful unsportsmanlike gut-wrenching prurient spooky immodest worrying formidable inadmissible unsuitable indecent sullen bum tragic spookish knavish unfortunate tainted fearsome defective morose regrettable agonising ribald dishonest scary crying feculent amoral detested infuriating deficient execrated worrisome violent despised faulty blasted abominated subpar dissatisfactory severe stressful inedible uneatable traumatic torturous repelling censurable vexatious satanic dull uninteresting sickly uncomfortable doleful humiliating bloody maddening suboptimal ghoulish underhand tormenting fraught troublous catty off-color reeky overwhelming musty fusty unwanted biting cutting animal savorless flat degraded high discomposing debauched salacious licentious unchaste suggestive lascivious bawdy afflictive duff tragical brute ill-favoured malicious preposterous caitiff contaminated startling direful scatological scatologic laughable stenchy strong intimidating unendurable ill-favored frowzy frowsy frowsty injurious punk diseased foreboding decaying solemn godforsaken ripe bloodcurdling blue loose lustful swinish pornographic crass questionable carnal miasmic tenth-rate heartbreaking inexpedient unreasonable measly pitiless outcast putrefied ominous slipshod vexing disastrous petty raw porno barnyard inexpressible crooked defiled cold bewildering third-rate bent mournful mouldy putrescent beneath contempt unhappy stale a load of pants unkind warped dreary melancholic depressive cheerless glum melancholy malfeasant murky chilling moldy trashy disappointing dirty rotten faecal maleficent fecal sinister not cricket X-rated not up to snuff bloodthirsty inclement demonic uncharitable trying fell unadorable uncaptivating treacherous yechy demoniac Mephistophelian demoniacal terribly bad demoralizing poorly off-colour crook off colour out of sorts rough blithering chunderous spiteful shuddersome resentful indecorous vapid underhanded thoughtless beast offending morally wrong discommoding bland wrongful senseless deleterious mischievous abhorred irreligious twisted rocky woozy sacrilegious unfit rude scaring ridiculous unconscionable foolish blasphemous flaming unenticing deceitful impious baneful godless impertinent abusive insolent discourteous hard impoverished stark oppressed blood-and-guts sanguinary blood-and-thunder not pleasant inhumane heartless butcherly truculent terrorizing unlovable piggish gluttonous feral boorish ferine irrational deadly insalutary dangerous pill heel astounding sucky maggot deathly ropy onerous demonian demonical Luciferian meanspirited disrespectful unjustifiable poverty-stricken petrifying yicky sanguine callous lou terrorising unbelievable inconceivable felonious illicit lawless footling aberrant scungy unimaginable demoralising cowardly frenetic maniacal unhallowed crazed mad possessed tawdry illegitimate fierce unbecoming heavy sneaky deceptive graceless ineffable stupid serious faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic uncanny dim deathlike corpselike unnatural anemic weak indictable scoundrelly transgressing ill-famed hateworthy intemperate drunken profligate spine-tingling untold undescribable blood-stained beggarly gnarly ruffianly blackguardly roguish humble servile slavish menial freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn humming perverse ill-reputed miscreant below contempt beyond words preternatural undefinable backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting thievish rascally unpopular dreaded disliked low-life dispirited desolate blimming steep indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil highly improper immoderate exorbitant excessive indelicate plebeian lowly common tenebrous humourless humorless sober mortifying red hot graveolent strong-smelling pungent gamy turned dank ill-smelling unwarranted extravagant impossible OTT sooty peccable culpable peccant unwished-for good-for-naught no-count meritless good-for-nothing no-account gray grey drab mirthless lugubrious drear sedate no good unhygienic O.T.T. extortionate too horrible for words unsought detrimental scorned inconvenient shunned incommodious disadvantageous uninvited rejected abandoned unsanitary saddening afflicting affecting awkward mephitical irritable dispiriting poignant testing perplexing aggravating unfavorable unfavourable unpropitious unlucky troubled austere frustrating unamusing inauspicious parlous distressed too great shaming disgracing debauching uncivilised depraving debasing contumelious extreme uncivilized stupefying death-obsessed heartstopping smeared anguished heartrending concerning sorrowful unwashed pigpen staggering stunning astonishing amazing over the top for the birds unwished for surprising redoubtable decomposed glaring to be avoided out of place strictly for the birds unkempt smoky decayed miry smeary heart-rending sloppy slovenly wanting impermissible inappropriate mediocre nerve-racking nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking disheveled dishevelled decomposing imperfect amateurish insufficient unimpressive deformed disfigured verminous soily horry unpretty dubious dodgy meagre meager mud-encrusted dirt-encrusted festering rotting unhandsome plain-featured wack condemnable cheapo irremediable garbage crumby tatty out rubbishy unbeautiful plain-looking unprepossessing misshapen inacceptable bush reject plain bush-league below average poor quality low-grade under par won't do low-quality below standard poor-quality below par half-baked of low quality out of order not up to par not on second rate of poor quality not up to scratch over the fence less-than-stellar from hunger second-class not quite the done thing second-rate two-bit not up to standard spoiled mouldering putrified addled spoilt uncomely corroding rotted mildewy corrupted perished caried carious worm-eaten dirtied purulent wormy pustular reptilian moldering smelling infected flyblown overripe maggoty bad-smelling unfit for human consumption bad-looking huckery short on looks hard-favoured as ugly as sin hard-featured

Tính từ

Giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
sinister menacing threatening ominous baleful disquieting forbidding inauspicious portentous dire disturbing minatory alarming black dark direful eerie evil frightening unpropitious bodeful doomy eldritch evil-looking foreboding ill ill-boding ill-omened malign malignant scary spooky injurious malevolent minacious minatorial sinistrous adverse apocalyptic baneful blackhearted deleterious disastrous dishonest doomful harmful hurtful lowering malefic mischievous nasty obnoxious pernicious perverse poisonous suggestive of evil unfavorable unfavourable unfortunate unlucky woeful grim dangerous dreadful horrible shocking terrifying terrible horrifying ghastly intimidating frightful bad horrendous gloomy fearsome hostile fearful appalling hair-raising chilling spine-chilling macabre awful gruesome deadly redoubtable unpromising petrifying detrimental unpleasant horrific unhealthy ruinous damaging formidable calamitous disadvantageous worrying unwholesome scaring dread fateful monstrous malicious ugly destructive intimidatory unfriendly ill-fated glowering daunting brooding dismal noxious perilous prejudicial horrid hideous inhospitable negative wicked nightmarish nocuous undesirable bloodcurdling maleficent bleak disagreeable grisly blood-curdling morbid catastrophic cataclysmic fatal untoward venomous harrowing inimical crippling warning lethal toxic unsafe parlous distressing impending hazardous devastating severe harsh virulent unnerving startling disgusting subversive prejudicious ghoulish cancerous corrupting tough hairy counterproductive painful ferocious wounding offensive dour unearthly corroding upsetting depressing off-putting incendiary undermining haunting abhorrent spine-tingling suggestive doomed aggressive overhanging loury grotesque mean-looking atrocious ghostly uninviting critical inopportune discouraging savage gory dicey nocent glum corrosive repulsive odious bitter morose premonitory disheartening repugnant annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal troubled fierce wintry austere dismaying hard repellent pessimistic augural prophetic sombre lurid somber thunderous infelicitous wintery heavy comminatory bullying revolting eery vindictive thrilling terrorizing unwelcoming unspeakable louring exciting near close upcoming forthcoming portending impendent lowery scowling looming terrorising treacherous extraordinary spiteful weird ill-starred tragic rough inexpedient moody violent murderous troubling risky at hand grievous unhappy precarious grewsome disconcerting strange perturbing distasteful shuddersome environmentally unfriendly very bad difficult bloody hopeless unwelcome troublesome sad cheerless unapproachable corruptive precursive malificent presaging clouded prescient unhospitable unsettling bone-chilling cautionary admonitory doom and gloom approaching imminent foul gross breathtaking imposing uncomfortable rugged awesome godawful spookish untimely jarring stark overpowering abominable hair-curling cliff-hanging suspenseful uncanny freaky unchancy insidious imperilling sick imperiling afflictive traumatic lamentable terribly bad causing excitement all-powerful awe-inspiring cataclysmal ravaging concerning pulse-pounding momentous significant foreshadowing overwhelming abysmal astounding sublime tremendous evil-intentioned antagonistic shivery shuddery annihilatory devastative damning unsuccessful predictive prognosticatory important crucial acrimonious hate-filled abortive nerve-racking vitriolic causing fear hapless luckless straitened hard-pressed joyless shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful miserable objectionable gray mournful strained exacting doleful grey oppressive pressing comfortless desolate exigent messy jeopardous solemn rocky grave wild infected diseased ailing intriguing fated exhilarating inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined life-threatening vicious raging unsound sickly pathological death-obsessed sensational angry turbulent murky stormy tumultuous volatile brutal feral warped abnormal unnatural aberrant unusual sickening twisted irascible dispiriting disappointing graphic exaggerated displeasing barbarous untamed dodgy brutish vile barbaric mean melodramatic explicit mephitical hellish irritable unkind dreary repellant melancholic bewildering loathsome vexing agonizing poignant testing annoying sullen galling distressful agonising perplexing unpalatable melancholy depressive revulsive frustrating unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating unpleasing irksome distressed regrettable desperate depraved uncivilised rancorous viperous cruel nefarious villainous fiendish rowdy serpentine uncivilized abandoned uncontrollable lethiferous pestiferous wrackful noisome insalubrious pestilential internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous trashy sensationalist extravagant overdramatized colourful rubbishy unrestrained tasteless ribald kitschy cheap salacious pulp prurient dirty filthy shock-horror tacky vivid terrific juicy nightmare yellow full-frontal fiery raunchy salty deep striking colorful off-color purple extreme sanguine racy obscene distinct garish low-down wretched deplorable pitiful poor pathetic mortal lousy rotten sorry crushing heartbreaking crummy execrable jinxed inferior unsatisfactory paltry star-crossed sorrowful pitiable unacceptable diabolical disgraceful catastrophal shattering substandard mediocre cursed inadequate egregious cruddy shameful intolerable snakebitten second-rate snakebit chronic lame hard luck rubbish laughable heartrending out of luck afflicted punk serious third-rate abject reprehensible costly contemptible inept inappropriate shoddy unsuitable pants deathly awkward insufferable sucky low-grade God-awful low-quality grotty beastly forlorn tragical pestilent blighted ignominious heinous piteous death-dealing deficient duff shabby wanting stricken meagre ruined meager garbage forsaken destitute unprosperous damnable worthless poxy indefensible god-awful stinking faulty dissatisfactory in a bad way unbecoming below par cut-rate earth-shattering under par less-than-stellar poor-quality second-class two-bit crumby bum wack a load of pants bush-league outrageous inexcusable incurable blameworthy anguished fell ill-chosen acute killing scandalous despicable hurting base grubby scummy scurvy ratty scabby dishonourable dishonorable iniquitous feeble unsightly sordid misfortunate insupportable unbearable opprobrious useless subpar suboptimal ridiculous detestable downer bummer sub-par inconvenient unseemly heart-rending wrong junky improper bush ropy scurrilous off stinky irremediable poor quality cheesy derisory not up to par schlocky not up to scratch low-rent el cheapo not up to snuff excessive bargain-basement convulsionary loss-making pained shattered broken burdened unadvantageous sacrificial blighting withering climactic climacteric mortifying fire-and-brimstone apocalyptical desolating annihilating foredoomed terminal disadvantaged bungling unpopular undesired immoderate impoverishing depleting draining exhausting wasteful moving aching bedevilled condemned cantankerous reprobate miasmatic miasmic stirring dejected vexatious despondent destroyed hateful capital ruining destroying hellfire sleazy unforgivable revealing oracular accident-prone dilapidated dreaded bedeviled senseless inglorious preposterous ill-advised final homicidal absurd ludicrous foolish-looking silly rueful affecting unpardonable unconscionable foolish saddening too bad yucky common schlock killer causing death vital grieving plaintive tear-jerking ignoble immoral discreditable disreputable tough luck behind eight ball bad break down on luck incriminating very dangerous run down flimsy shlocky gimcrack cheapjack godforsaken seedy shlock weak coarse down at heel trumpery disconsolate agonized sneaking unjustifiable mortuary necrotic mortiferous mephitic blah damnatory condemnatory racked agonised criminal touch and go unsought unwanted tinhorn icky diddly valueless the pits grody bad news fallacious grungy not good erroneous not the best pits dolorous beyond contempt trying unfit bothersome challenging prohibitive ill-timed uncomplimentary unseasonable crying implicating derogatory condemning impermissible exceptionable inadmissible urgent intense imperfect amateurish insufficient unimpressive drastic dubious unreasonable low questionable not much cop implicatory strong accusatorial conclusive implicative dooming considerable condemnable crude defective tatty out cheapo irretrievable inacceptable unappealing reject not on below average second rate not cricket of poor quality beyond the pale won't do over the fence tenth-rate below standard from hunger not quite the done thing half-baked not up to standard of low quality out of order consequential major blue oppressing rancid arduous strenuous toilsome taxing sobering big punishing grinding rebarbative disgustful hellacious loathly gut-wrenching weighty intensive peracute unrelenting excruciating tortuous spartan rigorous scabrous stern sober unendurable biting inexorable stringent discomforting erosive cutthroat consumptive

Tính từ

Different in a manner that is disturbing or unsettling
odd suspicious dubious questionable dodgy dark fishy shady spooky eerie shonky strange unnatural not quite right not kosher funny-looking strange-looking mysterious-looking unusual curious funny weird bizarre peculiar abnormal extraordinary atypical anomalous queer unexpected aberrant irregular untypical deviant freakish unco rum bizarro uncanny out of the ordinary unfamiliar remarkable puzzling uncommon mystifying mysterious out of the way different outlandish perplexing baffling singular off-centre eccentric offbeat rare unconventional incongruous unaccountable freaky freak wacky erratic screwy outré oddball wild crazy far-out exceptional quaint quirky kooky wacko uncustomary funky weirdo whacky kookie queerish kinky way-out off-kilter out-of-the-way off-the-wall spaced-out off the wall surreal unorthodox uncharacteristic surprising preternatural cranky unique zany unaccustomed outre idiosyncratic droll foreign inexplicable unparalleled anomalistic ridiculous scarce inconceivable ludicrous nonstandard out of line off-base inscrutable off-color out-there unheard of like nothing on earth exceeding aberrated unwonted especial monstrous whimsical perverse fantastic phenomenal extraordinaire dilly grotesque fanciful wayward humorous unpredictable arbitrary capricious malformed vagarious fitful teratoid changeable way out doubtful doubtable disputable equivocal suspect disquieting debatable shaky dubitable problematical problematic flakey unhinged touched mad irrational unbalanced demented flaky left-field intriguing nutty quizzical beat characteristic bent cockeyed far out off-center funny peculiar out in left field astonishing amazing sensational incredible astounding stunning notable prodigious striking momentous miraculous unbelievable improbable eye-catching unforgettable arresting unrealistic absurd special spectacular noteworthy stupendous conspicuous preposterous nonsensical implausible unlikely unprecedented serious eye-popping fantastical extravagant grandiose tremendous wondrous unthinkable unimaginable amazeballs insane unreal foolish cockamamie comical flash gnarly heavy forby hare-brained far-fetched unheard-of make-believe never to be forgotten off beaten path out of this world

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Not giving hope of future success or good results
unpromising discouraging gloomy inauspicious ominous unfavorable unfavourable adverse disadvantageous disheartening uninviting unpropitious baleful black bleak doomed doubtful foreboding hopeless jinxed portentous cursed dubious ill-fated ill-omened infelicitous off-putting unhopeful unlucky threatening unfortunate dire menacing untimely ill sinister direful untoward bad inopportune hostile bodeful forbidding fateful minatory doomy ill-boding regrettable calamitous unhappy detrimental destructive inconvenient unseasonable damaging unfriendly grim unsuited dangerous inexpedient harmful evil dark negative ill-starred troublesome baneful impending improper minacious ugly unseemly objectionable unsuitable unfit malapropos discommodious inhospitable perilous wrong opposed apocalyptic terrible inadvisable dreadful inapt inappropriate ill-advised ill-suited prejudicial sinistrous disturbing inconducive counter premonitory wintry ruinous warning disastrous harsh inimical fearful unadvantageous brooding dismal lowering augural suggestive haunting prophetic alarming disparaging worrying wintery glowering poor frightful wretched very bad unpleasant nasty unhealthy deleterious unwholesome disagreeable bringing bad luck unsatisfactory tardy late contrary antagonistic low hapless star-crossed significant foreshadowing momentous lamentable cataclysmic heavy thunderous predictive prognosticatory important crucial pessimistic bullying foredoomed blighted luckless catastrophic injurious deplorable unwelcome tragic distressing grievous intimidatory comminatory terrorizing clouded precursive prescient malificent doomful presaging malign malefic cataclysmal fatal tough snakebitten hard luck snakebit bedevilled portending near aggressive close impendent upcoming lowery loury overhanging terrorising scowling forthcoming inspiring exciting intriguing remarkable fated exhilarating phenomenal destined thrilling extraordinary tragical miserable woeful heartrending heartbreaking devastating distressful damning frightening unchancy at hand awful deadly hard catastrophal bedeviled shattering crippling daunting fearsome severe scary chilling unwelcoming disquieting horrible horrendous dread spine-chilling redoubtable formidable hair-raising shocking ghastly horrifying terrifying intimidating evil-looking mean-looking spooky offensive odious life-threatening repulsive ferocious depressing suggestive of evil hurtful pernicious awkward ill-timed nocuous undesirable noxious nocent prejudicious wicked maleficent poisonous malignant difficult mischievous mistimed counterproductive cancerous unsympathetic bothersome badly timed corrupting unbecoming painful lethal toxic virulent wounding ill-chosen malicious undermining venomous hazardous annoying irritating problematic parlous corrosive corroding discommoding unconducive unsuccessful afflicted out of luck unmanageable subversive environmentally unfriendly antipathetic critical anti premature dicey unbefitting incommodious disruptive aggravating early incommoding incendiary vexing annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal pestiferous ill-disposed inept perverse forsaken destitute unprosperous undue uncomplimentary refractory malevolent troubled abusive in a bad way willful intractable unruly ungovernable wilful wayward recalcitrant appalling headstrong incontrollable uncontrollable froward vexatious stubborn unyielding against disobliging austere disappointing averse pestilential unsafe risky opposing down on unprofitable noisome precocious ruining destroying unhelpful annihilatory devastative at odds intrusive repugnant testing afflictive abortive desperate ruined pained stricken shattered broken burdened unsynchronized cruel pestilent tiresome precarious hasty ravaging too bad foul vile unhandy obstructive nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing indecorous injudicious tactless insidious nefarious miasmatic miasmic mortal spiteful misjudged ill-judged unwieldy murderous aching hurting iniquitous cantankerous reprobate eerie doom and gloom not conducive oppugnant inimicable inimic disaffected killing worrisome cumbersome lethiferous wrackful insalubrious internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous unacceptable sorrowful blighting earth-shattering messy eldritch impeding hindering trying challenging prohibitive dyslogistic depreciative slighting downside derogatory detracting pejorative debit-side depreciatory minatorial disobedient balky misplaced incongruous unfitting ill-fitted shameful disgraceful dishonest obnoxious blackhearted contumacious rebellious restive defiant rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant obstreperous corruptive unanticipated unexpected on the debit side neutralising accident-prone pitiful ill-considered unforeseen unpredictable unusual surprising unpredicted tough luck behind eight ball bad break down on luck uncooperative insubmissive obstinate cross peevish petulant rough disconcerting cold cool dour fierce uncomfortable rugged dispiriting jarring stark horrific troubling displeasing dismaying misfortunate undisciplined unpliable fractious indocile wild advance too early early on anachronistic out-of-date too late soon a bit previous before time overearly too soon early bird bright and early previous oversoon melancholic unnerving upsetting sad loath unwilling reluctant disinclined irritable sombre bewildering poignant perturbing glum agonising depressive bitter frustrating macabre irksome somber cheerless backward mephitical hellish unkind dreary repellant repellent loathsome agonizing abhorrent sullen galling morose perplexing distasteful unpalatable melancholy revulsive unamusing uncongenial unpleasing distressed allergic indisposed unenthusiastic uneager fromward afraid hesitant disliking agin hostile to antagonistic to resistant to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to having no use for unfavourably disposed to

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Not liked or popular
unpopular avoided cold-shouldered detested disliked rejected shunned unloved unwanted unwelcome friendless unbefriended uncherished unliked despised hated ignored loathed out of favour spurned unattractive undesirable abhorred disesteemed disfavored drip dumpy execrated gross loser lousy nerdy obnoxious ostracised ostracized out out in the cold scorned sent to Coventry unaccepted unvalued weird wimpy unsought after not sought out uncared for in bad odor in bad odour out of favor not in the swim forsaken outcast uncared-for abandoned in the doghouse in disgrace in the dogbox abhorrent in someone's black books in someone's bad books despicable isolated lonesome forlorn companionless lonely estranged desolate all alone without friends with no one to turn to without a friend in the world blackballed abominated condemned cursed anathematized neglected offensive useless jilted unbeloved loveless superfluous unappreciated withdrawn destitute sad despondent unnecessary unhappy lorn not loved unsocial unneeded without companions by yourself feeling friendless nonessential annoying discarded surplus to requirements de trop alone solitary deserted unattached disgraced alienated lone single by oneself cut off in trouble adrift marooned without ties with no ties all by one's self disregarded refused turned down rebuffed forgotten disdained overlooked unnoticed denied unrecognized unconsidered unrecognised passed over unheeded lovelorn vacant derelict vacated void disused disobeyed unobserved unfollowed unnoted untaken dropped returned unremarked slighted unheard underestimated undervalued not accepted unsung lapsed dismissed decayed evaded omitted depreciated unused deferred deteriorated unkempt tossed aside unwatched postponed cast aside declined uncared affronted

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Which attempts to bring oneself into the favour of another, often with flattery or insincerity
ingratiating sycophantic crawling fawning flattering obsequious servile creeping toadying unctuous bootlicking honey-tongued humble insincere silver-tongued slick smooth smooth-talking smooth-tongued submissive cajoling cloying disarming endearing greasy insinuating nauseating oily saccharine sickening slippery smarmy wheedling winning winsome brown-nosing charming deferential insinuative serving silken slimy soft sucky timeserving Uriah Heepish oleaginous soapy grovelling groveling fulsome subservient cringing suave gushing buttery smug self-abasing apple-polishing forelock-tugging arse-licking ass-kissing abject slavish reptilian sycophantish toadyish craven excessively deferential suckholing conniving glib adulatory urbane gushy hagiographical hagiographic effusive plausible hypocritical saponaceous phoney pinguid creamy phony smooth-spoken honeyed sugary complimentary enthusiastic mealy-mouthed laudatory encomiastic gracious refined praising sweet-talking truckling appreciative menial extravagant compliant kowtowing sophisticated glowing courteous debonair silky persuasive lavish applauding acclamatory eulogistic rhapsodic bland respectful polished polite civilized encomiastical civil OTT sweet courtly civilised prostrate ingratiatory over the top reverential excessive overdone affable parasitical commending base arse-kissing brownnosing parasitic sniveling spineless commendatory admiring friendly beggarly obeisant low mean cool gentlemanly snivelling mannerly insinuatory suggestive favourable soft-soaping unrestrained cultivated svelte ebullient expansive unreserved lyrical exuberant bowing and scraping pleasing pleasant mushy sentimental emotional despicable self-possessed rave highly favourable over-effusive genial over-enthusiastic favorable hyped up media-savvy laid on with a trowel mellifluous sleek overly flattering self-effacing worshipping sycophant bowing scraping cowering supple coaxing flannelling blarneying credible blandishing worshipful gratifying docile eloquent fast-talking lionizing gentle amiable convincing blubbery hammy voluble crouching enslaved stipendiary sneaking subordinate complacent subject compliable all over someone congenial unemotional assured inordinate lionising worshiping worldly worldly-wise good-natured immoderate poised gallant dignified profuse extensive liberal ample generous hard to resist approving over-appreciative cringey diplomatic agreeable tactful rapturous self-assured congratulatory gross obedient unresisting passive ignoble impeccable cultured soft-spoken sociable politic cordial well-bred obliging formal distingué magniloquent bombastic grandiloquent canting coarse overgenerous sanctimonious panegyrical well mannered eating crow eulogizing good positive approbatory eating humble pie sugarcoated laudative plauditory honoring fair-spoken celebrating eulogising well-wishing with high praise with highest recommendation honouring praiseful kind approbative highly favorable sweet-sounding maudlin chivalrous respectable considerate genteel decorous decent overemotional mawkish nostalgic together facile collected composed overacted bathetic icky corny affectionate moonstruck jejune inane demonstrative languishing overenthusiastic impressionable affected dreamy idealistic insipid unruffled possessed loving coolheaded equable sedate royal self-composed dewy-eyed lovey-dovey

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Showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
jumpy nervous anxious tense restless edgy jittery shaky uneasy worried apprehensive fidgety nervy fretful on edge unrelaxed antsy ill at ease overwrought twitchy uptight quivering shaking strained trembling wired het up keyed up on tenterhooks strung out worked up wrought up aflutter agitated atwitter dithery goosey hinky hyper insecure on pins and needles perturbed queasy queazy spooky squirrelly stressy troubled unquiet upset white-knuckled windy in a state of agitation in a state of nerves overstrung timorous toey a bundle of nerves excited frightened frisky hung up in a state in a stew scared sensitive spooked stressed out strung up unrestful all of a dither all of a doodah all of a lather in a tizz in a tizzy like a cat on hot bricks like a cat on a hot tin roof disturbed unsettled fearful stressed bothered concerned restive disquieted distressed discomposed afraid highly strung neurotic distraught skittish high-strung excitable hysterical impatient in a flap panicky irritable wound up flustered ruffled alarmed in a sweat in a twitter hesitant shaken unnerved uncomfortable disconcerted having kittens discombobulated in a twit flurried timid vexed adrenalized worried sick shy bundle of nerves frantic touchy tormented in a dither in suspense annoyed unglued distracted unstable uncertain irascible dismayed bricking oneself beside oneself febrile harassed irked unsure trepidatious brittle shook up self-conscious overanxious angsty peevish rattled fractious nervous wreck terrified choked in a cold sweat bugged hot and bothered anguished taut shrinking wriggly squirmy quaking hectic tetchy frenzied fluttery oversensitive irresolute afflicted overactive heated testy irrational moved inhibited fazed embarrassed wrought-up unhappy querulous snappy wiggly crotchety saddened discomfited unsteady captious bad-tempered doubtful under stress clutched ill-tempered discountenanced quick-tempered prickly fidgeting irritated up the wall hot under the collar short-tempered hot-tempered suspicious tortured riled plagued put out perplexed waiting for the axe to fall bummed out cut up all torn up like a fish out of water waiting with bated breath flighty awkward desperate fevered overexcited bashful weak skittery careful spasmodic shocked out of place in a panic emotional retiring grumpy fretting peeved under a strain fraught crabbed petulant surly critical shivery stirred worked-up inflamed hurt aroused mousy wretched miffed itchy unruly fitful grouchy temperamental sad turbulent feverish hyperactive provoked cantankerous unpeaceful disconsolate wrecked chippy stiff fixated phobic grieved inconsolable shook confused watchful waspish splenetic cross angstful solicitous paranoid disoriented ratty hassled displeased inconvenienced gutted shot to pieces overwhelmed basket case pettish beset active sleepless perverse moody tooshie in a spin a wreck choleric crusty obsessed all of a flutter muddled ornery pained harrowed cranky steamed up beside yourself in a lather in a flat spin wounded in turmoil worried stiff with one's stomach in knots tossing and turning with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth angst-ridden twittering mentally unsettled indecisive tentative dithering wavering vacillating under pressure jerky fussy mouselike swithering caught up disorientated pressured graceless animated curt roused easily frightened easily agitated exasperated frazzled wreck moving shot faltering unnatural gauche confined having cabin fever restlessly moving bewildered agog eagerly white knuckled stilted prim blushing withdrawn palpitant wrung nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious stirred up flapping strict conventional cautious strange lost unconfident have cold feet dragged ripped exercised all agog avid open-mouthed all nerves on the qui vive flushed startled intense hurried transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving nomadic bustling recalcitrant distrustful nerves on edge diffident stir-crazy shaking in one's shoes aquiver daunted refractory unconsolable distrait shot down with bated breath anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting asea obstinate stubborn unyielding at fever pitch unreluctant jiggly aghast dreading foreboding mistrustful compulsive manic obsessive self-doubting unassertive self-effacing exacerbated puzzled chagrined aggravated mortified pestered harried old-fashioned hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited on the defensive frozen meek lacking confidence unforthcoming a basket case sweating bullets offended angered disappointed fretted not self-assured lacking self-confidence introverted passive lily-livered running scared having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having cold feet having a funny feeling champing at the bit wakeful thrown low swivel-eyed unhealthy abnormal all wound up having butterflies in the stomach insomniac zipped up hot juiced up verklempt blue unzipped freaked-out wound-up crazy high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised miserable maladjusted thin-skinned come apart psyched out broken up at sixes and sevens in disorder amazed throwing a wobbly awake unsleeping erratic aberrant deviant disordered hysteric flipped out out of your mind touch and go up in the air insomnolent hanging by thread on thin ice hot under collar all shook up alert at the end of your tether hypersensitive dejected despondent depressed vigilant devastated traumatized morose heavyhearted broken melancholy sorrowful doleful bitter heartbroken dolorous desolate cheerless without sleep wide awake wide-awake attentive curmudgeonly angry grieving despairing weeping down bereaved mournful heartsick rueful hurting ticklish quarrelsome huffy easily offended mourning haunted woeful crushed agonized dolesome churlish disagreeable dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable wired up volatile sulky perturbable mean sorrowing woebegone in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering broken-hearted suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain traumatised grief-stricken brokenhearted snappish irate piqued galled resentful dyspeptic crabby livid apoplectic mad sullen narky sore ireful stroppy steamed shirty wild fiery snippy snarky snippety liverish crook soreheaded short raspy waxy vex ropeable stuffy hoha wroth snaky in a paddy mardy out of humour out of sorts up in arms out of humor on the warpath foaming at the mouth hacked off eggy as cross as two sticks not best pleased caviling in a bate ticked off ill-humoured hopping mad faultfinding bent out of shape teed off fit to be tied ill-humored cavilling aerated in a bad mood

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Sly, cautious, and secretive
furtive secret sneaky covert sly clandestine sneaking surreptitious cloaked hidden secretive stealthy underhand conspiratorial slinking underground hugger-mugger hush-hush skulking wily shifty backstairs behind-the-scenes hole-and-corner indirect oblique private privy shady sidelong sideways slippery sneak stealth undercover underhanded under-the-table black artful behind someone's back calculating cautious circumspect cloak and dagger crafty cunning disguised elusive evasive foxy guileful insidious masked scheming sub-rosa tricky under the table hole and corner under wraps cloak-and-dagger concealed closet veiled on the QT shrouded back-alley confidential incognito backstair undisclosed under-the-counter devious discreet dark unofficial hole-in-the-corner camouflaged classified silent enigmatic unrevealed feline dissembled backdoor restricted top-secret unknown quiet covered fraudulent close catlike catty noiseless inside cryptic in ambush surprise top secret buried obscured deep strictly confidential unpublished untold on the sly incog on the quiet unseen clouded sub rosa hushed not for publication off the record not to be disclosed not for circulation not to be made public unreported on the side in secret unauthorized dissimulated mean duplicitous designing unauthorised intelligence contemptible slinky two-faced clever subtle shonky snide quick subversive dirty unfair shorthanded unethical unscrupulous fly slim spy illicit illegitimate illegal huggermugger unbowed carny cowardly yellow creep underneath uncommunicated side murky unsuspected QT ulterior undeclared unprofessed slanted in holes and corners hidden away mum with a lid on mom low-down slanting ambiguous mystic occult strange obscure unenlightened enigmatical unintelligible out-of-the-way mystical protected closed pretend false unrecognizable assumed privileged intimate backstage esoteric nonpublic offstage inconspicuous artificial sham fake forged mock imitation censored non-public behind the scenes under one's hat tête-à-tête in camera not open close to one's chest one-on-one not in the public domain pseudo feigned counterfeit phoney uncommunicative reticent masquerading changed unrecognisable phony in disguise reserved tight-lipped clamlike unforthcoming sailing under false colours under cover withdrawn closemouthed non-communicative taciturn tight-mouthed introverted introvert cagey close-mouthed zipped mysterious guarded self-contained in chambers buttoned up clammed up in the background in privacy in private playing your cards close to your chest in the dark exclusive personal sensitive unidentified limited between ourselves screened undivulged not visible secreted arcane tucked away unnoticeable invisible out of sight restricted access unobtrusive internal restrictive discriminative inner bosom strict tight soft low dern need to know kept concealed kept secret unacknowledged impenetrable backroom carefully guarded closely guarded regulated sealed nameless unannounced unnamed anonymous secondary underlying unexpressed unapparent hidden from sight hidden from view out of view lost to view off limits closed off unsaid special