Từ đồng nghĩa của in a flat spin

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Very frightened, and unable to react sensibly because of panic
agitated flustered in a panic beside oneself frantic in a dither in a flap in a fluster in a state in a tizz overwrought worked up all of a dither having kittens in a tiz-woz in a tizzy distressed worried anxious nervous upset perturbed disquieted tense frenzied distracted jittery jumpy uptight wired panicky panic-struck stressed stressy keyed up panic-stricken in a cold sweat hot and bothered troubled disturbed alarmed uneasy concerned fearful unsettled excited edgy hysterical unnerved distraught bothered feverish twitchy afraid antsy frightened aghast scared desperate on edge fraught unquiet restless ill at ease hot under the collar in a spin hectic unglued het up shook up on tenterhooks in a stew hyper wound up discomposed angsty tearing one's hair out emotive emotionally charged strung-up hag-ridden hassled adrenalized wild mad furious apprehensive frenetic fierce rabid crazed delirious fretful maniacal crazy raving weirded out angry unhinged out of control beside yourself deranged insane freaked out corybantic weird violent at wits' end swivel-eyed spazzed out uncontrolled last-minute demented raging at the end of your tether fevered flipped out zonkers unzipped distrait hysteric wigged out berko ferocious unscrewed berserk fretting careful uncomfortable worried sick hung up with one's stomach in knots shaking squirrelly watchful like a cat on a hot tin roof a bundle of nerves hinky toey having butterflies in the stomach overstrung angstful goosey insecure dithery in a twitter all of a lather a wreck shot to pieces solicitous with your heart in your mouth on pins and needles spooked like a fish out of water shivery strung out atwitter in a state of agitation strung up queasy sweating bullets in a state of nerves flurried like a cat on hot bricks queazy bugged aflutter shaky nervy spooky in a twit a basket case windy in a sweat dreading in suspense under stress taut fidgety disconcerted ruffled rattled shaken fazed harassed overactive stirred up inflamed moved in a lather flapping aroused discombobulated hyperactive all of a flutter heated petrified terror-struck horrified startled horror-struck terrified frozen in a frenzy dismayed in a blue funk horror-stricken frit funky terror-stricken scared to death frightened out of your wits frightened to death scared out of your wits in a funk scared stiff shocked strained restive timorous timid uncertain hesitant skittish tormented shy neurotic high-strung vexed excitable wrought up highly strung unsure trembling irritable self-conscious impatient shrinking anguished annoyed all of a doodah unrestful unhappy embarrassed terrorized intimidated irked suspicious bricking oneself plagued diffident discomfited retiring stressed out terrorised tortured sensitive bundle of nerves touchy affrighted quaking unrelaxed confused unstable awkward mousy unconfident daunted doubtful febrile sad choked weak cowardly faint-hearted afflicted lily-livered miserable cut up trepidatious brittle irascible saddened stunned wretched inhibited thrown irrational discountenanced bashful irritated overexcited overanxious beset irresolute pressured scary pusillanimous unsteady running scared have cold feet perplexed spineless nervous wreck flighty chicken under pressure cowed yellow harried obsessed stiff scared witless angst-ridden peevish fractious sorrowful fluttery hurt frazzled spasmodic disconsolate distrustful grieved inconsolable emotional quivering cautious critical out of place wavering turbulent meek clutched harrowed weak-kneed inconvenienced heartbroken muddled self-doubting grief-stricken questioning unpeaceful gutted up the wall dolorous desolate bummed out fainthearted devastated pained mistrustful phobic appalled tremulous all torn up broken-hearted wounded unassured sorrowing beleaguered fidgeting cowering despairing sissy blue overwhelmed afeared paranoid wimpy waiting for the axe to fall pessimistic put out brokenhearted waiting with bated breath haunted shaking in one's shoes affected tetchy miffed testy skittery indecisive querulous exercised having cold feet crotchety captious crabbed peeved easily frightened dubious provoked wrecked unnatural wrought-up bad-tempered short-tempered vague shook gauche white-knuckled blushing ill-tempered oversensitive agog agonized wary despondent wreck tentative unassertive manic introverted gutless depressed traumatized aggravated basket case guarded sceptical dejected riled melancholy wriggly vacillating mousey squirmy under a strain withdrawn wiggly craven careworn doleful bitter exasperated disappointed doubting skeptical fearsome fitful shot down traumatised recreant grieving weeping mournful rueful disoriented pigeon-hearted lacking confidence fixated passive perverse ornery tensed preoccupied angered woeful dolesome worried stiff cynical not self-assured lacking self-confidence spiritless soft hounded demoralized in turmoil wailing aching bewailing bemoaning suffering lacking courage wimpish unheroic yellow-bellied unruly feart feeble abashed sheepish pigeonhearted itchy chicken-hearted galled wet discouraged disheartened chickenhearted shaking like a leaf rabbity poor-spirited demoralised stilted oppressed agonised stupefied submissive unyielding weary bedevilled broken up high stressed-out not confident sleepless active numb dazed dumbfounded in pain racked with suffering racked with pain bedeviled in awe pushing the panic button in doubt tossing and turning in a pother burdened twittering faltering dithering fussy easily agitated intense flushed disorderly swithering complaining cross dragged ripped creepy frisky aquiver unbalanced panicked overemotional caught up disorientated moving shot petulant unreluctant carried away unconsolable reserved narked afire hyped-up atingle hyperexcited histrionic jerky white knuckled worrying asea blanched strict conventional bewildered nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious wrung palpitant curt scunnered displeased exacerbated puzzled chagrined mortified pestered eagerly compulsive obsessive prickly strange lost overstretched discomforted hot-tempered snappy temperamental chippy quick-tempered mistrusting chary all nerves hyperexcitable grumpy ill-natured juiced up zipped up hot hard-pressed avid all agog open-mouthed prim chafed nerves on edge sorry deploring lamentable plaintive lugubrious regretful funeral plangent foreboding moody biting one's nails falling apart unmanly goose-bumpy nerveless quivery anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting butterflies jellyfish on the qui vive cranky splenetic grumbling out of sorts whining crabby ratty recalcitrant restlessly moving old-fashioned run scared volatile with bated breath unhealthy abnormal on the defensive circumspect untrusting painful refractory modest shamefaced tied up in knots in pieces hurried changeable roving bustling transient wandering intermittent inconstant footloose nomadic pressurized pressurised obstinate stubborn offended fretted lacking in confidence lacking assurance approval-seeking maladjusted faultfinding huffy mean snappish contrary caviling carping tongue-tied lacking social skills teed off self-effacing mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks low very scared in fear and trepidation numb with fear abject boneless dastardly biting nails having a funny feeling having stage fright unforthcoming erratic deviant aberrant disordered verklempt white-livered poltroon sookie cavilling apprehensive about intimidated by leery paralysed speechless paralyzed alarmed at champing at the bit in disorder amazed easily upset fiddle-footed sissified milk-livered chicken-livered caitiff base candy-assed benumbed transfixed unsure of yourself out of countenance cringey psyched out come apart tooshie cowhearted backward worthless hopeless wakeful Delphic immobilized immobilised unpoised shell-shocked put upon keyed-up fired-up stirred unstrung freaked-out wound-up hot-and-bothered strung-out worn worked-up tired spent at sixes and sevens indeterminate unclear equivocal borderline unknown questionable ambiguous dubitable chancy inconclusive gentle Milquetoast capricious bullied browbeaten insomniac on guard all wound up visited by preyed upon throwing a wobbly heavyhearted broken cheerless morose on the rack no guts having the willies paper tiger at wit's end under the cosh up against it steamed up out of your mind suicidal unsleeping awake bereaved down heartsick hurting rigid hot under collar all shook up insomnolent touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread forlorn downcast mourning crushed suspecting alert up in the air possessed persecuted gloomy dismal flexed tight trustless vigilant gripped resigned consumed clouded possessive quizzical hard in despair defeatist without sleep wide-awake attentive wide awake dominated controlled melancholic strabilious bleak sunk no-win long-suffering woebegone cursed overcome seized wondering unbelieving solid firm tightened dogged overpowered surrounded heavy with grief overcome with sorrow weighed down can't win devoured held bewitched jealous stretched in the pits not a prayer at end of one's rope down in the dumps in the soup in the dumps taken over under a spell fiendish in the grip of close snug tightly drawn inflexible extended having reservations in question

Từ trái nghĩa của in a flat spin

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