Từ đồng nghĩa của embarrassed

Alternative for embarrassed

embarrasses, embarrassed, embarrassing

Từ đồng nghĩa: bewilder, confuse, fluster, humiliate, mortify, shame,

Tính từ

Feeling or showing embarrassment
ashamed uncomfortable abashed awkward humiliated shamed humbled sheepish blushing flustered shamefaced shy demeaned discomfited disconcerted discountenanced thrown uneasy unsettled discomposed chastened discredited dishonored dishonoured nervous self-conscious red-faced ill at ease put out of countenance shown-up caught with egg on your face not know where to put yourself wishing the earth would swallow one up with egg on one's face mortified disgraced edgy tense degraded troubled anxious strained bashful apprehensive restless upset disquieted guilty distressed unrelaxed chagrined shown up worried disturbed jittery nervy antsy uptight perturbed on edge insecure timid debased hesitant sorry remorseful contrite retiring like a fish out of water regretful out of place hangdog flushed unsure repentant penitent rueful conscience-stricken crestfallen fidgety unquiet guilt-ridden twitchy compunctious jumpy bothered humble vexed modest in sackcloth and ashes unnatural stiff inhibited gauche cheap restive uncertain shrinking fraught stilted afraid apologetic on tenterhooks fazed discombobulated reserved hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter keyed up agitated hung up het up suspicious fearful stressy fretful tormented with one's tail between one's legs shaken perplexed in turmoil in disgrace difficult hot and bothered sweating constrained coy abased cheapened disorientated stigmatized introverted reddening flushing withdrawn disoriented bewildered diffident strange high-strung lost unconfident discomforted stigmatised turning red blushful timorous mannered artificial ill-at-ease affected aw-shucks put to shame wired lacking social skills tongue-tied overwrought impatient alarmed put down out of countenance unrestful made to eat humble pie unsure of yourself irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky faltering all nerves on the qui vive on pins and needles distrustful insignificant diminished doubtful chastised castigated stupid whipped derided condemned belittled disparaged shunned crushed scorned inferior fallen tarred and feathered foolish disdained low deflated small reviled mocked reluctant loath unwilling disinclined prudish meek deterred submissive restrained stammering stuttering distraught muddled rattled slow indisposed scared averse blush to think of angry annoyed galled chafed

Tính từ

Feeling upset after suffering an embarrassment

Tính từ

Shy or socially timid, not liking to be noticed
bashful shy diffident modest reserved retiring timid withdrawn demure coy introverted meek reticent timorous sheepish shrinking unassertive humble recessive backward nervous insecure shamefaced silent mousy apprehensive blushing hesitant unconfident constrained abashed reluctant inhibited wary overmodest chary doubting blushful recoiling verecund self-effacing self-conscious faint-hearted aw-shucks easily embarrassed repressed quiet guarded unassuming subdued unpresuming uneasy restrained tongue-tied fearful unassured mim unobtrusive soft-spoken cold unsure doubtful uptight uncertain self-doubting reclusive introvert cautious standoffish frustrated docile ashamed withdrawing nice apologetic uncomfortable rabbity distrustful blenching dubious suspicious flinching unpoised mild undemonstrative ill at ease passionless unresponsive media-shy hung up bottled up respectful unpretentious unnatural forced unostentatious stilted mannered wooden contrived laboured artificial discreet temperate courteous unboastful down-to-earth hiding one's light under a bushel free from vanity self-deprecating distant strained awkward stiff cool controlled stand-offish aloof labored unforthcoming lowly simple secretive unsociable passive plain proper seemly chaste prim uncommunicative submissive unpretending inconspicuous skittish ordinary unaffected anxious lacking confidence lacking self-confidence not self-assured low-key unaggressive low-profile unnoticeable introspective ineffectual seclusive private secret eremitic natural genuine deferential inward-looking hermitic anchoritic eremitical unaffable unexpansive nongregarious artless unambitious ingenuous decorous indrawn self-contained lacking assurance not confident weak lacking in confidence wimpy prudish prissy keeping a low profile sober respectable strait-laced ladylike sedate staid decent scary fearsome tremulous fainthearted contemplative thoughtful pensive self-absorbed self-interested not forward innocent virginal pure maidenly virtuous priggish meditative reflective collected ruminative solitary offish close-mouthed inner-directed self-centred old-maidish kittenish straight puritanical coquettish goody-goody starchy taciturn moderate resigned prudent retired niminy-piminy affected square colourless indeterminate pale colorless self-centered close earnest serious solemn prim and proper unimposing inelaborate unextravagant poor homely worried unemotional small unadorned unembroidered unexcessive economical unornamented token afraid jumpy jittery hinky unquiet goosey dithery perturbed antsy atwitter upset queasy queazy aflutter nervy tense troubled edgy vague touch and go up in the air Delphic questioning hanging by thread touchy het up on thin ice choked

Tính từ

Causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience
awkward embarrassing uncomfortable sensitive delicate disconcerting unpleasant compromising flustering humiliating perplexing tricky discomfiting sticky thorny degrading demeaning distressing trying cringeworthy difficult inconvenient ticklish dicey discomposing discountenancing disturbing painful problematic problematical troublesome untimely vexatious cringey dodgy gnarly hairy knotty exasperating excruciating incommodious shameful toe-curling cringe-making bothersome upsetting prickly tough complicated taxing irksome complex worrying touchy worrisome troubling hard nasty annoying irritating intricate unsettling spiny catchy involved concerning tricksy convoluted precarious niggling controversial vexing perturbing nettlesome harassing disagreeable tiresome aggravating galling wearisome maddening dangerous baffling pesky nagging uncertain alarming plaguy pestiferous risky pestilent pestilential disquieting infuriating rankling discomforting chancy infernal riling abrasive peeving harrying chafing carking frustrating nettling confounded uneasy nerve-racking burdensome pesty rebarbative plaguey cussed dismaying unnerving displeasing challenging tedious rough critical puzzling grating scary confusing agonizing agitating provoking hazardous touch-and-go perilous vexed traumatic unwelcome iffy unpredictable agonising off-putting anxious-making tense wearing distracting barro grievous daunting tangled harrowing forbidding bitter bewildering arduous formidable discommoding emotive demanding teasing grave nerve-wracking troublous dark volatile antagonizing fiddly impossible enraging jarring antagonising dubious messy tormenting wicked enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall restless nervous fraught tight anxious tortuous bleak dire boring unsafe irking onerous grim awful punishing unstable laborious bedevilling high-risk rocky unchancy mystifying contentious parlous heavy unfriendly suspect questionable spartan hostile unamusing unpleasing unfathomable insoluble sophisticated unanswerable elaborate mean punchable uncongenial uphill capricious ugly bedeviling fraught with danger detailed finicky chaotic persistent confused paradoxical mortifying shaming severe tender accursed quirky undependable pointed echinated briery stimulating nauseating operose rugged strenuous provocative oppressive creepy nail-biting distressful eventful apprehensive objectionable heated ignominious like herding cats divisive scandalous wretched repugnant problem loaded erratic fluctuant importunate kid-glove disgraceful discreditable dishonouring blush-making treacherous unsound unhealthy jeopardous frightening intimidating demoralizing discouraging lamentable deplorable kittle intractable ungovernable undisciplined murder damaging repressive rowdy infestive disorderly incalculable dishonoring unpropitious equivocal inopportune rattling discommodious unseemly afflicting disappointing lively devilish hair-trigger festering antipathetic demoralising incomprehensible insolvable enigmatic confounding mind-bending undecipherable unsatisfying unattractive very devil of a devil of a unsettled charged stressful tickly torturous involute Byzantine dolorous bumpy nice labyrinthian byzantine baroque obscure daedal labyrinthine complicate full of problems troubled beset by problems itchy confronting distressed afflictive scratchy unsteady impenetrable involuted causing discomfort ill-fitting inconstant fickle temperamental mercurial variable changeable ramified reticular effortful Gordian terrible mazy insecure unsure unreliable shaky serious touch and go exposed threatening vulnerable desperate jeopardizing menacing terrifying dynamite jeopardising at risk on thin ice doubtful slippery speculative venturesome shonky in danger extreme in jeopardy cumbersome not easy Russian roulette playing with fire built on sand profound subtle afflicted up and down searching penetrating trouble bristly barbed death-defying briary thistly brambly sharp spiculate pronged bristled spiniferous spicular spiky aculeate spinous spiked cryptic abstruse fancy wobbly serpentine inscrutable jumbled mixed interlaced dense knotted entangled recondite setaceous jaggy muricate pointy barbellate spinose Daedalian hi-tech difficult to understand full of twists and turns Daedalean hanging by a thread on a slippery slope hanging in the balance out on a limb grueling testing rigorous harsh fatiguing backbreaking exacting gruelling exhausting killer hellish easier said than done high-impact slavish torturesome wearying weighty toilful drudgy labored back-breaking tall upstream vicious cruel laboured vigorous crippling high-pressure really hard tough going fierce titanic mighty unbearable unforgiving ambitious intense worksome tiring savage scabrous toilsome depleting uphill battle moiling unendurable killing shattering knackering hard-won backbreaker intolerable sweaty immense no picnic energy-consuming marathon difficile brutal unsparing sapping prohibitive unremitting draining Herculean ominous insufferable bruising merciless ponderous gargantuan staggering colossal crushing unyielding herculean debilitating like getting blood out of a stone solemn painstaking very hard ferocious almighty grinding gigantic

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So surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react
nonplussed stumped baffled bemused bewildered confused mystified perplexed puzzled stupefied befuddled confounded dumbfounded fuddled muddled thrown dazed discomfited discomposed disconcerted dismayed disoriented shaken stunned troubled unnerved astonished astounded at sea bamboozled clueless discombobulated fazed floored flummoxed hard-pressed surprised taken aback at a loss bushed discountenanced distracted foxed mazed shaken up thrown off balance wildered at sixes and sevens frustrated hard put vexed staggered flabbergasted speechless shocked addled dumbstruck amazed gobsmacked shell-shocked startled bowled over thunderstruck lost aghast overwhelmed agape open-mouthed bedeviled befogged awestruck nonplused bedevilled flustered beaten dopey awed addlepated dizzy wide-eyed knocked for six awestricken at a loss for words mixed-up all at sea stuck overcome fogged dopy uncertain uncomprehending rattled goggle-eyed disorientated dumfounded muzzy openmouthed zonked silly spacy slaphappy mixed up spacey muddleheaded raddled spaced blown away spaced-out punch-drunk lost for words upset benumbed wonderstruck marveling wondering marvelling pixillated pixilated blank punchy worried preoccupied absent-minded doubtful beat distressed ruffled incredulous breathless addle struck dumb vague zonked-out abashed filled with astonishment filled with amazement caught on the hop filled with wonder filled with awe caught on the wrong foot not with it shook up abstracted stymied agitated horrified engrossed perturbed disturbed tongue-tied dumb inattentive unsettled jolted agog absorbed staring dreamy gravelled faraway fuzzy foggy buffaloed graveled giddy distant in a dither numbed disorganized unglued in amazement spaced out put to it in shock in a muddle disorganised in a tizzy in a state of confusion at a complete loss unable to believe one's ears without ideas defeated paralyzed paralysed petrified overawed dazzled bugged gaga hazy had their heads messed with besotted groggy enthralled rendered speechless left speechless mortified spellbound unable to believe one's eyes confusticated got caused to be at a stand thrown off woozy awe-stricken staring in amazement made to scratch their head chagrined put out of countenance woolly frightened alarmed adhered rooted to the spot bollixed wooly numb awe-struck owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed off-balance off balance woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going taken by surprise shook at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer unable to believe your eyes crushed appalled licked knocked knocked out knocked sideways mind-blown without a clue in a fog annoyed flurried shattered unzipped astray off-course adrift off-track absent diverted distrait in botheration psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance shook-up messed-up absentminded pestered harassed tormented hassled going round in circles all over the place not knowing whether one is coming or going unsystematic scatterbrained musing unaware vacant forgetful unreliable undependable sidetracked unfocused miles away feather-headed empty-headed erratic birdbrained daydreaming scatty feather-brained oblivious in a flap driven to distraction dippy unthinking unheeding dappy heedless with one's head in the clouds pensive with a mind like a sieve out of it unsteady wobbly staggering faint light-headed shaky stupid reeling unhinged lightheaded addlebrained unbalanced clouded cloudy blurry slap-happy weak-kneed tipsy unstable out to lunch out-of-joint weak in the knees demented woolly-minded deranged drugged weak insensible vertiginous frozen senile whirling gone swimming blinded blind light fouled up addle-brained bleary confusional muddle-headed out of control impressed sailing trippy eccentric not adjusted off-beam distraught maladjusted intoxicated drowsy electrified senseless swimmy aswoon half-asleep foolish cold touched impish capricious whimsical pixyish daft puckish prankish stuporous bedazzled simple asea come apart unfeeling dozy nonsensical delirious balled up swaying slow sleepy tired insensitive unsound irrational drunken tottering crazy psychotic turbid teetering unresponsive deadened whacko dead torpid asleep with Alzheimer's disease immobilized anaesthetized in a stupor with rubbery legs glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed wooden anesthetized immobilised with legs like jelly weak at the knees not knowing if one is coming or going

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Having a dejected or guilty appearance
hangdog downcast wretched defeated abject browbeaten cowed cringing guilty shamefaced abashed crestfallen disconsolate furtive guilty-looking woebegone ashamed bad blue brokenhearted dejected depressed despondent doleful down downhearted droopy forlorn gloomy glum heartbroken heartsick heartsore heavyhearted inconsolable intimidated joyless low low-spirited melancholic melancholy miserable mournful sad saddened sheepish sneaking sorrowful sorry uncomfortable unhappy woeful conscience-stricken cowering humiliated cast down down in the mouth dispirited dismal down in the dumps heavy-hearted discouraged disheartened desolate despairing morose broken-hearted distressed dolorous grief-stricken cheerless fed up rueful disappointed regretful lugubrious tearful moody in low spirits pessimistic remorseful chap-fallen contrite penitent long-faced repentant sombre somber hurting upset grieving chapfallen in pain choked troubled compunctious dragged brassed off demoralized cheesed off sullen in the dumps oppressed apologetic mirthless demoralised anguished in the doldrums bummed out sick as a parrot in the pits spiritless crushed destroyed pitiful hopeless down and out dreary grim afflicted piteous devastated red-faced in sackcloth and ashes funereal grieved dismayed distraught bleak guilt-ridden humble teary down-hearted defeatist shot down lachrymose wistful out of sorts all torn up mortified singing the blues in a blue funk weighed down as sick as a parrot discomfited shamed pitiable black saturnine dour depressing self-reproachful painful comfortless sorrowing plaintive daunted hurt depressive in despair tragic tristful solemn mopey weepy dull sick at heart deplorable full of regret dolent cut up ripped bleeding taken down cast-down torn up on a downer chagrined pathetic worthless pained shattered down-in-the-mouth humbled tormented grievous emotional debased suffering propitiatory enervated distressing chastened attritional deprecatory sapped bereaved subdued flat awkward mourning lonesome lonely penitential sepulchral helpless heavy elegiac unconsolable bummed-out sour gutted mopish broody grumpy crabbed bereft self-effacing surly sulky Eeyorish adust downbeat heartrending calamitous weary crummy meek ruthful weeping morbid in tears in grief in doldrums bowed down damp sunk in gloom in sorrow low in spirits let down in the toilet full of sorrow in mourning low-down prostrated pensive appeasing displeased shaken heart-sick lovesick worried undermined apathetic humourless humorless disillusioned taken aback deflated perturbed aggrieved bothered desperate brooding listless sunk unsatisfied torn-up discontent troubling tear-jerking affecting dirgeful emo without energy griefstricken saddening depressant godforsaken disturbed concerned lowered bowed prostrate with grief sorry for yourself with one's tail between one's legs let-down not happy off sluggish moping ugly churlish afflicting lost unable to be comforted unable to be consoled in a funk discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused ill-humoured huffy have the blahs feeling down full of gloom blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny harrowing threnodic lamentable plangent dirge-like with a long face ticked off teed off browned off peed off forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned tortured luckless negative ill-humored sorry for oneself beside oneself with grief heart-rending friendless destitute uncared-for discontented wounded strained racked agonised agonized ailing shook up poor dragging cynical solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone dark dysphoric atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging shy drear elegiacal nostalgic lamenting blushing self-conscious flustered heartbreaking bashful prudish bummed hapless powerless downtrodden discountenanced down-and-out submissive reserved demeaned stuttering deterred disconcerted restrained stammering muddled conciliatory diffident expiatory self-incriminating atoning supplicating explanatory blush to think of on one's knees base degraded contemptible despicable ignominious vile disgraced sordid slavish servile reprehensible ignoble menial unworthy mean shabby dishonourable scungy detestable grovelling outcast groveling horrible dishonorable deferent subservient dire gray cold grey tenebrous murky tenebrific darkening sunless dreich plutonian cloudy Cimmerian chill ominous forbidding inauspicious foreboding disheartening dreadful unpropitious threatening unfortunate grave discouraging menacing unfavorable unfavourable sinister unpromising terrible direful unlucky unpleasant glowering awful baleful doomy drab shocking sober regrettable adverse uninviting ghastly portentous appalling harsh bitter bodeful dispiriting ill-boding horrid frightful ill-fated horrifying horrendous frightening ill hostile severe disagreeable infelicitous scowling unfriendly horrific upsetting macabre minatory disadvantageous crabby troublesome gruesome alarming serious uncommunicative frowning ill-omened distressful irritable fateful disturbing dangerous worrying oppressive bad-tempered ill-tempered austere cross untimely lurid fearsome doomed gruff terrifying inopportune foul atrocious nasty unsociable intimidating unresponsive scary nightmarish angry agonizing baneful spooky grisly agonising apocalyptic shadowy hideous unsmiling inhospitable untoward traumatic grouchy louring disconcerting peevish taciturn fearful minacious unwelcoming disastrous creepy doubtful testy eerie unhopeful daunting unnerving monstrous grotesque lousy fierce loathsome terrific offensive difficult rough dingy objectionable afflictive chilling displeasing stern perilous dirgelike stormy stark overcast unamused pouting sedate catastrophic resentful evil poignant lowering tragical inconvenient revolting hard pouty dolesome disappointing turbulent disquieting indignant cruel off-putting cantankerous dread hair-raising spine-chilling redoubtable formidable ruinous grewsome moving sourpussed petulant unseasonable execrable sinistrous sickening stroppy sulking rotten mumpish impending godawful harmful destructive mardy vexatious unsuited unsuitable querulous repugnant repulsive ill-starred gut-wrenching galling discommodious inapt inappropriate out of humour unwelcome parlous in a bad mood stony unconfident ferocious squally inclement ill-suited very bad unearthly earnest jinxed maudlin critical rainy unoptimistic disgruntled tempestuous cursed windy crying intimidatory piqued gusty touchy wintry prejudicial inexpedient squalid premonitory sobersided peeved discomforting mean-looking deathly put out inconducive unhealthy warning wailing aching deploring bewailing bemoaning funeral gory cataclysmic crucial counter loury blowy misty shameful colorless uncivil detrimental improper snappish crotchety inferior weird shady spookish sick raw crusty discomposing embittered unmannerly unseemly damaging devastating crushing excruciating scurvy impoverished indigent augural suggestive prophetic haunting mortifying pressing wintery abysmal waspish irksome resigned po-faced lackluster lacklustre deep distasteful perturbing unpalatable aggressive malapropos unfit repellent annoying odious irritating disparaging wrong opposed undesirable exigent colourless boring lifeless dim monotonous repellant abhorrent long-suffering heart-breaking unpleasing uncongenial inadvisable uncertain stony-faced uninspiring ill-advised unexciting blah uninteresting humdrum unlikely unencouraging full of despair uncaring ruined deserted funebrial exequial deathlike Stygian hollow obscure unimpassioned leaden waste lorn melodramatic supernatural unmoved companionless threnodial demoralizing demoralising phlegmatic acheronian touching dejecting drained intolerable wet wild fatal at given to looking on the black side deadly empty devitalized doom-laden gaunt blustery foggy cranky reflective thrown suicidal dolorific heart-wrenching derisible unchancy promising rain evil-looking bearish brusque doom and gloom dubious tough unprosperous stirring having blue devils having the blahs choleric acrimonious unmitigable lethal mortal down in dumps down in mouth fiery sob story splenetic narky frantic anxious life-threatening suggestive of evil temperamental aggravated fractious put off in a bad way out of luck raging injurious without hope up the creek dismaying enraged languished broken languorous triste languid sobbing shot-down vexed perverse chippy aloof unenthused unenthusiastic hard-pressed exacting treacherous precarious jeopardous rocky straitened full of hardship messy malificent doomful precursive presaging malign prescient malefic mephitical unkind testing perplexing aggravating hellish bewildering vexing revulsive frustrating unamusing snivelling whimpering strabilious no-win ill-natured momentous significant foreshadowing Gothic close to tears withdrawn uncooperative obstinate fretful ornery disgraceful poker-faced down-in-mouth beat beat-down come-apart caved-in unspeakable urgent extreme thunderous trashy shoddy filthy blubbering can't win prognosticatory important predictive drastic outrageous derisory malevolent volatile savage tumultuous larmoyant bullying steely flinty ungentle rugged at the end of your tether not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup worrisome lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart crippling irretrievable on the verge of tears sniveling stressful unsettling torturous bored tired comminatory terrorizing unwholesome chronic paltry feeble disapproving unsympathetic agitating unbearable abominable unsavory with cold feet lost momentum oppressing near close forthcoming lowery upcoming overhanging terrorising portending impendent poverty-stricken in a huff in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks exciting fated exhilarating inspiring intriguing extraordinary remarkable phenomenal destined thrilling annoyed easily moved unsatisfactory nauseating hairy tormenting fraught gross icky stinking disgusting unacceptable obnoxious diabolical troublous unendurable hard-faced stringent gone to pieces in blue funk grotty grody unappealing yucky uncool yukky hellacious nauseous in floods of tears with tears in your eyes irked exasperated irritated unsavoury hurtful unlovely concerning beastly at hand jaded wearied narked nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking ghostly sated surfeited hacked off dissatisfied satiated blasé pitiless nightmare not best pleased sick and tired up to here dirty God-awful death-obsessed

Động từ

To have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
confused flustered perturbed disconcerted dismayed distressed disturbed agitated bothered confounded discomfited disquieted fazed frustrated rattled discommoded discomposed discountenanced exasperated upset afflicted aggravated chagrined demoralized discomforted nonplussed perplexed psyched troubled unhinged unnerved unsettled abashed demoralised flurried mortified put off put out stirred up threw off balance worked up worried discombobulated vexed bewildered distracted ruffled appalled put out of countenance put someone off their stroke annoyed puzzled humiliated shamed put someone off their stride irked alarmed horrified irritated flummoxed mystified muddled dumbfounded let down got to put down setted someone back on their heels put in a spot put on the spot threw thrown crushed hassled concerned disoriented baffled displeased exercised frazzled fussed distempered hagrid ailed alarumed derailed made uncomfortable gravelled graveled made uneasy addled harassed plagued thrown off balance weirded out freaked out caused to be at a stand psyched out made someone scratch their head shaken shook taken aback took aback beat frightened scared startled daunted shocked disappointed surprised undone undid discouraged panicked beset nettled demeaned disgraced caught off balance made nervous spooked fuddled bugged made self-conscious hung up put someone to shame put to shame rattled one's cage stunned put the wind up someone gotten to put on edge put someone off put into a flap upset apple cart put to trouble put off his or her stride put someone to trouble fouled up put in a hole hagridden hagrode provoked disrupted saddened fretted stumped bemused dispirited disheartened buffaloed unbalanced unmanned excited hurried humbled deflated heated foxed disadvantaged dashed mazed amazed posed floored abased affronted bustled shaken up shook up disobliged chilled disillusioned terrified paralysed incommoded burdened eluded bamboozled got befogged wildered astounded muddied befuddled fogged disorientated dishonoured discredited peeved disenchanted hindered disgruntled pothered imposed on disarranged balked affrighted obfuscated showed up owned made awkward made ashamed dissatisfied deterred intimidated pestered caused someone difficulty dishonored degraded gave a hard time ridiculed loused up setted someone thinking caught one short stopped someone in their tracks paralyzed sticked belittled boggled the mind of made waves harried messed up interfered worsted screwed up made someone go out of his way crazed meddled made someone eat humble pie made it tough tried made a monkey of threw into a tizzy stuck depressed inconvenienced filled with consternation knocked for six mixed up baulked terrorized dazed discommodated flipped knocked sideways thrown into a tizzy terrorised given a hard time mucked up sent into a spin teased beaten gotten snafued gave someone a turn given someone a turn thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz gave someone bother gave trouble given someone bother given trouble own taken by surprise took by surprise took the wind out of someone's sails taken the wind out of someone's sails gave a bad time given a bad time thrown into tizzy took the wind out taken down got one's comeuppance gotten one's comeuppance threw into tizzy taken the wind out taken down a peg took down took down a peg vext hurt made anxious pained cut to the quick galled grieved tormented agonized needled agonised oppressed gnawed at offended wound wounded angered outraged disordered miffed tortured deranged piqued aggrieved strained ticked off hurt someone's feelings riled disorganized bedevilled bedeviled harrowed disgusted stressed chafed nagged burned up burnt up affected jumbled racked destabilized jolted dizzied complicated curst cursed sweat repelled sickened niggled beleaguered made wretched made miserable dogged made fretful weighed down made unhappy caused discomfort to weighed on put your back up put the wind up lied heavy on caused concern to cut got at caused anguish to pulled the rug out from under turned off cut up nagged at hacked you off caused suffering to destabilised pulled the rug from under stung threw off thrown off eaten at muddled up ate at faced cornered incensed haunted infuriated overwhelmed overawed cowed awed maddened narked insulted preoccupied mussed petrified taxed blighted mucked subdued scandalized het moved cluttered bullied occupied browbeat devastated discontented disaffected despaired stewed feared botched sweated bungled scarified anguished hounded frighted slighted repulsed nauseated excruciated jarred roiled winged capped zinged curdled sounded revolted cooled enraged antagonized mispleased downed displaced demented turned rummaged disarrayed caused disquiet to fluttered injured scared to death scared stiff hustled quickened seared made a mess of played dirty straitened unquieted strapped weighed heavily on astonished gotten at driven up the wall threw into disorder snarled up blinded flipped out lambasted chilled off consternated pushed made restless scared the pants off hacked off drove up the wall pushed the buttons of persecuted pushed buttons tantalised bummed out made a scene filled with fear frightened to death caught somebody off balance possessed wound up interrupted confronted caught somebody unawares antagonised badgered caused sorrow martyred snarled aroused anxiety in caused offense bled thrown into disorder scared someone out of their wits scared the bejesus out of made your hair stand on end caused anguish indisposed caused someone to lose their composure teed off intruded aroused pricked made it tough for tantalized thumbed nose at scandalised tired tangled mourned caused suffering caused anxiety to desolated frightened the living daylights out of grinded roused ground scared the living daylights out of picked on niggled at caused trouble to browbeaten mistaken mistook smote smit smited smitten gotten in the way got in the way given offence to gave offence to nit-picked broke broken brake done a number on did a number on threw into a panic thrown into a panic threw into a blue funk thrown into a blue funk threw into confusion threw into uproar thrown into confusion thrown into uproar given someone grief gave someone grief

Động từ

Past tense for to impede the work or progress of
hampered hindered impeded obstructed inhibited encumbered handicapped trammelled trammeled cramped shackled fettered stymied clogged hobbled manacled handcuffed hog-tied interfered with short-circuited held back held up tied up checked curbed hamstrung hamstringed blocked restricted restrained frustrated retarded thwarted constrained baulked hung up balked barred limited bridled foiled slowed down cumbered crippled borked baffled put a brake on delayed slowed cramped one's style stopped prevented confined stalled entangled bound set back cut off arrested forestalled halted gotten in the way got in the way prohibited tied curtailed stonewalled deterred crabbed interfered crimped weighed down thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of stifled interrupted derailed disadvantaged repressed inconvenienced straitened sandbagged held burdened disrupted scuppered leashed upset opposed debarred fazed put at a disadvantage put paid to stood in the way of dragged one's feet put straitjacket on put on hold put off put out of commission saddled with put on back burner shut off shut down put on brakes put an stop to chained shut out put an end to put a crimp in put the kibosh on got in the way of gotten in the way of gave a hard time given a hard time discouraged snookered stayed puzzled defeated circumscribed suppressed controlled sabotaged impaired regulated spoilt mystified confounded spoiled stumped braked caught constricted throttled moderated obscured screened overloaded netted ensnared captured enmeshed complicated scotched nonplussed entrammeled entrammelled quashed dissuaded snagged smothered incommoded flummoxed reined in forbid entrapped oppressed charged discommoded bothered bogged down sidelined bottlenecked dead-ended shelved cornered pigeonholed hemmed in warded tethered enjoined outlawed bitted tabooed bit withheld reduced averted interdicted setted limits on imposed limits on debilitated muzzled neutralized tied down dammed rattled discomfited contravened counteracted neutralised resisted choked monkeyed with stemmed the flow of disconcerted prevented from making progress held off threw a spanner in the works loused up choked off made difficult screwed up hung fire nipped in the bud dragged feet kept in clipped someone's wings placed at a disadvantage closed off fouled up thrown a spanner in the works boxed in tied one's hands held in held down held captive brake forbidden forbade withholden frozen froze thrown a spoke in the wheel of threw a spoke in the wheel of threw monkey wrench in thrown monkey wrench in taken out took out gave disadvantage given disadvantage gave the run around given the run around thrown a monkey wrench into threw a monkey wrench into contained put a stop to kept kept back subdued governed tamed precluded detained pulled in kept in check bottled up cut back measured holden banned diminished disallowed silenced proscribed squashed ruled killed muffled circumvented gagged squelched put the brakes on put down stemmed put a damper on quelled shut in cooled discontinued excluded decreased choked back staved off stove off warded off ruled out slowed up stilled kept under control corked delimited ruined dampened tempered nullified beat cut short suspended avoided obviated stamped out crushed quit swallowed extinguished damped down vetoed lessened headed off forfended put the lid on capped kept a tight rein on countered kept the lid on strangled poured cold water on kept lid on denied put half nelson on embargoed overcome fought back intercepted criminalized kept a lid on deadened made illegal criminalised kept within bounds decelerated cracked down on clamped down on ended dulled reined quieted fixed fixt abstained bounden ceased fended off refrained set put back put the stopper on put a lid on cut down put a limit on defended against talked out of spiked put on ice locked up steered clear of calmed put out stopped oneself put away kept down mastered brought to screeching halt overpowered quenched damped warned paused intermitted pegged dashed jammed censored desisted destroyed diverted terminated concealed postponed disadvised shushed pulled up eschewed fetched up refused overturned evaded chilled conquered abjured estopped canceled cancelled turned aside quitted made late turned off blocked out closed up reined back held in check corked up thrown cold water on threw cold water on snuffed out buttoned up slapped down sat on deflated placed an embargo on garrotted overcame muted depressed frightened submerged pocketed retained quelched cut stultified staunched settled wrecked remitted sidetracked deprecated modulated shortened stunted interned hid slackened checkmated deferred scared scared off demarcated brought up circumnavigated kept waiting bounded brought to a standstill deprived escaped barricaded put on the shelf quietened simmered down rejected sidestepped skirted forbore forborne blackballed dropped imprisoned mired abated closed out disqualified occluded closed deflected kept in line nixed let shrunk negated laid off kept hold of held off on loitered blocked up blockaded clogged up boycotted banished shunned bitten back bit back gaoled jailed specified offset put a spoke in someone's wheel toned down outwitted declared illegal brought to an end congested jammed up bunged up stopped up annulled demarked contracted put the chill on bottled cooled down cooled off delimitated defined qualified kept secret put in irons let up plugged up gained control over gained mastery over backed off pinned down put lid on fought shy of put a stopper in cut down on hit the brakes jacked in put kibosh on put chill on shut out of left off resisted the temptation to put the brakes on put a ceiling on kept within limits put a lock on shut up put in nutshell put in chains dummied up put in an unfavourable position let down flaps upset the applecart put a restriction on passed up drew up drawn up forwent forgone composed beaten retardated taken down took down done for did for sapped devitalized weakened broke off broken off gave up given up disturbed affected intimidated daunted monitored adjusted docked marred influenced tampered confused collected conflicted troubled cautioned disheartened demoralized waived mitigated sank sunk sunken tranquilized rallied recovered inspected soothed lulled blunted discountenanced unnerved managed lowered disfavoured disfavored indisposed truncated retrenched plugged fenced stood repulsed rebuffed caused to stay caused to wait disciplined disappointed straitjacketed disinclined bypassed eased made anxious renounced made nervous demoralised harshed caulked sealed excepted eliminated gyved pinioned enfettered numbed cauterized blanketed benumbed enchained slackened pace relieved hidden dehorted remonstrated exhorted expostulated pricked dissuaded from counseled counselled declared taboo filled filled up ostracized reserved braced scrubbed incarcerated vanquished pared down lopped abbreviated elided abridged chopped syncopated trimmed lopt made worried constipated condemned cuffed clapt clapped secured chained up harnessed forswore forsworn said no messed up exiled refused to pay ostracised packed lagged choked up stanched cowed brought to a stop confronted dumbed prescribed cautioned against urged against persuaded against warned off stuffed saved helped pre-empted shrank shrunken downed loafed flagged bogged dawdled blacked poked faltered hesitated clipped cropped tightened up clipt minified slashed slimmed down downsized lay off clammed come to a standstill wronged triumphed over clouded allayed clotted ditched cauterised juked crashed unsettled petered out not moved stood off protracted knocked off girdled covered up reefed embogged fought procrastinated bunged blocked off forbid to brought to a halt guided directed impounded hogtied immured kicked bilked fenced in bucked locked in offsetted dispensed with shotgunned concussed necessitated closed in cooped up finished played for time banjaxed forsook forsaken clamped dominated overwhelmed trampled buried abolished annihilated kept tight rein on prorogued hushed iced declined placed injunction on persuaded not to advised not to chickened out expostulated against leaned on placed an injunction on urged not to argued out of licked picked off clapped in irons made it impossible for made it impracticable for made impossible rationed left alone stoppered prolonged trampled on belayed belaid omitted kept control of treated harshly placed a limit on cracked down pulled back boxed up counted out lost speed hold out on passed on restrained oneself kept a rein on made impracticable rolled back come down on tied someone's hands kept to oneself encircled kept off deducted wound down mothballed cried out against kept within the limits of kept on a string failed to disclose lost steam held on to refrained from gave a wide berth to prelimited modified passed by sacrificed told against zinged dashed one's hope forefended gridlocked brought under control boiled down given a wide berth to rendered null and void censured clammed up sat out inclosed iced out held over treated unfairly beat down declined to kept yourself swore off gummed up closed down kept from declared ineligible passed kept under one's hat curst anticipated narrowed steered clear kept at bay kept under wraps cursed immobilized said nothing sent up brought to naught treated unfavourably officially forbid withheld from had nothing to do with dried up not touched inflicted a handicap on restrained yourself enclosed got bogged down refused to give not done marked off immobilised sworn off surrounded had on a tight leash staved kept inside held out illegalized stove stopped yourself re-collected gotten out of got out of shaken shook canned overthrown overthrew overrode overridden took wind out of taken wind out of letten holp holpen leet foughten advised against forbidden to came to a standstill tongue-tied gave the thumbs down to given the red light to gave the red light to given the thumbs down to froze out frozen out thrown off threw off drove underground driven underground did without done without came down on anchored it officially forbidden held out on forewent foregone drawn the line on drew the line on taken out of play took out of play beaten down acted like a wet blanket gotten to meat got to meat did a disservice to gave a disadvantage to given a disadvantage to done a disservice to thrown a wet blanket on threw a wet blanket on gone on the wagon taken the cure taken the pledge avoided doing went on the wagon took the cure took the pledge gave over abstained from given over gone easy went easy

Động từ

Past tense for to make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters
vexed annoyed irritated bothered irked upset provoked exasperated riled galled aggravated angered nettled disturbed bugged troubled piqued ruffled peeved worried harassed narked distressed infuriated displeased needled agitated offended perturbed plagued hassled pestered incensed maddened miffed tormented chafed got gotten persecuted enraged rankled grated afflicted discomposed rasped rode ridden ate eaten outraged spited harried fretted disquieted griped grope frosted inflamed pained nagged teased gravelled graveled itched flustered hounded depressed frustrated fussed tried molested chagrined disgusted dissatisfied abraded mithered bit bitten hacked off got to gotten to ticked off burned up burnt up wound up rubbed up the wrong way put out bummed out got across gotten across drove up the wall driven up the wall gave someone the hump given someone the hump made someone see red hacked you off grated on got on your nerves gotten on your nerves rankled with gave someone grief given someone grief got your back up gotten your back up got under one's skin gotten under one's skin put your back up turned off gave a hard time given a hard time drove bananas driven bananas got in one's hair gotten in one's hair gave a bad time given a bad time mixed up hurt disconcerted dissed put down put someone's nose out of joint put someone's back up hurt someone's feelings hurt somebody's feelings cut to the quick put on the spot wound wounded affronted insulted slighted disgruntled dismayed burnt confounded burned roiled niggled discountenanced discomfited rattled aggrieved antagonized disrespected shocked injured mortified snubbed jarred horrified humiliated slurred disobliged antagonised zinged imposed upon turned one off caused offense stung gave offence to given offence to trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence trod on someone's toes gotten someone's goat got someone's goat vext gat rid gripen got in someone's hair got at ruffled someone's feathers exacerbated got under someone's skin badgered teed off made someone's blood boil made someone's hackles rise rattled someone's cage sent into a rage got in your hair baited rubbed the wrong way bedevilled bedeviled goaded gnawed drove crazy driven crazy beleaguered stirred up driven mad drove mad hit where one lives excited gotten someone's back up got someone's back up ired humped bullied chivvied embittered stressed madded tried someone's patience got your goat got on someone's nerves gotten on someone's nerves steamed up gotten at made waves kept on at made angry got on your wick made your blood boil put off got someone's dander up gotten someone's dander up gotten up someone's nose got up someone's nose stirred drove round the bend driven round the bend roused fired up enflamed gnawn gnew crazed crossed put someone off their stroke intimidated got someone's hackles up deviled devilled pursued driven to distraction drove to distraction grilled put into a flap got on one's nerves gotten on one's nerves raised hell empurpled egged on tried the patience of rattled one's cage worked on got your dander up breathed down someone's neck got up your nose put pressure on cheesed off put someone out gotten on someone's wick got on someone's wick set on set one off driven round the twist drove round the twist confused unsettled unnerved flurried fazed got someone's wick affected discombobulated made nervous muddied fouled bristled unhinged blustered frilled flummoxed disrupted bummed cowed furbelowed steamed fuddled browbeat hacked stumped floored made cross incommoded worn wore stressed out acerbated aroused boiled nudged henpecked chivied worked up taunted pressurized caused someone to lose their composure pressurised got one's goat gotten one's goat heckled strained perplexed noodged bullyragged forayed attacked macerated despoiled sticked in one's craw incited possessed umbraged shattered distracted worn on wore on started made sore lost one's temper setted one's teeth on edge made livid raised your hackles heated up het up gave someone the pip given someone the pip jerked around made your hackles rise asked for it gone on at went on at made you see red got under your skin gotten under your skin leaned on brought pressure to bear on made somebody's blood boil messed worked into lather tried one's patience discommoded dunned made blood boil messed with aroused hostility in got across someone kept after pushed someon's buttons harped on at made turbid drove nuts driven nuts threw thrown shaken up shook up thrown off balance threw off balance browbeaten broke broken brake got someone gotten someone blew up blown up thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz thrown into tizzy threw into tizzy eaten at ate at drove you crazy driven you crazy worn out wore out drove you to distraction driven you to distraction took a rise out of taken a rise out of got a rise out of gotten a rise out of driven insane drove insane drove you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you round the bend driven you round the twist driven you off your head got your hackles up drove you off your head gotten your hackles up drove you out of your mind drove out of mind driven out of mind driven you out of your mind drove somebody up the wall driven somebody up the wall

Động từ

Past tense for to injure a person's dignity and self-respect
humiliated disgraced humbled shamed chastened debased degraded abased crushed subdued discomfited mortified abashed put down chagrined demeaned deflated denigrated cheapened discredited dishonoured dishonored fouled lowered quashed sank sunk sunken smirched squashed bemeant bemeaned blistered broke brake broken discountenanced owned own panned ripped slammed smeared snubbed withered confounded confused downplayed vanquished brought down showed up took down taken down made ashamed brought low cast down played down put to shame ran down run down shot down took down a peg taken down a peg tore down torn down caused to feel small caused to lose face cut down to size made a fool of made someone eat crow made someone eat humble pie put out of countenance took down a peg or two taken down a peg or two took the wind out of someone's sails taken the wind out of someone's sails settled someone's hash put someone in their place belittled defamed blotted sullied stained stigmatized blackened stigmatised tainted dragged through the mud spread scandal about cast a slur on slandered besmirched tarnished reduced defiled disparaged scandalized libeled libelled reflected badly on scandalised brought into disrepute brought shame on dragged through the mire traduced reproached slurred vilified maligned injured besmeared calumniated decried spotted put in a bad light aspersed brought discredit to devalued downgraded derided disrespected derogated brought shame upon tarred and feathered bad-mouthed rubbished knocked censured soiled spoilt assailed spoiled muckraked damaged ripped up and down blotched slung mud at undermined flung mud at attacked poisoned breathed on slagged off run smear campaign given a black eye gave a black eye upset flattened put away ridiculed put one away pulled down cut to the quick brought shame to appalled let down befouled prejudiced blemished perverted had the last laugh on condescended deigned given a bad name to gave a bad name to spoken ill of ran smear campaign gave a bad name given a bad name spoke ill of done a number on did a hatchet job on did a number on done a hatchet job on stooped descended exposed corrupted blighted outraged offended demolished disgusted shocked overcome demoted silenced squelched debauched marred disconcerted horrified ruined made eat dirt popped one's balloon brought dishonour to dragged down brought down a peg made one feel small disregarded attainted desecrated disfavored mocked disfavoured forced to eat humble pie repelled revolted sickened affronted nauseated compromised lost face displeased insulted blackened the name of shown in a bad light showed in a bad light blackballed made uncomfortable made lose face dismayed got the better of condemned lampooned caused raised eyebrows made someone feel ashamed blackguarded raised eyebrows amongst gotten the better of deprecated belied detracted reviled caused a few raised eyebrows amongst overcame struck dumb stricken dumb taken apart took apart backbitten gave offence to given offence to backbit taken to bits took to pieces taken to pieces took to bits diminished destroyed cut down cast aspersions on let down easy let wind out of sails prostituted dispirited cowed depraved bastardized subverted cankered profaned vitiated deteriorated harmed demoralized lessened warped discouraged disheartened dehumanized desensitized brutalized weakened desensitised dehumanised bastardised brutalised demoralised disesteemed debunked dashed lowered the status of punctured balloon knocked down detracted from brought into disfavour pooh-poohed blackened someone's name knocked the stuffing out of taken the wind out of somebody's sails took the wind out of somebody's sails

Từ trái nghĩa của embarrassed

embarrassed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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