Đồng nghĩa của rough

Alternative for rough

roughs, roughed, roughing, rougher, roughest

Đồng nghĩa: blunt, broken, brusque, bumpy, choppy, coarse, crude, curt, difficult, fierce, gruff, harsh, irregular, rowdy, rude, severe, shaggy, snippy, surly, tough, uneven,

Trái nghĩa: mild, smooth,

Tính từ

Having a surface or texture that is coarse or bristly
bristly coarse prickly ruffled shaggy brambly brushy fleecy furry fuzzy hairy nappy scratchy bushy dishevelled furred hirsute tangled tousled unshorn woolly wooly bearded cottony disheveled tufted uncut unshaven silky downy fluffy stubbly pilose whiskered flocculent bewhiskered wiry long-haired pileous thick lanate hispid soft stiff unkempt spiny hair-covered sharp feathery barbellate setaceous velvety satiny silken pappose floccose crinigerous crinite pubescent villous piliferous unsheared brushlike shrubby frizzy untidy shock-headed laniferous wool-bearing lanigerous down-covered whiskery crinose matted lanose cushiony smooth pilous bristling napped linty ragged uncombed rugged covered with fur unruly luxuriant spreading chaetophorous setarious echinate setose setal setiferous aristate flossy pilate velutinous jungly exuberant wavy curly heavy rumpled fringed full disordered leafy tough ropy fibrous thorny barbed kinky spiked spiky pronged bristled spicular briary thistly spiculate burry aculeate briery muricate spinous spinose slovenly scruffy bedraggled ungroomed daggy messy frowzy scraggly tangly shabby sloppy blowsy slatternly mussed windblown blowzy draggletailed dirty sleazy knotty mussed up ill-groomed badly groomed inappropriately dressed poorly dressed ill-clad badly dressed draggle-tailed worse for wear disarrayed straggly windswept disarranged wild dowdy wrinkled knotted hanging loose slapdash unbrushed ratty in a mess goateed barbate stubbled awny beardy beavered gossamer gossamery light airy ethereal slobbish pile creamy featherlike puffy slobby raggedy frowsy sloven grungy dishabille grubby unpolished grotty frayed frazzled ragtag unneat vulgar tatty in rags down-at-heel

Tính từ

(of a person) Lacking sophistication or refinement
unrefined coarse rude uncouth crude loutish uncultured churlish ungracious blunt brusque curt impolite vulgar boorish crass discourteous ill-bred tough uncivil bluff brutal brutish dour foul hard ill-mannered indecent indecorous indelicate lewd oafish obscene offensive profane ribald severe uncultivated unmannerly unpolished austere bawdy bearish dirty fierce filthy forbidding grim gross inconsiderate inelegant roughcast rugged stern stiff vulgarian bad-mannered cruel grievous gruff harsh inhuman intimidating louring mean stark steely untutored artless bitter common flinty foul-mouthed hardhanded heavy improper insensible loud lowbred lowbrow onerous oppressive tasteless unceremonious ungentle incult lowering murderous raffish roughneck ungentlemanly unladylike low rough-hewn uncivilized illiberal unsophisticated uncivilised graceless barbaric raw barbarian barbarous primitive savage raunchy philistine tactless clumsy uneducated smutty unseemly wild rustic unmannered blue Neanderthal impure awkward earthy natural abrupt short nasty ignorant surly yobbish thoughtless X-rated disrespectful pornographic sharp heathen suggestive impertinent inept off-color mannerless snippy thuggish offhand salacious inappropriate heathenish snappy crusty Neandertal no-nonsense lascivious sullen cheap gauche unfriendly naughty ungallant gutter saucy tart unprintable off colour trashy locker-room wanton adult undiplomatic fruity cloddish slobbish terse immodest uncalled-for near the knuckle unhandsome ungraceful immoral bungling impudent risqué porny grave stag brash serious indiscreet clodhopping racy ungodly unsmiling vicious base short-spoken blundering maladroit snappish insolent vile brusk brief unsubtle brisk clownish ungainly native gawky downright direct spicy provincial shameless steamy gamy unchivalrous swinish insulting sober wicked stony tacky abusive off unbecoming sombre somber scatological to the point callous untamed scatologic Rabelaisian strict licentious ferocious impatient unsavory lumpish heavy-handed cavalier rigorous unsavoury abrasive illiterate caustic sordid malodorous classless impetuous audacious cold unsuitable in bad taste insensitive broad lumpen simple ordinary disgracious cheeky laconic stringent unrelenting pitiless benighted rash stupid lubberly crabbed hardened crisp disapproving solemn frowning hasty matter-of-fact inexorable untactful fresh unfitting plebby corrupt inapt incorrect outspoken horny carnal unfit untoward voluptuous fleshly aloof devilish stilted plain-spoken perverse incongruous unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos wrong inapposite unapt frigid icy frosty badly behaved titillating tawdry prurient outlandish loud-mouthed porn porno hard-core plebeian boisterous scurrilous explicit nudge-nudge in poor taste bad-tempered feral unchaste craggy sensual ill-tempered sour stolid roughhewn snippety parochial hooligan short-tempered morose derogatory robust rowdy beastly truculent spartan bestial imprudent breviloquent relentless low-minded dense cantankerous ornery monosyllabic hick countrified undomesticated straightforward burdensome searing trying excruciating unholy disagreeable unbefitting unconscionable nonliterate lippy unpolitic injudicious frank presumptuous sexy erotic rigid uncomfortable uneasy wooden inurbane disgusting lumbering ungenteel gaudy non-literate underbred contumelious malapert undue impolitic unworldly offish undignified fiendish backwoods unenlightened bodily blasphemous unacceptable sickening unfeeling unrestrained rustical unsympathetic glowering menacing saturnine upfront rough-and-tumble randy rank sexual outrageous uninhabited unpleasant lush mean-looking ill-advised out of place unworthy discreditable lustful lecherous low-bred poor uncharitable earnest arousing libidinous flip obdurate astringent strait-laced sleazy peremptory grim-faced out of keeping distasteful skin low-down-and-dirty not afraid to call a spade a spade soft-core unlovely low-down salty overbearing unclean hard-nosed corporeal close to the bone straight from the shoulder like a bull in a china shop out-of-line in a state of nature undecorous socially unsure shocking near the bone socially inept lacking in social graces socially awkward unfashionable basic unfinished roisterous rollicking obnoxious obtuse unlettered lowdown and dirty vernacular low-born ferine fell homespun agrestic clipped misbehaved baseborn general ill-behaved succinct concise testy large subhuman troglodytic unscrupulous pithy grumpy sketchy Philistine pointed rough and ready nescient ungentlemanlike doltish bullying bourgeois merciless trailer-park backward immature improprietous gloomy dismal shoddy jungli revolting hoonish irascible undeveloped gritty ill-suited unsuited dreary decisive ill-natured uncontrolled ocker unpoised materialist unread commercial unwise inadvisable sooty formal petulant common as muck tight-lipped vigorous hard-skinned rough-skinned tough-skinned uncommunicative poker-faced aboriginal crotchety crabby grouchy taciturn exploitative corrupting beyond the pale nauseating pert brassy businesslike bald bumbling off-colour mature disparaging unthinking unperceptive tetchy cross bizarre fast libertine evil-minded orgiastic incontinent reserved juicy arrogant ridiculous foulmouthed gawkish dorky blunderous undexterous klutzy stumbling blockish uncoordinated inartistic anti-intellectual unwholesome colloquial derisive bad degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative unutterable chilly stuffy unemotional rogue careless irritable moody cocky untimely lacking in propriety unfair unworthy of uncomely unseasonable butterfingered dozy gruesome sick gangling clunky purple low-down and dirty off-colored out of line sly scabrous gamey rascally uncomplimentary distant exacting inflexible ill-humoured hillbilly smart-alecky mouthy smart alecky brazen precipitate dusty insubordinate inaffable disdainful inexpert unskilful uninformed unconventional unjust unrighteous unequitable reprehensible unrightful wrongful melancholic bleak hard-faced dejected glum ugly sulky unforgiving authoritarian unyielding unbending forthright candid open hearty flashy garish intrusive yokelish bounderish concupiscent angry ill-humored drastic pulling no punches remote solid ramrod unequivocal flash showy ostentatious good-natured genial approachable debased not mincing one's words speaking one's mind calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush extreme in the gutter ape-like lusty meretricious naff tatty friendly hard-boiled all thumbs with two left feet godless immoderate punishing punitive inordinate crippling kitsch blustering barefaced cheery honest sincere taboo threatening unbroken ornate useless hideous pretentious foolish unsightly unclassy trivial artificial makeshift fiery disreputable exorbitant swingeing towering excessive unmerciful strong overweening intolerable steep draconian sinful depraved irreligious impious profligate repulsive cheap and nasty ignoble questionable speaking as one finds scandalous malicious rakish calloused fearsome physical animal odious hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong insane plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue frightful frightening irreverent atheistic colourful cutthroat grimy mucky grubby wilding hellish horrible uncompromising colorful unvirtuous epicurean venomous intense great implacable pagan sacrilegious non-theistic shameful ruffian humourless sedate humorless staid repressive sobersided demonic evil iniquitous weighty uncomic free sybaritic luscious sensuous hedonistic luxurious untouched infernal satanic diabolical out of the way overrun overgrown rampant agrarian appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual voluptuary escaped neglected luxuriant indigenous deserted desert waste desolate po-faced malevolent unhallowed moving stirring exciting hedonic stimulating delightful physically gratifying pleasing animalistic hot tactile sensory sharpened debauched dissolute degenerate loose reprobate dissipated unprincipled dishonourable abandoned dishonorable perverted lubricious promiscuous villainous nefarious decadent unethical provocative goatish shady dishonest demoralized despicable passionate demoralised criminal contemptible atrocious profaned desecrated unblushing disgraceful degraded lubricous satyric hypersexual itchy warped lickerish intemperate uncleanly abominable detestable ignominious Fescennine defiled appalling jackleg rakehell rakehelly devious infamous bold deplorable forward monstrous amoral scurvy abhorrent not pure crooked tempting heinous miscreant rotten seductive embarrassing Cyprian flagrant ruttish flirtatious unspeakable tainted execrable wretched illicit unlawful pervy opprobrious uninhibited fallen loathsome kinky contaminated abject sexually explicit underhand wayward dark morally wrong inviting egregious flagitious of easy virtue tantalizing alluring not cricket low-life unabashed unashamed amorous hankering sullied itching desirous ithyphallic tarty blatant unembarrassed unhealthy vitiated shabby whorish underhanded sneaking sexually arousing sexually exciting remorseless blameworthy lurid deceitful corrupted illegal maleficent undisguised lowlife dangerous page-three dirty-minded incorrigible black louche tantalising swinging unconstrained hurtful dreadful dastardly hateful heartless inexcusable felonious unforgivable indictable lawless sneaky deceptive drunken overbold terrible scummy censurable easy worthless awful slimy noxious fast and loose bent in the fast lane no-good revealing risque libellous libelous fleshy entertaining lively barro profanatory barnyard callow daring slippery fractious full-frontal grody freethinking uncontrollable morally bereft sizzling scungy XXX depraving delinquent lawbreaking uncurbed grown up despisable snide paltry currish hot and heavy perverting culpable under-the-table condemnable lax relaxed unruly unmoral disorderly ardent objectionable lame lousy meanspirited against the law amatory sexually suggestive violent aphrodisiac annoying irritating vitriolic blamable base-minded groveling aphrodisiacal farmyard demoralizing subversive slipshod scabby malignant ratty cruddy disdainable displeasing craving sadistic pejorative denigratory invective deprecatory deviant hircine hot-blooded grovelling inglorious riotous sorry undesirable cold-blooded ruthless wounding exasperating indulgent flagitous twisted demoralising erring bloodthirsty bloody galling personal vexing provoking slighting exceptionable humiliating vituperatory scurrile scurril groundless sicko unnatural unrespectable knavish indefensible notorious shy diabolic guilty good-for-naught no-count meritless good-for-nothing no-account brute homicidal inhumane butcherly illegitimate roguish deteriorated violated deleterious injurious damaging contemptuous slinky baneful harmful pernicious mischievous malfeasant scoundrelly stinking prejudicial nocuous adverse baleful fast-living detrimental peccable ill sanguinary offending vituperous defiant black-hearted bad news self-indulgent pleasure-seeking high living upsetting faulty putrid come-hither piquant coquettish brazen-faced night owl lacking restraint gone bad gone to the dogs rancid repellant repellent horrendous fulsome horrifying horrid repugnant insupportable noisome nauseous forbidden fraudulent unpardonable desecrating pushy voyeuristic prohibited proscribed overt desperate red hot backbiting untrue crying highly improper maligning traducing detractive gossiping detracting longing beguiling enchanting intoxicating heady intriguing enticing encouraging bewitching interesting Machiavellian dodgy arch wise bold-faced sassy nervy cocksure brassbound interdicted banned ineffable censored impenitent arrant unconcealed unrepentant transparent violating irreverential infidel heretical saturnalian indescribable hotshot spunky gutsy bald-faced as bold as brass inopportune inexpedient without shame high-handed frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits inapplicable unwarranted discordant inharmonious unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits irregular discrepant erroneous inadmissible not to be spoken of no go inaccurate abnormal preposterous ludicrous odd false ill-timed out-of-place out-of-season off-base at odds bad form that dare not speak its name

Tính từ

Difficult or unpleasant in nature
difficult hard challenging testing tough grim severe trying arduous demanding harsh strenuous toilsome exacting excruciating grueling gruelling onerous oppressive unpleasant backbreaking brutal burdensome formidable grievous heavy uphill bad bitter cruel hardhanded hellacious herculean inhuman laborious moiling murderous rugged searing stiff sweaty uncomfortable drastic effortful killer rigorous unjust taxing tall punishing Augean exhausting pick-and-shovel tiring back-breaking fatiguing wearisome troublesome stressful fierce crushing wearying Herculean exigent killing wearing harrowing torturous hellish stringent bothersome knackering labored painful irksome operose laboured weighty grinding austere merciless draining thorny tricky relentless tedious sapping tortuous forbidding vexatious hairy unforgiving tiresome sticky unsparing distressing awkward disagreeable ruthless worrying bruising draconian extreme bleak savage strict heavy-handed unbearable intolerable toilful daunting pitiless hostile agonizing energy-consuming stern mean disturbing debilitating ambitious tyrannical spartan agonising unyielding ponderous no picnic intense knotty problematic hard-nosed upsetting worrisome dire unrelenting galling awful unfriendly authoritarian unremitting persnickety intemperate inclement vigorous wretched wicked domineering hard-line traumatic hard-hearted tough going tight vexing colossal enervating painstaking serious fraught exasperating uncompromising despotic ferocious inflexible rigid prickly callous firm imperious violent critical iron-fisted discomforting unsympathetic depleting shattering tense delicate frustrating pressured unkind mighty overwhelming dark solemn annoying nasty repressive hectic ticklish murder dour titanic tormenting concerning problematical dodgy hazardous dangerous hefty upstream intimidating cumbersome staggering unbending nerve-racking distressful slavish troubling gargantuan excessive difficile intractable really hard very hard stormy hard-boiled by the book inhospitable complicated exorbitant anxious comfortless unfair inconvenient immoderate abusive wild barbarous forceful embarrassing steep grave impossible dictatorial vicious sensitive punitive agitating irritating crippling tyrannous insufferable prohibitive poignant unfeeling autocratic unsentimental suppressive boring inhumane heartless aggravating flinty hard-hitting insensitive unmerciful disquieting perilous chancy iffy precarious unnerving dogged confining remorseless unendurable superincumbent immense hardened inexorable backbreaker stony ramrod pestilent dyed-in-the-wool gigantic dubious suspect questionable uncharitable obdurate hard-bitten jarring pressing afflictive worksome resolute headstrong hardheaded hard-shelled obstinate anxiety-ridden straitened physical stark rumbustious filthy stretching prodigious searching swingeing strained unreasonable terrible Sisyphean monumental thoroughgoing Spartan bare-bones barren desolate summary withering unrelaxing mammoth a nuisance turbulent tempestuous racking major chastening an imposition tumultuous complex profound confused concentrated intensive abstruse te recondite biting protracted lengthy hardworking arbitrary busy carking very difficult controversial no piece of cake careful hypercritical thorough precise nit-picking slow tricksy touchy touch-and-go spiny catchy a stinker of a large order heavy sledding barro dicey easier said than done high-impact torturesome drudgy high-pressure very severe scabrous uphill battle hard-won marathon problem ominous not easy like getting blood out of a stone almighty exerting time-consuming perturbing nagging heightened adamant niggling maddening infuriating plaguy pestiferous pestilential harassing maleficent brutish wolfish truculent sadistic barbaric charged uneasy solid single-minded disciplinarian resolved hard-core steadfast no-nonsense ascetical immovable absolute hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified stiff-necked ascetic determined unflinching astringent disciplinary bullheaded unsettling pesky discomposing troublous cold cool importunate tickly flustering disconcerting discomfiting intolerant uncaring undisciplined rowdy infestive ungovernable alarming damaging ugly messy disorderly dolorous bumpy desperate refractory immutable pugnacious undemocratic unpitying illiberal heartbreaking cast-iron binding brassbound stony-hearted two-fisted itchy incommodious confronting distressed scratchy case-hardened heart-rending yukky hurtful unwelcome unhappy sour miserable rotten distasteful unpalatable yucky afflicting heartrending chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory tragic sad causing discomfort ill-fitting set compelling valid powerful acrimonious drawing picky unpermissive ironclad convincing brick-wall cynical overbearing coercive anti-democratic icky sore mortifying great hard-shell unsavoury provoking offensive calamitous high-handed overweening peremptory indurate disheartening gloomy discouraging sombre dispiriting ironhanded dismal depressive somber depressing headache thick-skinned compassionless desensitized soulless cold-blooded pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners hard-headed ironhearted world-weary gut-wrenching by the numbers hard and fast dead set on indurated rough going lacking sentiment hard-edged hard as nails as tough as old boots toughened by experience desensitised as hard as nails

Tính từ

(of noise) Marked by turmoil or disturbance
grating discordant harsh jarring raucous blaring cacophonous maddening piercing screeching shrill annoying irritating noisy sharp vexatious boisterous ferocious fierce rabid rugged squawking squawky strident convulsive dissonant ear-piercing explosive forceful furious gruff blustering buffeting forcible inharmonious paroxysmal stridulent tumultuous turbulent unmelodious unmusical volcanic rasping hoarse loud husky scratchy riotous unharmonious brassy clamorous squeaky blatant stertorous wild rowdy lively gravelly croaky tough throaty croaking coarse gravel raspy rusty stridulous stentorian knockabout clashing stridulant jangling rough-and-tumble penetrating stridulatory stentorious grinding absonant atonal acute persuasive vociferous baying vocal vociferant obstreperous braying ear-splitting deafening metallic booming tuneless tinny jangly high-pitched screechy earsplitting guttural growling growly creaking astringent caterwauling out-of-tune out-of-key off-key thunderous unvocal high disharmonic horrisonant ill-sounding unmelodic clinking immusical sour shrieking piping harsh sounding whistling treble strong shattering air-rending intrusive squeaking argute clanging thin clangorous brazen saucy bold brash insolent thundering impudent bold-faced cocksure impertinent cheeky forward gaudy arch cocky sassy wise nervy flashy brazen-faced pert brassbound vulgar audacious fresh pushy barefaced loud-mouthed showy jazzy obtrusive garish unblushing overbearing rude unabashed loudmouthed flirtatious overbold hard arrogant arrant shameless

Tính từ

Not precise or exact
approximate vague estimated general imprecise inexact ballpark broad loose approximative hazy sketchy foggy proximate uncertain unprecise coarse-grained indefinite ill-defined unclear non-specific fuzzy woolly inexplicit wooly indistinct unfocused inaccurate squishy undetailed obscure unspecific sweeping indeterminate confused generalized blurred nebulous flexible equivocal ambiguous imperfect generalised unmeticulous unrigorous liberal overall basic generic indiscriminate tenuous impressionistic slight faint nonspecific common dim near close blanket random rambling changeable misty fluid open all-round all-around faded free amorphous undefined broad-based broad-spectrum incomplete bird's-eye superficial dubious non-restrictive open-ended distant feeble guessed unscientific surmised ambivalent unknown cursory doubtful not partial not specific not particular non-literal lenient inadequate obfuscatory perfunctory iffy almost exact almost accurate unspecified muddy muzzy careless sloppy amphibological unintelligible questionable bewildering puzzling not literal not strict not close non-committal blurred round the edges enigmatic shadowy blurry undetermined murky opaque unsettled indistinguishable cryptic clouded bleary muddled cloudy blear debatable perplexing indiscernible open to question mysterious enigmatical unformed unsure equivocating arcane distorted undecided intangible gauzy unfixed inconclusive lacking definition out of focus elusive confusing abstruse pale unresolved noncommittal Delphic formless shapeless unshaped unstructured up in the air veiled oblique remote misleading inscrutable prevaricating obscured tenebrous unpredictable unconfirmed unexplicit evasive oracular mystic roundabout weak circumlocutory circuitous deep elliptical gnomic periphrastic shifty dark elliptic fuliginous unestablished speculative occult obfuscated unascertained muffled vacillating double-edged in doubt yet to be decided unexplained hinky unsound unformulated crude imperceptible inchoate structureless disorganized smoky hidden arguable disorganised undisclosed nebulose shady low resolution incoherent concealed apocryphal indirect some kind of Cimmerian crepuscular slippery open to debate unlimited uncounted unstipulated cagey deceptive embryonic open to argument cunning shuffling devious tricky deceitful dissembling unstated unclassified borderless uncategorized indeterminant innumerable inexhaustible wide indeterminable undependable sophistical unforeseeable incalculable casuistic elusory false casuistical stonewalling hesitant indefinable dicey dodgy irresolute wavering indecisive borderline suspicious in the balance contradictory duplicitous paradoxical soft disreputable clear as mud two-edged clear as dishwater

Tính từ

(of the weather) Characterized by windy or stormy conditions
stormy squally tempestuous blustering blustery foul gusty inclement intense thundery tumultuous turbulent wild bleak choppy ferocious howling nasty raging stormful violent agitated rainy wet windy cyclonic heavy raw storm-wracked dirty disagreeable filthy unpleasant furious fierce explosive rabid convulsive hot volcanic paroxysmal hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bang-bang boisterous blowy roaring passionate bad breezy cold gusting heated rugged angry frenzied fiery lively vehement bitter murky intemperate feverish storming volatile cataclysmal cataclysmic impetuous savage chilly harsh wintry severe freezing unrestrained icy damp gloomy overcast misty extreme louring threatening menacing impassioned foggy frantic excited frenetic storm-tossed frigid uncontrollable wintery flaming emotional disturbed hazardous risky boiling blusterous squallish mad delirious rough-and-tumble involuntary spasmodic ungovernable vile rampageous excessive intensified concentrated drizzly snowy animated horrible rigorous forceful exciting ardent unpredictable confused adverse fervent spirited rampant ebullient bursting roller-coaster hectic fervid heaving hard brutal chaotic ruffled sharp nipping acrimonious broken at the boiling point in turmoil wavy ripply chill penetrating keen piercing nippy torrid riproaring unsettled passional touchy inflamed irascible full of upheavals full of ups and downs stinging biting frosty chilling icy-cold aroused ill-tempered bad-tempered temperamental excitable distracted coming down full of waves parky raining cats and dogs uncontrolled hysterical unbridled

Tính từ

Not in good health
unwell ill indisposed queasy sick bad dizzy faint giddy liverish nauseated nauseous peaky rotten awful funny lousy off poorly sickly crook crummy dreadful grotty peculiar seedy peaked peakish ropy terrible lightheaded light-headed run down wabbit below par not oneself not up to par off colour out of sorts under the weather peely-wally washed out green about the gills queer ailing not well run-down unhealthy not very well under par not up to snuff sickened down not in good shape off-colour infirm unsound weak punk sick as a dog diseased bedridden groggy off-color woozy in poor health in a bad way frail feeble debilitated squeamish sickish queerish qualmish infected like death warmed up afflicted invalided valetudinarian iffy queazy impaired pukish bummed laid up laid-up on the sick list at death's door slightly unwell horrible tired unfit fatigued ropey not up to the mark ugly ghastly unsightly off one's feed poor paltry lame failing low mean not yourself reeling qualmy invalid hospitalized green uneasy incurable feverish not a hundred percent under medication hospitalised the worse for wear suffering broken down not feeling well haggard pasty-faced drained pallid pasty bilious seasick ashen whey-faced ashen-faced gray colourless bloodless anaemic ashy grey carsick airsick trainsick travel-sick cadaverous sallow ill-looking corpse-like upset uncomfortable grim pale wan pinched strange running temperature on sick list off one's feet feeling rotten laid low a wreck got the bug feeling terrible feeling awful deathly pale uncertain odd suffering from motion sickness restless concerned dubious unsettling unsettled troubling rocky doubtful fidgety sickly-looking drawn emaciated suffering from altitude sickness etiolated thin peelie-wally green around gills as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless anemic in poor shape delicate enfeebled shaky enervated exhausted tottering prostrate incapacitated weakened rickety decrepit wasted languid sapped prostrated asthenic down-and-out wobbly slight weakly effete tender out of action unstable disordered unsteady doddering wimpish wimpy unsubstantial worn-out worn out confined rundown out of commission puny soft softened sick as dog barfy doddery fragile insecure flimsy wavering declining disabled imperfect defective injured spent not so hot weary pooped beat confined to bed knackered dying wretched crippled down with broken-down weedy worn tottery gaunt spindly dragging raddled tired out tuckered out out of gas vacillating tenuous vitiated trembly meagre pathetic strengthless sapless meager in bad shape lacklustre lackluster out of shape green at the gills hollow-eyed about to throw up travelsick languishing valetudinary handicapped disgusted housebound immobilized unwholesome in bed wasting off form ill in bed miserable in bad health slender stricken in pain hors de combat chunderous contaminated tainted septic blighted sinking reduced sensitive nesh susceptible got a bug immobilised achy hypochondriacal peccant abnormal green around the gills not healthy nauseatic sick as a parrot powerless without energy infectious dainty fishy shatterable brittle fracturable shattery wispy bockety languorous depleted sluggish cranky chronically ill always ill pining often ill laid-low helpless impotent burned out low-energy in ill health in poor condition irresolute stressed out of condition shilpit faltering out-of-action not feeling up to snuff experiencing nausea feeling queasy ticklish quaking feeling nauseous feeling nauseated feeling woozy inconstant staggering tricky trembling in a decline indecisive unsafe unbalanced uneven tense strained half-hearted dopey emasculated flabby gentle insufficient flat aged halting anile sensile out of humor down in the mouth in declining health careworn wonky precarious withered fraught hollow-cheeked teetering dead loggy aweary bushed jaded logy washed-out wearied beaten bleary done limp teetery fluctuant rattletrap wavy wiggling unsure dilapidated tattered unkempt dishevelled disheveled coarsened debauched feeling sick wiped out played out stressed out burned-out all in tapped out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks worse for wear

Tính từ

(of wine or another alcoholic drink) Sharp or harsh in taste
sharp acerbic acidic sour pungent acerb acetic acetous acid acidulated bitter acidulous vinegary sharp-tasting mordant cutting sarcastic severe scathing stinging sardonic trenchant caustic biting incisive mordacious waspish snarky spiteful acrid astringent sarky catty vitriolic acrimonious tart corrosive scornful derisive keen ironic virulent smart-alecky smart-aleck smart-mouthed scalding corroding critical barbed polemic rapier-like satirical venomous satiric burning razor-edged nasty pithy salty harsh stern austere penetrating strict searing piercing exacting wounding vicious cruel hurtful rigorous unkind poisonous hard rigid grim stringent tonic devastating pointed malicious savage withering hostile rancorous unpleasant mean vindictive tangy blistering unfriendly fierce unsweetened hateful piquant strong malignant acute malign unsparing maleficent malefic rude distasteful evil-intentioned ferocious malevolent slashing zingy scorching sourish tartish antagonistic brutal pernicious zesty aggressive truculent splenetic abrasive dry polemical churlish resentful telling baleful mocking forceful abusive poignant snappy belittling vinegarish envenomed ill-natured amaroidal acetose peppery acidy vituperative extremely critical brusque squint-eyed controversial cynical contentious sound unblunted contemptuous disparaging despiteful heartless merciless disrespectful smart offensive bad callous absinthian absinthal argumentative disputatious violent vitriolous stabbing unrelenting edged pitiless irascible provocative salt exciting racy witty stimulating sadistic menacing grudging hate-filled evil crabbed ruthless wanton snide cold-blooded smarting dripping with malice stinking overpowering vengeful bilious hot with a kick briny soured green dirty viperous ornery destructive viperish toxicant cussed nippy taunting dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose snappish snippy testy short disapproving active strong-smelling suffocating odorous vigorous emphatic forthright driving clear crisp explicit powerful distinct effective blunt potent unequivocal edgy crushing razor-sharp

Tính từ

Involving physical conflict, or having a propensity to use physical force
violent fierce aggressive wild brutal savage vicious bullying ferocious berserk bloodthirsty murderous rabid cruel frenzied intemperate ruthless callous furious harsh maniacal pugnacious terrorising terrorizing threatening barbaric barbarous destructive fiery mad merciless pitiless sadistic thuggish delirious heartless homicidal impetuous inhuman assertive explosive forceful frenetic hotheaded maddened agitated crazy demoniac feverish forcible frantic fuming headstrong hysterical impassioned potent radge hot-headed hot-tempered blood-and-guts cut-throat drag-out hammer and tongs knock-down knock-down-and-drag-out out of control bang-bang full-blooded menacing hard rugged raging grim severe terrible frightful fearsome cyclonic intimidating unrestrained powerful strong turbulent stormy tumultuous remorseless intense volatile tempestuous inhumane brutish gruff brute fiendish truculent unmerciful uncontrollable monstrous tough forbidding bestial butcherly convulsive fearful austere dangerous volcanic thunderous heavy devastating dour horrible almighty frightening ghastly stark inhospitable harmful hurtful injurious abusive hot animated atrocious paroxysmal unfeeling wicked crude coarse insensitive unconcerned infernal uncaring bearish abominable heinous tactless vile wanton indifferent unkind cold-blooded bullyboy strong-arm hard-hearted blustery sharp gusty acute mighty torrid inclement hellacious boisterous bitter thundery blistering squally bumpy windy howling hefty great crushing typhonic blustering swirling dreadful choppy intensive deadly storming chaotic restless roaring exquisite stormful lethal vigorous fatal overwhelming overpowering serious dynamic damaging painful uninhabitable mortal smart death-dealing all-powerful rustic native wild-looking unfavorable unfavourable heavy-duty bad horrendous adverse disadvantageous horrifying ominous unpleasant bleak disagreeable untamed feral fell unruly sinister dismal uncomfortable daunting steely ungentle malevolent malignant stern flinty baleful louring negative disturbing terrifying foreboding unwelcoming disquieting jarring incessive raving lowering cutthroat beastly enraged undomesticated hellish angry rapacious infuriated crazed untoward hair-raising dark hostile depressing animalistic primitive tigerish venomous biffo aggers

Tính từ

Energetic, noisy, boisterous, and difficult to control
rambunctious boisterous rowdy noisy loud disorderly rollicking raucous unruly riotous roisterous rumbustious tumultuous uproarious knockabout robustious lively turbulent termagant energetic rude hell-raising high-spirited wild and woolly wild undisciplined obstreperous unmanageable uncontrolled wayward uncontrollable ungovernable disruptive unrestrained lawless disobedient refractory clamorous ill-disciplined wilful badly behaved rebellious irrepressible out of control tempestuous mischievous violent unbridled mutinous vociferous defiant insubordinate fractious willful recalcitrant rackety self-willed contumacious rampageous chaotic excited stormy out of hand bad difficult troublesome misbehaving naughty rugged intractable froward exasperating rascally roguish exuberant rip-roaring uninhibited roistering impetuous anarchic contrary agitated roughhouse loudmouthed delinquent nasty mean truculent rampant stubborn errant uncooperative fierce passionate playful unbiddable seditious attention-seeking impish badly-behaved incorrigible uncompliant tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish insolent impudent wrong ill-behaved gallus fiendish wanton headstrong untamed disturbed full of mischief devilish in turmoil robust swashbuckling swaggering cavalier loutish active animated overexcited bouncy ebullient vibrant frisky spirited abandoned restless romping artful clangorous in high spirits raunchy ruffianly kiddish thoughtless immature childish infantile ill-natured inconsiderate sly disrespectful frolicsome foxy bothersome raging effervescent strident vociferant over-the-top brawling unstable full-on explosive unsettled roller-coaster antisocial frenzied hysterical unlawful anarchical rowdydowdy irregular storming full of confusion fiery shaking vehement perturbed bitter full of ups and downs full of upheavals full of conflict demonstrative destructive stern lawbreaking insurgent insurrectionary rioting indisciplined dysfunctional drunk out-of-order out-of-line on-a-tear intemperate out-of-control slapstick misbehaved farcical perverse pugnacious whiny petulant problematic crass raw casual crude coarse awkward impolite wicked socially impaired belligerent troublous maladjusted trying aggressive confrontational combative argumentative tiresome erratic bold hot-tempered malicious unrestrainable irksome scrappy pesky uncontainable sullen cantankerous peevish hostile undisciplinable wearisome demanding bellicose indocile rough-and-tumble annoying sinful ungoverned unconstrained uncurbed immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional unbounded teasing worthless harum-scarum bad-mannered tough evil unfettered extrovert licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational giddy raving thrilled rash flighty rampaging stroppy untoward rebel recusant incompliant balky bolshie restive screaming booming strepitous piercing blusterous raising Cain raising the roof

Tính từ

Shabby or scruffy in appearance
raggedy ragged tattered shabby tatty scruffy mangy tatterdemalion scrubby seedy grungy mean squalid ratty dumpy tacky tumbledown dilapidated miserable neglected rundown shoddy bedraggled filthy scuzzy sorry grubby grotty yucky ragtag sleazy unkempt scroungy run-down run down worse for wear worn threadbare timeworn moth-eaten down-at-heel beat-up down-at-the-heels down at heel gone to seed bombed-out disheveled dishevelled beat up tousled draggletailed lank scraggy dog-eared decrepit dingy broken-down ramshackle worn-out frayed battered worn out old crummy faded sordid slummy poor wretched decaying untidy crumbling decayed insalubrious rickety uncared-for falling to pieces shacky in tatters deteriorated well worn skanky scungy ruined torn seamy base holey in rags shambly ruinous unmaintained cheap slovenly derelict the worse for wear messy slipshod in disrepair sloppy paltry having seen better days deteriorating unpleasant weather-beaten dismal disreputable gone to rack and ruin tired raggedy-ass warby tawdry dodgy ripped worn to shreds trashy dirty second-rate low damaged frazzled shaggy frowzy falling apart at the seams in shreds patched poorly made badly dressed badly worn on its last legs depressed full of holes pitiful desolate degenerated rent in holes crude nasty slimy gaudy poverty-stricken rumpty common mediocre lousy down-at-the-heel broken rugged down and dirty low-grade low-rent in ruins poorly maintained falling apart in a bad way torn to pieces seen better days badly maintained mucky in ribbons disfigured bare meager meagre unprepossessing dowdy gungy time-worn inferior manky disintegrating used skeezy rubbishy junky low-class cruddy out at elbows slumlike impaired injured clapped out limp bad destroyed used-up cheesy shredded all the worse for wear rotten untended substandard shaky two-bit schlocky well-worn slum-like not up to snuff tumble-down overcrowded beaten-up underprivileged deprived scabby outworn disordered rank indigent impoverished sick sticky gunky ancient old-fashioned withering smirched dishonest crooked split decrepit. in ruins unsavoury unsavory tottering desultory unpressed contemptible unfinished overworked overused well-thumbed well-read broken down falling down uncared wrecked busted dinged totaled lined wizened peaked shattered crumbly unsound marred tasteless vulgar in bad repair out of condition below par in bad condition under par droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging kitsch showy garish raunchy unimproved beat worthless ordinary down at the heel middling menial sad fallen-in ill-maintained uncared for beaten up fallen in rinky-dink worn-down wrung out pegged out flash Brummagem loud used up garbagy sucky flashy naff dreadful cheapjack grimy soiled outmoded ostentatious out-of-date unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky stodgy frumpy gimcrack poor-quality third-rate dime-a-dozen cure pot unwashed cheap and nasty execrable cut-rate bum jerry-built tinny schlock cheapo coarse bargain-basement terrible trumpery muddy rubbish cheap-jack ropy duff bodger stained in bad taste dusty plastic el cheapo pretentious inglorious makeshift low-down befouled smutty spotted smeared sooty slatternly besmirched unsanitary begrimed besmeared unhygienic smudged icky black draggled blackened foul sullied insanitary bogging bemired unclean uncleanly festy feculent impure

Tính từ

Arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later
provisional acting interim caretaker stopgap experimental provisory provisionary makeshift tentative preliminary transitional test changeover conditional improvised working contingent TBC dependent qualified limited unfinished interregnal draught draft outline fill-in ad interim make-do pro tem pencilled in pro tempore subject to confirmation to be confirmed rough-and-ready exploratory speculative approximate unconfirmed indefinite trial unsettled conjectural pilot unsubstantiated untried unproven temporary probationary subject to undecided not settled on trial contingent upon contingent on not final subject to change open to consideration open for consideration short-term substitute stand-in surrogate reserve deputy pinch-hitting impermanent second-string sample intervening replacement assistant supply impromptu emergency proxy relief developmental expediential adoptive alternate foster introductory in-between transitory helping representative supporting holding subordinate depute testing rough and ready practice passing transient thrown-together adjutant delegated mock ad hoc pretend simulated alternative investigative backup standby locum fact-finding searching probing supplemental ancillary second supplementary additional auxiliary substitutive supernumerary extra analytic confirmation elimination corroboration fall-back investigational explorative empirical examining hypothetical untested on the drawing board preparatory under review beginning unproved unconcluded first stage

Tính từ

Disagreeable and unpleasant because morally disreputable
unsavory unsavoury nasty unpleasant obnoxious offensive disagreeable disreputable mean objectionable repellent repulsive seamy seedy sleazy degenerate dishonest dishonorable dishonourable immoral unwholesome base dubious low notorious rascally suspect suspicious unprincipled unscrupulous villainous boorish churlish coarse crooked despicable distasteful gross revolting rude shady uncouth vulgar dodgy funny iffy noisome repugnant sordid squalid dark corrupt shameful degraded bad disturbing disappointing debauched scungy yukky yucky brackish unappetizing unpalatable acid rank raunchy lousy shifty rancid stinking grubby sad disgusting tart bland sickening nauseating sharp untrustworthy questionable fishy sketchy scandalous slippery inglorious devious discreditable unethical ignominious contemptible vile louche shoddy shonky cheap snide murky duplicitous fraudulent sly foul furtive sneaky disgraceful tawdry ignoble wretched guileful debased abhorrent abominable vicious low-minded sleazoid underhand tricky abject scurvy double-dealing of dubious character potentially illegal dicey shadowy secret mysterious despised doubtful execrable currish detestable dirty decadent impure servile paltry avaricious skanky poor calculated venal mercenary covetous infamous self-seeking low-down shocking reprehensible unworthy opprobrious outrageous disorderly of bad reputation unrespectable shy underhanded unseemly rogue deceptive licentious dissolute lewd pitiable derogatory beggarly lowly sorry libidinous improper irregular in bad no good bent fast in low esteem in the doghouse depraved unsuitable inappropriate unbecoming undignified unrefined odious indecorous indelicate unbefitting out of place out of keeping in poor taste

Tính từ

Having or displaying malice, evil or vindictiveness
malevolent malicious spiteful vicious malignant hostile nasty mean cruel vindictive evil bitter rancorous unkind malign venomous hateful unfriendly poisonous wicked baleful catty virulent maleficent pernicious malefic bad vengeful despiteful fierce murderous sinister waspish dirty revengeful hellish lousy poison murder ill-natured evil-intentioned bad-natured evil-minded backbiting defamatory slanderous caustic menacing acrimonious unpleasant hate-filled scathy hurtful horrid tough ornery cussed vitriolic wounding cutting antagonistic resentful injurious destructive biting splenetic barbed acid harmful inimical savage sharp scathing antipathetic stinging astringent viperous acerbic immoral deleterious detrimental aggressive snide iniquitous mischievous shrewish mordant angry harsh negative ill-disposed grudging vituperative implacable withering searing invidious acrid tart trenchant unjust wrongful opprobrious mordacious unsympathetic bellicose noxious toxic baneful inhospitable pugnacious militant confrontational combative truculent wrathful unwelcoming snarky unforgiving belligerent adverse uncongenial alien adversary warlike adversarial disapproving corrupting damaging bilious unsociable unpropitious jaundiced contrary unreceptive intimidating surly envenomed avenging grudge-bearing sarcastic pointed dour argumentative cold scrappy sour squint-eyed sardonic relentless razor-edged accidentally on purpose retaliatory corrosive acidulous out for revenge full of spleen incisive blistering abusive dangerous devastating stabbing scathel spleenful embittered full of hate of evil intent slighting viperish toxicant offended begruding sore insulted corruptive corrupt offensive distressing insulting awful beastly low gross ill-intentioned dripping venom uncool envious petty grievous punitive unrelenting rude full of gall critical mean-spirited brutal thirsting for revenge aspersive scornful belittling acerb smart-aleck smart-alecky smart-mouthed scalding pungent satiric acidic satirical taunting piercing pitiless wreakful merciless ruthless grim base depraved villainous nefarious foul reprehensible diabolical heinous bad-hearted vitriolous irascible crabbed burning slashing rapier-like dripping with malice