Từ đồng nghĩa của vacant

Alternative for vacant

Từ đồng nghĩa: barren, desolate, empty, unoccupied, void,

Từ trái nghĩa: full,

Tính từ

Empty or not occupied
empty abandoned available free deserted unfilled unoccupied uninhabited void unengaged untenanted tenantless unused bare blank clean derelict desolate devoid disengaged disused forgotten forsaken rejected stark to let toom vacated vacuous idle unemployed clear for sale untaken not in use on the market unlived in without contents up for grabs barren emptied unpeopled lonely isolated godforsaken neglected unfrequented evacuated drained solitary destitute desert depleted depopulated waste discarded spare unpopulated remote unvisited secluded virgin exhausted wild bereft untouched not filled open containing nothing lorn cast off unhampered unfurnished unimpeded unsettled plain unobstructed consumed unlimited spent dead ruined unmarked hollow unreserved lonesome forlorn white jilted new bankrupt unblocked spotless sapped fresh shunned dropped used up left in the lurch alone cleared spartan stripped uncultivated rough inhospitable trackless unmanaged unfarmed rugged bleak relinquished ownerless uncivilized dreary unallocated accessible deflated despoiled destroyed uncivilised castoff pristine hollowed out unhired lacking wanting handy discontinued passable unrestricted unstopped unclosed unencumbered unhindered unclogged brand-new not solid dormant defunct obsolete moribund superannuated usable stagnant lifeless fallen into disuse unchartered unbooked virginal uncompleted finished no longer in use dissipated exploitable at hand on hand not occupied employable disregarded refused returned spurned rebuffed scorned disdained denied expended gone impoverished squandered unwritten on sterile dry for the taking uncommitted smooth ditched stranded without life ignored unfriended left uncouth disowned renounced betrayed outcast marooned without living things all gone at an end turned down friendless dumped at ease left stranded used kaput thrown over left at the altar left behind out rid at leisure not busy without freed from free from sans unaffected by no longer affected by relieved far-gone companionless all alone by oneself single lone unloved unattended estranged apart uncared-for withdrawn unwanted unpopular unbefriended uncherished solo detached unaccompanied individual by itself without a friend in the world by yourself sequestered unsocial sad separate without friends reclusive cut off unescorted single-handed with no one to turn to odd without companions hermit stag removed on one's own left alone untended dilapidated disheveled dishevelled unkempt uninviting depressing cheerless despondent unhappy feeling friendless insulated segregated sole lost homesick unsociable hermitic unconnected introverted unique one distinct only discrete particular onliest unattached to one side alienated disliked ostracized adrift unvalued ostracised without ties with no ties loathed unbeloved detested unwelcome hated loveless down disconsolate comfortless troglodytic homeless unappreciated despised abhorred all by one's self not loved unchaperoned partnerless solus unguarded unwatched isolate loner without an escort a cappella traveling light on your own

Tính từ

Having or showing no intelligence or interest
blank empty expressionless deadpan inexpressive vacuous impassive absent-minded dreaming dreamy inscrutable poker-faced vague absent abstracted catatonic emotionless glassy idle inane numb stolid stony thoughtless uninterested wooden ditzy inanimate incurious indifferent lifeless motionless uncomprehending unthinking daydreaming foolish silly unexpressive vapid witless dull unresponsive glazed fixed unemotional straight-faced cold dispassionate dead distant faraway flat hollow bemused apathetic unreadable undemonstrative stoic stupid inert absorbed distracted preoccupied unfeeling oblivious inattentive bland musing remote lacklustre lackluster unaware detached frigid unimpassioned phlegmatic passionless stoical spiritless calm impassible affectless matter-of-fact toneless nobody home cold-blooded dazed fishy devoid cool insensitive distrait unheeding soulless glacial heedless torpid restrained controlled aloof lusterless reserved inactive fish-eyed chill icy impersonal nowhere unaffected imperturbable heartless nonemotional immovable lethargic pokerfaced self-controlled cool, calm and collected stony-eyed perplexed unfocused glassy-eyed reactionless dumb unintelligent colourless unmoving unsmiling serious po-faced colorless withdrawn rigid introspective meaningless stiff uncommunicative masklike noncommittal immobile devoid of emotion unsympathetic benumbed callous asleep inhuman numbed anesthetized lukewarm senseless insipid unexcitable paralyzed still anaesthetized paralysed impenetrable enigmatic placid mysterious heavy laid back cryptic supine dry passive insensate defunct insentient extinct uncanny mystic occult deep enigmatical arcane unsystematic scatterbrained disorganized forgetful unreliable undependable inorganic mineral giddy feather-headed empty-headed erratic dizzy birdbrained scatty feather-brained sphinxlike non-organic exanimate unconscious dippy dappy hidden sphinx-like indecipherable abiotic quiescent mystified disorganised nonplussed puzzled baffled bewildered pensive negligent careless absentminded inadvertent neglectful wool-gathering impossible to interpret deceased nonvegetable inoperative nonliving listless azoic without life nonanimal not alive unmindful unobservant far away not with it somewhere else omitted minus bare deficient with one's head in the clouds with a mind like a sieve miles away lost in thought in a brown study not with us in short supply unconcerned unfriendly unmoved frosty sober unwelcoming uncaring formal chilly unsentimental businesslike standoffish uncordial gelid antiseptic cold-eyed unflappable disinterested inhospitable uninvolved unapproachable clinical unsociable cold-hearted clammy stand-offish unruffled brittle collected hard-eyed neutral unbending offish hostile rational level-headed hard-headed composed serene forbidding reticent objective thick-skinned impartial unenthusiastic hard-hearted impervious austere equable tranquil haughty wintry unclubbable antisocial asocial standoff prosaic stony-hearted solitary blah hard-boiled wintery uncompassionate buttoned-up logical unloving self-contained coldish frozen arctic insensible unfazed taciturn nonchalant ruthless down-to-earth unimpressed merciless offhand disdainful unperturbed hardened practical realistic plain supercilious pragmatic quiet mundane sensible uncharitable obdurate annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent straightforward unvarnished no-nonsense unembellished literal unimaginative factual sluggish severe hard laid-back uncongenial heedless of unsocial commonsensical starchy stern desensitized oblivious to hardhearted hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative unadorned candid equal tough abstract unkind prosy non-emotional humdrum pedestrian desensitised unembroidered undistorted exact unidealistic straight-thinking along for the ride with both feet on the ground sangfroid analytic uncurious reptilian unaffectionate contained enduring resigned philosophic indomitable half-hearted negative tepid ice-cold stone-faced removed close unforthcoming secretive guarded cool-headed bovine off unagitated steely Olympian unenthused unimpressionable fierce groggy lymphatic untouched coldhearted marble muted unstirred unamicable ungenial unimpressible insusceptible inimical antagonistic inapproachable dry-eyed undismayed untroubled false insincere fake unaffable unrevealing sedate indurated inexcitable unworried inaccessible contemptuous withering seclusive unneighbourly uncompanionable stilted going with the flow rolling with the punches cold-faced ardorless inhibited repellent cold-shoulder loveless impotent unromantic immune unhappy hateful unneighborly depressing bureaucratic resolute featureless uncolored strictly business straight depersonalised faceless cold turkey unpassioned careful depersonalized gray grey measured nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic immune to impervious to stubborn unyielding feigned unmindful of proof against deaf to pitiless static cruel drab unexciting tedious temperate inhumane dreary slow boring monotonous wearisome nonpassionate brutal harsh unflustered unpassionate mechanical uninspired pointless lacking vitality analytical moderate scientific unpitying compassionless unforgiving indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing sadistic slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted unexcited characterless uninspiring two-dimensional hard-nosed iceberg cold fish crotchety surly cantankerous unempathetic with a heart of stone feelingless exacting unamiable churlish sensationless deadened draggy slothful pabulum nothing uninteresting zero spent self-possessed unconcerned about unbiased equitable cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less offhand about uninvolved with apathetic towards casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about unprejudiced insouciant uninvolved in uninterested in faithful naked truthful accurate feasible frivolous about bored by evenhanded just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of fair careless of cavalier about square pococurante unresponsive to weary of lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned unenthusiastic about blasé unaroused diffident highbrow scornful silent superior not giving a monkey's

Tính từ

Having or showing no intelligence or interest
brainless dense dull-witted empty-headed thick unintelligent brain-dead stupid without thought dumb mindless obtuse foolish witless dull dopey unsmart slow doltish dim simple fatuous lamebrained thickheaded boneheaded oafish chuckleheaded senseless opaque birdbrained lamebrain bonehead dunderheaded silly pinheaded vapid dopy knuckleheaded lunkheaded airheaded gormless vacuous dorky half-witted softheaded bubbleheaded inane soft thick-witted slow-witted weak-minded dim-witted ignorant idiotic daft goofy illiterate dozy scatterbrained thoughtless batty dippy dappy giddy scatty pea-brain uneducated dizzy know-nothing skittish slow on the uptake untaught soft in the head dotty ditzy screwy frivolous unschooled featherbrained feather-brained not the full shilling harebrained pea-brained flighty hare-brained unreasoning uncomprehending superficial shallow half-baked moronic imbecilic cretinous wooden-headed muttonheaded bovine simple-minded fat-headed imbecile crazy naive asinine blockheaded simpleminded pig-ignorant dof dotish dunce-like gullible chowderheaded thick as two short planks blockish barmy unwise glaikit feebleminded tomfool stolid as thick as two short planks wooden unthinking divvy daffy dead from the neck up thick-skulled featherheaded sluggish thick-headed insensitive imprudent lumpish damfool ill-advised braindead ridiculous fool deficient nitwitted clueless inept jerky sappy clownish loopy imperceptive absurd puerile rash injudicious crass nonsensical laughable cloddish unreasonable irrational crackpot halfwitted dimwitted pie-faced insensate boorish Boeotian numskulled woodenheaded not intelligent thick as mince short-sighted very stupid slow on uptake mentally deficient mentally handicapped nonliterate ill-mannered immature childish unlearned benighted analphabetic uninstructed blind unperceptive unimaginative numbskulled unread unlettered stupefied hebetudinous rude untutored dark backward impolitic risible dummy impassive lethargic torpid fatheaded rattlebrained loggerheaded clottish credulous feeble pointless anencephalic anencephalous shortsighted duncelike cockamamy thick-skinned negligent careless irresponsible foolhardy unresponsive limited foolishly stupid indiscreet ludicrous mad reckless neglectful forgetful not bright unintellectual feeble-minded log-headed erratic unstable preposterous hebete inattentive unmindful mooning unaware spaced-out out daydreaming moony ill-considered not with it nonrational surd idiotical boobish fallacious unconsidered invalid weak unreasoned notional buffoonish out to lunch kooky loony cuckoo screwball looney insane nutty wacky zany lunatic whacky kookie cockamamie impractical out of it cockeyed inconsistent balmy sheepheaded muddle-headed

Tính từ

Lacking care or enthusiasm
listless apathetic impassive indifferent lifeless spiritless indolent supine lymphatic unenergetic vigourless lackadaisical limp effete inattentive insouciant mopish lukewarm passive shiftless slothful uninterested absent abstracted bored careless dormant energyless heedless idle languishing leaden neutral phlegmatic slack blah easygoing laid-back out of it half-hearted lacking energy sluggish lethargic torpid languid dull unconcerned lazy inert inactive languorous slow enervated disinterested unenthusiastic flat lacklustre cool unresponsive lackluster cold passionless heavy unfeeling unemotional feeble unmoved slow-moving dreamy detached dispassionate emotionless leisurely perfunctory tame sleepy uninspiring weak blasé vapid tired easy draggy otiose insipid characterless pococurante depressed droopy stagnant laggard plodding casual uninvolved dispirited lagging bland down Laodicean dry tepid relaxed uncaring moony uninspired insensible drowsy sad lax unanimated procrastinating ponderous dejected despondent irresolute stolid disconsolate low slow-going callous melancholy downhearted weary dawdling measured creeping boring downcast colourless blue dilatory crawling negligent cast down tardy offhand deliberate snaillike loafing delaying down in the mouth moderate loitering stoical unhappy down in the dumps unhurried tortoiselike postponing miserable incurious wimpy nonchalant dead crestfallen muted sorrowful glum colorless do-nothing quiet low-spirited woebegone morose comatose snoozy bloodless dopey prosaic moody heartsick heartsore drab work-shy monotonous undemonstrative spineless unexciting tedious uninteresting dreary wearisome unsympathetic gloomy unexcited unimpressed aloof melancholic stoic halfhearted slapdash wishy-washy numb impassible gradual distant affectless remiss upset nothing cold-blooded heartless bone idle slow-paced disheartened heavy-hearted slow-footed desolate discouraged tearful fed up distressed broken unimaginative humdrum disappointed mournful doleful heartbroken pessimistic joyless inconsolable could care less forlorn ineffectual heavyhearted saddened brokenhearted mundane dim troubled cheerless faint nebbish blahs pining sleepyhead cursory reluctant ineffective laid back desultory commonplace fainéant subdued unwilling wooden vanilla somnolent coldhearted insensitive submissive dallying good-for-nothing workshy uneager sedentary static dismal undistinguished impervious vigorless indecisive pathetic oppressed unexcitable unenthused uncurious sombre somber unaroused motionless untouched objective inexpressive frigid tranquil ho-hum run-of-the-mill quiescent weighed down broken-hearted cowardly inanimate uncompassionate deadpan unconcerned about dolorous lacking vitality apathetic towards offhand about uninvolved with nonchalant about uninvolved in what the hell couldn't care less hard-hearted demoralized bored by don't give a damn bad unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about hurt sullen emotional along for the ride in pain triste bummed out saturnine demoralised bored stiff down in dumps gray anguished turned off aggrieved grey tristful down-hearted comfortless in the dumps sulky being lazy lacking in energy taking your time unconvincing unkind anaesthetic anesthetic lame weakly sleeping selfish hardhearted bovine placid dozy yielding meager paltry unperturbed superficial stiff vegetating unlively acquiescent servile pliant docile lustreless slumberous soporous soporose unflappable unimpressible carefree disimpassioned meagre stagnating desensitized groggy aimless damp hollow lumpish slap-happy desensitised dying moribund declining peaceful unoccupied fruitless futile worthless drony resting mechanical expressionless pointless sentimental romantic daydreaming faineant laissez-faire two-dimensional sedate gentle steady easy going not enthusiastic not caring sluggardly unrushed laboured tortoise-like comfortable undemanding pabulum lusterless zero prosy spent spring fever wistful dragging leaden-footed snail-paced snail-like dillydallying pokey poking poky languished out of sorts dysphoric bowed down teary in tears bereaved weepy lugubrious down in mouth in grief hapless regretful in doldrums crabby black bitter negative sick at heart pensive grief-stricken morbid grieved flaccid laggy lollygagging late behindhand labored imperceptible milk-and-water namby-pamby impartial jaded wearied unbiased equitable non-committal weak-kneed wet limp-wristed crummy destroyed cast-down down and out agonised rueful elegiac in the pits agonized funereal elegiacal uneasy fatigued unambitious unmotivated casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless uncaring about unprejudiced heedless of uninterested in frivolous about evenhanded candid just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of equal fair careless of cavalier about square oblivious to controlled calm ennuied wimpish soft nerveless frail invertebrate weakened weakling insentient insensate defunct extinct weary of nonaligned self-controlled clinical restrained impersonal inorganic mineral unsocial diffident supercilious highbrow scornful not giving a monkey's silent haughty uncommunicative superior jejune reserved level-headed businesslike cool-headed collected hard-headed meek low in spirits non-organic soulless exanimate unimpassioned mopy desiccated anaemic rational unagitated unsentimental unruffled sober serene brassed off bored to death bored rigid wavering flavourless watered-down flavorless vacillating sick and tired bored to tears mediocre sapless browned-off wretched complacent gutless drippy hopeless remote equable unimpressionable composed abiotic anemic dismayed despairing choked flagging thick-skinned chill obdurate reticent marble hard-boiled glacial poker-faced sickly infirm woeful sorry defeatist daunted hangdog nonvegetable without life nonanimal not alive deceased inoperative nonliving azoic chap-fallen going through motions aloof from indifferent to detached from incurious about distant from in low spirits in despair dragged as sick as a parrot brooding chapfallen down-in-the-mouth mopey singing the blues sunk sick as a parrot shot down going with the flow rolling with the punches cool, calm and collected flat tire lacking in vitality

Tính từ

Being fully accessible and obtainable with little regard to restrictions
open free available accessible obtainable unoccupied usable handy unfilled employable operative unengaged admissible allowable appropriate attainable empty getable permitted reachable securable suitable on hand on hold on offer at your disposal at your fingertips on deck within reach to be had to hand up for grabs on tap fit practicable unqualified nondiscriminatory unrestricted welcoming agreeable approachable proper general public not posted unconditional open-door feasible convenient acquirable at hand gettable offered operable prepared doable realizable serviceable open to getatable procurable relevant untaken unused useful exploitable functional around useable derivable from achievable viable possible ready for use workable in hand derivable probable utilizable graspable expendable utilisable forthcoming spendable accomplishable winnable existing realisable consumable ready near nearby present near at hand at the ready get-at-able close close at hand readily available applicable close by here in practical on call working remaining on the market existent helpful adjacent attending good utile standing by near-at-hand close-at-hand suited just round the corner at one's fingertips attendant current primed superfluous purchasable surplus extra up for sale there right spare fitting disposable meet on standby operational functioning apt seemly qualified utilitarian applicative applied actionable ultrapractical becoming able profitable in attendance manageable there for the taking beneficial fitted correct apposite capable befitting advantageous on stand-to worthy inside indoors on board valuable in working order adapted acceptable deserving pertinent due left over adjoining at home duck soup no sweat no problem expedient apropos adequate rightful decorous decent immediate nigh piece of cake correspondent conformable on full alert in order in easy reach on file in reserve at one's disposal of use just equal equitable in readiness comme il faut close-by next door imminent impending exploitative exploitatory exploitive going on sale going begging potential ready to be drawn efficient purposeful reasonable likely realistic durable waiting to be bought for the taking home neat nifty conceivable imaginable hard-wearing dependable obtained of service at your service free for use easy aiding assistive sturdy invaluable stout effective given purposive cherry pie within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility on the block in season in circulation yours for the asking made available user friendly popular user-friendly hassle-free user-oriented time-saving labour-saving trouble-free pushover over in the room in the house in evidence easily reached waiting covered on a plate in stock wide-open for use when needed set aside vouchsafed to someone easy to get to easy to use easy to access in line at fingertips in place in position prevailing prevalent at someone's disposal unneeded champing at bit on the brink in the saddle valid running in existence actual unconsumed leftover at beck and call easily available on-the-spot made the scene in view there with bells on show up wieldy operating exhaustible available for use instrumental subservient adaptable close to hand in operation in effect additional bordering in running order up and running at disposal proximate neighbouring vincinal contiguous fit for use to play with neighboring beside local abutting surplus to requirements in one's house still available not required to spare conterminous within spitting distance at close quarters not far off not remote approximal a hop, skip and a jump away within range warm side-by-side abreast in close proximity within sniffing distance alongside touching within stone's throw proximal next-door coterminous close-up not far away equipped preferable central good enough -worthy close to near to handy for within walking distance of just around the corner from in neighborhood within easy reach of well placed for at close quarters to next to easy to reach not far from under one's nose a stone's throw from well situated for adjacent to within spitting distance of a hop, skip and a jump away from

Tính từ

Lacking in originality, variation, spirit or energy
flat dull boring monotonous tedious insipid uninteresting dreary droning tiresome dead jejune lifeless toneless unexciting bland colourless prosaic spiritless stale vapid depressing empty lackluster lacklustre pointless soporific uniform arid banal colorless dim drab drudging dry dulled dusty expressionless featureless heavy ho-hum humdrum jading leaden lusterless mat matte milk-and-water monochromatic numbing pedestrian ponderous slow stodgy stuffy stupid tame tiring unchanging unexcited unexpressive unfeeling watery wearisome weary wearying wishy-washy deadly old samey uninflected unvaried blah blind draggy inane innocuous muted prosy sapless unpalatable unseasoned vanilla weak whitebread mind-numbing ho hum namby-pamby lead balloon uninspiring sterile vacuous nothing unimaginative uninspired feeble useless tired zestless tasteless anaemic limp futile pallid trite flavourless vain aimless purposeless worthless driveling drivelling flavorless anemic valueless profitless unproductive fruitless unprofitable flat tire hollow bloodless least Milquetoast zero nowhere unrewarding trifling insignificant inconsequential trivial insubstantial senseless irrelevant unimportant nugatory motiveless commonplace feckless unstimulating unsuccessful ineffectual bootless otiose inefficacious unavailing ineffective abortive purportless unfruitful unprolific unfilled clear unpurposed meaningless of no use negligible good-for-nothing throwaway barren pale mundane characterless run-of-the-mill faded subdued lustreless routine uneventful plain washed out grey gray ordinary unremarkable lame somber neutral sombre wooden plodding quiet soft repetitious passionless unlustrous dingy dark pastel unvarying bromidic hackneyed workaday apathetic torpid nondescript ashen common stiff everyday toned down lowered faint ashy washed-out indistinct restrained as dry as dust listless bleak unoriginal dry as dust soulless derivative monochrome subfusc poor subtle quotidian fatiguing dull as dishwater unanimated inadequate low-key dullsville undistinguished sluggish mediocre illustrous black understated laborious half-hearted weariful repetitive softened dull-coloured matter-of-fact thin matt muffled stifled banausic lacking variety suppressed platitudinous unimpassioned dark-colored low stilted unexceptional conventional hushed nothing to write home about indifferent irksome toned-down inaudible mild static soul-destroying pathetic mechanical achromatic dark-coloured unobtrusive shaded deadened pabulum unrelieved hacky common or garden dull as ditchwater enervating exhausting dreich plain vanilla light unconvincing wan no great shakes run of the mill stagnant passive unmemorable inoffensive uncolored unadventurous uncreative uninterested watered-down turgid mellow laboured mute threadbare antiseptic achromic lackadaisical washy middle-of-the-road silenced enervated usual indiscernible ornery corny gentle unentertaining unenjoyable lacking vitality waterish lacking variation unmoved unpolished mumbled yawnsome unclear meager imperceptible downcast meagre low-pitched monotone not up to much lacking excitement lacking interest dirty labored big yawn greyish lethargic slack puny inactive stereotyped unenthusiastic awkward emotionless mindless clumsy desiccated beige strangled unburnished overlong bleached halfhearted tepid undistinctive safe interminable flimsy cold non-stimulating plebeian well-worn unromantic vigourless conservative predictable shallow sleepy paltry unnatural inexpressive etiolated tenuous grayish distasteful unappetizing savorless unsavory long-drawn-out languid bog-standard stock gloomy smothered uninventive derived unimpressed implausible pedantic whispered desolate obscure irresolute slothful unspirited white-bread forced deadpan prolix inept mousy indecisive deadening muddy meek inarticulate lacking in vitality languorous unintelligible dowdy sober heavy-handed unsavoury dragging dismal depressed unhearable weighty one-horse fuddy-duddy day-to-day treadmill deadly dull old hat dead-and-alive a dime a dozen without color long prosing nonglossy bummer drag cloying drear moth-eaten bomb second-rate unlively unpassioned inferior inert impotent powerless unmodulated undemonstrative wordy long-winded earthbound trying frustrating annoying irritating unartistic shadeless tingeless disinterested artificial delicate yawn darkish crude simplistic cautious unprogressive serious stolid solemn boresome vexatious filthy circumspect unimpressive unsatisfactory discoloured discolored watered down unobjectionable in the doldrums customary normal typical regular unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic nitty-gritty literal terrestrial unemotional factual unadorned unfateful noneventful unnoteworthy inconclusive harmless nerdy wimpy unappealing prudent hack mainstream mortal poky snooze nebbish fatuous slight reluctant perfunctory vigorless energyless unostentatious diluted raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy overused heavy-going formal worn-out overworked unpretentious chary square lurid ghastly cadaverous sickly white waxen doughy blanched livid soft-hued endless average sooty dun grimy garden-variety garden variety phoned in staid without variety sludgy reserved attentive two-dimensional unenergetic boiled down without punch lukewarm unresponsive weakly puerile cardboard clichéd backward reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged verbose half-pie OK so-so timid spent backwoods comatose gingerly considerate careful puts one to sleep heedful wary calculating flat as pancake unwilling impassive cool blasé devoid of feeling devoid of emotion truistic murky sullied tarnished opaque heavy going lacking energy not so hot out of date outdated greyscale grayscale hard to digest old-fashioned outmoded not shiny archaic discreet unenterprising obsolete behind the times defunct extinct antiquated murmuring antediluvian leery insufficient superannuated hoary hueless passé inconspicuous vague diminished muttering faltering light-toned graceless inelegant cliché-ridden timeworn sour uncoloured unnoticeable repressed unflashy simple cream ungainly antwacky hoarse hazy fuzzy black and white tintless not in color black-and-white out of the ark played out time-worn worn out cut and dried low-keyed gauche scarcely audible out of earshot bated ill-defined greige sand superficial unbelievable distant reedy unstressed unaccented taupe oatmeal ungraceful rough-hewn rigid uncomfortable rustic rustical uneasy spoiled droopy ecru improbable untenable questionable buff fawn gawky maladroit submissive melancholic dejected spineless languishing melancholy dispirited despondent mopy weak-kneed inconceivable sketchy unpersuasive incredible blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless dopey inanimate unconcerned broken downhearted sad drippy bumbling unhandy inflexible obstinate unyielding unbending turned off stone-coloured indefinite stone mushroom light-colored putty down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down light-coloured stinking malodorous noisome foetid spoilt stenchy fetid dried parched reeking smelly thudding

Tính từ

Lacking in intelligence
feeble-minded stupid dumb dim-witted idiotic half-witted dozy foolish half-baked imbecilic moronic witless cretinous daft dim doltish dopey dunce-like empty-headed vacuous vapid birdbrained boneheaded chuckleheaded dull dunderheaded fat-headed lamebrained muttonheaded pea-brained wooden-headed barmy batty bone-headed cracked crackers crazy cuckoo mental nuts nutty obtuse potty addle-pated bonkers dippy dotty retarded simple simple-minded slow slow-witted unintelligent mentally slow slow on the uptake soft in the head imbecile backward thick silly mad dense fatuous brainless arrested underdeveloped senseless subnormal gormless screwy mindless thickheaded weak-minded dull-witted bubbleheaded lunkheaded wacky daffy undeveloped late underprivileged delayed checked behind scatty touched opaque oafish unsmart giddy scatterbrained airheaded lagging flaky inane knuckleheaded deranged insane pinheaded feather-brained softheaded thick-witted dotish dof pig-ignorant bovine flakey brain-dead sappy kooky loony looney lunatic whacky crackpot kookie balmy crackbrained asinine thick as two short planks ignorant not the full shilling absurd unwise simpleminded hare-brained goofy addle-brained doolally nerdish ridiculous dead from the neck up ludicrous braindead loopy halfwitted naive insensate numskulled lamebrain thick-headed shallow unthinking dorky stolid not bright unintellectual bonehead dopy unhinged stunted limited off the air snaillike pokey tardy leisurely dragging dallying crawling dawdling sluggish snail-paced languid unhurried poking dilatory poky laggard dillydallying creeping callow immature soppy credulous damfool green nonsensical screwball featherheaded divvy cockeyed harebrained zany tomfool preposterous pinhead dummy dumbbell underachieving dumdum yo-yo inexperienced inept feather-headed jerky fool wet behind the ears indiscreet blockheaded chowderheaded as thick as two short planks glaikit brainsick cranky bughouse psychotic slang fruity unbalanced demented haywire bats crazed gaga loco maniac wacko wud maniacal moonstruck unsound bedlam whacko meshugge psycho meshuga certifiable soft bedlamite not quite right not all there looney tunes loony tunes fried numbskull dumbo exceptional weak mentally defective gorked defective held back retardo non compos mentis in the ozone off the wall out of one's gourd irrational unreasonable imprudent pointless foolhardy illogical ill-advised laughable bizarre risible irresponsible thoughtless puerile rash reckless injudicious wild ill-considered fantastic cockamamie farcical cock-eyed odd strange impractical incautious ill-conceived feebleminded eccentric cockamamy madcap weird impolitic out to lunch fanciful fantastical unthinkable short-sighted infantile impracticable peculiar childish ill-judged outrageous comical derisible unreal shocking grotesque incongruous incredible meaningless monstrous outlandish unbelievable astonishing derisory careless unworkable unrealistic unstable flighty queer unusual implausible pathetic derisive inconsistent heedless rattlebrained oddball ill-thought-out clownish quirky funny frivolous unconventional inappropriate insipid surreal hilarious up the pole way out badly planned squirrelly pie-faced nerdy dappy off beam unearthly clueless unsteady changeable bathetic clock derpy unconsidered purposeless harum-scarum off one's head off one's trolley incomprehensible anencephalic anencephalous unaware complacent mentally incompetent bugged out empty erratic goofy loony freaky donkeyish obstinate contemptible foolheaded trifling futile worthless Boeotian dimwitted unsafe off the beam extremely foolish full of holes untenable stupidly irresponsible blockish idiotish very stupid smooth-brained smoothbrained sheepheaded muddle-headed nitwitted lumpish thick-skulled avant-garde off-centre extreme impossible amusing light-hearted comic extravagant excessive whimsical mercurial exorbitant waggish chucklesome diverting vain crass wishy-washy flat innocuous wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist crazy-ass mystifying extraordinary abnormal unique freakish baffling wackadoo phenomenal puzzling kinky inconceivable outré dreamlike offbeat rum remarkable funky quixotic weirdo far-out dilly devoid of intelligence joshing humorous camp witty campy out of the question too much taking the cake misguided off-the-wall spaced-out off-kilter out there gonzo beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason in left field overhasty wrong-headed unseemly off your head off your trolley undiplomatic inexpedient brash indelicate graceless tactless hasty inadvisable disturbed frenzied distraught hotheaded confused risky inconsiderate wrong psychopathic distracted sectionable raving bananas delirious frantic manic barking hysterical nutso buggy nutsy schizoid off the top of one's head bushed porangi yarra not right upstairs nutty as a fruitcake not quite right in the head have kangaroos in the top paddock mad as a hatter away with the fairies of unsound mind have bats in the belfry round the bend foaming at the mouth out of one's head mentally unbalanced stark mad as daft as a brush mentally ill raving mad not together stark staring mad mad as a March hare round the twist barking mad idiosyncratic have a screw loose not right in the head stark raving mad twisted sick in the head misbegotten vague bad poorly thought-out badly thought-out doomed ill-made abortive

Tính từ

Lacking sense or meaning
inane purposeless senseless silly stupid daft empty frivolous mindless fatuous idiotic puerile unintelligent vacuous vapid asinine futile imbecilic trifling worthless cretinous ludicrous moronic pointless risible witless brainless empty-headed goofy nonsensical thoughtless absurd childish damfool dim divvy dumb foolish gormless half-baked infantile laughable meaningless ridiculous crass dof flat glaikit harebrained illogical immature innocuous insipid sappy vain weak wishy-washy devoid of intelligence crazy preposterous insane unwise mad unreasonable wacky nutty dippy lunatic kooky half-witted hare-brained crackpot loony cuckoo dotty daffy cockeyed whacky featherheaded zany looney simpleminded kookie irrational foolhardy bizarre balmy inept farcical scatterbrained imprudent weak-minded lunkheaded bubbleheaded screwball dopey giddy jerky tomfool fool birdbrained ill-considered flighty irresponsible barmy reckless ill-advised implausible dizzy featherbrained unbelievable fantastic rash injudicious outrageous ditzy wild ditsy unthinkable thickheaded superficial frothy cockamamie impolitic cockamamy dim-witted derisible fantastical fanciful crackbrained incongruous incredible derisory chowderheaded dotish yeasty screwy batty lightheaded imbecile pathetic strange light-headed shocking pea-brained wooden-headed unreal unsound doltish indiscreet comical halfwitted shallow grotesque inappropriate light-minded derisive weird flippant rattlebrained impracticable misguided eccentric monstrous impractical ill-conceived cock-eyed astonishing short-sighted naive peculiar incautious inadvisable bird-brained unworkable unusual dense loopy odd unrealistic dunderheaded scatty inconceivable inconsistent fallacious simple potty ignorant outlandish improvident thick lamebrained unsubstantial groundless fickle false contemptible unthinking off the wall feather-brained flimsy glib slow-witted bewildering mystifying extraordinary baffling puzzling flip facetious full of holes brain-dead incomprehensible ill-judged dull queer non-serious unconvincing poor whimsical surreal braindead obtuse erroneous untenable feeble funny slang tenuous juvenile trivial impossible careless chuckleheaded pinheaded muttonheaded skittish heedless boneheaded blockheaded controvertible petty out to lunch unreasoning dappy undesirable unfortunate baseless risky hollow off your head ungrounded wishful dead from the neck up thick-witted off beam way out paltry unpersuasive assailable weakly unstable changeable fat-headed dipsy airheaded airbrained incoherent unintelligible unaware insensate complacent inadequate childlike madcap unsatisfactory unmeaning capricious hilarious comic donkeyish obstinate foolheaded idiotical unconsidered ill-thought-out softheaded feebleminded extreme freaky extravagant excessive harum-scarum burlesque droll transparent insufficient exorbitant bad dimwitted forgetful inconstant slow gelastic nonserious hasty far-out idle unsteady lamebrain unsmart knuckleheaded aberrant mercurial undiplomatic brash indelicate graceless tactless wrong-headed extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible idiotish squirrelly dorky dopy heady wackadoodle nonconformist crazy-ass abnormal unique freakish wackadoo phenomenal jokey joking waggish light-hearted too much Boeotian overhasty out of the question taking the cake outré dreamlike offbeat rum remarkable funky quixotic quirky weirdo smoothbrained doolally gonzo lame dull-witted simple-minded wacko very stupid lacking seriousness pie-faced off your trolley off-the-wall spaced-out off-kilter off the air up the pole beyond all reason out of all reason simplistic invalid smooth-brained frolicsome jocose sportive schematic lightweight insubstantial unsupported incorrect faulty facile cursory surface sketchy oversimplified uncritical specious unscientific spurious unjustifiable unjustified wrong skin-deep piddling unscholarly one-dimensional unbacked flawed inconclusive sophistical casuistic illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential nonrational unfounded unreasoned unproved sophistic contradictory perverse irrelevant unconnected irreconcilable self-contradictory beyond belief ill-founded lacking substance flakey flaky not following without foundation without basis unhinged deranged demented maniacal not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility

Tính từ

Not existent
nonexistent absent chimerical fancied fictional hallucinatory hypothetical illusory imaginary imagined insubstantial lacking missing mythical unreal wanting airy baseless blank dead defunct departed dreamlike dreamy empty ethereal extinct extinguished flimsy gone gossamery groundless immaterial imponderable inexistent legendary lost negative null perished shadowy tenuous ungrounded unsubstantial vague vaporous void passed away passed on without foundation null and void few and far between fanciful fictitious invented mythic fabulous made-up visionary fantastic pretend fantastical chimeric fabricated fantasied imaginal make-believe phantom supposititious ideal phantasmal phantasmic whimsical fantasy notional false mythological fictive storybook untrue pretended traditional fabled fairy-tale created storied folkloric non-existent allegorical dreamed-up theoretical mythologic imaginative concocted delusive figmental trumped up epic virtual quixotic suppositious deceptive illusive apocryphal spectral apparitional fool's paradise all in one's head product of someone's imagination heroic larger-than-life academic all in the mind estimated devised made up symbolic symbolical parabolic mock phantasmagoric intangible fake seeming nebulous artificial sham insincere ostensible impalpable phoney reachy unnatural weird replica aerial faux misleading romantic phony imitation unbelievable incredible out of this world reproduction assumed abstract supposed imagal figment of someone's imagination spurious delusory bogus specious fallacious pseudo simulated counterfeit mistaken deceitful synthetic fraudulent erroneous ersatz factitious substitute feigned apparent unfounded phantasmagorical dummy forged manufactured transcendental speculative imitative man-made spiritual unsound mimic deceiving invalid incorporeal conceptual contrived semblant conjectural trumped-up plastic surreal metaphysical utopian incorrect otherworldly ghostly blue-sky bodiless wild unearthly absurd faked irrational supernatural illusionary discarnate theoretic deluding beguiling illogical ridiculous hyped up sophistical bizarre fishy wrong inaccurate unbodied extravagant inexact untruthful nightmarish psychedelic poetic faulty non-physical suppositional unsubstantiated misguided distorted flawed unreasonable putative nonphysical nonmaterial impractical ideational imprecise affected Kafkaesque conjectured far-fetched unrealistic unworldly blue sky fantasized dream transcendent off oneiric idealized ghostlike dim unclear indistinct disembodied capricious unembodied play-play vain untouchable unworkable intellectual idealised impracticable wonderful formless wraithlike philosophical fantasised subconscious mental unfeasible proverbial curious subjective unconscious idle queer pipe dream psychological high-flown counterfactual truthless improper disincarnate thought up crackpot offbeat foundationless unproven casuistic misrepresentative colored abstruse psychosomatic unsupported uncorroborated unconfirmed recondite imperceptible to the touch slender misinformed coloured ill-founded indefinite unlikely floating improbable cooked-up questionable so-called ivory-tower sophistic unpractical numinous mystical nonconcrete without basis indeterminate uncertain cod mad facsimile put-on mechanical strained forced on cloud nine unreasoned adulterine not genuine reasonless doubtful in the mind falsie way off implausible phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian inane delusional unread mocking filled with dreams hollow prepared chimeral Barmecidal Barmecide wistful acted improvised created out of thin air non-material conceived dreamt up trancelike trance-like invisible dream-filled nonnatural suppositive misty hazy off the mark non-natural in your head dicey iffy contrary to fact unattainable stress-related stress-induced uncorporeal dodgy model toy faint dreamish hypnagogic manmade off beam full of holes way off beam preposterous ivory-towered Utopian unachievable famed unauthentic extraterrestrial apish hokey quasi make believe unheard of tall meretricious snide inauthentic ancient famous mercurial elusive outstanding impressive extraordinary remarkable enchanted magic important magical evanescent flakey far out fairy tale kinky flaky framed ungenuine bent bum pirate out-of-reach engineered preternatural other-worldly counterfeited rare evasive imperceptible unobservable insensible slight unquantifiable inappreciable eluding evading unapparent unsure dubious unverifiable related told customary unhistoric unhistorical handed-down non-viable starry-eyed silly impossible pinchbeck cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take foolish senseless idealistic half-baked in the clouds untested unverified unwarranted unjustified unattested indescribable indefinable nonmaterialistic paranormal celestial extramundane religious obscure perfectionist pie-in-the-sky pie in the sky castles in the air essential deep basic fundamental expressive crazy potty nonvalid unreliable profound universal esoteric creative supersensory daydreaming astral daydreamy not applicable naive nonrealistic not sensible nonsensical academical presumed ephemeral gratuitous bottomless mendacious uncalled-for off-base oversubtle fresh exotic original infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night supramundane superhuman jesuitic unfleshly supermundane difficult philosophic unphysical suprahuman ontological superior eternal supranatural inspired artistic inventive eccentric fancy quirky originative flighty perceptual presupposed provisory casual contestable disputable assumptive stochastic debatable postulated problematic contingent equivocal conditional conjecturable refutable guessed presumptive suspect proposed pretending artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen not backed up by evidence innovational unorthodox vivid revolutionary astute emotional subliminal too little too late far-out Promethean head in the clouds avant-garde out of touch with reality dishonest

Tính từ

Existing but not yet developed or manifest
latent dormant concealed hidden invisible lurking inherent quiescent undeveloped unseen veiled immanent secret undiscovered unexpressed unrealized unrevealed untapped imperceptible inactive indiscernible inert inoperative unapparent masked unfulfilled unused covert idle inchoate innermost repressed sleeping subconscious suppressed unacknowledged underlying abeyant buried contained dead embryonic fallow immature implied inferential inferred intrinsic involved passive potential smouldering smoldering suspended tacit torpid unconscious underdeveloped unexposed unripe vestigial free likely off possible rudimentary at rest in abeyance not activated on the shelf out of commission implicit undeclared unreserved unspoken understood unsaid constructive unuttered taken for granted complete total wholehearted firm steadfast full fixed entire constant unqualified unshakable unhesitating accurate inevitable implicative inarticulate definite virtual practical unquestioned certain quiet covered camouflaged still screened unfaltering unquestioning disguised unconditional absolute shrouded wordless unemployed undoubting undisclosed bottled up under wraps deep prepatent subliminal motionless undetectable silent suggested resting indirect immobile deducible unmoving hinted unoccupied imperceivable cloaked mothballed surreptitious stationary clouded undercover eclipsed undetected not in use out of use hinted at not visible out of sight in the dark out of view unwavering unidentified unbeknown unknown forthright rapid swift prompt confident lost covered up unbeknownst unrecognized resolute relapsing retreating lowering receding regressive ebbing declining falling unrecognised unswerving inbuilt obedient unthinking automatic larvate cryptic incognito cabalistic ingrained fundamental incorporated disused prospective inner future not operating ticking over undivulged probable budding inmost gathering dust unutilized no longer in use fallen into disuse mental recessive unexploited conceivable developing imaginable not made use of untried obscured inconspicuous going begging not in service unspoilt non-functioning in the making unseeable unnoticeable sluggish unnoticed indistinguishable unobserved disengaged restrained unobtrusive discreet indistinct lethargic serene peaceful smooth nonexistent obscure unperceivable shadowy inappreciable stopped static stifled intangible unobservable ghostly insensible perdu impalpable ethereal vaporous imaginary not in view not in sight unviewable imponderable gaseous impossible to detect deactivated slumbering undisturbed stagnant calm sleepy asleep placid tranquil dull turned off on hold low-key in holding pattern insinuated smothered muffled unstated gentle unruffled unagitated lifeless inhibited oblique unvoiced not obvious withheld sheltered pent up bottled-up blocked held back curbed held in allusive adumbrated occult indicative signified figured symbolized foreshadowed significative assumed indicated perceptible meant connoted parallel intended snug tect underground symbolised kept in check not spelt out alluded to taken as read tacitly assumed not on view

Tính từ

Lacking sense or sound reasoning
unreasonable fallacious illogical inconsequential invalid irrational unreasoning illegitimate inconsequent nonrational unsound weak arbitrary bad-tempered capricious contradictory erratic far-fetched foolish incoherent incongruous inconsistent loose mad perverse quirky reasonless silly stroppy stupid thoughtless unreasoned wrong ill-tempered all wet off the wall full of hot air senseless absurd nonsensical unwise ridiculous idiotic preposterous brainless fatuous injudicious witless crazy imprudent wacky daft ludicrous inane mindless insane nutty asinine unintelligent half-witted laughable ill-considered imbecilic ill-advised harebrained half-baked loony kooky irresponsible pointless zany dippy foolhardy dotty lunatic risible hare-brained daffy implausible simpleminded groundless crackpot wild moronic incautious indiscreet rash whacky cockeyed cuckoo fanciful inept reckless sappy untenable barmy bizarre unfounded balmy cockamamie dumb looney fantastic lunkheaded jerky featherheaded bubbleheaded kookie farcical short-sighted tomfool crackbrained weak-minded dopey screwball dim-witted outrageous baseless unscientific unthinking impractical unjustifiable faulty unsupported cockamamy impolitic damfool incredible thickheaded fantastical unreal unbelievable fool flawed sophistic specious strange doltish impracticable birdbrained screwy goofy meaningless puerile comical unthinkable derisory ill-conceived frivolous pathetic superficial unjustified unworkable incorrect unsubstantiated pea-brained spurious lamebrained wooden-headed erroneous dim unwarranted off-the-wall derisible false gormless shocking obtuse glaikit monstrous scatterbrained chowderheaded dotish loopy grotesque astonishing unsubstantial inappropriate flimsy derisive ill-founded cock-eyed potty naive simple vacuous off beam misguided way out flighty feebleminded lamebrain impossible full of holes softheaded unconvincing weird shaky random ill-judged careless foundationless defective batty queer tenuous odd discretionary inconceivable subjective unrealistic optional personal giddy without foundation thick without basis heedless supercilious offhand approximate wayward unaccountable imbecile unearthly ungrounded hasty negligent indefensible improvident idiotical contemptible whimsical extraordinary abnormal brain-dead feather-brained self-contradictory infantile peculiar quixotic unsustainable eccentric demented casual inadequate freaky trivial insupportable poor clueless extravagant unusual casuistic madcap ignorant hollow feeble hilarious slapdash trifling dense funny inadvisable aberrant halfwitted surreal paltry scatty nonvalid dull unlikely stray outlandish unbacked controvertible slow unsmart chuckleheaded dunderheaded pinheaded wrongly inferred boneheaded not making sense immature knuckleheaded slang wishful nerdy impulsive dorky dopy unpersuasive assailable weakly unconsidered futile fruitless thick-witted featherbrained slow-witted empty-headed willful judgemental self-contradicting counterintuitive judgmental unsafe unpractical unarguable undefendable refutable unsatisfactory inadmissible idiotish squirrelly ill-thought-out extreme smoothbrained unpardonable unwarrantable inexcusable unforgivable incomprehensible excessive insensate stolid oafish transparent insufficient bad risky childish unacceptable very stupid exorbitant mercurial tearaway bonehead opaque wrongly deduced foolheaded cretinous muttonheaded untrue wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist crazy-ass mystifying unique freakish baffling wackadoo phenomenal puzzling airheaded flakey unstable distraught raving disconnected delirious disjointed extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible vapid not well thought out divvy far-out outré dreamlike offbeat rum remarkable funky weirdo soft inaccurate shallow dappy blockheaded flaky soft in the head too much dof unconfirmed without justification inexpiable uncorroborated smooth-brained lame taking the cake unreliable spaced-out off-kilter doolally gonzo horrendous ungodly unholy questionable wacko beyond all reason bird-brained out of all reason dull-witted simple-minded out to lunch fat-headed dubious suspect out of the question untruthful off inexact out off your head off your trolley God-awful fallible off the air up the pole bogus off target dodgy iffy lacking substance unheard of improbable illegal romantic wide of the mark non-viable starry-eyed unfeasible ironic not working idealistic amusing humorous utopian visionary unworldly theoretical perfectionist delusory misplaced minor petty minute unimportant negligible light insignificant small shoestring inconsiderable chance irritating out of the ordinary rich annoying entertaining priceless droll diverting gone nonrealistic reachy ivory-tower floating haphazard hit-or-miss regardless unmindful mistaken misconceived deluded misled a laugh a joke a bit much side-splitting remiss tactless neglectful unpredictable motiveless unmotivated not applicable not sensible blue sky OTT a bit thick over the top inattentive irreflective disinformed errant deceived off course inexpedient confused labouring under a delusion bum-steer bearded faked-out led up the garden path uncalled for erring stonewalled straying desultory aimless scattered catch-as-catch-can helter-skelter wanton slipshod inadvertent undiscerning unreflective precipitate unobservant unheeding on cloud nine discretional indiscriminate wilful uninformed inconclusive unconcerned ditsy indifferent sophistical deaf apathetic undiplomatic blind listless unproved absent-minded irrelevant unconnected irreconcilable beyond belief hot-headed not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Tính từ

Done or happening without careful consideration
unthinking careless heedless impulsive mechanical negligent rash unmindful instinctive thoughtless unconscious absent-minded foolish ill-advised ill-considered imprudent inadvertent injudicious unwise automatic neglectful precipitate reckless remiss senseless silly stupid unintended intuitive involuntary oblivious reflex spontaneous unintentional unpremeditated unwitting witless blunt brutish feckless indelicate napping outrageous unheeding unmeant unreasoning untactful hasty incautious foolhardy unconsidered impetuous indiscreet mindless improvident irresponsible overhasty unguarded madcap unwary irrational brash inconsiderate headlong ill-judged misguided inattentive hotheaded wild impolitic temerarious devil-may-care ill-conceived spur-of-the-moment short-sighted offhand slapdash hot-headed casual harum-scarum tactless hare-brained indifferent regardless harebrained unthought-out inadvisable premature undiplomatic unobservant unreasonable unreasoned ill-thought-out impromptu precipitous graceless unconcerned idiotic hurried nonsensical inexpedient sloppy forgetful brainless sudden passionate adventurous illogical snap determined precipitant nonchalant unsound venturesome venturous lax unstudied daredevil blind unplanned wrong-headed headstrong nonrational slipshod unwatchful unprepared unsafe furious daring audacious immature cursory uncircumspect unintelligent off-the-cuff superficial crackbrained jumping to conclusions slack disregardful inept undiscerning knee-jerk crazy ad hoc trivial uncaring insouciant lackadaisical throwaway indiscriminate inappropriate extemporaneous credulous rushed blithe bold hell-for-leather wrong over-adventurous meaningless fiery frenzied insuppressible tearaway scatterbrained frivolous impractical reactive feather-brained helter-skelter passing quick flighty unalert unvigilant off-guard imbecilic kamikaze clueless moronic ignorant empty-headed shallow ad-lib playing with fire damfool uncritical lightweight myopic near-sighted derelict untroubled parenthetical lazy naive inane short-term imperceptive ludicrous delinquent unjustifiable unworried lamebrained incoherent groundless laughable improvised pointless futile idiotical simpleminded irreflective airy