Từ đồng nghĩa của not all there

Tính từ

Having lost control of one's mental faculties
out of one's mind demented deranged insane mad non compos mentis unbalanced crazy mad as a hatter mental nuts nutty sectionable away with the fairies bats batty bonkers cuckoo loony loopy mad as a March hare raving mad round the bend bananas barmy gaga loco not right upstairs off the wall out to lunch touched barking barking mad buggy crackers not right in the head nutso nutsy round the twist with a screw loose bushed meshuga not quite right in the head not the full shilling porangi squirrelly wacko unhinged crazed lunatic daft psychotic screwy cracked certifiable crackpot disturbed mentally ill maniacal dotty nutty as a fruitcake wacky kooky psycho of unsound mind unstable daffy looney unsound brainsick maniac moonstruck whacky kookie whacko dippy balmy crackbrained cranky haywire meshugge psychopathic bughouse scatty fruity wud distraught stark raving mad bedlam raving looney tunes loony tunes frenzied distracted slang sick in the head as daft as a brush delirious hysterical up the pole manic not together stark mad foaming at the mouth stark staring mad frantic off your rocker schizoid yarra have kangaroos in the top paddock irrational eccentric have bats in the belfry potty schizophrenic off your trolley have a screw loose around the bend disordered paranoid off your head off one's nut off one's gourd crazy as a loon stupid neurotic idiotic sick bizarre rabid raging senseless fatuous preposterous doolally sociopathic gonzo flakey wild flaky off unsettled derailed troubled silly foolish berserk mixed up screwed up psychopathological unglued peculiar queer flipped out severely mentally ill a bit lacking daft as a brush a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic not of sound mind one card shy of a full deck wrong witless zany screwball unwise simple half-witted erratic odd out there freaked out not in your right mind impractical bedlamite having bats in the belfry in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd deprived of one's wits having a screw loose in a daze out of one's head dazed manic-depressive in the ozone moonstricken touched in the head confused fried having kangaroos in the top paddock soft in the head dreamy over the edge flipped-out non compos absurd mindless nonsensical brainless asinine harebrained berko two sandwiches short of a picnic off your chump severely mentally disordered simpleminded baked psyched out bubbleheaded lunkheaded cockeyed furious uncontrollable featherheaded phrenetic gibbering rampant ranting jerky unsafe aberrant invalid panic-stricken yampy fantastic tomfool sappy inept fool ridiculous one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a March hare uncontrolled demoniac off the deep end off-the-wall as mad as a hatter unreasonable schitzy oddball bemused irresponsible weird illogical goofy paranoiac paranoic strange off the air pixilated obsessed fanatic not right flighty unconventional idiosyncratic twisted weak-minded half-baked mentally unbalanced violent imbecilic simple-minded moronic outlandish cretinous dull-witted slow slow-witted dim-witted dunce-like feeble-minded dull unrealistic dingy unzipped flipped schizo empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid pig-ignorant dim bovine dozy birdbrained dumb pea-brained off the chain wooden-headed lamebrained boneheaded chuckleheaded fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded dunderheaded giddy not quite right slow on the uptake thick as two short planks kinky nobody home freaky unscrewed ludicrous inane hare-brained laughable farcical risible cockamamie imprudent unintelligent comical cockamamy foolhardy pointless injudicious reckless doltish outrageous ill-advised rash derisory unreal implausible ill-considered fanciful fantastical derisive thoughtless pathetic unthinkable madcap cock-eyed unbelievable derisible incautious unworkable indiscreet impracticable funny incredible thickheaded gormless damfool ill-conceived chowderheaded dotish glaikit imbecile puerile scatterbrained comic way out far-fetched feebleminded grotesque halfwitted impossible divvy amusing dof hilarious weak incongruous extravagant feather-brained droll unthinking meaningless diverting shocking frivolous blockheaded clownish ill-thought-out short-sighted nonrational unreasoning groundless unjustifiable heedless humorous untenable faulty impolitic chucklesome curious ape unusual ignorant obtuse incoherent careless unscientific extraordinary inconsistent improbable childish monstrous braindead unfeasible dense ill-judged astonishing pinheaded quirky non-viable dappy useless futile gelastic softheaded fallacious off-centre unfounded too much gone off beam dead from the neck up inconsequential specious impulsive illegitimate beside oneself inconsequent chaotic far-out freakish amok infantile surreal sophistic flawed defective rum inappropriate incorrect out of control misguided outré light-hearted maddened unreasoned immature extreme addle-brained clueless witty romantic inconceivable spaced-out unlikely brash hasty inadvisable contradictory changeable uproarious amazing humoristic facetious joshing camp campy capricious nonfunctional frenetic whimsical riotous unpractical slapstick disarranged exorbitant unimaginable retarded light-headed lightheaded sidesplitting comedic entertaining visionary backward inconsiderate hotheaded antic bewildered unattainable vain killing screaming hysteric hopeless unviable naive nerdy unearthly theoretical dopy side-splitting rib-tickling hallucinatory priceless unrealizable without foundation without basis ivory-tower incompetent full of holes infeasible pie-faced not making sense good-humoured good-humored beyond the bounds of possibility out of sight muddle-headed slaphappy out of the question out of one's skull dizzy thick-witted half-cracked birdy bathetic clock incomprehensible rattlebrained unsteady daggy psychoneurotic in a frenzy few X short of a Y disorganized excessive schizzo nerdish offbeat topsy-turvy off the rails dimwitted burlesque unconsidered bugged out mentally incompetent callow way-out tangled shambolic obstinate donkeyish avant-garde green credulous vacant bone-headed goofy loony harum-scarum out of your mind wonky broken fuddled sublime contemptible idiotical improvident addle-pated waggish unpredictable null inexperienced insipid complacent unaware insensate mirthful Boeotian taking the cake orderless amiss disorganised messy idiotish unorthodox Bohemian far out foolheaded mystifying puzzling bewildering baffling dope jocose jocular hyper funky queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way remarkable bizarro smoothbrained not functioning properly out of order extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible dilly worthy of scorn jolly demonic demoniacal not well thought out ineffectual very stupid smooth-brained out of one's box excellent mentally slow out of commission on the fritz in pieces up the spout daredevil spare consumed postal crook barro hot-headed ditzy feverish overhasty wrong-headed unseemly out of whack in a mess on the blink feather-headed acting crazy embarrassing in vain in left field O.T.T. OTT over the top a bit much ill starry-eyed quixotic up the wall through the roof on the rampage featherbrained fickle skittish daring adventurous as thick as two short planks wet behind the ears for grins to no avail agitated busy overexcited excited high up false idealistic frothy forgetful light-minded yeasty inconstant ditsy temerarious audacious overbold overconfident babbling possessed soft undiplomatic indelicate tactless inexpedient graceless spurious dubious doubtful unplanned utopian unworldly perfectionist delusory erroneous bird-brained risky badly planned fierce ferocious radge unjustified imaginary nitwitted very good unconvincing incredulous grandiose illusory heady unachievable unformed sophomoric undeveloped swivel-eyed lively ambitious unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial nonrealistic reachy floating hopped up turned out off the top of your head sheepheaded unobtainable hallucinating restless deviant deviate hot fevered rambling wandering suppositious illusive different singular underdeveloped on cloud nine not applicable not sensible blue sky sophistical forlorn undoable insurmountable hollow casuistic poorly planned not thought through not fully developed make-believe ludicrous. laughable insuperable irresoluble insolvable unsolvable inconclusive unsubstantial cock-and-bull perverse irreconcilable paradoxical irresolvable unproved cheery cheerful happy hearty irrelevant unconnected unserviceable inoperable insoluble inaccessible impassable impervious inexecutable irrealizable baseless disoriented arbitrary nonpractical unusable not to be thought of not possible beyond one hardly possible no-go hundred-to-one contrary to reason not on no-way not a prayer not worth considering like herding cats beyond you disorientated self-contradictory beyond belief not following reasonless nonviable muddled counterintuitive disconnected disjointed chimerical speculative inapplicable otherworldly unbusinesslike abstract inefficacious addled befuddled won't fly no go at sea all at sea discombobulated senile absent-minded out-of-joint glassy-eyed not with it punchy not knowing if one is coming or going shook up fouled up pixillated spaced out mixed-up spacey zonked-out muddleheaded punch-drunk muzzy addlepated shell-shocked shot to pieces zonked with Alzheimer's disease spacy

Tính từ

Having no knowledge of a situation or fact
unaware ignorant unconscious oblivious uninformed unknowing unmindful heedless unsuspecting incognizant innocent insensible unenlightened unwitting nescient blind deaf inattentive clueless insensitive unacquainted unobservant unperceptive unresponsive careless daydreaming doped forgetful inconversant mooning naive negligent spacey unconcerned unfamiliar uninstructed caught napping deaf to not cognizant out cold in a daze in the dark not in the loop out of it out to lunch not aware undiscerning imperceptive oblivious to unseeing unperceiving neglectful myopic unaware of nearsighted impercipient ignorant of blind to uncomprehending inconsiderate impervious to unconscious of thoughtless purblind uninformed about unwise obtuse unconversant with unenlightened about unaffected by indiscriminate uneducated unmindful of injudicious inexperienced in the dark about unreasoning unaffected unacquainted with impervious nescient of indifferent to insentient inexperienced in strange to a stranger to unwary indifferent dull without knowledge unwarned unknowledgeable unnoticing unrecognizing unbriefed unmoved insensible to unconcerned by unmoved by unfamiliar with unaccustomed to mindless of unschooled in uninitiated in unresponsive to careless of untouched by not told not informed unused to inattentive to negligent of new to neglectful of fresh to benighted superficial mindless uniformed in ignorance of regardless unapprised unappreciative unheeding incurious unsavvy disregardful disregarding astigmatic not observant blank unschooled comatose haphazard coincidental aimless undesigned numb senseless removed from taking no notice detached from unconcerned about oblivious of inconsiderate of in ignorance lost to unaccustomed unwatchful not knowing confiding regardless of disregardful of strange swallowing undoubting unheeding of taking no notice of paying no heed to uncritical unfeeling apathetic untouched ill-advised rash reckless untutored in taken in impassive unimpressible indiscreet hasty unused unversed unskilled at unconversant not associated out of contact not versed in unpracticed uninitiated unversed in unskilled in unpractised in unskilled obdurate off guard imprudent inadvisable unsympathetic without knowledge of unsusceptible incautious hot-headed unconsidered brash unhearing insensitive of unadvised indiscriminating unconcerned with self-willed unwilling intractable strong-willed mulish pigheaded perverse dispassionate about heedless of stubborn obstinate headstrong pertinacious bullheaded to listen blind misinformed uninformed of ill-informed uninitiated about unknowing of green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of innocent about clueless about innocent of unwitting of not having the faintest about not knowing the first thing about

Từ trái nghĩa của not all there

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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