Đồng nghĩa của dubious

Alternative for dubious

Đồng nghĩa: doubtful, questionable, uncertain,

Tính từ

Reluctant to proceed due to doubts or uncertainty
hesitant doubtful uncertain unsure undecided wavering cagey hesitating tentative equivocal iffy indisposed loath reticent sceptical unsettled ambiguous disinclined irresolute unconfirmed unconvinced undetermined unresolved vacillating cagy distrustful indefinite leery loth reluctant shaky chancy diffident fly-by-night indecisive mistrustful questioning skeptical trustless unassured unsavoury unsavory untrusty in a dilemma in a quandary in doubt in two minds touch and go on the horns of a dilemma suspicious hinky ambivalent dithering on the fence shilly-shallying unwilling oscillating of two minds waffling uncommitted torn averse equivocating blowing hot and cold opposed resistant noncommittal doubting afraid backward uneager not sure unclear split nervous antipathetic faltering slow agnostic not in the mood vague hazy unprepared floating resisting unenthusiastic halting ill-disposed shy wishy-washy teetering fluctuating divided perplexed antagonistic hostile not disposed having qualms having misgivings recalcitrant betwixt and between hemming and hawing faithless running hot and cold sitting on the fence like doubting Thomas without belief insecure unconfident incredulous disbelieving cynical confused vexed neutral grudging pussyfooting unimpressed unbelieving unpersuaded unmoved against untrusting on-the-fence counter not ready half-hearted circumspect demurring uncaring uninclined not minded not keen inimical chary wary remiss delaying stalling nervous about unenthusiastic about wobbling timid hanging back havering balking not in favour of dilly-dallying cunctatory swithering lazy unpredictable lacking confidence cautious dawdling unfinished pendent humming and hawing sticking unsympathetic objecting shying protesting baulking hedging your bets in the middle vacillatory vacillant conflicting muddled contradictory mixed unsteady pendulous fickle wobbly weak unstable shilly-shally changeable weak-minded weak-kneed shillyshallying infirm uneventful astraddle inconclusive inconstant volatile clashing warring conflicted debatable opposing changing halfhearted fearful hot and cold hot-and-cold full of doubt

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Vague or unclear in nature
ambiguous equivocal unclear imprecise indefinite indeterminate vague cryptic enigmatic hazy hinky puzzling confused confusing debatable doubtful indistinct inexact obscure questionable uncertain blurred equivocating fuzzy open unsettled open to question nebulous inexplicit unintelligible enigmatical arcane perplexing opaque ill-defined mysterious abstruse inscrutable mystic murky occult sketchy inconclusive foggy muzzy oracular Delphic double-edged loose ambivalent arguable misleading woolly paradoxical unknown deep elliptical wooly tenebrous undetermined dark elliptic fuliginous open to debate clear as dishwater clear as mud open to argument amphibological cloudy imperfect obfuscatory riddling bleary muddy muddled gnomic bewildering undefined shadowy dim oblique blurry noncommittal indistinguishable clouded non-specific unsound vacillating unconfirmed generalized rough unresolved incomplete unestablished undecided unascertained incomprehensible superficial approximate baffling cursory unfathomable impenetrable dense concealed up in the air yet to be decided inadequate perfunctory iffy borderline unexplained inexplicable mystifying hidden remote weak polysemantic polysemous polysemic general difficult unspecified generalised multivocal periphrastic prevaricating circumlocutory circuitous suspicious recondite duplicitous contradictory roundabout elusive obfuscated esoteric unlimited evasive impressionistic nubilous purblind hard imperceptive pale misty blear gauzy faint unfixed shifty unexplicit disreputable beyond comprehension as clear as mud intangible broad unspecific open-ended innumerable indeterminable unsure inexhaustible wide undependable two-edged gray grey

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Of questionable reliability, worth or quality
suspect questionable doubtful unreliable suspicious undependable untrustworthy arguable disputable dodgy doubtable dubitable flimsy improbable moot unlikely mootable problematic problematical unapt far-fetched under suspicion up in the air not kosher uncertain debatable iffy equivocal shaky fishy unsettled open to question unsure shady chancy queer unclear ambiguous controversial undecided open to doubt in doubt unsubstantiated indeterminate borderline unresolved unconfirmed weak indefinite contentious unsupported unsound vague indecisive unknown open to debate tricky shonky controvertible precarious unpredictable delicate dicey risky undetermined open dangerous tenuous hazardous unconvincing hairy contestable perilous issuable in question negotiable speculative funny spurious mysterious unsafe inconclusive clouded dark odd insecure in the balance unestablished unverified disputed disreputable in dispute implausible nebulous inaccurate murky touch and go unstable false rocky puzzling enigmatic unproven sticky cryptic not quite right obscure difficult parlous pending confused fallible strange touch-and-go untrue awkward up for discussion irregular wrong open to discussion hazy unfounded treacherous yet to be decided apocryphal tight pseudo undefined conjectural incalculable contested sensitive inexact betwixt and between the jury's out bone of contention critical thorny between sixes and sevens challenging between rock and hard place at issue shifty unauthenticated unconcluded ticklish peculiar specious fake unsteady groundless marginal unforeseeable incorrect mistaken defective erroneous deceptive slippery tough baseless ungrounded contingent unreasonable contended exceptionable inexplicit troublesome indistinct opaque perplexing unjustified flakey sham flaky ill-founded uncorroborated unascertained touchy not definite imprecise subject to debate indistinguishable foundationless shadowy unanswered wide of the mark off-target in limbo trying dire prickly bleak suppositive suppositious up for grabs vexed unsolved on ice without foundation open to suspicion without basis onerous forbidding arduous unpleasant worrying grievous bothersome vexatious irksome upsetting grim knotty taxing hanging by a thread on thin ice on the back burner awful worrisome concerning punishing rough disagreeable distressing not backed up by evidence ill-defined unfriendly disturbing spartan hostile hard to believe bitter insubstantial underhand unsavoury sketchy crooked bent negligible fragile off potentially illegal potentially dishonest unsavory paradoxical fictitious mythical legendary unspecific insignificant concerned troubled worried anxious apprehensive disquieted enigmatical tenebrous unintelligible muddy clear as dishwater devious outstanding cliffhanging suspenseful unsubstantial fabricated uncanonical tentative unclassifiable potentially dangerous ridiculous thick potentially false suspected thin incredible unbelievable riddling sub judice ambivalent imaginary made-up at risk in jeopardy in danger far from certain peripheral frontier bordering hidden a controversial subject not yet established a live issue a moot point empty misinformed illogical misguided undisclosed a matter of opinion open for discussion yet to be settled not yet settled not reliable not dependable arcane abstruse invented ungenuine fictional allonymous counterfeit unwarranted concealed hesitant confusing muffled gnarly intangible indiscernible wavering irresolute equivocating untested trumped-up blear elusive vacillating unchancy erratic fluctuant unjustifiable unattested to be decided presumed assumed not validated capricious invalid nonvalid fraught with danger high-risk in no man's land disputatious falsified fallacious divisive polemical provocative tendentious emotive polemic debateable debated hot heated notorious unknowable undivinable random arbitrary dishonest under discussion hot-button wobbly chance phony farfetched unusual corrupt criminal different phoney unhealthy hit-or-miss hit-and-miss hanging in the balance hit and miss rings untrue built on sand on a slippery slope of doubtful honesty out of line out on a limb won't wash too much unprovable occult hypothetical not obvious under examination under advisement

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Morally suspect
unscrupulous disreputable suspicious crooked shady suspect dodgy fishy shifty slippery unsavory unsavoury funny dishonest dishonourable dishonorable deceitful duplicitous underhand treacherous untrustworthy double-dealing tricky corrupt unprincipled guileful devious questionable fraudulent two-faced crafty shonky sneaky bent unethical sly underhanded unreliable Janus-faced wily scheming cunning artful deceptive immoral furtive snide conniving false seedy undependable murky two-timing cheating sharp nefarious illegal unlawful iffy calculating designing dirty scandalous unfair rogue irresponsible fast unfaithful inglorious traitorous criminal fly-by-night not to be trusted insidious shrewd snidey not dependable insincere mean sketchy notorious trustless low disloyal surreptitious clandestine secret sneaking foxy slick cagey dark mysterious irregular doubtful untrusty not to be depended on fair-weather discreditable disgraceful shameful infamous ignominious base unsportsmanlike seamy sleazy beguiling unsporting villainous rascally cute cagy unwholesome indirect despicable subtle evasive covert secretive unsafe untrue below the belt fickle opprobrious slim oblique shoddy untruthful louche lying Machiavellian unrespectable cloak-and-dagger back-alley double-crossing shy of dubious character slimy under the table dirty-dealing potentially illegal faithless shadowy macabre queer bootleg suspected disbelieved amoral stinky under the counter dicey knavish mean-spirited corruptible buyable grafting defrauding venal swindling deviant dangerous roguish cowboy unprofessional contriving malfeasant delusive stealthy fink not trustworthy iniquitous suborned ruthless evil mendacious collusive unhonest not to be relied upon untrusted unpleasant nasty hidden hugger-mugger veiled shrouded hole-and-corner offensive obnoxious funny-looking perfidious backstairs conspiratorial low-down inconstant objectionable repellent rough disagreeable repulsive dishonest-looking strange-looking guilty-looking mysterious-looking queer-looking shocking contemptible erring errant obliquitous gimmicky degenerate false-hearted playing politics put on playing games reprehensible doubting recreant adulterous not straightforward faking one out vicious outrageous unworthy disorderly rude boorish uncouth distasteful revolting churlish coarse gross vulgar of bad reputation vile deceiving flighty repugnant noisome double-faced unbelieving back-stabbing bad licentious dissolute lewd pitiable derogatory beggarly sorry cheap abject scurvy sordid lowly libidinous unloyal unconverted sceptical fluctuating skeptical wavering unstable capricious changeful changeable in low esteem in the doghouse in bad no good unjust canny hollow-hearted disingenuous wicked clever ignoble rotten unconscionable reprobate foul improper dissembling astute elusive scoundrelly undercover hypocritical wrong misleading cutthroat hush-hush fly black smart mercenary savvy bribable counterfeit shameless against the rules corrupted underground not cricket truthless depraved sinful private bluffing lawless smooth skulking stealth slinking privy grubby conscienceless cloaked sneak dastardly intelligent pawky shabby illicit behind-the-scenes inequitable malicious sub-rosa unregenerate mischievous ingenious exploitative under wraps impish arch hoodwinking sham plotting sinister Punic arrant unseemly cowardly astucious spurious ungentlemanly keen negligent phoney mock fake phony streetwise concealed carny off selfish illegitimate under-the-table as sharp as a tack cautious scummy on the take out of order sleazoid sleazo despised intriguing captious illusory skilful skillful trick unpredictable indefensible wrongdoing bogus dissimulating incorrigible backbiting unctuous grotty salty ornery hostile snaky unconscientious lax fugitive lubricious fiendish devilish raffish purchasable perceptive wise discerning resourceful pseudo bamboozling falsified forged against the law imitation casuistic degrading self-seeking petty degraded wrongful fibbing mercentary praetorian stop-at-nothing abandoned profligate wanton rapacious pixieish tricksy scampish pixie leprechaunish waggish puckish pixy prankish elvish wayward sharp-witted discriminating street-smart deft street smart quick unsteady insecure hard to pin down uncertain mutable variable on the QT on the quiet sideways sidelong unbefitting unfitting indecorous unbecoming plausible rascal pretended bum seeming serpentine catchy imposturous quiet catlike enigmatic catty silent feline noiseless prostituted deep wry greasy witted delusory neat whip-smart acute unsound frolicsome heady quick-witted treasonable cloak and dagger disguised creepy behind someone's back circumspect masked unkind warped avaricious grasping hole and corner falsehearted malevolent perjured forsworn mythomaniac apostate renegade ungenerous hateful simoniac simoniacal padded decadent felonious open to bribery beastly profiteering fallacious squalid extortionate open unrighteous stingy cruel natty despisable miserly thoughtless inconsiderate disrespectful detestable paltry worthless execrable wretched unsportsmanly flimflam scam deplorable lame currish scungy lousy ratty scabby gone to the dogs fast and loose low-minded off-color ill-gotten yellow inappropriate unacceptable incorrect grey unofficial gray back-door not on beyond the pale over the fence out-of-order not done a bit much a bit thick contrary to the rules

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Unusual or out of the ordinary
strange unusual odd curious peculiar bizarre weird uncanny abnormal funny atypical anomalous unfamiliar extraordinary unexpected remarkable puzzling mystifying mysterious perplexing baffling inexplicable queer uncommon irregular surreal deviant different aberrant freakish uncharacteristic suspicious unparalleled questionable quaint unnatural anomalistic quirky unconventional rare eerie ridiculous scarce unorthodox untypical freak inconceivable ludicrous offbeat outlandish out of the ordinary wacky far-out incongruous outré spooky unaccountable creepy eccentric exceptional fishy freaky inscrutable kooky nonstandard oddball off-base off the wall out of line out of the way singular wild bizarro funky idiosyncratic off-centre off-color screwy uncustomary wacko way-out zany crazy erratic kinky kookie off-kilter off-the-wall out-of-the-way queerish spaced-out unheard of weirdo whacky like nothing on earth unco rum unique cranky aberrated droll unaccustomed suspect flakey phenomenal surprising whimsical flaky doubtful unwonted irrational dodgy shady exceeding especial mad extraordinaire preternatural foreign intriguing out-there dilly doubtable equivocal dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky nutty capricious problematical problematic quizzical beat unhinged touched outre unbalanced demented characteristic bent cockeyed left-field far out way out off-center funny peculiar out in left field dark shonky astonishing amazing mysterious-looking not quite right funny-looking strange-looking not kosher sensational incredible astounding fantastic stunning notable prodigious striking momentous miraculous unbelievable improbable fanciful eye-catching unforgettable arresting unrealistic absurd special spectacular noteworthy stupendous conspicuous preposterous nonsensical implausible unlikely unprecedented serious eye-popping fantastical extravagant grandiose tremendous wondrous unthinkable unimaginable amazeballs insane unreal foolish cockamamie comical flash gnarly heavy forby hare-brained far-fetched unheard-of make-believe never to be forgotten off beaten path out of this world out there exotic novel original daggy alien grotesque isolated something else avant-garde unknown divergent unrepresentative fresh out of the common new outstanding alternative perverse monstrous wonderful infrequent in left field unordinary distinctive perverted madcap Bohemian one of a kind incomparable dotty unpredictable unexampled distinct memorable particular warped distinguished specialized individual daft nuts crackpot cuckoo unhealthy twisted unmatched unequalled unrivalled batty unlike contrary incomprehensible supernatural jarring disparate newsworthy dippy cracked off the beaten track corrupt unrivaled matchless unexcelled unequaled non-typical record groundbreaking peerless revolutionary nonconformist slang marvellous pioneering wayward off the air first-time bohemian signal aberrational in a league of its own malformed without equal heteroclite beyond compare thin on the ground nonconforming marvelous ground-breaking few and far between sui generis outrageous unconforming untried devious seldom specialised newfangled without parallel deviate radical custom customized exclusive signature personalized distinguishing innovative depraved rummy progressive advanced very unconventional hippy experimental oddish eccentrical occasional sporadic old-fashioned excentrical avant garde boho laughable barbarous awkward breaking new ground loner cool chance out of keeping untraditional kookish esoteric unsavoury sick degenerated pervy sadistic degenerate masochistic heterodox distorted not normal deviating unnormal heteromorphic limited humorous arbitrary off-beat off the rails bugged out altered imported not prepared variant ready licentious deviative sicko immoral vagarious teratoid changeable fitful arcane nondescript startling extreme egregious few remote beyond your ken little known unexplored uninvestigated obscure recondite awesome seldom seen atypic awe-inspiring prominent significant eminent refreshing inconsistent personalised customised crinkly twisty unsavory considerable exciting all-time impressive loony other specific bonkers goofy amusing loopy barmy clownish silly comic errant interesting off-key discordant unharmonious potty brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge mental bughouse crackbrained psychotic fruity haywire bats gaga moonstruck whacko daffy psycho meshuga balmy certifiable gonzo looney tunes acting crazy non compos mentis loony tunes

Tính từ

Not inclined to trust

Tính từ

That cannot be conceived
unconceivable incredible unbelievable implausible inconceivable unthinkable unimaginable fantastic improbable fantastical unconvincing incredulous uncompelling impossible doubtful weak fishy suspect thin flimsy unsubstantial unreasonable reachy farfetched obscure problematic puzzling shaky full of it too much won't wash far out full of holes won't hold water for the birds questionable far-fetched unlikely preposterous fanciful absurd cock-and-bull unrealistic ridiculous hard to swallow irrational extraordinary untenable unsound specious hard to believe beyond belief scarcely credible extravagant tenuous flawed unpersuasive nonsensical illogical ludicrous faulty astonishing feeble lame outlandish unsatisfactory inadequate unsubstantiated staggering poor tall strained strange spurious hollow laboured crazy pathetic nonrational illegitimate unreasoning unfounded unreal labored amazing incogitable incongruous unimpressive highly unlikely wacky inconsequent inconsequential cockamamie hard to take difficult to believe cock and bull off the wall debatable not likely unplausible astounding defective unreliable breathtaking unimagined harebrained infeasible reaching ungrounded vague phenomenal flakey kooky scatterbrained flaky cockeyed lamebrained screwy phoney phony unsupported fallible wrong sophistic insupposable uncredible mind-boggling mind-blowing eye-popping past belief open to doubt jaw-dropping contradictory inconclusive nebulous unbacked casuistic dodgy iffy rings phony ill-founded not in the least likely unsustainable unsupportable false groundless invalid sketchy irreconcilable senseless indefensible not able to hold water out of the question airy fatuous nutty fallacious slight vain unreasoned self-contradictory trifling remote transparent shallow forced ponderous ineffectual excessive overdramatic high-flown elaborate sensationalized overdone half-baked not convincing overstated inflated uncivilised inordinate last straw outrageous uncivilized unconscionable out of bounds sensationalised extortionate barbarous highly coloured wild eccentric odd insane bizarre weird peculiar whimsical imaginary mad curious illusory foolish queer comical grandiose oddball visionary erratic misleading romantic artificial zany capricious ambitious illusive daft singular extreme barmy hallucinatory suppositious different potty outré out of sight off-the-wall hare-brained make-believe cock-eyed

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Not up to the required standard or quality
unacceptable dissatisfactory suboptimal subpar substandard unsatisfactory unseemly deficient inferior deplorable disagreeable disgraceful displeasing distasteful exceptionable impermissible improper inadequate inadmissible inappropriate insupportable intolerable mediocre objectionable obnoxious offensive undesirable unsuitable wanting abject amateurish awful bad dismal dreadful imperfect insufferable insufficient lousy poor reprehensible terrible unimpressive woeful wretched abominable abysmal appalling atrocious contemptible cruddy crummy diabolical dire dodgy execrable faulty hopeless horrible lame lamentable laughable low meager meagre nasty pathetic pitiable pitiful questionable repugnant rotten shoddy sorry stinking unreasonable cheapo condemnable crude crumby damnable defective disappointing disastrous garbage gross grotty horrendous horrid indefensible irremediable loathsome miserable odious off out paltry punk rubbishy sad scurrilous stinky tatty trashy vile wack worthless wrong bush inacceptable reject unappealing uninviting low-grade second-rate below average below standard under par second rate third-rate bush-league not up to scratch not up to snuff not up to standard poor quality below par half-baked less-than-stellar out of order second-class tenth-rate not on not up to par low-quality poor-quality beyond the pale God-awful two-bit of low quality of poor quality won't do from hunger not cricket over the fence not quite the done thing doubtful ropy bodger iffy not up to much not much cop sour rubbish ill cheap duff junky shabby unjustifiable pants unworthy useless unsound outrageous coarse low-rent inexcusable frightful schlocky bargain-basement a load of pants unpardonable unforgivable bum regrettable poxy direful flawed common schlock weak unjustified sub-par unwarrantable scandalous base cheapjack blameworthy egregious junk unwarranted leaving much to be desired cut-rate subnormal dime-a-dozen jerry-built average cheesy lacking indifferent lemon middling ordinary unconscionable uncalled for el cheapo unexceptional pedestrian censurable tawdry dishonourable distressing sleazy gimcrack trumpery the pits excessive dishonorable unprovoked vulgar shameful poorer downmarket inexpiable culpable rude remiss shocking tinny detestable disreputable hack ignoble discreditable good-for-nothing déclassé opprobrious chronic degrading impolite unsatisfying indiscreet without justification unjust unspeakable indelicate gratuitous crass unfortunate insulting no good not good enough careless immoderate half-pie grubby dirty groundless rough cheap and nasty iniquitous tasteless low-end baseless unfounded incompetent sickening despicable revolting ignominious tacky humiliating disgusting untenable without cause not acceptable without reason a bit much senseless preposterous unrefined flimsy damaged calamitous very bad uncalled-for grim piss-poor sucky unfair uncouth tactless irregular unnecessary tinhorn beastly undiplomatic no great shakes negligent grievous for the birds unsustainable hateful sick disrespectful poorly harmful pits shaky too much piddling trifling indecorous derogatory discourteous sinful negligible hurtful invalid ill-founded inexpert heartbreaking provocative impudent impertinent affronting insolent inglorious wounding shy trivial minimal illogical horrifying abhorrent amiss scummy scurvy ratty scabby mean provoking slighting wicked blamable criminal absurd specious implausible a bit thick unpleasant insignificant uncivil vexing unmannerly unbearable mournful irrational repulsive gruesome inept out of line impaired valueless feeble upsetting end-of-the-pier indecent unwelcome downer bummer godawful failing fallacious weak sauce bereft scant strictly for the birds minor-league minor league in bad taste small potatoes of a sort not satisfying out of sorts off-colour crook off colour inordinate undue extreme below the belt not done unskilful unarguable undefendable refutable slovenly uncomfortable ineffectual incorrect out of turn over-the-top dissatisfying very great unhappy infamous desperate naff commonplace ropey dilapidated puny melancholy sneaking needless injudicious broken criticizable unpermissible unallowable not the done thing tragic repellant repellent stupid shady unrespectable louche notorious not cutting it disturbing disconcerting disquieting thin yucky second-best unprincipled monstrous ridiculous foolish off-color overwhelming dolorous afflictive shlocky hideous ghastly unsightly sordid godforsaken seedy shlock blah cheapie less than ideal underwhelming cheap-jack immoral heinous second class raunchy icky diddly grody bad news grungy not good erroneous not the best hellish rancid rebarbative disgustful hellacious loathly not quite the thing unbecoming arbitrary run down down at heel anticlimactic found wanting not okay insubstantial inconsiderable too little a bit off over the top unbefitting unceremonious unfulfilling demeaning undignified unladylike unfitting ungentlemanly bathetic uninteresting ineffective leaving a lot to be desired craptacular debasing shaming belittling lowering cheapening mortifying not all it's cracked up to be falling short disillusioning untoward beyond contempt abusive annoying irritating OTT lowbrow exasperating graceless personal galling embarrassing disparaging contemptuous nauseating gaudy ungrounded unmerited errant lowbred bizarre sketchy patchy incomplete erring short absent unfinished missing restricted scarce limited needing unpolished reproachable scanty omitted empty gone unfulfilled less devoid cooked away needed destitute bankrupt deprived delinquent blameable reprovable burned out in default cut off out of gas not up to expectations too little too late demeritorious guilty unholy at fault

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Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
diffident modest shy withdrawn reluctant reserved self-effacing sheepish shrinking backward bashful doubtful insecure self-conscious timid unsure hesitant meek unassuming constrained timorous unassertive unpresuming apprehensive inhibited introverted self-doubting uncertain unobtrusive wary abashed ashamed coy demure embarrassed fearful humble mousy nervous recessive retiring shamefaced unconfident aw-shucks blenching chary distrustful flinching mim quiet rabbity reticent suspicious unassured unpoised ill at ease blushing unpretentious restrained mild lowly skittish unforthcoming passive silent uptight submissive down-to-earth uneasy anxious subdued withdrawing nice lacking confidence plain doubting coquettish simple proper kittenish seemly prim prudish chaste unostentatious uncomfortable unpretending overmodest fearsome tremulous fainthearted resigned tense edgy inconspicuous affected undemonstrative unambitious introvert docile hung up lacking self-confidence not self-assured media-shy arch flirtatious declining simpering costive repressed ineffectual faltering stammering stuttering stumbling frustrated guarded unaffected natural genuine verecund recoiling blushful evasive faint-hearted scary low-key unaggressive artless ordinary ingenuous apologetic easily embarrassed tongue-tied unboastful discreet irresolute spiritless feeble temperate low-profile unnoticeable mousey passionless cold unresponsive colourless indeterminate pale colorless awkward moderate prudent weak wimpy unnatural reclusive bottled up strained gauche keeping a low profile unsociable lacking assurance not confident lacking in confidence seclusive private secret secretive eremitic stiff mannered artificial stilted ill-at-ease discomfited hermitic anchoritic eremitical decorous patient unaffable unexpansive nongregarious prissy gentle peaceful sober respectable strait-laced ladylike sedate staid decent out of countenance long-suffering not forward innocent virginal pure maidenly virtuous priggish unsure of yourself old-maidish straight puritanical goody-goody starchy forbearing worried retired niminy-piminy square close earnest serious solemn like a fish out of water soft reverent yielding peaceable prim and proper afraid lamblike compliant jumpy jittery hinky unquiet goosey dithery perturbed antsy atwitter upset queasy queazy aflutter nervy troubled acquiescent deferential vague Delphic questioning touchy het up choked wishy-washy pabulum Milquetoast serene tolerant manageable zero cowed lenient nothing orderly longanimous touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice up in the air restless unrelaxed disquieted unsettled disturbed on edge discomposed out of place fidgety wooden bothered twitchy vexed forced on tenterhooks restive laboured contrived agitated keyed up fazed discombobulated fraught fretful tormented distressed shaken perplexed labored in turmoil stressy socially lacking rough-hewn blundering graceless geeky inelegant nerdy socially awkward socially anxious socially incompetent maladroit socially inept difficult discomforted flushed reddening humiliated flushing distant attention-seeking validation-seeking permission-seeking disorientated lacking social skills turning red red-faced controlled cool stand-offish aloof rattled wired disoriented bewildered overwrought impatient alarmed angry annoyed galled chafed strange high-strung lost unrestful irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky all nerves on the qui vive approval-seeking ungraceful mincing rustic rustical laborious clumsy raw unrefined unpolished uneducated indelicate callow unsophisticated lacking in social grace unworldly ill-mannered lacking in social graces oafish ill-bred on pins and needles dorky soft-spoken cautious standoffish

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Characterized by laziness, indolence, and a lack of ambition
shiftless idle indolent lazy slothful aimless good-for-nothing incompetent inefficient inept lackadaisical unambitious unenterprising apathetic feckless improvident irresponsible lethargic spiritless worthless dallying deceitful devious directionless dishonest inattentive laggard lagging lifeless loafing procrastinating slack suspicious unenergetic unindustrious unmotivated untrustworthy workshy sluggish listless inactive inert torpid languid slow passive dull supine languorous otiose impassive fainéant heavy work-shy indifferent comatose bone idle enervated useless slow-moving laid-back dormant sleepy tired somnolent lax drowsy careless unenthusiastic easygoing slumberous dopey faineant no-good no-account do-nothing feeble snoozy limp lousy negligent remiss leisurely lukewarm lymphatic insouciant abstracted stupefied fatigued quiescent dreamy half-hearted uninterested narcotic phlegmatic languishing moony energyless leaden blah stupid stuporous hebetudinous out of it sluggard ne'er-do-well vigourless vacant lumpish plodding stagnant drony resting slow-going mopish effete absent neutral bored heedless motionless numb insensible hibernating drugged sleeping benumbed lacking energy inconscious cold out paralyzed static sodden latent unhurried paralysed unworksome unoccupied unaspiring parasitic procrastinative bone-idle ineffectual uncaring vegged out dead to the world out to lunch out cold offhand passionless bloodless debilitated hopeless futile unconcerned slap-happy casual relaxed hamstrung weak inexpedient inefficacious counterproductive ineffective disinterested incurious sentimental pococurante romantic laissez-faire slapdash halfhearted Laodicean daydreaming weary easy going laid back lacklustre nebbish draggy lackluster stretchy exhausted unmoving stolid dilatory wimpy sleepyhead meaningless incautious unpurposed fustian uncareful spineless carefree unreliable reckless wild spring fever without energy having spring fever nonchalant cool easy perfunctory tardy unresponsive blasé slipshod neglectful sloppy unheeding blithe disregardful unmoved derelict cursory devil-may-care tepid free and easy emotionless dawdling creeping easy-going measured crawling subdued snaillike unexcited deliberate ponderous delinquent unmindful detached unthinking flagging droopy delaying moderate loitering irresolute unenthused flat dispassionate unimpressed cavalier complacent tortoiselike postponing breezy blahs pining happy-go-lucky faint slow-paced infirm blithely unconcerned without care insipid thoughtless superficial desultory forgetful uncurious untroubled tame regardless flippant uninvolved gradual loose uncircumspect undependable unobservant unaccountable unworried slovenly slow-footed sickly gentle reluctant comfortable uneager hasty unemotional sedate neglecting unrushed unfeeling unwilling undemanding steady uninspiring non-committal dragging snail-paced dillydallying pokey poking poky effortless vigorless indecisive wooden airy behindhand informal uninspired submissive vapid dispirited characterless spent damp callous lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair wishy-washy neb sedentary still being lazy inconsiderate taking your time lacking in energy unconvincing lame weakly sluggardly laboured tortoise-like yielding unstudied artless not enthusiastic lacking vitality soporous soporose leaden-footed snail-like unlively light disimpassioned acquiescent servile pliant docile meager paltry laggy lollygagging late barratrous simple unceremonious labored imperceptible light-hearted burned out unproductive somnific clinical haphazard stoic stoical meagre blameworthy culpable defaultant inconsistent oscitant reprehensible woolgathering take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less sketchy shoddy quiet peaceful unthorough unthoughtful untidy unsystematic unmeticulous withdrawn remote just watching the clock not giving a damn optimistic content carefree and untroubled free-minded cheerful negative living the life of Riley cold-blooded undemonstrative impassible affectless hurried mechanical fleeting brief summary passing token quick untouched at fault dismissive rapid disorganized disorderly asleep at switch asleep on job any which way any old way could care less don't give a damn what the hell couldn't care less disorganised unprofessional permissive restful foolhardy unperturbed rash daredevil asleep at the wheel unruffled precipitous overhasty precipitate phoning it in walking through it serene asleep on the job lingering impulsive impetuous imprudent over-venturesome headlong hot-headed over-adventurous harum-scarum going through the motions audacious death-or-glory madcap unwise hare-brained meek colourless distant unanxious hell-for-leather kamikaze swaggering melancholic dejected unimpassioned dry melancholy despondent depressed mopy desiccated low anaemic calm unsympathetic aloof oblivious tearaway temerarious blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless inanimate pathetic broken boring downhearted sad drippy downcast delayed slackened unhasty relaxing free nonplussed unflappable colorless anemic reserved deaf unbothered not bothered without a care in the world at ease hardened hard-hearted not giving a toss self-centered insensitive undisturbed blind stony cool, calm and collected undaunted self-centred drained wearied worn laodicean undecided chilly uncertain uncommitted hesitant unresolved down in the mouth down in the dumps flat tire cast down lacking in vitality pooped knackered beat dead aweary bushed prostrate done loggy jaded logy beaten bleary weakened wiped out played out burned-out washed-out worn out tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out

Tính từ

Not giving hope of future success or good results
unpromising discouraging gloomy inauspicious ominous unfavorable unfavourable adverse disadvantageous disheartening uninviting unpropitious baleful black bleak creepy doomed doubtful foreboding hopeless jinxed portentous cursed ill-fated ill-omened infelicitous off-putting unhopeful unlucky threatening unfortunate dire menacing untimely ill sinister direful untoward bad inopportune hostile bodeful forbidding fateful minatory doomy ill-boding regrettable calamitous unhappy detrimental destructive inconvenient unseasonable damaging unfriendly grim unsuited dangerous inexpedient harmful evil dark negative ill-starred troublesome baneful impending improper minacious ugly unseemly objectionable unsuitable unfit malapropos discommodious inhospitable perilous wrong opposed apocalyptic terrible inadvisable dreadful inapt inappropriate ill-advised ill-suited prejudicial sinistrous disturbing inconducive counter premonitory wintry ruinous warning disastrous harsh inimical fearful unadvantageous brooding dismal lowering augural suggestive haunting prophetic alarming disparaging worrying wintery glowering poor frightful wretched very bad unpleasant nasty unhealthy deleterious unwholesome disagreeable bringing bad luck unsatisfactory tardy late contrary antagonistic low hapless star-crossed significant foreshadowing momentous lamentable cataclysmic heavy thunderous predictive prognosticatory important crucial pessimistic bullying foredoomed blighted luckless catastrophic injurious deplorable unwelcome tragic distressing grievous intimidatory comminatory terrorizing clouded precursive prescient malificent doomful presaging malign malefic cataclysmal fatal tough snakebitten hard luck snakebit bedevilled portending near aggressive close impendent upcoming lowery loury overhanging terrorising scowling forthcoming inspiring exciting intriguing remarkable fated exhilarating phenomenal destined thrilling extraordinary tragical miserable woeful heartrending heartbreaking devastating distressful damning frightening unchancy at hand awful deadly hard catastrophal bedeviled shattering crippling daunting fearsome severe scary chilling unwelcoming disquieting horrible horrendous dread spine-chilling redoubtable formidable hair-raising shocking ghastly horrifying terrifying intimidating evil-looking mean-looking spooky offensive odious life-threatening repulsive ferocious depressing suggestive of evil hurtful pernicious awkward ill-timed nocuous undesirable noxious nocent prejudicious wicked maleficent poisonous malignant difficult mischievous mistimed counterproductive cancerous unsympathetic bothersome badly timed corrupting unbecoming painful lethal toxic virulent wounding ill-chosen malicious undermining venomous hazardous annoying irritating problematic parlous corrosive corroding discommoding unconducive unsuccessful afflicted out of luck unmanageable subversive environmentally unfriendly antipathetic critical anti premature dicey unbefitting incommodious disruptive aggravating early incommoding incendiary vexing annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal pestiferous ill-disposed inept perverse forsaken destitute unprosperous undue uncomplimentary refractory malevolent troubled abusive in a bad way willful intractable unruly ungovernable wilful wayward recalcitrant appalling headstrong incontrollable uncontrollable froward vexatious stubborn unyielding against disobliging austere disappointing averse pestilential unsafe risky opposing down on unprofitable noisome precocious ruining destroying unhelpful annihilatory devastative at odds intrusive repugnant testing afflictive abortive desperate ruined pained stricken shattered broken burdened unsynchronized cruel pestilent tiresome precarious hasty ravaging too bad foul vile unhandy obstructive nullifying invalidating annulling counteractive neutralizing indecorous injudicious tactless insidious nefarious miasmatic miasmic mortal spiteful misjudged ill-judged unwieldy murderous aching hurting iniquitous cantankerous reprobate eerie doom and gloom not conducive oppugnant inimicable inimic disaffected killing worrisome cumbersome lethiferous wrackful insalubrious internecine harassing wreckful sinful slaughterous unacceptable sorrowful blighting earth-shattering messy eldritch impeding hindering trying challenging prohibitive dyslogistic depreciative slighting downside derogatory detracting pejorative debit-side depreciatory minatorial disobedient balky misplaced incongruous unfitting ill-fitted shameful disgraceful dishonest obnoxious blackhearted contumacious rebellious restive defiant rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant obstreperous corruptive unanticipated unexpected on the debit side neutralising accident-prone pitiful ill-considered unforeseen unpredictable unusual surprising unpredicted tough luck behind eight ball bad break down on luck uncooperative insubmissive obstinate cross peevish petulant rough disconcerting cold cool dour fierce uncomfortable rugged dispiriting jarring stark horrific troubling displeasing dismaying misfortunate undisciplined unpliable fractious indocile wild advance too early early on anachronistic out-of-date too late soon a bit previous before time overearly too soon early bird bright and early previous oversoon melancholic unnerving upsetting sad loath unwilling reluctant disinclined irritable sombre bewildering poignant perturbing glum agonising depressive bitter frustrating macabre irksome somber cheerless backward mephitical hellish unkind dreary repellant repellent loathsome agonizing abhorrent sullen galling morose perplexing distasteful unpalatable melancholy revulsive unamusing uncongenial unpleasing distressed allergic indisposed unenthusiastic uneager fromward afraid hesitant disliking agin hostile to antagonistic to resistant to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to having no use for unfavourably disposed to

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Depraved, perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense
rakish debased corrupt debauched perverted degraded degenerate dissolute immoral abandoned depraved libertine reprobate sinful wanton decadent demoralised demoralized dissipated lecherous licentious loose perverse sick unwholesome warped disreputable fast jackleg prodigal profligate rakehell unclean wild louche rakehelly wicked lewd impure unchaste lascivious unprincipled promiscuous lustful indecent libidinous evil shameless vile sordid base unrestrained vicious bad intemperate obscene low corrupted defiled immodest rotten dishonourable fast-living unconstrained pervy dishonorable voluptuary nefarious villainous vitiated sybaritic miscreant self-indulgent prurient coarse gone bad fallen concupiscent bawdy unhealthy iniquitous wayward uninhibited despicable easy profaned desecrated carnal uncleanly gone to the dogs amoral of easy virtue deviant gross incorrigible ungodly profane vulgar twisted improper unsavoury tainted mean unnatural sicko indulgent kinky vice-ridden whorish swinging unsavory incontinent pleasure-seeking raffish lubricious high living abnormal rascally salacious hedonistic ignoble goatish randy horny flirtatious raunchy ribald retrograde crude unrefined foul impious retrogressive wrong hedonic wrongful dirty scungy sleazy contaminated unvirtuous infamous brutal criminal ungoverned uncontrolled unbridled gay unrighteous filthy unscrupulous riotous pornographic monstrous not pure violated deteriorated drunken open light X-rated night owl in the fast lane fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter disgusting sullied hardened inferior aberrant distorted unworthy roguish unimpeded free unrestricted untrammeled unhindered unconfined unregenerate scoundrelly lax sensual vulgarized vulgarised unholy blasphemous irreligious deviate epicurean overindulgent luxurious knavish voluptuous careless roundheeled lickerish grotesque vitiate sadistic contorted impaired rude unethical abased decaying moribund lost declining ungentlemanly unmannerly ill-bred imprudent heedless dishonoured freethinking unaccommodating shrewish bad-tempered incorrect crabbed churlish ill-tempered ill-natured surly spiteful inconstant irresponsible misguided dishonest dishonored boorish baneful flagitious deleterious immoderate hellbent flagitous unconscionable fraudulent gone to seed morally wrong unfair devious underhand ungallant no better than one should be out of control dirty-minded dodgy black crooked shady unlawful cutthroat dark Machiavellian low-down degenerated untrammelled saturnalian unjust graceless not cricket unblushing flatitious demeaned sinking failing trashy hot itchy stag blue lubricous smutty porny hypersexual satyric gutter nasty passionate unprintable caddish locker-room audacious outrageous flagrant brash unashamed unembarrassed brazen unabashed lawless extravagant blatant barefaced uncontrollable unruly unchecked impudent insolent arrant unbounded uncurbed rampant cheeky presumptuous high-handed overbold brassy reckless reprehensible heinous dastardly bent harsh venal bold disorderly violent praetorian lotus-eating atrocious unrepentant forward savage remorseless slack undisciplined bacchanalian cruel deceitful brazenfaced bald-faced pleasure-loving unhampered blameworthy unfettered runaway naughty barbarous greedy irrepressible scandalous heartless inhuman impetuous raw diabolical ruthless merciless contemptible excessive callous cold-blooded brutish felonious sly conscienceless two-faced bloodthirsty bestial delinquent inhumane hateful shameful mercenary illegal illicit parsimonious effete confident unconcerned fleshly lawbreaking indictable desirous scabrous animal unmoral relaxed undismayed undaunted sensualist culpable under-the-table condemnable disgraceful unlimited risqué against the law impulsive carefree blamable sacrilegious censurable fearless unawed unshrinking unflinching gluttonous gourmandizing fast-paced discreditable inordinate unshackled luscious lush Dionysiac unprofessional brass-necked cocky poised composed forthright abashless unaffected unshamed self-gratifying exciting temerarious devil-may-care daredevil gadabout frivolous foolhardy tarty slaggy natural unsuppressed boundless deplorable binge-eating sinister riggish unbound unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable shocking appalling bold as brass pitiless unfeeling rancorous unkind disparaging forbidding errant exploitative hard-hearted slippery mean-spirited wrathful malevolent demonic crafty scrofulous unpleasant black-hearted evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly pernicious tyrannical squalid underhanded scornful shifty maleficent objectionable despiteful malicious unconscientious scheming virulent inexorable questionable vindictive gruesome disdainful gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous philandering shabby abominable inglorious unrepressed chaotic tricky loathsome ignominious unspeakable odious spontaneous frank flamboyant candid impertinent indiscriminate blunt out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated bizarre limitless rowdy degrading shy unrespectable scurvy indefensible inexcusable shoddy notorious unforgivable opprobrious ferocious dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary cheating stop-at-nothing double-crossing two-timing unmanageable egregious unbecoming dangerous self-willed noisy ungovernable rough fiendish overt disobedient turbulent boisterous unconventional stubborn barbaric unconcealed transparent impenitent undisguised attention-seeking extrovert fierce bloody corybantic incautious irrational uproarious awful murderous terrible butcherly fell brute truculent dreadful homicidal grim worthless thrilled rash raving without shame sanguinary abhorrent beastly giddy flighty faulty untamed putrid insubordinate

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Having the feeling that one is about to vomit
queasy nauseous sick ill nauseated bilious unwell seasick squeamish airsick carsick crook queer trainsick travel-sick bad dizzy liverish peaky poorly sickish uncomfortable upset awful funny giddy groggy lousy off peculiar qualmish queerish rotten rough terrible crummy dreadful indisposed peakish concerned doubtful fidgety odd off colour out of sorts pukish restless rocky sickly suffering from motion sickness troubling uncertain unsettled unsettling woozy suffering from altitude sickness green about the gills green around gills under the weather sick as a dog grotty seedy ropy wabbit not oneself below par peaked run down not up to par washed out ailing queazy peely-wally unhealthy faint not well under par run-down weak not very well infirm lightheaded down light-headed sickened off-colour not in good shape not up to snuff diseased bedridden punk in poor health in a bad way green debilitated frail feeble unsound infected off-color green around the gills impaired barfy laid-up disordered like death warmed up afflicted shaky mean invalided feverish valetudinarian iffy vertiginous reeling bummed laid up on the sick list green at the gills about to throw up pale at death's door delicate wobbly invalid hospitalized incurable suffering dazed sick to one's stomach under medication rickety broken down disgusted unsteady hospitalised hazy whirling tipsy sick as dog off balance punch-drunk not a hundred percent laid low motion sick slightly unwell nauseatic unfit fatigued tired not up to the mark horrible not so hot imperfect confined tottering defective declining travelsick ugly unsightly chunderous ropey ghastly qualmy disturbed distressed failing low poor paltry lame not yourself uneasy off form miserable throwing up vomiting blah off one's feed pallid pasty pasty-faced drained haggard achy hypochondriacal in pain decrepit ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced anaemic corpse-like cadaverous sallow ill-looking not feeling well wan pinched the worse for wear deathly pale off-balance unbalanced unstable volatile swooning light ditzy suffering from radiation sickness sickly-looking drawn emaciated etiolated thin peelie-wally grim anemic as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless strange in poor shape running temperature on sick list a wreck got the bug feeling terrible feeling awful off one's feet feeling rotten hypercritical annoyed exacting mincing prim puritanical cowardly uncompromising captious hysterical easily upset easily offended confused muzzy swimmy aswoon puzzled punchy gaga dopey muddled not with it weak-kneed weak in the knees slap-happy seeing stars enfeebled enervated exhausted prostrate incapacitated weakened wasted languid sapped prostrated asthenic down-and-out slight weakly effete tender out of action doddering wimpish wimpy unsubstantial worn-out worn out rundown out of commission puny soft softened doddery fragile insecure flimsy wavering disabled injured spent weary pooped beat confined to bed knackered dying wretched crippled down with broken-down weedy worn tottery gaunt spindly dragging raddled tired out tuckered out out of gas vacillating tenuous vitiated trembly meagre pathetic strengthless sapless meager in bad shape lacklustre lackluster out of shape hollow-eyed languishing valetudinary handicapped housebound immobilized unwholesome in bed wasting ill in bed in bad health slender stricken hors de combat contaminated tainted septic blighted sinking reduced sensitive nesh susceptible got a bug immobilised peccant abnormal not healthy sick as a parrot powerless without energy infectious dainty fishy shatterable brittle fracturable shattery wispy bockety languorous depleted sluggish cranky chronically ill always ill pining often ill laid-low helpless impotent burned out low-energy in ill health in poor condition irresolute stressed out of condition shilpit faltering out-of-action not feeling up to snuff experiencing nausea feeling queasy ticklish quaking feeling nauseous feeling nauseated feeling woozy inconstant staggering tricky trembling in a decline indecisive unsafe uneven tense strained half-hearted emasculated flabby gentle insufficient flat aged halting anile sensile out of humor down in the mouth in declining health careworn wonky precarious withered fraught hollow-cheeked teetering dead loggy aweary bushed jaded logy washed-out wearied beaten bleary done limp teetery fluctuant rattletrap wavy wiggling unsure dilapidated tattered unkempt dishevelled disheveled coarsened debauched feeling sick wiped out played out stressed out burned-out all in tapped out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks worse for wear

Tính từ

Irregular or unpredictable
erratic irregular unstable unpredictable variable inconsistent shifting changeable inconstant unreliable changing uncertain unsteady varying fitful fluctuating volatile ever-changing turbulent undependable uneven unsettled eccentric fluid mutable protean wavering desultory fluctuant unequal changeful directionless labile meandering wandering dicey flaky flakey iffy incalculable nomadic rambling roving undirected vagarious blowing hot and cold full of ups and downs capricious fickle temperamental mercurial irrational skittish flickery vacillating untrustworthy ambiguous weaving shifty unsound doubtful suspect not fixed flighty impulsive kaleidoscopic whimsical wayward quicksilver mobile up and down moody random spasmodic movable up in the air excitable up-and-down chameleonic bipolar chameleon-like irrepressible intermittent yo-yo haphazard giddy active elastic sporadic unfixed patchy oscillating flexible waffling irresolute moving floating versatile episodic scattershot discontinuous adaptable variational episodical jerky swaying unmethodical faithless disconnected peaky arbitrary occasional impermanent everchanging dynamic ever-shifting hit-or-miss wild indefinite nonuniform casual choppy unsystematic aperiodic freakish broken aimless reckless spotty spastic adjustable alternating deviating alterable indiscriminate catchy restless untrue disreputable flickering fleeting not conscientious off and on unbalanced continuously changing tempestuous evolving inexact chancy fluky varied always changing not constant quirky bitty polymorphous many-sided multiform stayless altering unequable ungovernable faddish disturbed ephemeral transitory slippery contradictory unsteadfast developing growing explosive knife-edge chance disrupted crotchety constantly changing subject to change likely to change frivolous paradoxical momentary transient incompatible contrary conflicting self-contradictory interrupted ever-moving discordant incongruous irreconcilable incoherent discrepant periodic warring lubricious illogical dissonant incongruent in a state of change short-lived at odds flowing herky-jerky