Từ đồng nghĩa của suspicious

Alternative for suspicious

Từ đồng nghĩa: doubtful, questionable, wary,

Tính từ

Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something
distrustful doubtful mistrustful apprehensive cynical disbelieving sceptical suspecting unconvinced wary chary dubious skeptical unbelieving undecided unsure doubting iffy questioning uncertain unsettled careful cautious guarded incredulous jaundiced leery negativistic trustless cagey hinky quizzical watchful wondering having reservations in doubt without faith without belief not born yesterday hesitant show-me circumspect heedful uneasy tentative alert ambivalent hesitating conservative considerate safe unresolved gingerly fearful on the fence untrusting nervous jealous lacking trust irresolute wavering agnostic vacillating dithering prudent discreet indecisive calculating reluctant shilly-shallying uptight in a dilemma in two minds of two minds blowing hot and cold faithless been hit before mindful faltering restrained indefinite vague vigilant waffling attentive noncommittal mistrusting distrusting aporetic on guard on the lookout freethinking shy scoffing anxious lacking confidence pessimistic fastidious insecure lacking faith teetering fluctuating divided uncommitted perplexed undetermined scrupulous reserved reticent torn unclear canny hazy equivocating shaky split oscillating aware equivocal observant measured politic on your guard with reservations in a quandary sitting on the fence on the horns of a dilemma betwixt and between like doubting Thomas playing safe hemming and hawing on your toes with eyes peeled on the watch running hot and cold not sure dissenting unsatisfied suspect possessive worried skittish not believing solicitous delicate timid unimpressed unmoved unpersuaded unenlightened vexed confused nonbelieving pussyfooting squeamish dainty have misgivings have reservations wobbling floating non-believing defeatist misbelieving unassured swithering awake protective perceptive unhurried wishy-washy unfinished pendent Pyrrhonist minimifidian deliberate nihilistic revolutionary anarchic destructive rebellious existentialist radical hedging your bets in the middle prying inquisitive enquiring searching inquisitorial interrogative curious inquiring nosy probing taking something with a pinch of salt ambiguous having misgivings having qualms non-committal halting diffident unconfident diplomatic unrevealing moderate controlled tactful overcareful overcautious passive-aggressive judicious provident shrewd thoughtful discriminating forethoughtful precautious loath keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs belt-and-braces hedging one's bets on the qui vive watching one's step watching out all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves with one's eyes peeled taking it slow afraid averse frugal disinclined mean parsimonious stingy thrifty inhibited miserly constrained economical particular sparing unreliable conditional unpredictable problematical chancy dicey touch and go up in the air in lap of gods erratic fishy capricious whimsical in the balance fluctuant incalculable in the lap of the gods problematic risky debatable unconfirmed unsteady unknown indeterminate fickle weak unstable wobbly borderline open to question imprecise inexact backward inexplicit dilly-dallying puzzling changeable sketchy vacillant speculative unforeseeable indistinct undefined volatile infirm humming and hawing dodgy ill-defined neutral impartial questionable weak-kneed weak-minded precarious hot and cold on-the-fence hot-and-cold vacillatory shillyshallying inconstant uneventful astraddle moot arguable contradictory inconclusive conflicting mixed clashing warring opposing conflicted muddled opposed open not definite unable to decide open to debate independent unaffiliated half-hearted indisposed unattached non-aligned non-partisan loose delaying changing halfhearted undeclared stalling loth cagy generalized rough havering hanging back unsavoury fly-by-night unsavory untrusty incomplete cunctatory full of doubt woolly approximate superficial slow unwilling uneager dawdling lazy pending imperfect cursory fuzzy untrustworthy hairy undependable inadequate obfuscatory perfunctory up for grabs hanging by a thread conjectural in limbo on thin ice unspecified generalised wooly muzzy muddy unsecured parlous amphibological bewildering unintelligible obscure slippery rickety not secure tricky not stable indistinguishable perplexing abstruse mysterious cryptic arcane non-specific confusing muffled intangible indiscernible shadowy elusive

Tính từ

Subject to dispute or questions
dubious questionable irregular queer doubtful fishy suspect dishonest disputable dubitable untrustworthy debatable doubtable equivocal odd strange murky phoney phony problematic shady unreliable dodgy farfetched funny problematical shaky corrupt criminal dark mysterious peculiar shonky unusual different under suspicion not kosher not quite right rings untrue of doubtful honesty open to doubt out of line open to question too much won't wash iffy uncertain unlikely arguable improbable shifty undependable unsure flimsy implausible incredible far-fetched moot controversial ambiguous unclear underhand indecisive bent disreputable unconvincing fantastic preposterous unbelievable illogical unsupported unfounded contentious unrealistic bizarre chancy incoherent unproven open unsound tenuous unsettled weak nebulous unsubstantiated open to debate unsavoury deceitful dishonourable nefarious crafty unprincipled fraudulent unscrupulous crooked cryptic clouded borderline indeterminate inconclusive off unlawful illegal potentially illegal potentially dishonest unsavory devious mootable dishonorable macabre unapt puzzling tricky in question in doubt pseudo potentially dangerous ridiculous thin thick potentially false suspected enigmatic unsubstantial ungrounded controvertible up in the air negotiable paradoxical issuable challenging precarious open to suspicion exaggerated outlandish groundless not reliable not dependable sub judice fanciful misleading overblown baseless unwarranted unreasonable far from certain up for grabs sensational embellished untrue fabricated absurd outrageous false untruthful extravagant spurious untested speculative unverified ill-founded unjustifiable unestablished conjectural unconfirmed unjustified unattested uncorroborated nonsensical impossible spectacular ludicrous laughable hyperbolic farcical presumed assumed not validated mind-boggling unimaginable embroidered inconceivable distorted incongruous histrionic foundationless without basis invalid nonvalid without foundation beyond belief tall cock and bull hard to swallow blown up far out suppositive indefinite suppositious complicated out of the ordinary not backed up by evidence hard to believe inconsequential strained unnatural forced labored laboured eccentric unbelieveable recondite undecided unresolved vague unknown unpredictable delicate dicey risky undetermined dangerous hazardous hairy contestable perilous unsafe insecure in the balance disputed in dispute inaccurate touch and go unstable rocky sticky obscure difficult parlous pending confused fallible touch-and-go awkward up for discussion wrong open to discussion hazy treacherous yet to be decided apocryphal tight undefined incalculable contested sensitive inexact betwixt and between the jury's out bone of contention critical thorny between sixes and sevens between rock and hard place at issue unauthenticated unconcluded ticklish specious fake unsteady marginal unforeseeable incorrect mistaken defective erroneous deceptive slippery tough contingent contended exceptionable inexplicit troublesome indistinct opaque perplexing flakey sham flaky unascertained touchy not definite imprecise subject to debate indistinguishable shadowy unanswered wide of the mark off-target in limbo trying dire prickly bleak vexed unsolved on ice onerous forbidding arduous unpleasant worrying grievous bothersome vexatious irksome upsetting grim knotty taxing hanging by a thread on thin ice on the back burner awful worrisome concerning punishing rough disagreeable distressing ill-defined unfriendly disturbing spartan hostile bitter insubstantial sketchy negligible fragile fictitious mythical legendary unspecific insignificant concerned troubled worried anxious apprehensive disquieted enigmatical tenebrous unintelligible muddy clear as dishwater outstanding cliffhanging suspenseful uncanonical tentative unclassifiable riddling ambivalent imaginary made-up at risk in jeopardy in danger peripheral frontier bordering hidden a controversial subject not yet established a live issue a moot point empty misinformed misguided undisclosed a matter of opinion open for discussion yet to be settled not yet settled arcane abstruse invented ungenuine fictional allonymous counterfeit concealed hesitant confusing muffled gnarly intangible indiscernible wavering irresolute equivocating trumped-up blear elusive vacillating unchancy erratic fluctuant to be decided capricious fraught with danger high-risk in no man's land disputatious falsified fallacious divisive polemical provocative tendentious emotive polemic debateable debated hot heated notorious unknowable undivinable random arbitrary under discussion hot-button wobbly chance unhealthy hit-or-miss hit-and-miss hanging in the balance hit and miss built on sand on a slippery slope out on a limb unprovable occult hypothetical not obvious under examination under advisement

Tính từ

Giving the impression of being questionable, dishonest, or dangerous
dubious unsavory unsavoury shady suspect disreputable dodgy funny shifty slippery unscrupulous funny-looking dishonest-looking guilty-looking strange-looking queer-looking mysterious-looking dishonest fishy seedy dishonourable crooked dishonorable devious questionable corrupt scandalous untrustworthy shonky inglorious unethical duplicitous sketchy sly fraudulent furtive sneaky snide underhand tricky murky guileful unprincipled double-dealing mean notorious low base seamy sleazy immoral underhanded rascally villainous unwholesome sharp rogue deceptive despicable bent fast iffy of dubious character potentially illegal shadowy dark doubtful secret mysterious infamous discreditable deceitful cunning disgraceful ignominious louche shameful crafty roguish wily shocking contemptible scheming insidious treacherous foxy contriving artful stealthy snidey sneaking reprehensible lying shrewd conniving slimy vicious unworthy opprobrious outrageous disorderly slick collusive unhonest mendacious cagey false vile of bad reputation unrespectable shy shoddy unpleasant nasty offensive obnoxious bad licentious dissolute lewd pitiable cheap abject scurvy sordid derogatory beggarly lowly sorry libidinous fly-by-night Janus-faced two-faced objectionable disagreeable repellent repulsive rough in low esteem in the doghouse in bad no good degenerate rude boorish uncouth distasteful coarse gross revolting vulgar churlish repugnant noisome irregular ignoble wicked abominable depraved sinful detestable odious wretched nefarious dirty shabby rotten evil reprobate deplorable iniquitous wrong heinous abhorrent low-down improper criminal execrable loathsome debauched disgusting hateful appalling unseemly indecent debased degrading dissipated foul unbecoming perverted unspeakable degraded blameworthy perverse atrocious monstrous inexcusable profligate unforgivable decadent impure low-minded egregious beastly shameless undignified indecorous abandoned flagitious squalid paltry rakish warped libertine currish obscene unclean unbefitting wanton unconscionable beyond contempt indefensible dreadful ungodly lousy miscreant humiliating unrighteous dastardly unlawful pitiful loose inappropriate tawdry grubby graceless amoral knavish scummy diabolical crass miserable scoundrelly demoralized worthless filthy rakehell jackleg poor sick rakehelly beyond the pale unsuitable despisable no-good demoralised wrongful terrible mortifying unfair embarrassing indelicate unfitting exceptionable unpardonable unvirtuous promiscuous unacceptable fallen low-life black mercenary servile cruddy cruel horrible corrupted sleazoid good-for-nothing culpable not cricket shaming ungentlemanly untoward debasing unrefined disdainable erring scungy unchaste unjustifiable regrettable lame intolerable unholy perfidious out of place incongruous venal ratty scabby impolite lecherous errant inelegant sad lamentable menial delinquent awful vitiated immodest cowardly blamable out of keeping caitiff pathetic whorish horrifying lawless frowned on X-rated morally wrong lowlife thoughtless ill-famed of easy virtue disrespectful blackguardly censurable reproachable malapropos remiss indiscreet unfortunate unladylike infelicitous unkind mean-spirited putrid lustful demeaning tasteless retrograde undesirable amiss malevolent malicious inept incorrect inapposite unapt inapt condemnable fiendish lascivious belittling malodorous blameable retrogressive profane unfit uncharitable in poor taste crude bribable impious insufferable reprovable petty guilty unhealthy faithless vice-ridden unprintable pornographic malfeasant horrid bawdy inferior at fault trashy insupportable no-account ugly intemperate wild barbarous frightful sinister flagrant nauseating ribald sickening felonious in bad taste black-hearted self-seeking dirty rotten off-color sleazo disturbing disappointing tarnished despised opprobious traitorous grotty lax unpopular infernal unheroic unsuccessful meanspirited unceremonious devilish scurrilous failed negligent slavish humble avaricious skanky lowering cheapening satanic humiliatory slipshod malignant ill-reputed irreligious sacrilegious blasphemous ungenerous poxy calculated covetous prodigal degenerated pervy discomfiting glaring common plebeian murderous diabolic godless hateworthy measly vulgarized vulgarised drunken carnal swinish outcast tragic illegitimate sullied tainted illicit illegal unprofessional demeaned sinking flatitious failing senseless grievous preposterous stinking inequitable good-for-naught meritless no-count selfish stingy natty miserly inconsiderate easy peccable ridiculous foolish beneath contempt below contempt abysmal dire disastrous responsible offending answerable roundheeled swinging careless calamitous distressing grim disrespectable imprudent heedless salacious lubricious blameful chargeable crummy woeful unbearable heartbreaking mournful unblushing rancid repellant hideous horrendous fulsome noxious nauseous irresponsible inconstant to blame no better than one should be out of control high living desperate backbiting maligning vilifying traducing detractive untrue gossiping crying detracting goatish raunchy hot blue lubricous smutty porny satyric concupiscent passionate itchy stag randy horny hypersexual gutter God-awful very bad ill-advised unhappy inconsistent incompatible red hot highly improper in the wrong deserving blame rowdy ruffian raffish undeserving beneath wayward cutthroat Machiavellian ruthless brutal merciless locker-room ineligible inhumane callous inhuman saturnalian unjust forbidden taboo legendary well-known fabled demeritorious unfitting to recreant valueless nothing improper to unmerited unsuitable for inappropriate to pitiless unfeeling rancorous self-indulgent disparaging forbidding exploitative hard-hearted bloodthirsty heartless wrathful demonic scrofulous evil-minded vengeful contemptuous grisly pernicious conscienceless cold-blooded savage tyrannical incorrigible scornful maleficent brutish defiled despiteful bestial unconscientious sadistic harsh virulent inexorable vindictive gruesome disdainful spiteful corruptible prohibited proscribed grafting swindling buyable out of character not deserving not worth not good enough out of place with out of character with unbecoming to not fit profiteering ineffable interdicted censored banned unfaithful out of the way extortionate suborned open indescribable unutterable on the take gone to the dogs hollow-hearted fast and loose out of bounds off limits disapproved of unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits of ill-repute no go not to be spoken of that dare not speak its name

Tính từ

Lacking in courage or confidence
shy timid diffident reticent self-effacing shrinking timorous mousy fearful apprehensive nervous hesitant reluctant doubting wary chary unconfident feeble irresolute spiritless unassertive distrustful fainthearted fearsome mousey skittish tremulous unsure bashful reserved withdrawn coy sheepish retiring insecure restrained modest costive backward self-conscious doubtful meek unassuming unpresuming constrained uncertain inhibited introverted self-doubting unobtrusive abashed ashamed shamefaced demure humble embarrassed recessive rabbity blenching dubious unassured mim flinching quiet unpoised aw-shucks ill at ease blushing unpretentious mild lowly unforthcoming passive silent uptight submissive down-to-earth uneasy anxious subdued withdrawing nice lacking confidence plain coquettish simple proper kittenish seemly prim prudish chaste unostentatious uncomfortable unpretending overmodest resigned tense edgy inconspicuous affected undemonstrative unambitious introvert docile hung up lacking self-confidence not self-assured media-shy arch flirtatious declining simpering repressed ineffectual faltering stammering stuttering stumbling frustrated guarded unaffected natural genuine verecund recoiling blushful evasive faint-hearted scary low-key unaggressive artless ordinary ingenuous apologetic easily embarrassed tongue-tied unboastful discreet temperate low-profile unnoticeable passionless cold unresponsive colourless indeterminate pale colorless awkward moderate prudent weak wimpy unnatural reclusive bottled up strained gauche keeping a low profile unsociable lacking assurance not confident lacking in confidence seclusive private secret secretive eremitic stiff mannered artificial stilted ill-at-ease discomfited hermitic anchoritic eremitical decorous patient unaffable unexpansive nongregarious prissy gentle peaceful sober respectable strait-laced ladylike sedate staid decent out of countenance long-suffering not forward innocent virginal pure maidenly virtuous priggish unsure of yourself old-maidish straight puritanical goody-goody starchy forbearing worried retired niminy-piminy square close earnest serious solemn like a fish out of water soft reverent yielding peaceable prim and proper afraid lamblike compliant jumpy jittery hinky unquiet goosey dithery perturbed antsy atwitter upset queasy queazy aflutter nervy troubled acquiescent deferential vague Delphic questioning touchy het up choked wishy-washy pabulum Milquetoast serene tolerant manageable zero cowed lenient nothing orderly longanimous touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice up in the air

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Unusual or out of the ordinary
strange unusual odd curious peculiar bizarre weird uncanny abnormal funny atypical anomalous unfamiliar extraordinary unexpected remarkable puzzling mystifying mysterious perplexing baffling inexplicable queer uncommon irregular surreal deviant different aberrant freakish uncharacteristic unparalleled dubious questionable quaint unnatural anomalistic quirky unconventional rare eerie ridiculous scarce unorthodox untypical freak inconceivable ludicrous offbeat outlandish out of the ordinary wacky far-out incongruous outré spooky unaccountable creepy eccentric exceptional fishy freaky inscrutable kooky nonstandard oddball off-base off the wall out of line out of the way singular wild bizarro funky idiosyncratic off-centre off-color screwy uncustomary wacko way-out zany crazy erratic kinky kookie off-kilter off-the-wall out-of-the-way queerish spaced-out unheard of weirdo whacky like nothing on earth unco rum unique cranky droll aberrated suspect flakey unaccustomed flaky dodgy shady foreign intriguing out-there exceeding unwonted especial phenomenal extraordinaire preternatural dilly doubtful whimsical doubtable disputable equivocal disquieting debatable shaky dubitable capricious nutty problematical surprising problematic quizzical beat unhinged touched mad outre irrational unbalanced demented characteristic bent cockeyed left-field far out way out off-center funny peculiar out in left field dark shonky mysterious-looking not quite right funny-looking strange-looking not kosher fantastic novel exotic original absurd fanciful out there special unreal alien preposterous incomprehensible daggy extravagant incredible fantastical alternative grotesque avant-garde astonishing insane unknown obscure unprecedented unheard-of isolated amazing divergent new unthinkable nonconformist unordinary perverse nonsensical foolish conspicuous unpredictable unbelievable comical prodigious unrepresentative far-fetched fresh something else distinctive untried infrequent unfathomable imaginative out of the common perverted bewildering confusing in left field supernatural warped individual noteworthy romantic twisted unlikely monstrous Bohemian madcap unimaginable devious deviate dotty cockamamie aberrational daft crackpot unexplored unexplainable arcane striking distinct creative impenetrable insoluble distinguished wayward slang awesome memorable deviating esoteric befuddling wonderful outrageous outstanding recondite disparate chimerical imaginary radical off-key nuts non-typical bohemian unintelligible jarring illusory heteroclite visionary make-believe inexplainable little known nonconforming off the beaten track hare-brained unearthly out of this world exclusive old-fashioned secret ghostly sporadic laughable sensational eye-catching unhealthy dissimilar silly humorous arbitrary fancy random fabulous other-worldly out of place scary amusing implausible corrupt improbable unknowable eldritch awkward disconcerting atypic prominent significant eminent refreshing sick enigmatic flighty malformed unrealistic miraculous notable digressive rogue mythical pervy spookish haunting unsolvable unrecognized dumfounding confounding awe-inspiring astounding transgressing eye-popping cuckoo distorted heterodox rummy grandiose unlike contrary newsworthy interesting unrecognised extreme beyond comprehension wandering sicko dippy cracked batty hippy abstruse newfangled innovative poetic few and far between boho barmy weird and wonderful mental psycho potty muddling wildering thin on the ground experimental dreamlike chimeric phantasmal phantasmic remote uninvestigated suppositious inspired variant beyond understanding avant garde hard to swallow off the air offhand illogical oddish chance ornate individualistic contradictory poignant paradoxical mischievous playful depraved exciting stupefying maverick informal waggish disconsonant inapropos irrelevant incongruent incoherent nondescript startling egregious few custom customized specialized signature personalized distinguishing particular impressive loner cool dumbfounding vagarious teratoid changeable fitful seldom Gothic gothic baroque kookish risible farcical progressive advanced unsavoury degenerated sadistic degenerate masochistic unconforming unceremonious occasional rambling straying non-standard wigged out schizoid schizo defective breaking new ground eccentrical seldom seen licentious deviative immoral excentrical altered imported ready one of a kind untraditional out of keeping crotchety not tightly wrapped pathetic cockamamy derisive derisory limited very unconventional incomparable inimitable indescribable indecipherable undefinable insolvable off-beat colourful glamorous varying heretical crinkly twisty unsavory off the rails fluky not prepared brand new uncharted stunning momentous beyond your ken dicey chancy uncertain witty derisible fascinating unforgettable arresting unnormal heteromorphic transcendental superhuman transcendent supernormal eery magical ironical expressive spectacular stupendous unconvincing incredulous previously unencountered outside one's experience personalised specialised customised mystic serious tremendous wondrous bugged out unconceivable misleading ambitious uncompelling artificial diagnostic discriminating identifying one and only diagnostical classic symptomatic amazeballs unforeseen flustering overwhelming portentous supranormal ghoulish devilish foreign-looking marvellous marvelous attractive glamourous illusive hallucinatory heavy flash gnarly forby dreamy loony never to be forgotten artistic inventive originative unannounced unanticipated discomfiting nonplussing jolting nonplusing dismaying upsetting external enticing extrinsic extraneous colorful alluring peregrine outside very strange off beaten path not normal bonkers goofy artful brilliant fertile ingenious genius keen out of sight cock-and-bull cock-eyed loopy clownish comic innovational vivid quixotic revolutionary astute frightening sinister shattering from abroad brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained psychotic fruity haywire bats gaga moonstruck whacko daffy meshuga balmy certifiable head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky Promethean gonzo looney tunes loony tunes spectral cryptic non compos mentis fearful uneasy acting crazy enigmatical mystical concealed scaring spine-chilling petrifying terrifying hair-raising chilling blood-curdling ambiguous murky unexplained ideal fancied made-up unsolved hidden unnerving superstitious paranormal crawly ghostlike legendary veiled pretend invented fictitious fantasied tall phantom fictional notional mythic imagined imaginal fairy-tale stealthy deep sibylline barbarous elliptical difficult subjective cagey elliptic shadowy aerial fairy tale fictive floating double-edged cock and bull blue sky hard to take pipe dream pie in the sky castles in the air on cloud nine

Tính từ

Affected by bitterness, resentment, or cynicism
jaundiced resentful bitter cynical jealous distorted envious prejudiced bigoted sceptical biased disenchanted disillusioned hostile pessimistic soured covetous disappointed distrustful green-eyed intolerant invidious misanthropic narrow-minded partial discriminatory preconceived spiteful coloured colored disapproving grudging jaded one-sided opprobrious partisan prepossessed skeptical tainted tendentious unenthusiastic unfair unindifferent warped yellow malicious begrudging desirous green emulous coveting aspiring wishful desiring fain umbrageous greedy craving grasping appetent watchful yearning hankering green with envy longing for unjust parti pris racist blinkered racialist predisposed chauvinistic opinionated slanted influenced sexist illiberal homophobic chauvinist anti-Semitic heterosexist anti-gay small-minded skewed dogmatic narrow sectarian inequitable xenophobic parochial twisted weighted subjective swayed inclined inflexible interested uncompromising fanatical preferential uncharitable unbalanced blind embittered discriminative envying jingoistic obstinate prejudicial possessive eating one's heart out minded disposed angled perverted falsified misrepresented false eager insatiable favorably inclined factional tampered with exclusive devoted sympathetic overzealous fanatic cliquish zealous unreasoning diehard denominational limited conspiratorial adhering accessory unsympathetic insular provincial rigid unforgiving dictatorial individualistic snappy irritable irate averse upset unwilling worked-up waspish outraged short-fuse obdurate contemptuous antipathetic unforbearing hateful indignant fractious stuffy disdainful tilted unindulgent unobjective non-objective loaded ageist disablist conditioned classist myopic fattist intransigent hidebound extreme doctrinaire leaning presupposing closed-minded

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Hating or disliking mankind
misanthropic cynical antisocial unfriendly skeptical sceptical unsociable jaundiced malevolent distrustful inhospitable inhumane pessimistic reclusive uncongenial unneighbourly disdainful egoistic egotistical eremitic grouchy hating misanthropical narrow-minded reserved sarcastic sardonic selfish solitary standoffish scoffing unbelieving ironic mocking sneering contemptuous scornful derisive wry biting satirical caustic dry tongue-in-cheek cynic ironical disbelieving doubtful doubting negative incredulous disillusioned world-weary hard-bitten disenchanted hard hardened mistrustful bleak hard-boiled black mordacious disparaging nonbelieving detracting scathing antagonistic hostile unsympathetic inimical adversarial antipathetic unkind unwelcoming cold adversary aggressive combative spiteful contrary ill-disposed unreceptive frosty surly bellicose mortal militant glacial sour unpleasant malicious warlike pugnacious confrontational belligerent wrathful angry nasty malignant truculent virulent disapproving hateful adverse vitriolic argumentative cool chilly distant aloof unsocial stand-offish haughty indifferent rancorous vicious uncivil discourteous ungracious icy quarrelsome opposed bitter rude conflicting opposite venomous alien maleficent unpropitious intimidating malefic mean dour viperous ornery scrappy catty malign ungenerous opposing remote xenophobic offhand dissenting oppositional brusque short unfavorable unfavourable resistant contentious dissident unwilling reluctant adversative accusatorial allergic difficult at odds oppugnant oppugning foul disagreeable unamicable frigid ill-natured unaffable withdrawn unapproachable stiff uncommunicative severe impersonal supercilious unforthcoming stern hard-eyed cold-eyed wintery frozen chill menacing antiseptic arctic gelid brittle wintry obnoxious impolite coldish uncordial clammy cold-blooded unmannerly Olympian starchy cross uncharitable competitive estranged censorious unpromising grudging gruff disaffected against unneighborly vengeful acrimonious not on speaking terms

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Having a covert or obscure meaning
equivocal ambiguous obscure indefinite vague indeterminate nebulous uncertain cryptic doubtful enigmatic hazy indistinct misleading borderline foggy imprecise inexact inexplicit oblique puzzling unclear circuitous circumlocutory inconclusive periphrastic prevaricating arcane blurry contradictory dubious duplicitous elusive enigmatical equivocating fuliginous inscrutable muddled murky mysterious mystic occult opaque questionable roundabout confused confusing dark deep elliptic elliptical gnomic oracular paradoxical perplexing amphibological clouded Delphic disreputable fuzzy muzzy open shifty tenebrous unexplicit unintelligible clear as mud two-edged double-edged abstruse incomprehensible unsettled debatable unfathomable impenetrable recondite undetermined ill-defined baffling unresolved mystifying undecided inexplicable unknown hidden bewildering evasive esoteric ambivalent unsure secret in doubt up in the air arguable open to debate uncanny shadowy pending unconfirmed concealed sketchy blurred cabalistic veiled unknowable deceptive open to question dubitable deceitful unspecific loose mystical unexplainable woolly indecisive clear as dishwater yet to be decided undefined strange wooly iffy indistinguishable unaccountable open to argument unanswered unsolved indirect sibylline irresolute hermetic riddling tricky dim in limbo chancy muddy incomplete odd unexplained noncommittal confounding insoluble sphinxlike intangible difficult problematic ongoing speculative moot covert secretive profound cabbalistic in question non-specific clandestine apocryphal devious vacillating disingenuous hermetical double as clear as mud fraudulent rough to be decided in a state of uncertainty faint approximate false general ironic elusory cloudy sophistical obfuscatory fallacious backhanded illusory imperfect bleary casuistical broad stonewalling abstract obfuscated cagey peculiar beyond comprehension unestablished casuistic weak unpredictable indecipherable unascertained fathomless unfixed unconcluded blear unfinished undependable indiscernible Delphian coded dodgy unspecified incalculable open-ended hard to understand hesitant non-committal wavering little known in the balance up for grabs in a state of limbo hinky polysemous polysemic polysemantic multivocal dual formless amorphous shapeless unsound at issue dishonest insincere remote impressionistic concerned troubled worried anxious apprehensive disquieted generalized unformed unstructured unshaped structureless weird curious undisclosed twofold recherché bizarre problematical superficial undiscoverable wildering beyond understanding nebulose dense cursory shrouded cloaked two-sided cheating impossible to understand mysterial ineffable gray grey queer funny hanging inadequate perfunctory cryptical unnatural incongruous some kind of generalised obscured ulterior approximative estimated slippery controversial hard nubilous purblind imperceptive improbable absurd inconsistent impossible illogical stealthy sweeping unfocused ballpark teasing stumping stickling subjective open for discussion yet to be settled up for discussion not yet settled cunning shuffling disputed intentionally misleading unforeseeable dissembling disputable suspect vexed meaningless doubtable muffled squishy careless sloppy inarticulate incoherent contingent conflicting self-contradictory anomalous oxymoronic dicey pendent jumbled waffling not definite touch-and-go betwixt and between not decided garbled specious delusive in no man's land good and bad fugacious transient indescribable phantom shy fleeting greasy imponderable transitory insubstantial tenuous volatile evanescent spurious slurred mumbled ungraspable hesitating sitting on the fence abeyant unfamiliar unidentified faltering unheard of unproven undiscovered blurred round the edges delusory coarse-grained senseless scrambled illegible sarcastic unlimited inaudible incognizable Greek all Greek to me misty gauzy pale sardonic deceiving unstraightforward tongue-in-cheek inexhaustible indeterminable innumerable wide pseudo deluding mock beguiling distorted misrepresentative distracting mistakable demagogic catchy inaccurate wrong snide sneaky underhanded with tongue in cheek undetailed indiscriminate disorganized implied disorganised flexible crude slight shallow overall unrigorous unmeticulous basic generic liberal complex unprecise involved rambling subtle complicated intricate disjointed mixed Greek to me neither one thing nor the other neither fish nor fowl woolly-minded woolly-headed addled comprehensive widespread universal global proximate near close muddle-headed free blanket muddleheaded random changeable nonspecific common surmised unscientific guessed subliminal non-restrictive fluid convoluted uninterpretable black almost exact almost accurate lenient non-literal inconceivable technical incredible secreted implicit far-out all-round all-around not easily understood broad-spectrum bird's-eye broad-based casual disguised not particular not partial not specific circumlocutionary ambagious not literal not strict not close masked circular collateral obliquitous rarefied suppressed muttered halting surreptitious unrevealed camouflaged involute involuted stuttering stammering stumbling hinted at underlying heavy speechless mute voiceless scrappy bitty skimpy tongue-tied outline unexposed unrecognizable invisible shielded unrecognisable hooded screened undercover covered patchy insufficient rudimentary limited fragmentary reticent unvocal mumbling maundering clumsy awkward poorly spoken over one's head above one's head scanty hurried meagre hasty provisional cobbled together introductory faulty defective depthless uncritical preliminary meager coarse on the back of an envelope

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Observant, vigilant and aware, especially of danger
watchful alert attentive observant vigilant wary aware circumspect heedful awake eagle-eyed keen-eyed perceptive careful cautious chary guarded keen prepared ready wakeful glued hooked tentie tenty unsleeping on guard sharp all ears hawk-eyed on the lookout on tiptoe on your guard on your toes sharp-eyed with eyes peeled Argus-eyed not missing a trick on one's toes on the alert on the ball on the watch gimlet-eyed open-eyed wide awake wide-awake with one's eyes skinned on the qui vive on the job prudent cagey mindful leery canny considerate gingerly safe apprehensive conservative regardful sleepless insomniac wise alive discreet calculating beady-eyed concentrating provident politic acute restless anxious discerning judicious sparing frugal thrifty scrupulous quick wired astir thoughtful discriminating hesitant intelligent active tossing and turning paying attention with eyes like a hawk distrustful economical close waking mean sceptical dubious insomnolent agog restive mistrustful doubtful saving sagacious conscious parsimonious bright unwasteful stingy questioning disturbed insomnious miserly restrained reserved defensive doubting skeptical unsettled protective zealous sensible bright-eyed and bushy-tailed heads up fast on the draw looking for keeping a weather eye on things waiting on sensitive intent punctilious diligent sage scrimping shrewd assiduous excited focused eager aroused listening shy percipient reluctant awakened interested deliberate spare skimping penny-pinching hip focussed studious roused cost-effective efficient measured reticent up money-saving time-saving work-saving troubled diplomatic tactful avaricious penurious on the rims practical meager curmudgeonly tight prudential penny-wise methodical closefisted expectant unsure clever spirited uncertain clear-sighted iffy softly-softly without sleep suspecting switched on sharp-sighted meagre psyched up watching out thinking twice up and about precautious walking on eggs watching one's step moderate controlled on alert noncommittal handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes with it good hands playing safe with weather eye open keeping a weather eye on on edge looking to keeping your eyes peeled with reservations on toes solicitous concerned jealous unhurried mistrusting conscientious taking notice economizing worried non-committal untrusting skittish broken fitful perky with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned thorough industrious meticulous painstaking unable to sleep vague unrevealing forehanded abstemious uncomfortable prescient out of bed up and around careful with money economising playing one's cards close to one's chest quick-witted overcareful overcautious fully awake wide-eyed keen-sighted lynx-eyed sedulous nice not sleeping foresighted agile astute responsive keeping one's eyes peeled keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open stirring lucid knowing cognizant jazzed heeding noticing upon one's guard uneasy forearmed tentative all there whip-smart rapt committed earnest deep rigorous surveying understanding advertent discovering deducing correct detecting searching contemplating considering comprehending intentive penetrating observative forethoughtful reckful loath levelheaded visionary clairvoyant cool-headed commonsensical far-seeing well-balanced clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in strategic close-lipped sly afraid nervous averse disinclined belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow judgmatic close-mouthed judgmatical far-sighted jumpy fidgeting antsy fidgety edgy kid-glove delicate inhibited constrained particular fastidious listening carefully having foresight like a clam civil reasonable temperate on lookout worldly-wise not rash unconvinced cynical disbelieving unbelieving undecided strung out hopeful anticipatory trustless jaundiced negativistic incredulous having reservations without faith hinky quizzical in doubt not born yesterday wondering without belief breathless waiting expecting awaiting anticipant anticipating agape on tenterhooks Scotch raring hoping anticipative in suspense keyed up with bated breath on pins and needles waiting with bated breath

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Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
pessimistic despairing gloomy cynical dark hopeless bleak depressed despondent defeatist dejected downbeat fatalistic glum melancholy negative distrustful black gloom-ridden misanthropic resigned sad bearish demoralised demoralized doubting foreboding lugubrious morose alarmist downhearted discouraged doubtful morbid sullen troubled unenthusiastic worried given to looking on the black side depressing dismal sombre discouraging cheerless somber disheartening dispiriting unhappy dim unfavorable unfavourable unpromising dispirited unhopeful grim skeptical grave dreary sceptical joyless drab funereal desolate worrying miserable harsh mournful doleful bitter horrid oppressive austere unfortunate chilly Eeyorish dreich depressive godforsaken saturnine solemn drear elegiacal elegiac cold gray sepulchral grey comfortless disconsolate forlorn dire wretched tenebrous tenebrific plutonian murky lonely darkening lonesome chill sunless Cimmerian cloudy woeful dull sorrowful dolorous blue uninviting melancholic sorry woebegone dingy pathetic dour heartbreaking heartrending distressing abject crestfallen downcast down in the dumps unpleasant saddening unwelcoming disagreeable rueful down in the mouth uncomfortable bad down awful piteous upsetting grievous inhospitable mirthless in the dumps distressed teary tearful inauspicious tragic bare stark troublesome low terrible forbidding cast down spiritless clinical impersonal institutional spartan mourning tough in low spirits dejecting lamentable unpropitious difficult moody dreadful hostile low-spirited harrowing drearisome unfriendly hard lamenting bland severe dirgelike draggy mopey poor ominous trying afflicted wintry jarring wintery inconsolable pitiable onerous taxing rough pitiful humourless humorless moping down-and-out heavy-hearted vexatious dangerous perilous precarious disturbing shadowy in a blue funk serious adverse problematic tricky heartbroken poignant sober plaintive excruciating dirge-like broken-hearted horrible tight grief-stricken squalid disappointing nostalgic awkward sticky grieving devastated sorrowing traumatic straitened sordid anguished distressful thorny prickly delicate shameful in the pits colorless sinister painful taciturn dragged execrable deplorable inferior lousy moving foul long-faced exacting appalling hazardous arduous hairy bothersome challenging irksome critical knotty sulky indigent scurvy scungy impoverished displeasing detestable rotten horrific gut-wrenching problematical ticklish chancy worrisome concerning dodgy iffy punishing lacklustre deep lackluster hurting acheronian dubious suspect questionable colourless boring monotonous lifeless heart-rending unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring macabre humdrum desperate unlikely unencouraging uncaring disadvantageous portentous ruined abandoned deserted maudlin solitary chap-fallen unimpassioned exequial deathlike funebrial waste threnodic threnodial overcast unmoved touching disconcerting tragical unoptimistic deathly Stygian obscure hollow brooding bereft atrocious unnerving disquieting discomforting sunk in gloom frowning glowering crabbed surly chapfallen oppressed weary mopish broody ugly grumpy unsmiling bad-tempered uncommunicative intolerable horrendous acherontic upset crushed lorn phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive regrettable companionless ghastly gruesome afflictive demoralizing demoralising in the doldrums cut up blue funk having the blahs having blue devils looking on the black side shocking crushing dolesome heart-breaking singing the blues agonizing discomposing agonising lachrymose derisible frightful plangent horrifying mortifying pensive heart-wrenching tear-jerking despicable contemptible injurious disgraceful vile trashy shoddy filthy destitute derisory unwelcome exigent ill-fated hard-pressed lurid discommodious tortured harmful undesirable full of hardship threatening objectionable strained ill-omened treacherous direful ill-boding chilling parlous nightmarish pressing messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad rigorous rugged sensitive controversial poverty-stricken cruel savage brutal burdensome hardhanded inhuman saddened heartsick brokenhearted droopy heavyhearted heavy stiff searing heartsore wistful dysphoric crummy hangdog destroyed tristful weeping bleeding ripped in pain cast-down bummed out down and out fed up torn up on a downer taken down low-down let down in the toilet

Tính từ

Unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful

Tính từ

Creeped out sexually

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Anticipating something with anxiety or fear
apprehensive hesitant afraid alarmed anxious concerned fearful nervous uneasy worried agitated edgy jittery restless uptight antsy disquieted doubtful fidgety foreboding frightened jumpy mistrustful neurotic panicky scared strained stressed stressy tense terrified trepidatious troubled twitchy shaky stiff uncertain weak frozen angst-ridden on edge having butterflies on tenterhooks hung up in a dither lily-livered worried sick in a sweat running scared in a cold sweat having a funny feeling having cold feet having stage fright biting nails disturbed upset perturbed uncomfortable unsettled restive self-conscious nervy embarrassed discomfited unquiet atwitter hinky queasy queazy goosey insecure aflutter dithery keyed up het up ill at ease dismayed perplexed discomposed wired overwrought impatient unrestful fraught shaken fretful harassed irritable palpitant anguished tormented peevish irascible vexed bothered wrung all nerves in turmoil on the qui vive like a fish out of water awkward shy bashful faltering inhibited unnatural out of place gauche unsure retiring shrinking blushing unrelaxed on pins and needles discombobulated fazed distrustful frantic windy frenzied hysterical worked up distressed aroused faint-hearted abashed horrified startled rattled aghast timid blanched timorous terror-stricken intimidated daunted discouraged stunned petrified unnerved disheartened fearsome trembling panic-stricken cowed shocked cowardly spooked funky in a tizzy in a flap in awe have cold feet run scared scared to death scared stiff overstrung strung out toey strung up in a state spooky like a cat on a hot tin roof ruffled squirrelly skittish in a stew in a tizz excited spineless disconcerted flustered in a state of agitation all of a dither all of a lather high-strung pusillanimous in a state of nerves hyper in a twitter wrought up in a twit distraught like a cat on hot bricks quaking gutless annoyed highly strung yellow excitable flurried weak-kneed diffident having kittens bricking oneself all of a doodah in suspense mousy adrenalized angsty craven a bundle of nerves tremulous fainthearted chicken shook up soft wound up febrile affrighted confused wimpy beside oneself spiritless sensitive scary shaking recreant unglued cowering wet irresolute unconfident terrorized horror-struck taut feart wimpish yellow-bellied thrown irked terrorised choked easily frightened with one's heart in one's mouth brittle mousey unheroic pigeon-hearted chicken-livered in a panic meek irrational creepy hot and bothered chickenhearted hysteric nerve-racking nail-biting sissy quivering browbeaten feeble flighty under stress solicitous unmanly poor-spirited stressed out unassured chicken-hearted afeared frit discountenanced in a funk waiting for the axe to fall muddled irritated in a blue funk waiting with bated breath overanxious inconvenienced shaking in one's shoes nervous wreck bundle of nerves careful distracted shivery fluttery emotional fretting dastardly distressing provoked poltroon fevered unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting distressful agitating nerve-wracking nerveless milk-livered boneless lacking courage white-knuckled hurt unassertive scared witless pigeonhearted grieved tentative introverted angstful bullied unstable wavering terror-struck frightened out of one's wits agog withdrawn sad horror-stricken scared out of one's wits bugged submissive unhappy saddened touchy overwhelmed overawed clutched candy-assed turbulent beset riled a wreck shaking like a leaf worrisome fractious tortured plagued hassled passive unsteady self-doubting shot to pieces disappointed lacking confidence unpeaceful gutted phobic not self-assured lacking self-confidence angry angered worried stiff up the wall blue with one's stomach in knots with butterflies in one's stomach put out broken up cut up ascared frightened to death fussy disorientated hectic weak-willed desperate flushed intense under pressure aquiver disoriented bewildered panicked half-hearted easily scared weakling unreluctant under a strain strange lost frisky overactive hot under the collar hyped-up heated wrought-up overexcited afire atingle hyperexcited frazzled reserved fidgeting fitful pressured disorderly overcome exercised coy wreck moving moved shot stressful feeling anxious unbalanced jerky sheepish goose-bumpy rabbity quivery discomforted zipped up hot juiced up galled chafed white knuckled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting trying disillusioned deterred reluctant tetchy squirmy wiggly wriggly nerves on edge eagerly skittery self-effacing afflicted asea spasmodic itchy unforthcoming offended fretted difficult tricky overemotional lacking in confidence lacking assurance not confident testy crotchety prickly all agog avid open-mouthed fixated obsessed paranoid exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed low traumatized traumatised abject cringey unruly short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered ignoble milksoppish dispirited demoralized downcast in fear and trepidation numb with fear recalcitrant ill-tempered verklempt come apart psyched out unzipped bummed out wounded at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails lacking social skills tongue-tied white-livered sookie emotionally charged histrionic with bated breath restlessly moving oversensitive moody critical refractory Milquetoast capricious vacillating gentle cringing dishonourable dishonorable vague Delphic questioning unpoised sissified caitiff base perverse ornery obstinate stubborn unyielding pathetic easily agitated watchful impotent falling apart dreading cowhearted backward worthless limp-wristed squeamish demoralised put off champing at the bit characterless touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice in a spin a basket case sweating bullets in a flat spin paper tiger no guts having the willies having butterflies in the stomach apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at in a fluster strict conventional cautious old-fashioned on the defensive

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Questioning or suggesting puzzlement
quizzical bantering curious mocking questioning sardonic supercilious teasing amused arch baffled chaffing derisive enquiring fooling funning inquiring jesting joking joshing kidding mystified perplexed puzzled rallying razzing ribbing sceptical amusing aporetic disbelieving eccentric incredulous inquisitive ironic odd probing quaint queer searching show-me skeptical surprised unbelieving unusual flippant lighthearted humorous playful funny jokey facetious distrustful mistrustful doubting suspecting negativistic interrogative nosy prying inquisitorial jocose light-hearted sportive whimsical waggish frolicsome jocular flip witty frivolous merry tongue-in-cheek comical roguish glib comic mischievous gay in jest blithe in fun jolly droll unserious high-spirited jovial mirthful chucklesome jocund tongue in cheek laughable impish entertaining puckish gleeful sunny ludic cheerful as a joke to tease festive blithesome laughing lively joyous smart clever for a laugh silly pleasant satirical fun wisecracking not serious putting one on pulling one's leg irreverent superficial ill-considered inane shallow thoughtless fatuous senseless non-serious farcical dry daft flirtatious pixieish tricksy sly leprechaunish rascally risible scampish pixy pixie devilish prankish knavish wicked elvish clowning snappy kittenish bubbly gamesome spirited jaunty good-natured sprightly capering wry hilarious diverting cheery happy flakey crazy good-humoured good-humored camp daffy campy wacky flaky boffo joculous ludicrous gagged up for grins

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Characterized by laziness, indolence, and a lack of ambition
shiftless idle indolent lazy slothful aimless good-for-nothing incompetent inefficient inept lackadaisical unambitious unenterprising apathetic feckless improvident irresponsible lethargic spiritless worthless dallying deceitful devious directionless dishonest dubious inattentive laggard lagging lifeless loafing procrastinating slack unenergetic unindustrious unmotivated untrustworthy workshy sluggish listless inactive inert torpid languid slow passive dull supine languorous otiose impassive fainéant heavy work-shy indifferent comatose bone idle enervated useless slow-moving laid-back dormant sleepy tired somnolent lax drowsy careless unenthusiastic easygoing slumberous dopey faineant no-good no-account do-nothing feeble snoozy limp lousy negligent remiss leisurely lukewarm lymphatic insouciant abstracted stupefied fatigued quiescent dreamy half-hearted uninterested narcotic phlegmatic languishing moony energyless leaden blah stupid stuporous hebetudinous out of it sluggard ne'er-do-well vigourless vacant lumpish plodding stagnant drony resting slow-going mopish effete absent neutral bored heedless motionless numb insensible hibernating drugged sleeping benumbed lacking energy inconscious cold out paralyzed static sodden latent unhurried paralysed unworksome unoccupied unaspiring parasitic procrastinative bone-idle ineffectual uncaring vegged out dead to the world out to lunch out cold offhand passionless bloodless debilitated hopeless futile unconcerned slap-happy casual relaxed hamstrung weak inexpedient inefficacious counterproductive ineffective disinterested incurious sentimental pococurante romantic laissez-faire slapdash halfhearted Laodicean daydreaming weary easy going laid back lacklustre nebbish draggy lackluster stretchy exhausted unmoving stolid dilatory wimpy sleepyhead meaningless incautious unpurposed fustian uncareful spineless carefree unreliable reckless wild spring fever without energy having spring fever nonchalant cool easy perfunctory tardy unresponsive blasé slipshod neglectful sloppy unheeding blithe disregardful unmoved derelict cursory devil-may-care tepid free and easy emotionless dawdling creeping easy-going measured crawling subdued snaillike unexcited deliberate ponderous delinquent unmindful detached unthinking flagging droopy delaying moderate loitering irresolute unenthused flat dispassionate unimpressed cavalier complacent tortoiselike postponing breezy blahs pining happy-go-lucky faint slow-paced infirm blithely unconcerned without care insipid thoughtless superficial desultory forgetful uncurious untroubled tame regardless flippant uninvolved gradual loose uncircumspect undependable unobservant unaccountable unworried slovenly slow-footed sickly gentle reluctant comfortable uneager hasty unemotional sedate neglecting unrushed unfeeling unwilling undemanding steady uninspiring non-committal dragging snail-paced dillydallying pokey poking poky effortless vigorless indecisive wooden airy behindhand informal uninspired submissive vapid dispirited characterless spent damp callous lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair wishy-washy neb sedentary still being lazy inconsiderate taking your time lacking in energy unconvincing lame weakly sluggardly laboured tortoise-like yielding unstudied artless not enthusiastic lacking vitality soporous soporose leaden-footed snail-like unlively light disimpassioned acquiescent servile pliant docile meager paltry laggy lollygagging late barratrous simple unceremonious labored imperceptible light-hearted burned out unproductive somnific clinical haphazard stoic stoical meagre blameworthy culpable defaultant inconsistent oscitant reprehensible woolgathering take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less sketchy shoddy quiet peaceful unthorough unthoughtful untidy unsystematic unmeticulous withdrawn remote just watching the clock not giving a damn optimistic content carefree and untroubled free-minded cheerful negative living the life of Riley cold-blooded undemonstrative impassible affectless hurried mechanical fleeting brief summary passing token quick untouched at fault dismissive rapid disorganized disorderly asleep at switch asleep on job any which way any old way could care less don't give a damn what the hell couldn't care less disorganised unprofessional permissive restful foolhardy unperturbed rash daredevil asleep at the wheel unruffled precipitous overhasty precipitate phoning it in walking through it serene asleep on the job lingering impulsive impetuous imprudent over-venturesome headlong hot-headed over-adventurous harum-scarum going through the motions audacious death-or-glory madcap unwise hare-brained meek colourless distant unanxious hell-for-leather kamikaze swaggering melancholic dejected unimpassioned dry melancholy despondent depressed mopy desiccated low anaemic calm unsympathetic aloof oblivious tearaway temerarious blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless inanimate pathetic broken boring downhearted sad drippy downcast delayed slackened unhasty relaxing free nonplussed unflappable colorless anemic reserved deaf unbothered not bothered without a care in the world at ease hardened hard-hearted not giving a toss self-centered insensitive undisturbed blind stony cool, calm and collected undaunted self-centred drained wearied worn laodicean undecided chilly uncertain uncommitted hesitant unresolved down in the mouth down in the dumps flat tire cast down lacking in vitality pooped knackered beat dead aweary bushed prostrate done loggy jaded logy beaten bleary weakened wiped out played out burned-out washed-out worn out tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out