Từ đồng nghĩa của committed

Alternative for committed

commits, committed, committing

Từ đồng nghĩa: do, entrust, perform, pledge, promise,

Tính từ

Having pledged oneself to a particular belief or course of action
devoted dedicated devout faithful loyal resolute staunch steadfast diligent driven unwavering earnest fervent firm sincere ardent dutiful enthusiastic keen motivated passionate pledged wholehearted zealous active assiduous bound intent unswerving adherent attached engagé studious sworn deep-dyed hard-working mad keen true blue card-carrying red-hot dyed-in-the-wool true vehement fervid steady constant intense pious fanatical true-blue eager good impassioned genuine fast dependable trusty trustworthy reliable perfervid avid spirited stanch stalwart allegiant down-the-line excited religious energetic warm strong heartfelt fierce fiery vigorous tried and true tried and tested enthused interested wild hearty sure passional animated conscientious enduring honest immovable emotional reverent unfaltering heated tried-and-true trusted flaming burning raring keen as mustard serious determined true-hearted willing patriotic deep hungry unqualified uncompromising feverish stable athirst forceful crazy ambitious voracious solicitous desirous antsy torrid demonstrative hot-blooded charged holy authentic incandescent superheated orthodox unfailing emphatic complete warm-blooded prayerful hundred percent bona fide practising out-and-out gung ho as keen as mustard godly solid violent ebullient total full exuberant lively yearning thorough pumped profound longing anxious agog supportive rabid zestful hot impatient warmblooded nuts obsessed thirsty glowing blazing truthful appetent ready upright practicing honourable honorable official listed never-failing paid-up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed unconditional obedient pure believing cardholding saintly unflinching itching stout vivacious exhilarated God-fearing thoroughgoing industrious obdurate sprightly churchgoing entire absolute unreserved stoked inexorable thrilled unmitigated persistent engaged revering strict pleased animate unquestioning titillated positive unequivocal unadulterated unalloyed venerating dynamic abiding undivided concerned consuming unchanging juiced geeked purposeful messianic unfeigned single-minded sound afire engrossed hopped-up adoring absorbed attentive responsible hepped up true to life righteous hard-core tried incorruptible infallible liege high-spirited great pietistic go-ahead scrupulous keyed up ready and willing craving circumspect trustable calculable raw rigid fixed raring to go chomping at the bit behind one greedy wishing hopeful confirmed dying convinced fundamentalist traditional conservative desiring heightened formal intent on conformist admiring consecrated dinkum big doting contentious forcible on one's side heart-and-soul goody-goody worshipping worshiping die-hard persevering solemn feeling redoubtable bosom deep-seated conforming law-abiding unhesitating adamant unmovable changeless stubborn established immobile unbending militant goody two-shoes unmistakable effective tested certain boon unflappable ecstatic inflexible tough stiff secure diehard unshakable in good faith deeply felt fond pushy tender warmhearted responsive perfectionistic principled habitual zealotic fired frenetic fanatic possessed wild-eyed obsessive itchy ripe extreme fireball self-starting gung-ho through and through observant confiding straight correct believable loving affectionate gotta have hopped up dying to hot for impervious whole sainted predictable decent unambiguous real unstinting unshakeable categorical god-fearing decisive reputable impeccable respectable unimpeachable high-principled amenable breathless restless inclined restive hung up hankering disposed happy unreluctant pining game glad covetous single-hearted old faithful unlimited unrestricted concentrated on the level string along with coming on strong careful incorrupt veracious true to the end angelic charismatic superhuman virtuous celestial transcendent saintlike born-again deific utter close exclusive idealistic hardened strenuous undiluted outright unbroken focused undistracted collective given over to fullhearted unshared consistent frenzied participating united unflagging consummate focussed busy registered unanimous continued concerted resounding aggressive muscular assertive sweeping unrestrained whole-hearted occupied deliberate all minute detailed vigilant subscribed raging tumultuous uncontrollable lock stock and barrel all-embracing all out hard-hitting uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled influential contributing activist whole-souled certified impulsive impetuous ungovernable detail oriented employed working involved moving eloquent stirring poignant high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong high-powered inspiring hotblooded expressive thrilling affecting quickened without reservations virile full-blooded hardy robust powerful unmixed vital hopping forward immersed bustling enrolled commissioned financial inducted enlisted installed steamed up paid up out and out tied-up go-getting pulling no punches two-fisted fascinated rhapsodic aflame nutty wacky tantalized tantalised bugged zesty gaga turnt gone on hot to trot full of beans champing at the bit

Tính từ

Having or displaying resolve
determined resolute driven unwavering single-minded firm unswerving unswervable undaunted intent steadfast indefatigable staunch stalwart earnest tenacious unfaltering unhesitating unflinching persistent pertinacious persevering strong-minded strong-willed unshakeable steely dedicated insistent stubborn adamant dogged purposeful obstinate purposive obdurate resolved decided deliberate inflexible relentless intransigent implacable uncompromising unyielding unbending immovable unrelenting spirited brave fixed bold courageous manful plucky stout bulldog set indomitable unshaken strenuous unflappable four-square untiring stout-hearted wholehearted gritty mettlesome vigorous gutsy indurate inexorable serious stiff strong unbendable unmovable unshakable valiant compulsive full of determination grim perseverant rock-ribbed steady unchanging undeviating unflagging constant meaning business spunky true eager ambitious zealous industrious motivated enthusiastic enterprising keen forceful go-getting focused aspiring assertive energetic diligent bent upon tireless assiduous focussed active decisive bound bent on bent self-starting hard-driving ardent pushy devoted hungry progressive pioneering obsessed do-or-die striving fanatical avid goal-oriented self-driven hell-bent sedulous hell-bent on hell-bent upon out militant eager beaver go-ahead aggressive dead set obsessive set on self-assertive conscientious desirous hard-working dead set on thirsty inspired fierce ruthless power-hungry laborious rigorous on the make absorbed engrossed self-seeking fixated preoccupied concentrating intense occupied immersed settled studious definite faithful solid in earnest hanging tough genuine persisting sincere concentrated sure power-loving high-reaching intent on self-asserting attentive get up and go insistent on determined to hopeful unfailing unappeasable bullheaded deep painstaking dynamic pigheaded positive patient monomaniacal iron-willed unremitting loyal adventurous intending to busy impassioned engaged self-willed never-tiring daring wrapped up stable rigid hardworking reliable self-motivated bustling trusty operose desiring success like a ball of fire committed to the idea of on one's mettle bound and determined hell bent on self-disciplined unshrinking hard-nosed headstrong firmly-based fearless immoveable unblinking independent unintimidated cast-iron iron self-directed restless passionate observant telelogical calculated radical entire all enrapt exclusive whole undivided thrusting hellbent mean business direct alert watchful vehement playing hard ball strict intrepid not joking be out for blood nose to the grindstone unstoppable perseverative immutable intensive straight careful whole-hearted emphatic honest heartfelt fervid riveted hard hard-line determinate dominant certain unmalleable unalterable pig-headed prevailing hardened inexpugnable domineering unqualified seasoned competitive meticulous optimistic intending aspirant wannabe would-be budding potential wishful going explicit consistent enthralled confident thorough exacting punctilious particular lost cutthroat sustained feisty ferocious possible prospective likely future hard-and-fast dependable unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured heedful impatient meaning what one says serious-minded warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy never-failing intent upon tall in the saddle redoubtable minding never give up tough nut pushing longing through-and-through consumed compelled rapt dyed-in-the-wool employed upwardly mobile possessed self-assured can-do self-confident cut-throat expectant endeavoring endeavouring hang tough slogging swotty plugging working plodding galvanized impelled gung ho self-possessed sturdy hang-tough full-blooded intensely competitive high-pressure go for broke in-your-face fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct dog-eat-dog stand pat obsessional induced committed to firm about fixated on caught up buried true-blue impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided single-minded about obsessive about inflexible about obsessed with fanatical about out to fixed upon anxious to fixed on decisive about resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on tried and true audacious steamroller unafraid tough tried and tested resilient nervy powerhouse urged on

Tính từ

Able to be depended or relied on
solid dependable firm reliable stable steadfast strong trustworthy durable enduring immutable secure unchangeable unfailing fixed rigid sturdy true established faithful tried constant responsible stout lasting resolute sure unshakeable balanced permanent stalwart staunch equable trustable unwavering settled sound steady bulletproof calculable honorable honourable perdurable trusty unfaltering long-lasting long-lived long-standing well balanced well-balanced well-built deep-rooted safe good tried-and-true loyal unswerving tried and true tried and tested honest certain reputable determined true-blue upright infallible consistent proven devoted dedicated never-failing conscientious righteous mature confident fail-safe unimpeachable straight tested always there safe as houses fast attested proved unerring recognized approved certified trusted unhesitating predictable decent sensible go-to recognised virtuous ethical foolproof tried and trusted truthful surefire can't-miss sincere true-hearted absolute abiding continuing high-principled guaranteed sure-fire right positive to be counted on unshakable up front rock solid decided resolved ended sterling creditworthy clutch bold long-term straightforward credible likely to perform poised composed assertive extended lengthy competent rocklike copper-bottomed vigorous assured marathon classic demonstrated failsafe impeccable respectable decisive used incorrupt unequivocal careful veracious redoubtable carrying the load good as one's word tried out put to the test time-honoured definite pure dutiful just pious moral nice devout stanch daring hard-working conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine carefree able hopeful supportive right-minded endless boundless indomitable ardent worthy truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line undistorted liege confirmed estimable scrupulous creditable square wholehearted all right easy well-founded shoo-in inexhaustible incorruptible principled bound and determined audacious bound forceful steamroller unafraid resilient tough tenacious dead set on nervy hanging tough powerhouse no lie on the up and up ceaseless continuous nailed down locked on saintly persistent unlimited unfading undying continual fly right to be trusted level-headed straight-up worthy of trust above suspicion true blue boy scout down home on the level full of integrity as good as one's word in the bag unflagging bottomless diligent same unrelenting unchanging assiduous dyed-in-the-wool delivering there come-through eternal invariable counted on efficacious unbeatable effective handy agreeable effectual watertight acceptable correct satisfactory helpful authoritative useful inerrant undeceivable unquestionable exact always effective efficient omniscient apodictic incontrovertible never failing inerrable satisfying

Tính từ

Boldly self-assured
dominant assertive commanding confident domineering assured bold bullish strong demanding determined feisty firm authoritative forceful imposing pushy controlling decisive forward insistent bossy imperious overbearing positive ambitious audacious driven fearless fierce collected composed daring emphatic intrepid poised powerful resolute resolved spirited staunch steadfast steely tenacious tough zealous self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-reliant strong-minded can-do cool-headed decided self-possessed strong-willed aggressive dynamic vigorous energetic potent in-your-face enterprising vehement effective influential competitive militant robust violent strenuous self-asserting driving go-ahead go-getting pushing not backward in coming forward uncompromising hardline muscular resounding full-blooded convincing compelling persuasive stout dogmatic assaultive high-pressure carnivorous pushful brassy sure absolute certain believing in oneself hard-hitting self-respecting fast-track high-octane supreme go-go mighty weighty effectual authoritarian efficient ruling forcible successful high-powered in control full of get-up-and-go highly capable in the saddle courageous brave plucky valiant gritty heroic unflinching gutsy valorous mettlesome spunky dauntless stalwart lionhearted ballsy gallant doughty stout-hearted game hardy stouthearted undaunted unafraid indomitable manful dogged daredevil greathearted gutty heroical nervy undauntable unshrinking unyielding dashing venturous lion-hearted as game as Ned Kelly adventurous keen venturesome unfaltering have-a-go resilient unabashed indefatigable ardent eager aweless unflagging stubborn obstinate purposeful unfearful persistent gung ho two-fisted unshakeable unbending earnest enthusiastic rugged hardened adventuresome motivated cutthroat hungry thirsty brash unblenching unwavering unfearing iron-willed rock-ribbed irrepressible active avid enduring ruthless desirous frightless bloodthirsty hard-nosed obdurate sporting persevering temerarious gladiatorial foolhardy chivalrous untiring scrappy single-minded defiant cocky icy unalarmed fire-eating having killer instinct warlike hard-driving manly invincible unconquerable swashbuckling fiery unconcerned unworried unapprehensive sassy rash free-swinging nerved emboldened reckless high-spirited unsurpassable invulnerable impervious undisturbed carefree lively brisk intransigent assuming bantam gingery peppery unswerving death-or-glory mettled frisky sprightly perseverant fit hard willful undefeatable combative brazen superhuman chin-up imprudent fortitudinous herolike red-blooded as tough as old boots tough as old boots hard as nails cynical emulous contentious undismayed hard-bitten Herculean noble devil-may-care vying classic exaggerated grand epic extravagant fanatical competing elevated high-flown inflated grandiose inured passionate bigger than life warring spoiling for a fight on the warpath opposing mythological impavid champion antagonistic stand tall ready for action oppositional capable headstrong toughened dedicated resistant sturdy intense quick to recover difficult to keep down sound quick to bounce back rolling with punches loyal sagacious firm in spirit independent perceptive tough-minded faithful ironclad keen as mustard animated resourceful unhesitating take charge mean diligent assiduous aspiring unremitting relentless tireless intent sedulous rigid undeviating steady sustained rigorous ferocious pertinacious inspired unrelenting unabated progressive industrious pioneering stringent eager beaver power-loving self-driven hang-tough self-willed bound and determined get up and go high-reaching intensely competitive stop at nothing power-hungry brutal go for broke cut-throat self-seeking self-starting goal-oriented dog-eat-dog bullheaded fiercely competitive

Tính từ

Being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
confirmed hardened seasoned chronic entrenched habitual rooted deep established inveterate settled devout firm fixed intrenched lifelong perennial resolute set thorough true ardent complete dedicated devoted earnest enduring faithful fervent immutable incorrigible indelible loyal proved stalwart staunch steadfast uncompromising unwavering unyielding vehement wholehearted compulsive diehard fanatical fiery impenitent ineradicable inexorable intransigent irredeemable longtime obsessive obstinate persistent stubborn supreme thoroughgoing torrid unapologetic unashamed unreformable unshakable unshakeable zealous accustomed definite explicit habituated incurable ingrained inured staid sicker dyed-in-the-wool long-established bona fide hard-core long-standing deep-rooted deep-seated die-hard hard-line deep-set firmly established through and through all-consuming bred-in-the-bone card-carrying deep-dyed well established well-established red-hot hard-shell utter unrepentant absolute hopeless out-and-out unswerving true blue unfaltering full-bore right-down arrant congenital mad keen keen as mustard out and out regular pathological obsessional shameless extreme rigid radical irrepressible eternal undying beyond hope obscene pornographic X-rated dyed-in-the wool determined unwaivering through-and-through unchangeable full-fledged infixed instilled deep-down genuine deeply ingrained to the core unreformed accepted traditional abiding unchanging addicted irradicable irremovable unreconstructed worn valid fundamental profound basic built-in secure inbuilt inbred inherent subconscious innate lingering long-lasting hooked undestroyable indestructible unremovable old-fashioned implanted unfading instinctive intrinsic gut incessant conservative reactionary traditionalist inborn longstanding val ultra-conservative unprogressive lasting unforgettable permanent ineffaceable embedded dug in fortified set firm driven in constant frequent reprobate deep down deeply felt inflexible indomitable immovable lodged in one's brain unregenerate obdurate recurrent adamant blimpish inannihilable by habit fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist intractable irreformable irrecoverable unredeemable irretrievable unrecoverable uncontrite irremediable bad beyond redemption useless impossible recidivous abandoned uncorrectable beastly irreparable loser wicked endemic

Tính từ

Being married to one person at a time

Tính từ

Being alert or on top of things by paying close attention
attentive observant alert intent watchful concentrating heedful mindful aware focused vigilant acute heeding noticing perceptive percipient studious interested listening regardful careful deep diligent earnest focussed rapt rigorous scrupulous awake tentie tenty assiduous reckful open-eyed beady-eyed on guard not missing a trick on the lookout paying attention Argus-eyed on one's toes on the qui vive on the job on the ball wide awake wide-awake on your toes listening carefully wary circumspect on the alert cautious chary guarded cagey conscious prudent considerate alive all ears leery prepared gingerly safe ready sharp apprehensive on your guard conservative cognizant canny thoughtful on the watch sensible eagle-eyed observing sharp-eyed keen hawk-eyed intelligent on tiptoe wakeful sensitive sentient quick keen-eyed wise with eyes peeled discerning discreet calculating politic unsleeping discriminating wired suspicious active gimlet-eyed sleepless with eyes like a hawk insomniac observative judicious informed apperceptive witting bright knowing ware understanding anxious attending reserved perceiving clear-sighted respectful defensive sharp-sighted bright-eyed and bushy-tailed protective heads up fast on the draw with it keeping a weather eye on things solicitous advertent intentive waking restless deliberate animate receptive astir conscientious knowledgeable agog hip alive to insomnolent diplomatic tactful sagacious measured conversant reticent awake to responsive restrained provident self-aware clever spirited aware of sensible of softly-softly cognizant of wise to alert to recognizing tossing and turning switched on on to regardful of recognizant of au courant hip to recognising psyched up watching out thinking twice lynx-eyed hesitant moderate controlled on alert precautious walking on eggs watching one's step noncommittal playing safe handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes good hands with weather eye open keeping a weather eye on looking to sensitive to keeping your eyes peeled with reservations looking for able to recognize in on on toes waiting on dutiful concerned zealous deferent deferential hooked glued unhurried taking notice duteous arrect jealous sage sophisticated perky with one's eyes open keeping one's eyes skinned reluctant non-committal keen-sighted insomnious expectant sensatory punctilious watching quick-witted vague unrevealing aroused awakened restive live living feeling with one's eyes skinned sensorial sensory not sleeping agile astute fully awake wide-eyed overcareful overcautious reactive tentative excited stirring up lucid roused playing one's cards close to one's chest keeping one's eyes peeled keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open sensuous shrewd suspecting forethoughtful all there whip-smart perspicacious sentimental emotional flesh-and-blood breathing seeing sapient sensate belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in upon one's guard sensile surveying discovering deducing correct eager detecting searching contemplating considering questioning comprehending penetrating doubting unwasteful saving sly frugal thrifty sparing strategic close-lipped accepting hearkening receiving capable of feeling in the right mind up and about acquainted apprised judgmatic close-mouthed judgmatical noting assured sure remarking certain kid-glove delicate X-ray eye not missing much disturbed unsettled having foresight like a clam civil reasonable temperate on lookout worldly-wise not rash in the know about responsive to mindful of seized of ware of hep to clued-up on percipient of jumpy fidgeting on edge without sleep antsy strung out troubled fidgety edgy jazzed conscious of chary of wary of acquainted with careful of watchful of heedful of plugged in tuned in in the know be up on know ins and outs know all the answers insightful pragmatic expedient commonsensical tactical considered far-sighted logical forearmed thorough advisable smart levelheaded practical sound forehanded rational savvy incisive well judged well advised farsighted enterprising close resourceful gentle calm gradual visionary desirable patient sane having eyes in the back of your head with one's eyes opened equipped economical well-prepared meticulous far-seeing foresighted fastidious level-headed healthy common-sense parsimonious tight penny-pinching mean finicky methodical fine ingenious well-advised well thought out intuitive adroit balanced reasoned dexterous brilliant cerebral mature analytical intellectual piercing skilful cagy precocious genius complex sharp-witted rapier-like dextrous subtle fly analytic intriguing deft experienced brainy skillful razor-like razor-sharp exacting ratiocinative detailed well thought-out well-grounded

Tính từ

Busy or occupied with business or activities
engaged busy occupied employed working active diligent engrossed involved preoccupied absorbed assiduous bustling industrious overloaded unavailable hopping immersed laborious sedulous snowed taken tied-up tied up wrapped up at work tied down hard at work have a prior engagement up to one's ears at it busy as a bee have one's hands full on assignment on the job busy as a beaver hard at it hard-pressed have a previous engagement on the go on the move on the hop with a customer in use full in harness hired on duty operating energetic utilized utilised rushed off your feet interested signed laboring selected inked reserved in place in collar on board plugging away retained in a job on the payroll labouring otherwise engaged being used jobholding contracted in a meeting focused on on active service dynamic productive vigorous spirited tireless clocked up on the trot jumping already taken in conference lively time-poor head over heels held booked rushed off one's feet hard-working hardworking too much on plate in full swing having fish to fry having enough on one's plate efficient having a full plate slaving hustling harried in demand having many irons in the fire participating devoted enthusiastic on the run dedicated keen dutiful spoken for ardent influential fervent devout faithful activist motivated contributing leased populated populous peopled rented forward go-getting go-ahead two-fisted participant operative running associated with affiliated with concerned with connected with participating in taking part in

Tính từ

Working permanently in or committed to a particular profession

Động từ

(of a mistake or error) To have committed or perpetrated
made perpetrated carried out was responsible for were responsible for fulfilled put through performed executed prosecuted negotiated accomplished compassed achieved pulled off brought off carried off followed through with effected did done effectuated completed implemented finished discharged enacted wrought realized acted out brought about realised observed conducted engineered succeeded transacted brought to fruition acted worked wreaked attained concluded enforced secured managed won cut hit scored met annexed delivered put into effect survived acquitted oneself of dealt with put on made it through delivered on went through followed through on carried through gone through been through put into practice put over engaged in produced been responsible for made happen made to happen practised practiced engagde in initiated crossed cleared inflicted surmounted administered passed pulled applied dispatched satisfied overcome handled got over landed consummated rendered staged occasioned gained procured caused swung presented transgressed obtained had brought on hurdled acted upon overleaped ticked vaulted leaped over come through earned wings made it translated into polished off disposed of determined brought home the bacon passed through saw through sailed through operated brought to pass overleapt gotten through carried to completion run with the ball got round got past got through got there hacked made work played out administrated traversed made it past gone through with took care of business coped with wound up delivered the goods taken care of business passed over went through with made it round navigated made ready made it over scored a success seen through undertaken undertook overcame gotten over were successful was successful been successful hitten did justice to done to a turn gone that route ran with the ball done justice to went that route did to a turn gone around gotten around gotten past went around got around upped and did upped and done drew on drawn on came through did the job taken care of done the job did to a T done the trick did the trick done to a T took care of succeeded in created engendered settled fixed arranged contrived brought generated organized dispensed imposed worked out invoked bred spawned catalyzed prompted induced carried on meted out organised doled out catalysed directed clinched dealt finalized put in place established bestowed set up manipulated yielded exacted run thrashed out dealt out sorted out put into action forced finalised set off developed buttoned up hammered out brought forth put across put into operation hit upon given gave begat begot begotten given rise to gave rise to launched pursued resolved unleashed doled apportioned participated in provided issued distributed meted allocated agreed vented supplied provoked brokered framed finessed closed sealed machinated masterminded maneuvered finagled wangled called forth furnished exercised bargained visited indulged expressed expedited spent originated affected manoeuvred started precipitated actuated yolden yold triggered caused to happen caused to occur gratified ruled figured confirmed beared ran kindled proceeded with promoted decided introduced pushed through come across laid on angled functioned acquitted jockeyed forced upon found a way made short work of toiled through accelerated shifted come to terms on waged settled on labored wrapped up worked it turned out laboured opted settled upon contributed to devoted oneself to reached an agreement setted the seal on instigated acquited named advanced fought dropped buttoned down abided by finished off exhibited handed out actualized turned the trick served pulled something off stood by turned elaborated tied up reached terms on made good on wrangled concerted cogitated commanded come up with wielded accepted fostered served out played games wrecked sewed up engineered a way projected lived up to handed over followed processed sewn up imparted arranged for chosen chose swung it swang it bore borne gone on with went on with shook hands on came to terms on shaken hands on lay on gave free rein to given vent to given free rein to gave vent to came across came up with gave out given out began begun done business did business seen to saw to took part in taken part in

Động từ

Past tense for to pledge, give or set aside (resources) to another or for future use
delivered gave given consigned entrusted trusted allotted assigned invested allocated apportioned commissioned confided delegated deposited engaged granted handed intrusted left passed relegated submitted transferred transmitted vested authorised authorized charged conferred conveyed dispatched moved offered ordained placed relinquished reposed shifted destined employed promised handed over turned over gave over given over gave up given up left to commended recommended ceded yielded surrendered passed on tasked bestowed handed on referred cast let go of rendered put appointed designated made over signed over bequeathed devolved handed down abandoned yolden yold abdicated directed remitted sent put into someone's hands turned in coughed up laid down appropriated sent on waived endowed presented resigned installed laid enrolled let set put in charge of lent deputed commanded burdened let out put into the hands of saddled bestowed on conferred on alienated bid put into hands of parted with delivered up put in touch with put in the hands of put away renounced let someone have let have lay down nominated pointed dispensed forked out forked up empowered licensed warranted guided tendered proffered accredited putten willed qualified lodged certified elected decreed confined issued enabled donated imparted accorded licenced patronized patronised advanced loaned aided stored devised demised banished forfeited routed chartered afforded contributed vouchsafed loaded encumbered diverted offloaded showed steered conceded sacrificed legated condemned pertained settled furnished invested in pinned granted to entrusted to belonged made trustee allowed to look after foisted deposited with left with marshalled marshaled ushered tost tossed decentralized decentralised redirected chucked deputized yielded up gave to given to devoted shunted channelled applied levelled leveled channeled instructed rendered up sent to consigned to directed to sentenced deputised passed down exchanged bunged reached confided to circulated forwarded passed to handed to passed on to turned over to gotten rid of ascribed instated targeted held responsible for reassigned sent on errand changed aliened left to by will deeded palmed off aimed disposed of sent on mission fobbed off got rid of parcelled out targetted parceled out given away gave away forwent forgone shown dumped forswore forsworn threw thrown gave custody of given custody of gave custody given custody bade forsook forsaken delivered to delivering to given free rein gave free rein laid out dished out payed paid shelled out dropped ponied up anted up disbursed paid out payed out provided paid up quit handed out distributed come across with spent expended signed away put aside lay out forked over let go come up with dealt out abjured abnegated doled out meted out bequoth bequethen set aside chipped in quitted supplied set down shed produced laid aside lost stepped aside from stepped down from turned down prorated disclaimed put up portioned cast aside handed in awarded rejected came across with made with stumped up put in allowed spurned refused capitulated kicked in outlaid folded feed fed casted off backed down opted out given in gave in administered bailed out demitted deferred shared quitclaimed came up with settled up gave out given out gifted footed the bill put forward dispensed with passed out passed round handed round communicated put down let fall broadcast put forth put at someone's disposal put at disposal repudiated footed pulled out spread succumbed bowed discarded deserted abalienated staked relent budged relented defrayed the cost of disowned cut loose let pass conceded defeat caved in knuckled under vacated disseminated cut in shared out divided paid with meted divvied split quit cold turkey let go by sent out let off put off cut said goodbye to reneged plunked down paid for disgorged cut out passed up did without done without exhibited displayed given way gave way threw in the towel unloaded thrown in the sponge threw in the sponge thrown in the towel extracted exposed extended volunteered unveiled scooped dished up served inflicted served up spooned ladled declared released forbore forborne pitched in clubbed together come across brought forward brought out rolled out finished with ditched broadcasted remised brought to light made a donation attorned found made a contribution laid on blinked freed repeated anted anteed withdrawn withdrew acquiesced stood down dropped out kissed good-bye forewent foregone bucked disregarded paid down provided use of reserved dealt handed over to given back resigned yourself dropped like hot potato retailed presented to returned sprung for raised the white flag divvied up neglected cried uncle made known desisted rationed prostituted portioned out went without delayed sent forth pieced up cried quits ceased tabled withwent refrained from despaired suspended folded up handballed conveyed to disinherited had a whip-round gone without washed hands of buckled called it quits removed sprung withgone lost out on come to terms escalated shirked separated oneself from lotted lotted out fronted up dropped off sold out gave back declined relayed left in the lurch chickened out parcelled suffered defeat left holding the bag divorced oneself from laid down arms held off splashed out complied avoided upped transferred to dispersed collapsed relaid retweeted laid down your arms stopped kissed goodbye prorogued stayed stood down from turned one's back on vested in divided out divided up stepped down left high and dry streamed sliced up retired postponed splurged bagged it offered back eschewed spared allowed use of shelved measured kissed goodbye to squandered betrayed measured out indulged rationed out bowed out fell victim held up sliced admitted defeat left off parceled buckled under published carved up admeasured partitioned sacrificed something terminated carried signed off left behind denied extraught gave over to given over to came across founden fand drawn out drew out lay on sprang for broke up broken up letten leet given with gave with blew sprang blown withdrawn from withdrew from swore off sworn off showed the white flag broke broken gave oneself over given oneself over brake gave up the struggle came to terms given up the struggle shown the white flag accepted defeat taken the pledge took the pledge taken the oath took the oath gave into the care of given into the custody of gave into the custody of gave into the charge of given into the charge of given into the care of

Động từ

Past tense for to put send or confine (someone) to prison or a psychiatric hospital
confined interned consigned immured incarcerated institutionalised institutionalized assigned delivered imprisoned gaoled jailed sent certified jugged locked away locked up put away put in custody put behind bars put inside put under lock and key detained held captive put in prison put into detention put in chains impounded put on ice held shut up held prisoner sent down banged up put in irons restrained caged constrained cooped up sent to prison clapped in irons sent up trapped kept cooped put in jail railroaded booked fenced in walled in taken into custody took into custody locked in held in custody kept under lock and key shut away shut in penned restricted remanded bound circumscribed trammeled trammelled secluded walled cloistered mewed up interred entombed stockaded barred enslaved sequestered quarantined closeted cribbed iced settled sloughed book sentenced prisoned closed in kept in custody took away sent up the river clipped someone's wings taken away walled up hog-tied bottled up railed in kept captive held hostage canned took prisoner taken prisoner thrown the book at threw in dungeon threw away the keys thrown away the keys threw the book at thrown in dungeon thrown in jail threw in jail threw book at thrown book at enclosed hemmed in corralled encased boxed in hedged mewed enveloped included housed surrounded encircled penned in inclosed hedged in encaged kettled pounded fenced covered boxed up caged in bounded limited encompassed enfolded sheathed railed arrested mured hemmed shut off cut off isolated boxed mewed in captured put the cuffs on put into irons protected contained secured defended guarded cocooned separated sealed up sealed in hurdled forfended safeguarded warded fortified shielded screened bulwarked fended caught circled ringed blockaded environed enshrouded separated off wrapped encapsulated insulated cased cornered stored possessed retreated sheltered walled off fenced off held in blocked off kept under constraint kept within bounds pinned down kept under custody held under custody made do with only rang rung took captive taken captive withdrawn withdrew threw into irons thrown into irons took in taken in drove into a corner driven into a corner withdrawn from the world withdrew from the world

Động từ

Past tense for to promise or make a guarantee to do something

Động từ

(apply oneself) Past tense for to work hard or commit to an objective
applied devoted gave given dedicated addressed concentrated labored laboured toiled bent bended dug directed endeavored endeavoured ground grinded hustled persevered persisted strove strived striven struggled studied sweated sweat bore down borne down buckled down buckled to committed oneself devoted oneself did one's best done one's best exerted oneself gave one's all given one's all hammered away knuckled down made an effort made effort pegged away plugged away showed commitment shown commitment showed dedication shown dedication tried hard worked hard got stuck in gotten stuck in gave best shot given best shot hit the ball poured it on spared no effort used some elbow grease gave all one's got given all one's got gave old college try given old college try pulled out all stops put one's back in it studied hard kept one's nose to the grindstone put one's shoulder to the wheel consecrated concerned oneself administered occupies oneself occupied oneself addrest worked wrought slogged strained drudged slaved travailed moiled plowed plodded banged away beavered away put one's back into something put oneself out grubbed plugged tugged humped pushed dug away worked oneself to the bone made every effort grafted fought trudged lumbered staggered overworked overwrought grappled dragged yourself worked like a Trojan killed oneself leaned over backwards slaved away ground away grubbed away applied oneself worked one's fingers to the bone ploughed exerted yourself plodded away burnt the candle at both ends worked like a dog pulled out all the stops sweated away pegged along slogged away sweated blood kept at it burned the candle at both ends leant over backwards worked like a slave plugged along drave driven druv drove done your best did your best purposed foughten gave it one's all given it one's all gone all out went all out cultivated tended bent over backwards did all one can broken your back went for it fallen over backwards had a crack gone for it worked hard to done all one can broke your back fell over backwards taken pains went for broke gone for broke done your utmost took pains did your utmost

Động từ

Past tense for to give away something of value to support or contribute towards a cause or for the benefit of another
donated contributed gave given presented bestowed granted subscribed gifted chipped in handed out pledged supplied accorded bequeathed endowed furnished provided volunteered awarded conferred devoted entrusted imparted offered put up anted up came up with come up with coughed up dished out forked out gave a donation of given a donation of gave away given away gave of given of made a contribution of made a donation of pitched in shelled out stumped up conferred on someone doled out endowed with kicked in laid on lay on made a gift of ponied up put oneself down for did one's part done one's part fed the kitty got it up gotten it up passed the hat sweetened the pot got in the act gotten in the act handed over handed bequested advanced purveyed extended proffered afforded let someone have paid sacrificed shared come through put out sponsored funded subsidized delivered dispensed distributed transferred parted with transmitted provided with subsidised enriched passed on yielded tendered left assigned surrendered turned over meted gifted with furnished with presented with relinquished passed dowered sweetened the kitty given up gave up vouchsafed came through lavished allotted presented to awarded to conferred on apportioned favoured consigned to allotted to apportioned to bequeathed to afforded to vested in distributed to invested in favored donated to assigned to heaped on lavished on committed to honoured with imparted to entrusted to anted forked over paid up rendered to honored with anteed given out gave out yold yolden bequoth bequethen payed allocated meted out divvied disbursed administered rationed cut dealt out parcelled out parceled out split up shared out divvied up issued appropriated lotted divided out divided up portioned out measured out rationed out lent designated stocked portioned payed out paid out split prorated provisioned admeasured passed out sliced accommodated dispersed cut in divided set aside partitioned cut the pie loaned credited slipped injected disseminated circulated produced made over supplied on credit subbed paid in advance rewarded sold laid out vested doled rendered decreed earmarked stored dealt dispatched equipped accommodated someone with passed round ministered staked served brought budgeted beared appointed parcelled parceled supplied with come across with allowed bestowed on catered in passed around fixed up crowned armed shifted rigged out sliced up outfitted dealt in measured catered to diffused fitted out pieced up decorated with conceded consigned kitted out traded in accoutred made available sent carved up fitted up lotted out willed lay out equipt bore borne broke up broken up begave begiven given with gave with came across with

Từ trái nghĩa của committed

committed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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