Đồng nghĩa của gone on

Động từ

Enamored with
sweet on attracted to captivated by charmed by enamored of enamoured of enchanted by fond of taken with daft about devoted to infatuated with in love with into keen on love-struck by mad about smitten with struck on twitterpated by bowled over by head over heels in love with besotted with bewitched by enthralled by potty about crazy about wild about carrying a torch for obsessed with hopelessly in love with very attracted to beguiled by very taken with very keen on stuck on under someone's spell appreciate fancy dote enjoy adore like doting admire prefer venerate find irresistible feel deep affection for care for choose adulate be smitten with have a pash on be keen on be partial to prize be nuts about hold very dear care very much for be attracted to esteem carry a torch for be besotted with go for be potty about be wild about be infatuated with be passionate about leaning be devoted to be mad about overindulge feel affection feel affection for think the world of take great pleasure in have a predilection for be in love with hold dear nuts about be enamored of be enchanted by be hooked on have a penchant for thrive with have a passion for give one's heart to like very much delight in entranced by develop a crush on become smitten with be attached to have a thing for be fascinated with fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for long for have affection for with a passion for become infatuated with be addicted to doting on get a kick out of be mad for derive great pleasure from thoroughly enjoy wild for get a buzz out of have a proclivity for have a soft spot for be captivated by be swept off one's feet by really like have a taste for get off on dote on get a buzz from of have a weakness for very much like enjoy greatly be crazy about have it bad be taken with take a fancy to be fond of have a great liking for go a bundle on lose one's heart to fall for take pleasure in have a thing about put on pedestal get a kick from of passionate about rejoice in luv feast on love luxuriate in wuv indulge in

Động từ

Past participle for to talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way
gabbled maundered prated rambled blethered rattled on twittered wittered yabbered yackety-yakked yakked yattered blabbed blabbered blathered carried on talking chattered chuntered footled gabbed gassed nattered prattled rabbitted rabbited talked at length waffled talked on and on run off at the mouth run on jabbered babbled clacked twaddled driveled drivelled jawed yapped twattled chatted pattered rabbited on cackled gossiped gossipped rattled blithered talked slabbered rapped palavered schmoozed chaffered conversed visited shmoozed kibitzed chinned kibbitzed yammered gibbered rattled away tattled burbled wittered on clavered shot the breeze tittle-tattled talked nineteen to the dozen earbashed chewed the fat chit-chatted bumbled drooled sputtered mumbled communicated chinwagged rambled on confabulated ranted shot the bull spoken talked incessantly spouted engaged in conversation had a conversation talked a lot slabbered on chewed the rag digressed muttered had a chinwag gone on and on talked the hind legs off a donkey powwowed gushed chitchatted had a confab gone off at a tangent murmured talked incoherently shot one's mouth off wandered babbled on expatiated orated talked rubbish blubbered raved uttered blathered on harped on flanneled flannelled bleated spread rumors talked foolishly talked the hind leg off a donkey run off at mouth blahed buzzed chattered on gabbled on dialoged talked rapidly talked unintelligibly chuntered on nattered on boiled confused strayed twiddled talked ten to the dozen talked a mile a minute gone on about gaggled spluttered circumlocuted made small talk verbalized verbalised hummed and hawed spilt the beans spilled the beans blurted talked gibberish tongued shot your mouth off clattered blown smoke bragged talked a blue streak piffled boasted yacked told on peached talked through one's hat told tales squealed snitched talked out of turn mouthed talked nonsensically talked trivially held forth spieled talked idly articulated rhapsodized drawled ventriloquized broken flapped one's tongue rhapsodised given voice talked one's leg off expressed oneself divulged turned over broached droned chanted intoned soliloquized described commented on notified given voice to had a chat amplified labored the point dwelled on kept on banged on overstressed droned on talked nonsense talked randomly ranted and raved talked aimlessly ran on went on ran off at the mouth spoke spake discoursed conferred discussed communed spread rumours spread stories spread gossip parleyed dished went on and on rumored rumoured had a talk conversated list wagged had a discussion spread exchanged views noised circulated rumours cut up spread rumor cut to pieces put heads together bantered socialized socialised drifted yakety-yakked spitted spat barked meandered listed exchanged used whispered consulted with each other informed hinted insinuated reported implied repeated schmoosed bad-mouthed intimated wiggle-waggled suggested had a tete-a-tete run through reeled off blew smoke grassed sneaked spilt leaked spilled snuck told tale liaised dished the dirt had a word told tales out of school shared ideas discussed things racked brains made conversation had a big mouth bruited something about told secrets interacted talked someone's ear off brainstormed swapped gossip ratted on discussed matters chatted idly skindered broke brake gave voice ran through gave voice to ran off at mouth bent one's ear went on about spoken to each other spoke to each other given away blown the whistle gave away blew the whistle given the show away gave the show away

Động từ

Past participle for continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
persisted persevered continued carried on insisted kept going kept on followed something through held on kept at it kept it up plodded on ploughed on pressed ahead pressed on seen something through been patient ground away held out shown determination stood fast stood firm stayed with something gone the distance hammered away hung on pegged away plugged away soldiered on struggled on bashed on cracked on stayed the course stuck at it stopped at nothing hung in there left no stone unturned stuck it out stuck to your guns remained stuck at kept at seen it through grinded ground proceeded endured stayed maintained pushed on seen through stuck with gotten on got on hung tough stuck with it hung in gutted it out kept going with stayed with it survived lasted pursued held up abided abode held fast held perseverated holden striven bidden bided strived gone for broke pursued your goal gone to the mat kept your hand in kept driving gone for it remained firm prevailed perdured lingered stuck sticked labored drudged finished laboured toiled followed through carried through persisted in persevered in plowed on kept up stood one's ground kept on at stuck to one's guns shown determination in followed up soldiered on with gone ahead gone all the way stuck to guns toughed it out gone the limit went on saw something through was patient werepatient showed determination went the distance saw it through bode run on lasted out saw through stood your ground carried on doggedly ran on strove showed determination in went ahead went for broke went to the mat went for it went all the way went the limit

Động từ

Past participle for to continue on a course of action
proceeded progressed advanced continued forged ahead gone forward moved along moved forward pressed on pushed ahead gone ahead marched on moved onward pressed forward pushed forward come along continued on kept going made progress pushed on forged on made headway ploughed on cracked on gained ground plowed on pressed ahead made inroads driven forward run along kept running moved on moved marched come forward gone journeyed covered ground carried on travelled traveled pushed gone forth gotten going headed navigated crossed propelled speeded sped shot shotten edged dispatched stormed driven druv run through made one's way cut across taken the next step developt developed run evolved become better transited tracked peregrinated traversed perambulated moved out proceeded along continued ahead passed on launched progressed towards worked one's way kept on plodded on worked towards gathered way sallied forth started off again made inroads into trucked rolled on improved grown matured blossomed ameliorated upgraded got better made strides gotten better edged forward dashed ahead shot ahead forged passed worked followed wrought walked flown fared faren cruised played gotten on got on gone along paced got along gone off moved ahead went forward went on went ahead came along drove forward ran along come on went motored elevated grew went forth set off flourished lift came on spread thrived prospered worked up drave drove gotten somewhere got somewhere fore climbed moved up came forward unfolded went along expanded succeeded skyrocketed worked one's way up climbed the ladder stepped forward bettered oneself enlarged went off unrolled changed elaborated lifted extended altered emerged metamorphosed intensified strengthened built thriven throve adapted modernised augmented differentiated refined transmogrified modernized revolutionized transformed increased derived educed bettered ripened revolutionised took the next step cranked it up stepped it up leveled up picked up the pace scaled up pulled ahead adapted yourself stepped up worked out moved towards come of age turned it up propelled forward boosted one's game levelled up opened out kicked it up a notch increased one's intensity got ahead got going stepped up one's game built up elevated one's game moved forward in leaps and bounds raised one's game flew clumb clomb ran through ran went places risen rose gone places came of age became better taken it to the limit taken it to the next level took it to the limit taken it up a notch took it to the next level took it up a notch rose to the next level risen to the next level betook oneself betaken oneself

Động từ

Past participle for to continue to bring up as a point of contention

Động từ

Past participle for to extend or offer, propose
held forth declaimed discoursed harangued lectured orated preached praught spoken talked expatiated fulminated pontificated sermonised sermonized sounded off spouted opined perorated preachified ranted spoken at length speechified spieled talked at length droned on spoken out mouthed off raged had your say spouted off spoken up ranted and raved shot shotten piped up talked up blustered raved huffed dogmatized expounded yelled chattered spellbound bragged rambled vapored boasted uttered pontified given sermon pronounced addressed moralized admonished gotten on a soapbox ministered evangelised laid down the law addrest evangelized moralised taught rabbited on talked forcefully rambled on shot one's mouth off shot off one's mouth spoke spake went on spoke at length descanted jawed made a speech recited debated delivered gave an address given a talk prelected argued instructed gave a talk given an address gave a lecture gave a speech got on a soapbox given a speech gave a sermon given a lecture given a sermon intoned proclaimed discussed conferred dissertated addressed an audience disputed stated delivered a sermon disserted droned elaborated developt chewed made an oration confabbed developed commentated treated got across asserted pitched soapboxed piled it on stumped remarked bloviated mouthed delivered an address denounced explained modulated expanded talked interminably voiced commented declared lucubrated enlarged talked big trumpeted conversed dilated upon spoke out gave sermon gotten across gave lessons in given lessons in took the floor taken the floor wrote at length gave a meeting wrote learnedly written at length chewn written learnedly given a meeting blew hot air blown hot air gone on and on spoken monotonously spoke monotonously spoken boringly went on and on spoke boringly

Động từ

Past participle for complain about something in a bad-tempered way
grumbled complained moaned groused whined carped griped gripen whinged beefed bellyached bleated grouched muttered groaned kvetched grizzled protested cavilled caviled repined caterwauled chuntered crabbed created croaked fussed growled grumped hollered inveighed keened kicked maundered mithered murmured nagged screamed squawked squealed wailed whimpered yammered yauped yawped yowled chirped cribbed nattered objected to found fault with objected puled scolded snivelled sniveled sounded off spoken out against picked holes in plained over found fault made a fuss kicked up a fuss lamented bewailed put the boot in split hairs gurned grieved bemoaned mewled opposed quibbled railed at kicked up a stink made a complaint lodged a complaint sighed over grieved over sorrowed about sorrowed for censured criticized niggled nitpicked knocked condemned disparaged denounced decried reproached picked on hypercriticized objurgated panned pecked criticised bothered picked holes picked at grope went on cried sobbed deplored howled screeched bawled yelped weeped wept remonstrated squalled put up a fight blubbered whispered ululated mourned yelled shrieked shright expostulated greeted wauled roared sighed mumbled upbraided berated demurred raised objections expressed disapproval made a stand run down inveighed against carried on let have it spoke out against taken exception took exception plained harassed harried badgered sniffled rumbled blubbed hounded declaimed chivvied henpecked hassled curst excepted sulked execrated cursed anathematized pleaded pled vituperated impugned lambasted lashed ranted railed reviled admonished castigated snarled slurred gabbled sputtered swallowed wittered droned burbled muddled charged pestered worried bullied persecuted fretted dissented vilified blasted recriminated fulminated trashed roasted dogged vexed needled kept on at pecked at vext plagued refuted ascribed contravened accused defied indicted attacked deprecated twined laid imputed disapproved disagreed differed bayed nit-picked blamed abused raged miaowed stormed denigrated scorched kept after carped at cried softly taken a stand took a stand sorrowed quarreled quarrelled bickered yapped grumbled at heckled importuned prodded disturbed egged goaded nudged baited moaned at hectored urged provoked distressed harped on at teased jowled talked under your breath grouched about laid out laid into ripped into tongue-lashed moaned on at kept complaining to raised Cain bellyached about cried loudly breathed down someone's neck jumped down one's throat raised a ruckus kicked up a storm made screeching worked over beefed about sounded off about kicked up a stink about cried the blues kicked up a fuss about had at bent someone's ear ran down complained vehemently about cracked down on looked askance worked on gainsaid rid rode ridden taken on blown off took on blew off gone on at went on at lay out ate eaten went after gone after went on about gone on about took exception to taken exception to took it out on gave a hard time taken it out on given a hard time

Động từ

Past participle for to speak or write about with great enthusiasm or admiration

Tính từ

Fond, or appreciative of
keen on dotty about fond of partial to potty about smitten with stuck on taken with wild about crazy about nuts about devoted to in love with mad about infatuated with enamoured enamored enamoured of obsessed with enamored of bewitched by captivated by enchanted by charmed by beguiled by struck on sweet on twitterpated by hooked on smitten besotted enthralled by love-struck by passionate about bowled over by into captivated besotted with enthusiastic about bewitched spellbound obsessed addicted to fascinated by hooked infatuated taken very keen on head over heels in love with ensorcelled by carrying a torch for consumed with desire for very attracted to head over heels in love hung up on fond enraptured by fascinated attached to fixated on fanatical about affected attracted to beguiled charmed under the spell of lovesick greatly enamoured of hopelessly in love with swept off your feet in love hypnotized by very taken with dedicated to addicted nutso over shook on a sucker for very enthusiastic about inflamed seduced possessed enraptured gaga hopelessly in love turned on by carried away far gone on crazy silly enchanted love-struck swept off one's feet by under a spell intoxicated fanatical hypnotized doting lovestruck attracted bowled over doting on under someone's spell hypnotised with a soft spot for really into enticed crazed drawn agog mesmerised caught predisposed absorbed intrigued riveted mesmerized curious gripped eager interested impressed moved inquisitive roused sold attentive entranced intent inspired touched engrossed lured stimulated excited rapt mad inspirited fixated by afflicted riveted by interested in keen mesmerized by hung up intent on gripped by eager for turned on intrigued by hungry for struck beset plagued laid low stricken entranced by twitterpated hot for soft on head over heels daft about head over heels for

Tính từ

Having an infatuation or the feeling of being in love
crazy wild fanatical fond infatuated enamoured enamored keen passionate smitten excited devoted ardent dizzy in love overwrought zealous avid enthusiastic hysterical mad eager beside oneself devoted to enamored of enamoured of fond of infatuated with smitten with sweet on very enthusiastic very keen on nuts nutty potty fervent hooked on impassioned daft enthused hot for fervid in love with dotty nutso pumped raring stoked hungry agog great voracious solicitous antsy anxious geeked impatient thirsty desirous athirst juiced greedy hopped-up addicted to hepped up gung ho obsessed fascinated hot hooked keen on mad on obsessed by doting on besotted by mad about crazy about nuts about nutso over shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about very fond of enchanted beguiled charmed besotted captivated lovesick bewitched enraptured taken seduced love-struck spellbound intoxicated very keen earnest spirited lively committed warm vigorous ebullient exuberant hearty vehement wholehearted intent rabid motivated thrilled fiery animated energetic vivacious titillated willing dynamic passional exhilarated dedicated zestful ready interested forceful rhapsodic animate tantalized aflame industrious concerned afire unqualified ambitious intense appetent wacky perfervid ready and willing gaga hot to trot turnt itching as keen as mustard active raring to go yearning determined bright-eyed and bushy-tailed driven diligent tantalised full of beans chomping at the bit high-spirited red-hot assiduous pleased sprightly bugged keyed up conscientious champing at the bit keen as mustard zesty warmblooded mad keen feverish emotional longing burning charged steadfast fierce demonstrative torrid devout sincere religious incandescent hot-blooded heartfelt inspired warm-blooded superheated heated resolute flaming stimulated dying craving purposeful blazing staunch glowing unwavering frenzied aroused obsessive deep hopeful single-minded ecstatic happy fired up strong profound true delighted hankering firm extreme genuine euphoric enterprising aspiring stirred pushy elated faithful obstinate desiring serious loyal persistent pining go-ahead self-starting go-getting unrestrained cheerful tenacious steady moved psyched resolved rapt expectant fixated dogged gagging unfeigned unfaltering assertive stubborn covetous effusive untiring aching absorbed strong-willed rapturous overjoyed militant responsive positive confident dutiful unreserved emphatic breathless uninhibited engaged bent fanatic striving violent unflinching set addicted constant on cloud nine aggressive progressive pioneering fixed deeply felt persevering loving optimistic encouraged pious joyous joyful honest insistent stalwart on fire inclined cordial uncompromising wishing true-blue roused elevated giddy psyched up loud possessed blissful unflagging buoyant hard-driving glad noisy awakened gushing extravagant on the make true blue expressive entranced worked up vociferous consuming engrossed sworn stanch lyrical settled urgent impetuous over-enthusiastic uncontrollable high disposed strong-minded self-driven self-assertive delirious thirsting affectionate deep-seated compulsive intemperate itchy enrapt unshakeable frantic tender impulsive wishful good raging straining at the leash cheery card-carrying outspoken over the moon ruthless indefatigable sure power-hungry assured jovial bullish frank clamorous fulsome excitable restless dying to upbeat bursting turned on insatiable feeling strident forthright full-hearted bona fide immoderate juiced up self-seeking lavish tumultuous goal-oriented affable powerful transported indomitable bent upon rarin' to go amenable unhesitating frenetic gung-ho from the heart sentimental excessive hung up eager beaver ravenous bigoted gushy amiable preoccupied open cock-a-hoop vocal real reinvigorated raw rapacious occupied ravished restive welcoming desperate bent on heady focused overenthusiastic inspirited raving set on dyed-in-the-wool thorough deep-rooted grasping enthralled sent sympathetic amorous unbending concentrated in raptures immersed unyielding revitalized intent on pledged supportive plucky voluble in transports mettlesome in seventh heaven gutsy hoping thrilling warmhearted wrapped ungovernable focussed obsessional enlivened game blissed out undeviating dreamy fast warm-hearted decisive inflamed studious can-do OTT gone dinkum hard-working sanguine down-the-line deep-dyed electrified over the top jolly adherent beside oneself with happiness beside oneself with joy on tenterhooks solid self-confident refreshed exultant certain desirous of power-loving high-reaching decided jubilant self-asserting hell-bent uncontrolled get up and go on top of the world disposed to look on the bright side waiting with bated breath tickled gritty tickled pink plain-spoken inveterate complete profuse full direct candid revitalised friendly kindly soapy forcible unrestricted unconstrained heightened atingle genial uproarious fired curious oleaginous hagiographical hagiographic expansive adulatory unctuous unquenchable wanting absolute total acquisitive mushy wanton besetting unruly abiding gluttonous monomaniacal approving acute over-effusive rhapsodical lustful beatific messianic opinionated pleasant kind sensitive full-throated sexy oily emboldened reassured deepest galvanized ripe involved inspiring benevolent caring unswerving raucous adventurous steely comforting biased undaunted high-powered consumed hospitable bold gotta have feisty amicable compassionate empathetic red-blooded touchy-feely immovable angry tempestuous thoroughgoing heartwarming bound furious obdurate pertinacious irrepressible delightful attentive piggish swinish ravening edacious hoggish out glib unrelenting sultry eloquent stirring dependent ablaze diehard gracious comradely riveted pumped up congenial good-natured esurient concentrating galvanised sociable iron-willed licentious hopped up in a frenzy crazed orgasmic hyped up all agog all-consuming pleasing extremist neighborly bright floating satisfied gratifying stirred up companionable insatiate geared up tireless authentic ferocious berserk whole-souled bonhomous convivial matey chummy very excited attached palsy floating on air in a hurry neighbourly solemn high-pressure buddy-buddy sizzling adoring sedulous cranked up itching for in suspense palsy-walsy out-and-out irrational doubtless cocksure dead set dependent on habituated turned-on two-fisted in want of dying for secure full of determination desiring success like a ball of fire under the influence laid on with a trowel on the edge of one's seat of good cheer jonesing for wrapped up strung out self-assured heart-to-heart given over to on pins and needles jonesing on hankering after self-directed queer amped-up reborn hardboiled buckled down touched responsible tried tried-and-true proselytizing evangelistic exalted poetic self-motivated edgy restored blunt avaricious temperamental proactive banzai allegiant straining chafing rash inflexible amped arousing titillating untrammeled untrammelled lusting abject entrenched habitual dithyrambic engagé take-charge melodramatic susceptible energized full of enthusiasm extremely enthusiastic prepared severe hard-core rooted extraordinary intrenched exceptional resilient radical influenced activated uplifted incensed aglow born-again revolutionary carried away explosive volatile spunky compelled dependable revived invigorated fortified heartened free-spoken all a-gog exciting overcharged up admiring consecrated aflutter revolutionist lacking supreme rousing grave hoping for longing for chafing at the bit intending aspirant wannabe potential would-be budding unreluctant energised unshakable unbendable unshaken jumping up and down wild-eyed zealotic fireball doting big bubbling over irresistible compelling overwhelming open-mouthed passionate about enthusiastic about verklempt sentient peppery gingery articulate wild about sapless cottonmouthed juiceless bone-dry fain impelled adamant goody-goody worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic urgently requiring hard riled up predatious future possible prospective likely pronounced hyper potent moving poignant precipitate headlong affecting hotblooded quickened proselytising evangelical using hard-nosed minded induced fuming hungered unsatisfied unfilled ambitious for anxious for yearning for eager for driving maudlin supported aided cheered renewed deliberate do-or-die looking on the bright side chipper buoyed up peppy sparky piqued consumed with desire thrusting sagacious pushed steered guided unstinting unambiguous categorical pushing implicit clear favourably inclined competitive willing for ready for avid for in need of with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen steamed up confirmed bred-in-the-bone dear agreeable collegial goody two-shoes overemotional overdone mawkish nostalgic erotic steamy sensual visionary in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for unlimited unmitigated unequivocal unconditional undivided unremitting relentless hardy brave tough courageous partial to wild for crazy for dry as dust ultra cozy polite mellow social coming on strong telelogical calculated smooth-spoken facile plainspoken fluent free venting stentorian round crying out in great need of alive upfront cutthroat sustained rigorous rigid endeavoring endeavouring reassuring affectious clubby cosy thunderstruck astounded flabbergasted prehensile hopeful for envious aspiring towards keen for participating unalloyed unadulterated utter corny jejune languishing affected insipid overacted inane impressionable bathetic icky cloying idealistic moonstruck bloodthirsty unabated stringent wackadoodle wackadoo hail-fellow-well-met red-carpet hail-fellow independent perceptive heroic mean take charge ridibund undoubtful in good heart wasted shooting up abusing with a … habit prone unpretending meant fearless up for it in urgent need defiant bullheaded warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy rebel busy enduring undiluted unquestioning outright ravening for greedy for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for neurotic on edge eulogistic hell-bent on mean business hell-bent upon gratified satisfying thankful chuffed erratic partial headstrong domineering credulous willful contumacious incorrigible twenty-four carat actual undissembled honest to God pretensionless undesigning urged on firm in spirit stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful entire fullhearted playing hard ball dead set on be out for blood nose to the grindstone pyretic febrile pleasurable heavenly enjoyable foaming at the mouth off the air on the warpath with bated breath fit to be tied understanding uplifting nurturing affirmative inspiriting aspiring to full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough self-willed go for broke bound and determined self-possessed terrorist unchecked rampant contributing influential activist over-the-top concupiscent salacious lewd lubricious libidinous satyric lascivious lecherous randy horny peaceful idyllic spaced-out harmonious wonderful flying cool perfect overpowering clamant obstreperous helpful employed working in ecstasies whole-hearted sweating nuts for high on in the twilight zone in ecstasy loudmouthed dewy-eyed maniacal intolerant hopping bustling forward overflowing hundred percent protective cheering heartening appreciative calming soothing gladdening runaway uncurbed watchful transfixed gripped lost lovey-dovey overzealous gleeful overexcited jumping for joy athrill delirious with happiness in exaltation sunny blubbery hammy romantic prurient intrigued observant mesmerized yawping yauping ranting vociferant vociferating blatant shouting squawking demanding caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling burning up nervous flushed fevered febrific without reservations never-failing unreasonable illiberal prejudiced one-sided partisan walking on air hypnotized held upwardly mobile stimulating boosting fulfilling encouraging tied-up alert enticed prodigious infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded berko outpouring flying high very happy rowdy boisterous distracting shrill mesmerised hypnotised anticipative through and through unhampered unhindered unstoppable uncontainable unbounded full-on abandoned riotous welcome infected naked insane corybantic deranged freaked out overboard sick poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased bitten unwell virulent flipped ill really into head over heels deep in caught up locked in dialed in pleased as punch tickled to death in transports of delight anticipating trusting trustful hectic predisposed imbued accustomed hyped full of hope looking forward to calm comfortable keeping the faith at ease content anticipant expecting omnivorous unappeasable self-indulgent turbulent undisciplined unmanageable ungoverned unconcealed chaotic madcap generous given to abusing spaced out used to in the habit of using wedded to given to prone to given to using single-hearted old faithful free-flowing wolfish backslapping true to the end unbridled all over someone devouring gannet-like gay empty gorging gross sating piggy starving starved dog-hungry back-slapping deep-felt good natured fatherly benign very hungry inviting liberal approachable likable maternal charitable starved to death likeable softhearted motherly kindhearted paternal good-humoured good-humored

Tính từ

Attached to someone or something in a neurotic or pathological manner
fixated obsessed absorbed attached captivated devoted fascinated preoccupied single-minded besotted engrossed smitten hypnotised hypnotized infatuated mesmerised mesmerized monomaniacal spellbound taken up with wrapped up in focussed focused gripped by hell-bent hung up on keen obsessed with obsessive about possessed by preoccupied by preoccupied with prepossessed single-minded about caught up in dedicated to devoted to engrossed in enthusiastic about fanatical fanatical about hooked immersed in infatuated with intense neurotic paranoid passionate wackadoo wackadoodle besotted with hooked on nuts about potty about wild on crazy about dotty about in the grip of stuck on consumed immersed occupied really into engaged riveted lost gripped enthralled distracted concerned buried involved intrigued intent deep rapt busy interested queer caught up hung up into taken over tied up taken up wrapped up wound up turned on head over heels dialed in locked in up to here in sunk in absorbed in focused on up to your ears intent on up to here eat sleep and breathe interested in deep in thought heavily into involved in passionate about having a one-track mind happy beguiled charmed entranced fervent submerged ardent fervid attentive crazy held nuts all ears feverish dotty impassioned enraptured delighted bugged attracted enticed thrilled bewitched bedazzled won over riveted by captivated by all wound up enchanted knee-deep connected steeped full fixed enrapt glued hanging on every word set centered concentrated wrapped centred enfolded enamoured enamored observant sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized gone industrious engaged with hypnotized by fixated by beguiled by monopolised fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by engaged in lured ensorcelled have a thing about ravished mad about moonstruck tempted fallen for gaga about ignorant absentminded somewhere else entranced by in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds bound-up absent-minded abstracted fascinated by distracted by in a brown study wool-gathering not there taken up by distrait miles away dreamy enthralled by not with us spellbound by obsessive enthusiastic wild frenzied immoderate eager dedicated over-enthusiastic extreme compulsive mad burning awestruck visionary frenetic zealous potty gung-ho dazzled transported transfixed overwhelmed rabid perfervid passional bigoted overenthusiastic breathless amazed awestricken impressed agape fiery incorrigible credulous impulsive biased willful raving addicted violent erratic opinionated unruly partial stubborn fanatic obstinate headstrong possessed contumacious domineering open-mouthed under someone's spell stunned starstruck nuts for high on

Trái nghĩa của gone on

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