Đồng nghĩa của disturbed

Alternative for disturbed

disturbs, disturbed, disturbing

Đồng nghĩa: agitate, alarm, annoy, bother, concern, excite, irk, irritate, perturb, trouble, upset, vex,

Trái nghĩa: adjust, settle,

Tính từ

Emotionally upset or distressed
distraught distressed anxious concerned upset worried agitated bothered uneasy angsty antsy apprehensive disquieted hung up traumatised traumatized troubled nervous perturbed tense edgy unsettled jumpy jittery uptight restless discomposed alarmed nervy ill at ease frightened unquiet fearful fidgety twitchy insecure flustered disconcerted ruffled rattled overwrought on edge unnerved dithery queasy shaken afraid in a tizzy fretful aflutter scared hysterical wired het up uncomfortable queazy dismayed atwitter worked up goosey hinky shocked stressy terrified spooked confused annoyed fazed stressed discombobulated distracted shaky vexed shook up restive keyed up frantic unglued tormented in a flap thrown hysteric harassed flurried strung out discomfited startled aghast frenzied panicky on tenterhooks hot and bothered toey timid overstrung in a panic strained in a state discountenanced irked excited timorous sleepless horrified on pins and needles beside oneself daunted panic-stricken unstable embarrassed insomniac self-conscious hesitant aroused irritated shy anguished hyper tossing and turning windy unbalanced wakeful highly strung strung up bugged terrorized affrighted high-strung irrational watchful muddled choked perplexed worried sick in a tizz horror-struck fitful terrorised taut awkward unhappy adrenalized like a fish out of water skittish bundle of nerves fraught plagued out of place disordered insomnolent careful unsleeping unrelaxed tortured scary suspicious inconvenienced obsessed unrestful nonplussed unzipped spooky squirrelly neurotic having kittens trembling under stress put out abashed all of a dither turbulent raving petrified solicitous overanxious intimidated in a dither unsteady clutched a bundle of nerves in a state of agitation devastated crazed broken unpeaceful in a stew crazy phobic excitable fidgeting faint-hearted hectic like a cat on a hot tin roof febrile with one's heart in one's mouth scared stiff scared to death have cold feet flighty overactive heated desperate hurt irritable panicked fretting grieved sad uncertain inhibited saddened hot under the collar distrait delirious awake hassled aggravated provoked maladjusted shrinking galled wrought-up emotional unsure flummoxed wound up impatient shivery harried gutted disappointed beset riled angstful fuddled bewildered in a spin moved angered verklempt in a sweat in a twitter fluttery in a flat spin a wreck spasmodic floored cowardly pained fixated blue in a twit in a state of nerves cut up worried stiff paranoid cowed wide-awake frozen stunned broken up all of a lather disoriented terror-stricken angry in turmoil shot to pieces taken aback like a cat on hot bricks irresolute pusillanimous afeared in a cold sweat without sleep frit active nervous wreck with one's stomach in knots wide awake with butterflies in one's stomach in awe in a blue funk shaking in one's shoes running scared in a funk insane in shock wracked undone trepidatious sensitive hunted weak bashful faltering unnatural gauche skittery flushed intense quaking disorderly brittle aquiver blushing retiring peeved narked scunnered exasperated exercised fussy wavering unreluctant under pressure afflicted asea disorientated hyped-up overexcited afire atingle hyperexcited mousy dysfunctional distrustful under a strain exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined mortified pestered harrowed miffed fearsome discouraged funky blanched disheartened overemotional white-knuckled easily frightened easily agitated emotionally unstable emotionally unbalanced stricken emotionally damaged emotionally injured chafed doubtful wrought up pressured bricking oneself palpitant wrung peevish irascible put out of countenance wreck moving stressed out shot falling apart histrionic zipped up hot juiced up strange lost teed off all nerves preoccupied white knuckled run scared diffident disharmonious toxic up the wall butterflies in stomach biting one's nails sick tied up in knots on the qui vive weak-kneed lily-livered sheepish goose-bumpy nerveless spineless rabbity chickenhearted quivery unmanly inflamed offended fretted feverish hyperactive bedevilled beleaguered oppressed hurried transient unruly wandering intermittent changeable itchy inconstant footloose roving nomadic bustling compulsive manic obsessive ill unhinged messed up low stirred up flapping mad wild wounded in a lather at sea oversensitive shattered overcome worked-up in disorder amazed bad deranged swivel-eyed nuts addled unscrewed come apart psyched out bummed out shook-up insomnious alive waking astir aware unhealthy abnormal all of a flutter haunted bedeviled beside yourself emotionally scarred emotionally disturbed at sixes and sevens all torn up psyched-out cowering like a chicken with its head cut off out of one's mind very upset at the end of your tether on guard unable to sleep out of your mind chicken yellow feart messed-up mixed-up erratic aberrant deviant poorly apprehensive about intimidated by caught off balance out of countenance in botheration thrown off balance alarmed at in a fluster scared out of one's wits shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits horror-stricken having cold feet scared witless terror-struck preyed upon visited by alert basket case vigilant attentive shaking dreading in suspense a basket case sweating bullets having butterflies in the stomach all of a doodah touchy unconfident miserable wretched sorrowful self-doubting angst-ridden stiff fractious disconsolate fevered frazzled inconsolable quivering cautious critical meek heartbroken grief-stricken questioning dolorous desolate fainthearted mistrustful appalled tremulous broken-hearted unassured sorrowing despairing sissy overwhelmed cross frightened to death wimpy waiting for the axe to fall pessimistic demoralized high brokenhearted waiting with bated breath affected carried away tetchy testy indecisive querulous crotchety captious crabbed in a frenzy dubious wrecked bad-tempered short-tempered vague shook not confident ill-tempered ratty hag-ridden agog agonized wary despondent unassertive tentative introverted gutless depressed guarded sceptical dejected furious melancholy wriggly vacillating mousey squirmy panic-struck withdrawn wiggly craven demoralised careworn doleful bitter doubting skeptical shot down recreant grieving weeping mournful rueful pigeon-hearted lacking confidence passive perverse ornery tensed woeful dolesome cynical not self-assured lacking self-confidence spiritless soft hounded wailing aching bewailing bemoaning suffering lacking courage wimpish unheroic yellow-bellied feeble berserk pigeonhearted chicken-hearted wet consumed poor-spirited stilted frenetic agonised stupefied submissive unyielding weary stressed-out numb demented dazed dumbfounded in pain racked with suffering racked with pain in pieces violent flipped out pushing the panic button in doubt in a pother burdened in a tiz-woz twittering dithering swithering complaining dragged ripped creepy frisky caught up petulant emotive unconsolable reserved jerky strung-up worrying strict conventional nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious curt emotionally charged eagerly hard-pressed prickly overstretched discomforted hot-tempered snappy temperamental chippy quick-tempered mistrusting chary hyperexcitable grumpy ill-natured avid all agog open-mouthed prim nerves on edge sorry deploring lamentable plaintive lugubrious regretful funeral plangent moody foreboding anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting butterflies jellyfish cranky splenetic grumbling out of sorts whining crabby recalcitrant restlessly moving old-fashioned volatile with bated breath on the defensive circumspect untrusting painful refractory lacking in confidence lacking assurance modest shamefaced pressurized pressurised obstinate stubborn faultfinding huffy mean snappish contrary caviling carping tongue-tied lacking social skills self-effacing tearing one's hair out mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks very scared in fear and trepidation numb with fear abject boneless dastardly tooshie unforthcoming biting nails having butterflies having a funny feeling having stage fright white-livered poltroon sookie keyed-up fired-up stirred unstrung freaked-out wound-up hot-and-bothered strung-out worn tired spent cavilling leery paralysed speechless paralyzed raging uncontrolled champing at the bit throwing a wobbly easily upset fiddle-footed sissified milk-livered chicken-livered caitiff base candy-assed fierce maniacal rabid ferocious put upon benumbed transfixed unsure of yourself cringey steamed up out of control berko cowhearted backward worthless possessed Delphic immobilized immobilised unpoised shell-shocked weird spazzed out last-minute zonkers corybantic weirded out freaked out at your wits' end wigged out at wits' end at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit hot under collar all shook up gripped at wit's end under the cosh up against it indeterminate unclear equivocal borderline unknown questionable ambiguous dubitable chancy inconclusive gentle Milquetoast capricious bullied browbeaten all wound up heavyhearted cheerless morose hopeless on the rack dominated controlled no guts having the willies paper tiger bereaved down heartsick hurting cursed seized rigid dogged overpowered surrounded mourning crushed touch and go on thin ice hanging by thread suicidal devoured held bewitched suspecting persecuted taken over under a spell fiendish in the grip of up in the air flexed tight trustless infuriated incensed enraged irate in a temper forlorn downcast clouded possessive quizzical hard gloomy dismal woebegone aggrieved fed up hacked off resigned wondering unbelieving solid firm tightened in despair defeatist heavy with grief overcome with sorrow melancholic strabilious bleak sunk no-win long-suffering jealous cheesed off shirty peed off brassed off sore ticked off stretched weighed down can't win close snug tightly drawn inflexible extended in the pits not a prayer at end of one's rope down in the dumps in the soup in the dumps burning with excitement indignant steaming crook bent out of shape boiling ireful snaky having reservations in question

Tính từ

Having had the normal pattern or functioning disrupted
disrupted interrupted broken fitful fragmentary disconnected discontinuous intermittent disorganised disorganized erratic spasmodic sporadic unsettled incomplete troubled interfered with intruded upon intruded on irregular unsteady choppy impulsive inconstant restless episodic haphazard uneven patchy episodical spastic occasional casual spotty desultory fluctuating unstable aperiodic periodic flickering shifting random catchy variable capricious herky-jerky hit-or-miss off and on on-again-off-again on and off inconsistent jerky unsystematic scattered infrequent periodical varying convulsive rambling disjointed unmethodical shaky incoherent in fits and starts unconnected changeable recurrent recurring isolated alternate jumpy aimless odd confused scattershot uncertain cyclical seasonal muddled bitty unorganized indiscriminate jolting on-and-off unorganised on again and off again bumpy paroxysmal fragmented scrappy unreliable uncontrollable wavering jumbled changing disordered punctuated cyclic sketchy isochronal epochal stop-and-go iterative discontinuing isochronous rhythmic checked rhythmical arrested metrical iterant serial unpredictable every other unequal piecemeal twitching here and there now and then wandering by bits and pieces inchoate incohesive loose entropic abrupt sudden orderless chaotic fractal disorderly non-linear violent on-again, off-again broken up spurtive lurching intervallic gaping rare impermanent in bits and pieces seldom scarce unfrequent few uncommon semioccasional freelance outsourced outside volatile systemless jouncing jarring part-time twitchy uncoordinated unsystematized bits and pieces fits and starts incidental nonuniform uncontrolled catch-as-catch-can stray unthinking slapdash arbitrary offhand scrambled undirected all over the place unfocused shaking rough tremulous continual eccentric designless stop-go unpunctual unconsidered purposeless bouncy ever-changing helter-skelter without purpose alternating up and down off-and-on non-periodic disunited juddering shuddering divided separated garbled dislocated displaced mixed up without unity split directionless far-out unattached out-to-lunch spacey spaced-out irrational out-of-it cool fuzzy

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sensibleness or good judgment
dotty crazy daft mad nutty insane silly lunatic foolish cuckoo wacky loony stupid crackpot kooky senseless dippy daffy absurd whacky kookie looney fatuous nonsensical witless preposterous brainless asinine balmy demented unhinged unwise deranged unbalanced crazed batty zany screwy harebrained nuts psychotic barmy bonkers simpleminded wacko cracked bubbleheaded mental certifiable lunkheaded crackers cockeyed loopy screwball featherheaded loco gaga touched jerky tomfool sappy inept unstable bats fool ridiculous frenzied distraught meshuga psychopathic distracted bizarre sectionable raving bananas delirious eccentric frantic manic barking hysterical nutso buggy odd squirrelly nutsy schizoid peculiar weird queer illogical bushed porangi goofy strange yarra unconventional impractical idiosyncratic twisted half-witted half-baked mentally ill non compos mentis weak-minded of unsound mind raving mad sick in the head mad as a hatter not together stark mad not all there stark raving mad away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad off the wall foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad up the pole not the full shilling not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs as daft as a brush have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head maniacal psycho unsound crackbrained cranky haywire fruity scatty brainsick maniac whacko moonstruck meshugge bughouse wud bedlam looney tunes loony tunes slang out to lunch irrational potty disordered neurotic troubled off one's head berserk sick off one's rocker out of one's mind off one's nut off one's gourd around the bend off one's trolley unglued with a screw loose unsettled flipped out doolally gonzo wild schizophrenic screwed up rabid sociopathic a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic one card shy of a full deck erratic mixed up flipped flakey a bit lacking out there confused paranoid flaky psychopathological raging daft as a brush severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock have bats in one's belfry crazy as a loon oddball schizo idiotic off-the-wall violent unscrewed uncontrolled furious incoherent unreasonable derailed aberrant freaked out not in one's right mind having bats in the belfry not of sound mind mentally deranged deprived of one's wits having a screw loose manic-depressive having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge flipped-out non compos dysfunctional paranoiac paranoic berko outlandish baked fried ape maddened schizzo mindless kinky freaky unsafe invalid fantastic unrealistic psyched out diseased dingy unzipped off the air off your trolley two sandwiches short of a picnic off one's chump severely mentally disordered off your chump off the rails schitzy panic-stricken yampy uncontrollable nobody home phrenetic gibbering rampant ranting off the chain bedlamite moonstricken bemused demoniac dazed off wrong dreamy one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a March hare in another world out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end as mad as a hatter in the ozone touched in the head hung up feverish babbling fierce frenetic ferocious swivel-eyed lightheaded hot hallucinating restless deviant light-headed fevered rambling bewildered wandering hallucinatory out of one's skull disarranged deviate ludicrous imbecilic unintelligent moronic inane imprudent injudicious dumb dopey laughable hare-brained simple dim-witted ill-considered foolhardy ill-advised dim irresponsible funny doltish pea-brained incautious indiscreet way out thoughtless farcical risible pointless quirky birdbrained wooden-headed weak amusing off-centre comic reckless rash untenable dull implausible thickheaded faulty damfool giddy dunderheaded gormless lamebrained boneheaded chowderheaded dotish glaikit madcap empty-headed unreasoning slow groundless simple-minded feeble-minded nonrational ill-conceived clownish offbeat hilarious comical humorous way-out derisible cretinous chucklesome dozy diverting curious flawed chuckleheaded muttonheaded thick fallacious vacuous specious light-hearted witty slow-witted impracticable unjustifiable fat-headed unscientific contradictory softheaded feebleminded illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential unfounded unreasoned incongruous imbecile excited soft in the head short-sighted cockamamie cock-eyed full of holes off beam avant-garde impolitic freakish dunce-like unorthodox far out far-out vapid waggish rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way bizarro unpredictable cockamamy dilly inconclusive spurious droll unworkable unthinking facetious puerile entertaining childish incorrect impossible halfwitted immature fanciful fantastical humoristic nerdy unearthly brain-dead poor flighty false irreconcilable hollow joshing camp in left field comedic sidesplitting divvy unreal amok uproarious jocular priceless retarded sophistic antic riotous killing slow on the uptake blockheaded dof out of control self-contradictory off your rocker jocose screaming side-splitting hysteric rib-tickling backward gelastic without foundation without basis not making sense feather-brained half-cracked birdy clock psychoneurotic outrageous daggy extravagant unpractical infantile mentally incompetent bugged out left-field ignorant pixilated fanatic obsessed campy pinheaded goofy loony original callow dense surreal idiotish unfamiliar scatterbrained credulous green vacant bone-headed obtuse unusual baseless arbitrary dull-witted chaotic dappy smoothbrained not right braindead grotesque addle-pated disorganized reasonless disconnected disjointed Bohemian inexperienced different wigged out nonconforming off-center very stupid bovine pig-ignorant not in your right mind out of your mind unthinkable outré not well thought out ill-thought-out topsy-turvy dead from the neck up off your head not tightly wrapped tangled shambolic smooth-brained thick-witted wigged-out as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears mentally slow extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible nonfunctional wonky broken fuddled bad naive featherbrained risky inappropriate misguided demonic demoniacal acting crazy out in left field thick as two short planks not quite right disorganised orderless amiss defective messy hyper not functioning properly out of order spare jokey whimsical out of commission out of whack on the fritz in pieces in a mess on the blink up the spout barro postal crook unconvincing tenuous questionable turned out hopped up high agitated busy overexcited up sportive hysterically funny beside oneself a card killingly funny joking goofus boffo a caution a laugh ironic a scream fool-headed fool around a hoot gump dizzy light crazy shtick Mickey Mouse vague improbable dubious unpersuasive unbelievable up the wall through the roof on the rampage unsatisfactory unlikely flimsy nebulous doubtful farfetched lame inadequate unsubstantiated far-fetched incredible suspect feeble inconsistent meaningless frivolous slapstick unsustainable unsupportable inconceivable fishy sketchy shaky indefensible obscure puzzling derisory mirthful unjustified erroneous airy reachy vain problematic pathetic thin slight unimpressive jolly slaphappy sophistical casuistic unproved won't hold water won't wash good-humored good-humoured perverse irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility

Tính từ

Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated
aggrieved distressed hurt unhappy discontented disgruntled angry affronted indignant offended pained peeved resentful upset anguished nettled piqued riled wronged afflicted annoyed chagrined discontent displeased dissatisfied harmed injured irked irritated malcontent miffed vexed ill-used put out saddened sore steamed woeful cheesed off depressed grieving in high dudgeon oppressed persecuted victimised victimized wounded in a huff hard done by exasperated bothered cross aggravated huffy provoked narked fed up teed off browned off furious irate incensed wrathful troubled infuriated enraged perturbed brassed off hacked off angered peed off frustrated ticked off ruffled miffy galled mad agitated choleric eggy testy tooshie snuffy harassed flustered ireful maddened in a temper not best pleased hot under the collar vex disheartened worried shirty miserable discouraged impatient disappointed fuming tormented inflamed harried scunnered wrath in a bad mood grieved bent out of shape ill-humoured foaming at the mouth ill-humored outraged despondent sad sullen downcast irritable forlorn dejected disconsolate glum ratty downhearted blue bugged choked dispirited crook snaky crestfallen cheerless down crabby grumpy cast down hoha steamed up down in the dumps low-spirited cut up wound up ungratified hot-tempered fretted out of humour unsatisfied stung needled rattled insulted slighted snubbed salty grouchy surly touchy sulky ropeable hassled complaining prickly snappy snitty disaffected fretful embittered worked up envious crabbed unfulfilled defeated querulous hung up carrying a chip on your shoulder up the wall unsated restless bad-tempered short-tempered in a lather quick-tempered ill-tempered disillusioned picky griping malcontented kvetching grumbling disquieted out of sorts disenchanted disconcerted dismayed discomfited sick and tired out of joint sick to death melancholy fed up to the teeth beaten hopeless aghast gutted with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth let down taken down worsted vanquished as sick as a parrot baulked chapfallen objecting dolorous balked shot down confused perplexed out of countenance livid heated rankled seeing red rabid hot roiled infuriate hopping wroth steaming riley ticked ballistic enflamed foaming apoplectic horn-mad distraught scornful boiling p.o.'d acrimonious up in arms going crook hopping mad heavyhearted mournful melancholic sorrowful heavy-hearted inconsolable in a pet burned up in a fume off the air fit to be tied blue in the face broken-hearted emotional rueful doleful joyless tristful bereaved down-hearted concerned heartbroken demoralized brokenhearted tearful demoralised gloomy despairing droopy sombre woebegone heartsick shook teary hangdog heartsore sorry antsy weepy discombobulated burned low wistful uptight desolate somber contused in doldrums in tears all torn up down in the mouth in grief shook up grief-stricken in the dumps raging seething beside oneself bitter incandescent on the warpath wild frenzied in a frenzy beside yourself aerated sour raving hostile ranting peevish very angry as cross as two sticks soreheaded rancorous moody petulant dark irascible stroppy morose spiteful fiery antagonized glowering churlish hateful acrid fierce vehement frantic antagonistic splenetic spare antagonised waxy in a paddy in a bate vitriolic with all guns blazing dour malevolent brooding violent unfriendly black frowning disgusted hacked aggressive passionate hard chafed insane dirty cantankerous hot and bothered gnashing one's teeth bummed out boiling mad raging mad pouting grudging unforgiving vindictive tetchy pouty unsociable mopey menacing vicious threatening malicious burning berserk uncivil sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative excited narky poisonous desperate demented crazed maniac bent unreasonable smoking corybantic irrational waspish sulking unmannerly roused venomous belligerent malignant malign gruff scandalized het up filthy cranky unglued shocked scandalised storming harsh ferocious ill-disposed hate-filled at daggers drawn in a towering rage all steamed up at boiling point overcome with anger in a rage beside yourself with rage pushed too far blown a gasket in a filthy temper in an uproar defiant scalding steamy piping good and mad mad as hell airborne air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air unjustifiably resentful unjustifiably offended unpleased dishonored humiliated blazing crazy reproachful umbrageous dishonoured ready to be tied raving mad rousted disrespected crackers burning with excitement anxious flaming dogged buffaloed full-on all-out uncompromising energetic manic breakneck concerted smouldering blazing mad flaming mad abrupt curt contemptuous disdainful begrudging weighty annoying distressing red swollen tense extremely angry as black as thunder very upset out of control jaundiced at end of one's rope rubbed the wrong way virulent in a wax brusque terse chippy raw infected cynical sardonic irreconcilable caustic crotchety grousing crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper kicking critical scathing bilious savage pugnacious mean chafing septic reddened frenetic rage butthurt impetuous hotheaded unindulgent revengeful scowling smoldering with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing with a chip on one's shoulder forbidding festered itching smarting tender stinging itchy angry-looking painful envenomed hurtful catty nasty pernicious censorious huffish bad tempered having short fuse hot under collar stern puffed up fevered sensitive festering evil wicked full of hate full of dislike grim impassioned maleficent baleful unkind ill-natured contentious severe inhospitable temperamental foreboding ominous intense blistered burnt scalded bloodshot louring malefic intimidating frightening spirited animated evil-intentioned lively fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive perfervid passional avid fervent ardent

Tính từ

Made uneasy by a guilty conscience
conscience-stricken ashamed contrite guilty repentant sorry troubled apologetic compunctious penitent remorseful shamefaced chastened guilt-ridden regretful rueful self-reproachful abashed sheepish full of regret attritional sorrowful penitential hangdog mournful in sackcloth and ashes atoning red-faced sad shamed abject embarrassed mortified discomfited uncomfortable propitiatory humble self-condemnatory humiliated chagrined humbled distressed deprecatory supplicating self-incriminating awkward afraid bad on one's knees penitentiary appeasing terrible disgraced disappointed with one's tail between one's legs awful repining rotten self-accusing repenting conciliatory explanatory self-effacing diffident expiatory woeful melancholy dismal plaintive grievous lugubrious woebegone pitiful doleful pitiable deplorable upset shy flustered self-conscious blushing bashful prudish crestfallen discountenanced debased meek deterred stuttering disconcerted distraught submissive reserved restrained muddled stammering demeaned blush to think of degraded dishonored dishonoured discredited flushed shown up cheap in disgrace hot and bothered sweating abased cheapened stigmatized modest timid coy stigmatised reddening flushing put to shame made to eat humble pie put down unsettled thrown uneasy turning red blushful discomposed nervous put out of countenance shown-up ill at ease insignificant diminished caught with egg on your face not know where to put yourself stupid tarred and feathered foolish whipped chastised disdained derided low deflated condemned belittled small disparaged shunned crushed reviled scorned mocked inferior fallen castigated with egg on one's face wishing the earth would swallow one up

Tính từ

Having the characteristic of being troublesome or unruly
problem unruly problematic delinquent difficult badly-behaved disobedient intractable intransigent maladjusted recalcitrant refractory troublesome uncontrollable ungovernable unmanageable tricky dysfunctional rebellious defiant wayward undisciplined ill-disciplined naughty badly behaved mischievous bad pugnacious impudent insolent misbehaving whiny petulant cantankerous peevish socially impaired belligerent troublous hostile uncooperative incorrigible combative argumentative rowdy fierce undisciplinable tiresome nasty erratic devilish bold unrestrainable rude loudmouthed trying errant contumacious hot-tempered exasperating willful self-willed stubborn rough irksome scrappy malicious uncompliant disruptive ill-behaved pesky wearisome rascally aggressive insubordinate uncontainable roguish demanding sullen bellicose mean indocile disorderly confrontational truculent obstreperous wild wilful froward contrary fractious turbulent riotous headstrong out of control perverse unrestrained mutinous attention-seeking unbiddable untoward awkward impish bolshie noisy uncontrolled lawless non-compliant raucous rebel recusant incompliant balky restive noncompliant sinful wrong full of mischief out of hand boisterous rollicking loud roisterous rambunctious troublemaking uproarious irrepressible clamorous rackety robustious violent rumbustious knockabout hell-raising insurgent obdurate obstinate aberrant incontrollable rampageous stroppy playful wicked tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish gallus fiendish wanton nonobservant exuberant anarchic limit misbehaved robust resistive vexatious unpredictable fickle impolite annoying swashbuckling swaggering cavalier teasing worthless unsettling disturbing upsetting bad-mannered tough evil untrained seditious reckless wild and woolly unsteady capricious unschooled intolerable impossible unbearable undependable distracting mulish divisive immoral cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed ornery arbitrary ungoverned lacking self-control inconsistent treacherous factious disaffected dissentious uncomplying out-of-order out-of-line causing trouble off-base disrupting offending loutish sinning erring deviant roughhouse culpable lawbreaking guilty criminal transgressing artful straying like a loose cannon excited strong freaked overwhelming beside oneself abandoned indomitable overpowering intense insuppressible raunchy ruffianly kiddish thoughtless immature childish infantile ill-natured inconsiderate sly disrespectful frolicsome foxy bothersome unorthodox miscreant shifting stray heretic devious fallible deviating off straight and narrow unreliable meandering errable

Tính từ

Out of place, or having been moved

Tính từ

Overwhelmed with emotion
overcome overwhelmed affected emotional speechless dumbfounded flabbergasted gobsmacked moved struck choky incredulous overawed stunned taken amazed astounded blown-away bowled-over buried dazed defeated overthrown swamped verklempt bowled over run-over at a loss for words knocked for six unable to continue swept off one's feet confounded stupefied staggered dismayed surprised bewildered confused nonplussed flummoxed shocked bemused upset addled startled stumped astonished shell-shocked taken aback befuddled befogged bedeviled bushed addlepated unhappy disappointed breathless aghast bedevilled dumbstruck perplexed thunderstruck awestruck awestricken awed disconcerted openmouthed floored dopey pixillated pixilated fogged spacy spacey zonked muddleheaded punch-drunk raddled spaced-out dizzy silly slaphappy mixed-up spaced muzzy punchy dopy blown away lost for words marveling wondering marvelling agape dumfounded baffled shaken unnerved open-mouthed wide-eyed discomposed knocked sideways goggle-eyed fuddled puzzled choked up abashed rendered speechless struck dumb shattered distressed numbed choked benumbed wonderstruck alarmed frightened jolted crushed filled with astonishment at a loss filled with amazement filled with wonder unable to believe your eyes shaken up caught on the hop filled with awe caught on the wrong foot in amazement taken by surprise unable to believe one's ears gutted distraught addle zonked-out distracted devastated frozen mystified numb muddled intoxicated thrown dumb at sea stuck knocked out licked knocked bamboozled beat buffaloed nonplused fazed discombobulated clueless horrified at sixes and sevens lost beaten disoriented agog mazed thrown off balance dazzled tongue-tied uncertain wildered woozy uncomprehending terrified troubled afraid groggy fearful flustered appalled all at sea disorientated mixed up blank discomfited mute inarticulate silent petrified mum foxed wordless rattled voiceless fuzzy uncommunicative giddy unsteady staggering reeling in shock mom gaga hazy spellbound impressed off balance hard-pressed cowed awe-stricken intimidated staring daunted paralyzed paralysed embarrassed foggy wonder-struck wonder-stricken reverential light-headed hard put vexed vague muted faint vertiginous taciturn shaky wobbly obmutescent mumchance dumbstricken reserved terror-stricken in a dither swimming tight-lipped close-mouthed spooked terror-struck lightheaded weak-kneed slap-happy blind tipsy blinded light scared terrorized bereft of speech horror-struck horror-stricken panicky anxious terrorised scared witless off-balance scared to death frightened to death not with it out of control in awe unable to get a word out weak in the knees thunder-struck scared stiff without ideas worried stupid big-mouthed electrified eager expectant woolly-minded discountenanced preoccupied enthralled frustrated engrossed fascinated admiring absent-minded completely surprised unbelieving disbelieving mortified staring in amazement left speechless owly-eyed moon-eyed saucer-eyed tottering weak stymied awe-struck teetering disorganized slack-jawed with rubbery legs with legs like jelly weak at the knees rooted to the spot knocked for a loop woolly awe-inspired disorganised wooly unable to believe one's eyes bashful stammering awkward shy timid garbled closemouthed had their heads messed with besotted adhered woolly-headed not knowing if you are coming or going quiet untalkative reticent laconic at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn brought to a standstill mousy soundless confusticated got caused to be at a stand gravelled graveled thrown off at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer at a complete loss unable to speak in disbelief made to scratch their head saying nothing whirling swimmy aswoon addlebrained doubtful transfixed immobilised immobilized out of it pushing the panic button in a panic have cold feet in a cold sweat aphonic cool unflappable hit for six buttoned up clammed up cool as cucumber not saying boo

Động từ

To have thrown into a state of distress marked by confusion
confused flustered perturbed disconcerted dismayed distressed agitated bothered confounded discomfited disquieted fazed frustrated rattled discommoded discomposed discountenanced exasperated upset afflicted aggravated chagrined demoralized discomforted nonplussed perplexed psyched troubled unhinged unnerved unsettled abashed demoralised flurried mortified put off put out stirred up threw off balance worked up worried embarrassed alarmed distracted ruffled concerned frazzled alarumed distempered fussed ailed appalled bewildered exercised freaked out hagrid derailed weirded out discombobulated vexed put someone off their stroke frightened startled scared daunted shocked puzzled surprised annoyed horrified got to spooked undone undid provoked panicked put the wind up terrified hagridden hagrode muddled shaken shook thrown threw dumbfounded addled made uneasy terrorized put out of countenance intimidated flummoxed affrighted irked baffled discouraged beat psyched out terrorised stunned deranged mystified took aback taken aback floored bugged chilled made anxious shook up shaken up thrown off balance put into a flap put someone off their stride scared the bejesus out of put the wind up someone setted someone back on their heels disheartened petrified hassled excited astounded befuddled disoriented astonished staggered gotten to buffaloed flabbergasted jolted gravelled graveled harassed scarified frighted fuddled amazed scared to death knocked for six made someone scratch their head cowed unmanned made nervous stupefied repelled bamboozled deterred awed disordered dazed irritated galled depressed disarranged scared stiff knocked sideways put the fear of God into let down mixed up put to trouble inconvenienced dispirited bemused traumatized sickened incommoded outraged mazed unbalanced foxed fretted made uncomfortable posed befogged crazed jumbled disorganized piqued fouled up muddied plagued got pothered consternated needled disenchanted bowled over gnawed at stopped someone in their tracks made waves caused to be at a stand scared the pants off filled with fear pestered made your hair stand on end traumatised scared the living daylights out of put off balance revolted nauseated soured dejected unstrung shamed burdened subdued offended humiliated rocked stumped disgruntled frenzied disgusted displeased undermined disrupted disobliged crushed hurried preoccupied weakened rattled one's cage messed up dizzied browbeat sapped devastated nettled bustled fogged paralysed tried destabilized moved jarred wildered roused caught off balance enfeebled threw off thrown off turned off cast down disillusioned enervated obfuscated disorientated pained grossed out aroused made fretful flipped scared witless made self-conscious antagonized snowed gave a turn complicated put down electrified given a turn gave someone a turn put on edge put someone off knocked out threw into a panic made someone jump out of their skin upset apple cart set back thrown into a panic put in a spot put off his or her stride lied heavy on given someone a turn put in a hole antagonised made jump put on the spot made your blood run cold sprung something on hit a sour note setted someone thinking got the wind up paralyzed chilled to the bone scared someone out of their wits caused someone to lose their composure scared away destabilised frightened the living daylights out of insulted hit like ton of bricks beaten gotten muddled up thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz struck terror into stricken terror into outfaced outstared stared down locoed aliened estranged alienated stood up to incited inflamed haunted saddened scandalized repulsed embittered maddened heated pressurized pressured demeaned stimulated occupied disappointed cracked dashed disarmed affected snafued browbeaten devitalized tormented dishonoured dumfounded discredited downed displaced demented turned rummaged disarrayed galvanized squicked fermented chafed hindered disempowered balked fluttered stiffed bulldozed overwhelmed owned showed up angered overcome made awkward made ashamed hustled snew snown quickened scared off made one's flesh creep made punchy brought up short turned your stomach chilled to the marrow thrown into a fright loused up unhitched disunited unquieted surfeited acerbated disparaged blown one's mind disunified gone to one's head interfered distorted worsted screwed up taken by surprise divided uncoupled weighed down sprang something on flipped out chilled off made restless foiled made a monkey of threw into a tizzy went to one's head unzipped made flip abominated knocked the stuffing out of detached pushed buttons made shudder stymied made one's blood run cold given someone goose pimples made one's teeth chatter cloyed on burned up numbed disharmonized obscured made a scene imposed sprung galvanised frightened to death ventilated caught somebody off balance thrown into a tizzy weaned knocked props out scared the living daylights out of someone threw into a blue funk jangled relucted caught somebody unawares made teeth chatter scared silly given someone the heebie-jeebies raised someone's eyebrows badgered egged on teased knocked over curdled the blood blew one's mind discorded filled with loathing snarled brought low hung up setted thinking pressurised curdles the blood dishonored sent up burnt up inebriated profundicated unfastened turned on crippled examined stirred caught one short dampened threw into a fright pulled the rug out from under harried completely surprised balled up gave someone goose pimples scared the pants off of intruded separated stumbled caused aversion took by surprise disaffected gave someone the heebie-jeebies broke down bugged up debilitated unglued disaccorded messed with one's head filled with consternation made someone jump out of his skin baulked palled sent over the edge scandalised damped made someone's hair stand on end frozen your blood deflated mulled tired worked someone up chilled someone to the marrow tangled wondered caused to feel nauseous caused anxiety to scared someone half to death offended morals of thrown into a blue funk turned one's stomach disconnected disengaged thrown a curve made one sick made someone want to throw up froze your blood made blood run cold mucked up grieved threw a curve sent into a spin caused anxiety pulled the rug from under intoxicated mistaken mistook own given someone grief gave someone grief took the wind out of someone's sails taken the wind out of someone's sails driven insane drove insane broken down threw a curveball thrown a curveball overcame eaten away at ate away at uncalmed rode ridden struck dumb stricken dumb gave a bad time given a hard time gave a hard time given a bad time threw into confusion threw into disorder threw into uproar thrown into confusion thrown into disorder thrown into uproar given offence to shaken out of your complacency thunderstricken took the wind out of your sails thunderstruck gave offence to taken the wind out of your sails shook out of your complacency took steam out blew up taken steam out taken apart took apart blown out blown up blew out threw into panic thrown into panic gotten in the way got in the way took someone aback given someone a jolt given someone a fright gave someone a jolt taken someone aback given a shock gave a shock sprang gave someone a fright gave one the creeps given one the creeps

Động từ

To have thrown into disorder
confused disorganised disorganized disordered cluttered disarranged disarrayed discomposed disheveled dishevelled disrupted jumbled unsettled agitated disjointed hashed messed messed up muddled mussed ruffled tousled dislocated mixed up rumpled scattered scrambled shuffled untidied upset deranged mussed up snarled up threw into disorder tumbled made untidy spoilt spoiled mixed thrown into disorder rummaged made a mess of tangled confounded jumbled up displaced put out of place turned upside-down put out of order perturbed thrown into disarray threw into disarray changed convulsed entangled misplaced interfered with thrown into confusion threw into confusion muddled up got into a tangle turned topsy-turvy made a shambles of fouled up made disorderly muffed rattled intermixed rearranged mislaid shifted dispersed wrecked derailed discombobulated unbalanced tost complicated discreated embroiled tossed raveled ravelled brought into disorder interfered riffled put off snarled upset the apple cart loused up changed the order reordered cut short psyched out put in disarray put in the wrong place put in wrong place hashed up destabilized mistaken mistook lost turned something topsy-turvy destroyed overturned missed randomized recombined reorganized mislay threw thrown bothered ruined mingled dropped forgot muddied shaken shook demobilized littered disbanded misarranged misfiled broke up broken up discommoded stopped bollixed played havoc with botched thrown into chaos brought into disarray caused turmoil in mucked intruded on subverted blundered gummed up randomised replaced stirred up rattled one's cage turned upside down wrinkled distorted screwed up gotten out of order knocked off balance slopped meddled demobilised distempered caused confusion in crumpled broke down reorganised muddied the waters got out of order bungled broke the deck tampered turned threw into chaos made hay of removed fumbled turned inside-out destabilised shifted about mucked up placed unwisely made a mess transposed fouled lost track of placed wrongly sloshed broken the deck tilted left behind reversed strewn forgotten broken down snafued threw off thrown off thrown into a state of disorganization threw into a state of disorganization thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of threw out thrown out forgot whereabouts of forgot where one has put something forgotten the whereabouts of forgot the whereabouts of forgotten whereabouts of forgotten where one has put something mixt misaligned dealigned roughened creased crinkled dirtied rifled disaligned made uneven made rough made dirty strewed roughed forgat

Động từ

Past tense for interrupt the sleep, relaxation, or privacy of
bothered interrupted pestered troubled disrupted hassled plagued startled bugged chivvied chivied distracted roused harassed inconvenienced molested interfered with intruded upon put out barged in on intruded on horned in on butted in on upset vexed annoyed irritated irked aggravated exasperated worried galled riled tormented distressed nettled hurt provoked peeved piqued ruffled persecuted displeased beset narked angered needled chafed perturbed agitated got to pained miffed hacked off nagged got grated fretted offended afflicted harried bedevilled bedeviled rasped spited infuriated ticked off griped badgered cut to the quick grieved maddened frosted wound up teased rankled incensed rubbed up the wrong way outraged hounded affronted gravelled graveled itched rattled discommoded disquieted discomposed burdened enraged gotten to harrowed gotten oppressed goaded saddened wound wounded rode ridden disgruntled tortured bummed out depressed incommoded antagonized got across haunted gnawed at beleaguered mortified ate eaten disobliged tried burned up burnt up disgusted antagonised put your back up agonized roiled inflamed grope hacked you off shocked agonised mithered perplexed rankled with aggrieved driven up the wall drove up the wall humped made someone see red got in your hair teed off frustrated rubbed the wrong way insulted exacerbated disconcerted stressed dismayed gnawed fazed discomfited cast down got on your nerves gotten on your nerves cut given a hard time gave a hard time given someone the hump gave someone the hump devilled deviled racked pursued dogged put down hurt someone's feelings baited bullied gotten across preyed on lied heavy on stung dissed given someone grief gave someone grief got at weighed down weighed heavily on made angry turned off nagged at concerned besieged caused offense chagrined discombobulated dissatisfied abraded disheartened affected dispirited devastated imposed on made miserable nudged kept after embarrassed put off strained hectored niggled kept on at picked on made cross heckled breathed down someone's neck worked on flustered got on your wick bent someone's ear traumatized drove crazy driven crazy burnt burned obsessed hurt somebody's feelings driven round the bend drove round the bend driven mad drove mad caused suffering to put in a spot put on the spot got your goat put to trouble hurt one's feelings put someone's back up put someone's nose out of joint dejected moved unnerved discouraged slighted fussed anguished excruciated weighed on repelled discomforted made wretched injured hung over ailed touched gnawn traumatised caused anguish to excited grated on importuned horrified jarred driven round the twist drove round the twist cheesed off made unhappy made waves made someone's blood boil ruffled someone's feathers made someone's hackles rise got in someone's hair got under someone's skin rubbed you up the wrong way gotten at taunted stressed out confused damaged browbeat driven to distraction drove to distraction sickened tantalized scared pothered stirred dunned revolted discountenanced cursed tantalised interfered meddled gotten on one's nerves got on one's nerves intimidated repulsed scarred put into a funk put a damper on put someone off their stroke worked up bit infested appalled put into a flap crushed pressed put someone to trouble seared made anxious henpecked possessed embittered cowed criticized daunted disrespected rattled one's cage demoralized carped at dashed nauseated chilled deeply upset hung up zinged madded enflamed ired soured caused anguish messed with picked at gotten your back up got your back up steamed up fired up made it tough beat dumped on got your dander up put pressure on harped on at got someone down criticised demoralised sticked in one's craw hurt the feelings of knocked for six setted one's teeth on edge hit where one lives got down tried someone's patience rattled someone's cage got someone's hackles up got one's goat gotten one's goat given someone the pip gave someone the pip made sad turned one off tried your patience put somebody's nose out of joint found fault with stirred up set someone's teeth on edge cast a gloom upon put to some trouble put your nose out of joint shook up shaken up went on at gone on at given offence to gave offence to driven bananas drove bananas unsettled gotten under one's skin got under one's skin got on nerves gotten on nerves eaten at ate at worn on wore on got under your skin gotten under your skin gotten on someone's nerves got on someone's nerves gotten someone's back up got someone's back up flurried gotten up someone's nose got up someone's nose gotten someone's dander up got someone's dander up excoriated panicked alarmed overwhelmed bored disadvantaged crossed impeded hindered made nervous caused anxiety grinded ground browbeaten chevied brought down harmed scandalized jeered caused to panic blustered frilled flummoxed furbelowed stumped fuddled floored recurred brought one down dampened spirits bullyragged forayed attacked macerated despoiled noodged taxed discontented disaffected pressed down on rousted made blue dragged down booed reminded barracked insisted caused inconvenience to imposed upon caused someone difficulty scolded ached discommodated slapped bitten desolated stabbed preoccupied assailed caused someone to lose their composure stewed petted tiffed huffed winged capped curdled disappointed sounded shouted down cooled mispleased chastened pressurized struck crucified pressurised obtruded mistreated encroached frightened intruded accosted terrified created difficulties for jerked around upbraided lambasted caused sorrow bled weighed mourned caused suffering berated taken over took over hissed hazed come back to scandalised pricked mixed up caviled cavilled relucted pinched got up your nose compressed overcharged made your blood boil cramped squeezed gave trouble given trouble eaten away at ate away at thrilled drained wearied buttonholed jangled gave a bad time given a bad time ridiculed gibed sent into a rage pushed the buttons of unmanned played dirty egged on heated up stayed with dampened yawped inveighed growled yammered murmured grizzled grumped crabbed muttered complained squealed maundered grouched whinged bleated kicked croaked whimpered squawked whined kvetched caterwauled wailed grumbled moaned yowled bellyached carped hollered keened beefed pecked at yauped repined screamed groused gotten in one's hair got in one's hair pierced got across someone dragged softened darkened gotten on somebody's nerves abased got on somebody's nerves enervated melted debilitated damped dulled asked for it did in done in leaned on jibed at shouted at taken control of took control of snubbed inflicted trauma messed thumbed nose at distempered tried the patience of got someone's wick brought pressure to bear on run down reduced to tears browned off slurred humiliated got someone's goat gotten someone's goat tugged at someone's heartstrings moaned on at made uncomfortable made discontented dished out gotten under skin chid caused discomfort to acerbated puts somebody's nose out of joint tried one's patience prodded bummed kept under wound somebody up pushed someon's buttons caused someone distress aroused pity made desolate made gloomy knocked the stuffing out of urged shouted catcalls at poured cold water on raised your hackles aroused sympathy hacked knocked sideways harshed someone's mellow tugged at the heart made game of dished it out made uneasy chided butted in caused concern to grumbled at stuck it to made your heart bleed made someone go out of his way gotten on someone's wick ruffled one's feathers egged jarred on made despondent steamed moaned at drove you up the wall brought tears to your eyes got on someone's wick found fault kept complaining to made someone fed up riled up rubbed one the wrong way caused anxiety to driven you up the wall caused pain got under skin niggled at beat down caused trouble to torn apart tore apart thrown threw bore broke one's heart broken one's heart thrown off balance threw off balance aken broke the heart of broken the heart of worn wore stricken broke broken brake came back to thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz driven nuts drove nuts given someone bother gave someone bother threw into tizzy thrown into tizzy shaken shook molten broke in broken in torn to pieces tore to pieces took it out on taken it out on given it to gave it to trod on someone's toes trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence got your hackles up gotten your hackles up beaten ran down bore down broke someone's heart threw cold water on borne down gave someone the blues beaten down thrown cold water on given someone the blues broken someone's heart

Động từ

Past tense for to put into a new position
moved shifted repositioned transferred relocated removed displaced transposed dislocated budged dislodged quit rearranged shuffled carried set going put somewhere else transplanted interrupted unhinged rummaged divided perturbed disunited separated disarticulated misplaced quitted left advanced flitted migrated shoved changed positioned impelled pushed changed residence moved house carted beared conveyed lugged transported changed place reallocated shipped brought hauled moved over moved around packed your bags replaced changed the position of fetched broke brake broken shave shove went away gone away gotten going got going borne bore took taken shoven resettled emigrated sent uprooted ferried moved away delivered conducted evacuated trucked transmitted departed switched freighted dispatched toted immigrated moved on rehoused upped sticks packed off pulled up stakes exchanged decamped relayed relaid interchanged defected convoyed split moved out trekked travelled traveled lift reset funnelled funneled trajected put out of place imported forwarded packed consigned channelled channeled routed repotted replanted cleared cleared out sent off trafficked rescued adopted moved abroad dragged drug depopulated resituated located posted exiled translated transmigrated changed house changed jobs passaged changed address issued vacated remitted lifted readapted reoriented ported reconditioned revamped moved overseas disestablished addrest addressed swapped onpassed taxied rehomed run expressed shot converted moved out of place knocked out of place knocked out of position left your country carried over altered inverted carried away sent out swept passed modified traded started a new life piggybacked shouldered hand-carried swapped round switched round turned around changed round carted off carried off reordered adjusted reversed went gone ran shotten taken over took over gone overseas gone abroad went overseas went abroad schlepped took away taken away

Động từ

Past tense for to agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion

Động từ

Past tense for to show, feel, or cause to feel, concern or worry
fussed worried upset bothered distressed perturbed unsettled agitated discomposed alarmed disquieted concerned dismayed troubled flurried discomforted ailed distracted distempered frazzled unhinged alarumed exercised hagrode hagrid hagridden undid undone derailed fretted stressed carped cavilled caviled niggled feared chafed stewed sweated sweat quibbled nitpicked bustled flapped fidgeted fidgetted freaked out weirded out took pains taken pains laboured over got in a stew got worked up gotten worked up made a big thing of made a big thing out of made a meal of made a mountain out of a molehill made a thing of beset afflicted tormented plagued hurt tortured agonized oppressed pained harassed agonised vexed racked bedevilled bedeviled irked annoyed irritated tried anguished harrowed strained flustered hassled cursed persecuted rattled fazed bugged pestered harried besieged disconcerted aggrieved got to excruciated grieved burdened crucified unnerved beleaguered ruffled saddened perplexed wound wounded depressed discombobulated nagged spooked made anxious caused suffering to suffered sickened frightened displeased despaired discountenanced offended wrung weighed down needled angered martyred peeved tantalized tantalised miffed teared confounded psyched indisposed gnawed at gotten to put off gave a hard time got at stirred up made waves cut up hurt somebody's feelings flipped out caused agony to given a hard time picked on ticked off made uneasy threw thrown shaken shook given someone grief gave someone grief taxed labored laboured mused scared squirmed badgered teased importuned tested inconvenienced wringed hounded goaded hectored dunned affected puzzled injured caused anxiety to disappointed rent rended grinded ground strapped dogged pushed pricked desolated torn tore narked stabbed pierced mortified caused disquiet to exasperated aggravated provoked disheartened convulsed interrupted caused anguish to incapacitated crazed pothered debilitated bewildered turned cramped flipped floored sweated out lied heavy on rocked caused concern to made uncomfortable made wretched burnt up aroused anxiety in inflicted anguish on turned on devastated caused discomfort to gotten at keyed up wronged felt pain layed up hacked you off felt unwell made it tough for psyched out hacked off thrown off balance pushed buttons weighed on burned up fired up caused pain to rocked the boat bummed out made a scene threw off balance got across wound up made miserable egged on laid up been was were broke broken brake nit-picked threw off thrown off gave a bad time given a bad time driven up the wall drove up the wall eaten at ate at done a number on did a number on gotten across gotten on someone's wick got on someone's wick got someone gotten someone

Động từ

Past tense for to tease, typically in a good-natured way
teased ribbed kidded mocked chaffed taunted ridiculed derided joshed ragged needled joked jived razzed rode ridden rallied satirised satirized roasted baited bantered twitted tormented gibed annoyed funned guyed goaded harassed quizzed plagued worried hassled heckled bothered chiacked pestered hazed harried badgered provoked slanged slang irritated aggravated bedeviled bedevilled shucked smoked rotted hectored sledged importuned vexed beleaguered deviled devilled gnawed gnawn nudged tantalised tantalized spoofed slammed dogged snapped sounded laughed at scoffed at jeered at made fun of jibed at poked fun at wound up sent up goofed on made jokes about ragged on poked mullock at made sport of slung off at took the mickey out of taken the mickey out of picked on put on put down made a monkey of had on flouted at messed around pulled someone's leg led on flirted with poked borak at pulled somebody's leg swang at swung at led somebody on took the piss out of taken the piss out of gave a hard time given a hard time fooled around kidded around jeered japed sneered jested scorned pilloried flouted scoffed scouted sneered at jollied insulted skewered lampooned parodied travestied caricatured mimicked panned humiliated cartooned made a monkey out of pulled one's leg made a fool of burlesqued fooled quipped jabbed jibed criticized yukked gagged wisecracked yucked fleered treated with contempt unmasked exposed deflated criticised pooh-poohed shot down showed up held up to ridicule run down made a game of railed at set up made a laughing-stock hounded persecuted galled irked tortured narked reviled got got at gibed at angered nagged outraged upbraided offended slapped affronted louted disdained reproached twittered dug hoaxed treated contemptuously frazzled hacked you off dumped on got on the nerves of hooted buffooned girt fooled about girded raspberried stayed ridged boned winded someone up got in the hair of played a prank censured thumbed nose at played a practical joke heaped scorn on squibbed dissed pasquinaded held up to shame ran down exposed to ridicule called names laughed out of court pulled your leg made someone a laughing stock gotten gotten at laughed shown contempt for shown contempt showed contempt for showed contempt took off taken off