Từ đồng nghĩa của active

Alternative for active


Từ đồng nghĩa: animated, dynamic, energetic, lively, spirited, vivacious, working,

Từ trái nghĩa: dormant, inactive, passive,

Tính từ

Being in effective or current operation, action, or force
operational functional functioning working live operative opened serviceable operating running effective effectual moving acting alive going living efficacious on potent astir engaged exertive flowing involved movable powerful progressive pushing rolling simmering stirring travelling traveling turning in action in operation in process up and running at work in business in force in play non-inert non-passive in effect in use current in working order usable at play efficient valid useful workable binding present viable around dynamic actual influential practical existing in order existent in service productive extant persisting ongoing contemporary remaining continuing applicable surviving abiding successful strong practicable capable valuable helpful standing beneficial indicative competent adequate legitimate lawful official legal real prepared ready fruitful constructive worthwhile open licit advantageous in existence of assistance of help of use in gear in execution in commission signed and sealed legally binding rushing producing prevalent handy occupational utile available purposeful fit high-functioning well-functioning on-going hot on the statute book on line going on on track good on the map on the agenda trading in full swing on the job on fire ready for action able to function participant forceful decisive conclusive telling determinative sound forcible virtual requisite enough suitable near imminent looming essential impending in the market accessible employable open for business open to the public about implicit formal associated with affiliated with ticking awake developing subsisting vigorous alert on the move in motion in working condition concerned with connected with participating in virtuous energetic puissant taking part in actionable applicative useable exploitable profitable feasible applied convenient ultrapractical pragmatic operable realistic utilizable reasonable sensible utilitarian expendable unused wieldy consumable exhaustible instrumental subservient adaptable doable utilisable at hand at disposal in employment disposable available for use at your disposal in running order ready for use fit for use rational sane expedient real-world solid appropriate achievable commonsensical durable healthy hard-wearing dependable aiding assistive sturdy invaluable stout vibrant diligent vital spirited alive and kicking lively animated spry on the go industrious sprightly nimble practiced pragmatical vivacious quick exercised empirical utilized accomplishable used well-oiled bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans realizable adapted correlated related experiential tested empiric practised realisable utilised enforced hands-on non-theoretical brought to bear

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Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
energetic lively vital animated spirited dynamic sprightly nimble vigorous busy frisky perky agile bustling spry alert mobile quick sparky sporty strong vivacious bouncy bubbly vibrant zestful zippy animate brisk occupied springy enlivened gay hyper kinetic peppy pert snappy spanking airy bouncing dashing deedful dextrous dexterous eager eventful forceful fresh jaunty jazzy jumping mettlesome pizazzy pizzazzy racy go-go high-spirited on the go alive and kicking on the move full of beans full of get-up-and-go full of life full of vim and vigour full of zip bright-eyed and bushy-tailed enthusiastic hopping powerful buoyant industrious chipper bright effervescent exuberant keen hardy sparkling robust chirpy employed engaged fiery stirring working hearty aggressive tireless buzzing fit flourishing sturdy potent assiduous tough alive zesty muscular thriving lusty humming diligent frolicsome playful healthy abuzz happy forcible vehement peart strenuous merry laborious athletic sedulous happening zealous upbeat rousing intense bold astir passionate abubble tied-up aboil cheerful determined spunky able-bodied feisty ebullient indefatigable assertive jolly sportive sharp breezy sound driving zingy zappy hale emphatic ardent stalwart violent at work full-blooded gutsy full of pep wild enterprising festive in good shape hale and hearty gingery wick well fine smart bright and breezy effective clever gamesome on the job red-blooded untiring able resolute fighting fit hectic cheery high-powered sparkly stout perceptive strapping invigorated in fine fettle sunny resounding blithe firm wholesome good restored excited moving exciting whole swinging quick-witted blooming ball of fire full of energy well-conditioned vivid frolic in good health fun-loving in good trim as lively as a grig in tip-top condition energized hard at work flamboyant capable light pushy as merry as a grig Herculean rugged ready brawny refreshed trim earnest burly intensive light-hearted fit as a fiddle fervent joyful buff virile full of the joys of spring boisterous energised unflagging husky in harness stimulating go-getting at it intelligent gritty rehabilitated carefree courageous influential fast hard-pressed fanatical astute exceptional hustling unwearied busy as a bee avid all-out gifted buzzy sinewy irrepressible on the hop crank hard at it lighthearted bursting with health bright-eyed bushy-tailed raring to go ambitious lightsome activated compelling striking jovial daring shredded peppery jacked beefy fun engrossed quick off the mark blithesome on the ball tenacious tied up rollicking flush young acute physically fit mighty stark impassioned efficient glad entertaining militant storming involved go-ahead pushing in good kilter rested rocking scintillating venturesome shrewd quivering effectual punchy colourful colorful revived relaxed rushed off your feet brilliant jocund clear trembling resourceful game two-fisted brainy committed quaking pulsating dedicated staunch sharp-witted confident full of fun shaking interested fit as a flea high-octane hard-hitting in high spirits throbbing beating restless supersmart hyperintelligent ultrasmart as fit as a fiddle sensitive glowing wrapped up like new in the pink in rude health hungry wide awake right as rain belligerent combative muscly bellicose quick on the uptake normal ingenious pugnacious unsteady imaginative hard arduous hired laboring signed selected operating inked ripped chaotic argumentative productive well built quarrelsome extreme inventive dogged taxing aerobicized exhausting frantic contentious sexy confrontational full skittish in place in collar plugging away on board on duty physical gleeful truculent severe hunky dramatic creative disputatious dynamical crowded vitalized warlike scrappy thewy on the payroll in a job bubbling agonistic impressive frenetic frenzied rigorous chippy swarming barnstorming persistent gladiatorial lithe swift discordant assaultive awake jocose in good condition strong as an ox preoccupied plucky brawly persuasive labouring absorbed elated teeming exhilarated telling talented immersed perk penetrating fierce ballsy thronging all right hardworking brave adventurous OK resilient genial insouciant mirthful devoted overloaded in good physical condition in good physical shape steadfast ludic snowed debonair quick-thinking motivated well-built excitable in shape furious hard-working innovative on the run rich interesting in good spirits jumpy have one's hands full in-your-face have-a-go electrifying take-over full of spirit in fine feather convivial expressive wholehearted nimble-witted observant discerning vibrating up to one's ears busy as a beaver breathless lucid eloquent unconcerned warm responsive perspicacious aware driven pulling no punches faithful enthused obsessed coming on strong full of vim puissant genius whip-smart pumped intent unyielding happy-go-lucky raring craving itching yearning brash like Piccadilly Circus great willing as fit as a flea full of go full of commotion self-assertive agog solicitous voracious all there as strong as an ox appetent thirsty desirous anxious impatient nuts antsy keen as mustard crazy athirst gung ho greedy neat unused rosy undimmed stimulated verdant relieved florid ruddy unfaded fair dewy creamy unwithered retained gregarious concentrated outgoing fluid ambulatory dapper invigorating valiant fairylike grooving health-conscious youthful salacious fancy jazzlike psychedelic glitzy jobholding burning hot better nonchalant heated concerted unremitting pertinacious piercing healthful demoniac motive locomotive kinematic motile dazzling pertinent dull relevant tight coltish right healthier heaving casual flippant sassy saucy powerfully built broad-shouldered thickset recovered coruscating envigorating party zoolike rapier-like ok excellent magnificent new outstanding marvellous whopping wonderful marvelous rapid remarkable gallant radiant graceful healed exhilarating heady afoot herculean full of activity romping A1 mended cured manly refreshing full of vim and vigor finely honed full of the joy of living clubby social peaches-and-cream kittenish frolicky high lucrative money-making paying rewarding well-proportioned mesomorphic in trim unthinking untroubled unworried indifferent uncaring unconsidered heedless unavailable revitalized reinvigorated with it blunt uncontrolled unbridled unrestrained piquant poignant tasty pungent distinctive tart tangy witty wanton live sweeping festal partyish enjoyable welcoming masculine inspired practical larkish prankish wicked persevering insubstantial unserious remunerative gainful fruitful taken outdoor outdoorsy revivified rejuvenated renewed fitter manful inexhaustible rushing thronged nifty holiday virulent up and about in motion hunky-dory as strong as a horse as strong as a lion strong as an horse strong as an lion full-bodied well-developed built focused on utilized utilised sports-loving fanciful volatile whimsical elastic deviceful in action joyous frivolous to the point charged revitalised reenergized sound in body and limb in good form in excellent shape solid as a rock fine and dandy skipping irregular springing bounding leaping hurdling have a previous engagement with a customer tied down have a prior engagement on assignment cheering devil-may-care winsome rakish gladsome eupeptic pleasure-seeking slaphappy laughing jocular canty feeling one's oats fast-moving important galvanic unwearying unfailing waggish receptive steamroller take-charge hard-driving heavy valid cogent original hurried full of joie de vivre forward presuming on the trot clocked up inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated perked up significant rabid still going strong going strong incessant fervid thrilled time-poor savvy convincing weighty radical warring fighting head over heels grind fearless as happy as a clam on top of the world as happy as a sandboy stoked titillated apt delicate canny deft in an occupation contemporary sophisticated modern hip fascinated passional unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened ultra-active contending extremist combating rushed off one's feet audacious too much on plate competent wise adroit slick adept skilful knowing weariless rhapsodic geeked aflame wacky perfervid afire nutty concerned tantalized unqualified iron-willed embattled juiced keyed up turnt hepped up gone on red-hot bugged hopped-up ready and willing as keen as mustard mad keen gaga pleased hot to trot tantalised chomping at the bit conscientious champing at the bit warmblooded smart as a whip sharp as a tack skillful quick on the trigger whiz mercurial quick on the draw curt wired in demand having a full plate having many irons in the fire slaving having enough on one's plate harried having fish to fry impish unimpaired rosy-cheeked safe and sound in use solid enduring reinforced stable secure fixed durable steady big substantial hard-nosed uncompromising stubborn unflinching electric magnetic plausible armed efficacious militaristic rebellious warrish assertory martial offensive military revolutionary like a new man good at sports devilish intrepid sagacious unwavering obstinate strong-willed sure loyal self-confident unbending in full swing well-founded hard as nails heavy-duty well-made up-to-date trendy graphic realistic up to snuff in top form the picture of health easy natty drastic conclusive coercive credible unanswerable compulsory motivating impellent major urging propulsive venturous free-swinging up-and-coming entrepreneurial nervy emboldened adventuresome nerved flip showy joking spruce positive strong-minded decisive single-minded unfaltering detailed exacting tiring ornery in arms up in arms lifelike evocative affecting picturesque arresting firm in spirit independent resolved heroic indomitable certain mean purposeful stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad unhesitating take charge touchy progressive gumptious advancing self-starting aspiring lusting challenging demanding difficult visual unforgettable memorable authentic haunting charismatic activating self-motivated highpowered energising energizing hyped-up go-getter vitalizing diehard spark plug hard ball turbulent testing harsh trying unsparing gutty pictorial delineated emotive distinct thin-skinned graphical fascinating hot-blooded burdensome flustering madhouse tumultuous riotous PDQ prompt on the warpath high-strung habitual trembly pulsing shuddery reverberant play hard ball play for keeps true-to-life true to life definite crystal clear theatrical sharply-etched highly coloured rowdy bumpy onerous full on unruly wearing imperious action-packed raucous quavering oscillating shivering rhythmic rhythmical reverberative reverberating shivery cadent cadenced palpitating hurrying about rushing about in a hurry in a rush dashing about engrossed in at work on rushed off one's feet with preoccupied with absorbed in immersed in shaky fluttering quavery shuddering jittery longing amenable inclined restive hung up hankering disposed unreluctant pining covetous strident aquiver tremulous atremble thunderous tottering lilting conscious wabbling wabbly juddering rocky tottery wobbly sonorant wobbling insomnolent awakened sleepless up with a steady pulse insomniac roused wakeful cognizant not asleep wide-awake tossing and turning not sleeping

Tính từ

Diligent in the pursuit of a goal
diligent industrious aggressive committed driven resolute tireless ambitious assiduous bold dedicated determined dogged earnest enterprising indefatigable keen painstaking passionate persistent restless rigorous steadfast strenuous tenacious unswerving unwavering wholehearted zealous assertive conscientious constant eager intense purposeful sedulous unflagging unrelenting untiring daring forceful laborious militant persevering radical hard-working energetic enthusiastic vigorous intent busy pertinacious bustling single-minded unremitting unwearied eager beaver spirited engaged studious employed working inexhaustible motivated staunch unfaltering weariless aspiring unwearying ardent avid dynamic hungry desirous thirsty unshakeable inspired fierce attentive pushy careful ruthless thorough meticulous punctilious tied-up hopping occupied go-getting particular hard-driving self-starting goal-oriented self-assertive self-driven operose plugging steady strong undeviating uncompromising obstinate striving unflinching progressive pioneering strong-willed hell-bent self-asserting unceasing power-loving get up and go high-reaching power-hungry bent upon self-seeking exacting ultra-careful unfailing swotty close searching elaborate minute scrupulous persisting relentless fixed bent grind perky incessant hyper jumping pedantic strict religious fussy resolved unyielding obsessed stalwart unbending mettlesome fanatical steely undaunted obdurate on the go ball of fire indomitable plucky stubborn adventurous strong-minded dead set bound and determined like a ball of fire on the make stop at nothing full of determination desiring success uncomplaining long-suffering faithful hopeful hardworking loyal unending unretiring Herculean demanding patient go-ahead upwardly mobile stout never-tiring thrusting accurate correct unstinting grinding whiz remorseless ironclad unsinkable inexorable heedful competitive nose to grindstone dead set on confident rigid cutthroat decisive sustained feisty ferocious unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured slogging plodding gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy warlike bullheaded gung ho hang-tough self-willed full-blooded intensely competitive iron-willed high-pressure having killer instinct go for broke self-possessed self-confident in-your-face cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do fiercely competitive compelled consumed firm obsessive set unshakable unbendable unshaken possessed immovable galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal gutsy impelled fixated insistent compulsive obsessional unhesitating induced impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised urged on pushing wishful positive longing budding potential wannabe aspirant prospective possible would-be endeavouring optimistic endeavoring embryonic self-directed proactive high-powered career-focused materialistic self-improving willing upbeat self-motivated devoted fledgling career-minded intending developing aspirational likely future combative emulous contentious vying extremely motivated very motivated impassioned expectant competing driving so-called professed promising dormant warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional decided self-appointed undeveloped unfulfilled latent self-styled settled do-or-die bound deliberate out Type A two-fisted unrealized soi-disant quasi- telelogical focussed calculated focused on the warpath hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent on playing hard ball mean business nose to the grindstone be out for blood spoiling for a fight ready for action highly motivated

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Physically nimble and quick
light nimble deft agile lithe graceful limber lissom quick flexible supple adroit dextrous dexterous lively swift acrobatic fleet spry sprightly nippy brisk lissome adept nifty zippy able athletic fleet-footed light-footed lithesome quick-moving skilful skilled skillful lightsome springy sylphlike twinkle-toed featly feline gracile light-foot tripping rapid energetic nimble-footed speedy fast hasty prompt snappy rattling spirited lightning breakneck flying whirlwind splitting dizzy hot galloping blistering breathless rapid-fire vigorous expeditious fast-moving vivacious proficient handy smart mercurial winged hurried animated alacritous expeditive bustling cracking ready express accelerated wide-awake vigilant light on one's feet urgent sharp sporty sporting spanking alert high-speed fast-track tantivy volant headlong going harefooted gymnastic willowy swift-footed fit sportive bright buoyant stirring quick-thinking frisky easy-moving spright clear-headed responsive in good condition barreling meteoric screaming speedball light of foot twinkle toes quick on the draw quick on the trigger fleet of foot on the double in nothing flat like greased lightning expert masterly neat practised nimble-fingered masterful accomplished delicate slick effortless efficient capable talented polished experienced professional crack clever apt artful workmanlike virtuoso practiced bravura ingenious wicked impressive versed mean tasty wizard ace habile facile resourceful sly finely judged crackerjack having the know-how smooth

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to high levels of activity
eventful historic consequential momentous busy full lively remarkable exciting fateful notable noteworthy memorable dramatic important significant event-filled strenuous action-packed big critical crucial decisive earthshaking earth-shattering hectic major material meaningful monumental much outstanding substantial tectonic weighty signal spirited vivacious wild interesting frenetic energetic frantic considerable serious far-reaching pivotal heavy extraordinary grave striking unforgettable exceptional landmark of consequence key headline vital appreciable great all-important of significance famous urgent impressive portentous special red-letter principal heavyweight epochal heavy-duty prominent high-priority of moment celebrated life-and-death groundbreaking worthwhile distinguished profound illustrious fundamental epoch-making marked sizable glorious pronounced grand life-changing distinctive severe earth-shaking earnest acute hefty of great import of great consequence indelible telling deep haunting catchy paramount renowned apocalyptic essential determining exigent useful cherished lasting pressing large spectacular arresting good ground-breaking main prime large-scale treasured unusual salient enduring super sober somber strong capital intense imposing particular influential powerful observable brilliant milestone conspicuous tough difficult rememberable remembered extensive valuable cardinal especial impactful mighty burning glaring noticeable obvious uncommon of importance notorious wonderful sombre solemn rare world-shaking world-shattering not to be forgotten high-level big-time life and death major-league never to be forgotten big league major league hard no joke conclusive of great importance no laughing matter fixed in the mind famed tremendous stunning earthshattering devastating worthy leading strategic super colossal eminent mammoth well-known meaty sensational front-page preponderant extreme resonant unordinary ponderable forceful potent climacteric newsworthy keynote worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight emphatic quantum generous relevant unfading vivid timeless ill-fated direful doomful unlucky inauspicious ominous determinative resultful perpetual everlasting undying immortal eternal valid purposeful breakthrough huge imperishable enthralling superlative supreme dazzling thrilling mind-blowing surpassing stamped on your memory standout out of this world pioneering citable indicative pithy innovative revolutionary innovatory evident glum sedate staid mentionable namable nameable manifest stern radical distingué sententious humourless gloomy dour grim gratifying persistent austere sizeable downbeat quiet humorless underlined sad uncomic solid cold sober no-nonsense matter of life and death big deal august fulfilling triumphant core singular real intrinsic pertinent focal uplifting bright proud heroic noble firm respectable sturdy sound substantive sweeping integral central primary ponderous resplendent splendid honourable marvelous venerable heart-warming rewarding magnificent marvellous pleasing satisfying honorable durable healthy massive ample dire exalted sublime cheering pleasurable shining superabundant abundant vast steady pointed immediate instrumental top-priority overriding almighty foremost big-deal top-level overshadowing of concern high-profile of note dangerous grievous big-league

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Noisy, energetic, and cheerful
boisterous rowdy rollicking unruly wild animated disorderly noisy unrestrained bouncy lively loud overexcited riotous rumbustious uproarious ebullient excited exuberant frisky high-spirited knockabout spirited vibrant abandoned clamorous rough tumultuous uncontrolled undisciplined uninhibited wayward hell-raising impetuous rambunctious raucous rip-roaring robustious roistering roisterous romping wilful clangorous in high spirits obstreperous brawling effervescent energetic over-the-top strident vociferant vociferous joyful merry vivacious fun-loving buoyant jaunty cheerful wild and woolly bubbly zestful chirpy gay peppy full of beans full of life frolicsome irrepressible playful vigorous upbeat sparky sparkling gregarious peart enthusiastic rude raw coarse dynamic sprightly sunny frolic breezy gamesome crank cheery chipper gladsome zingy blithesome blithe of good cheer as merry as a grig light-hearted orgiastic depraved debauched turbulent side-splitting saturnalian frivolous outgoing extrovert termagant fun flamboyant festive willful rhapsodical bubbling raunchy earthy exciting invigorating bubbling over buzzing zesty unsubtle indecorous envigorating party passionate carefree hearty joyous swashbuckling jovial cavorting exhilarated robust sportive devil-may-care ardent eager euphoric lighthearted happy thumping ripping rollicksome glad jubilant zippy elated brash exultant slapstick farcical turnt zappy smiley vital casual crass crude nasty mean feeling one's oats rough-and-tumble harum-scarum daring dashing bold full of fun spunky mettlesome gallant jolly pert bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bright and breezy alive and kicking full of vim and vigour

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Alert and vigilant
open-eyed alert watchful awake observant attentive vigilant tentie tenty heedful careful wakeful wary circumspect perceptive ready sharp quick wired cagey wise bright hip intelligent clever spirited jazzed Argus-eyed wide-awake on guard on the lookout on tiptoe on the alert on the qui vive on one's toes all ears on the ball on the job heads up switched on good hands psyched up with it fast on the draw keen acute bright-eyed and bushy-tailed aware on your toes quick-witted agile wide awake astute responsive all there whip-smart lively alive sensible apprehensive clued up quick off the mark vital quick on the uptake clued-in on top of on the stick with your wits about you with weather eye open keeping a weather eye on things wide-eyed anxious perky gimlet-eyed fully awake regardful looking to sharp-eyed chary paying attention agog on your guard with eyes peeled on alert leery on the watch prepared on toes mindful keeping your eyes peeled waiting on with eyes like a hawk concentrating cautious beady-eyed guarded prudent eagle-eyed looking for hawk-eyed keen-eyed not missing a trick sleepless unsleeping restless insomniac conscious awakened not sleeping stirring roused focused focussed interested not asleep broad awake keeping one's eyes skinned with one's eyes open defensive expectant upon one's guard glued with one's eyes skinned suspicious hooked intent gingerly keeping a weather eye on keeping one's eyes peeled canny keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open considerate safe percipient studious diligent rapt reckful committed assiduous earnest listening carefully scrupulous heeding rigorous deep listening noticing aroused restive waking insomnolent astir excited knowing up lucid cognizant tossing and turning up and about contemplating surveying understanding considering sensitive questioning advertent clear-sighted discovering comprehending discerning deducing intentive correct eager penetrating observative detecting discriminating searching

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Young or seeming young
youthful juvenile young vigorous boyish girlish immature childlike spry young-looking adolescent childish fresh fresh-faced sprightly youngish pubescent budding buoyant callow enthusiastic green inexperienced infant keen new tender underage vernal young looking young at heart full of life in the springtime of life teenage junior teenaged infantile innocent baby raw babyish developing unfledged growing untried undeveloped unseasoned teen fledgling younger little blooming untrained tenderfoot wet behind the ears unsophisticated naive naïve formative unworldly artless small wide-eyed baby-faced prepubescent kid early minor unqualified blossoming bread-and-butter childhood guileless puerile unpracticed inexpert newborn unversed unskilled jejune beardless unformed unripe unripened unbaked crude sophomore jellybean half-grown milk-fed not dry behind ears born yesterday as green as grass cute unspoiled fresh-looking well-kept boylike underaged youth pre-adult smaller pubertal well-preserved ingenuous growing up feminine infantine newly arrived uncultivated tenderfooted underdeveloped undergrown child's children's spring verdant flirty kittenish girly mincing hoydenish flirtatious coquettish unexperienced amateurish untested dewy just starting out unschooled unconversant unacquainted unaccustomed amateur unproven unfamiliar newish burgeoning not aged not far advanced in one's salad days embryonic nascent emerging incipient preteenager preteen up-and-coming inchoate preadolescent dawning emergent beginning promising aborning inceptive rising virginal impressionable initial evolving potential primordial unevolved advancing naissant just beginning future aspiring coming unactualized abortive germinal flowering prospective sprouting germinating vegetating pullulating maturing would-be wannabe opening in its infancy in the making with potential half-baked bursting forth shooting up

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Of urgent interest or importance
burning critical urgent pressing imperative crucial important vital acute essential dire exigent compelling significant clamant importunate emergent major pivotal imperious necessitous crying pertinent prevalent relevant controversial clamorous current topical contemporary instant climacteric lively live of interest running widespread popular dominant prevailing circulating common earnest alive debatable unsettled effective of current interest key necessary paramount life-and-death serious high-priority grave consequential all-important fundamental indispensable required requisite integral needed of great consequence desperate of the essence pre-eminent central of the utmost importance mandatory cardinal must-have needful drastic vitally important primary extreme principal heavy capital prerequisite overriding great called for compulsory obligatory decisive weighty momentous severe intense prime immediate big chief forceful meaningful far-reaching demanding terrible parlous sore profound insistent core main intrinsic focal foremost large leading basic substantial considerable material monumental especial substantive heavy-duty large-scale exceptional determining historic all important earth-shattering persistent dogged tenacious dangerous obstinate unrelenting exacting persevering pertinacious peremptory unyielding predominant pushy worthwhile top emphatic premier ponderous supreme preeminent quintessential remarkable appreciable influential very great telling notable pronounced sizable noteworthy imposing salient radical eventful impactful striking mighty top-priority constitutive grand sensational extensive special portentous unforgettable conspicuous high-level life and death much needed very important front-page outstanding meat-and-potatoes newsworthy life-or-death impressive binding coercive unavoidable immoderate overruling primal deciding climactic determinative ruling master mission-critical business-critical demanding attention emergency impelling underlined driving nitty-gritty world-shaking bottom-line name-of-the-game coal-and-ice demanded characteristic inherent structural uppermost perilous rudimental staple natural underlying rudimentary elementary called-for foundational constitutional elemental constituent hazardous awful connected component innate prodigious unmissable page-one tremendous precarious at the heart of determined greatest constraining dreadful conclusive glaring much fateful strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare landmark signal unusual resonant hefty unordinary deep ponderable potent memorable glorious marked keynote particular worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous earthshaking extraordinary milestone adamant of great import of moment of import of great moment unremitting intransigent stubborn indefatigable tireless alarming highest inescapable egregious firm unfaltering assertive bad first sudden afflictive aggressive obdurate nagging entreating clamouring hurry-up persuasive claiming clamoring distressing forcing requiring obliging heat-on irresistible decided unwavering inexorable resolute patient life-threatening commanding arch basal resolved pushful sweeping suppliant avid overeager disturbing solicitous high-pressure harassing annoying troublesome resounding monotonous reiterative continuous relentless perseverant high priority now or never pointed prominent heavyweight instrumental powerful almighty top-level overshadowing big-time of concern life-changing major-league high-profile of note grievous of consequence big-league big league overly solicitous most important

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Of, containing, or using undetonated explosive

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Not passive

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Relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics

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(of a wire or device) Electrically charged or energized

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Quick to react
responsive alive awake aware forthcoming impressionable open perceptive reactive receptive sensitive susceptible sympathetic amenable flexible accessible approachable sharp acknowledging alert answering compassionate conscious influenceable kindhearted passionate persuadable quick to react replying respondent sensible sensile sentient softhearted susceptive tender warm warmhearted open to suggestions well disposed quick to respond open-minded vulnerable suggestible swayable impressible broad-minded gullible ingenuous naive welcoming pliable pliant exploitable trusting credulous affected hospitable pushover easily led ready open to new ideas tolerant pervious in harmony with defenceless against yielding attuned to disposed to listen willing to listen ready to listen undogmatic malleable mouldable interested friendly favourable plastic wax-like easily influenced feeling affectable willing attuned acceptive acceptant bright willing to change favorable well-disposed quick recipient observant ready to consider new ideas willing to consider new ideas quick on the uptake unsuspecting unwary acquiescent gullable prone inclined given tractable defenceless innocent predisposed nonresistant soft emotional manageable adaptable disposed easy movable defenseless dewy-eyed wide-eyed wide open fall for over-trusting thin-skinned easily deceived easily moved sitting duck highly strung over-trustful easily taken in at risk out on a limb easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of unsuspicious dupable trustful foolish unguarded deceivable believing liable fleeceable accepting unsceptical unskeptical biting unsophisticated childlike subject tending apt exposed likely unworldly simple green unquestioning inexperienced wet behind the ears exploitative exploitatory exploitive guileless conquerable vincible attackable verisimilar beatable penetrable assailable formative uncritical minded in danger moldable fain agreeable unknowing likely to get apt to get likely to have at risk of born yesterday as green as grass in danger of getting with a tendency to get confiding ductile undoubting enthusiastic eager partial naif raw primitive simpleminded dewy jejune aw-shucks easily exploited easily controlled given to developmental naïve silly green as grass overcredulous prepared overtrusting clueless artless fictile biased prejudiced ignorant endangered sucker mark not unwilling developing genuine easily fooled tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole easy mark falling hook line and sinker taking the bait being a sucker in the mood of a mind subject to growing foundational immature seminal creative on the cards bent uncorrupted soppy unrealistic teary-eyed sentimental sinless callow pure undefiled idealistic dovelike devoted

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Quick or likely to change consistently
volatile unpredictable variable capricious changeable fickle temperamental unstable erratic inconstant impulsive quicksilver flighty vacillating excitable fluctuating irrepressible mercurial wavering changing ephemeral fluid inconsistent mutable protean shifting transitory unsteady whimsical changeful flickery irregular kaleidoscopic moody skittish uncertain unsettled varying wayward elastic fitful flaky flakey frivolous giddy labile movable bipolar fleeting impermanent mobile momentary peaky transient undependable unreliable ever-changing yo-yo up-and-down up and down up in the air blowing hot and cold short-lived full of ups and downs random arbitrary jerky desultory uneven fluctuant chameleonic chameleon-like turbulent spasmodic irresolute oscillating unequal unfixed vagarious floating patchy waffling freakish flexible haphazard scattershot swaying variational iffy moving ever-shifting wild sporadic intermittent episodic alterable nonuniform discontinuous adaptable indefinite versatile episodical unmethodical eccentric dubious shifty roving wandering alternating rambling deviating not fixed inexplicable unbalanced continuously changing fluky faithless tempestuous quirky everchanging adjustable polymorphous many-sided multiform stayless varied checkered chequered evolving dynamic explosive knife-edge inexact chancy ungovernable faddish flickering unequable irrational chance subject to change likely to change slippery not constant undulating meandering directionless untrustworthy crotchety dicey undirected incalculable nomadic free ambiguous unsound suspect weaving doubtful constantly changing altering unsteadfast developing growing vicissitudinous contradictory ever-moving transitional restless variant irresponsible vagrant revocable commutative transformable agitated reversible indecisive in a state of change paradoxical not settled two-faced incompatible contrary conflicting self-contradictory discordant incongruous irreconcilable incoherent discrepant warring lubricious illogical dissonant incongruent at odds in conflict at variance out of step casual aperiodic unsystematic spotty choppy disconnected spastic indiscriminate occasional shaky infrequent designless aimless catchy fragmentary unpunctual unconsidered purposeless hit-or-miss on-and-off off-and-on non-periodic

Tính từ

Acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty
proactive prescient provident visionary anticipatory foreknowing predictive preemptive previsional discerning perceptive percipient farseeing far-seeing farsighted far-sighted forehanded foreseeing foresighted forethoughtful forward judicious insightful positive practical prognostic forward-looking hands-on down to business taking the initiative acting in advance prophetic clairvoyant sagacious tactical longsighted psychic foresightful canny astute divinatory mantic prospicient revelatory sibylline oracular vatic fateful apocalyptic intuitive long modern progressive vaticinal divining vaticinatory prognosticative augural long-term adumbrative with foresight pythonic haruspical fatidic fatidical reforming enterprising liberal dynamic go-ahead enlightened go-getting pioneering ambitious bold progressivist pushing open-minded revolutionary radical forward-thinking avant-garde prophetical presaging Delphian occult foreshadowing veiled vatical divinitory portentous wise sage foretelling sibyllic revelational inspired forewarning apocalyptical prudent shrewd cautious politic acute watchful careful forearmed second-sighted telepathic cool-headed levelheaded commonsensical well-balanced ominous extrasensory foreboding significant auspicious grave fey dogmatic bodeful authoritative dictatorial venerable clear-sighted penetrating spiritualistic long-sighted vague portending interpretive imperious secret predicting discovering forecasting prophesying soothsaying peremptory cabalistic auguring anticipating mystical prognosticating proclaiming divulging with second sight with a sixth sense new age

Tính từ

Having a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth
roaring booming boomy flourishing lush prospering prosperous successful thriving golden halcyon healthy palmy blooming burgeoning busy expanding exuberant growing luxuriant mushrooming profuse rampant rank rich robust thrifty vigorous doing well going strong in full swing in the pink in top form profitable going fruitful strong buoyant productive triumphant happy lucrative fortunate joyous developing progressing blossoming fast-growing on the up and up glorious auspicious opulent substantial comfortable lucky joyful idyllic improving wealthy ballooning snowballing on a roll sitting pretty on top of heap rosy prodigal upmarket carefree on the up and up blissful contented rewarding prolific advancing providential propitious remunerative beneficial worthwhile going places profit-making efficient bankable solvent gainful favourable arrived rolling cooking well-heeled gangbusters monied boffo going well faring well in the ascendant precious best delightful have it made have the wherewithal home free favorable encouraging privileged paradisiac peak ongoing moneymaking advantageous boom flush easy loaded snug oofy uptown in clover main-line on easy street fat fertile teeming affluent fecund paying overgrown green dense thick economic verdant fructuous juicy cornucopian jungly money-spinning moneyed abundant leafy well-off well-to-do riotous superabundant grown plentiful plenteous jungle-like well-endowed well-fixed deep-pocketed fat-cat silk-stocking favoured favored copious weedy grassy overflowing abounding lavish good helpful minted blessed well off upper-class on velvet leisure-class in the money well heeled doing it easy set for life in easy street in luck maturing grass-covered sound working verdurous promising large extensive diffuse graminaceous fresh gramineous viridescent virid cushy jammy high-income up-and-coming money-making well-paid commercial cost-effective high-paying advantaged well-paying for-profit renumerative socially advantaged enviable elite in the gravy win-win sweet fatness well paid financially rewarding cost effective in the black generative high-yielding creative proliferating propagative pecunious inventive fructiferous excessive upscale propertied generating reproducing propagating breeding proliferant pregnant spawning plutocratic financial ample independent cash rich quids in stinking rich filthy rich rolling in money multi-crore having it made of means of independent means in the chips on Easy Street worth a bundle rolling in it of substance with deep pockets worth a packet made of money

Tính từ

Refers to an intense or acrid flavor
sharp acrid pungent strong tangy sour tart acid bitter piquant acidic overpowering sharp-tasting stinking vinegary acerb burning hot acerbic acetic acidulous acidy nippy acetous astringent austere odorous strong-smelling suffocating biting zesty spicy harsh peppery zingy acidulated aromatic stinging snappy poignant unsweetened fiery salty pert zestful racy tartish sourish savoury spiced savory unpleasant distasteful lively powerful penetrating spirited highly seasoned sparkling vinegarish tasty colourful heady pervasive zippy rich witty stifling smarting nauseating offensive sickly nauseous fetid cloying keen seasoned mephitic sweet flavoursome vigorous fragrant colorful appetizing flavorsome flavorful foetid appetising humorous sapid gingery punchy bright irritating severe caustic briny amaroidal fresh animated energetic perfumed ambrosial scented redolent sprightly flavourful vivacious flavorous acetose bold vital peppy breathtaking odoriferous pizazzy jazzy gay jaunty springy perky spanking kinetic sparky brisk pizzazzy animate airy frisky bouncing marked with a kick stimulating exhilarating pointed cutting acute lemony citrus rough sarcastic piercing stiff effluvial flowery absinthian absinthal rotten peppered unpalatable unsavory industrial-strength soured green dry unsavoury yukky yucky effluvious nosey whiffy picante highly flavoured aromal herbaceous curried enthusiastic passionate red hot strongly flavoured well seasoned vibrant dynamic effervescent ardent gritty highly-seasoned chirpy valiant zappy avid barnstorming rocking full of life bouncy high-spirited hyper jumping extreme compelling overwhelming sickening distinct irresistible sharp-flavoured brusque well-flavored critical unmistakable invincible compulsive uncontrollable unbearable overshadowing consuming intense overriding very strong mettlesome wholesome respectable salt acceptable exquisite savorous mellow relishing decent full-flavored aperitive tempting exciting dramatic entertaining sexy buoyant brilliant dazzling clever sportive distinctive forceful playful forcible vivid striking graphic warm blinding radiant glaring notable stirring noticeable gleaming pronounced definite rousing electrifying high thrilling arousing gripping invigorating hair-raising energizing spine-tingling envigorating titillating energising refreshing

Phó từ

(obsolete) At work

Từ trái nghĩa của active

active Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

English Vocalbulary

Từ đồng nghĩa của action Từ đồng nghĩa của act Từ đồng nghĩa của actions Từ đồng nghĩa của activity Từ đồng nghĩa của acting Từ đồng nghĩa của activities Từ đồng nghĩa của actuate Từ đồng nghĩa của actor Từ đồng nghĩa của activate Từ đồng nghĩa của actively Từ đồng nghĩa của activist Từ đồng nghĩa của actionable Từ đồng nghĩa của activism Từ đồng nghĩa của actress Từ đồng nghĩa của activation Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivate Từ đồng nghĩa của activeness Từ đồng nghĩa của actory Từ đồng nghĩa của actorly Từ đồng nghĩa của actuator Từ đồng nghĩa của actionist Từ đồng nghĩa của activable Từ đồng nghĩa của activatable Từ đồng nghĩa của actorish Từ đồng nghĩa của activated Từ đồng nghĩa của activize Từ đồng nghĩa của actuating Từ đồng nghĩa của actuation Từ đồng nghĩa của acts Từ đồng nghĩa của activating Từ đồng nghĩa của actors Từ đồng nghĩa của acted Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivated Từ đồng nghĩa của activator Từ đồng nghĩa của actresses Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivation Từ đồng nghĩa của actorlike Từ đồng nghĩa của activists Từ đồng nghĩa của actioning Từ đồng nghĩa của actioned Từ đồng nghĩa của actuates Từ đồng nghĩa của activates Từ đồng nghĩa của actuated Từ đồng nghĩa của activisms Từ đồng nghĩa của actionably Từ đồng nghĩa của actuations Từ đồng nghĩa của actings Từ đồng nghĩa của activenesses Từ đồng nghĩa của activations Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivates Từ đồng nghĩa của activators Từ đồng nghĩa của activized Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivating Từ đồng nghĩa của deactivations Từ đồng nghĩa của activizing Từ đồng nghĩa của activizes Từ đồng nghĩa của actionists Từ đồng nghĩa của actuators Từ đồng nghĩa của actionize Từ đồng nghĩa của actionizing Từ đồng nghĩa của actionizes Từ đồng nghĩa của actionized Từ đồng nghĩa của actressy
Music ♫

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