Từ đồng nghĩa của confirmed

Alternative for confirmed

Từ đồng nghĩa: habitual, inveterate(a),

confirms, confirmed, confirming

Từ đồng nghĩa: O.K., establish, prove, substantiate, verify,

Từ trái nghĩa: contradict, deny, disprove,

Tính từ

Being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
hardened seasoned chronic entrenched habitual rooted deep established inveterate settled committed devout firm fixed intrenched lifelong perennial resolute set thorough true ardent complete dedicated devoted earnest enduring faithful fervent immutable incorrigible indelible loyal proved stalwart staunch steadfast uncompromising unwavering unyielding vehement wholehearted compulsive diehard fanatical fiery impenitent ineradicable inexorable intransigent irredeemable longtime obsessive obstinate persistent stubborn supreme thoroughgoing torrid unapologetic unashamed unreformable unshakable unshakeable zealous accustomed definite explicit habituated incurable ingrained inured staid sicker dyed-in-the-wool long-established bona fide hard-core long-standing deep-rooted deep-seated die-hard hard-line deep-set firmly established through and through all-consuming bred-in-the-bone card-carrying deep-dyed well established well-established red-hot hard-shell constant pathological inbred abiding lasting inborn unrepentant hopeless addicted tried continuing verified radical unswerving lingering tested long-lasting innate congenital shameless obsessional recurrent ceaseless ever-present continuous continual utter hooked long-lived usual profound unfaltering out-and-out fundamental reliable extreme dependable built-in inherent irremovable secure true blue inbuilt trustworthy genuine sure demonstrated unabating honest regular persisting permanent tried-and-true proven routine tenacious recurring unmitigated deeply felt absolute valid accepted basic protracted rigid abandoned unregenerate obdurate full-bore uncontrite right-down arrant steady trusty subconscious embedded beyond hope mad keen instilled fast good infixed unchangeable through-and-through true-blue keen as mustard pious stanch full-fledged deep-down upright down-the-line sustained dutiful honourable honorable deeply ingrained allegiant out and out sincere experienced unforgettable ineffaceable long-l incessant inannihilable irradicable worn addictive reprobate prolonged dependent uncontrollable long-drawn-out obscene pornographic X-rated irrepressible undying eternal longstanding frequent fortified determined unwaivering slow dragging dyed-in-the wool implanted dug in set firm deep down remaining grounded callous irrational unreasonable indurated old sworn adamant radicated customary lodged in one's brain remorseless unremorseful unrepenting spun-out drawn-out haunting by habit endemic based on intractable unblushing to the core illogical clinical irreformable unabashed brazen intense irrecoverable unredeemable irretrievable unrecoverable unreformed irremediable conscienceless constitutional bad beyond redemption useless impossible recidivous uncorrectable beastly irreparable loser wicked recognized certified attested checked authentic heartfelt strong impassioned intrinsic unreasoning uncontrolled pathologic neurotic not contrite undoubted upheld supported verifiable demonstrable establishable orthodox avid fervid powerful abject acute passionate burning conclusive integral ingrain hardwired essential constitutive natural native indigenous immanent hereditary enthusiastic heightened severe serious exceptional consuming unfeigned keen extraordinary pure true-hearted recognised incorruptible patriotic truthful stirring inflamed warm rousing excessive great grave solid righteous right straight responsible just trustable moral virtuous ethical nice safe decent brassbound calculable supportive right-minded in the blood indwelling in-built no lie conscientious on the up and up worthy truehearted veridical undistorted liege estimable high-principled up front scrupulous creditable square all right behind one tried and true tried and tested in good faith principled upstanding noble respectable reputable unfailing stable high-minded fair immovable proper law-abiding trusted blameless stand-up unchanging straightforward certain never-failing stout equitable sound laudable single-minded exemplary conscionable unflinching admirable correct irreproachable saintly immaculate unrelenting undeviating inflexible kosher anti-corruption sensible strict unhesitating intent on the level vigorous impartial persevering unbending sinless guiltless purposeful unimpeachable moralistic strong-willed praiseworthy meritorious angelic commendable unflagging bound consistent dogged sturdy brave squeaky clean credible clean courageous unqualified indefatigable elevated bold innocent chivalrous spirited respected indomitable close insistent aboveboard relentless emphatic stiff implacable morally correct right-thinking squeaky-clean rock-ribbed full of integrity undaunted knightly attached adherent reasonable resolved pertinacious unquestioning lofty level-headed even venerable valiant hard-working strong-minded unstained impeccable bulldog plucky chaste circumspect lawful courteous mettlesome decided gritty strenuous assiduous diligent fair-minded uncorrupted fitting invariable untiring tough unshaken noble-minded stout-hearted same equal traditional conservative above board spunky incorrupt clean-living unadulterated pure as the driven snow durable dead set on meaning business reverent unalloyed rational infallible driven undiluted approved predictable unlimited equable redoubtable intrepid true to life untarnished unvarying revering daring bosom veracious venerating unflappable gallant magnanimous positive boon obedient steely competent forthright mature copper-bottomed legit faultless objective well-balanced unprejudiced unbiased unbribable confiding loving affectionate pledged direct big purposive tried and trusted unfluctuating inculpable whole-hearted humane fail-safe godly saintlike deliberate punctilious uniform deserving unmovable eager decisive homogeneous wholesome of principle benevolent unerring dinkum perseverant holy spiritual of good repute manful string along with indifferent evenhanded nonpartisan disinterested on the up-and-up orderly well-mannered candid indurate gutsy dispassionate distinguished always there unbendable unalterable adoring goody-goody self-righteous whiter than white four-square rock solid well-founded hell-bent on fair and square bent on bent upon do-or-die salt of the earth hell-bent upon creditworthy unswervable humble uncontrived unpretentious right-hand important principal main favorite honored fundamentalist sane attentive concerned religious believable impervious prayerful intimate discreet admiring consecrated adult go-to immobile changeless inseparable capable God-fearing rocklike patient quality upfront active definitive effective unmistakable Christian seemly full of determination grim godlike philanthropic matchless peerless charitable philanthropical perfervid morally right morally acceptable tireless rightful as thick as thieves sedulous decorous capable of being trusted worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic on one's side endless boundless heroic valorous chivalric balanced cohesive importunate stiff-necked carrying the load impersonal doting rabid fond exuberant audacious steamroller nervy powerhouse forceful unafraid resilient inexhaustible foolproof guaranteed coherent refined purified perfect greathearted gentlemanly high lordly sublime on-the-level right and proper on the square fair-and-square good as one's word to be counted on goody two-shoes honoured favourite excellent valuable worthwhile possessive mulish unforgetful pristine veritable bulletproof perdurable sterling fine dapper alright unmarred unobjectionable clean-cut esteemed lily-white highly regarded inoffensive precious applaudable model thinking twice fastidious critical extremely careful heedful punctual exact precise neutral even-handed non-partisan open-minded legitimate surefire can't-miss unfading justifiable justified invaluable hanging tough bound and determined courtly straight-up assured well balanced well-built sure-fire of good report A-1 first-class anti-discrimination non-discriminatory above suspicion as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right boy scout to be trusted down home studious intemerate conformist classic failsafe bottomless used gentlemanlike manly great-hearted quixotic unmixed real unstinting full unambiguous total unreserved categorical observant delivering there come-through virginal confident uncolored nondiscriminatory maidenly well grounded from the horse's mouth well founded unrestricted unequivocal unconditional undivided hearty assertive sheer hard single-hearted old faithful virgin modest in the bag shoo-in unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on carefree hopeful determinate dominant in earnest unmalleable expected raw flawless out tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses unsullied prevailing inexpugnable domineering true to the end going bent counted on undefiled outright doctrinal true to type as keen as mustard given over to stainless spotless unblemished entire fullhearted hard-and-fast guileless unspoilt unaffected tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon intent on set on determined to committed to the idea of hell bent on hang tough stand pat quickest shortest linear 24-carat celibate continent vestal white unprofaned inviolate unspotted unblighted kind obliging similar static helpful neighbourly of the true faith of the faith accommodating lily white wide-eyed identical unvaried matching equivalent invariant generous thoughtful gracious friendly amiable considerate hospitable hundred percent whole-souled above reproach agreeable indulgent kindly unselfish amicable civil comradely altruistic benign sympathetic monotonous pure as driven snow babe in woods G-rated wet behind ears sociable polite pleasant without reservations ordered fated irreversible unmodifiable fateful well-proportioned ossified plumb symmetrical unbroken systematic consonant level undiversified of a piece normal compatible methodical smooth monolithic genial regardful peaceable companionable mannerly well-disposed neighborly well mannered well-brought-up beeline straight line straight ahead bee-line not crooked horizontal irreprehensible without reproach in the clear of excellent character

Tính từ

Traditionally, or generally, recognized and accepted
established traditional accepted orthodox official settled dyed-in-the-wool inveterate usual customary time-honored common normal set entrenched fixed general habitual prevailing accustomed well-established familiar wonted popular expected routine classical regular universal acknowledged long-established typical classic conventional historic proven stable acceptable deep-rooted ingrained mainstream widely used widespread recognised recognized standard approved officially recognized old old-fashioned old-style sound stock time-honoured traditionalistic rooted sanctioned true permanent secure unshakable vested authorized authorised agreed ordinary endorsed everyday agreed upon received prescribed certified stipulated ratified validated prevalent allowed understood regulation determined well worn affirmed predictable backed permitted legit chronic passed OK'd going favorite favourite current household prescriptive admitted fashionable okayed characteristic vouched for licensed accredited documented arrived at well-known licenced comfortable decided specified arranged predetermined appointed scheduled prearranged done empowered warranted defined planned assigned recommended sop wont frequent run-of-the-mill appropriate certain supported correct chosen legalized majority overall known same old believed renowned natural ruling commonplace public standard operating procedure by the numbers according to Hoyle in a rut in the groove playing it safe identified recognizable perceived declared legalised uneventful humdrum remembered realized realised recognisable professed matter-of-course made official predominant touted widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted preferred plain unopposed bog-standard tried and true tried and tested in vogue legal lawful legitimate valid authoritative verified authenticated explicit proper methodical authentic pro forma formal kosher bona fide average unexceptional archetypal archetypical garden-variety prosaic representative standard-issue unremarkable quotidian workaday standardized typic standardised common or garden vanilla daily ubiquitous quintessential model exemplary cut-and-dried cut-and-dry ideal prototypical day-to-day illustrative symbolic emblematic paradigmatic garden variety indicative essential staple old hat suggestive archetypic prototypal stereotypical patterned prototypic in keeping in character vulgar simple constant basic proverbial generic bland mediocre mundane repeated undistinguished indifferent periodic widely held garden plastic boilerplate well known canonical middle-of-the-road present median formulaic discreet inconspicuous collective shared pervasive monotonous domestic next legendary famed notorious famous seasonal acquired honored hackneyed derived stereotyped orderly one-size-fits-all acquainted honoured unsophisticated par for the course self-evident unquestioned axiomatic in established usage tralatitious ritual recurring well established homespun humble native reputed infamous unexceptionable anodyne common variety matter-of-fact definitive steady periodical textbook ongoing addicting repetitious practised practiced iterative disciplined mechanical reiterative perfunctory iterated consistent systematic cyclic seasoned automatic long-term stale imitable nondescript deadpan blank expressionless trite dull grind rife white-bread so-so dreary boring drab characterless indistinctive featureless neutral faceless noncommittal uninspired pedestrian vernacular folk unofficial informal unmemorable unexciting neither one thing nor the other lacklustre forgettable lackluster middling amateur amateurish banal insignificant nowhere jake second-rate not so hot nothing to get excited about a dime a dozen half-pie bush-league nothing to write home about run of the mill no great shakes not very good nothing special middle of the road plain vanilla ten a penny not much cop OK not up to much most common

Tính từ

Existing in reality or as a matter of fact
genuine actual concrete real effective true certified existent factual authentic corroborated definite documented verified attested considerable proven substantial verifiable clear good indisputable undeniable realistic significant unquestionable veritable absolute essential fundamental tangible categorical certain established indubitable substantiated positive bona fide substantive unmistakable palpable evident manifest hard perceptible certifiable de facto irrefutable incontrovertible clear-cut obvious legitimate undoubted very honest distinct plain literal discernible patent valid demonstrable striking objective observable confirmable incontestable inescapable demonstrated sure-enough honest-to-goodness authenticated intrinsic pure sheer express unqualified especial implicit authoritative tacit implied virtual unacknowledged tested proved shown provable solid unimaginary existing seen truthful dinkum physical real-world believable real-life final validated kosher attestable evincible self-evident veridical appreciable legit material verificatory non-fictional firm real live proper intelligible measurable chronicled apparent noticeable axiomatic quantifiable perceivable sensible detectable for real honest to God sure enough supportable empirical prominent sustainable transparent conspicuous checkable empiric archival recorded conclusive sure deducible ascertainable comprehensible inferable well defined well-grounded well documented commemorated classical historial historical antique important in truth historic visible corporeal unambiguous definitive precise fixed guaranteed fair reasonable unequivocal explicit unarguable distinguishable decided pronounced corporal touchable tactile moderate non-spiritual phenomenal everyday practical honest-to-god marked twenty-four-carat non-fictitious sizeable recognizable discernable goodly apprehensible tidy current unimagined living bodily circumstantial good-sized healthy large sizable estimable live embodied rightful sound incarnate present accurate recognisable quantitative irrefragable dependable undisputable undoubting unquestioned reliable existential observational experiential fact-based experimental detailed undisputed unchallengeable convincing exhaustive complete uncontested exact set in stone uncontradicted right persuasive accomplished unanswerable unalloyed total secure settled hands-down decisive beyond question beyond a doubt as sure as eggs is eggs univocal black-and-white specific assured cut-and-dried convinced confident recognized black and white crisp silhouetted ringing forthright clearly defined graphic well-defined severe bold as plain as the nose on your face not vague full vivid recognised hard and fast straightforward cut and dried well-marked undubitable stated clean-cut known incisive noteworthy sharp crystal clear audible minute as plain as daylight

Tính từ

Not questioned or doubted by anyone
undoubted acknowledged evident patent certain clear-cut definite indubitable manifest obvious positive sure transparent undisputed unquestionable unquestioned incontestable incontrovertible unequivocal accepted indisputable irrefutable unchallenged uncontested unmistakable absolute assured authentic doubtless nailed-on proven recognised recognized undeniable not in doubt not in question conclusive clear genuine unambiguous decided firm final authoritative categorical convinced decisive true satisfied real inarguable hard plain unerring beyond question confident palpable infallible concrete guaranteed resolute determinate beyond doubt unarguable unchallengeable confirmable verifiable implicit demonstrable actual safe precise factual cold as sure as eggs is eggs cocksure accurate resolved dogmatic tyrannous admitted undisputable arbitrary freely admitted not disputed broad unvarnished unassailable verified unsubtle exact undoubtful undoubting unfailing unconditional deciding last definitive bare open and shut inevitable dinkum peremptory irrevocable foolproof surefire stone cold no ifs ands or buts ascertained known secure settled frozen flat set irrefragable inexpugnable hard-and-fast accomplished sealed fixed unanswerable stable can't-miss solid fail-safe convincing unqualified questionless in the bag inerrant sure-fire failsafe supreme provable establishable sure thing having down pat there are no two ways about it all sewn up unfaltering unwavering persuaded express self-conceited self-confident unhesitating self-assured unquestioning specific rank free from doubt affirmative perfect out-and-out forceful consummate downright explicit direct thoroughgoing thorough complete forcible outright emphatic sanguine distinct full valid in no doubt open flat-out straight out all out uncompromising utter compelling wholehearted unreserved pronounced strong telling unmitigated whole secure in one's belief unlimited unrestricted entire sharp cogent unconstrained incisive bodacious plenary wide lucid well-defined impressive trenchant unshaken no holds barred no catch no kicker no strings no fine print noticeable striking marked total assertive trusting determined pure easy in one's mind unshakeable undoubtable earnest apparent categoric profound unadulterated wholesale forthright stark regular simple unalloyed sheer resounding open-and-shut effective fair plumb arrant unshakeable in one's belief apodictic ringing significant dead bold crystal clear crashing deadly blank very stone dreadful clean blooming persuasive powerful coercive salient all-out straight-out having no doubt influential effectual plausible weighty urgent intelligent sound efficacious one hundred per cent well-founded well founded pertinent cotton-picking optimistic hopeful unvacillating have no doubt limitless hold the unwavering view not question enduring steadfast abiding constant changeless never-failing unchanging unshakable steady unchangeable for a fact unvarying vigorous energetic unconditioned vehement undebatable with no strings open-ended insistent clear in your mind well-established believing watertight veritable material relevant satisfying intuitive formidable ingenious insightful great crystalline ardent having no questions about unshaken in one's belief aggressive violent full-blooded muscular strenuous dynamic beyond dispute pointed glaring sober accented potent stressed important solemn holding the unwavering view sure of yourself at ease with no doubts about filled with aplomb believing in oneself sure of oneself self-possessed no mistake beyond the shadow of a doubt conspicuous for a face nonambiguous runaway unambivalent particular prominent pellucid perspicuous bald cinched sensible unalterable barefaced bald-faced notable bright-line for sure on ice kenspeckle flamboyant brilliant noisy grabby commanding identifiable splashy eye-catching recognizable remarkable dramatic inescapable catchy showy arresting univocal black-and-white thick cut-and-dried outstanding recognisable crisp severe tangible straightforward well-marked undubitable minute silhouetted graphic vivid well-grounded stated clean-cut distinguishable noteworthy audible visible black and white hard and fast unstinting as plain as daylight clearly defined not vague cut and dried overt ultimate purposeful right extreme dogged intent undiluted unswerving unrelenting inflexible obdurate obstinate unmalleable unyielding unbending as plain as the nose on your face point-blank bent indurate intransigent stubborn bound focused out focussed through and through without reservations in every respect no strings attached full-bore deep-dyed right-down single-minded strong-minded strong-willed clear-sighted do-or-die hell-bent on hell-bent upon bent on rock-ribbed bent upon dead set

Tính từ

(especially of a price, rate, or time) Having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
fixed set settled agreed decided established inflexible arranged preset allotted definite prearranged predetermined specified unchangeable decreed defined determined precise prescribed unalterable certain determinate exact explicit express final firm flat frozen hard immutable inalterable incommutable inexpugnable invariable planned stable steady unwavering irreversible resolved rigid unbending unblinking undeviating abiding definitive enduring inveterate stated still stipulated sure unmodifiable unmovable unqualified cast-iron hard-and-fast hard and fast never-failing writ in stone not subject to change in the bag clear-cut concrete clear assigned cut-and-dried uncompromising changeless stubborn specific indicated declared ironclad identified designated quantified listed decided upon measured circumscribed narrow finite particular bounded direct limited black-and-white restricted noted detailed plain outright convinced well defined clearly defined qualified spelled out laid down postulated laid out commissioned given nominated beyond doubt chosen scheduled ordained destined selected pre-planned preplanned pre-established programmed named fated arranged in advance decided beforehand appointed approved unfluctuating regular unchanging unvarying uniform consistent straight constant nonnegotiable concluded clinched organized prepared ready delineated worked out authorized delegated elected installed preordained familiar written finished trite plotted controlled intended nailed authorised assumed known wrapped up sewn up pre-agreed set in stone pre-decided arranged beforehand advance inevitable encoded inexorable premeditated calculated foredestined proposed precogitated forethought bound doomed deliberate sorted out in the cards done and dusted old hat established in advance organised set up cut and dried

Tính từ

Based on, or displaying, common sense
valid reasonable sound rational logical coherent telling convincing good powerful substantial believable compelling credible justifiable plausible reasoned right sensible strong sustainable bona fide cogent congruent defensible grounded just legit lucid prudent realistic solid viable acceptable accurate arguable astute balanced commonsensical deductive defendable effective informed irrefutable maintainable perceptive perspicuous persuasive probable proven sane supportable true workable analytical authoritative commonsense conclusive determinative discerning germane justified legitimate levelheaded practical pragmatic reliable weighty analytic commonsensible consequent consistent efficacious firm forceful pertinent relevant sober stable vindicable attested intellectual kosher potent tested trustworthy uncorrupted well advised well-advised well founded well-founded well grounded well-grounded well reasoned well-reasoned well thought out clear-headed down-to-earth able to hold water matter-of-fact holding water validated certified truthful verified precise befitting necessary vindicated correct warranted authentic settled financially factual dependable learned scholarly faithful definitive veritable verifiable authenticated righteous respected supported circumstantiated documented proper straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth veridical reasoning collected objective faultless unquestionable enlightened cerebral thinking thoughtful circumspect philosophic reflective certain perspicacious infallible sagacious synthetic ratiocinative veracious intelligent trustable errorless corroborated sure colorable knowing shrewd sincere impeccable meticulous secure rigorous substantiated inerrant hard empirical tenable calculable explicit cognitive exact sharp open stringent definite careful judicious empiric well-thought-out dead-on spot-on on-target letter-perfect clear-cut level-headed wise no-nonsense common-sense hard-headed together full of common sense responsible discriminating businesslike unidealistic serious-minded clear-sighted dinkum fair admissible genuine understandable decent real sage mature politic canny cool all there unsentimental unromantic having all one's marbles hardheaded earthy pragmatical clear-eyed hard-nosed with both feet on the ground with one's feet on the ground unfantastic appropriate warrantable rightful accepted graceful pukka acknowledged satisfying straight deliberate satisfactory steady estimable joined-up with both one's feet on the ground equitable unemotional robust proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted utilitarian tough-minded hard-boiled advisable well balanced impartial sapient percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced feasible mentally stable harmonious aware cognizant unexcessive making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme thought-out fair-minded evenhanded discreet farsighted open to reason in one's right mind based on good sense well-balanced clever well-informed mundane attentive conversant plain-spoken easy earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled have one's feet on the ground au courant steady-going in right mind

Tính từ

Pure or untarnished
perfect consummate absolute complete downright outright pure full out-and-out sheer total unqualified utter all-out categoric categorical definite flat-out profound rank real regular simple stark straight-out thorough thoroughgoing unadulterated unconditional unmitigated veritable arrant authentic eternal extraordinary fair genuine habitual in every respect perpetual unalloyed unblemished undying unremitting untarnished clean clear-cut double-dyed dyed-in-the-wool everlasting unaltered undiluted unrestricted untouched blooming flat dead dreadful plumb deadly stone cotton-picking blank crashing bodacious very positive entire unequivocal plain unreserved deep-dyed unlimited right whole clear comprehensive proper unmixed gross exhaustive solid infernal plenary unambiguous explicit undivided extreme straight blasted direct ultimate conclusive wholesale wholehearted surpassing certain right-down through and through final full-scale blessed confounded unmodified blatant grand firm undiminished true refined straight out unrestrained unquestionable unmistakable indubitable purified unbounded emphatic actual prize undeniable overall full-bore naked broad unabridged glaring decisive express inclusive unquestioning integral overt all-fired sure intact compleat unrelieved patent obvious without reservations all out full-on undisguised no catch flawless infinite sweeping full-blown extensive assured resolute inveterate unblended unvarnished unstinting unbroken flagrant wide abundant unconstrained in-depth point-blank all-inclusive terminal one hundred per cent natural constant immaculate no ifs ands or buts all-encompassing resounding limitless mere unhesitating palpable raw bona fide fixed supreme steadfast implicit uncontaminated unfaltering sterling overarching decided bloody intense encyclopedic specific brazen fine detailed universal uncompromising neat compendious all-embracing out and out barefaced irrefutable definitive open global cyclopedic embracive unalleviated far-reaching endless uncontrolled panoramic determinate omnibus ample wide-ranging true-blue encyclopaedic broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged all-in no holds barred no kicker no strings no fine print in depth without reservation bright royal utmost overwhelming faultless candid pronounced frank incessant chronic quite single altogether honest customary unmistaken continuous serious crass very great combined sincere unpolluted unrelenting usual transparent all systematic unimpaired maximal outstanding signal singular conspicuous marked adamant assertive insistent maximum determined egregious bald capital intensive unstinted forthright peremptory composite aggregate shameless unregenerate pristine optimum blunt enduring abiding never-failing steady effusive gushing integrated stone-cold uncorrupted wholesome unadorned monstrous atrocious infamous notorious vile relentless austere concentrated apodictic through-and-through rigid unabated point blank rightly so called unsurpassed unembellished intemerate undisputed severe untempered unmoderated unmollified unbending totalitarian uninterrupted oppressive no strings attached convinced confident persistent unsoftened harsh grim no joke without limit without qualification in every way satisfied unwavering doubtless persuaded umbrella blanket catholic eminent concrete distilled unprocessed filtered clarified 24-carat widespread eclectic coast-to-coast interdisciplinary wall-to-wall radical nationwide countrywide cross-disciplinary broad-ranging self-assured self-conceited self-confident expansive across the board multidisciplinary general unshaken affirmative cold free from doubt unclouded unmingled classic encircling the big picture of great scope across-the-board synoptic the works containing lock stock and barrel the whole shebang comprising discursive indisputable hard forceful cocksure incontestable incontrovertible inarguable factual forcible 100% pukka kosher last convincing deciding clinching unshakeable unshakable twenty-four carat pure and simple completing nailed down concluding state-of-the-art finishing settling reliable closing limiting precise terminating ending determining embedded constructive virtual practical accurate inevitable implicative inarticulate intrinsic hidden inferential unquestioned unuttered contained plentiful plenteous copious adequate itemized long itemised choate uncut largest most earnest unexpressed unspoken undeclared taken for granted tacit implied understood latent inferred unsaid uttermost undoubting committed heartfelt sovereign omnipotent unswerving infallible ardent nth top max solemn matchless peerless preeminent plenipotentiary unfettered swift prompt rapid true blue unfailing sworn staring shallow straightforward simplistic formal unconditioned strict naive glib pat jejune open-ended paramount with no strings obedient unthinking automatic excellent unsurpassable errant perfected ideal inimitable transcendent impeccable finished black and white binding guaranteed exact undoubted superlative predominant staunch fervent zealous enthusiastic unflinching hearty farthest manifest unbound tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful boundless farthermost dedicated devoted dinkum compelling imperative irreversible commanding vigorous energetic outermost furthermost stalwart unfeigned warm stone cold nailed-on vehement furthest loyal impassioned passionate fullhearted major unchallengeable obligatory unappealable remotest highest outmost enormous biggest topmost whole-hearted endmost aftermost greatest aggressive violent full-blooded muscular strenuous dynamic distinct hundred percent whole-souled last straw ultra out of bounds chief too much farthest away too-too worst case furthest away greatest amount of greatest possible ringing trenchant impressive evident pointed sober significant cogent accented dogmatic potent stressed important for a face no mistake inflexible unbreakable iron cast-iron set in stone most distant most extreme

Động từ

To have demonstrated to be true based on facts
established proved demonstrated showed indicated signified signaled signalled displayed exhibited manifested denoted ascertained attested to corroborated evidenced substantiated determined validated verified certified affirmed ratified settled revealed sustained testified to upheld authenticated bespoke evinced justified exposed expressed illustrated proclaimed supported bore out declared made clear made evident presented showed clearly spelled out spelt out underscored vouched for assured backed up cleared up concluded documented endorsed espoused expounded got across guaranteed ostended showcased showed once and for all attested asserted circumstantiated vouched proven approved accredited sanctioned formalized testified warranted predicated recognized avowed acknowledged buttressed signed off on noted reinforced elucidated formalised recognised upholden avouched shown asseverated pledged authorized promised stated pronounced vindicated reaffirmed reasserted averred signed pointed out backed maintained sweared bound borne out prove cleared underpinned claimed alleged professed registered pointed projected prescribed finalized accepted insisted ensured homologated approbated made plain clarified witnessed laid out made out laid bare made known explained announced countenanced legitimized advocated acquiesced acceded seen granted assented discovered sealed consented to lent weight to accounted for made sure checked out shown beyond doubt showed beyond doubt produced proof insured submitted proof established evidence submitted evidence double-checked satisfied oneself witnessed to the fact that made certain legitimised finalised checked produced evidence flagged up authorised demonstrated the truth swore sworn bore witness assented to agreed to gave weight to given weight to gave substance to the fact that shown to be true given credence to given substance to gave credence to gave substance to showed to be true saw to it did not forget saw took care borne witness taken care seen to it given substance to the fact that disclosed betrayed communicated suggested broadcast conveyed represented symbolized intimated bespoken betokened divulged bespake symbolised pointed to imparted implied argued aired uncovered given away gave away read reflected connoted embodied marked personified broadcasted epitomized let out let slip let drop told of beared witness to let the cat out of the bag exemplified designated typified unveiled instantiated pointed toward advertised spilled spilt made manifest published publicized hinted at publicised epitomised incorporated incarnated meaned meant externalized materialized unmasked told evoked inferred advertized hinted bodied insinuated personalized made obvious exteriorized flashed set forth externalised personalised materialised put on view put across promulgated realized pointed at pinned down encapsulated unearthed bared released leaked blabbed actualized emblematized concretized uttered spelled voiced relayed pinpointed reified related vented stood for come out with hypostatized objectified realised witnessed to added up to mirrored specified said relaid brandished featured depicted deposed talked sayed enunciated carried heralded mouthed uncloaked portrayed cited exclaimed detailed sounded reported protested paraded brought to light unbosomed disseminated addrest spouted purported addressed shown clearly put into words passed on put forth signposted put on display referred to put one in mind of put over put in mind of spread it around brought out into the open made public smacked of let it all hang out let cat out of bag completed let on about put on show put forward tested beared spieled put you in mind of demonstrated the truth of readen came out with spoke gave the game away gotten across given the game away spoken alluded to spake highlighted articulated unfolded had trumpeted labelled labeled spotlighted spotlit mattered distinguished identified mentioned blazed blazoned informed verbalized vocalized flagged delineated alluded furnished predicted underlined notated characterized described recorded promoted submitted worded remarked limelit pressed vivified prest opined recited limelighted instanced posted annunciated found blared circulated placarded shewed detected outed flaunted unclosed conjured up turned up disported portended foretold gave out given out ticked tagged branded imaged tabbed ticketed imported shouted offered phrased mumbled muttered delivered blurted contended chattered cried repeated admitted enounced outlined pleaded orated pled proposed blazed abroad constituted proof of constituted evidence of shouted out pegged drawled sounded off shouted something from the rooftops adduced developt mounted yammered denuded murmured developed stood up for characterised jawed waved around arranged passed leaded you to believe summoned up allowed to be seen blew wide open referred brought to mind yakked called had the attributes of appeared convinced presented oneself as blurted out emphasised pulled the plug on trotted out reminded one of had a case verbalised engaged asked caught out discussed gestured towards blasted stated on oath reminded pointed in direction of crossed the mind translated naked ventilated shot off mouth popped off soliloquized retold stipulated stumped bodied forth summarised found out shown once and for all talked about resulted from vocalised winked served as evidence of augured reminded you of gabbed showed up brought out quoted adverted strutted piped unclothed adumbrated shouted from the housetops called to mind got at leaded to the belief occurred summarized sounded out chirped resulted crossed one's heart bewrayed fixed cracked fixt decreed marked off piped up with checked off spilled the beans on exposed to view passed the word buttoned down added up said so recounted narrated accosted declaimed shadowed emphasized pictured regurgitated tipped off smoked out bore blown wide open stated publicly tokened gassed led to believe stressed intoned confessed reeled off borne got off rehearsed made you think of sported modulated exposed information traced had the qualities of lipped called up whispered blazoned abroad perorated shewn lay out amounted to got on a soapbox gotten on a soapbox founden fand gotten off thrown out spoken about given voice to spoke about given utterance to gave utterance to gave voice to threw out given shape to gave shape to gotten at drove at driven at shown the position of showed the position of given human form to gave human shape to given human shape to gave human form to blown the whistle on blew the whistle on took the wraps off taken the wraps off given the show away gave the show away shown evidence of showed evidence of taken the lid off took the lid off gave testimony given testimony gave the impression given the impression given the idea gave the idea sang swore up and down sworn up and down gave facts given facts sworn to swore to gave one's word given one's word sungen sung partaken of partook partook of partaken

Động từ

To have ascertained by measurement
took determined ascertained established evaluated measured appraised assessed calculated checked discerned gauged identified gaged quantified rated verified computed counted discovered figured out found out calibrated checked up on detected divined estimated learned learnt picked up sized up worked out uncovered conceived checked out double-checked distinguished judged made certain picked up on made sure deduced fand perceived fathomed figured found came upon recognized got observed spotted came to know descried added up realised read made out intuited caught on diagnosed got to know unearthed recognised noticed saw realized sensed had a hunch contrived reckoned totaled totalled tallied enumerated cast summed totted up put a figure on valued cast up counted up set numbered added summed up put totted guessed weighed told considered totalized toted cost supposed ciphered called conjectured summated forecast toted up believed placed guesstimated accounted footed run down looked upon thought regarded surmised assayed ranked reckoned up valuated figured up sized made deemed numerated adjudged kept tabs set at put a value on set down doped out recorded added together squared costed esteemed graded fixed fixt priced expected metered scaled reasoned suspected decided predicted pegged foretold looked over found the sum of forecasted quantitated weighed up ticked off gradated solved classed concluded ran down inferred classified held put a price on gathered scored aggregated assumed extrapolated viewed spanned surveyed presumed imagined put a stopwatch on prophesied putten understood derived cost out marked subtracted divided multiplied construed anticipated counted on approximated come to the conclusion counted noses run over fancied looked on thought through set a figure put down as cut ice counted out counted off typecast cast something up taken account of put down for looked into put together worked something out footed up took account of calculated roughly thought of timed held to be counted heads did addition done addition clocked accepted devised writ formulated examined holden settled plused plussed conceded explained setted a price on plumbed resolved speculated heard span audited registered combined ratiocinated postulated projected syllogized priced out stood categorized positioned schemed taxed planned budgeted outlined interpreted as tagged decided on marked down stumbled on balanced taken analyzed number crunched eyed amounted presupposed analysed made an estimate of came to the conclusion typecasted paced off formed opinion roughly calculated cataloged marked out tallyhoed thought of as averaged regarded as totalled up itemised taled noted piled up felt for hypothesized inventoried differentiated categorised gleaned tested buttoned down heard tell judged to be itemized ran over rationalised figured in catalogued measured out viewed as figured something out specified considered to be meted contemplated racked up philosophized trusted kept score banked on deemed to be counted one by one thought to be budgeted for contextualised stacked up philosophised adjusted pigeonholed reckoned to be hypothesised tabbed portioned marked down as looked on as guessed at accounted for tallied up contextualized got a fix on rationalized had one's number found to be posited made of thought likely written wrote took the measure of taken the measure of wrote down written down drawn drew conclusions drawn conclusions drew took stock of something taken stock of something gotten the measure of got the measure of gotten a fix on took stock of taken stock of taken one's measure took one's measure taken account took account taken the measurements of readen took the measurements of saw as seen as taken for took for drawn the inference foresaw took it taken something on board taken it foreseen drew the inference took something on board saw through saw the light seen the light taken for granted took for granted seen through

Động từ

To have come to a judgment
determined finalized resolved specified agreed to concluded decreed designated ruled on adjudged adjudicated arbitrated authorised decided on deemed finalised judged settled on agreed on assigned authorized cinched clinched figured out fixed upon nailed down named ordained pinned down prescribed setted worked out squared off squared up declared ruled held pronounced decided counted found considered reckoned set down rated estimated called regarded esteemed set assessed thought figured supposed believed gauged viewed settled gaged refereed evaluated umpired appraised looked on accounted surmised calculated looked upon valued guessed viewed as put down as summed up thought of held to be sized up established reasoned examined mediated conjectured guesstimated regarded as weighed up looked on as gathered tried conceived proclaimed heard felt made imagined put assumed presumed computed interpreted as passed judgement on set at set store by sat in judgment ordered dictated deduced commanded inferred directed classed perceived allowed understood placed treated valuated fixed weighed laid down announced classed as suspected assayed pegged saw as seen as sat in judgement on thought of as laid down the law had a hunch enacted ranked derived extrapolated officiated moderated enjoined interpreted mandated construed intuited opined reffed analysed stood appreciated classified priced expected ratiocinated sensed credited analyzed measured taken for took for sized set a figure on come to the conclusion forecast passed judgment put one's foot down eyed put foot down formed an opinion of looked over typecast checked out cast formed an impression of figured in put a value on put down for read the riot act put on trial deemed to be imposed made a ruling on checked made out read pronounced on had one's number made of seen saw lay down reviewed graded legislated maintained supervised explained surveyed passed answered constituted solved approximated inspected putten negotiated demanded run investigated charged awarded apportioned sentenced sweared daresaid daresayed estimated as divined syllogized drawn asseverated collected recce'd drew recced imputed admired contemplated numbered taken took categorized positioned revered conceived to be pronounced judgement had sneaking suspicion tagged pronounced judgement on viewed as being foretold dealt made a judgement entertained the idea allowed for come to a decision about thought of as being compelled lapped up fancied constrained theorised respected crossed one's heart eyed up forced formed judgment factored into commissioned theorized delegated came to the conclusion typecasted elected boiled down regarded as being formed opinion subscribed to the opinion walked heavy formally judged laid money on blessed categorised tallied tested taken account of buttoned down calibrated required cleared up bet bottom dollar presided over judged to be added up metered anticipated provided for instituted classed as being believed to be audited gave a verdict on sat in judgement ascertained made a ruling passed upon considered to be dealt with forecasted bought calculated to be blest trusted thought about foresaid rated as banked on quantitated scaled passed judgement obliged took account of thought to be given a ruling on adjudicated on imagined to be gave a ruling on called the shots on pigeonholed reckoned to be tabbed marked down as postulated counted on given a verdict on guessed at said factored in felt to be made a judgement on looked on as being averred quantified found to be nominated thought likely ran known knew oversaw overseen drew conclusions drawn conclusions took to be taken to be came to a decision about taken a decision on took a decision on seen as being saw as being gotten the measure of got the measure of gave a verdict given a verdict sworn swore drawn the inference drew the inference took as gospel truth sworn by swore by taken stock in took the view swore up and down sworn up and down taken as gospel truth took stock in taken the view given a hearing gave a hearing taken to court took to court

Động từ

To have enacted or established
made established carried out conducted declared effected enacted legislated passed decreed drafted advanced formed formulated implemented pursued authorised draughted framed organised ratified sanctioned administered approved arranged authorized carried through drew up engaged in fulfilled laid down lay down organized proclaimed put through waged carried off compassed dictated negotiated pulled off constituted introduced effectuated instituted initiated appointed ordained voted in inducted ushered in came up with set up brought about put in force inaugurated installed made into law practised practiced executed performed achieved accomplished perpetrated committed prosecuted brought off followed through with did done completed discharged attained wrought realized engineered gained hit finished realised put together reached clinched concluded managed struck secured observed worked out won succeeded thrashed out arrived at hammered out delivered on followed through on brought to fruition succeeded in worked wreaked fixed fixt scored landed satisfied transacted procured met annexed put the tin lid on gone through delivered acted out survived pulled something off made it through went through put it over come to been through stricken drawn up made to happen engagde in made happen inflicted consummated produced pulled dispatched acted occasioned hat hitten honoured seized grasped conquered earned honored been responsible for were responsible for was responsible for caused transgressed obtained had acted upon decided on netted translated into endorsed brought home the bacon gotten through arrived carried to completion run with the ball got through chalked up got there made work settled on wrapped up acquired gone through with done justice to went through with came to scored a success latched onto bagged brought on did justice to ticked signed clocked up made it disposed of determined saw through acquitted oneself of operated brought to pass snagged kept faith with worked something out fulfilled one's potential made good on racked up perfected made hay hashed out wound up delivered the goods notched up nailed it lived up to made ready brought to completion mediated enforced seen through wrested undertaken undertook been successful were successful was successful done to a turn took care of business ran with the ball went that route did to a turn gone that route taken care of business upped and done upped and did drew on drawn on taken care of got someplace done the trick did the trick did one proud took care of gotten someplace gotten done done a bang-up job sewed up got done done one proud sewn up did a bang-up job

Từ trái nghĩa của confirmed

confirmed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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